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1. He will speak about the environmental issues around the university。


2. Genetically engineered foods


3. They attended different forums, fieldtrips and workshops.

他们在不同的论坛和研讨会,实地考察。 4. Recycled paper. 再生纸。

5. From the sale of tickets and merchandise. 从销售机票和商品

6. For Swift Parrot, many rare native orchids and the oldest Ironbark trees.

鹦鹉,许多稀有的兰花,古老的桉树树 7. Monday, 2nd of August. 这个月第二个星期一 8. Preparing a proposal. 准备提案 9. 50 million

10. To list the things that can be done for an ideal campus. 一个理想的校园可以做的事情。

1. To a recycling center. 到回收中心。 2. Paper towels, napkins, bags and boxes


3. By finding new commercial uses for it. 通过寻找新的商业用途。 二

1. According to Alfred Nobel’s wil,he would establish a fund with his own money.


2. Oslo,Norway. 奥斯陆,挪威。

3. Because his father wanted him to study there and become a chemical engineer.

因为他父亲想让他在那里学习并成为一名化学工程师 4. A medal,a personal diploma,and a cash award. 一个奖章、一个个人文凭和一个现金奖励。

5. Because he’s made all his efforts to finght for the world peace in many aspects.

因为他让他所有的努力,为世界和平而奋斗在许多方面。 6. Discovering how cells are divided. 发现细胞分裂

7. Because it was the very day when Alfred Nobel passed away. 因为这是诺贝尔艾尔弗雷德去世的那一天。 8. The prize for economic science. 经济科学奖。 9. $1,300,000

10.A storyteller and a political advisor. 一个讲故事的人和一个政治顾问

1. At the Grand Hotel,Oslo 奥斯陆大饭店

2. The holding capacity of the venue 场地的承载能力

3. It was used to hold a dinner for 2,000 homeless people by Mother teresa.


1. The four-wheel drive vehicles may be taken off the road soon.四轮驱动车辆可上路不久。 2. How to increase efficiency. 如何提高效率。 3. $1,420

4. She’s got too many shoes.

她有太多的鞋子。 5. Fix it herself for the man 6. He didn’t have enough film.


7. Come out as soon as she taked her wallet.

当她把她的钱包 8. He won’t buy it.

9. She should move the CD ROMs rack to the corner. 她应该去 CD架的角落 10. It will open before Christmas. 它将在圣诞节前开放

1. In the 1960s.

2. Geographical location. 地理位置。

3. They are exciting and essential with high social status.

他们是令人兴奋的,具有很高的社会地位。 四

1. The final destination of the man is Los Angeles

1、最后一个人的目的地是洛杉矶 2. Get some small change. 得到一些小改变。

3.She doesn’t writie a letter once a week now. 她现在每周一次写作。 4.Buying a gift for a child. 给孩子买礼物. 5.Because she has to work. 因为她要工作。 6. Taking photographs 拍照

7.There won’t be test this afternoon. 今天下午不会有考试。

8.He can provide little useful information. 他可以提供一些有用的信息。

9.The film won’t be as good as she’d expected. 这部电影不会像她想象的那样好。 10.He knows his own limitation. 他知道自己的极限。

1.Overgrowth 过度生长

2.Human has spare copy of the gene to prevent the problem. 人类有备用的基因,以防止问题。

3.There are other reasons to explain the abnormal development. 解释异常发展的其他原因。 一到四

1.He’s in debt and is trying to borrow money. 他欠了债,想借钱。

2.She is concerned about her husbabd’s health. 她担心她丈夫的健康。

3.He was returning home from a party. 他从一个聚会回家。 4.At the school.

5.Hiking 郊游野游

6.She is resting in bed. 她躺在床上休息。 7.On the freeway. 在高速公路上。 8.March 21st. 3月21日。

9.The hotel confused him with another guest. 那家旅馆把他与另一位客人混淆了。

1.By placing ads for other companies on their site 通过将广告放置在他们的网站上的其他公司 2.On Websites. 在网站上。

3.Visit the Google Website and read the Terms of Service. 访问谷歌网站,阅读服务条款。

1.An automobile accident. 汽车事故。

2.He pulled the baby out of the window. 他把婴儿从窗户外面拉了出来。 3.He is Ray Anderson’s. son. 他是Ray Anderson的儿子。

1.She has to go to the library. 她必须去图书馆。

2.Improve the man’s compostition. 提高人的成分。

3.It was not like what she had expected. 这不是她所期望的。

4.Neither French nor mathematics is easy. 法语和数学都不容易。 5.Return the book. 还书。

6.It has changed little. 它变小了。

7.John is probably seeing a film now. John现在大概看了一部电影

8.He is slow in learning geography. 他学习地理很慢 9. A math book. 一本数学书。 10.The next day. 第二天。

1.Because the mismatch between education and the job market. 因为教育与就业市场之间的不匹配。

2.Migrant workers are more popular than university students. 农民工比大学生更受欢迎。

3.More skilled workers and polytechnics. 更多的技术工人和理工学院。

1.The plane’s departure time remains unknown. 飞机的起飞时间尚不清楚。

2.She thought there were no tickets left for the show. 她还以为没有票了。

3.They set off early. 他们早早出发了。

4.It’s not certain whether the trip will take place. 这是不确定的行程将发生。 5.5:15

6.The man is seeing the woman off. 男人看到女人了。

7.The man went to Australia during Christmas. 在圣诞节期间,这人去了澳大利亚。 8.The man reserved a room some time ago. 那人在一段时间前预定了一个房间。 9. Their father is unable to keep his promise. 他们的父亲无法信守诺言。 10.Take a bus. 乘公共汽车。

1.To attend mettings. 参加聚会。

2.It can lessen the discomfort caused by air travel. 它可以减轻由航空旅行引起的不适。 3.Avoid eating rich food and coffee. 避免吃丰富的食品和咖啡。

