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Table of Contents
1.0 Introduction ................................................................................................................................. 0 2.0 Main body ................................................................................................................................... 1 2.1 Current organizational structure .................................................................................................. 1
2.2 Solution Approaches ........................................................................................................... 1 2.3 Factors impacted the new structure ..................................................................................... 4 2.4 Relationships in the new structure ...................................................................................... 4 2.5 The practice of authority,responsibility and delegation ................................................... 5 3.0 Conclusion .................................................................................................................................. 6 4.0 Reference .................................................................................................................................... 6
1.0 Introduction
Barbour Brown Engineering Ltd is a new joint partnership,which is set by David Barbour and Neil Brown and mainly work for civil and structural engineering designs.The company consists of engineers, technicians, apprentices and an office supervisor.The company is famous high quality design ,finishing work timeously within the quoted price.
Though over the past fourteen years the company was developing continuously, a problem existed was that David who work as an administration leader cannot engage his work with Neil who was work for marketing.So that,many project was missed because of their discordance .However,there are many successful cooperation projects between BBE and John Colbert Civil Engineering Contractors,which concentrated on the development stage of projects via the design specification made by Neil. Now,there is a noticeable trend that customers require a more substantial and fast service.And John has an intention to retire,so John proposed Neil about a merger between BBE and JCCEC to increase competitiveness and make savings. After taking a panoramic view of the situation of the two companies, David and Neil agreed that it was time to re-structure.
2.0 Main body
2.1 Current organizational structure
An organization is a group of individuals operating together in a systematic way to achieve a set of objectives. Barbour Brown Engineering Ltd is aimed to provide high quality products and services.To make any adjustment, the current operating structure must be understand, of which BBE was running in a mechanistic system,which tends to be is more rigid in structure and was considered more appropriate to stable conditions. Compared with the mechanistic system, the organic system is a more fluid structure considered to be more appropriate to changing conditions. In addition,BBE was employed in line structure which provides routes for upwards and downwards communication and links departments to an ultimate source of authority.And flat structure refers to few or no levels of intervening management between staff and managers, in which staff are more directly involved in the decision making process, rather than closely supervised by managers. No matter line or flat structure,the goal is to provide better products and services.组织是一组个体的操作在一起以一种系统化的方式来实现一组目标。巴伯布朗工程有限公司的目的是提供高质量的产品和服务。做任何调整,当前操作结构必须理解,其中号是运行在一个机械体系,这往往是更严格的结构和被认为是更合适的稳定条件。与机械系统相比,有机系统是一个更加灵活的结构被认为是更适合于变化的条件。此外,于是被用于线结构提供线路进行通信和链接向上,并向下一个部门最终来源的权威。和扁平结构是指没有或者很少水平的干预管理员工之间的和经理,职员更直接参与决策的过程,而不是严格监督管理者。 无论行或平面结构,其目的是提供更好的产品和服务。
In BBE, work about core civil engineering business was divides by products and services. The leaders,David and Neil are responsible for administration and structural designment. In the middle management James as the most senior gave out new projects and impower site visits. Jack, a better-quality structural engineer, was delegated to decide the technological process of the projects. Including other two engineers, six technicians, five apprentices and an office supervisor, obviously flat structure could be presented in this firm.
In the past operations of BBE,Neil always gave Jack the autonomy and flexibility to decide the technological process of the projects, and encourage him to attend management meetings to discuss the planning and development of projects.Compared with Neil, David preferred to
supervise staff with time sheets and give them less empowerment about site visits.Hence, flat structure presently operated could loosely be described as ?hybrid? with a centralized line structure operated by David and with Neil operating a de-centralized team approach.
Via Naylor?s duties of management, David was responsible for managing internal employees while Neil was for external business, as a result David and Neil cannot receive effective and efficient response from each other. Over the past 14 years, there did not exist a specific structure even though the firm was developing constantly, so an appropriate re-structure should be carried out now. 在号、工作对核心业务的土木工程是将产品和服务。双方领导人大卫和尼尔是负责任管理和结构设计。在中层管理詹姆斯成为了最资深的新项目和impower网站访问。杰克,一个更好的结构工程师,被委派为确定工艺流程。包括其他两个工程师,六个技师,五个学徒和办公室主管,显然平面结构可能会呈现在这公司。
通过Naylor责任的管理,大卫是负责管理内部员工而尼尔是外部业务,因此大卫和尼尔不能得到有效和高效的回应对方。过去14年里,并不存在一个特定结构即使公司不断发展,所以一个适当的重组现在应该进行。 2.2 Solution Approaches
There would be many benefits if a merger between Barbour Brown Engineering Ltd and John Colbert Civil Engineering Contractors occur ed. Via the merger,BBE might have an opportunity of re-location, and administration costs would be reduced and engineers would gain more authority to manage the construction workers. As well, there must be a new defined organization structure, so the three appropriate organization structures will be introduced as the following.
Shamrock Organization structures is an organizational structure where a core of essential executives and workers are supported by outside contractors and part-time help.
Civil office Structure Site Office Development
The leaf in the middle represents the core staff of the organization which involves highly trained experts, technicians and managers.As David has sufficient experience in administration work, middle leaf could stand for civil office and its manager is David. This office is responsible for
reception, secretarial support and finance. At the same time ,civil office provided financial budgets for structure office, and distributes jobs for site development department.
The left leaf consists of the contractual fringe and may include individuals who once worked for the organization but now supply services to it. Neil always devoted himself to marketing, project designing and customer care. So the left leaf could stand for structure office and its manager is Neil. This office is responsible for marketing and customer care. Additionally, the actual strength of structure office influence civil office making decision about finance, and site development department designing specific construction objectives.
The right leaf describes the consultancy(professional/high-tech).John had two construction team. So the right leaf could stand for site development and its manager is John. This department is responsible for site construction. Additionally, the scale of site development department determines the jobs distribution for civil office and the degree of contracts signed by structure office.
Another organization structure is a hybrid structure which is based on a line project team approach. A hybrid structure will include elements of both matrix and functional organization.
President Structure Office Civil Office Site development Office Marketing Manager Administration Manager Construction Team leaders Multiplex Cinema Complex Office block for the Scottish Executive
The third organization structure is matrix structure. This type of structure is more flexible and adaptable, and used for specific projects to achieve a project-orientated multi-disciplinary team. Advantages:
? Better control of project;greater security
? Better customer relations and higher profit margins ? Shorter project development time
? Aids the development of managers as the work includes wider responsibilities So, the new company should be divided into different functional departments.
2.3 Factors impacted the new structure
Contingency theory takes the view that there is no one best way to structure,manage or control a business.There have been criticisims of this theory,particularly in relation to how useful it is in practice.The same performance may be achievable with different systems and structures for a given set of situational factors.
? Task—The nature and size of the task is a key determinant in shaping the
organisation.Evidence:After re-structure,the company would have more opportunities to gain more large scope of project and engineers would have more authority to control site construction.
? Technology—The technology is in relation not just to information technology but the
complete approach to producing sn item or delivering a service.Evidence:The BBE have a new location which is near JCCEC and combine the adminstration departments of the two companies to saving costs.
? Size—The size of organisation is a key variable in influencing the design and structure of the
organisation.Evidence:The new company have more departments than before to provide a more roundly service,which lead to economics of scale.
2.4 Relationships in the new structure
Civil office
Secretarial support Accounts Wages Reception
Structure office
Research and Development Customer Service Site development Marketing
Team A
Team B
Line partnership exists among each partner who have responsibility for a given area or division and also support area.In the new company,Neil is the line manager for staff of structure office,which is created for structural work.David is the line manager for staff of civil office,which is created for civil work.John the line manager for staff of site development,which is created for site construction.
Staff relationship would exist between the staff of civil office and the different teams.
A functional relationship would exist between the staff of marketing and the wages department.
A lateral relationship would develop between the staff of research and development department and customer care.
2.5 The practice of authority,responsibility and delegation
In the new organisation ,each team have the authority fot the division and design of work,which is appropriate to the project design needs. ? Authority
Auhority is the right to direct or guide the actions of others and extract from them responses that are appropriate to achieving the goals of the organisation ? Responsibility
Responsibility is the obligation placed on a person who has a certain position in an organisation to perform a task,assignment or function. ? Delegation
Delegation is the act of passing the responsibility to complete a task to another person.
Responsibility as noted above for the partners is not defined in the current structure of BBE. After re-structure,the responsibility of each department should be precise and consice ,which is to work togethet for same goals.In the new organisation.Authority should be a key point for the design of work.According to Likert?s Management Systems Model, David is a job-centred manager,who manage people in a benevolent authoritative way,which made complaints among staff and Neil is a people-centred manager,who manage people in a partcipative way.which made the projects run efficiently.Leader should give staff authorities by judging their levels and managers? style.Team leaders practice the authority to delegate concise duties within their team.
3.0 Conclusion
In the past fourteen years,Barbour Brown Engineering Ltd which works for civil and structural engineering designs run constantly but have limitations about strusture.Now,it is going to have a merger with ohn Colbert Civil Engineering Contractors which had been cooperated with BBE.The merger would cause greater benefits to each companies.In the process of re-structure,the proposed new organisation should be divided into three parts according to diferent functions and the three leaders who must practise authority,reponsibility and delegation,would be the manager of each three parts.
4.0 Reference
‘Managing People and Organisations’ wrote by Scottish Qualifications published by the China Modern Economic Publishing House P 15
‘Managing People and Organisations’ wrote by Scottish Qualifications published by the China Modern Economic Publishing House P265
‘Managing People and Organisations’ wrote by Scottish Qualifications published by the China Modern Economic Publishing House P266
‘Managing People and Organisations’ wrote by Scottish Qualifications
Authority and Authority and Authority and Authority and
published by the China Modern Economic Publishing House P250
‘Managing People and Organisations’ wrote by Scottish Qualifications published by the China Modern Economic Publishing House P292
‘Managing People and Organisations’ wrote by Scottish Qualifications published by the China Modern Economic Publishing House P280
‘Managing People and Organisations’ wrote by Scottish Qualifications published by the China Modern Economic Publishing House P281
‘Managing People and Organisations’ wrote by Scottish Qualifications published by the China Modern Economic Publishing House P300
‘Managing People and Organisations’ wrote by Scottish Qualifications published by the China Modern Economic Publishing House P292
‘Managing People and Organisations’ wrote by Scottish Qualifications published by the China Modern Economic Publishing House P285
‘Managing People and Organisations’ wrote by Scottish Qualifications published by the China Modern Economic Publishing House P286
‘Managing People and Organisations’ wrote by Scottish Qualifications published by the China Modern Economic Publishing House P288
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