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Unit 11 Sad movies make me cry.单元检测卷



A. B. C. D. E.

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Ⅱ.听句子,选择该句的最佳答语。

( )6.A.I agree. B.It sounds nice. C.Play it again. ( )7.A.The water in it is clean. B.The lake is very big. C.It makes me kind of angry.

( )8.A.That?s right. B.No,never. C.No,I didn?t. ( )9.A.Me too. B.Me neither. C.That?s all right. ( )10.A.Yes,it does. B.No,it wasn?t. C.Yes,it is. Ⅲ.听对话,填写下列表格。

How does he/she feel about... Tony pollution heavy traffic smoking 11 13 14 Tina 12 wants to leave the city 15 11. 12. l3. 14. 15.



( )1.Mary worked hard at school,because she didn?t want to let her parents down. A.make...happy B.make…sad C.make…angry D.make…disappointed

( )2.Besides,there are very few skilled stone workers left after the war years. A.Beside B.Next C.Also D.Except

( )3.It?s said that more than two hundred students in our school went to the


A.about B.over C.at least D.less than

( )4.Hello,everyone.To start with,let me introduce a new teacher to you. A.However B.Of course C.To take it easy D.First of all ( )5.Thanks to your help,we can finish the work on time.

A.Thanks for B.Thanks C.Because D. Because of V.单项选择。

( )1.What happens when you hear a strange noise at night-or find a big spider in the corner of your bedroom?It often makes us . A.jump B.to jump C.jumping D.jumped ( )2.Nobody could solve this difficult problem alone others?help. A.with B.for C.without D.from ( )3.We stopped ,but there was not any sound.

A.to listen B.listens C.listen D.listening ( )4. I often hear the little girl the piano in the next room.

A.practicing playing B.practice to play C.practice playing D.to practice playing ( )5.--Which would you like to read,paper books or ebooks?

--My parents only allow me to read paper books.They my eyes. A.talk about B.hear about C.learn about D.worry about ( )6.I don?t like these awful pictures.They make me . A.pleased B.uncomfortable C.relaxed D.excited ( )7.His uncle would rather the old bike than a new one. A.repair:to buy B.to repair;buy C.repair;buy D.to repair;to buy

( )8.His mother him.But he says he can look after himself well. A.is angry with B.is worried about C.is hard on D.is interested in

( )9.--Jack,could you help me when the plane will take off on the Internet?

--I?m sorry,but my computer doesn?t work.

A.get out B.look out C.take out D.find out ( )10.Rice by hand in many countries,such as China and India. A.grows B.is grown C.grew D.is growing Ⅵ.完形填空。

A man is traveling in the desert and loses his way.He has no water to drink and thinks he will die.After walking for two days,he finds an old wooden house.He 1 the house,and finds a water pump.He is very 2 ,and goes to get some water,but no water comes out.

He 3 heart,and sits on the ground.At that time,he sees a 4 near the water pump.It is full of water and there is a note on the bottle.It says,“You must 5 the water into the pump to get water out of it. 6 to fill this bottle when you leave the house.”

He looks at the bottle of water,and can?t decide 7 to do.If he drinks the water,he may be able to survive in the desert for a while. 8 if he puts the water into the water pump,he may get enough water to help him get out of the desert,or may get 9 .Finally,he puts the whole bottle of water into the water pump·Then he pumps water out.He drinks as 10 as he can,and fills the bottle with water again· A few days later,he walks out of the desert.

( )1.A.cuts down B.walks around C.comes into D.comes out ( )2.A.excited B.bored C.angry D.tired ( )3.A.beats B.loses C.wins D.breaks ( )4.A.pump B.house C.way D.bottle ( )5.A.put B.drop C.drink D.catch ( )6.A.Want B.Continue C.Remember D.Agree ( )7.A.how B.what C.when D.where ( )8.A.So B.Or C.And D.But ( )9.A.nothing B.anything C.something D.everything

( )10.A.many B.little C.few D.much VII.阅读理解。

Jack Green is 75 years old.He is not in good condition.“I think I?m ill,”he tells his wife.“I feel awful I?ve got a headache and I don?t feel like eating.”

?You?ve put on a lot of weight recently.You should see the doctor,”his wife says.“Ask him how to lose weight.It?s not good for your health.?? ?OK,”says Jack.He goes to see a doctor.

The doctor checks his heart and weighs him.Then he says,“You are too heavy.You need to do exercise to lose about 30 kilograms.Run two miles a day for the next 100 days.Then call and tell me weight.??

A week later,the doctor receives a call from Jack.“Doctor,I ran two miles every day and I feel much better.But I have a new problem.” ?What?s that?”asks the doctor.

?I?m 14 miles away from home,and I can?t find my way back.” ( )1.Why does Jack feel awful? A.Because he is in good condition. B.Because he has a headache. C.Because he feels like eating. D.Because he works hard.

( )2.Who suggests that Jack should see a doctor?

A.His wife. B.His son. C.His daughter. D.His mother. ( )3.According to the doctor,how many kilograms should Jack lose? A.Thirteen. B.A hundred. C.Thirty. D.Fourteen. ( )4.What?s Jack?s new problem? A.He forgets how many miles to run. B.He can?t find his way back home. C.He runs for such a long time. D.He loses a lot of weight.

( )5.The passage is probably from a .

A.letter B.poster C.report D.storybook VIII.据句意及首字母提示,完成句中所缺单词。 1.We know that q means the wife of a king.

2.You need to wait for them to discuss it r than thinking alone. 3.--The noise from the railway really d me crazy. --Oh,it?s your fault to live near there.

4.To be healthy,you must lose your w and stop smoking. 5.To s with.I want to know where and when it happened. Ⅸ.按所给的汉语,用英语完成下列句子。 1.他们俩都不沉迷于电脑游戏,只喜欢看书。

Computer games .Instead,they like reading.


sad news! people lost their lives in the earthquake in Nepal.


Her new glasses different. 4.出乎他的意料,妈妈没有去上班。

,his mother didn?t go to work. 5.他看电视时,听见有人敲门。

He heard someone the door when he was watching TV. X.根据下面对话中的情境,在每个空白处填入一个适当的语句,使对话恢复完 整。

A:Hi,Linda.You look sad. 1 ?

B:Well,I love music,but my mother doesn?t allow me to listen to it. A: 2 ?

B:Because she thinks listening to music is not good for my study.

A: 3 .I also love music.It makes me relaxed and helps me study better. B:Right.Music brings me much,too.But how can I solve my problem?Can you give

me some advice? A:Of course. 4 ?

B:No,I don?t often talk with her.We often argue.

A:I think communicating with each other is a better way.You can have a good talk with your mother.

B: 5 .Thanks for your advice.

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Ⅺ.书面表达。

生活态度决定着人的生活状态和行为习惯。快乐的生活会使你的人生更美好。你是怎样让自己保持快乐的呢?请你以“How to make yourself happy”为题,写一篇不少于80词的英语短文。短文的开头已给出,不计入总词数。 提示内容:


2.即使不高兴的时候,也不要忘记笑; 3.学会快乐地学习。

How to make yourself happy

As we know,life is not all roses.Then how to make yourself happy when you have troubles?



I.请听句子.选择与其意思相符的图画。 1.When his mother wasn?t in,the boy cried hard. 2.The man lost his money,which made him very sad.

3.She was very surprised at the news. 4.The news made her happy.

5.He was angry with himself for having made such a foolish mistake. II.听句子,选择陔句的最佳答爵。

6.W:Loud music often makes me very tense. 7.M:How do you feel about the pollution near the lake? 8.W:Have you ever been to the restaurant that plays loud music? 9.M:I think the picture makes us want to sleep.

10.W:The food in this restaurant is quite delicious,isn?t it? Ⅲ.听对话,填写下列表格。

W:How do you feel about pollution.Tony? M:Oh,it makes me angry.What about you.Tina?

W:It makes me feel unhappy,too.What do you think of heavy traffic? M:It makes me feel annoyed.And you.Tina?

W:Oh.it also makes rile want to live far away from the city.Tony,do you smoke? M:No,I don?t.Smoking makes me uncomfortable.What?s your idea? W:I can?t stand smoking at all.You?d better never smoke around me. M:Of course not. 参考答案

I.1.D 2.E 3. A 4.B 5.C II.6.A 7.C 8.B 9.A l0.C

III.11.angry l2.unhappy 13.annoyed 14.Uncomfortable 15.can't stand IV.1.D点拨:let down“让……失望”,相当于make disappointed。故答案为D。 2.C点拨:besides在这里为副词.意为“而且”.相当于all so。 3.B点拨:more than意为“超过.多于”.相当于over。

4.D点拨:to start with意为“起初.开始”.和first of all意思相同。 5.D点拨:thanks to意为”多亏.由于”.和because of意思相似。

V.1.A点拨:make sb.do sth.表示“使某人做某事”.需用不带to的不定式作 宾补.选项A符合题意,故选A。

2.C点拨:句意:没有别人的帮助.没人能够独自解决这个难题。without“没 有”.符合句意。故选C。

3.A 点拨:本句意为“我们停下来听了听,但没有任何声音”。stop doing sth.表 示“停下正在做的事”.而stop to do sth.表示“停下来去干另一件事”。结合 句意可知选A。

4.C点拨:频度副词often“经常”提示动词hear后跟动词原形作宾语补足语.不 强调动作正在进行;动词practice后跟动名词形式作宾语。故选C。 5.D点拨:由上下句可知,父母只允许“我”凑纸质书。他们担心“我”的眼睛; 故选D。

6.B点拨:awful pictures意为“糟糕的阿两”.所以本题答案为B。

7.C点拨:would rather do sth.Than do sth.“宁愿做某事而不愿做某事”.选 项C符合题意.故选C。

8.B点拨:由句子But he says he can look after himself well.可知,妈妈为他 担心。be worried about...“为……而担心”。

9.D点拨:get out离开,出去;look out当心.注意;take out取出.去掉: find out查明.发现。本句意为“杰克.你能帮我在网上查一下飞机将在什 么时候起飞吗?”故选D。

10.B点拨:根据句意理解.此句为被动语态,结构为“主语+be+过去分词”。 故选B。


要先学会付出。本文就讲述了这样一个故事.一个人想用水泵取水,就要先 把水泵装满。

1.C点拨:由下义中的句子...when you leave the house可知,他“走进了房 子”。come into表“进入”。

2.A 点拨:本以为没水喝.这时发现了水泵,应该感到激动。cxcited“激动 的”,符合句意。

3.B点拨:想取水出来.结果没有.所以很灰心。lose heart“灰心.沮丧”, 符合句意。

4.D点拨:幽下文中的...on the bottle可推断,这里填写名词bottle。

5. A点拨:南下文中句子...if he puts the water into the water dump可知.这里 表示的句意为“要想从水泵里得到水,你必须把瓶子里的水倒进水泵里。 ”put...into...“把……放进……里”.符合句意。

6.C点拨:由下文中句子...and fills the bottle with water again可推断.这里 提醒人们离开房间之前要把瓶子灌满。remember“记住”。 7.B点拨:所填写词作do的宾语.用疑问代词what填写。 8.D点拨:上下旬为转折关系.用转折连词but填写。

9.A 点拨:把瓶子里的水倒进水泵里,也许能得到很多水.也许什么也得 不到。由此可知这里填写表否定的代词nothing。

10.D点拨:既然得到了水.自己又很渴,所以他喝了个够。as much as“尽可 能多”。

VII.文章主要说的是杰克身体不舒服去看医生.医生建议他每天跑2英里,然而 一周后杰克找不到回家的路了。

1.B 点拨:根据文章第一段中He is not in good condition...I?ve got a headache and I don?t feel like eating.可知,杰克情况并不好,他头疼并且不想吃东西。 故选B。

2.A 点拨:根据文章第二段...”You should see the doctor.”his wife says可知, 杰克的妻子说他应该看医生。故选A。

3.C 点拨:根据文章第四段You need to do some exercise to lose about 30 kilograms.可知.杰克应该减体重30千克。故选C。

4.B 点拨:根据最后一段I?m 4 miles away from home,and I can?t find my way back.可知,杰克离家14英里。找不到回家的路,故选B。

5.D点拨:根据全文内容可判断,本文讲了一个关于杰克犯迷糊的小故事。故 选D。

VIII.1.queen 2.rather 3.drives 4.weight 5.start IX.1.Neither of them is crazy about 2.What;Thousands of 3.make her look 4.To his surprise 5.knocking on/at X.1.what?s wrong(with you)/What?s up/What?s the matter/ what?s the trouble/What happened/What has happened

2.Why/Why not/Why doesn?t she allow you to listen to it 3.I don?t think so/I disagree/I don?t agree(with her) 4.Do you often talk with your mother

5.sounds good/That?s a good idea/Good idea/Great/OK.I will/OK/I?ll do that

XI.One possible version:

How to make yourself happy

As we know,life is not all roses.Then how to make yourself happy when you have troubles?

First,be confident.Find something that you?re interested in.That will make you think about what makes you so great.Second,don?t forget to laugh.If you?ve had a really bad day,you can listen to your favorite songs or something happy.Then you?ll be happy.Finally,learn to be happy with your studies.Students usually spend most of their time studying.Try to find the proper ways and love studying .They can help you a lot.

