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2. 副词的分类


1)时间副词,如:表示确定时间的today, tomorrow 等,表示非确定时间的already,early, soon, just, still, yet, before, later 等。

2) 地点副词,如:表示方位和方向的ahead, below, upstairs, here, up, left等。

3)频度副词,如:表示确定频度的once, twice, monthly 等,表示非确定频度的always,frequently, often, sometimes, rarely, ever,never 等。

4) 方式副词,如slowly, warmly, quickly, suddenly 等。

5) 程度副词,如almost, too, enough, fairly, qui饨, still, hardly, very, even, just, only等。

(2) 副词按功能可分为

1 )观点副词,用于表示说话人对自己所说的话的态度,如honestly,personally,actually, indeed, maybe 等。

2) 疑问副词,用来引导特殊疑问句或名词性从句,如when, where, why,how 等。

3) 连接副词,用来表示上下文逻辑关系,如howeve,moreover,therefore 等。

4) 关系副词,用来引导定语从句,如when, where, why。


1)简单副词,由一个单词构成,如here, seldom, hard, possibly,likewise 等。

2) 复合副词,由两个或两个以上的单词构成,如somehow, maybe,together 等。 3. 副词的语法功能 副词可以在句中作状语、表语、定语、介词宾语或宾语补足语等。

( 1 )副词作状语


They were warmly treated.

Her mouth was wide open.

The bus came quite early.

She left shortly after the meeting.

Frankly, I don't agree with you.

It's rather a pity.

(2) 副词作表语

作表语的副词主要有表示方位的above, across, inside, upstairs 等,表示方向的up,down, on, in, off, out, away 等。

Class is over.

Time is up.

She was down with a fever.

I must be off now.

(3) 副词作定语


I saw him the week before.

This was my frrst day up.

The buildings around are of modem style.

I met her on my way home.

(4) 副词作介词或动词的宾语

She looked everywhere butlexcept there.

I don't know her until quite recently.

lhaven't seen him since then.

See above.

(5 )副词作宾语补足语。

She fell asleep with thelights on.

Please ask her in.

4. 副词作状语的位置


一般来说,表示确定的时间副词可以置于句首或句尾;非确定时间副词可以置于句首、句尾、助动词(情态动词)和实义动词之间或be 动词之后。

Yesterday I had a phone call from Mary. (=I had a phone call from Mary yesterday.)

He will come back soon.(=Soon he will come back.或He will soon come back.)

I was recently in London. (=Recently I was in London.或I was in London recently.)

(2) 地点副词作状语的位置


The children are playing upstairs.

Indoors it was nice and warm.Outside it was snowing heavily.

(3) 频度副词作状语的位置

表示确定的频度副词可以置于句首或句尾。非确定频度副词可以置于句首、句尾、助动词(情态动词)和实义动词之间或be 动词之后。

I visit him once a month.(=Once a month I visit him.)

You must always tell the truth.

He often walks to work.(Often he walks to work或He walks to work quite (often.)

He seldom goes to the movies. (=Seldom does he go to the movies.)

He has never been late for work.(=Never has he been late for work.)

(4) 方式副词作状语的位置


The girl danced beautifully.

He looked at her angrily.(=He looked angrily at her.)

Slowly, he opened his eyes.

He answered the question foolishly.

He foolishly answered the question. (=It was foolish of him to answer the question.)

5. 常用副词用法辨析

( 1 ) just, just now

1) just 表示\恰好、只是、刚才\与完成时连用表示\刚才\。

It wasjust 7 o'c1ock.

She isjust a child.

They have just left.

2) just now 与一般过去时连用,表示\刚才气与现在时连用时表示\现在,此刻\。

I saw him just now.

I am busy just now.

( 2) fairly, rather, quite, pretty

这四个词都有\相当、颇\的意思,语气由弱到强的顺序为fairly→quite→rather→pretty 。

1) fairly 多与褒义词good , well, fine, nice, brave 等连用rather 与贬义词bad, ugly,stpid, boring 等连用时,表示不赞成或不满意,与褒义词连用时,经常含有\惊人地\的意思。

Tom isfairly clever, but Jack is rather stupid.

He didfairly well in the exam, but I did rather badly.

I did rather well in that exam-better than I expected.

2) fairly 与rather 修饰中性词时,可以表示说话人的不同感受或看法。

The milk is fairly hot. (这牛奶热乎乎的。)

The milk is rather hot. (这牛奶太热了。)

3) rather 可以与比较级或too 连用, fairly, quite, pretty 却不能。

The house is rather bigger than we thought.

This book is rather too easy for me.

4) quite 和rather 可以置于不定冠词前(后),而f油'ly 只能置于不定冠词之后。

It was quite a nice day. (=It was a quite nice day.)

I'm reading rather an interesting book. (=I'm reading a rather interesting book.)

lt's afairly good book. ( 3) already, yet, still

1) already 表示某事在此之前或某个特定时间之前发生,常用于肯定句中。用于否定句或疑问句时, already 带有\惊奇\的感情色彩,表示\比预期的早或快\置于句尾。

I have already done it.

Julie was already in bed when I returned home.

Have you finished lunch already? -lt's only 10.

Don't tell me you've finished it already!

2) yet 表示某事在某个特定的时间前还没有发生,但预计会在以后发生,主要用于疑问句、否定句。

Have you got the ticket yet?

He hasn't come yet.

Are you ready? -No, not yet.

3 ) still 表示某个动作一直持续某个特定时间,主要用于肯定句或疑问句。用于否定句时, still要置于主语之后否定词之前,带有\惊奇\或\不耐烦\的感情色彩。

Mary is still in hospital.

Can you still remember the day when you first met her?

A1though he felt ill, (yet) she still went to work(=still he went to work).

He still didn't say a word.

It was after midnight, and he still wouldn't leave (=still/yet he wouldn't leave).

4) 在否定句中或带有否定意义的句子中, still 和yet 有时可以互换使用。

She was not yet sure (=She still wasn't sure) if she could trust him.

Man has not yet (=Man still hasn 't) learned to store the sun's heat.

Some specific problems are yet/still to be solved. ( 4) high, highly


high (高高地,在或向高处) →highly (极,非常)

hard (猛烈地,努力地) →hardly (几乎不)

late (晚、迟) →lately (最近)

close (靠近) →closely (细心地,严密地)

dead (完全地,极其) →deadly (非常,死一般地)

wide (宽阔地,完全地) →widely (广泛地,很大地)

near (接近地,附近地) →near1y (几乎,差不多)

deep (表示具体深度) →deeply (表示抽象深度,深深地)

most (最,很) →mostly (主要地,大多数地)

just (只是,刚刚,正好) →justly (公正地)

full (直接地,正好) →fully (完全地,彻底地) ( 5) very, much, very much

1 )修饰原级形容词(副词)或形容词化的现在分词时,要用very。

It's very nice of you.

He speaks very fast.

The film is very interesting.

2) 修饰动词,要用much 或very much。 much 用于否定句和疑问句, very much 还可以用于肯定句。

He didn't enjoy the film (very) much. (=He didn't [very] much enjoy the film.)

I enjoyed the party very much.(=I very much enjoyed the party.)

3) 修饰过去分词或afraid, a1ive, aware 等表语形容词时,要用much 或very much。

但某些形容词化的过去分词,如delighted, excited, surprised 等,也可以用very修饰。

Jack was (very) much tired by long work.

I was (very) much surprised at the news.(=I was very surprised at the news.)

I was (very) much aware of the seriousness of the situation.

4) 修饰形容词(副词)的比较级或介词短语时用much ,不用very。

This room is much larger than that one.

He did it much better than you.

Much to her surprise, he came back next day.

5) 修饰形容词(副词)的最高级时,可以用very,也可以用much ,但位置不同。

That was much the best meal I've ever tasted.

(=That was the very best meal I've ever tasted.) ( 6) almost, nearly

1)在表示程度或可以衡量的事物时, almost, nearly 差别不大,都表示\几乎,差不多\只是almost 比nearly 在程度上更接近一些。

It's almost/nearly lunchtime.

He is almost/nearly six feet tall.

2) 后与never, nobody,no one, nothing, nowhere, no, none 等连用时,只能用almost ,不能用nearly。与not 连用,只能用nearly , not nearly 意为\远非\。

He almost never goes to the cinema. (=He hardly ever goes to the cinema.)

He ate almost nothing. (=He ate hardly anything.)

She's not nearly as pretty as her sister.

3) 当句子所谈的不是向某个目标发展的趋势或不易衡量的事物时,只能用almost ,不能用nearly。

The cat understands everything-he's almost human.

My aunt almost sounds foreign. ( 7) sometime, some time, sometimes

sometime 表示\在过去或将来的某个时间\相当于sometime 或one day; some time还可以表示\一段时间\sometimes 意为\有时、间或\通常用于一般现


The accident happened sometime/some timelone day last month

Let us discuss the matter sometime/some time/one day next week.

Please give me some time to think over your proposal.

Sometimes they stayed up unti 12 o'c1ock. ( 8 ) too much, much too

1) too much 修饰动词或不可数名词,也可以作名词短语,单独使用。

He drank too much wine yesterday.

He was too much bothered by her words.

Don't think too much of yourself.

Too much has been done.

2) much too 修饰形容词或副词原级,是too 的强调形式。

It is much too hot.

He is running much too fast. ( 9) too, also, either, as well

1) also 表示\也,还\用于肯定句。also 一般位于be 动词之后,助动词(情态动词)和实义动词之间,通常不置于句尾。

She was rich;she was a/so selfish.

I've met Jane and l've also met her mother.

He speaks French and he also writes it.

2) too 和as well 意义基本相同,用于肯定句,通常置于句尾。

Can you come too/as well?

I was so busy I missed lunch and dinner too/as well.

3) either 用于否定句,置于句尾。

They haven t phoned and they haven't written either.

Mary won't go and Peter won't go either.

He can't hear and he can hardly speak either. ( 10) hardly, scarcely, barely


1) hardly 强调能力上有困难,意为\简直不、很难\。

He can hardly do it by himself.

He is so tired that he can hardly continue to write.

2 )scarcely 强调不足,常同enough, sufficient, any等表示程度的词连用,意为\不太,几乎,简直没有\。

He has scarcely any money left.

He was scarcely well enough to stand up.

3) barely 和hardly, scarcely 意思接近,意为\几乎,勉强,仅能做到\但如果后跟eve民any, at all 等词时,只能用hardly 和scarcely。

He can barely/hardly/scarcely support his family.

I barely/hardly/scarcely knew what to do then.

There's hardlylscarcely any water left.

He's hardly/scarcely at all interested in the book.

