新版广州小学四年级英语下U6教案 - 图文

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星期二 星期三 星期四 星期五 . 星期六 .……点钟 过去的;过去 . 十五分钟 玩得开心have 最喜欢的 . 课程 累的,疲倦的 固定的程序;常规 . 早晨,早上 练习 通常 . 读这几个单词: from , here, there, q, p 背课文U1, U4, U2, U3,U5情况: . . 二、听力训练


三、Unit 6单词

总是 家务 经常 参观 电影 父(母亲) 从来不 公园 看;看见 有时候 四、Unit 6词组

做家务 do . 去公园 go the . 看电影 a . 星期天到星期六的缩写: 打扫我的房间 my . 拜访我的朋友visit my . 去购物go . 五、Unit 6句型


1. do you / / / / / do on Sunday ? (在星期天,你总是/通常/经常/有时候/从不做什么?)

2. always help our do housework. (我们总是帮我们父母做家务) 3. Sometimes I (清理,打扫)my room and the (厨房). 4. I do homework. (我做我的作业)

5. I go shopping my mum and dad. (但是我经常跟我父母去购物) 6. I must . (我必须去上班)




go to the park: 去公园

同义短语: go to the garden.

Let’s go to the park now. = Let’s go now. park: 除了表示“公园”,还可以表示“停车场”

The is too small. (这个停车场太小了。) 【知识考点二】

看电影: see a film = see a movie = go to the cinema I never see a on Monday. Let’s go to tonight.

Why not see with your parents? 【知识考点三】 go shopping 去购物

My mum sometimes on Sunday. go后面接动词的ing 形式。

去跑步 去游泳 去钓鱼 . 【知识考点四】 表示频率的词:

1. 总是always 2. 通常usually 3. 经常often 4. 有时sometimes 5. 从不never. We take exercise on Wednesday. (我们通常在周三进行体育锻炼) I play computer games. (我从来不玩电脑游戏) 【知识考点五】 parent: 父(母)亲

parent 指父亲或者母亲 (属于第三人称单数),

parents指父亲和母亲两个人(属于第三人称复数)。grandparents: 祖父母 Sometimes I help my do housework. (父母) His parent usually (go) to work at 8:30 am. 【知识考点六】 家务: housework

Do you often at home? 你经常在家做家务吗? 跟do 有关的短语: do housework( 做家务), do homework(做作业),

do exercise(体育锻炼), do some reading (读书)


clean: 1) 打扫(动词) ; 2) 干净的(形容词) He sometimes his room on Sunday. The classroom is very . 【知识考点八】

visit: 参观;拜访 后面可以接人,表示“拜访某人”,也可以接地点,表示“参观某地” They never their grandparents on Monday. (拜访) The little child like to the science museum. (参观)


1) 选择填空

( ) 1. The girls often go on Sunday. A. park B. to shopping C. running


( ) 2. – Do you like playing football? – No, I don’t. I play football. A. always B. sometimes C.never

( ) 3. Sometimes I my friend clean the classroom.

A.help B.visit C. see

( ) 4. What do you Saturday?

A. usually do on B.do usually on C.do on usually

( ) 5. We go to the park on Saturday afternoon. The park is very beautiful. A. like B. often C.never 2) 写出下列词组

1. 看场电影 2. 打扫房子 . 3. 去游泳 4. 去公园 . 5. 拜访一位朋友 6. 参观一所学校 . 7.锻炼身体 8.做饭 . 9. 上学 10. 踢足球 . 11. 去睡觉 12. 放学后 . 3) 选择正确的单词填空

why always sometimes see with 1. my parents visit their friends on the weekend. 2. Do you know the boy glasses? 3. do you like Wednesday?

4. David and Sandy go fishing on Sunday. 5. – Let’s go and a film ! -- Great ! 4) 读对话,补全对话所缺的单词

-- Do you like sports, Rick? -- Yes, I do.


-- What(1) do you like?

--Swimming, running, football(2) table tennis(乒乓球). My favourite is table tennis.

-- Are you good (3) it? -- Of course. I’m the best in my school. --Really? Who do you play with?

--(4) Monday to Friday, I play (5) my PE teacher at school. On Saturday and Sunday, I (6) with my father in a park near my home. --What time(7) you play? At noon or after school? --Usually after school, sometimes at noon. -- I see. 5) 根据实际情况回答问题 1. What day is it today ?

. 2. What time do you go to school ?

. 3. Do you have a PE class on Tuesday ?

. 4. What do you usually do on Sunday ?

. 5. Do you often help your parents do housework ?

. 6) 连词成句

1. Monday do on what school do after you usually (?)

? 4

2. my I on Saturday friends visit sometimes afternoon (.) . 3. on housework always do I morning Saturday (.)

. 4. never Friday we cook Monday from lunch to (.)

. 5. Saturday nine o’clock and on Sunday I usually get up at morning (.) . 7) 给句子写编号,使其成为一段连贯的短文 1 do my homework, I read in bed for thirty minutes. On Saturday reading. From Monday to Friday, I read My name is Wendy. I’m a 10-year-old school girl. I love and Sunday there’s no school, so I read from morning be a writer when I grow up. I want to tell people interesting stories. In the school library after school every day. At home, after I books. I often tell my friends stories and they love my stories. I want to to evening. My favourite books are story books. I read many story 8) 读一读,选出正确的一项

Hi, I am Cindy. I’m ten years old. My favourite day is Sunday.

I usually visit my groundparents with dad and mom. Their house is not far. We go there by bus. From 9:00 to 11:00 I help my grandparents clean the house. We always have lunch at 12:00. We often go to the park in the afternoon. Sometimes we see a film together after dinner. How happy we are !

( ) 1. Cindy is years old. A. 11 B. 10 C. 9

( ) 2. Cindy and her family always at 12:00.


A. clean the house B. go to the park C.have lunch ( ) 3. they see a film after dinner.

A. Sometimes B. Usually C.Always ( ) 4.Cindy cleans the house from 9:00 to 11:00 on . A. Saturday morning B. Sunday morning C.Sunday afternoon ( ) 5.How many people are there in grandparents’ house on Sunday morning ? A. Five B. Two C.Three


1) 英汉互译

1.星期四早上 2. see a film . 3. 在星期一 4. 做家务 . 5. clean the bedroom 6. clean the bedroom . 7. at a quarter to nine 8. visit her friends . 9. visit her friends 10. 最喜欢的一天 . 11. 去购物 . 2) 看图和首字母的提示补全句子中所缺的单词

1. I g r on M . 2. I s a f on T .

3. I h an art l on W . 4. I c the h on T . 5. I p f with my friends on F . 6

6. I g s on S . 7

