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2015南宁东盟博览会什么时间召开 在哪举办 2015南宁东盟博览会是第十二届,本届展会时间地点已经敲定,那么展会具体什么时间召开?在哪举办呢? 中国-东盟博览会是由中国和东盟10国政府经贸主管部门及东盟秘书处共同主办的国家级、国际性经贸交流盛会,每年定期在中国广西南宁举办。 自2004年始,中国-东盟博览会已成功举办十一届。以11国政府强力支持为动力,依托中国-东盟自由贸易区的广阔市场和便利化政策,中国-东盟博览会得到11国政界、商界的普遍赞誉,逐步成为促进中国与东盟商品贸易、投资合作、服务贸易和旅游合作的最佳平台。 2015南宁东盟博览会将于2015年9月18-21日在广西南宁举办,设置商品贸易专题、投资合作专题、服务贸易专题、先进技术专题和魅力之城5个专题。泰国出任第十一届博览会主题国。 【发展】 2002年11月,在柬埔寨金边召开的第六次中国东盟10+1领导人会议上,中国与东盟领导人签署了《中国与东盟全面经济合作框架协定》,共同启动了中国东盟自由贸易区的建设进程。 根据《框架协议》,2004年1月1日,中国东盟自由贸易区的先期成果早期收获计划开始实施。 2004年11月,中国和东盟签署了《货物贸易协议》和《争端解决机制协议》,标志着中国东盟自贸区建设进入了全面启动的实施阶段。 2005年7月,《货物贸易协议》实施,中国与东盟对7000种商品互相开始降税。自2007年起,又进行了第二阶段降税。中国降低了5375种产品的关税,对东盟的平均关税由8.1%下降为5.8%。东盟各国对中国的平均关税也有不同程度的降低。到2010年,中国和东盟老成员国的绝大多数产品关税将降为零,自由贸易区正式建成。中国与东盟四个新成员国(柬埔寨、老挝、缅甸、越南)则在2015年将双方绝大多数产品的关税降为零。 2007年7月,自贸区《服务贸易协议》实施,标志着中国东盟自贸区的建设向前迈出了关键的一步,为如期全面建成自贸区奠定了更为坚实的基础。中国和东盟正在进行自由贸易区投资谈判,有望取得新进展。 2010年中国东盟自由贸易区建成后,将拥有19亿人口、接近6万亿美元GDP、4.5万亿美元贸易总额。中国东盟自由贸易区是发展中国家组成的最大的自由贸易区。 中国东盟自由贸易区建设启动以来,中国与东盟的双边贸易额增长迅速。2004年,中国东盟贸易额达到1059亿美元,提前一年实现了突破1000亿美元的目标。2005年、2006年双边贸易额每年净增近300亿美元。2007年达到2025.5亿美元,比上年增长25.9%,提前三年实现了突破2000亿美元的目标。2008年,双边贸易额达2311.2亿美元,同比增长13.9%。 中国东盟博览会以中国东盟自贸区为依托。自贸区建设的成果为博览会持续发展提供了内在的市场动力。同时,博览会为企业分享自贸区建设成果,进一步开拓市场,提供了难得的好平台。


来自中国、东盟10国、东盟秘书处的高官高度评价本届博览会取得的成绩。会议总结了第11届东博会的总体情况和各主办方在第11届东博会的各项工作,通报第12届东博会主题国、重点主题,共商第 12届东博会新任务和发展方向。 本次高官会暨抽签仪式由中国商务部亚洲司商务参赞曹英杰和本届博览会主题国新加坡工商联合总会助理秘书长张采虹共同主持。 中国-东盟博览会秘书处秘书长郑军健在会上通报说,第11届中国-东盟博览会突出共建21世纪海上丝绸之路主题,拓展了合作领域和区域,经贸实效显著提升,为打造博览会升级版奠定了良好基础。会期围绕共建21世纪海上丝绸之路主题,举办了一系列高层友好交流活动。主题国新加坡举办了丰富多彩的活动。本届博览会创新服务,提高办会水平,取得新的成效,得到各国领导人的高度评价和双方商界的广泛认可。 中国商务部亚洲司商务参赞曹英杰在会上建议双方加强合作,进一步巩固和发展好这一平台,使之更好地服务海上丝绸之路建设,服务中国-东盟自贸区升级版的建设,促进共同发展、共同繁荣。曹英杰表示中方愿与东盟各方一道,共同做好第12届博览会的各项准备工作,完善11国共办机制,延伸和完善展会价值链,拓展合作,提高实效,扩大影响力。 与会东盟各国高官对第11届博览会和商务与投资峰会的成功举办给予高度评价,认为中方做出了卓有成效的工作,为各国领导人、政府高官和客商互动交流提供一个很好的平台,11国加深了对话与合作。高官们表示将一如既往地做好博览会共办工作,组织推动更多本国企业商家参展参会,共同办好下一届乃至今后每届博览会,努力让博览会年年有创新,年年有提高。 会议初步确定第12届中国-东盟博会举办时间为2015年9月18日-21日,继续设置商品贸易、投资合作、服务贸易、先进技术、魅力之城五大专题。会议确定,第12届博览会主题国是泰国,将延续特邀贵宾国机制,继续举办更多面向服务RCEP(区域全面经济合作伙伴关系)的交流活动。 会议通过抽签确定了第12届中国-东盟博览会各国魅力之城专题展区位置排序。 2015东盟博览会放假吗?2015东盟博览会放假几天?关于2015东盟博览会放假不放假,备受大家关注,下面我们就来了解一下。 2015东盟博览会放假不放假,具体还没有公布,但是根据历届东盟博览会期间,南宁市区的机关、企业事业单位和社会团体都会放假,今年具体的放假安排还没有通知。 对于2014东盟博览会放假安排,南宁市民杨小姐表达了惊喜。她说,按照惯例,以往开两会时都是开幕当天放一天假。前年是中国-东盟博览会、中国-东盟仍然有这么好的商务与投资峰会举办十周年,放了两天假,没想到,今年福利。 2014东盟博览会放假通知一出,不少南宁市民和网友纷纷表达幸福感.网友大江西去的路上说:三月三放假两天,博览会放假两天,这真是大喜,大家快去普奔吧。9月15日、16日分别是周一和周二,加上之前的周末,不少有份放假的市民已经开始打起了连休4天的幸福小算盘,表示各种旅游计划走起。



现在有请中国—东盟博览会组委会中方主任、中国商务部部长薄熙来先生主持开幕仪式。 (2006-10-31 09:05:30)

Now may I have the honor to invite His Excellency Bo Xi-lai, co-chair of the organizing committee of the China-ASEAN Expo, and the Minister of Commerce of China.


尊敬的东盟各国领导人,尊敬的温家宝总理,朋友们,大家上午好!三年前,温家宝总理和东盟10国的领导人共同决定每年在中国广西南宁举办中国—东盟博览会,三年来,11国同舟共济,博览会越办越好,生意也越做越多。今年,将有三万多名客商参会,在此,我代表博览会组委会对各位嘉宾表示热烈地欢迎!现在,我们请博览会东道主广西壮族自治区主席陆兵致辞,有请!(2006-10-31 09:05:49)

Honorable leaders of ASEAN countries,

Honorable Premier Wen Jiabao,

Distinguished friends:

Good morning!

Three years ago, Premier Wen Jiabao and leaders of the ten ASEAN countries jointly decided to hold the China-ASEAN Expo annually in Nanning city. Over the past three years, the eleven countries have crossed the river in the same boat, pulling together to over come difficulties while the Expo has kept getting bigger, better and generating more business. There will be more than 30,000 participants attending the Expo this year. On behalf of the Expo organizing committee, I would like to extend my warm welcome to the distinguished guests present here. Now I would like to give the floor to Mr. Lu Bin, Governor of Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region, the host of the Expo.



Honorable Premier Wen Jiabao of the People’s Republic of China, honorable state leaders of ASEAN countries, distinguished guests, ladies and gentlemen, good morning! It gives us great pleasure to have state leaders of China and 10 ASEAN countries as well as all the representatives from business and other sectors in the green city of Nanning to attend the commemorative summit, marking the 15th anniversary of ASEAN-China dialogue relations, the 3rd china-ASEAN Expo and the 3rd China-ASEAN business anniversary summit. The 3rd China-ASEAN business anniversary summit has just drawn its curtains yesterday, and we’ve got to witness the opening of the 3rd China-ASEAN Expo here today. I’d like to extend, on behalf of the people’s government of Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region and more than 49 million people of all ethnic groups in Guangxi, our warm welcome and sincere thanks to all the state leaders as well as all the dear friends home and abroad present here today.



Three years ago, Chinese Premier Wen Jiabao proposed for the China-ASEAN Expo cosponsored by China and 10 ASEAN countries and held in Nanning, on yearly basis. Since then, the relationship between Guangxi and 10 ASEAN countries has moved from friendly neighbors to good partners. The full success of the first and the second China-ASEAN Expo set up a stage for the cooperation between China and 10 ASEAN countries, and both sides have witnessed the range of mutually beneficial cooperation expanding and remarkable progress on bilateral exchanges and business transactions every year. We believe the China-ASEAN Expo will be more successful and fruitful for the coming years.



The human society couldn’t have developed without peace and security. People in all the countries are keen for development and prosperity. It serves the common interests of peoples in each country to stage a successful and fruitful China-ASEAN Expo. Guangxi will work closely together with all parties to improve the mechanism and expand the China-ASEAN Expo programs, to create a favorable environment for all the business people home and abroad and push forward the process of the China-ASEAN free trade area and the Pan-Beibu gulf economic cooperation zone. Let’s work together to open another new chapter for our mutually beneficial cooperation. In conclusion, I wish a full success of the 3rd China-ASEAN Expo. Thank you!


感谢阿罗约总统的精彩致辞,她表明了东盟10国与我们共同办好博览会的远见卓识和真诚的意愿。现在,我们请中国国务院总理温家宝致辞,并宣布第三届中国—东盟博览会开幕。有请! (2006-10-31 09:26:57)

Thank you, President Arroyo for your wonderful speech. You’ve expressed the vision as well as the sincere desire for the 10 ASEAN countries to cooperate with China to make this Expo a successful one. Now let us invite His Excellency Wen Jiabao, Premier of the State Council of China, to address and inaugurate the 3rd China-ASEAN Expo.



朋友的到来表示热烈欢迎!中国和东盟10国政府共同主办中国东盟博览会,体现了双方抓住机遇、深化合作的真诚愿望,搭建了互利共赢合作发展的平台,推动了中国与东盟在贸易、投资、旅游等领域的实质性合作。 (2006-10-31 09:27:25)

Distinguished guests, ladies and gentlemen, on the occasion of opening of the 3rd China-ASEAN Expo, I’d like to extend my warm welcome to all of you. Jointly hosted by the government of China and 10 ASEAN countries, the China-ASEAN Expo demonstrates the sincere desire of the two sides to seize opportunities and deepen cooperation. It serves as a platform for mutually beneficial and win-win cooperation and it’s conducive to substantive cooperation between China and ASEAN in trade, investment and tourism.


今年是中国与东盟建立对话关系15周年。15年来,中国与东盟经贸关系取得了巨大发展,双边贸易额增长了15倍,2005年达到1300亿美元,双向投资不断扩大,东盟在华实际投资达到400亿美元,中国企业对东盟投资也在快速增长,自贸区的建设步伐加快,次区域合作稳步推进,“早期收获计划”已顺利实施,中国与东盟经贸合作潜力巨大,前景广阔,我们要紧紧抓住机遇,积极进取,努力实现到2010年双边贸易额超过2000亿美元的目标,把双边经贸合作提高到一个新的水平。 (2006-10-31 09:28:48)

This year marks the 15th anniversary of the establishment of China-ASEAN dialogue relations. In the past 15 years, the economic relations and trade between two the sides has made tremendous progress, two-way trade has grown 15 fold, reaching $130.4 billion in 2005. Mutual investment has also expanded. ASEAN has now made accumulative total of actual investment of $40 billion in China. Investment in ASEAN countries by Chinese Entrepreneurs has also started to peak up. The development of China-ASEAN free trade area has accelerated and sub-regional cooperation is making steady progress. The early harvest program has been put into smooth implementation. I see a big potential and broad prospect in further developing the economic cooperation and trade between China and ASEAN countries. We should firmly grasp the opportunity and work together to realize the objective of raising China-ASEAN trade to more than $200 billion by 2010, thus further lifting our economic cooperation and trade onto a newer and higher level.


各位来宾、女士们、先生们,昨天,11国领导人共植友谊之树,今天,大家携手共建合作平台,明天我们将共同收获合作成果。中国-东盟博览会是双方客商创造商机的舞台,我们一定要把它建设好,让我们通过中国-东盟博览会,深化互利合作,为巩固和发展中国与东盟战略伙伴关系做出贡献,预祝本届博览会圆满成功!下面我宣布,中国—东盟博览会现在开幕!(2006-10-31 09:29:41)

Distinguished guests, ladies and gentlemen, yesterday leaders of all the 11 countries planted 11 friendship trees. Today we are joining in hands to build up this platform of cooperation, so that we could reap the fruits of our cooperation in the future. The China-ASEAN Expo provides a stage for entrepreneurs of both sides to create business opportunities. We must ensure its success. Let us enhance mutually beneficial cooperation through the Expo and all

contribute to the cementing and development of China-ASEAN strategic partnership. I wish the 3rd China-ASEAN Expo a full success.



中国和东盟10国被江河与大海连在一起,友好的交往源远流长,经贸合作商机如潮,“10+1”(东盟10国和中国)自贸区的建设也水到渠成。下面,就让我们通过大屏幕来感受中国东盟友谊之水的邻邦情谊。现在,十一位小姑娘,手捧珍珠的模型,向我们走来。它象征着我们之间的合作如颗颗珍珠。11 位小姑娘都是15周岁,象征着11国建立对话关系15周年,正处在朝气蓬勃,青春焕发之时。现在,我们以掌声恭请11国领导人走到前台为第三届中国—东盟博览会开幕剪彩。按照我们东方的文化,我们愿我们和东盟的合作珠联璧合,相得益彰,共同迎接美好的未来。第三届中国—东盟博览会开幕式结束。谢谢各国领导人!谢谢在座的朋友!(2006-10-31 09:38:27)

Thank you, Premier Wen Jiabao for your brilliant speech. In Premier Wen’s speech, we can hear the high attention that China attached to the economic and trade cooperation between China and ASEAN countries, as well as the confidence of the Chinese Government. In his speech, Premier Wen said we should try to raise the bilateral trade between China and ASEAN to 200 billion USD by the year 2010. I believe everybody sitting here will try his best to work towards this goal. China and the ten ASEAN countries are connected by rivers and seas. Our friendly exchanges have a long standing, like a stream that runs a long course from a remote source, while the business opportunities are bubbling like the ocean’s surging tide. The establishment of the “Ten plus One” Free Trade Area is also like water flowing into a readily built channel. As conditions arrive, success will follow. Now let us have a touch of the neighborly friendship between China and the ASEAN, the water of friendship, from the big screen.

Now 11 girls are walking in our direction with models of pearls in their hands. This symbolizes the cooperation between us which is just like the pearls. All these 11 young girls are 15 years old, symbolizing the 15th anniversary of the establishment of China-ASEAN dialogue relations, which are precisely in the blossoming age, full of youthful spirit, vigor and vitality.

Now with a warm round of applause, I am privileged to invite the leaders of the eleven countries to come to front of the stage to launch the Third China-ASEAN Expo.

According to the oriental culture, the China-ASEAN cooperation will be like a perfect match between pearls and jades, bringing out the best of each other, and sharing a beautiful future together. With that, the opening ceremony of the Third China-ASEAN Expo comes to a successful end. Thank you leaders from all the countries, thank you all.

