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break是最一般的用语,意思是经打击或施加压力而破碎。 crack是出现了裂缝,但还没有变成碎片。 crush是从外面用力往内或从上往下而压碎。

demolish是破坏、铲平或削平(如土堆、建筑物、城堡等)。 destroy是完全摧毁,使之无法复原。 shatter是突然使一物体粉碎。

smash旧指由于突如其来的一阵暴力带一声响而彻底粉碎。 又如表示“闪光”的词

shine照耀;指光的稳定发射。 glitter闪光;指光的不稳定发射。 glare耀眼;表示光的最强度。 sparkle闪烁;指发射微细的光度。 (2)词义有范围大小和侧重面的不同


又如在empty,vacant,hollow这组同义词中,它们各自有不同的形容对象和强调的内容:empty可以用来形容house,room,cup,box,stomach,head,words等词,表示“空的,一无所有;vacant可以用来形容position,room,house,seat等词表示“没有人占用的,空缺的;hollow可以和tree,voice,sound,cheeks等词连用,表示“空洞的,虚的,不实的,下陷的。 (3)词义有感情色彩(如憎恶、蔑视、讽刺、诅咒、尊敬、亲昵等等)和语体色彩(如庄严、高雅、古朴、俚语、方言词语、公文用语、委婉词等等)的不同 如“死”就有许多委婉的说法: to expire 逝世

to pass away 与世长辞

to close (end) one's day 寿终 to breathe one's last 断气 to go west 归西天

to pay the debt of nature 了结尘缘 to depart to the world of shadows 命归黄泉 to give up the ghost 见阎王 to kick the bucket 翘辫子 to kick up one's heels 蹬腿 又如“怀孕”也有许多委婉的说法: She is having a baby. She is expecting.

She is in the family way. She is knitting little booties. She is in a delicate condition. She is in an interesting condition. 又如“警察”:

policeman 正式用语 cop 美国口语

bobby 英国口语 nab 美国俚语

Match 指对手之间比胜负的比赛,竞赛等,如“tennis match”;也可以体育之外的比赛,如“mathematics match”。该词还可转指对手,如“He is not my match.”(他不是我的对手。);“He is matchless.”(他无与伦比。)

Game 原意是游戏,在体育上指各种竞技运动和体育比赛,“奥运会”就叫“Olympic Games”,这里使用复数是因为一般包括很多项目,所以在“The 29th Olympic Games are to be open in less a year.”中要用“are”,而不能用“is”。学校里小规模的运动会一般叫“sport meet”或“athletic meet”。“game”也可指球类比赛,一场比赛中的一局和棋类比赛中的一盘。说某场比赛打成平局可以说“game all”或“game and game”。 Competition 主要指争取超过对手的竞赛,也可指各种竞争,如“Will you compete in the race?”

Contest 指能力方面(包括体力,智力,技巧等)的比赛,也可用于“speech contest”,“beauty contest”。

Race 主要指速度比赛,包括各种径赛、游泳、赛艇、赛车和速滑等,如“He won the hurdle race.”。“arms race”则指军备竞赛。 各种不同性质的比赛有不同的说法。

“好运北京”(Good Luck Beijing)赛事中就有“test match”(测试赛),“qualifying match/heat”(预选赛),“invitational tournament”(邀请赛)等。

大规模的运动会的许多项目有“preliminary”(预赛),“intermediary”(复赛),“selective”(选拔赛),“qualification”(资格赛)等;实行的赛制有“dual meet”(对抗赛),“elimination match”或“knock-out match”(淘汰赛);正式比赛的最后阶段还有“semi-final”(半决赛),“final”(决赛)。“团体赛”叫“team competition”,“赢得团体项目的冠军”叫“win the team title”,“比赛项目”称做“event”,“冠军赛”或“锦标赛”则为“championship”。

? ?

英语常用同义词辨析 S

sacred, divine, holy



divine〓指来源于神或神有关,侧重神性;在现代英语中指绝妙或非人世所有的事物。 holy可与sacred换用,但holy侧重于内含一种神圣的本质,使之值得崇拜,通常具有传统、世袭或固有的性质。

sad, unhappy, gloomy, blue, sorrowful, melancholy 这些形容词均含“忧伤的,悲哀的,伤感的”之意。




blue〓非正式用词,语气较随便,指较强烈的忧郁或沮丧。 sorrowful〓多指因丧失亲人等原因所引起的悲哀,也指由于错误而产生的悔恨交加的心情。 melancholy〓指经常性的忧郁或悲哀,多用于文学描写中。 safe, secure

这两个形容词均可表示“安全的”之意。 safe〓主要指人或物未受危险或损害。

secure〓着重指由于环境等因素而使人产生的安全感,含可以不必担心或害怕的意味。 sailor, seaman, mariner


sailor〓普通和词,指任何实际驾驶船只航海或在船上工作的人员。 seaman〓指商船船员或海军中的水兵,有时可与sailor换用。 mariner〓多指直接从事航海和参与驾驶船只的水手。 same, identical, very, equal, equivalent

这些形容词均含“相同的”之意。 same〓可指相同的人或物,也可指在质量、外表或意义等方面相同,但实际上有差别的事物。 identical〓着重指人或物等在每细节上都完全相同。 very〓侧重指完全同一,没有区别。


equivalent〓主要指有同样价值、效力或意义的两种不同的事物。 satisfy, meet, fulfil



meet〓指最低限度地达到预期的标准,或强调要达到这个标准的困难。 fulfil与satisfy基本同义,但侧重指实现的情况好于一般标准。 say, speak, state, talk, tell, utter 这些动词均有“说、讲”之意。



state〓较正式用词,通常指用明确的语言或文字着重地叙述事实,既强调内容又注重语气。 talk〓普通用词,侧重指与人交谈时的连续说话,可指单方面较长谈话,和speak一样,着重说活动作而不侧重内容。

tell〓普通用词,指把某事告诉或讲述给某人听,口语或书面语均可用。 utter〓着重说话的行为,常指声音的使用,突出用噪子发声。 scatter, disperse, spread, diffuse 这些动词均含“使分散、使散开”之意。

scatter〓普通用词,指用暴力等手段使人或物向四处散开,或把物随意撒开。 disperse〓多指把一群人或物等彻底驱散。



scene, view, sight, scenery, landscape 这些名词均含“景色、风景”之意。

scene〓指具体的、局部的或一时的景色,可以是自然形成的,也可人工造成的。 view〓普通和词,多指从远处或高处所见的景色。


scenery〓指一个国家或某一地区的整体自然风景。 landscape〓多指在内陆的自然风光。 sea, ocean



ocean〓指把海作为一个整体,是海洋的总称,不可数名词,指大洋时是可数名词。 search, seek, comb



seek〓书面用词,使用广。指付出很大努力去寻找某人或某物。 comb〓指像梳头一样进行搜寻,侧重费力和彻底搜查。 seat, sit 这两个动词均含“坐”之意。

seat〓及物动词,常与反身代词连用,常用过去分词seated形式。 sit〓多用作不及物动词,用作及物动词时,可与seat换用。 send, deliver, dispatch, forward, ship, transmit 这些动词均含“送出,发送,传送”之意。


deliver〓指把信件、包裹等物寄发出去或交到某地,或直接交与某人,着重发送这一行为。 dispatch〓指为特殊目的而发送或派遣,强调紧急或快速。


ship〓把通过水运、陆运或空运等方式运送东西。现常指商业上的运货,或将物品托运。 transmit〓指将文件、消息等的内容或类似的东西发至某地或传达给他人。 sentence, condemn, judge, convict, doom 这些动词均含有“判决、宣判”之意。

sentence〓法律用词,指根据罪犯所犯罪行的轻重而宣判处罚。 condemn〓普通用词,指法院对审理结束的案件做出的定罪判刑。

judge〓指对案件作出审理判决,但判决内容较笼统,不如sentence和condemn使用广泛。 convict〓法律用词,指审判后判定有罪,但未作最后判决。 doom〓书面用词,指郑重他宣判某人有罪。 sequence, progression, series, succession 这些名词均含“连续,顺序”之意。

sequence〓多指时间、空间或事件等有规律、合乎逻辑的连续。 progression〓指向前推进的行为过程或状态的连续。

series〓指按照性质类似或基本相同的关系而安排的一系列事物。 succession〓侧重一些类似的东西或事件一个接一个连续不断。

servant, waiter, attendant 这些名词均含“服务员”之意。



attendant〓多指跟随某人并为其服务的人。也可指一般意义的“服务员”。 shade, shadow


shade〓指阳光被遮挡后出现的荫凉处,如树荫等,无一定的轮廓或边界。 shadow〓常指光线被物体挡住所产生的阴影,影子,有明显的轮廓。 shake, tremble, shiver, quiver, vibrate, shudder


shake〓最普通用词,含义广。指人或物不自主地颤动、摇摆,常侧重剧烈和无规律。 tremble〓指由于寒冷、虚弱、愤怒或恐惧等而发抖、战栗。 shiver〓指因寒冷或情绪突变而出现的短时间的轻微和快速的颤抖。 quiver〓多用于指事物。指物体像乐器的弦一般地轻微而急速地颤动。 vibrate〓指急速地连续震动,也指钟摆等的来回摆动。

shudder〓着重指由于恐惧、震惊等而引起的全身突然而强烈地战栗。 sham, fake



fake〓通常指没有价值的冒牌货或代用品,但目的不一定全是为骗人。 shame, disgrace, embarrassment, dishonour

这些名词均含“丢脸,羞愧”之意。 shame〓多指因非法婚烟、私生、卖国或犯法等而丢失脸面或败坏名声,使他人认为“丢脸”、“可耻”。

disgrace〓常指失去他人的尊敬和称赞而使自己感受到的丢脸、耻辱。 embarrassment〓多指在社交活动中所遇到的尴尬事。 dishonour〓指失去原来享有的光荣或自尊和自重。 shock, impact, collision, clash 这些名词均含“冲击,碰撞”之意。

shock〓指强烈冲击在肉体上或思想感情上所产生的效果。 impact〓正式用词,侧重指物体相撞的结果或接触点。 collision〓指物体相撞,其结果不是受损就是严重受阻。

clash〓通常指两个或多个物体,特别是金属物发出刺耳声音或破裂声的撞击。也可引申指意见、利益等的冲突。 share, participate

这两个动词均含有“分享,分担”之意。 share〓普通用词,指与他人共同享受拥有或共同使用某物,或共同承担某项工作或费用等。 participate〓主要指参与某事。

shorten, abbreviate, abridge, cut 这些动词均含有“缩短”之意。


abbreviate〓指省去应有的或后续的部分,从而使整体缩短。也可指缩短时间。 abridge〓多指对书籍的删节或缩短,删去不重要部分而保存其精华。 cut〓普通用词,指任何缩短而缩减的过程。

show, exhibit, display, manifest, demonstrate 这些动词均含“显示、显露、展现”之意。



display〓多指将某物陈列在显眼之处以便让发现其优点,侧重有意识地显示。 manifest〓书面正式用词,指明确地表明。


significant, important, momentous



important〓最普通用词,指有权威、有影响的人或值得注意的、有价值的事物。 momentous〓指极其重要的。

similarity, resemblance, analogy, likeness 这些名词均含“相似,类似”之意。

similarity〓指不同的人或事物在外表、特征、程度或性质等方面有某些相似之处。 resemblance〓指外观或性质有相似之处。


likeness〓普通用词,指人或物从外观看去,有很明显的相似之处,或完全相似。 simple, easy



easy〓普通用词,指不需要花费太多精力的工作或事,在实际运用中常与simple换用。 sing, hum


sing〓普通用词,泛指一般的歌唱或发出悦耳的声音。 hum〓指闭着双唇而不唱出字来,低语般的哼唱。 situate, lie, stand



lie〓最常用词,不及物,指国家、城镇、道路、湖海等所处的位置。 stand〓多指建筑物等被想象为主体的物体立于某处。 skill, art, craft


skill〓语气较强,指某人具有专门知识,精通业务,而且经验丰富又很熟悉。 art〓最普通用词,侧重指某人完成某项工作的能力或操作技巧。 craft和art同义,指手脚灵巧,有技术和技能。 skin, leather, fur, hide, peel 这些名词均含“皮,皮肤”之意。

skin〓最常用词,指人的皮肤或动物的皮,也可指水果、植物和种子等的外皮。 leather〓通常指经过加工的熟皮,可用于制作各种皮革制品。 fur〓现多指猫、兔等动物软毛皮,也指其它动物的毛皮。 hide〓多指大型动物的厚皮,也指没有鞣的牛、马等皮革。 peel〓指剩下的或可以剥去的果皮或蔬菜皮。 sleep, doze, nap, slumber 这些动词均含“睡”之意。

sleep〓普通用词,指一般的睡眠。可用作引申指长眠或静止不动。 doze〓多用于口语中,指轻微的小睡或处于半睡状态。 nap〓指白天的小睡。

slumber〓多指人安详地或长时间地睡。 sleepy, asleep



asleep〓作表语,多用于非正式的英语里,指处于睡着的状态,侧重动作的结果。 slip, glide, slide, skid 这些动词均可表示“滑动”之意。 slip〓指不自觉地、偶然地滑动。


slide〓通常多指与光滑表面保持接触并且迅速地连续滑动。 skid〓着重指不自主地或失去控制地滑动,特指车轮在结冰或潮湿路面上的滑动,常暗含有危险存在的意味。 socks, stocking

这两个名词均表示“袜”之意。 socks〓指长不到膝的短统袜子。

stocking〓指长到膝或过膝的长袜,常用复数形式。 solve, resolve



resolve〓主要指对问题或情况进行细微的分析或思索,以得出结论或解决途径。 soul, ghost, spirit


soul〓指超越身体之外,永远存在的无形的东西,即所谓灵魂,亦可作人解。 ghost〓普通用词,主要指死者的灵魂。


space, universe, cosmos




cosmos〓源于希腊语,指和谐的有秩序的宇宙,与chaos(天地开辟前的浑沌状态)相对。 spade, shovel

这两个名词均可表示“铲,铁,锹”之意。 spade〓指用于挖土刨地的铲子或铁锹。


special, especial, specific, particular, exceptional, extraordinary, peculiar 这些形容词均含“特殊的,特别的”之意。

special〓普通用词,指不同于一般、与众不同,着重事物的专门性,突出与一般不同。 especial和special含义很接近,较正式,但侧重有特殊的意义或重要性。 specific〓着重指某种、某类事物具有的特殊或特定的属性,也可指专门提出作特别考虑的事物。



extraordinary〓语气比exceptional强,指极大地超过一般或正常情况。 peculiar〓强调指与众不同或独特的意思。 specially, especially, particularly


specially〓着重为做某事而“专门地、特意地”,相当于on purpose。

especially〓较多地用于正式文体,侧重超过其它全部,突出到“特别地”的程度,相当于in particular。

particularly〓用来指同类中特别突出的一个。 sphere, domain, field, territory, province 这些名词均含“范围,领域”之意。

sphere〓指有明显分界线的范围或领域,强调彼此不会干扰、跨越,各不相关。 domain〓指知识艺术、兴趣或人类活动的领域。

field〓主要指经选定在一段时间内作专题研究的方面或领域,含夸张意味。 territory〓指科学知识、活动等的领域或范围。

province〓即可指科学、艺术、学问的领域或范围,又可指个人或机关职权的管辖范围。 speed, rate, velocity, pace


speed〓普通用词,指单位时间内行进的固定速度或速率,也指可能达到的最高速度。 rate作“速度”讲时,与speed同义,可换用。作速率解时,指相对增长的速度,也指两种相比较而得出的标准速度。



splendid, gorgeous, glorious, superb, magnificent 这些形容词均含“华丽的,宏传的,辉煌的”之意。

splendid〓侧重指给观察者留下壮丽辉煌或灿烂夺目的印象。 gorgeous〓指色彩的富丽和豪华,有时含炫耀和卖弄意味。

glorious〓指光芒四射的绚丽,也指值得称倾、赞美或扬名的壮丽辉煌。 superb〓指壮丽辉煌、宏伟等的极点。

magnificent〓侧重指建筑物、宝石等的华丽堂皇。 spoil, indulge




spread, circulate, distribute, propagate 这些动词均含“传播,散播”之意。



distribute〓指把一定数量的东西分成若干等份进行分发。 propagate〓指自觉地努力推广,也指宣传或散布。

stand, bear, endure, tolerate, suffer, abide, withstand

这些动词均含“忍受”之意。 stand〓口语用词,常可与hear换用,但前者侧重指经受得起,后者强调容忍,是普通用语。 endure〓书面用词,指长时间忍受痛苦和不幸,着重体力或意志力的坚强不屈服。 tolerate〓指以自我克制的态度,对待令人反感或厌恶的东西,含默认宽容意味。 suffer〓通常指非自愿或被迫忍受各种痛苦、困难或不快,强调受到苦难。

abide〓指忍受长期的痛苦或折磨,强调耐心和屈从。多用于否定句和疑问句中。 withstand〓指因具有一定实力、权力或能力而能忍受某种情况。 stand, attitude, position 这些名词均含“态度、立场”之意。




standard, criterion, measure, gauge



criterion〓较正式用词,指判断、批评事物的标准,但不一定制成了规章。 measure与standard基本同义,但多用于比喻,指衡量某事物的质量准则。 gauge〓专指测量物体大小、厚度、直径等的标准规格。 station, stop, terminal


station〓普通用词,一般指火车站或汽车站。 stop〓多指公共汽车站,尤指中途停车站。

terminal〓指火车、公共汽车或飞机的终点(总)站。 steam, vapour




steep, abrupt, sheer




sheer〓指自始至终近于垂直的陡峭,不仅仅很难爬上去,甚至于不可能攀登。 step, pace


step〓普通用词,指脚抬起落下的动作和一步的距离。抽象概念指步骤。 pace〓指身体向前移动的速度和情况。表一步距离时,可与step换用。 stick, glue, adhere, cling, cohere




adhere〓正式用词,语气较严肃刻板,既可指物体粘在一起,也可指坚持信仰或忠于事业等。 cling〓着重靠缠绕、紧抱、紧抓等方式而形成密切关系。也可作引申用。

cohere〓指物质微粒粘合在一起,成为不可分离的整体,强调所形成新物体的不可分割性。可引申指逻辑上的前后一致。 still, yet


still〓指过去已经开始的动作,说话时仍在继续,可用于肯定、否定或疑问句中。 yet〓通常用于疑问句和否定句中,指预料要发生的事,但尚未发生。 stove, furnace, oven


stove〓通常指以柴、煤、气、电等作燃料,用于室内取暖或烧饭的火炉。 furnace〓指冶炼用的熔炉或烧暖气用的锅炉。也可用作比喻。 oven〓主要指烘烤食物用的炉子、烘箱。 stoop, bend


stoop〓通常用于人,指屈膝降低身体高度或低头弯腰。常引申作屈从或不顾尊严。 bend〓指人指物皆可,含义广,指任何弯曲的动作。可引申作屈从解。 storm, hurricane, typhoon 这些名词均有“大风”之意。



typhoon〓主要指西太平洋海洋上发生的极猛烈的风暴,风力常达十级以上。 strain, stress, pressure, tension



stress〓侧重指承受外来的压力,也指由于某种原因而引起的心理、生理或情绪上的紧张。 pressure〓在科学上,指单位面积上所受到的压力。用于引申时,指某事物所产生的压力或影响力等。


stranger, foreigner, alien, immigrant


stranger〓指对当地的生活习惯、语言等不熟悉,或为某团体不熟的人,也指不认识的人。 foreigner〓指在异国作短期访问或长期居住的外国人。 alien〓指没有成为侨居国正式公民的移民。

immigrant〓指在别国定居并取得所在国国籍的外国人。 string, rope, line, cord, thread, wire 这些名词均含“线”之意。


rope〓指用于捆绑大物件的粗壮而坚固的绳子,一般用绵、毛、麻、金属或其它材料制成。 line〓普通用词,含义广泛,指任何一种线,常作引申用。


thread〓普通用词,指用棉、毛、丝或纤维等纹成的很细的线,通常用于缝纫、纺织等。 wire〓专指用金属制成的线。

study, consider, ponder, weigh, contemplate 这些动词均有“考虑、思考、估量”之意。

study〓普通用词,指对各方面考虑,在制订出计划或采取具体动作之前作认真检查。 consider〓既指一时的对某事的考虑,也指长时间的深入的思考。

ponder〓侧重仔细、深入、连续地考虑问题,以作出认真的估计和正确的抉择。 weigh〓指作出决策前把问题的各个方面进行比较,权衡利害得失,取有利的方面。 contemplate〓通常指长时间思考某事,有时含无确定的实际目的。 submit, yield, surrender

这些动词均含“屈服、投降”之意。 submit〓一般指放弃抵抗,愿意服从对方。

yield〓含义相近,还指由于缺乏坚强的意志、力量和忍耐心,而屈从于他人的权势或控制。 surrender〓指由于战败被迫投降或向战胜者或某种权势屈服。 suitcase, trunk 这两个名词均有“衣箱,箱”之意。

suitcase〓指装替换衣服等的小型旅行箱,手提箱。 trunk〓指旅行用的坚固的大衣箱。

summary, abstract, digest, outline, resume 这些名词均含“摘要、概要、概括”之意。


abstract〓指论文、书籍等正文前的内容摘要,尤指学术论文或法律文件的研究提要。 digest〓侧重对原文融汇贯通,重新谋篇布局,以简明扼要的语言,简短篇幅成文,展现原作精华。


resume〓源于洁语,与summary极相近,通常可互换使用。 sumit, climax, peak, top 这些名词均含“顶点”之意。


climax〓指戏剧等的高潮,也指事物发展中的极点,因此多含其后由盛而衰的意味。 peak〓指山峰的全部或上部。

top〓普通用词,可指包括人或物或其它任何的最高点或顶点。 superficial, shallow



shallow〓指知识、议论、认识或立论肤浅,有时暗示图表面而无实际内容。 sure, certain, definite, positive






surpass, excel, exceed


surpass〓多用以强调优点、长处、技能或质量等方面的超过。 excel〓指在成绩、成就或学识上胜过他人。 exceed〓既可指超出权利、权力的限度、管辖范围,或超过规定的时间范围,又可指在数量、程度或大小等方面的超过。

surprise, amaze, astonish, astound, startle, stun



amaze〓语气较强,指因认为不可能或极少可能发生情况的出现而感到惊讶或迷惑不解。 astonish〓语气较强,指出乎预料,意外发生,但又无法解释而感到惊奇。 astound〓语气强,指由于事情令人难以置信或实在罕见而使人感到震惊。 startle〓指因突然的惊吓或意料不到的刺激等而使人惊跳或震惊。 stum〓语气最强,指极度惊讶而目瞪口呆,不知所措。 surroundings, environment 这两个名词均含“环境”之意。


environment〓侧重指对人的感情、品德思想等产生影响的环境。 symbol, badge, sign, signal, mark, token, attribute, emblem 这些名词均含“标志、象征、符号”之意。



sign〓普通用词,指人们公认事物的记号,也可指某种情况的征兆。 signal〓指为某一目的而有意发出的信号。


token〓语气庄重,指礼品、纪念物等作为表示友谊、爱情等的象征或标志。 attribute〓指人或物及其地位、属性的象征。

emblem〓指选定象征一个国家、民族或家庭等的图案或实物。 symptom, indication




1)historic: famous in history, 历史上著名的 associated with past times 与过去时代有关的

a ~ event/speech/spot

historical: belong to history 历史上的

a ~ people/novel/play/film/painting ~ trend

2) electric: worked by, changed with, producing electricity 用电的,带电的, 有电的

~ current/cable

electrical: relating to electricity, an idea of a less close connection with electricity

~ engineering/apparatus 3) economic: of economics ~ policy/geography/crisis/crops

economical: careful in the spending of money and time, not waste 经济的,节俭的

an ~ housewife/store

4) industrial: of industries 工业的 the ~ revolution/products/system industrious: hard-working, diligent ~ people

5) considerable: great much 相当多(大)的 a ~ income/distance

considerate: thoughtful 体谅的, 体贴的 周到的

She is ~ to others.

6) sensible: reasonable, having good sense 实用的, 明知的 a ~ woman/idea/ 豁达的妇女/明知的观点 ~ clothes 实用的衣服

sensitive: quick to receive impression 敏感的 a ~ skin ~ paper 感光纸

7) continual: going on all the time without stopping or with only short breaks, stop and go repeatedly, 连续的,断断续续的

~ rain/noise

continuous: going on without a break, an uninterrupted flow 连续不断的 ~ fight/work

8) intense: high in degree 强烈的, 剧烈的,高度的 ~ heat炽热/pain an ~ lady 热情的女子

intensive: deep and thorough 精深的, 集中的 ~ reading/study彻底研究/agriculture密集农业

9) respectable: deserving respect, 值得尊敬的,有名望的 a ~ man/profession

respectful: showing respect 尊敬人的,有礼貌的, He is always ~to the elders.

respective: belongs to each of these 分别的,各自的 They sat on their ~ chairs.

10) imaginable: that can be imagined 可象想的 ~ difficulties

imaginary: existing only in the mind, unreal 想象中的, 不真实的 ~ figure

imaginative: of, having, using imagination 有想象力的, 运用想象力的 a ~ writer

11) intelligent: having, showing intelligence, clever 有才智的, 聪明的 an ~ looking girl ~ answer

intelligible: clear to mind, that can be easily understood. 易了解的, 易领悟的

an ~ speech/explanation

intellectual: possessing a great deal of knowledge 知识的, 智力的 12) contemptible: deserving contempt 可卑的 a ~ lie

contemptuous: showing contempt 表示轻视的

a ~ look

13) credible: that can be believed 可信的, 可靠的 a ~ witness

credulous: too ready to believe things. 轻易相信的, 易上当的 He always cheats ~ people.

creditable: that brings credit. 可称赞的 a ~ record/deed/effort

14) alternate: changing by turns 轮流的, 交替的

alternative: giving a choice between two things 选择的, 两者选一的 15) comparable 可比较的, 有类似之处的 comparative 比较而言的, 相当的

There is no scenery comparable to that of the West lake. He lived in comparative comfort recently. 16) politic 精明的 political 政治的 17) beneficial 有益的 beneficent 多多行善的 18) official 官方的 officious 多管闲事的

19) potent 强有力的 potential 潜在的, 可能的 20) confident 有信心的, 自信的 confidential 机密的

21) negligent 忽视的, 粗心大意的 negligible 可忽视的

22) momentary 瞬时的, 短时的 momentous 重大的

23) memorable 值得记忆的, 不能忘却的 memorial 纪念的 24) social 社会的 sociable 善社交的 25) childish 幼稚的 childlike 孩子般的

26) distinct: clear 明显的, 清晰的

distinctive: characteristic 独特的, 有区别的 27) classic 一流的 classical 古典的

28) comprehensible 可理解的

comprehensive 全面的, 综合的 29) disinterested 公平的 uninterested 冷淡的 30) earthly 人间的, 尘世的 earthy 泥土似的 31) effective 有效的 efficient 有效率的 effectual 奏效的 32) exceptionable 反对的 exceptional 非凡的 33) fatal 致命的 fateful 决定性的 34) fleshly 肉体的 fleshy 肥胖的 35) homely 家常的 homelike 象家的

36) im(un)practical 不切合实际的 impracticable 无法使用的 37) ingenious 有独创性的

ingenuous 直率的, 天真的 38) manly 男人气派的 male 男的 masculine 男性的

39) movable 可移动的, 变动的 mobile 可动的,活动地 40) mysterious 神秘的 mystical 奥妙的

41) notable 著名的(指事) noted 著名的(指人) 42) Practical 实际的 practicable 可行的, 通行的 43) regretful 遗憾的 (指人) regrettable 遗憾的 (指事) 44) seasonable 及时的 seasonal 季节的 45) spiritual 精神的 spirituous 酒精的

46) tortuous 弯曲的 torturous 受刑的

47) transitory 短时间的 (指事) transient 瞬时的 (指人) 48) elementary 基本的 elemental 自然的 49) healthy 健康的 healthful 有易于健康的 50) likely 可能的 likable 可爱的 51) desirable 合意的 desirous 渴望的 52)clean 干净的

cleanly 有干净习惯的 Are cats cleanly animals? 53) kind 慈善地 kindly 友好的,亲切的

54) temporal 一时的, 暂时的, 世俗的 temporary 暂时的, 临时的


㈠ assure

▲assure用来表示向某人保证某事将要发生,既可以用来确证某事,也可以表示使某人确信(If you ASSURE a person of something,you promise them or tell them that)。assure的宾语通常是人或人称代词,所以不能直接搭用that - clause。其常用结构为:assure sb.ofsth./as-。

①He assured us of his ability to solve the problem.他向我们保证他有能力解决这个问题。 ②We booked early to assure ourselves of(getting)good seats.我们及早订座以保证我们能得到好座位。


①Weeks of practice assured /ensured success in the match.几个星期的训练确保了在比赛中获得成功。

②Nothing can assure permanent peace.没有什么能确保永久和平。

▲assure在英国英语中作为专业术语,可表示投人寿保险。 to insure /assure against death投保寿险(life assurance /insurance人寿保险)

㈡ ensure

▲ensure的意思是使某行为或某件事的结果得以保证,即确保某事发生(to make sure that sth.happens)。ensure后可以直接跟 that-clause,并可以用复合宾语。常用结构为:ensure sth./ensure +that -clause /en-sure +obj.(i)+obj.(d)

①To ensure the child's quick recovery,the doctor gave him an antibiotic.为使这个孩子尽快恢复,医生给他打了一剂抗生素。

②Registration ensures delivery of mail.挂号寄邮件保证会送到。 ▲ensure也可以表示确保安全,免遭伤害。 To ensure freedom against tyranny反对暴政,维护自由


㈢ insure 意思是为防不测向保险公司付钱投保(to pay money to an insurance company against future disaster)。

①My house is insured against fire.我的房子保了火险。

②Are you insured for all risks?你是不是给自己保了综合险? ㈣reassure 表示安慰忧虑不安的人,使其安心,放心,恢复信心(to comfort someone who is anxious and make him /her free from fear or wor- ry;to bring back confidence to...)。常用结构为: reassure sb.(about sth.)/reassure sb.+ that-clause

①I was worried that my work wasn't good enough,but the teacher reassured me(about it).我担心我的作业不够好,可是老师却让我放心。

② The captain reassured the passengers about the strength of the ship.那位船长向乘客保证船很坚固,要他们安心。

1. ill;sick

ill 和sick都有\生病的;有病的\之意,但用法并不完全相同。

ill 表示\生病的;有病的\这一意思时,一般用作表语,不能作定语;而sick 既可以作表语又可以作定语,如\病人\可以说a sick man 或the sick, 但不能说an ill man 或the ill。又如:She is ill / sick in bed. 她卧病在床。She is looking after her sick father .她在照顾她生病的父亲。

sick 有\恶心的;厌倦的\之意。如:The smell makes me sick.这气味使我感到恶心。

ill 作定语修饰名词时是\坏的;邪恶的\之意。如:He is an ill man. 他是一个邪恶的人

Sick、ill都解作「病了」,但英国人多说ill,美国人多说sick。She is/looks ill或she is/looks sick都


此外,ill一般不会用在名词之前,例如「患病的孩子」多叫a sick child,很少叫an ill child,除非 ill字有副词(adverb)修饰,例如a critically ill child(病情危殆的孩子)。泛指病人,也多说 the sick,很少说the ill,例如: He devoted his life to helping the sick(他一生致力帮助病 人)。「病假」、「病假津贴」也叫sick leave、sick pay,不用ill字。只是「健康不好」却叫ill health,不可叫sick health。

说患病,人是sick或ill都可以,但动物一般是sick而不是ill,植物更是可sick不可ill,例如: The pot plants are sick (那些盆栽植物患病)。

Sick和ill最大的分别,在于sick可以指「作呕」,ill却不可以。所以晕船、晕车、晕飞机等,英文 叫seasick、carsick、airsick。「她搭车作呕」英文就是She felt sick in the car。然则I was sick yesterday 是「我昨天病了」还是「我昨天呕吐」?在美国,这得看情况 能回答;在英国,则 应是指「我昨天呕吐」和I was ill yesterday (我昨天病了)不同。

留意病情转坏不可叫iller 、 sicker等,只可用worse来说,例如: He fell ill yesterday and today he is worse (他昨天生病,今天病得更厉害)。 damage; destroy; ruin



The car was not damaged badly in the accident, but five people were seriously hurt. 汽车在事故中损坏不严重,但却有五个人受了重伤。

Her heart was slightly damaged as a result of her long illness.长期生病使她的心脏受到轻度损伤。 What they said and did damaged the relations between the two countries. 他们的言行损害了这两个国家之间的关系。

Smoking has damaged his health badly. 吸烟严重地损害了他的健康。 damage还可用作可数或不可数名词。如:?

The earthquake did a lot of damages to the city.这场地震给这座城市带来了巨大的破坏。

destroy意为“破坏;摧毁;消灭;毁灭”,通常指程度非常严重的“毁坏”,一般情况下不可以修复再用。另外,它既可表示毁坏具体的物品,也可表示毁坏抽象的东西。如:? The big fire destroyed the whole house. 这场大火把整座房子都烧毁了。

The Nazi wanted to destroy people's hopes, but in the end what was destroyed was the Nazi's dream by

the power of people. 纳粹想摧毁人民的希望,最终是纳粹的梦想被人民的力量所摧毁。 ruin多用于借喻之中,有时泛指一般性的破坏,指把某物损坏到了不能再使用的程度。如:? My new coat is ruined.我的外套不能再穿了。 The rain will ruin the crops.这雨会把庄稼毁掉的。

I was ruined by that law case; I'm a ruined man我被那场官司毁了,我破产了。

discover;invent;find;find out

invent意为“发明”,指通过劳动运用聪明才智“发明/创造”出以前从未存在过的新事物。? Who invented the telephone? 是谁发明电话的?

He invented a new teaching method.他发明了一种新的教学方法。

find意为“找到、发现”,指找到或发现自己所需要的东西或丢失的东西,着重指找到的结果。? We've found oil under the South Sea.我们已在南海发现了石油。 They finally found a way. 他们终于找到了办法。

discover意为“发现”,? 表示“偶然”或“经过努力”发现客观存在的事物、真理或错误,即指发现原来客观存在但不为人所知的事物,也可表示发现已为人所知的事物的新的性质或用途。 Columbus discovered America in1492. 哥伦布1492年发现了美洲。 We soon discovered the truth. 我们很快就弄清了真相。 find out指经过研究或询问查明某事或真相。?

common ordinary general 都含“普通的”意思。

common强调“常见的”、“ 不足为奇的”, 如:Colds are common in winter.感冒在冬天很常见。

ordinary强调“平常的”、“平淡无奇的”, 如:

His ordinary supper consists of only bread and milk. 他通常的晚餐不过是面包和牛奶。 general意为“普遍的”、“一般的”, 如:This book is intended for the general reader, not for the specialist. 这本书是为一般读者写的, 不是为专家写的。

complex,complicated,intricate,involved,knotty这几个形容词的一般含义是“复杂的”。 complex指组成某种机器的零件、构成某件事的因素或构成数学题的元素不仅很多,而且相互的关系或相互的作用也令人眼花缭乱,只有学识深的人或具有专门知识的人才能处理。

the complex mechanism of a watch 手表的复杂结构 the complex modern world 复杂的现代世界

Justice is part of the complex machinery of the law. 正义是复杂的法律机器的一部分。

He mentally visualizes a complex form all round itself. 他在脑海里从形体的各个方面来模拟复杂的形体。

complicated 具有complex的一切意义,但更强调复杂得难以解释或理解。一道算式题可能非常 complex,但未必确实complicated;而一道 complicated 算式一般总是 complex的。

The old view of Galileo was delightfully uncomplicated. 过去对伽利略的看法并不复杂(指不深奥),这是令人欣然的。 The apparatus thus described, however, records only the horizontal component of the wave movement. 然而,仪器的如此描画只记录下波的运动的水平组成部分,但是事实上波的运动要复杂得多(指不易解释)。

intricate 通常指交织在一起的众多因素,而且很难理出头绪来。 The child was perplexed by the intricate plot of the story. 这孩子被那头绪纷繁的故事弄得迷惑不解。 involved 通常指许多事物或事物的关系盘根错节。 These are involved financial affairs. 这是些错综复杂的金融事务。

knotty 指充满纠缠不清、令人困惑的复杂问题,而且包含着几乎不可能解决或弄懂的意义。

This is a knotty passage. 这是一段复杂难懂的文字

complex complicated intricate involved 都含“复杂的”意思。

complex指“包含许多(尤其是不同的)部分, 因而比较难懂或难解释的”, 如: This is a complex problem. 这是一个复杂的问题。

complicated 指“各部分相互交错而变得错综复杂”, 如:

What a complicated machine! I can't possibly use it. 这是一台多么复杂的机器! 我可不会使用它。

intricate 指“包含许多详细和交叉的部分而显得错综复杂, 难了解的”, 如: It's a novel with an intricate plot. 这是一部情节错综复杂的小说。

involved 指“由于陷入某种麻烦与混乱而难以解决的”, 如:

The real meaning of his remark is involved in ambiguity. 他这句话的真正含意难以捉摸。

puzzle perplex confuse bewilder 都含“使困惑不解”的意思。

puzzle 指“情况错宗复杂, 因而使人感到困惑不解”, 如:

What he did puzzled me greatly. 他的作为使我深感迷惑不解。

perplex 较正式, 除含有puzzle 的意思外, 还侧重“心情的困惑和行动的不决, 不知如何办”, 如:

His face was perplexed;

he went away.他的脸色看起来茫然, 然后就走了。

confuse 指“把事物混淆或弄乱”或“由于混淆、混乱而糊涂”, 语气较弱, 常指暂时现象, 如:

They asked me so many questions that they confused me. 他们问了我那么多的问题都把我搞迷糊了。

bewilder 指“由于迷惑不解或惊愕而慌乱、糊涂和不知所措”, 语气比前两个词都强, 如:

The old woman from the country was bewildered by the crowds and traffic in the big city.


devote dedicate consecrate

都含“贡献” 、“献身”的意思。

devote 指 “决心将全部身心、活动、精力等献出”, 如: devote one's life to a cause 把生命献给事业。

dedicate 系正式用语, 指“庄重地奉献给神”或“为神圣目的而贡献”, 如: They dedicated the temple. 他们献出庙宇。

consecrate 系正式用语, 指“通过宗教仪式确定将某物用于神圣用途”, 如: The new church was consecrated by the Bishop. 新教堂的奉献仪式由主教主持。

26. 增加 27. 笑 28. 疯 29.味道 30. 滑 31. 怕 32. 闪光 33. 大 34. 感情 35. 工作,职业 36. 停止 37. 旅行 38. 抓,握 39. 看,凝视 40. 静 41. 消灭 42. 结果 43. 表明,代表 44. 帮助 45. 获得,得到 46. 礼品,礼物 47. 愚蠢 48. 地区 49. 会议,集会 50. 成就,功绩


increase: To make or become larger in amount or number.

it refers to quantity or intensity as well as size.

The population of this county has increased.

add: To put together with something else so as to increase the

number size, importance.

He added some wood to increase the fire.

(扩大) enlarge: To grown larger or wider.

I want to enlarge this photograph/house.

(放大) magnify: To make something appear larger than in reality, esp. by means of a lens.

You have magnified the peril.

(扩充) amplify: To make large or fuller, esp. give fuller information, more details etc.

to amplify a radio signal/sound.

augment: (fml) To become larger or greater.

It emphasizes the action of addition.

He augmented his income by writing some short stories.

(扩展 扩张) expand: To increase in range scope or volume as well as in size. Iron expands when it is heated.

(加长) extend: To make longer in space or time, to extend a railway.

Can't you extend your visit for a few days.



smile: The corners of your mouth move outwards and slightly upwards.

He smiles his consent./with satisfaction.

(大笑) laugh: To make a noise to show one's amusement and

happiness. You can laugh at a joke or at an amusing sight. You can laugh at someone without being amused.

They all laughed loudly.

(露齿而笑) grin: To smile with the teeth.

The boy grinned from ear to ear when I gave him a


(暗笑 含笑) chuckle: To laugh quietly.

I could hear him chuckling to himself as he read

that funny article.

(咯咯笑) giggle: To laugh repeatedly foolishly and uncontrollably, esp. by girls.

I heard them giggle when I passed by the girls.

(窃笑 暗笑) snicker: To laugh in a disrespectful more or less secret way.

On hearing his absurd opinion, I went snickering.

(假笑 痴笑) simper: To smile in a silly unnatural way.

When I told him the thing, he simply simpered.

(得意的笑) smirk: To smile in a false or too satisfied way.

He smirked at everyone that passed.

(窃笑) titter: To laugh very quietly from nervousness or badly

controlled amusement.

The girls tittered when they heard this.

(狂笑) guffaw: To laugh loudly and rudely.

All the people guffawed at his silly words.

(哄笑) roar: To laugh long and loudly.

They roared after they heard the joke.

(欢笑) chortle: To give a laugh of pleasure or satisfaction.

He chortled with delight when I told him the news.

(笑骂) taunt: To try to make sb angry, or upset by making unkind

remarks, laughing at faults or failures.

They taunted her with her inability to swim.

(嘲笑 嘲弄) ridicule: To laugh unkindly at or to make unkind fun of.

They all ridiculed the idea.

(讥笑) deride: To laugh at or make fun of as of no value. /to mock

at someone with contempt They all derided his foolishness.

(嘲弄) mock: To laugh at sb(sth) when it is wrong to do so, esp.

by copying in a funny or contemptuous way.

The students mocked the seriousness of his expression.

twit: (infl) To make fun of sb because of behavior, a mistake, a fault, etc.

He twitted her with her timidity.

(嘲笑 轻蔑地笑) scoff: To laugh at, to speak or act disrespectfully. /to

speak in scornful mocking way.

It was a great invention but at first many people scoffed at it.


chaff: (infl) To make fun of sb in a good-humored way.

He chaffed the man about his mistakes in speaking English.

(讥笑) jeer: To laugh rudely at /to insult sb in a loud, unpleasant way.

They always jeer at the priests.

gibe(jibe): To laugh at with the intention of hurting the feeling with sarcastic remarks.

Don't gibe at her behavior until you know the reason for it.

(讥笑 冷笑) sneer: To express proud dislike by a kind of usu, one- side

smile or to show scorn or contempt by looks.

She sneered at the furniture in his neighbor's home.

joke: To make fun of.

You mustn't joke with him about religion.

(取笑) jest: To act or speak playful, not seriously.

Don't jest about serious things.

(戏弄) banter: To speak, or act playfully or jokingly.

We bantered him on the subject of marriage.

(轻视) scorn: To look down upon.


mad: Showing that one has amanita illness which often causes them to behave in strange way.

crazy: (infl) Very strange or foolish.

psychotic: The most precise one. used by psychiatrists.

insane Not sound in mind. used in scientific articles.

lunatic: (old derog) wildly foolish.

demented It indicates sb's mentality has degenerated from a precious level.

maniac: (n) A mad person who is violent and dangerous.


smell: The most general one.

It refers to something pleasant or unpleasant.

odo(u)r: (fml) More used in scientific articles.

fragrance: A sweet or pleasant smell.

It refers to flowers and stresses a delicate smell from plants.

Those roses have a delightful fragrance.

scent: A smell esp. left by an animals, an pleasant smell.

Our dog lost the fox's scent.

perfume: A sweet or pleasant smell.

It refers to either natural smell or a man-made smell and stresses a strong and rich smell compared with fragrance

aroma: A strong usu pleasant smell, often a spicy smell.

flavor: The particular quality of tasting good or pleasantly strong. The bread hasn't much flavor.

savor: The smell of food by the processes of cooking.

The meat had cooked too long and lost its savor.

stink: A strong unpleasant smell. the stink of sweaty feet.

stench: A very strong unpleasant smell.


fear: The feeling that one has when danger is near.

(可怕) dread: A great fear esp. of some harm to come.

It suggests fear of facing whatever is coming. Usually dread also means loss of courage.

Illness is the great dread of his life.

(畏惧) fright: The feeling or experience of fear. sudden great fear.

I nearly died of fright at the sight of escaped lion.

(恐慌) alarm: Sudden fear and anxiety as caused by the possibility of

danger and excitement caused by fear of danger.

The news caused great alarm.

(恐惧) terror: Extreme and intense fear.

The people ran from the enemy in terror.

(恐怖 战栗) horror: A feeling of great shock, fear and dislike.

I cried out in horror as I saw the man killed.

(惊恐万状) panic: Sudden uncontrollable quickly-spreading fear or terror, which results in unreasonable and frantic activity.

When I realized the situation I got into a panic.

(敬畏) awe: A feeling respect mixed with fear and wonder.

He always stands in awe of his father.


shine: The most general one.

(闪耀) glitter: To shine brightly with flashing points of light.

All that glitters is not gold.

(发火花) sparkle: To shine in small flashes.

It suggests uneven, bright flashes reflected from light-catching objects.

We can see a diamond sparkling in the sunlight.

(闪光) flash: To give out a sudden and monetary bright ray of light/

To shine suddenly for a moment.

(闪耀) glisten: To shine from or as if from a wet surface.

His hair glistened with oil. The wet road glistened.

(闪烁) gleam: To send out a bright light moderately, mildly not violently.

A cat's eye gleamed in the dark. The lantern gleamed.

(冒火花) spark: To send out small bits of fire.

He was so angry that his eyes sparked furiously.

(闪烁不定) flicker: To burn unsteadily, shine with an unsteady light.

The candle flickered and then went out.

glimmer: To give a very faint, unsteady light.

The lights glimmered in the distance.

(闪烁) twinkle: To shine with a unsteady light that rapidly changes from fright to faint.

The stars are twinkling in the sky in the evening.

glow: To give out heat and/or light without flames or smoke.

The iron bar was heated until it glowed.

(闪烁) glint: To give out small flashes of light, as the eyes of an eager person are supposed to do

The sun glinted through the leaves after the shower.

(眩光) glare: To shine with a strong light in a way unpleasant to the eyes.

The lights of the car glared at me.

flame: To burn brightly.

You can see the burning log flaming.

(冒火苗) blaze: To burn with a bright flame.

the house is blazing.

(闪闪燃烧) flare: To burn with a bright flame, but uncertainly or for a short time.

The candles flared in the wind.

dazzle: To make unable to see because of a sudden very strong light.

The headlight dazzles.

coruscate: (fml) to flash, sparkle.

The sparks coruscated.


The gems scintillate.


big: Large in size, extent or important.

large: Much bigger than average

great: Very large, important, and good.

great change / great writer / great idea.

huge: Very fig in size, amount and degree.

It stresses volume.(体积)

a huge house/ make a huge profit.

vast: Very large and wide, great in size or amount.

It stresses area.(体积)two dimensional extensions

It is a vast expanse of desert.

vast plains/ vast majority / at vast expanse.

immense: Very great in size or degree./very large or huge.

It stresses three dimensional largesse.

It implies immeasurableness.

an immense palace/ immense importance

The government will build an immense stadium.

enormous: Extremely large./very large in size, amount or degree.

It stresses not only size but degree.

It implies abnormality.

He earned enormous sums of money

an enormous animal/ enormous appetite/ enormous amount

tremendous: Extraordinarily large in size, amount or degree. / large or impressive

It implies astonishment, terror.

tremendous speed / tremendous noise/ tremendous amount /tremendous feeling.

gigantic: Immense in size, on a very large scale like a giant.

titanic: Very big or important.

It refers back to the Titans, a race of giant in Greek mythology. It stresses force and power.

We've made titanic effort to achieve our purpose.

colossal: Very large indeed.

It comes from Colossus of Rhodes a huge statue that is

one of the wonders of the ancient world.

It implies incredibility.


feeling(s): It can refer to mind or body. It's either pleasant or painful.

(感觉) sensation: (u c n) A direct feeling coming from the senses and conveyed to the nervous system by the organs of seeing, hearing, touching, tasting or smelling. Sugar gives a sensation of sweetness.

(激情) emotion: (c n) Any of the strong feelings of the human spirit Love, joy, anger, hatred and grief are emotions.

His speech had an effect on our emotions rather than our reason.

(强烈的激情) passion: Strong emotions, strong, deep often uncontrollable

feeling, esp. of sexual love, hatred or anger.

The poet expressed his burning passion for the woman he loved.

(情操 情趣) sentiment: (u c n) A tender or fine feeling as of pity, love, sadness or imaginative remembrance of the past.

It's not a beautiful watch, but I wear it for sentiment because it is my father's. Admiration, patriotism and loyalty are sentiments.

34.工作 职业

work: (u n) A very general one.

job: (c n) Any sort of gainful regular employment whether

permanent or temporary.

He had a good jog in a bank.

profession: It suggests a position that can't be gained without a considerable amount of higher education.

It implies intellectual work, scholarship and mainly refers to three learned professions-law, medicine and theology.

What do you think of the profession to be a teacher?

occupation: What he is engaged in, either continuously or temporarily, for any purpose, whether of profit of amusement, learning.

Can you find occupation suitable for his abilities.

employment: (u n) What one is doing, work done in service of another in order to make a living or get pay./temporary business,

The government gives some money to the worker out of employment.

vocation: (c n) A job which one does because one thinks one has a special fitness or ability or sense of duty.

It suggests the people do it in order to help others not for the earning of a livelihood. teaching and nursing. Teaching children ought or be a vocation as well as a way of earning money.

position: (fml) A job, post, usually involving professions managerial or clerical work, not manual.

She got a position as a governess.

He lost his position as steward.


stop: The most general one.

pause: To stop for a short time.

He paused to pick up a stone.

cease: To stop moving or acting.

It implies a total extinction.

They ceased (from) quarrelling. to cease fire.

quit: To stop doing something and leave.

It implies the meaning of \

He quitted his school/job.

halt: To cause to stop.

It refers to the abrupt, decisive termination of movement.

It implies the meaning of \

The soldiers halted for a rest.

knock off: (infm)To stop

terminate: To come to an end.

The two countries terminated their relations.


durable: Long-lasting

It refers to the power to resist change, delay and wear.

we must make a durable peace.

(ever)-lasting: Continuing for a long time/unending.

It refers to something that may end sooner or later. a lasting sorrow/ a ever-lasting friendship.

perpetual: (strongest one) Lasting for ever or a long time.

/uninterrupted happening often. It refers chiefly to an activity that is not susceptible to


I'm tired of your perpetual complainants/chatters.

permanent: Lasting for ever.

The permanent of the treaty is in doubt.

enduring: Lasting and continuing to exist.

It implies great resistance to both time and change.


journey: The most general one.

it is now usually used of travel by sand and often

suggests the covering of considerable time or distance, and a direct going from a starting point to a destination, with no necessary implication of a return.

travel: A passing from place to place, not necessarily in a direct line or with fixed destination.

trip: (infm) It suggests the covering of shorter time or distance and a direct journey and implies an final return to the starting point.

tour: A journey that returns to the starting point, and many places are visited generally over a considerable distance often by means of a circuitous route. for instance for sightseeing, inspection, honey moon, business.

excursion: It emphasizes a temporary departure from a given place and specifies a return to it. It can point to a sea or land tour or to a short outing a short journey made for pleasure usu by several people together.

voyage: A long journey on a ship or in a spacecraft.


grasp: To take hold of something firmly usu using the whole hand. Grasp all and lose all.

He grasped her by the hand.

clasp: To hold something firmly and tightly with one's arms or hand round.

The child clasped his doll protectively.

clutch: To grasp something quickly and greedily.

It suggests eagerness or an anxiety in seizing or grasping and may implies less success in holding.

The mother clutched her baby in his arms.

seize: To take hold of suddenly with force. The animal seized its prey.

to seize sb by the hand/to seize something from sb.

snatch: To grasp something quickly and suddenly sometimes secretly

It suggests more suddenness or quickness but less force than seize.

The thief snatched her purse and ran away.

grab: (infml) It implies more roughness and rudeness than snatch. She grabbed his arms and pulled him out of the room.

grip: To take a very tight hold of something esp. with your fingers or with a tool.

He gripped the nail and pulled it out.

39.看 凝视

see: To experience with the eyes and it does not depend on what you want to do.

look at: To use your eyes on purpose and with attention.

watch: to look for some time at something that may move.

gaze: To look long and steadily, often with the implication of

wonder, admiration.

stare: To gaze intently esp. with wide-open eyes as in amusement,

admiration, wonder, deep thought, anger or fear.

glance: To look at something quickly and briefly.

glimpse: To see by chance, just for a moment.

glare: To stare angrily, fiercely.

It emphasizes hospitality or fear.

peep: To look quickly and secretly or from a hiding place.

peer: To look sharply and curiously with a narrowing of the eyes

often a movement of the head forward.

gape: To look hard in surprise, esp. with the mouth open.


quiet: Without any sound. A quiet person is not noisy or loud. A quiet street may have little or no traffic on it.

still: Without any movement.

An engine is still if it is not running.

silent: Without any words.

calm: Peaceful. A calm person is relaxed. He doesn't get excited easily.

peaceful: (something) Gentle and restful and calm.

It is very peaceful in the country.


destroy: To damage it so much that it is completely ruined.

The enemy soldiers destroyed everything in sight when they captured the village.

damage: To hurt or lower the value of something.

The car was damaged in the accident.

ruin: To destroy gradually, little by little. An object that has been ruined has lost all its value or usefulness, which can't be repaired or fixed.

Moths ruined good woolen clothes by eating holes in them.

spoil: To ruin something so it can't be used.

Milk will spoil if it is not kept cold.

demolish: To destroy big or substantial things such as buildings

Many buildings had to be demolished before the new highway could be built.

exterminate: To destroy in a big way or in large amount.

wreck: To break it, destroy it, or spoil it completely.

It usually refers to vessels or vehicles.


result: The most general one.

What happens because of something else.

It indicates a strict causal link between the two events.

The word may often suggest an earlier action

deliberately taken to gain a particular goal. It suggests a unique or unpredictable one-time action.

consequence: (fml) Something that follows from an action or condition.

More often the word suggests a negative result or at least the negative concomitant (相伴的) of an otherwise desirable effect.

Cancer is a consequence of smoking.

effect: A special or particular result.

It gives a more objective almost scientific tone and emphasizes a principle that underlies a chain of events.

Did the medical have a good effect.

43.表明 代表

mean: The most general one

show: To show that something exists or is true means to prove it. It refers to the agreed- upon ideas or thing that words or signs stand for.

suggest: To cause to come to mind.

It by contrast concentrates specifically on covert or

implicit qualities or association in signs or language.

It stresses tentative alternatives in meaning.

He claims to mean one thing, but his choice of words suggests quite another.

The sight of birds suggested a new idea for flying machine.

indicate: To make a sign for/clear.

It stresses a rough approximation of literal meaning.

A high fever indicates severe illness.

His answer indicated that I could leave.

imply: To express indirectly.

It stresses subtlety or complexity of association.

His manner implies that he would like cone with us.

Do you realize what his words imply?

denote: To be a mark of.

It specially refers to what a term strictly or literally means.

The sign x denotes an unknown number.

A smile often denotes pleasure.

The sign \

connote: (more formal and technical) It refers to all the possible associations that are implied or

suggested by a term. Connote is closer in meaning to imply than suggest. signify: To be a sign of.

It suggests a simple literal meaning and stresses any aspect of conveyed understandings. Sometimes the word is used especially to refer to the deepest import of an expression than to more obvious or superficial aspects

He signified his agreement by nodding.

A fever usually signifies a disorder of the body.

symbolize: To represent by one or more symbols.

It suggests a rich cluster of abstract concepts that are invested in a word, gesture or object and stresses a deliberate compression of complex idea into a concrete token that stands for them.

The dove symbolizes peace.

The sign \


help: The general one. to supply whatever someone needs or do whatever might be useful to him.

assist: To co-operate with sb not taking an important part.

He assisted the doctor in the operation.

aid: (not followed infinitive) To help sb who is weak or is in

trouble who wanted very much by adding your work to his in order to do something.

The Red Cross often aids flood victims.


get: The most general one.

obtain: (fml)It stresses the seeking out of something.

gain: to get gradually.

It indicates greater effort in the seeking process, forceful


He gained the prize because of his good work.

acquire: To get for oneself by one's own work, skill action piece by piece little by little.

He acquired good knowledge of English by hard work.

attain: To manage to achieve, to succeed in arriving at.

He attained the position of minister.

procure: It implies maneuvering to process something and suggests involved,

contrived or even shady (unjust) dealings.


present: It shows a friendly and respectful attitude usu substantial things.

gift: It shows something which is given voluntarily given without

expectation of return or compensation.


silly: Foolish or childish

a silly boy/story/fellow/question/mistake, silly remarks.

foolish: Very silly or unwise

a foolish act/child/old man, foolish people.

stupid: Showing lack of good judgment or intelligence and not at all


a stupid idea/mistake/person/act.


zone: A particular part of something or a particular place.

area: A small or large part not thought of a fixed land division.

A playground is an outside area.

region: Usually part of a country usually large may or may not

be thought of as fixed land division.

A desert is a barren region.

district: A fixed land division usually smaller than region.

We live in Hongkou District of Shanghai.

49.会议 集会

meeting: The most general one. any gathering of several or many people in one place at a certain time. A meeting can be large or small, long or shirt. It is usually planned ahead of time.

(年会) convention: An annual meeting of an organization or political group.

(讨论会) conference: A meeting at which two or more people have an formal discussion and exchange views on a subject.

(代表大会) congress: A formal meeting of representatives of societies or countries to exchange information and opinion.

(集会) assembly: A group of people who have gathered together for a meeting for the purpose of being informed, being entertained or making group decisions.

(协商会) council: A meeting of a small group of people chosen from a large group to serve as advisers or consultants.


achievement: Something which one succeed in doing esp. after a lot of effort usually dangerous or difficult.

The first space flight was a great achievement.

accomplishment: The skill that people have required. It is something that took knowledge and, usually, hard work. When you have solved a hard arithmetic problem or learned to figure out, you can be proud of your accomplishment.

Among his many accomplishments is the ability to play card tricks.

feat: It requires more courage and strength. It applies to mental acts as well physical acts.

Learning a new skill is a feat.

exploit: An accomplishment that requires even greater daring and heroism than a feat.

Old stories tell about the exploits of famous heroes.

