汽车英语Unit3.2 - 图文

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Unit 3

Topic: Automotive Basics Ⅰ

Unit objectives

After studying this unit ,you are expected to be able to 1. have a general idea of vehicle;

2. know the terms and phrases about engine and chassis; 3. talk about the operating principle of engine by your own words;

4.master the basic knowledge about the auto structure; 5. know how to write a note。


Today's average car contains more than 15,000 separate, individual parts that must work together. These parts can grouped into four major categories: engine, body, chassis and electrical equipment.

Task 1 Work with your partner and try to find English expressions about auto

structure as many as possible, and then try to remember their English expressions

Task 2 The following picture is the anatomy of an automobile, please speak

out the name for every part. The words are given below for your reference.

Trunk, tail light, spare wheel, wheel, transmission, muffler, line shaft, body side moulding, disk brake, oil filter, alternator, radiator, distributor, battery, air filter, windshield washer, steering wheel, windshield wiper, seat, window frame, rearview mirror

Section A Engine

Task 1 Before reading the passage, please try to complete the following tasks.

1. Do you know the entire structure of automobiles Engine? Please research online for the information about engine of automobiles and try to understand the principle of operation.

2. Please research online for engine instructions and state them in English according to the following picture.

Flywheel Flywheel belt





Connecting rod

bearing Oil pan


Reading A

Automotive Engine Operating Principles

Engine is regarded as the “heart” of an automobile. An engine can convert fuel into energy that moves the automobile. Generally, an

automobile is operated by an engine, inside which the fuel is burned. According to different standards, engine can be classified into different types, such as gasoline engines and diesel engines. But whatever type it is of, the engine always has two main working parts: crank connecting rod and valve system. Besides, any type of engine usually includes five basic systems, i.e. the starting, fuel, ignition, cooling and lubricating systems.

Engine used in automobiles are internal combustion heat engines. Heat energy released in the combustion chamber raises the temperature of the combustion gases with the chamber. The increase in gas temperature causes the pressure of the gases to increase. The pressure developed within the combustion chamber is applied to the head of a piston to produce a usable mechanical force, which is then converted into useful mechanical power.

As is said above, the engine supplies power for the automobile and makes it move。Then how an Engine Works? Since the same process occurs in each cylinder, we will take a look at one cylinder to see how the four stroke process works.

The four strokes are intake, compression, power and exhaust. The piston travels down on the intake stroke, up on the compression stroke, down on the power stroke and up on the exhaust stroke. 1. intake

As the piston starts down on the intake stroke, the intake valve opens and the fuel-air mixture is drawn into the cylinder (similar to drawing back the plunger on a hypodermic needle to allow fluid to be drawn into the chamber).When the piston reaches the bottom of the intake stroke, the intake valve closes, trapping the air-fuel mixture in the cylinder.

2. compression

The piston moves up and compresses the trapped air fuel mixture that was brought in by the intake stroke. The amount that the mixture is compressed is determined by the compression ratio of the engine. The compression ration on the average engine is in the range of 8:1 to 10:1.This means that when the piston reaches the top of the cylinder, the air-fuel mixture is squeezed to about one tenth of its original volume.

3. power

The spark plug fires, igniting the compressed air-fuel mixture which produces a powerful expansion of the vapor. The combustion process pushes the piston down the cylinder with great force turning the crankshaft to provide the power to propel the vehicle. Each piston fires at a different time, determined by the engine firing order. By the time the crankshaft completes two revolutions, each cylinder in the engine will have gone through one power stroke.

4. exhaust

With the piston at the bottom of the cylinder, the exhaust valve opens to allow the burned exhaust gas to be expelled to the exhaust system. Since the cylinder contains so much pressure, when the valve opens, the gas is expelled with a violent force (that is why a vehicle without a muffler sounds so loud.) The piston travels up to the top of the cylinder pushing all the exhaust out before closing the exhaust valve in preparation for starting the four stroke process over again.

New Words convert [k?n'v?:t] vt. & vi. 1.(使)转变,(使)转化


fuel [fju?l] n. 燃料,燃烧剂 standard ['st?nd?d] n. 1.标准,水准,


classify ['kl?s?'fai] vt. 1.分类;归类


gasoline ['ɡ?s??lin] n. 汽油 diesel ['diz?l] n. 1.柴油


crank [kr??k] n. (L 字形)曲柄,曲轴

vt. 用曲柄转动(或启动)

valve [v?lv] n. 1.阀,活门,阀门,气门


vt. 装阀于

ignition [iɡ'ni??n] n. 1.(汽油引擎的)发火装置


lubricate ['lubr?'ket] vt. 1.加油润滑


combustion [k?m'b?st??n] n. 燃烧,烧毁 chamber ['t?eimb?] n. 1.房间

piston ['pist?n] usable ['ju:z?b?l] mechanical [mi'k?nik?l] occur [?'k?:] cylinder ['silind?] stroke [str?uk] intake ['inteik] compression [k?m'pre??n] exhaust. [iɡ'z?:st] mixture ['mikst??] fluid ['flu?d] trap [tr?p] 2.(人体、植物或机器内的)腔,室 n. 〈机〉活塞

adj. 1.可用的;能用的


adj. 1.机械的,力学的,发动机的


vi. 1.发生;举行;存在


n. 1.圆筒, 圆柱, 圆柱体

2.汽缸, 泵体

n. 1.(打、击等的)一下,一击


n. 1.吸入,纳入


n. 1.挤压,压缩


vt. 1.弄空,取出

2.用尽, 耗尽 vi. 1.排气

n. 1.排气装置,排气管[孔] 2.机器排出的废气

n. 混合物;混合;结合体 adj. 1.流体的,流动的

2.易变的,不固定的 n. 液体, 流体 vt. 1.诱骗;诱捕;设陷阱捕捉


compress [k?m'pres] vt. 1.压紧, 压缩 2.精简

ratio ['rei?i?u] n. 比, 比例, 比率 squeeze [skwi:z] vt. 榨取, 挤出

volume ['v?lju:m] n. 1.卷, 册, 书卷

2.体积;容积, 容量

spark [spɑ:k] n. 火花;火星 ignite [iɡ'nait] vt. & vi. 1.点燃;引发


vapor ['veip?] n. 水汽,水蒸气,无实质之物;自夸者 propel [pr?'pel] vt. 1.推进;推动


crankshaft ['kr??k?ɑ:ft] n. 机轴

expel [iks'pel] vt. 1.排出,驱逐,赶走


muffler ['m?fl?] n. 1.围巾


Technical Terms spark plug 火花塞 camshaft 凸轮轴 flywheel 调速轮 oil pan 油底壳 bearing 轴承 connecting rod 连杆 crankshaft 曲轴 power stoke 活塞行程

intake stroke 进气行程 compression stroke 压缩行程 exhaust stroke 排气行程

Phrases and Expressions is regarded as 被当做,被看作 be classified into 分(类)为……

is applied to 适用于,应用于,施加于 converted into (使)转而变为……

draw into 1. (火车或汽车)到站; 徐徐进站

2. 把……拉进, 吸引进

Notes to Reading A 1. Heat energy released in the combustion chamber raises the temperature of the combustion gases with the chamber.

燃烧汽缸中释放的热能将汽缸内的内燃气体温度升高。 2. The pressure developed within the combustion chamber is applied to the head of a piston to produce a usable mechanical force, which is then converted into useful mechanical power.


3. The piston travels down on the intake stroke, up on the compression stroke, down on the power stroke and up on the exhaust stroke.


4. The amount that the mixture is compressed is determined by the compression ratio of the engine.


5. The spark plug fires, igniting the compressed air-fuel mixture which produces a powerful expansion of the vapor.


Task 2 Reading the passage again and decide whether the following statements are true (T) or false (F)。

( ) 1. Engine used in automobiles are external combustion heat engines.

( ) 2. According to different standards, engine can be classified into different types.

( ) 3. When the piston reaches the bottom of the intake stroke, the intake valve opens, trapping the air-fuel mixture in the cylinder.

( ) 4. Any type of engine usually includes five basic systems, i.e. the starting,

fuel, ignition, cooling and electrical systems.

( ) 5. By the time the crankshaft completes one revolutions, each cylinder in the engine will have gone through one power stroke.

Task 3 Vocabulary Exercises

Ⅰ. Match the following expressions with their Chinese meanings。 A. compression stroke ( ) 发动机的压缩比 B. spark plug ( ) 机械动力 C. internal combustion heat engine ( ) 火花塞

D. mechanical force ( ) 压缩的空气燃油混合气 E. the bottom of the intake stroke ( ) 排气系统 F. the compression ratio of the engine ( ) 内燃发动机

G. compressed air-fuel mixture ( ) 进气行程的下止点 H. exhaust system ( ) 压缩行程

Ⅱ. Complete the sentences with the words and phrases given below. Change their forms if necessary.

propel valve volume mechanical spark plug

exhaust piston convert ignite compress

1. The oil, engine components and the ___________ exhaust system are hot and can burn you.

2. A _____________ that is too loose can overheat and damage the engine. 3. An engine can _____________ fuel into energy that moves the automobile. 4. The ship is _____________ by steam.

5. I am a ________________ engineering student in the university of Qinghua. 6. Pressure varies directly with temperature and inversely with___________. 7. She got into the car and switched on the ____________. 8. They use ____________ engine instead.

Task 4 focusing on Sentence Structure Ⅰ. Rewrite the following sentences after the model, using the word “whatever”.

Model: No matter what type it is of, the engine always has two main working parts: crank connecting rod and valve system. Whatever type it is of, the engine always has two main working parts: crank connecting rod and valve system. 1. No matter what you do, you should do it well.

2. Don?t trust him, no matter what he says.

3. The lawyer seldom wears anything other than a suit ,no matter what the season is. Ⅱ. Rewrite the following sentences after the model, using the word “with”.

Model: The piston is at the bottom of the cylinder. The exhaust valve opens to allow the burned exhaust gas to be expelled to the exhaust system. With the piston at the bottom of the cylinder, the exhaust valve opens to allow the burned exhaust gas to be expelled to 1. The little girls? hands frozen red. The little girls were playing with snow .

2. The master was walking up and down. The ruler is under his arm.

3. Production is up by 60%. The company has had another excellent year.

Task 5 Translate the following paragraph in Reading A into Chinese.

Engine used in automobiles are internal combustion heat engines. Heat energy released in the combustion chamber raises the temperature of the

the exhaust system.

combustion gases with the chamber. The increase in gas temperature causes the pressure of the gases to increase. The pressure developed within the combustion chamber is applied to the head of a piston to produce a usable mechanical force, which is then converted into useful mechanical power.

Section B Chassis

Task 1 Before reading the passage, please try to complete the following tasks.

1. Do you know the entire structure of automobiles chassis? Please research online for the information about chassis of automobiles and try to understand it?s function.

2. Please research online for components of an automobile chassis and state them in English according to the following picture.

Reading B

Main Components of Automotive Chassis

Chassis is considered as a support frame for an auto body. It supports the driving, steering, braking and suspension system. The chassis forms the main structure of a modern automobile. A large number of designs in a pressed-steel frame form a skeleton on which the engine, wheels, axle assemblies, transmission, steering mechanism, brakes and suspension members are mounted. During the manufacturing process the body is flexibly bolted to the chassis. A vehicle’s chassis system is a determining factor when it comes to handling characteristics, influencing vehicle driving dynamics, comfort, safety, and road holding ability.

The following sections describe some key components of the chassis and how they work.

Transmission System

The transmission, also known as the gearbox, transfers power from the engine to the drive shaft. As the engine’s crankshaft rotates,

combinations of transmission gears pass the energy along to a drive shaft. The drive shaft causes axles to rotate and turn the wheels. By using gears of different sizes, a transmission alters the rotational speed and torque of the engine passed along to the drive shaft. High-speed gears permit the car to travel faster, while low-speed gears provide more power for starting a car from a standstill and for climbing hills.

The transmission usually is located just behind the engine, although some automobiles are designed with a transmission mounted on the rear axle. There are three basic transmission types: manual, automatic and continuously variable.

Braking System

Brakes enable the driver to slow or stop the moving vehicle. An anti-lock braking system (ABS) uses a computer, sensors, and a hydraulic pump to stop the automobile’s forward motion without locking the wheels and putting the vehicle into a skid. Introduced in the 1980s, ABS helps the driver maintain better control over the car during emergency stops and while braking on slippery surfaces.

Automobiles are also equipped with a hand-operated brake used for emergencies and to securely park the car, especially on uneven terrain。 Pulling on a lever or pushing down on a foot pedal sets the brake.

Steering System

Automobiles are steered by turning the front wheels, although a few automobile types have all-wheel steering. Most steering systems link the front wheels together by means of a tie-rod. The tie-rod insures that the turning of one wheel is matched by a corresponding turn in the other.

When a driver turns the steering wheel, the mechanical action rotates a steering shaft inside the steering column. Depending on the steering mechanism, gears or other devices convert the rotating motion of the steering wheel into a horizontal force that turns the wheels.

Suspension System

The suspension system, part of the undercarriage of an automobile, contains springs that move up and down to absorb bumps and vibrations. In one type of suspension system, a long tube, or strut, has a shock

absorber built into its center section. Shock absorbers control, or dampen, the sudden loading and unloading of suspension springs to reduce wheel bounce and the shock transferred from the road wheels to the body. One shock absorber is installed at each wheel. Modern shock absorbers have a telescoping design and use oil, gas, air or a combination to absorb energy.

Active suspensions are computer-controlled adjustments of the downward force of each wheel as the vehicle corners or rides over uneven terrain. Sensors, a pump and hydraulic cylinders are all monitored and controlled by a computer, enable the vehicle to lean into corners and compensate for the dips and dives that accompany emergency stops and rapid acceleration.

Wheels and Tyres

Wheels support the vehicle’s weight and transfer torque to the tyres from the drivetrain and braking systems. Automobile wheels are generally made of steel or aluminum. Aluminum wheels are lighter, more impact absorbent, but more expensive.

Tyres help smooth out the ride and provide the automobil’s only contact with the road, so traction and strength are primary requirements. Tyre treads come in several varieties to match driving conditions.

New Words steer [sti?] vt. & vi. 1.驾驶, 掌舵


suspension [s?'spen??n] n. 1.暂停,中止

2.悬架,悬置机构 3.悬,挂,吊

skeleton ['skelitn] n. 1.(建筑物等的)骨架,框架

2. 梗概;提纲;轮廓

axle ['?ks?l, '?ksl] n. 轮轴,车轴

assembly [?'sembli] n. 装配,组装,总成

transmission [tr?nz'mi??n] n. 1.传送,传播,传达 2.传动装置,变速器

mechanism ['mek?niz?m] n. 1.机械装置


mount [maunt] vi. 增加;上升

vt. 镶嵌;安置

manufacture ['m?nju'f?kt??] vt. 1.(大规模)制造;生产

2.加工,把……制成用品 n. 1.(大规模)制造;加工 2.制造品,产品

flexible ['fleks?bl] adj. 1.易弯曲的,柔韧的


bolt [b?ult] n. 1.螺栓

2.(门或窗)插销,闩 vt. 用螺栓固定

dynamic [dai'n?mik] n. 1.力学;动力学

2. 动力

component [k?m'p?un?nt] n. 成分,组成部分,部件,元件 gearbox ['ɡi?b?ks] n. 变速箱,变速器 transfer [tr?ns'f?:] vt. & vi. 转移;迁移 shaft [?ɑ:ft] n. 1.箭杆,矛柄


crankshaft ['kr??k?ɑ:ft] n. 机轴

rotate [r?u'teit] vt. & vi. (使某物)旋转[转动],

gear [ɡi?] n. 齿轮

alter ['?:lt?] vt. & vi. 改变,更改

rotational [r?u'tei??n?l] adj. 转动的,轮流的

torque [t?:k] n. (尤指机器的)扭转力;转(力)矩 standstill ['st?nd'stil] n. 静止状态;停顿 rear [ri?] adj. 后面的;后部的

variable ['v??ri?bl,'ve?ri?bl] adj. 1.变化的,可变的,易变的

2.可更改的;可变的 hydraulic [ha?'dr?:l?k] adj. 液力的,液压的,水力学的 pump [p?mp] n. 泵,打气筒,抽水机

skid [sk?d] n. 刹车

emergency [i'm?:d??nsi] n. 紧急情况,突发事件 slippery ['slip?ri] adj. 滑的

uneven [?n'i:v?n] adj. 1.不平坦的;不规则的


terrain [te'rein] n. 地形,地面,地域,地带 lever ['li:v?] n. 1.〈物〉杠杆

2. 操作杆 pedal ['pedl] n. (自行车或其他机器的)踏板 tie-rod n. 拉杠;转向拉杆

corresponding ['k?ris'p?ndi?] adj. 1.相当的,对应的,相应的 2.符合,一致的 column ['k?l?m] n. 1.柱,圆柱


horizontal ['h?ri'z?nt?l] adj. 水平的,与地平线平行的,横的 spring n. 1.弹簧,发条


undercarriage ['?nd?'k?rid?] n. 起落架,车盘,着陆装置 bump [b?mp] n. 1.碰撞,猛撞

2.肿块 3.隆起物

vibration [va?'bre???n] n. 震动; 摆动;摇摆 strut [str?t] n. 支柱,压杆

absorber [?b's?:b?] n. 吸收者,吸收体,减震器 dampen ['d?mp?n] vt. 抑制,控制,(感情、反应等) bounce [bauns] n. 1.弹跳;跳动


telescoping adj. 可伸缩的

adjustment [?'d??stm?nt] n. 1.调整,调节


sensor ['sens?] n. 传感器,敏感元件,探测设备 compensate ['k?mpenseit] vt. & vi. 补偿,弥补 dip n. 1.倾斜,凹陷处


acceleration [?k'sel?'re???n] n. 加速度

drivetrain ['draivtrein] n. 动力传动系统 aluminum [?'lu:m?n?m] n. <美>铝 absorbent [?b's?:b?nt] adj. 能吸收的

n. 吸收剂

traction ['tr?k??n] n. 拖,拉,牵引

treads [tred] n. 轮胎接触地面的部分,胎面 varieties [v?'rai?ti] n. 1.品种,种类


Technical Terms pressed-steel frame 压制钢件结构 tyre tread 轮胎面 axle assemblies 轮轴集合 steering column 驾驶杆 steering mechanism 转向装置 cylinder head 气缸盖 driving dynamics 驱动自动完成 engine block 发电机组

anti-lock braking system (ABS) 防抱死制动系统

Phrases and Expressions be considered as 被认为/看作是……

build into 内含在,构建在……中 by means of (由)以……方式;通过 move up and down 上下移动

smooth out 1. 弄平,消除

2. 缓和,调解

provide with 提供

Notes to Reading A 1. A large number of designs in a pressed-steel frame form a skeleton on which the engine, wheels, axle assemblies, transmission, steering mechanism, brakes and suspension members are mounted.


2. A vehicle?s chassis system is a determining factor when it comes to handling characteristics, influencing vehicle driving dynamics, comfort, safety, and road holding ability.


3. An anti-lock braking system (ABS) uses a computer, sensors, and a hydraulic pump to stop the automobile?s forward motion without locking the wheels and putting the vehicle into a skid.


4. Depending on the steering mechanism, gears or other devices convert the rotating motion of the steering wheel into a horizontal force that turns the wheels.


5. Shock absorbers control, or dampen, the sudden loading and unloading of suspension springs to reduce wheel bounce and the shock transferred from the road wheels to the body.


Task 2 Reading Comprehension Ⅰ. Answer the following questions according to the text.

1. Which part of the suspension system plays a very important role? 2. How do most steering systems link the front wheels together? 3. What is the basic principle of the transmission?

4. What are automobiles usually equipped with in order to park a car securely?

5. What role do wheels play? Ⅱ. Decide whether the following statements are true (T) or false (F)

according to Reading B.

( ) 1. The chassis performs several functions in the working of an automobile. ( ) 2. The main types of the chassis are manual, automatic, and continuously variable.

( ) 3. The suspension system is equipped with axles to absorb shocks.

( ) 4. A basic transmission system of a vehicle consists of various components such as gears, shafts and other parts.

( ) 5. The braking system is used for slowing or stopping down a vehicle.

Task 3 Vocabulary Exercises Ⅰ. Match the following expressions with their Chinese meanings. A. compensate for the dips and dives ( ) 嵌入设计

B. absorb bumps and vibrations ( ) 减轻倾斜和猛冲的程度 C. telescoping design ( ) 变速齿轮的组合

D. combinations of transmission gears ( ) 转向装置的旋转动力 E. alter the rotational speed and torque ( ) 吸收冲顶和震动 F. rotating motion of the steering ( ) 改变旋转速度和扭矩 Ⅱ.Complete the sentences with the words and phrases given below. Change their forms if necessary. absorb foot pedal suspension traction mount structure transfer frame maintain gear

1. The chassis is considered to be one of the significant _________ of an automobile.

2. The _________ helps to keep a car?s wheels in firm contact with the road. 3. It is necessary to __________ your car regularly.

4. The power train ___________ power from the engine to the car wheels so that the car moves.

5. When chassis vibration occurs, the suspension __________ the shocks. 6. It is difficult to change __________ when a driver is driving.

7. Some cars have been built with the engine _________ at the rear, in back of the rear seat.

8. It is not easy to move the car while the rear axle is in ________.

Section C Practical Writing

Task 1 Please read and understand the following sample invitations.

Sample 1: Invitation Card

Dear Mr. and Mrs. Smith, This is to advise that we are going to hold an International Auto Fair in Jinan from June 1st to June 15th, 2010. A great variety of samples, newly designed by our manufacturers, will be on exhibition. We take pleasure in inviting you to come to the Fair. Please fax the date of your arrival, enabling us to make the necessary preparations. Yours faithfully, Notes on the sample invitations Chen Ming Invitation The Chairman of Requests Audi Automobile Company The honor of your presence At the opening ceremony On Friday morning, the fifth of July From nine to eleven o’clock 2851 Pudong Avenue Shanghai Sample 2: Invitation Letter

Notes on the sample invitations 1. 邀请信在各种社交及贸易活动中应用广泛。其格式一般分为两种:一种为正式请柬(invitation card),另一种为书信格式(invitation letter)。 2. 请柬的通用格式包含以下几部分:

一.邀请人的姓名(要用全称)及头衔; 二. “request(s) the pleasure (honor)of”,相当

于汉语中的“恭请”; 三. 被邀请人的姓名(要用全称加?s)或用your(泛指);

四.“company(或presence)at…”相当于汉语的“光临……”。 五.日期; 六.钟点; 七.地点。

右下方可以附上邀请人的电话号码。请柬全文用第三人称的口气。 3. 邀请信的格式与书信一样,但书写时一定要写清楚邀请对方参加的活动的时间及具体地点。

Useful Sentence Patterns in Invitation Letter Writing: We take pleasures in inviting you to…

We would be very happy if you could come to… We hope that you will be able to come to… Would it be possible for you to join us in? We would be very glad if you could be with us.

Task 2 Fill in the following invitation card according to the information given below in Chinese.

谨定于12月24日(星期五)晚7时在学院文化活动中心举行圣诞晚会。恭请史密斯先生和夫人光临。 张建华

Mr. Zhang Jianhua Mr. and Mrs. Smith's company at on , the of at o’clock at

Task 3 Translate parts of the following invitation letter into English. 18 September 2010 Dear Sir/Madam, (1) (我们高兴地邀请您出席)the Autumn Auto Fair, to be held here in Qingdao at Convention and Exhibition Center(2) (从2010年10月12 日到15日). A great variety of (3) (新设计的 样品 )(4) (将展出). You will have a chance to examine a wide range of our products and to conduct on-the-spot negotiation with our manufacturers If you accept this invitation,(5) (请告知到 达日期),so that we can make necessary arrangements. Yours faithfully Wangfei General Manager Task 4 Complete the following invitation card in English with the information given below.

为了庆祝中国进口汽车交易会开幕,通用汽车公司定于2010年9月9日晚上7:00- 8:00 在红石宾馆 (Red Stone Hotel) 举行招待会。邀请有关人士参加。 Invitation

On the opening of the Chinese import Automobiles Fair General Motors Corporation requests (1) at (2) on (3) from (4) Fun Time

A police officer pulled over a nun driving a car, and said, “Ma?am, you?re driving much too slowly. Could you please drive faster?”

The nun said, “oh, I saw a sign with the number?21?and assumed the speed limit was 21 kph.”

The officer explained: “No, ma?am, the speed limit is 80. The highway number is Interstate 21.”

Then the police officer looked to the back seat and saw the other two nuns shaking like leaves.

“Excuse me, sister, but what?s wrong

with your two colleagues?”

“Oh, that?s probably because we just got off Highway 205.”

