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新职业英语 Unit 1 Feasibility Study

土 建 英 语

English for Civil Engineering


Unit 11 Feasibility Study Unit Feasibility Study


Warming-up Reading A Listening Speaking

6 7 8

WritingSelf-evaluation Vocabulary and Structure Grammar

2 3 4



Reading B


The Greatest Building

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Unit 1 Feasibility Study

Task 1

Task 2


Unit 1 Feasibility Study

Task 1 The following is a flow chart of the feasibility study of a construction project. Fill in the missing words according to the Chinese meanings. The first letters are already given. 用地 L_________ U______ and se 设计费 esign D_________ F______ ee 可行性研究 easibility S______ F_________ tudy 建筑费用 ost C_________ onstruction C______ 市场营销费 M_________ C______ arketing ostNext > Home

Unit 1 Feasibility Study

Task 2 Look at the figure and then put the following items in order.

项 目 建 议 书项

可 行 性 研 究决

批 准策


项阶 段

设 计 任 务 书项

设 计

施 工

交 付 使 用段

目2 □ □ 5 □ 4 7 □

3 Approval of project proposal □ 1 Project proposal □ □ 6 Design 8 Delivery □

Feasibility study Design specifications Project authorized Construction

Unit 1 Feasibility Study

Reading A

Background Information Task 1 Text Task 2 Task 3

Task 4


Unit 1 Feasibility Study

Reading A

Background Information 可行性研究报告 建筑工程可行性研究报告通常包括项目总述和背景、



Unit 1 Feasibility Study

Reading A

Task 1 Before reading the passage, see how much you know about a feasibility study of a construction project by answering the following questions.

1. Why do the builders need to make a feasibility study?2. Can you name three costs of a construction project?

Unit 1 Feasibility Study

Reading A

The Costs in a Feasibility StudyA feasibility study is the financial analysis ofall the costs and income revenue that indicates whether a project will produce a profit. A feasibility study goes through several stages. The first stage uses approximated figures available at the time

but further stages will require cost figures thathave been confirmed and finalized.

Unit 1 Feasibility Study

Reading A

When preparing a feasibility study for a new construction project, the first point is likely to be the cost and availability of the land on which you

propose to build. The tender, that is, the offer youmake for the land, will also have a number of associated costs for items such as legal charges,

stamp duty and utility charges, includingtransportation costs. There may be many other costs that will have to be considered.

Unit 1 Feasibility Study

Reading A

A further estimate will be required of the fe

es and associated costs for the building design. Bids from a number of architects will have been collected and the most cost-effective design selected. All these estimated costs must be added to the first stage of the feasibility report.

Unit 1 Feasibility Study

Reading A

The next major aspect to consider will be the construction costs. For example, if your project comprises ten town homes, you need to

calculate how much it will cost for buildingmaterials, wages and insurance. Contractors will be asked for estimates and the most reliable and

cost effective design selected, but it is wise, atthis stage, to include an extra percentage, say 10%, for non-specified costs.

Unit 1 Feasibility Study

Reading A

This type of feasibility study will also include the likely estimated marketing costs, such as advertising, printing of brochures and sales


Unit 1 Feasibility Study

Reading A

Finally, depending on what percentage of the total cost will have to be borrowed, the cost of borrowing must be included. In other words, the

total amount of interest on the loans will have tobe paid, over the period until the buildings are sold.

Unit 1 Feasibility Study

Reading A

可行性报告中的费用可行性报告是对项目的所有成本和总收入所做的财务分析,用于判断一个项目是否可以盈利。完成一份可行性 报告一般需要经过几个阶段。第一阶段是利用当时已有的 大致数据,而后面的阶段是当各项成本数据都最终确定以 后进行。

Unit 1 Feasibility Study

Reading A

当为一个新的建筑项目准备可行性报告时,首先要考 虑可能是能否取得该项目用地以及用地费用。投标价格, 即为获得土地开出的价格,也包含其他相关费用,如法律


Unit 1 Feasibility Study

Reading A

还要进一步估算建筑设计费及相关成本。可以从一些建筑师的投标中选择出最经济的方案。这些估算的费用都 要加入到第一阶段的成本计算中。

Unit 1 Feasibility Study

Reading A

下一步主要考虑的方面是施工费用。例如,如果项目 是要建十栋市内住宅,则需要计算需要花费多少钱来购买 建筑材料、发放工资、支付保险费用。承包商需要对此进

行估算,而最可靠最合算的方案将入选。要注意的是,在一些阶段,明智的做法是对与不确定的成本,应留出10% 左右的盈余。

Unit 1 Feasibility Study

Reading A

可行性研究也包括预估的营销费用,如广告、宣传册 印刷和销售回扣。 最后,根据总费用中的需要借贷的比例来计算借贷的 成本。换句话说,在建筑出售前一共需要偿还多少贷款利 息,以此作为融资的依据。

Unit 1 Feasibility Study

Reading A


adj. 财政的,金融的

e.g. 1. The city of Shangh

ai is becoming a financial center. 上海市已经成为金融中心了。 2. The financial center of UK is London.


Unit 1 Feasibility Study

Reading A

Useful Expressions:

a financial success 财政方面的成功;赚钱的事 financial aid 助学金;助学贷款 financial market 金融市场

