2011年高考英语一轮复习知识点梳理 Unit 3 Under the sea课件 新人教版选修7

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Unit 3Ⅰ.高频单词思忆

Under the sea 基础落实

1 . H e fled ( 逃 跑 ) t o L o n d o n a f t e r a n argument with his family. 2.Hotel accommodation (住宿) is included in the price of your holiday. 3.She has a very close relationship (关系)

with her sister.4.The old man lived on a pension (退休金).

5.We dragged(拖) the fallen tree clear of the road.

6.The captain gave orders to abandon(舍弃)the ship. 7.She stressed the importance of good teamwork. 8.Her face was reflected in the mirror.

9.The fence marks the boundary property and hers.10.There was only a narrow

between my

gap between the

bed and the wall.

Ⅱ.重点短语再现1. ahead of (表示空间)在 前面;(表示时 间)先,预先 2. stop sb.(from) doing sth.阻止某人做某事 3. aim at 向 瞄准 4.in the meantime在此期间;与此同时 5. help...out 帮助(某人)摆脱困境或危难;协 助 6. be/become aware of 对 知道、明白;意识 到 7. upside down 上下翻转;颠倒的(地);乱七 八糟的(地) 8.(be) scared to death 吓死了

Ⅲ.典型句式运用1.This was the call that announced there was about to be a whale hunt.这是宣告捕鲸

行动马上就要开始的号角。考点提炼 be about to do表示打算或即将发 生的动作,但它不与表示 将来时间的副词 或其 他具体 将来时间状语 连用。但可以与when连 用,构成固定句型。

2.“In the meantime,Old Tom,and the others are having a good feed on its lips and tongue,”...在这段时间里,老汤姆和其他虎

鲸会饱餐一顿的,鲸唇和鲸舌就是它们的美食 考点提炼 in the meantime意为“在 期 间 , 同时”,其同义词是meanwhile。

3.The sea was rough that day and it was difficult to handle the boat.那天海面上风 大浪高,很难操纵船只。 考点提炼 形 容词+不定式”结构中,不定式与主语在意义上 动宾关系 主动 be+adj.+to do在“主语+系动词+




介词 果不定式的动词是不及物的,要在不定式后边 。用于这种句式中的形容词常为:easy, difficult,heavy,hard,nice,bitter,dangerous,interesting,important,comfortable,


此句型中还可用it作 形式主语 ,常构成以下结构:It’s+adj.+for sb.to do sth.对某人来 说做某事 It’s+adj.+of sb.to do sth.某人如此 而 做某事

4.It seemed there was a surprise waitingfor me around every corner...看起来好像每 个角落里都有惊喜在等着我 考点提炼 It seemed...意为“ 看来 ”, 其中seem为 动词 ,意为“看起来像 ,似 乎 ,好像 ”。


1.urge“Man overboard!Turn the boat around!” ______ George,shouting loudly.(回归课本 urged P20) 观察思考 She urged him to stay.她力劝他留下。 The report urged that all

children be taught to swim. 这份报告呼吁给所有的儿童教授游泳。 He urged his horse forward.他策马前行。

归纳总结 urge vt.催 ;极力主张;驱策。 促 (1)urge sth./sb.on催促某物/某人前进 urge sb.to do sth.催促某人做某事 urge sb.into doing sth.催促某人做某事 (2)urge that...极力主张,强调,从句谓语形式 为(should)+动词原形

It is urged that...坚决要求 ,从句谓语形式为(should)+动词原形

即学即用 (1)他要求所有学生参加这次活动。

He urged all the students to take part __ in this activity.(2)我强调他要尽自己最大的努力。 I urged that he (should) do his best. (3)有人极力主张他应受到惩罚。

It was urged that he should be punished .

2.accommodation...,as I was sorting out my accommodation,...(回归课本P20) 观察思考 Can we find accommodations at a hotel for

tonight?我们今晚能找到旅馆住宿吗? This hotel has accommodations for 500


归纳总结 accommodation n. 住处 ;停留处;和解,调 解;(pl.)住宿,膳宿 (1)make accommodations for...为 提供膳宿 book accommodation at a hotel向旅馆预订房间 arrange sb.’s accommodation给某人安排住处 (2)accommodate vt.向 提供住宿(或膳 宿);容纳;为 提供空间;考虑到;顾及; 帮忙;给 提供方便;顺应,适应(新情况) accommodate...to=adapt...to使 适应 accommodate oneself to=adapt (oneself) to适 应;顺应 accommodate sb.with sth.=supply sb.with sth. 给某人提供 


(1)客座艺术家们只好自掏腰包支付食宿费用。Guest artists have to pay for their own accommodations and meals. (2)旅馆房间不足。 The hotel accommodation is scarce. (3)这幢房子可容纳两家人居住。 The house can accommodate two families.


The bank will accommodate you with aloan . (5)你必须使自己适应形势。 You will have to accommodate yourself to the situation.

3.abandonFrom James’s face,I could see he was terrified of being abandoned by us.(回归 课本P21)

观察思考The child was abandoned by his parents. 这孩子被父母遗弃了。

The crew abandoned the burning ship.水手们离弃了燃烧着的船。 I abandoned my dream of being a doctor.

我放弃了当医生的梦想。She abandoned herself to despair. 她陷入了绝望之中。

归纳总结 放任,放纵 abandon vt. 遗弃,放弃 ;n. abandon one’s post放弃职位 abandon the plan放弃计划 abandon a ship弃船 abandon one’s wife抛弃妻子 abandon oneself to...纵情;沉溺于 。

with abandon放纵地,放任地abandoned adj.无约束的;无度的;放荡的

易混辨异abandon,desert,quit,cancel (1)abandon与desert都可指抛弃、遗弃某人,但 desert常指逃避义务或违背誓约等,

有责难之意。 (2)quit指停止或放弃信仰、行动、工作等,如

quit smoking停止吸烟;quit the job辞职。(3)cancel指取消原定的计划或安排。

即学即用 (1)大雪迫使许多驾驶者弃车步行。 Snow forced many drivers to abandon their vehicles. (2)她对和解不再抱有希望。

She abandoned hope of any reconciliation.(3)他无所顾忌地乱开支票。 He signed cheques with careless abandon.

4.reflectI’m sitting in the warm night air with acold drink in my hand and reflecting on the day...(回归课本P24)

观察思考That choice reflects your good taste. 那个选择反映了你的高雅品味。

She was left to reflect on theimplications of her decision. 由她负责考虑她这个决定会牵扯哪些问题。 On the way home he reflected that the interview had gone well. 回家的路上,他琢磨着这次面试非常顺利。

