热能与动力工程专业英语重点 原版

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1.开口系统:与外界既有物质交换又有能量交换,把研究对象控制在某个空间。---定容积系统 An Open system (or a control volume 控制体积)is a properly selected region in space. Both mass and energy can cross the boundary of a control volume.

such as, A Water heater, a turbine and a compressor, etc

2.闭口系统:系统与外界只有能量(功量、热量)的交换而无质量交换。——定质量系统A Closed system (a control mass 控制质量) consists of a fixed amount of mass, and no mass can cross its boundary. That is, no mass enters or leave a closed system.

such as, Piston-cylinder device (汽缸-活塞装置)

3.绝热系统:系统与外界只有功量和质量的交换,而无热量的交换。Adiabatic system is that no heat cross the boundary or heat is negligible compared with work cross the boundary

4.孤立系统:系统与外界既无能量交换又无质量交换,即系统与环境不发生任何作用。Isolated system is a special case that no mass and energy cross the boundary.

5.热力学第一定律:自然界一切物体都具有能量,能量有各种不同形式,它能从一种形式转化为另一种形式,从一个物体传递给另一个物体,在转化和传递过程中能量的总和不变。 The first explicit statement of the first law of thermodynamics:\all cases in which work is produced by the agency of heat, a quantity of heat is consumed which is proportional to the work done; and conversely, by the expenditure of an equal quantity of work an equal quantity of heat is produced.\6.热力学第二定律:不可能把热从低温物体传到高温物体而不产生其他影响;不可能从单一热源取热使之完全转换为有用的功而不产生其他影响;不可逆热力过程中熵的微增量总是大于零。

Second law of thermodynamics: Impossible to heat from low temperature to high temperature object object does not produce other effects; not possible from a single heat source heat so completely converted into useful work and does not produce other effects; irreversible thermodynamic entropy in the process of the incremental volume is always greater than zero.

7.锅炉:锅炉利用热量使水转变成蒸汽以进行各种利用。 Boilers use heat to convert water into steam for a variety of applications. 8.汽轮机:将蒸汽的热能转换为机械能的叶轮式旋转原动机。

Steam Turbine is the impeller rotating prime mover that the thermal energy of the steam is converted to mechanical energy 。

9.省煤器:省煤器(英文名称Economizer)就是锅炉尾部烟道中将锅炉给水加热成汽包压力下的饱和水的受热面。The economizer (Name Economizer) is the rear of the boiler flue of the boiler feed water is heated into steam drum pressure saturated water heating surface。

10.空预器:空气预热器就是锅炉尾部烟道中的烟气通过内部的散热片将进入锅炉前的空气预热到一定温度的受热面。 The air preheater through the fins of the internal heating surface will enter the air is preheated to a certain

temperature in the boiler before the flue gas in the rear of the boiler flue.


The degree of reaction is steam Rotor Cascade isentropic enthalpy drop class isentropic enthalpy drop ratio. 12.状态:某一瞬间热力系所呈现的宏观状况

State: it reveals the physical condition of a system.

13.状态参数:描述系统宏观物理状况的物理量,简称参数 Properties are used to depict any characteristic of a system. 14.比体积:单位质量的物质所占有的体积,用v表示。

Specific volume is the reciprocal of density and is defined as volume per unit mass.

15.真空度:表示绝对压力低于大气压力的量值 Vacuum pressure (真空度):Pressures below atmosphere pressure. It is the pressure difference between atmospheric and system pressure when system pressure is lower than atmospheric And it is denoted as PVAC or H. 16.如果两个系统分别与第三个系统处于热平衡,则两个系统彼此必然处于热平衡。

If two bodies are in thermal equilibrium with a third body, they are also in thermal equilibrium with each other.


A system in equilibrium experiences no changes with time when it is isolated from its surroundings.


A system is said to have undergone a cycle if it returns to its initial state at the end of the process

12.A turbine cylinder (汽轮机汽缸) is essential a pressure vessel with it’s weight supported at each end on the horizontal centerline.

19.热力系统的定义(Definition )

系统就是指被选做研究对象的物体或空间。(A quantity of matter or a region in space chosen for study.)

20.热平衡(Thermal equilibrium )

If the temperature is the same throughout the entire system.

