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掌握Units 5-6的语法内容。


1. why引导的特殊疑问句

2. 形容词在句中的位置和充当的成分 3. 现在进行时态的基本用法


1. why引导的特殊疑问句 【考点1】



,用来询问原因。 【例句】

Why do you want to see the tigers? 你为什想去看老虎? Why does she like pandas? 她为什么喜欢熊猫? 【考点2】

why引导的特殊疑问句的结构为:疑问词Why +一般疑问句? 【考点3】

why引导的特殊疑问句,常用because引导的句子回答。 【例句】

—Why do you like elephants? 你为什么喜欢大象? —Because they’re very interesting. 因为它们很有趣。

【注意】because和so不能用在同一个句子中,二者只能取其一。 【例句】

I want to see giraffes because they’re very cute. = They’re very cute, so I want to see giraffes.



1. —_____ does she go to see the koalas? —Because they’re smart and friendly. A. What 答案:D

B. Where C. How

D. Why

思路分析:根据答语是由because引导的句子可知问句询问“为什么”,故选D项。 2. _____ lions are very scary, _____ I don’t like them.

A. Because; so B. So; because C. Because; / D. /; because


思路分析:because和so不能用在同一个句子中,故排除A,B两项;浏览题干可知句意为“因为狮子很可怕,所以我不喜欢它们”,故C项符合句意。 【即学即练】


对画线部分提问) _____ _____ Julie _____ koalas? 2. Pandas are from China. (同义句转换) Pandas _____ _____ China.

3. Why do you like cats? (用cute来回答) _______________.

4. to, why, you, want, do, see, the, bears (连词成句)


5. like, I, because, they, are, very, lovely, pandas (连词成句)


答案:1. Why does; like 2. come from 3. Because they’re cute 4. Why do you want to see the bears? 5. I like pandas because they are very lovely. 2. 形容词在句中的位置和充当的成分 【考点1】


(1)形容词在句中一般用来修饰名词,常放在名词之前。 (2)形容词也可作系动词的表语,即放在系动词之后。

(3)当形容词作定语修饰不定代词something, anything, nothing等时,要放在被修饰词的后面。 【例句】

The beautiful girl is my cousin. 这个漂亮的女孩是我的表妹。

The boy is very smart. 这个男孩很聪明。

There is something new in today’s newspaper. 今天的报纸上有些新鲜事。 【考点2】


(1)作定语,修饰/限定名词/代词 (2)作表语

形容词作表语,与be动词或其他连系动词连用,说明主语的情况。 (3)作宾语补足语

形容词作宾语补足语,用来补充说明宾语。 【例句】

This is a very beautiful garden. 这是一个非常漂亮的花园。 Dolphins look cute and interesting. 海豚看起来可爱而且有趣。

The news makes me sad. 这个消息使我难过。 【考题链接】

1. I have _____ to tell you. A. nothing good 答案:A

B. good nothing C. good thing D. thing good




2. Grace is a _____girl. She doesn’t like meeting new friends. A. smart


B. shy

C. strict

D. cute

思路分析:本题考查形容词作定语修饰名词。根据题干中“她不喜欢见新朋友”可知“格瑞斯是一个腼腆的女孩”。A项意为“聪明的”;C项意为“严格的”;D项意为“可爱的”,均不符合句意。 【即学即练】

把下列短语翻译成英语 1. 一只小猫 ___________ 2. 三只害羞的大熊猫 ___________ 3. 五头友好的大象 ___________ 4. 两头懒惰的狮子 ___________ 5. 四只恐怖的老虎 ____________

6. 七只美丽的长颈鹿 ___________ 7. 十只可爱的树袋熊 ___________ 8. 八只聪明的动物 ____________ 9. 新的事情 ___________ 10. 困难的事情 ___________

答案:1. a small cat 2. three shy pandas 3. five friendly elephants 4. two lazy lions 5. four scary tigers 6. seven beautiful giraffes 7. ten cute koalas 8. eight smart animals 9. something new/new things 10. something difficult/difficult things 3. 现在进行时态 【考点1】


(1)表示现在(说话瞬间)正在进行或发生的动作。 (2)表示当前一段时间的活动或现阶段正在进行的动作。 【例句】

They are listening to the radio. 它们正在听收音机。

The students are writing with pencils these days. 这些天,学生们一直在用铅笔写字。 【考点2】


(1) 否定句:be后加not;

(2) 一般疑问句:be在主语前,且首字母大写,句末加问号。 一般疑问句的简略肯定回答:Yes, 主语+ be。

简略否定回答:No, 主语+be not。


They are not cleaning the classroom. 他们没有在打扫教室。 —Are they cleaning the classroom? 他们正在打扫教室吗?

—Yes, they are. / No, they aren’t. 是的,他们正在打扫。/不,他们没有。



(1)一般情况下,直接在动词末尾加-ing,如:play→ playing (2)以不发音的e结尾的动词,先去e再加-ing,如:come → coming

(3)以重读闭音节结尾的动词,且末尾只有一个辅音字母,先双写末尾的辅音字母,再加-ing,如:swim→ swimming

(4)以ie结尾的动词,将ie变为y,再加-ing,如:lie→ lying 【考点4】



(2)当句首有提示性动词look, listen 等时,说明动作正在进行。 (3)根据语境或上下文来判断。 【例句】

The children are playing basketball now. 现在孩子们正在打篮球。

Look! What’s the policeman doing? 看!那个警察正在干什么?

Don’t speak. The baby is sleeping. 不要说话,婴儿正在睡觉。 【考点5】



1. The children ____ kites in the park now. A. making B. makes


为“孩子们现在正在公园里做风筝”。 2. —Is your sister watching TV now? —____.

A. Yes, she is B. Yes, she does C. No, she is



3. Look! The old man ____ under the big tree. A. talks 答案:D

B. talk

C. are talking

D. is talking

D. She’s watching TV

C. is making

D. are making

思路分析:now是现在进行时的标志词。主语the children 是复数,故用助动词are 加动词的-ing 形式。句意

思路分析:浏览题干可知问句是现在进行时的一般疑问句,其答语要么是Yes, 主语+ be.要么是No, 主语+be

思路分析:look是现在进行时的标志词。主语the old man 是第三人称单数,应用助动词is加动词的现在分词形式。句意为“看!那位老人正在树下讲话”。 4. —____?

—He’s swimming at the pool. A. What does Tom do C. What is Tom doing

答案:C 项符合。

5. —What’s Lucy doing? —She ____ on the bed. A. lies 答案:C

B. lie

C. is lying

D. is lieing

B. Is Tom swimming D. Where does Tom now


思路分析:根据问句的现在进行时态可判断答语也应用现在进行时,排除A, B两项;再根据lie的现在分词形式是lying可排除D项。

6. He often _____on Sundays. Look! He _________ at the pool. A. swim; swim C. swims; is swimming 答案:C

B. is swimming; is swimming D. swims; swims

思路分析:浏览题干,根据often可知时态是一般现在时;主语he是第三人称单数,故谓语动词用第三人称单数形式swims;look是现在进行时态的标志词,故用is swimming填充第二空。句意为“他经常在星期天游泳。看!他正在游泳池里游泳”。 【即学即练】

Ⅰ. 写出下列动词的-ing形式 1. read ______ 3. have ______ 5. play _______ 7. shop _______

2. swim ______ 4. write ______ 6. lie _______ 8. get _______

3. Look! They ______(take) photos.

4. He often _____(write) to his mother on the weekend. 5. Please be quiet. My sister _____(sleep). 6. The boy _____(not study) English now. 7. —_____ the students ______(read) English? —Yes, they are. 8. —What are you doing? —

I ______(drink) tea.

9. see ________ 10. run ______ Ⅱ. 用括号内所给词的正确形式填空 1. Listen! Who _____(sing) in the classroom? 2. Do you want _____(buy) a dictionary?



1. 复习下列单词含义及用法

speak_______; join______; show______; also______; many______: afraid______; arrive______; bring______; read______: forget______; other_______ 2. 复习下列短语含义及用法

help sb. with sth. _______; be good with_______; get dressed______; lots of_______;

be strict (with sb.)_______; kind of _______ 3. 复习下列句型

1) Can you play the piano or the violin? 句意是:______________________。


2) What time do you usually get up? 句意是:______________________。


3) How long does it take to get home? 句意是:______________________。

本句中how long意为______;还可意为_______;take表示“花费时间”,常用句型为:_____________。

4) Don’t eat in class.

句意是:______________________。 本句是一个______句。

5) She’s washing her clothes.




思考问题一:你能区分“说”speak, tell, say, talk吗? 思考问题二:你会区分“看”look, watch, see, read吗?

思考问题三:你能正确识别短语kind of, a kind of, all kinds of吗?


Ⅰ. 单项选择 ( ) 1. —_______?

—She’s doing her homework.

A. What does Mary do B. How is Mary

C. What is Mary doing D. Where is Mary ( ) 2. The boy likes _______ TV in the evening. A. watch B. watchs C. watches D. watching ( )﹡3. —Do you often ______?

—No. My mother buys all things for me. A. swim

B. write

C. shop D. draw

( ) 4. _____ they have a book?

A. Do — ______.

A. Yes, he like B. No, he doesn’t C. Yes, he’d like D. No, he likes ( )﹡6. —What _____ you _____ now?

—I _____ computer games.

A. do; doing; playing B. does; do; plays C. are; doing; am playing D. do; do; plays ( ) 7. She _____the piano at school in the afternoon.

A. doesn’t plays B. not play C.don’t play D. doesn’t play

( )﹡8. Look! Emma is ____ her bedroom. Her room is always _____.

A. clean; clean B. clean; cleaning C. cleaning; clean D. cleaning; cleaning ( )﹡9. — Why do you like the people there?

—______ they are ______ to me.

A. So; friend B. Because; friendly C. So; friendly D. Because; friend

( )﹡10. Gina is a _____ girl and she can speak four languages.

A. lazy B. smart C. boring D. difficult ( ) 11. —What’s Jim doing over there?

—He’s _____ his cat.

A. save B. saving C. saves D. to save ( )﹡12. Look! What _____ Jane _____?

A. is; do B. does; do C. is; doing D. are; doing ( )13. I don’t want to do the dishes, because it’s very ______.

A. beautiful B. boring C.cute D. lazy ( )14. I like to have ______ zongzi.

A. important B. quiet C.delicious D. terrible ( )﹡﹡15. _____ are you late this morning?

A. What B. When C. Why D. Where Ⅱ. 根据句意及首字母和汉语提示写出单词 ﹡1. I like this i_______(重要的) book. 2. The library should be kept q_____. 3. I’m s_____ to hear that.

B. Are C. Is D. Have

( )5. —Does Bill like going to the movies?

4. That _____(懒惰的) lion is sleeping.

5. The students are very _____(吵闹的) in the classroom.

6. Our teacher is s_____ with us. 7. She is a _____(害羞的) girl. 8. Look at these b_____ flowers! 9. Are you _____(害怕) of dogs? 10. It’s a very _____(可怕的) thing. Ⅲ. 用括号中所给动词的适当形式填空 1. Lucy ______(draw) a picture now. 2. Look! Mike _____(talk) with his father. 3. That _____ (sound) great.

4. He isn’t singing. He ______(write) a letter. 5. Gina likes _____(run) after lunch. 6. Don’t ______(listen) to music in class. 7. Today the girl _____(wear) a new skirt. 8. She often _____(study) late into the night.

9. He likes _____(read) stories. Now he _____(read) them.

10. Please ______(tell) us a story. Ⅳ. 句型转换


______ is his father ______ with his uncle? 2. The girl wears a red sweater. (改为否定句) The girl ______ ______ a red sweater.

3. My sister works in a shop. (改为一般疑问句) ______ your sister ______ in a shop?

4. Is Ben talking with his father in the room? (作否定回答)

______, he ______.

5. He can’t get up early, so he is late for class. (同义句转换)

______ he can’t get up early, he is late for class. Ⅴ. 根据汉语意思完成下列句子

1. 为什么这个英国女孩喜欢中国食物?

______ ______ the English girl ______ Chinese food?

2. 杰夫的妈妈正在看报。

Jeff’s mother ______ ______ newspapers. 3. 她经常打扫屋子,所以它很干净。

She often ______ her house, ______ it’s very ______. 4. 迈克没有在通电话。

Mike ______ ______ on the phone. 5. 露西和她妈妈正在购物。 Lucy and her mother ______ ______.



第 7 页 养习惯



Ⅰ. 1-5 CDCAB 6-10 CDCBB 11-15 BCBCC


1. 根据答语“她正在做作业”可知问句询问“她正在做什么?”,故选C项。 2. like后接动词不定式或-ing形式,故选D项。

3. 根据答语“我妈妈给我买所有东西”可知问句询问“你经常购物吗?”,故选C项。 4. have意为“有”,是实义动词,故用助动词Do开头。

5. 浏览题干可知问句开头是助动词does,故在答语中用does的肯定式或否定式,只有B项正确。 6. 根据问句的now可知问句、答语都用现在进行时;浏览各选项只有C项符合。 7. 主语she是第三人称单数,故助动词用doesn’t,后接动词原形,故D项正确。

8. 根据Look可知前句时态用现在进行时,助动词is后接cleaning;后一句的clean是形容词。句意为“看!艾玛正在打扫她的卧室。她的房间总是干净的”。

9. 问句用why询问,答语用because;be friendly to sb.意为“对某人友好”,故选B项。

10. A项意为“懒惰的”;B项意为“聪明的”;C项意为“无聊的”;D项意为“困难的”。根据句意“她能说四种语言”可知“吉娜是一个聪明的女孩”。

11. 问句用的是现在进行时态,故答语也用现在进行时;is后接动词的-ing形式,故选B项。 12. look是现在进行时的标志词;主语Jane是第三人称单数,故选C项。 13. 根据上半句句意“我不想洗盘子”可知“因为它很无聊”,故选B项。

14. 能修饰zongzi的只有C, D两项,根据句意“我喜欢吃”,那么肯定是“美味的”,C项符合。

15. what意为“什么”;when意为“何时”;why意为“为什么”;where意为“哪里”。把疑问词放入句中,只有C项合适。句意为“今天早上你为什么迟到了?”。

Ⅱ. 1. important 2. quiet 3. sorry 4. lazy 5. noisy 6. strict 7. shy 8. beautiful 9. afraid 10. terrible

Ⅲ. 1. is drawing 2. is talking 3. sounds 4. is writing 5. running

6. listen 7. wears 8. studies 9. reading; is reading 10. tell Ⅳ. 1. What; doing 2. doesn’t wear 3. Does; work 4. No; isn’t 5. Because Ⅴ. 1. Why does; like 2. is reading 3. cleans; so; clean 4. isn’t talking 5. are shopping

