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1. 读音规则:末尾有不发音的e中间元音字母仍然读字母音。例如: ( )A. game B. made C. make D. mad 2. 求同法:两个确知项不相同,就确定其中有个答案,谁和第三个不同就选谁。例如: ( )A. face B. want C. gate D. grade

3. 求异法:两个确知项相同,就选剩下的两个中与前两个不同的那一个。例如: ( )A. face B. gate C. grade D. want 词汇

1 考查词汇的意义。例如:

(2010—8) Peter was about to unlock the door_____ he found someone had broken into the room. A. once B. before C. than D. when 2. 考查词汇的用法:短语;搭配。

(2010—6) What do you imagine the child uses this old tool ______? A. about B. by C. for D. of

3.(2010—16) Hold on, please, I’ll put you _______ to the manager. A. across B. through C. off D. over 4.考查句子结构用法:固定句型。

It is no use ____more people there. It is right of you ____the people here. A. to send, to keep B. sending, keeping C. sending, to keep D. to send, keeping


(2010—13) It is recorded that in 1892 the weather became so cold that the river____ over.

A. freezes B. was freezing C. has frozen D. froze

6. 信号词(signal words)和关键词(key words)例如:

(2010—18)_____in the letter did the young man say anything about his mistake. A. Anywhere B. Everywhere C. Nowhere D. Somewhere

7. 排除法:分组排除;逐一排除;例如:

(2010—13) It is recorded that in 1892 the weather became so cold that the river____ over.

A. freezes B. was freezing C. has frozen D. froze

8. 类推法:如果A对,那么B也对,所以两者都不对。例如: — Who’s the man at the door? — ____________.

A. He is a friend of mine B. He is a doctor C. He is a famous singer D. He is twenty 9.前后照应法:例如:

— He isn’t a teacher, is he? — _____. He works in a hospital. A. Yes, he is B. No, he isn’t C. Yes, he isn’t D. No, he is

第一节 名 词(null)



可数名词有单数和复数两种形式。名词复数的构成如下: 1.一般情况下在名词后加-s。如:girls, books。 ★浊辅音、元音结尾,s发[z]

2.以s, x , ch, sh结尾的词在名词后加-es。如:glasses, boxes, matches, bushes。 ★以s, x , ch, sh结尾,es发[iz]

3.“辅音字母+y”结尾的词,变y为i再加-es。如:city-cities, country-countries。 4.以o结尾的词多数加-es。如:heroes, tomatoes, potatoes。 radios, zoos, photos, pianos, kilos 例外。 5.f, fe 结尾的词,多数变f,fe为v再加-es。如:thief-thieves, leaf-leaves, half-halves, life-lives, wife-wives, knife-knives。

少数名词有不规则的复数形式。如:man-men, woman-women, foot-feet, tooth-teeth, child-children, mouse-mice。


个别名词的单数和复数的形式是一样的。如Chineses, Japanese, sheep, deer。 二、名词的所有格


名词表示没有生命的东西时,不能直接在其后加s。 时间名词所有格在其后加s,或复数名词后直接加。 三、名词在句子中的作用

1.主语是可数名词单数时,谓语动词用单数形式;主语是复数时,谓语动词用复数形式。 All roads lead to Rome。(条条大路通罗马。) His brother is an industrial engineer。

The number of the students attending the party is increasing。

★the number of 表示数量,无论后面名词是复数还是单数,谓语动词是单数形式。 Two-thirds of the shop belongs to me。 ★two-thirds 三分之二

几分之几作主语,谓语是单数形式。 belong to 属于某人

Both of us are studying English。

★总结:在名词作主语时,the number of 谓语动词单数形式; 几分之几,谓语单数形式; both 谓语使用复数形式。

1.Ten days ______ long enough for Mr. Carter to finish his design. He doesnt need any more。 A. is B. has been C. was D. had been

2. Now, many people use the word Ms instead of Miss or Mrs, for example, before the names of ______ in business letters。

3. The number of students who failed the chemistry examination _____ to fifteen。 A. have increased B. has increased C. is increased D. are increasing

4. Neither John nor his father _______ able to wake up early enough to catch the morning train。 5. The room is eight _______ long。 A. foot B. foots C. feet D. feets

6. When autumn comes, the ______ of trees begin to fall。 A. leafs B. leafes C. leaves D. leaf

7. The flood has done _____ to this area。

A. damages B. many damages C. much damage D. damaging

8. Not only the students but also their teacher ______ at the meeting。 A. was present B. were present C. have been presented D. has been presented

9. One of the things she wrote about ______ life on a small farm at the beginning of the century。


A. is B. was C. are D. were

10. Only about one out of twelve of the young men and women of this country _____ college education。 A. receive B. receives C. have received D. have been received

11. Never before ______ so many people been engaged in producing goods just for the comfort of man。 A. has B. have C. will D. would

12. At the bus stop _______ a soldier and two young people on their way to North Carolina。 A. were B. was C. is D. sits and waits

13. There ______ the last piece of cake and the last spoonful of ice cream。 A. goes B. go C. gone D. was gone

14. Mr. Brown, and not I , ________ chosen to be the representative of the class。 A. is B. am C. are D. have been

15. The teacher, as well as a number of students, _______ to attend the party。 A. ask B. asks C. was asked D. were asked

16. The hostess together with the guests of honor ________ comfortably in the living room。 A. was seated B. seated C. were seated D. were seating

17. The father, rather than the brothers, _______ responsible for the accident。 A. is B. are C. have been D. has

18. Either Carol or Grace ______ to the concert, but one of them has to stay home。 A. is coming B. are coming C. will coming D. have come 19. The total amount of money ______ 100 dollars。 A. is B. are C. has D. have

第二节 冠 词 冠词考试重点 冠词所占比例不大,一般是1分或2分。 1、什么时候加定冠词。

2、可数名词单数出现,必须用a或an或定冠词修饰,不能单独出现。 3、什么情况下,不用加冠词。 冠词易考:


Please go _____ upstairs after you have finished the lunch。 upstairs是副词,前面不需要加冠词。

2、可数名词单数泛指,前面加不定冠词。an用于读音以元音开头的单词前。 Reading English story books is a good way of improving your English。 I have been waiting for him for half an hour。 3、名词特指时,前面加定冠词。

He is enjoying his stay in Denmark, but has some difficulty with the language。 Is the water from the tap fit for drink?

4、可数名词的复数和不可数名词泛指,前面不加冠词;大部分专有名词前也不加冠词。 As we know, the most dangerous enemies are those who pretend to be friends。 They left for work after supper。

The film includes some recently discovered newsreels of World War II 。(the Sencond World War) 5、冠词在固定词组中的特定用法。

Without any news from Tom for a long time, his father left for Shanghai to see him。 They will travel by air。

I will help you for the sake of your sister。(for the sake of 因为) I will go to school on foot。 My mother is in hospital。

He has been in prison for two years。 典型例题


1. ______ film includes some recently discovered newsreels of _______ World War II。 A. The; the B. A; the C. The; / D. A; / 2. Can you play _____?

A. piano B. pianos C. a piano D. the piano 3. “Youve been very busy lately。”

“So busy I havent had time to clean my house. There is _____ wherever you look。” A. dust B. a dust C. the dust D. dusts

4. The station? Take the second turning _______。

A. to left then go straight on B. on the left, then go straight on

C. to left, then go right forward D. to the left, then go right forward on the left 在左边

5. My mother usually has _____ bed。 A. the breakfast B. breakfast in

C. the breakfast in the D. breakfast in the

6. He stole the money and they put him _________。

A. at prison B. at the prison C. in prison D. in the prison

7. Even on Sundays, fewer people go to ______ church than before。 A. the B. a C. / D. that

8. _________ look much alike。

A. Smiths sisters B. Smith sisters C. Two Smith sisters D. The Smith sisters

代 词 人称代词、物主代词、反身代词、指示代词、疑问代词、关系代词、不定代词及其用法。 考试重点

that和those有时分别用来代表前面提到的不可数名词和名词复数,以避免重复。而可数名词单数往往用the one 或that one 来代替。that 可以指上面提到的事情,this指下面要谈的事情。

不定代词中,both 放在实意动词前,系动词be 的后面。every只能跟名词,each可以跟名词也可以不跟名词。every在代词部分要出现当每隔??讲。

few, a few, many 修饰或指代可数名词,little, a little, much修饰或指代不可数名词。few, little表示否定。

one the other,some others,the others



Lets clean their room first and ______ later。 A. our B. us C. we D. ours

代词部分的主要考核点是不定代词。如some, any, few, a few, little, a little, many, much, one, none, all, both, either, neither, each, every, other, another, 以及some, any, no, every 与body, one, thing 构成的合成代词。

(1)泛指与特指。如:another, other, others 是泛指,the other, the others是特指。 (2)肯定与否定。如:a few, a little, either, some 及其合成代词表示肯定,few, little, none, neither, any 及其合成代词表示否定。

(3)可数与不可数。如:few, a few, many, one 修饰或指代可数名词,little, a little, much修饰或指代不可数名词。

代词部分的另一个考核点是it。 it 可以代替上文出现的单数事物。

The picture was changed while drawn from memory as it passed through the class. (it 指代the picture。) it takes sb. some time to do sth. 花费某人多长时间做某事 It takes half an hour or so to walk to the bus stop。


He made it plain that he was annoyed with me。 it 还可以构成强调句型,即“It is / was +被强调的部分+ that ?”。当强调的部分是人,并且是主语时,that可以换成who。强调句去掉it is / was 与that即成为普通的句子。 It was last night that I saw you in the restaurant。

It was she who / that suggested that he go to New York in order to get a direct flight。 典型例题

1. “How often do you take the medicine ?” “______ four hours。”

A. For B. Any C. Every D. Each 2. “Is this bike yours?” “No, its ______。”

A. Bob B. Bobs C. Bobs D. Bobs

3. “Is there ______ good on TV this evening?” “Sorry, nothing good. ”

A. nothing B. something C. anything D. everything

4. You have a good suggestion, but its not as practical as _______。 A. he B. him C. his D. her

5. A chemist prepares his experiments carefully before trying to carry _____ in his lab。 A. it out B. out it C. them out D. out them

6. Nowadays _____ seems to enjoy looking at fat girls. That is why many companies have developed special foods to help people to slim(苗条)。

A. everyone B. anybody C. somebody D. no one

7. You have to hurry up if you want to buy eggs because theres hardly _____ left。 A. anything B. something C. nothing D. everything

8. He felt bad because he had drunk too _____ the night before。 A. many B. much C. few D. little

9. She promised her parents to write _______ while she was away。 A. other day B. another day C. every other day D. any other day

10. It was terrible. One passenger was killed, and _____ was badly hurt。 A. the others B. rest C. the rest D. the other

11. Some people hope to be more successful while _____ simply want to feel more comfortable。 A. the others B. others C. the other D. another

12. If anyone happens to call while I am out of the office, please have ________ leave a message for me 。

A. he B. him C. they D. them

13. The first thing that my brother and _______ did in the early morning was to go out to see the pony。 A. I B. me C. mine D. my

14. “Id like some more bananas。” “Im sorry, there is _______ left。” A. no B. some C. few D. none

15. There are two windows in this bedroom. _______ of them face south, overlooking a beautiful park。 A. Both B. One C. The two D. Either

16. The jacket doesnt fit Terry, as he has _______ huge body and the jacket is _____ small。 A. such a; such B. such a; so C. so ; so D. so ; such a 17. “Why are you smiling?”

“Oh, Ive just thought of _________。” A. funny something B. something funny


