
更新时间:2023-03-08 05:04:26 阅读量: 外语学习 文档下载


演讲稿 工作总结 调研报告 讲话稿 事迹材料 心得体会 策划方案



(一)单句翻译技巧练习(9类) 第一、遣词用字 1.好:

a.他是祖国的好儿子。b.庄稼长得真好。c.他们对我真好。 d.楼的质量不好。e.这个问题很好回答。£啊,好票! 2.学习:

a.学习知识b.学习技术c.学习外语 d.学习成绩e.学习别人的长处f.互相学习 g.以雷锋为学习的榜样 3.水平:


b.把军政素质提高到一个新水平。 c.各级领导干部必须提高领导水平。 4.送:

a.送某人一本书b.送礼c.送信 d.送客e.送行f.送雨伞


j.将卫星送上天k.送葬1.送罪犯上法庭审判 5.馆:

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演讲稿 工作总结 调研报告 讲话稿 事迹材料 心得体会 策划方案


育馆、展览馆、文化馆、美术馆、科技馆、天文馆、照相馆…… 6.机:



1.请把这张表填一下,填完给我。 2.要提倡顾全大局。

3.吃饭防噎,走路防跌。4.送君千里,终有一别。 5.一个篱笆三个桩,一个好汉三个帮。 6.天气寒冷,河水都结冰了。 7.前途是光明的,道路是曲折的。

8.理论联系实际,这是我们应当牢记的一条原则。 9.天气这样闷,十之八九要下雨。



1.我们必须培养分析问题解决问题的能力。 2.他一开口总是三句话不离本行。 3.每条河流都有上游、中游、下游。 4.多年来那个国家一直有严重的失业现象。

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5.中国人民历来是勇于探索、勇于创造、勇于革命的。 6.人们利用科学去了解自然,改造自然。 7.他把事情一五一十地都给父母讲了。

8.生也好,死也好,我们要忠于党,忠于人民,忠于祖国。 9.这些新型汽车速度快,效率高,行动灵活。



1.语言这个东西不是随便可以学好的,非下苦功不可。 2.采用这种新装置可以大大降低废品率。 3.他在讲话中特别强调提高产品质量。 4.社会主义革命的目的是为了解放生产力。 5.他们一不会做工,二不会种地,三不会打仗。





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演讲稿 工作总结 调研报告 讲话稿 事迹材料 心得体会 策划方案




2.我们必须清楚地了解所有牵涉到的问题。 3.他们的部队水陆并进,及时抵达前线。





8.这次大会充分发扬了民主;大家心情舒畅,气氛生动活泼。 9.近两年,我们这个国营农场用自己的积累购买了10台拖拉机、5台脱粒机、30台插秧机,以及播种机、收割机等60多台农业机器。 10.截至1995年底,中国有2,184个环境监测站,拥有34,000环保工作人员,连同各级环保部门,全国共有88,000名专业人员在国家环保系统工作。


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2.很抱歉,因为雨太大,参观博物馆得推迟到明天了。 3.请全系师生于星期三下午两点在会议室集合,听报告。 4.采取“一国两制”适合中国国情,并非权宜之计。 5.那个男孩受了重伤,医院立即把他收下了。 6.刚才有人在这里讲了一些不该讲的话。


8.如果连锁反应不受控制,一直进行下去,就会引起一场大爆炸。 9.利用一架显微镜,就可以看到集成电路被分离和被测试的情况。 10.还设计了另外一些设备,能将噪音分解成构成该噪音的各种不同的音响频率,并能记录不同频率的音量。


1..工作没有经验,出点差错,在所难免。 2.会议开得冷冷清清,有时甚至开不下去了。 3.他开车时心不在焉,几乎闯祸。 4.那城市及周围的地方是不冻港和无核区。 5.她没有同伴,只有一个人坐在车厢一角动也不动。 6.他只顾自己,不顾别人,使得在场的每个人都很生气。 7.日子很快过去了,她做工却丝毫没有放松。


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9.我们的人民解放军无愧于伟大的人民军队的称号。 10.那座大楼处于无人管理的状态。









8.这种电扇具有风力大、用电省、温升低、噪音小、造型美等特点。 9.我厂生产的电冰箱,具有造型美观、质量可靠、噪音小、耗电少、使用方便安全等特点。

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第九、无主句练习 1.活到老,学到老。 2.不人虎穴,焉得虎子。 3.留得青山在,不怕没柴烧。 4.不努力便不会成功。 5.能不能提前完成计划呢?

6.一有问题就去解决,不要等问题成了堆才去作一次总解决。 7.屋内悄无一人,只听见钟在滴答滴答地走。 8.突然钻出一只狗,追着她咬,几乎把她吓糊涂了。


10.这个研究所有四百名工作人员,其中研究员和副研究员20名。有7个研究室,1个图书馆,1个附属工厂,有工人120名。 答案 二、(一) 第一、遣词用字 1.

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演讲稿 工作总结 调研报告 讲话稿 事迹材料 心得体会 策划方案

a.He is a worthy son of our country. b. The crops are doing well. c. They are really kind to me. d. The building is not well built. e. This question is easy to answer. f. Oh,a good seat! 2.

a. acquire knowledge b. master a skill c. study a foreign language d. academic records e. emulate others' strong points f. learn from each other g. follow the example of Lei Feng 3.

a. He knows more English than I do.

b. Raise the military and political quality to a new height. c. Leaders of various ranks must improve their art of leadership. 4.

a. give somebody a book b. present a gift to somebody c. deliver a letter d. see a visitor out

e. see somebody off f. bring somebody an umbrella g. lose one's life(get killed) h. take a child to school i. escort somebody home j. launch a satellite

k. take part in a funeral procession 1. hand the criminal over to the court for trial 5.

museum,library,hotel,guest house,embassy,consulate,tea house,

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barber's shop,gymnasium,exhibition hall,cultural center,art gallery,science and

technology center,planetarium,photo studio... 6.

radio set,telephone, TV set,tractor,bulldozer,mixer,crane... 第二、适当增添

1. Please fill in this form,and give it to me when you have finished. 2. We should advocate the spirit of taking the whole situation into consideration.

3. While eating,take heed that you do not choke:while walking,take heed that you do not fall.

4. Although you may escort a guest a thousand miles,yet must the parting come at last.

5. A fence needs the support of three stakes,an able fellow needs the help of three other people. 6. It was so cold that the river froze.

7. While the prospects are bright,the road has twists and turns. 8.That theory must go hand in hand with practice is a principle we should always keep in mind.

9. With the weather so close and stuffy,ten to one it'll rain presently. 10. All citizens who have reached the age of eighteen have the right to

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vote and to stand for election. 第三、词语省略

1. We must cultivate the ability to analyze and solve problems. 2. He can hardly open his mouth without talking shop. 3 .Every river has its upper,middle and lower reaches.

4. For many years there has been serious unemployment in that country. 5. The people of China have always been courageous enough to probe into things,to make inventions and to make revolution. 6. People use science to understand and change nature. 7. He told his parents the whole story exactly as it had happened. 8. Live or die,we should be loyal to our Party,to our people and to our motherland.

9. These new cars are fast,efficient and handy.

10. The carpets produced in our factory are well-known for their novel design,elegant colors,beautiful looks and magnificent air. 第四、词类转换

1. The mastery of language is not easy and requires painstaking efforts. 2. The adoption of this new device will greatly cut down the percentage of defective products.

3. In his speech he laid special stress on raising the quality of the products.

4. Socialist revolution aims at liberating the productive forces.

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5. They do not know a thing about factory work,nor about farm work,nor about military affairs.

6. Thanks to the Chinese people's unrelenting and heroic struggle during the last hundred years,imperialism has not been able to subjugate China,nor will it ever be able to do so.

7. The successful launching of China's first experimental communications satellite,which was propelled by a three-stage rocket and has been in operation ever since,indicates that our nation has entered a new stage in the development of carrier rockets and electronics.

8. During the National Civic Virtues Month,all the cities must clean up,and banis disarray and discourtesy.

9. Neither the indiscriminate rejection of everything foreign,whether scientific,technological or cultural,nor the indiscriminate imitation of everything foreign,has anything in common with the Marxist attitude,and neither in any way benefits our cause.

10. Our policy is to learn from all nations and all countries their strong points.


1.I did not know that he was hospitalized until yesterday. 2. We must get a clear understanding of the things concerned.

3.Their troops advanced by both land and water,and arrived at the front in time.

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4. While crossing the street,he looked right and left,afraid that he might run into some passing car.

5.This university has 6 newly established faculties,namely,Computer Science,High Energy Physics,Laser,Geo-physics,Remote Sensing,and genetic Engineering.

6. Only by following the instruction of the Party Central Committee,and mobilizing all positive factors,can we successfully realize the four modernizations.

7. Accumulate more in good years and less or none in years when the crops half fail or totally fail.

8. The conference has given full expression to democracy;the atmosphere has been lively and the delegates have enjoyed ease of mind.

9. With our own accumulated fund,this State-farm of ours has in the last years bought over 60 farm machines,including 10 tractors,5 shellers(threshers),30 rice-transplanters,in addition to sowing machines and harvesters.

10. By the end of 1995,China had 88, 000 professional people working in her national environmental protection system,which encompassed 2, 184 environmental monitoring stations employing 34, 000 environmental protection staff members. 第六、语态转换

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1.I was astounded that he was prepared to give me a job. 2. I'm very sorry to say the visit to the museum has to be put off till tomorrow because of the heavy rain.

3 .All teachers and students of the department are requested to meet in the conference room at 2:00 p. m. on Wednesday to hear a speech. 4. The“one country,two systems”has been adopted to suit China's conditions and is not an expedient measure.

5.The boy who was seriously injured was immediately admitted into the hospital.

6. Some things were said here just now which should not have been said. 7.The time will come when homes will be heated from a small reactor in the basement.

8.If the chain reaction went on without being checked,it could cause a great explosion.

9. With the help of a microscope you can watch the integrated circuits being separated and tested.

10. Other equipment has being devised which is able to break down the noise into various frequencies of the sounds and record the loudness at different frequencies. 第七、正反交替

1.Slips are scarcely avoidable when you're new to your work. 2. The meetings were marked by such an absence of lively discussions

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that at times they were almost on the point of breaking up. 3.His absence of mind during the driving nearly caused an accident. 4. That city and the areas around it are an ice-free port and a nuclear weapon free zone.

5 .Traveling alone,she was sitting still in the corner of the carriage. 6. His lack of consideration for the feelings of others angered everyone present.

7.The days passed quickly,but she worked as hard as ever.

8. The scientists made a solemn pledge at the conference,saying,“We'll for ever live up to what our Party expects of us.”

9. Our PLA is worthy of being called a great army of the people. 10. That building is in a state of neglect.


1.Scientists everywhere in the world are looking for the efficient methods to make the air clean and protect it from pollution by all kinds of industrial harmful waste gases.

2. A scientist will surely achieve great successes in his work if he braves all difficulties,keeps on working and perseveres to the end. 3. Although the water in a glass looks to be totally motionless to our naked eyes,a great deal of thermal movement of its countless molecules is going on disorderly inside.

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4. Today,in order to develop the country's iron and steel industry,those veterans,who have fought countless battles,are doing meticulous design and construction work.

5. They have bravely overcome many obstacles one after another and climbed up against difficulties and hardships to new steps again and again.

6. This university’is one of the renowned institutions“higher learning in China,and it is also an important base both for bringing up senior professionals of science and technology in China and for promoting the progress of Chinese science and technology.

7. Strictly adhering to the principle of“Quality First”and“Customer First”,we will offer best service to our customers.

8. This kind of electric fan is noted for its abundant airflow,less power consumption,lower temperature rise,negligible noise and attractive appearance.

9. The refrigerators manufactured by our plant are noted for their graceful styles,reliable quality,low noise,low power consumption,easy operation and safety.

10. We not only need a developed agricultural system with a rational distribution and all-round development of farming,forestry,animal husbandry,side-line production and fishery,meeting the needs of the people's life and expanding industry,but also an advanced industrial

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system which is complete in range and rational in structure and which meets the needs of consumers and the expansion of the whole national economy.


1.One is never too old to learn.

2. How can you catch tiger cubs without entering the tiger's lair

3. While there is life,there is hope.(So long as the green hills remain,there will never be a shortage of firewood.)

4. One can never succeed without making great efforts. 5 .Is it possible to carry out the plan ahead of time?

6. Whenever a problem crops up,tackle it right away;don't let problems pile up and then try to settle them at one go.

7. No one was in the room:only the ticking of a clock could be heard. 8. Suddenly a dog began to chase after her,scaring her almost out of her wits.

9. In its inner harbor,the broad and wide seawater is calm and deep. Vessels of 10, 000 tons can enter or leave the port with ease and 50, 000-ton freighters can call at or depart from the port with the flood tide. 10. There is a staff of 400 in this research institute,of whom 20 are senior research scientists. There are 7 labs,I small lib. and 1 related factory where there are 120 workers.(The research institute has a staff of 400,20 being senior researchers. There are 7 labs,I small lib. and 1

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演讲稿 工作总结 调研报告 讲话稿 事迹材料 心得体会 策划方案

related factory with 120 workers.)

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