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GLORG: GLOBK coordinate frame realization program


GLORG Ver 5.13: Origin resolution program for the GLOBK. GLORG Ver5.13:GLOBK的原始解决程序。


% glorg

where is the name of the output file (may be 6 for output to current window. 输出文件的名字(输出到当前窗口为6位) is the bit mapped option selection or it can be specified by codes separated by : or = (no spaces) (Code feature added at Ver. 4.0)


The options are:

CODE BIT Decimal Meaning

CORR 0 1 Output correlation matrix


BLEN 1 2 Output baseline lengths and components 输出基线长度和元件

BRAT 2 4 Output baseline lengths and components rates of change.


CMDS 3 8 Write a summary of the markov file to the output file. 将马尔科夫文件的总结写入输出文件 VSUM 4 16 Write the short version of the velocity field information (one line per site) 写出速度场信息的短版本(每个站点一行) 5-9 32-512 NO LONGER USED (see POS_ORG and RATE_ORG below). 不再使用(参见下面POS_ORG 和 RATE_ORG) RAFX 10 1024 Fix the Right ascension origin of the system. 固定系统的赤经起点

MOUT 11 2048 Only output baselines if both sites are Markov. (Used to limit output in large back solutions) 如果站点都是马尔科夫,只输出基线 (用来限制大型的返回解决方案) COVA 12 4096 Output full precision covariance matrix. 输出所有精确协方差矩阵

PSUM 13 8192 Output position adjustments in summary form


GDLF 14 16384 Output the GDL file used in the solution 输出解决方案中的GDL文件

DBUG 15 Output matrix details when there are negative variances and negative chi**2 increments 如果有负方差和负chi**2增量,输出矩阵细节 ERAS 16 Erase the output file before writing solution 写解决方案前改正输出文件

NOPR 17 Do not output the file (either crt, prt or org SDET 18 RNRP 19 FIXA 20 PLST 21 GEOD 24 UTM 25 SMAR 26 PBOP 27 dendending on opt set).

不输出文件(根据选项设置,决定crt,prt或org) Output details of the stabilization calculations in glorg


Report the statistics of the differences in the positions and velocities of renamed sites. Also generates equate lines than can be filtered with shell script sh_exeqs. The equates lines are written to file .eqs


Automatically fixes differences in aprioris when equates are made (except for positions that differ by more than 1.0 m)


Report the list of parameters to be estimated to log file before running the globk filter. (If list is not the expected groups of stations, the globk run can killed, the globk command file fixed and run re-started.


Output GEOD coordinates (WGS84) (sh_exglk -g option) 输出GEOD坐标系(WGS84)(sh_exglk –g选项) Output UTM coordinates (WGS84) (sh_exglk -u option) 输出UTM坐标系(WGS84)(sh_exglk –u选项) Report site procoss noise in globk output 报告globk输出中的站点过程噪声

Sets position and velocity line output for PBO processing (needed to generate time series files with tssum) 设置PBO过程的位置和速度线输出 (需要生成关于tssum的时序文件)

MIDP 28 Sets the output and binary hfiles to be referenced to

the mid-point epoch of the combined data (See discussion in globk.hlp).

Feature introduced in verions 5.13 (070824)


RENM 29 Outputs the list of renames to the log file. Useful

when the BREAK command in am EQ-File is used. Needs to be invoked when GLOBK is run.


For example: BLEN:BRAT:VSUM would output baseline lengths, baseline rates and a summary velocity field. 举例: BLEN:BRAT:VSUM输出基线长度,基线速度和速度场总结。

is the name of the command file, snf

is the name of globk common file used in the analysis.



Features added at version 5.13 (070824) ---------------------------------------

MIDP output option which references solutions to the midpoint epoch of the combined data. Feature should not be used when large stochastic position variations are present. MIDP输出选项,该选项参考组合数据星历中心点的的解决方案。当位置有大的随机变化时,不能使用该功能。

Features added at version 5.11 (040801) ---------------------------------------

Changed the memory allocation method to 64-bit compatable. Fortran compiler must support integer*8 in this version.


Features added at version 5.10 (040329) ---------------------------------------

Add option to use ALL and wild cards (@ or *) in specifying the names of sites in the PLATE and ASSIGN_P commands. To allow sites to be reset to no plate assignment introduce plate name NONE that will un-assign plates.

Introduce 2 more arguments to stab_min to specific post stabilzatio minimum sigmas Set default number of stabilzation iterations to 4.

Added discussion on frame realization at the bottom of this help file.

添加选项,可以使用ALL和通配符(@ 或 *)指定站点的名字,在PLATE和ASSIGN_P命令中。引入plate名字NONE允许站点重设为没有plate分配。引入两个参数到stab_min,确定稳定的最小sigmas。设置稳定迭代次数的默认值为4。添加框架实现的讨论在帮助文档的底部。

Features added at version 5.09 (040220) ---------------------------------------

Introduced VXTRAN VYTRAN VZTRAN to force and equate commands to force Value of X,Y,Z translation (needs apr_trans in globk command file), RXTRAN RYTRAN RZTRAN will force/equate translation rate; VSCALE RSCALE forces/equates scale and scale rate (need apr_scale in globk).

Introduced output option SMAR (used in prt_opt, org_opt) to print markov process noise on sites.

引入VXTRAN VYTRAN VZTRAN到强制和等同命令,用来强制XYZ的值的转换(需要globk命令文件中的apr_trans),RXTRAN RYTRAN RZTRAN将强制/等同转换速率;VSCALE RSCALE强制/等同归一化和归一化速率(需要globk中的apr_scale)。

引入了输出选项SMAR(用于prt_opt和org_opt)来展示关于站点的马尔科夫过程噪声。 Features added at version 5.08 (030513) ---------------------------------------

Added feature to plate rotation pole estimation so that translation rate is estimated simultaneously. The addition of this feature makes the relative Euler pole estimates insensitive to apriori velocity field and the rate_org

options used to stablize the reference frame. A new command was introduced that allows this feature to be turned off (this generating results comparable to Pre 5.08 versions of glorg.) New Command: NOPLATETRAN

Adding this command turns off the translation rate estimation when estimating plate rotation poles.

添加功能到plate旋转轴估计,所以转换速率能同时被估计。该功能使相关Eular极估计值对于用来稳定参考框架的显眼速度和rate_org选项不敏感。添加新命令允许关闭该功能(生成的结果比得上先前的glorg5.08版本。) 新命令: NOPLATETRAN

添加命令,当估计plate旋转轴时,可以关闭转换速率估计。 Features added at version 5.07 (030109) ---------------------------------------

Added the RNRP, FIXA and PLST options to the output options of globk and glorg. (see above)

Added output of progress in performing equates

Changed the reporting of equates that can not be applied (often due to implicit repeated equates. These are often generated with sh_exeqs becuase A is equated to B, then A is equated to C and then B is equated to C, but this last equate in not needed becuase it is implicit in the first two.)

Extended the options in stab_site to allow specificiation of when a site should or should not be used in the stabalization. (See Stab_site below).

添加RNRP, FIXA 和PLST选项到globk和glorg输出选项。



Features added at version 5.06 (010525) ---------------------------------------

Fixed problems in the implementation of the EXTENDED apriori position model 修复EXTENDED先验位置模型执行中的问题 Features added at version 5.05 (000903) ---------------------------------------

If site is renamed to end in _XHI, then site height will not be used in equates (most useful when eq_dist is used).

如果站点以_XHI重命名皆为,那么站点高度不会用在等式中(当eq_dist被使用时有用)。 Features added at version 5.04 (000404) ---------------------------------------

Use of the out_sol file command was improved (in pre-5.04 version, the file named in the out_sol command needed to exist before glorg was run. This is no longer the case). The interaction between the out_sol and

out_glb commands were improved as noted in the globk help file, and below

under the out_sol comamnd。 对out_sol的使用改进(在先前的5.04版本中out_sol命令中的文件名需要在glorg运行前存在。这将不再需要)。out_sol 和out_glb之间相互作用被改进,这在globk的帮助文档中记录,在out_sol命令下面。

Features added at version 5.03 (000302) ---------------------------------------

Added a constraint sigma option to the force command (see FORCE below). 天剑约束sigma选项到强制命令中(详见下面的FORCE)。 Features added at version 5.02 (991101) ---------------------------------------

Progragated the effects of adding non-secular aprioris to output of glorg. 取消了添加非长久的先验对glorg输出的影响。 Features added at version 5.01 (990226) ---------------------------------------

The use_site command was replaced with STAB_SIT command which more correctly reflects the nature of the command. USE_SITE is still supported for backward compatability.

Add documentation at of feature introduced at version 5.00

use_site命令被STAB_SIT命令取代,STAB_SIT能更加正确的反映命令的种类。USE_SITE仍然对过去兼容。在5.00版本添加引入功能的说明书 New command:

OUT_SOL -- output globk binary sol_file. Command usage:


where is new name (including wildcards) Allows user to write a new (binary) solution file with the constraints and stabilization applied which can be used with glsave to make constrained binary files. In turn, these constrained binary hfiles can be used with

glbtosnx to make constrained sinex files. Command takes as argument the new solution file name. The wildcard file naming features of globk are used in decoding this name. If this feature is used in glorg and the out_glb command in used in globk, then a second binary hfile will be written with the constrained solution. This second file has .CON added to the name of the binary hfile. The out_sol feature can not be used when running a back solution.


* MOD TAH 051211: When this command is used and new common file called .COM is also generated. If new apr_file commands are used in glorg, then this new com_file should be used when glsave is run.



Features added at version 5.00 (981104) ----------------------------------------

The new version of glorg is mainly to support the new parameters introduced in globk version 5.0.


Satellite parameter names were added to decoding of equates, forces and constrains. The naming of the radiation elements is the same as arc with XOFF, YOFF and ZOFF added for antenna offset parameters. For example, to equates offsets between satellites would be: equate prn_01 zoff prn_02 zoff

卫星参数名称被用来解码等式,强制和约束。辐射元素的命名和添加到天线偏移参数的XOFF, YOFF 和 ZOFF的弧度相同。举例,为了使卫星的偏移相等,那么是: equate prn_01 zoff prn_02 zoff

Comamnds added at verions 4.05 of glorg (980612) ------------------------------------------------

ASSIGN_P - Assigns sites to a plate but these site will not be

used to compute the pole position estimates themselves. Format is

assign_p [plate name] [list of sites ...]

Command may be repeated multitimes for the same plate.

ASSIGN_P -分配站点到plate但这些站点不会被用来计算他们自己的极位置。 格式是 assign_p [plate name] [list of sites ...] 对相同的plate命令可能重复多次 Commands added at version 4.04 of glorg (980419) ------------------------------------------------

STAB_ITE - Sets characteristics of coordinate system stabalization. The command format is: stab_ite [# iterations] [Site Relative weight] [n-sigma] STAB_ITE 设置特有的坐标系统稳定性。 命令格式是:

stab_ite [# iterations] [Site Relative weight] [n-sigma] STAB_ITE -

where [# iterations] is the number of iterations. The default is 4 which allows sites to removed that

are poorly determined or not consistent with other sites. 其中[# iterations]是迭代的次数。默认值为4,允许移除很难决定


[Site Relative weight] indicates how the site sigmas are used in stabilization. If it is set to 0.0, all sites are weighted equally throughout all interations of the stabilization process; if set to 1.0, the weight is determined by the coordinate sigmas in the previous iteration; if set to an

intermediate value, say 0.5 (default), the coordinate sigmas from the previous iteration are allowed only 50% weight (vs constant). The number of iterations

must be > 1 for this feature to be invoked. In this computation, as in the overall stabilization,

heights sigmas are downweighted with respect to the horizontal sigmas by CND_HGTV (1st two arguments). feature to be invoked. (default 0.5). Note that [n-sigma] is an editing condition to eliminate sites that are discordant with the aprioris. (Iterations must be greater than 1 to be used). The value applies to the ratio of the root-sum-square of the north, east, up residual (cal culated with up down- weighted) to the site's relative weight (displayed in the output) times the overall rms of the stabilization fit (also displayed). The default is 4.0.

[Site Relative weight]表示了sigma在稳定化中是如何使用的,如果设置为0,整个稳定化过程中的站点权重相同;如果设置为1,权重由先前迭代坐标系的sigma决定;如果设置为中间值(默认0.5),那么先前迭代的坐标系sigma的允许50%的权重。这个功能被使用时,迭代次数大于1。在这个整体的稳定化计算中,考虑到水平sigma和被引入的CND_HGTV功能,高度sigma权重降低(默认0.5)。注意:[n-sigma]是一个编辑状态,用来排除和先验不一致的站点。(迭代肯定大于1)。该值用于north, east, up方向上对于站点相关权重的残余方根比例,是整体稳定化拟合的方根的数倍。默认为4。

NOTE: EQ_FIRST can be used when the stabilization is iterated because the covariance matrix needs to be re-read from disk with each iteration.


MOD Version 5.10: Added two additional arguments to stab_min to specify minimum sigma differences in post stabilization testing.

5.1版本:添加两个额外的参数到stab_min来确定过去稳定化监测中最小sigma差异。 STAB_MIN - Allows user to set the minimum values for the cnd_hgtv limits on heights sigmas of sites to be used in the stabalization, and on the miniumum RMS to be used in postfit rms editing. The command format is:

STAB_MIN -允许用户设置cnd_hgtv最小值限制,该值作用于稳定化中被使用站点的高度sigma和后处理拟合方根编辑中最小根方差。命令格式如下:

stab_min [dHsig min pos] [Min RMS pos] [dHsig min rates] [Min RMS rate] ...

[dNEsig min pos] [dNEsig min rate]

where [dHsig min pos] is minium difference between best and median height sigma for position (default 0.005 m)

其中[dHsig min pos]是最好的和中间位置高度sigma最小差异(默认0.005m) [Min RMS pos] is minium postfit RMS in position to be used. (Default 0.003 m)

[Min RMS pos]是被使用位置里的最小的后处理拟合方根(默认0.003m)

[dHsig min rates] is same as [dHsig min pos] except for rates (default 0.005 mm/yr)

[dHsig min rates]和[dHsig min pos]一样,除了速率(默认0.005 mm/yr)

[Min RMS rate] is same as [Min RMS pos] except for for rates (default 0.003 m/yr).

[Min RMS rate]和[Min RMS pos]一样,除了速率(默认0.003 m/yr)

[dNEsig min pos] post-iteration minimum difference bewteen best and median sigmas (default 0.0005 m)

[dNEsig min pos]是最好的和中间的sigma的后处理迭代最小差异(默认0.0005 m) [dNEsig min rate] sames as pos argument except for rates (default 0.0001 m/yr).

[dNEsig min rate]和pos的参数一样,除了速率(默认0.0001 m/yr)。

If only two arguments are given then these values will be

used for both position and velocity. Last values will be retained at default values. 如果只给了两个参数,那么这些值将同时用于位置和速度。最后一个值将被保留作为初始值。 Example

stab_min 0.005 0.003 0.005 0.003 0.001 0.0005 Other changes at 4.04: ----------------------

Detection of poorly determined sites (see CND_HGTV above) was changed to be the deviation from the median rather than from the mean. This makes the detection more sensitive and reliable in cases with poorly determined stations


Changed the default CND_HGTV values from 1.0 to 10.0, which is more typical of height variance relative to horizontal components; and changed the height ratio limits from 2.0 (position) and 10.0 (velocity) to 3.0 and 3.0. In cases unreliable height estimates, it's advisable to downweight the heights significantly and set the ratio large so that no site will be removed due to a height problem, but rather all editing will be done on the 2d and successive iterations using the horizontal components; i.e., set CND_HGTV 10000. 10000. 10. 10.

将CND_HGTV默认值从1调整为10,这样对于水平元件的高度差异更有代表性;并且改变了高度比例限制,从2(位置)和10(速度)变为3和3。当高度估计不可靠,降低高度权重是明智的,将比例调大,那么这些站点不会因为高度问题而被移除,而是编辑两次病成功使用水平元件迭代,可以设置为: CND_HGTV 10000. 10000. 10. 10.

Introduced separate (internal) lists for sites to be used in the position and velocity stabilization, reflecting the result of different editing

through multiple interations. To force the same sites to be used for both

stabilizations, you will need make sure all sites are included by setting

the two editing criteria (last two arguments of CND_HGTV and last argument of STAB_ITE) to large values.

引入(内部)分开的列表记录在位置和速度稳定化中使用的站点,不同列表分别对应多次迭代的不同结果。强制相同的站点做两个稳定化,需要把两个编辑准则(CND_HGTV的最后两个参数和STAB_ITE的最后一个参数)都设置最大,从而确定所有站点都被包括。 LOCAL_EQ was changed to take an optional N argument to force the equates to made in an XYZ frame. Use of NEU frame for equates and forces is now the default.


Features added at version 4.02 of glorg (970514) ------------------------------------------------

The CND_HGTV command was modified to accept two additional arguments. These optional arguments (following the two values for reweighting the height and height-rate variances) set limits on the sigmas of the height and height rates of station to be used in the origin constraints. They are meant to exclude stations with large uncertainties and are specified in terms of heights because an indeterminate reference frame will cause the uncertainties of the horizontal coordinates to be artificially large. Specifically, they set a limit on the

following ratio: (h-hmed)/(hmed-hbest) where h is the variance of the height or height rate of a station, hmed is the median variance for all stations used for the origin definition, and hbest is the best (smallest) variance

of the stations being used. The defaults are 3.0 and 3.0 (Changed with vers 4.04)


Commands added at version 4.01 of glorg (961127) ------------------------------------------------

COND_SIG - Sigmas to be assigned to rotation ,translation, and scale parameters in pos_org and rate_org commands. Six values are specified: rotation sigma (mas), translation sigma (m), scale sigma (ppb), rotation rate (m/yr), translation

rate (mas/yr) and scale rate (ppb/yr). When the parameters are given, the origin of the system to defined to only

within these sigmas. The command is useful for minimizing numerical stability problems and/or have the site position and rate sigmas account for uncertainties in realizing the reference frame.

e.g. cond_sig 0.1 0.01 0.1 0.1 0.01 0.1

COND_SIG - Sigmas在pos_org 和 rate_org命令中被分配到到旋转,平移和归一化。


e.g. cond_sig 0.1 0.01 0.1 0.1 0.01 0.1

sets the origin to 10 mm, orientation to 0.1 mas, and scale to 0.1 ppb, the origin rates are 10 mm/yr, 0.1 mas/yr and


设置初始为10mm,方向上为0.1mas,归一化为0.1ppb,初始速率为10 mm/yr, 0.1 mas/yr 和0.1ppb/yr.

Commands added at Version 3.23 -------------------------------

POS_ORG - Sets the parameters to be used in setting the origin, rotation and scale of the coordinate system. Arguments are the parameters to be used viz. XTRAN, YTRAN and ZTRAN for translation; XROT, YROT and ZROT for rotations; and SCALE for scale factor. e.g., pos_org xrot yrot zrot would only allow rotations in setting the coordinate system. Used with STAB_SIT to set which sites are used in the definition

RATE_ORG - Similar to POS_ORG but for rates. Same arguments may be used. POS_ORG -设置参数,用来表示坐标系初值,旋转和归一化。参数XTRAN, YTRAN

和 ZTRAN用于平移;XROT, YROT 和 ZROT用于旋转;SCALE用于归一化。举例:pos_org xrot yrot zrot只用来设置坐标系的旋转。用STAB_SIT设置定义中使用的站点。

RATE_ORG -类似于POS_ORG除了速率。可以使用相同的参数。

CND_HGTV - Used with pos_org and rate_org to set the variance of the heights relative to a variance of 1 for the horizontal components. Setting CND_HGTV to a large number, effectively eliminates heights being used the coordinate system definition. The first two values given are for position and velocity. The next two values (as explained below) are for the sigma ratios needed for a site to be used in the origin constraint. Example: cnd_hgtv 10 10 3.0 3.0

CND_HGTV -使用pos_org 和 rate_org设置关于水平元件高度差异。设置


的sigma的需求比例。例如cnd_hgtv 10 10 3.0 3.0

FIRST_EQ - Sets mode in which the equates and forces will be applied before the origin fixing constraints (as discussed above) are appied. No arguments.

FIRST_EQ -在原始修正约束被应用之前,设置使用的等式和强制的模式。没有


EQ_DIST - Allows equates to be specified for all sites within the set distance. Form is eq_dist

where equate type is is defined under EQUATE. e.g., eq_dist 2000 ndot

equates the north velocity adjustments for all sites within 2 km of each other.

EQ_DIST -允许在指定距离内,设置所有站点的等式。格式是 eq_dist

其中等式格式被EQUATE定义,举例: eq_dist 2000 ndot


UNEQUATE - Is used to override the equates set with eq_dist. Form is same as equate, and any parameter specified in the equate will be removed from the equate lists. unequate gras_085 ndot gras_085 edot would remove gras_085 north and east velocity parameters from any from any equates in which they appeared. UNEQUATE -使用时优先于eq_dist设置的等式。格式和等式一样,等式中指出


unequate gras_085 ndot gras_085 edot


PLATE - Allows Euler poles to estimated using a selection of sites. The velocity residuals in the glorg output are then given relative to these new poles of rotation. The format of the command is:

plate <..list of stations ... >

where is the 8 character name of the plate and the list of stations is the list of site whose

velocities will be used to determine the Euler pole. The command may be issuued multiple times with the same plate name to build a complete list of sites (NOTE: A site should not be named multiple times). and to specify different plates. The estimation is

done for all plate simultaneously using the full velocity covariance matrix.

PLATE -允许使用选择的站点估计欧拉极。Globk输出中,和旋转新轴比较


plate <..list of stations ... >

其中是plate的8位字符名字,<..list of stations ... >是


Summary of (original) GLORG command-file inputs: ------------------------------------------------

APR_FILE - GLOBK-style file of a priori station positions and

velocities. **NOTE**: New a priori coordinates can be used only for stations that were loosely constrained in the GLOBK analysis. Command may be issued multiple times.

APR_FILE -关于先验站点位置和速度的GLOBK-style文件。**注意**在globk分


STAB_SIT - List of stations to be used in the origin definition. CLEAR and ALL are acceptable site names. The command may be invoked multiple times.

Added Version 5.07: Restriction options for applying sites. Form is at the end of list of stations: R

where is a substring of the list file

name (may be be preceeded by + or -, if - used then list file should not contain this string)

STAB_SIT -原始定义中被使用的站点列表。CLEAR和ALL都是可接受的站点名


添加的5.07版本:应用站点的规章制度。格式在站点列表的末位: R



is year, month, day, hour, min for time before the first data in the hfile

是h文件中第一个数据之前的时间,包括年月日时分 is year, month, day, hour, min for time after the last data in the hfile

是h文件中最后一个数据之后的时间,包括年月日时分 is optional and should not be purely numeric.


is optional (defaults to 2100 1 1 0 0) 是选项(默认2100 1 1 0 0)

The R options act are a condition to decide if the

stab_site command should be applied. If the conditions in the R option are satified then the stab_site command will be used.



Ex: stab_site -JPLM_GNR -CHIL_GNR R SIO 1994 1 17 0 0 will remove these sites from the stabalization after the date given (assumes that prior to this they been used) Only list files with SIO in their name are affected.

CLEAR and ALL options are always applied irrespective of R options

举例:stab_site -JPLM_GNR -CHIL_GNR R SIO 1994 1 17 0 0 将这些站点在数据给出后,从稳定化中移除(假设之前它们已经被


CLEAR and ALL永远被应用,不考虑R选项。

Site names may contain @ as wild card for ending characters in name. Short site names have the same effect ie., JPLM@ or JPLM alone will match all JPLM_xxx names.


同效果,也就是说JPLM@ 或 单独JPLM都能匹配JPLM_xxx的名字。

EQUATE - Forces adjustments to parameters to be made equal. Form is:

equate n1 n2 n3 n4 ..

will force these to be equal. (Numbers must be in ascending order.) OR

Site names may also be used in which case the command looks like:

equate west_gps xdot hays_gps xdot. The exceptable site name modifiers are: xdot, ydot, zdot, ndot, edot, udot and xpos, ypos, zpos, npos, epos, upos for velocities and positions. (Local_eq determines if global cartesian or local coordinates will be used for equates. If a site name is given which is not in the solution then error messages warning about decoding errors will be printed. These may be ignored.

EQUATE -强制调整参数相等,格式是: equate n1 n2 n3 n4 ..

将强制这些相等(数字要升序排列) 或者用站点名称,命令如下: equate west_gps xdot hays_gps xdot

例外的站点名称修饰是位置和速度的xdot, ydot, zdot, ndot, edot,

CONSTRA CONSTRA FORCE FORCE LOCAL_EQ udot 和xpos, ypos, zpos, npos, epos, upos(Local_eq决定是否用全球的或本地的坐标系做等式)如果给出的站点名字不在解决方案中,那么解码错误警告信息将被显示。这可能被忽略。

- Similar to EQUATE except that the standard deviation of the constraint is specified. Form is: constrai n1 n2 ...

where sigma is in units of the parameters.

-类似于EQUATE除了被指出的约束的标准差。格式是: constrai n1 n2 ... 其中sigma是参数的单位。

Will force the adjustment to a parameter to a specific values. Forms are similar equate in that parameter numbers or site name and component may be used: force n1 value sigma

force west_gps xdot value sigma where n1 is a parameter number and value is the value of the adjustment to to this parameter to be forced, and sigma is the sigma with which the value should be forced. (Sigma added at version 5.03).



force n1 value sigma

force west_gps xdot value sigma



- Used in conjunction with EQUATE and FORCE.

Rotates the sites into NEU before applying constraint. The parameter numbers used are then the X number for N, Y number for E and Z number for U. Only one setting can be used for all equates and

forces. At Vers. 4.04 the default for this command became to form equates in local frame. The use of of the command is now: local_eq n

to make the equates and forces in the XYZ frame rather than NEU.

LOCAL_EQ -用来结合EQUATE 和 FORCE。应用约束之前,让站点在NEU坐标中旋


local_eq n


NOTES ON REFERENCE FRAME DEFINITION CONTROL -------------------------------------------

Ideally in glorg the sites choosen to define the reference are carefully chosen to be sites with high quality data (i.e., intrinsically small position and

velocity sigmas) and the apriori coordinates and velocities would be well known.


Because the two conditions above are not always satisfied, glorg has a number conditions implemented that sites need to satisfy in order to be included in the frame definition. These conditions are based on the sigmas of the site position and velocity and on the residuals to the apriori position and velocity. These conditions are applied iteratively. The same procedures are used for position and velocity but they typically use different tolerances and often different sites are used for position and velocity frame realiziations (e.g. a site with only recent data will have a well defined position and thus used in the position definition but its velocity maybe be poorly determined and thus not used in the velocity frame definition. Also since glorg may need to operate on different quality data, many of the conditions are based on the relative performance of stations.

因为上面两种情况不是总被满足,要执行globk,站点要满足一些条件,从而被包括在框架定义中。这些状态基于站点位置和速度的sigma,也基于先验位置和速度的残差。这些状态被迭代应用。相同的步骤被用来对位置和速度使用,但是他们使用不同的公差,不同的站点被用来实现位置和速度的框架。(举例,近期有数据的站点,就有精确的位置,可以用来作位置定义,但是它的速度很难确定,所以不被用来定义速度框架)。同样的,因为glorg需要对不同质量的数据操作,很多状态都由相关站点的表现决定。 There are three types of conditions tested:

(1) Height sigma tests (initial test before first frame stablization) (2) Outlier tests on the estimated position/velocity of each station

(3) Post stablization tests on the horizontal sigmas of site positions and velocities. The sigma condition test are based on the difference between the best determined sigmas and the median of sigmas of the sites in current frame definition. 这里有三种状态检测:

(1)高程sigma测试(第一次框架稳定之前的初始检测) (2)每个站点的位置/速度估计的外围检测


Sigma状态检测基于当前框架定义中,判定的站点最优sigma和中值sigma之间的差异。 The second two arguments of CND_HGTV command sets the difference between the sigma

of a sites and the median sigma of all frame sites to the difference of median to the best site for a site to be used in frame definition. In some cases, the difference in sigma between the best site and the median can be very small and so minimum values for this difference can be site with the stab_min command.

CND_HGTV命令的第二位的两个参数设置了站点sigma和所有框架站点的中值sigma之间的差异到框架定义中使用的站点的最优值和中间值的差异。在某些情况下,最有站点和中值站点之间的sigma的差异非常小,这种小的差异值能被stab_min命令使用。 The outlier test checks the residual of the position/velocity estimate to its apriori

and applies a n-sigma test. Because the sigmas can get very small, stab_min command also allows the minimum residual that will cause a site to removed from the frame definition.

外层测试检查的是位置/速度估计对先验值的残差,并且应用于n-sigma检测。因为sigma可以非常小,stab_min命令允许微小残差的存在,从而将站点移除出框架定义。 The reference frame definition is iterated and with each iteration, the median sigmas and individual site sigmas can change and so sites can be removed from the frame definition in subsequent iterations (i.e, the first iteration removes the worse sites and subsequent iterations refine the list of sites to use in the frame definition so that in the end the sites used in the frame definition satisify the ideal selection criteria given above.


