更新时间:2023-09-16 01:50:01 阅读量: 高中教育 文档下载
With the popular visitation of the internet, network classrooms are gaining more and more popularity. As a new teaching pattern, network classrooms have become an effective compliment to traditional classrooms. So some people propose on question “Will network classrooms replace traditional classrooms?”
As to this question, the opinions vary from one to another. Some people think it quite possible for network classrooms to take the place of traditional classrooms. First, network classrooms needn’t have face-to-face communication, and are not limited by time and place, which facilities both teachers and students. Secondly, network classrooms release teachers from repeating the same contents. Since the video or audio material can be played time and again.
However, many people have opposite stand points. They say that with online courses students like direct communication with teachers and their confusion can not be solved instantly. In addition, the computer system can not
be guaranty to work staidly all the time. Personally, both network classrooms and traditional classrooms are necessary for students. If traditional teaching patterns and motor ones like network classrooms can be combined together, more fruitful education is sure to be realized. 2关于软件翻译与人工翻译对比的英语作文
Machine Translation and Human
In recent years, all kinds of electronic dictionaries and translation software have been developed. With the development of technology,these electronic dictionaries and software can help us translate not only words and phrases, but even sentences and paragraphs. So some people come to the conclusion that machine translation will replace traditional human translation. However,I couldn't agree with this argument.
Admittedly,translation machines and software bring much convenience for our study and work. With them,we needn't bother to live through the heavy dictionaries. However,machine translation has its disadvantages. First,generally speaking, translation software only can give direct translation, which is sometimes not in
accordance with the original articles in logic and meaning. Second,some people depend on electronic dictionaries and software too much, which is unfavorable to their improvement in language ability.
Considering the above mentioned, I think that machine translation cannot replace human translation, but it is a good complementary to human translation. Therefore,we should combine machine translation with human translation effectively.
An Invitation Letter
June 15,2008 Dear Xue Feng,
This June 30th I am going to graduate, so I want to hold a party on Saturday evening in my house. It would be pleasant to have you here. So interesting will this party be that you can't afford to miss it. For one thing, we will have a big meal,sing the popular songs and play games. For another, it also provides a good opportunity for you to meet many friends that you haven't seen for a long time. What an important thing it is for me to get your participation. First, you are my best friend and bring home to me many
things. Second, we haven't seen each other for quite a long time and I am eager to see you. The party would not be complete without you. The party will begin at seven thirty p.m. Is it possible for us to see you at seven on Saturday evening in my house? I do hope you can come. Sincerely yours,
Social Practice of College
Nowadays, many universities encourage and organize students to take part in social practice activities. During the holidays, more and more students choose to be the volunteers, take part-time jobs or take part in other practical activities alike.www.mfyyw.com
It is obvious that social practice is playing a more and more important role in Chinese college education. Undoubtedly, college students have benefited a lot from social practice. Above all, there are provided with more opportunities to contact the real world outside the campus. Moreover, in social practice activities, students can apply their knowledge to solution to practical problems. So the social practice skills are improved greatly. Besides,
social practice help strengthen students since social responsibility. Considering their above mentions. I think it is necessary for college students to participant in social practice. However, social practice may bring some problems. For example, some students spend too much time in taking part-time jobs so as to ignore their study. Therefore, we should try to balance relationship between social practice and study. 5、如何建立良好师生关系英语作文 How
teacher-student relationship
The relationship between a teacher and the student can be either good or bad, helpful or harmful. Either way, the relationship may affect the student for the rest of his life. A good teacher-student relationship will make learning enjoyable and efficient, and make the teacher's job worthwhile. In contrast, a bad relationship can discourage the students from learning, and make teaching an unpleasant task.
But how to build an ideal teacher-student relationship. First of all, the teacher and the student should respet each other, which is the precondiction about good relationship.
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