6. Romanticists 1

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British Literature

Lucas Pfaffenroth (Mr. P)

England during the 18th and 19th centuries:

During the 1700’s England’s power and influence continued to grow. Capitalism became the basis of the economy. The monarchy (king/queen) continued to lose power. Eventually the king was just a figurehead and had no real power.

In the 19th century the Industrial Revolution took place. People moved to the cities to work in factories. The the factory owners became very wealthy but the ordinary working people were poor. During this time people’s values started to change. Humanism faded and people began to value emotion more.

Romanticism was an idea/movement that was all about “being true to yourself.” Romanticists thought it was important to do what you feel is right rather than listening to what everyone else says. Today many romanticist writers are known for their poetry.

Unit 6: Romantic Poets (I)

William Blake

Background Info:

*William Blake lived from 1757 to 1827.

*He was born in London and educated at home.

*As a child he often claimed he had spiritual visions. His parents thought he was lying.

*He went to art school for a while and later worked making illustrations (paintings or drawings for books).

The Lamb

1. Does this poem describe a lamb or the mind of the child who is speaking to the lamb? What is the relation of the lamb and the child to God?

The poem describes the mind of the child. The child and the lamb were both created by God.

2. What does the Lamb stand for?

The Lamb stands for Jesus, the Son of God. In western society Jesus is often

described as being like a lamb. The child says that the lamb (sheep) was created by the Lamb (Jesus):

Little Lamb, who made thee? …

He is called by thy name, For he calls himself a Lamb

The Tyger

1. Why does the poet mention the Lamb? Do you think both the Lamb and the Tiger can illuminate each other?

The poet mentions the Lamb to show contrast (difference between two things).

A lamb is a very gentle animal, and a tiger is a very fierce animal that hunts animals such as lambs. The lamb is like a child who believes that the world is good and doesn’t ask questions, but the tiger is very dangerous and strong. The lamb is helpless but the tiger can take care of itself.

2. What is the symbolic meaning of the tiger? What idea does the poet want to express?

The tiger is both beautiful and frightening. It symbolizes evil in the world. The poet is asking a question about God: How could God create a world that contains both good and evil?

The Sick Rose

1. In what sense do you think the rose is “sick”?

2. Should there be any symbolic meanings for the night and the storm? If so, what meanings would you suggest?

Robert Burns

Background Info:

*Robert Burns lived from 1759 to 1796.

*He was born on a farm in Scotland (north of England).

*He wrote many poems about Scottish culture and about love.

A Red, Red Rose

1. How does the narrator in the poem express his love?

He compares his love to a red rose and pretty music. He says he will love this woman until the seas dry up and the rocks melt away. He will love her as long as he is alive and will do anything to see her again, even if he has to travel ten thousand miles (16,000 kilometers).

2. Why is this poem so touching to the readers?

Auld Lang Syne

Auld Lang Syne is a poem written to match the tune of a traditional Scottish folk song. Today it is well known in English speaking countries and is always played on New Years’ Eve, as well as sometimes at funerals and school graduation ceremonies.

The poem is written in Scots, a non-standard dialect of English. “Auld lang syne” means “long ago,” “old times,” or “days gone by.”

1. What does “cup o’kindness” imply?

Friendship and memories. He says “we’ll have a drink together and talk and remember the good times we’ve had as friends.”

2. How do you know the people in the poem used to be friends and are now old?

The poem talks about all the adventures they had together long ago. “Auld acquaintance” means “old friend.”

William Wordsworth

Background Info:


*He was born and raised in the “Lake District” of northwest England. *He loved nature and the outdoors.

*William Wordsworth spent most of his life writing poetry and was made “Poet Laureate” (official poet of England) in 1843.

I Wandered Lonely as a Cloud

1. What is the relation between the poet and nature as described in the poem?

The poet compares himself to a cloud, wandering around by himself and feeling lonely. The flowers are like his new friends. When he’s at home on his couch he feels lonely, but thinking about nature makes him happy again.

2. Do you think nature can have a healing effect on the mind?

Samuel Taylor Coleridge

Background Info:


*He was a friend of William Wordsworth.

*His life had many troubles; he experienced an unsuccessful marriage, illness, and depression. He also was addicted to opium (drugs).

Kubla Khan

Samuel Taylor Coleridge said this poem came to him during a dream and he started writing it down when he woke up, but someone knocked on his door and interrupted him. After he answered the door he forgot the rest of the dream and couldn’t finish the poem. Some people think Coleridge was a genius. Other people think he was a drug-addict and maybe a little crazy.

1. Coleridge claimed that the poem was “composed in a sort of reverie brought on by two grains of opium.” Can you find similar cases in Chinese literary history?

2. Can we say this poem has no coherent meaning and is wrapped up in an atmosphere of the supernatural and the fantastic? Give your opinions.

“All good poetry is the spontaneous overflow of powerful feelings.”

-William Wordsworth

