3000 单词

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attend v.上学;参加n. attendance 七岁以上的小孩都得上学。

All children over seven must attend school. blame n.责难 反:compliment

I have done my best, neither praise nor blame can affect me now. 我已尽最大的努力,赞扬或责难现在都影响不了我。 bubble n.气泡

Children like to make bubble with soap and water.

孩子喜欢用肥皂水做泡泡。 cemetery n.墓地 同:graveyard

There are many tombs in the cemetery. 墓地里有许多墓碑。

commendation n.赞扬 同:praise 反:blame He was given a commendation for bravery after he saved the little children from the fire. 他从火灾中救出孩子们后,因为他的勇气可嘉而受到赞扬。

conflict n.冲突;争斗 同:fight 反:reconciliation

Some people think that there is a great deal of conflict between religion(宗教)and science. 有人认为宗教与科学间有很大的冲突。

direct v.监督;指导

adj.直接的 同:conduct, command 反:indirect

There was nobody to direct the workman. 没有人监督工人。

Which is the most direct way to London? 去伦敦最直接的路是哪一条? draw v.拉 同:drag, haul

Draw your chair nearer to the table. 把你的椅子往桌子拉近一点。 empire n.帝国 同:realm

The United States was once a part of the British Empire.

美国一度曾经是大英帝国的一部分。 file n.文档卷 v.归档

Please put these letters in the main file. 请把这些文件放入文卷总档中。

The secretary filed the cards in order. 秘书将卡片依序归档。

frank adj.坦白的 同:candid,honest 反:deceiful,dishonest

He was frank to admit(承认)that he hadn't studied the lesson.


generate v.产生 同:produce,make

We know that heating water can generate steam.

我们知道将水加热可以产生蒸气。 halt v.停止前进

The soldiers halted for a rest.


horn n.角

A goal(山羊)has two horns on its head. 山羊的头上有两只角。 individual adj.个别的

n.个人 同:person

A teacher can't give individual attention if his class is large.


The rights of the individual are more important than the rights of society as a whole. 个人的权利比整个社会的权利重要得多。 interval n.(时间的)间隔

There is a long interval before he replied. 他隔了一段很长时间才回答。 knot n.绳结

The knots of your package must be tied tightly.


liberal adj.自由主义的,通才的 反:professional

He is liberal in his view on government. 他对政体的看法是属于自由主义的。

They want their child to have a liberal education.


★liberal education:文科教育, 普通教育,通才教育

magnificent adj.华丽的

n.magnificence 同:grand,splendid

The king was wearing a magnificent gold crown(王冠).


mental adj.心理的 反:physical

Keeping mental health is very important in He has many relatives in the United States. 他在美国有很多亲戚。

East is a relative term,for example,France is east of England but west of Italy.

东方是个相对的名词,譬如说,法国在英国的东方,但在意大利的西方。 ★relative term:相对项 resort v.常去,求助

modern society.

在现代社会中维护心理健康是非常重要的。 momentary adj.暂时的 同:transient 反:everlasting

Her feeling of danger was only momentary;it soon passed.

他的危险感是暂时的,很快就消失了。 neutral adj.中立的

He remained neutral in the argument between his two friends.

他在两个朋友的争辩中保持中立。 omit v.遗漏,删除

He made many mistakes in spelling by omitting letters(字母).


peacock n.孔雀

A peacock can fly only short distance. 孔雀只能飞很短的距离。 pioneer n.先驱者

John Glenn was a pineer in space travel(太空旅行).

约翰·格伦是太空飞行的先驱者。 ★space travel:太空飞行,太空旅行 同:forerunner

pronounce v.读~的音

n.pronunciation n.宣告


The teacher pronounced each word slowly. 老师把每一个字音都读得很慢。

The doctor pronounced that the man was dead. 医生宣告那男人死了。 relative n.亲戚

adj.相对的 反:absolute

When we were high school students,we resorted to the restaurant.


He always resorted to asking his friends for money.


★resort to:常去,采用,使用(手段),诉诸(法律)

rub v.摩;擦

He rubbed his hands together to warm up. 他摩擦双手以取暖。

★warm up:热身,重新煮热,变暖,感到亲切,激动

shadow n.阴暗处 同:shade

He walked along in the shadows hoping no one would recognize him.

他沿着阴暗处走,希望没有人会认出他。 situation n.情势 同:condition,case

I'm in a difficult situation and I don't know what to do.


sore adj.疼痛的 同:aching,painful His sore leg made walking difficult. 疼痛的腿使他步行困难。 spread v.覆盖,铺(桌面)

His sister spread a cloth on the table. 他的姐姐把一块桌布铺在桌上。 talent n.天才

The girl has a talent for music. 那女孩有音乐的天才。 throne n.王位

He was only 15 years old when he came to the throne.

他登基时只有十五岁。 transfer n.调职 v.移转

He has asked for a transfer to another job. 他已要求调职。

The football player is hoping to transfer to copper n.铜

Copper is easily shaped into thin sheet or fine wire.

铜易于塑成薄板或细丝。 ★thin sheet:钢皮,薄片,薄钢板; fine wire:another team soon.

该足球队员希望不久能调到另一队。 usage n.使用

Machines soon wear out under rough usage. 机器使用不小心很快就会磨损。

★wear out:消瘦,穿破,用坏,克服,消磨,疲劳

vowel n.元音字母 反:consonant

The vowels in the English language are represented by A,E,I,O,U,and,sometimes,Y. 英文中的元音字母以a,e,i,o,u 为代表,有时再加上y 。

withdraw v.缩回,撤销

He quickly withdraw his hand from the hot stove.



agency n.经销处

The Ford Company has agencies all over the country.

福特公司在全国都由经销处。 blank adj.空白的 同:empty

Please write your name in the blank space at the top of the page.

请把你的名字写在此页上头的空白处。 bulk n.堆,容量 同:volume

A vast bulk of coal(煤)is still stored in the basement(地下室).

地下室中仍储有大量的煤堆。 ceremony n.典礼

Their marriage ceremony was performed in the church.

他们的结婚典礼在教堂举行。 commerce n.贸易 同:trade

Our country has grown rich because of its commerce with other nations.



confuse v.混淆

n.confusion 同:embarrass,puzzle Even their own mother sometimes confused the twins. curse v.诅咒

He cursed the poor waitress who had spilled soup on him.

delight n.娱乐,愉快 同:pleasure

Moving picture give great delight to million of people.

电影娱乐了数以百万的人们。 drift n.v.漂流

The boat was taken out to sea by the drift of the tide.

小船被潮流冲到外海。 faculty n.能力,(大学等的)教职员

John has the faculty to learn languages easily. 约翰有迅速学会语言的能力。

That will be discussed in the next faculty meeting.

那将会在下一次的教职员会议上讨论。 ★faculty meeting:教职员会议,教授会 financial adj.经济上的 n.finance

Before he decided to study abroad,he has to solve financial problems. 在他决定出国念书前,必须先解决经济上的问题。

freight n.货物 同:cargo

This aircraft company deals with freight only,it has no travel service.


generous adi.慷慨的 n.generosity

It was very generous of them to share their

meal with their poor neighbors.


handy adj.便利的 同:convenient

There were handy shelves near the kichen 洋葱的气味和味道很烈。

pit n.坑 同:hole

Water collected in the pit left when the old sink(水槽).


horrible adj.可怕的 n.horror

I have never seen such a horrible car accident. 我从未见过如此可怕的车祸。 industrious adj.勤劳的

An industrious student usually has good grades(成绩).

勤奋的学生通常有好成绩。 intimate adj.亲密的 n.intimacy adv.intimately

Although my brother knew many people,he had few intimate friends. 虽然我兄弟认识许多人,但亲密的朋友却很少。

liberty n.自由

They fought to defend their liberty against the invaders.

他们为保卫自由而抵抗侵略者。 majesty n.庄严 同:greatness,dignity

They were inspired by the majesty of the snow covered mountains.

他们由积雪山脉的庄严气氛中获得启示。 monument n.纪念物

The ruins of the castle(城堡)is an ancient monument,which the government pays money to preserve.


nickname n.绰号

He got the nickname \because he was very fat.

他非常胖,因而得到一个“胖子”的绰号。 onion n.洋葱

Onion has a very strong smell and taste.

trees were uprooted(连根拔起).

老树被连根拔起后所留下的坑会积水。 preach v.传教

Many people went to church to hear him preach.

许多人到教堂听他传教。 proof n.证据 v.prove

We must wait for better proof before we believe.

在我们相信以前,必须等待更有力的证据。 rag n.破布 adj.ragged

She wiped her boots with a rag. 她用破布擦她的皮靴。 release v.释放 反:hold

After he was released from prison,he came home directly.

他被释放出狱后立刻回家。 rude adj.不礼貌的 同:impolite

It is rude to stare at people or to point with a finger.

瞪眼看人或用手指人,都是不礼貌的。 scorn n.轻视 v.不屑,轻视

We feel scorn for a traitor(卖国贼). 我们轻视卖国贼。 shallow adj.浅的

The lake is too shallow for swimming. 那湖用来游泳太浅了。

soul n.灵魂 同:spirit 反:body

They were praying for the souls of the dead. 他们正为死者的灵魂祈祷。 sprinkle v.撒,洒

He sprinkled sand along the icy path. 他沿着结冰的路撒沙子。 stoop v.弯腰 同:bend

He stooped to pick up the paper. 他俯身捡纸。

sum n.金额,和,总额

He paid the sum of $10 for a new bag. 他以十元的价格买一个新袋子。 The sum of 2 and 3 is 5. 二和三之和为五。 talkative adj.多嘴的

No man likes talkative woman. 没有男人喜欢多嘴的女人。

throughout adv.全部的 prep.全,遍及

The woodwork in the house was rotten throughout.


His name is famous throughout the world. 全世界都知道他的名字。 utter v.说出


adj.完全的 同:complete

He was gone before she could utter a word. 她还未开口说一个字,他就走了。 She is an utter stranger to me.

对我来说,她完全是一个陌生人。 voyage n.航行 同:navigation

The voyage from England to India used to take six months.

过去从英国航行印度,要花六个月的时间。 ★used to:惯常,惯于; be used to:过去习惯于

wither v.枯萎 同:fade

The grass withered in the sun.

★in the sun:在阳光下,无忧无虑


academic adj.学校的 同:scholastic

The academic year begins when school opens in September.

学年是从学校九月开学时开始。 ahead adv.超过,在前地

Tom was a quick walker,so he soon got ahead of the others. 汤姆走路很快,所以不久他就走在别人前面了。

blaze n.火焰 同:flame

I put some wood on the fire and it soon burst

into a blaze.

我放一些木柴在火中,很快就发出炽焰。 ★burst into:闯入,开出,突然出现 challenge v.邀请比赛

I challenged him to a game of tennis. 我邀请他作网球比赛。 commit v.犯,作,委托 n.commitment

A man who steals commits a crime. 偷窃的人犯罪。

He committed himself to the doctor's care. 他将自己委托给医生。 ★commit a crime:犯罪

congress n.立法机关 同:parliment,assembly In some countries,the congress is composed of a Senate and a House of Representatives.


★be composed of:由...组成; House of Representatives:(美国、新西兰、澳大利亚等国的)众议院

damp adj.潮湿的 同:wet,moist

If you sleep between damp sheets,you will probably catch cold.

如果你睡在潮湿的被单里可能会着凉。 ★catch cold:感冒

drown v.淹死

The fisherman almost got drowned when his boat was overturned(翻覆的). 当渔夫的船翻覆时他几乎淹死。 evident adj.明显的 n.evidence

It is now evident that,if I don't study hard,I will fail the course.

现在情形很明显,如果我不努力用功,我这一科就会不及格。 fable n.寓言

He read stories to the children from an old book of fables.

他从一本旧的寓言书里念故事给孩子们听。 firm adj.坚硬的

We build houses on firm ground.

我们在坚硬的土地上盖房子。 frequent adj.常有的 n.frequency

Sudden rainstorms(暴风雨)are frequent on this coast(海岸).

这里海岸常有突然的暴风雨。 genius n.天才

Important discoveries and inventions are around the table.

董事长点了头,每个人就围着桌子坐下。 operate v.转动


The machine operates day and night. 机器日夜不停地转动。

usually made by man of genius.

重要的发现和发明通常是有天才的人所为。 harbor n.港

The ship is in the harbor of New York. 那船停在纽约港中。

howl n.咆哮 同:yell,shout

The dog were howling at the stranger. 狗正向那陌生人咆哮着。

infamous adj.声名狼藉的 同:notorious

Nobody likes him because he is an infamous liar(骗子).


labor n.劳动


The majority of the men earn their living by manual(用手的)labor.

大多数的人靠双手劳动来谋生。 lid n.盖 同:cover

Do not open the lid of the stove. 不要打开炉盖。 mercy n.宽恕


He showed mercy to his enemies(敌人)and let them live.

他宽恕了敌人,让他们活着。 moral adj.道义上的 n.morality

The teacher felt a moral responsibility for the student's crime.


nod n.点头

The president nodded and everyone sat down

pearl n.珍珠

The natural pearl is much more expensive than a cultured one.

天然的珍珠比养珠要昂贵的多。 pitch v.抛,投,搭,扎

Every child likes to pitch stones into a lake. 每个孩子都喜欢将石子抛入湖中。 We pitched our tent under the tree. 我们在树下扎营。

★pitch into:投入,猛烈进攻,大吃大嚼 property n.所有物,财产 同:possessions The police found some stolen property hidden in the thief's house.


rage n.愤怒 同:angry,fury

He flew into(突然迸发)a rage when he found they had gone without him.

当他了解他们已不告而别时,大为愤怒。 fly into:突发

relieve v.减轻 n.relief 感到放心

The machine will soon relieve your headache. 那药很快就会减轻你的头疼。

We were relieved to hear that you have arrive safely.

听到你已安全抵达,我们都放心了。 restless adj.不安的

He couldn't sit still,he was very restless. 他无法静坐着,他很不安。 rug n.地毯 同:carpet

There were several small rugs in the living room.

客厅里有几块小地毯。 scout n.侦探兵

The scouts went out during the night.


sketch n.草案,略图

He gave me a sketch of his plans for the expedition(探险).

他给我一份他探险计划的草案。 sound adj.健全的,声音

He has a sound body,he is in healthy 他接种一次疫苗可抵抗好几种疾病。 wage n.薪资

His wage is $30 a week. 他的工资一星期三十元。 witness v.目睹 n.证人

The boy witnessed the accident. 那男孩子目睹了意外事故。

He made the remark in the presence of several witnesses.


他有健康的身体,他的健康情况良好。 They heard the sound of the train whistle(鸣笛).

他们听到火车的鸣笛声。 spy n.侦探,间谍 v.侦察

The spy reported the development of a new weapon(武器).


His job was to spy on the enemy(敌军). 他的工作是侦察敌军。 ★spy on:侦查,暗中监视 storage n.贮藏库

A cold storage is used to keep eggs and meat from spoiling(变坏).

冷藏库是用来防止蛋和肉腐坏的。 summon v.传唤

There were summoned to the bed-side of their dying father.

他们被传唤到垂死的父亲的床边。 tame adj.温顺的 v.驯服

It is not difficult to ride a tame horse. 骑一批温驯的马并不难。

He tamed the lions for the circus(马戏团). 他为马戏团驯服狮子。 thrust v.插入

Jack thrust his hands into his pockets. 杰克把两手插进衣袋里。 trap n.陷阱 同:snare

The police set a trap to catch the escaped prisoner.

警察设下陷阱以逮捕逃犯。 vaccinate v.接种疫苗

He was vaccinated against several diseases at one time.



accentuate v.使更为明显

The dark frame(暗框)accentuates the brightness of the picture. 暗框使画的亮度更明显。 bundle n.包,包裹

We sent her a large hundle of present on her birthday.

我们在她生日时送她一大包礼物。 communicate v.联络,传达 n.communication

We can now communicae with people in Europe and America by telephone.


Radio,telephone,and newspaper quickly communicates news to all parts of the world. 收音机、电视机和报纸能迅速地把消息传达到全世界。

correspond v.通信,符合 n.corresponce

Janet and Bob corresponded for many years before they met.

珍妮特和鲍伯在见面前已通了好几年信。 The house exactly(正好)corresponds with my needs.

这栋房子正好符合我的需要。 ★correspond with:符合,一致 darken v.变黑 adj.dark

The sky quickly darkened after sunset(日落). 日落后,天空很快地变黑。

deny v.拒绝 n.denial

Their employer denied them an increase of income.


discharge v.排出,解雇 同:dismiss

Factory chimneys discharge smoke into the atmosphere and make it dirty.

工厂的烟囱排烟到空气里,造成空气污染。 The servant(仆人)was discharged for being dishonest.


dull adj.钝的 同:blunt 反:sharp

The blade(刀口)of this knife is so dull that it will not cut a redish(萝卜).

这把刀的刀锋太钝,不能切萝卜。 endeavor n.竭力 同:effort v.努力

He made an endeavor to save the drowning girl.


The sick man did not endeavor to get better. 那病人没有努力使自己的病情好一点。 excellence n.杰出


His teacher praised him for the excellence of his report.

他的老师因他杰出的报告而称赞他。 fade v.枯萎 同:wither

The flowers in the garden faded at the end of summer.

花园里的花在夏末时枯萎。 fist n.拳头

He raised his fist and threatened to hit me. 他举起拳头威胁要打我。 frighten v.害怕 n.fright

She was frightened to look down from the top of the tall building.

她害怕从高楼的顶端往下看。 ghost n.鬼魂 同:apparition

They claim that the ghost of the murdered(被谋杀)man appears every night.


inferior adj.较低的

His grades(分数)are inferior to mine this semester.

这学期他的分数比我低。 lighten v.照亮

A candle lightened the darkness of the great hall.

一支蜡烛照亮了黑暗的大厅。 merit n.价值 同:female

Each child will get a mark according to the merit of this work

每个孩子都会依其工作的表现而被评分。 mortal adj.致命的,人类的 n.mortality

He received a mortal wound(伤)soon after the battle(战争)began.

战争才开始不久他就得了致命的伤致。 It's beyond mortal power to bring a dead man back to life.

使死人复生是人力所不能及的。 palace n.宫殿

His home is a palace compared with our poor little house.


peasant n.农夫,农人 同:farmer

Many peasants were needed to help the farmer with the harvest.


pity n.怜悯 adj.pitiful

I gave the beggar some money,feeling pity for him.

我可怜那乞丐,给了他一些钱。 preface n.序言

What did the writer say in the preface of the book?

作者在这本书的序言里说什么。 proportion n.比例

The proportion of sunny days to rainy days last month was four to one.

上个月晴天和雨天的比例是四比一。 range n.范围 同:scope,extent

The power of nature is outside the range of superintendent n.监督者

He is superintendent of this school. 他是这所学校的督学。

tangle v.缠结 同:entangle 反:disentangle I don't like to sew with thread(线缝)that human understanding.

大自然的力量超过人类所能理解的范围。 religious adj.宗教的 n.religion

Religious services(仪式)are held here every Sunday.

每周日都在此举行宗教仪式。 resume v.继续


We resumed out journey after a short rest. 休息片刻后我们继续旅行。 scrape v.刮,削

The boy scraped the mud(泥巴)from his shoes.

那男孩刮掉鞋上的泥巴。 sharp adj.锋利的

adv.整,准 同:exactly She cut the meat with a sharp knife. 她用锋利的刀切肉。

The meeting starts at two o'clock sharp,don't be late.

会议两点开始不要迟到。 skill n.熟练,技能

The teacher managerd(管理)her pupils with wonderful skill.


sour adj.酸的

Some people don't like lemon juice ,it tastes sour.

有些人不喜欢柠檬汁,因为它是酸的。 square n.正方形

A square has four equal sides and four 90-degree angles(角).

正方形有四个等边和四个九十度的角。 stout adj.肥胖的 同:fat 反:slender He was too stout to fit into his old clothes. 他太胖,以致穿不下旧衣服。

tangles easily.

我不喜欢用容易打结的线缝补。 thumb n.拇指

He accidentally hit his thumb with the hammer.

他不小心用铁锤敲着了拇指。 treaty n.条约 同:agreement

The peace treaty was sighed in Paris last summer.

和平条约于去年夏天在巴黎签订。 vanish v.消失 同:disappear

Their fear vanish when the storm ended. 当暴风雨结束,他们的忧虑也消失了。 warfare n.战争 同:war

Civilian(平民)as well as soldiers take part in modern warfare.

现代战争中,平民同士兵一样要参加。 witty adj.机智的

A witty person makes witty remarks. 机智的人说话机智。


alarm n.恐惧 同:fear

Small earthquakes are so common here that people don't feel much alarm at them. 小地震在此常发生,因此人们对它们并不感到很害怕。

charitable adj.慈善的 n.charity

He was a charitable man who use his wealth for the poor and sick man. 他是个慈善的人,用他的财富去帮助穷人和病人。

companion n.同伴 同:colleague

John traveled around the world with me as my companion.

约翰和我结伴一起环游世界。 costume n.服装 同:dress

The professor was in academic costume when I saw him yesterday.

我昨天看到教授时,他正穿着大学服。 ★academic costume:大学礼服 dash v.投掷 同:throw,hurl

In a moment of anger he dashed the glass had stopped.

我像窗外瞥一眼看雨是否已停。 hardware n.五金工具

He bought a hammer and other hardware at the store.

他在那家店里买了一把铁锤和其他的五金against the door.


deposit n.沉淀物 v.储存

There is often a deposit of sand and mud(泥巴)at the mouth of a river. 河口常有泥沙的沉淀。

He deposited quite a lot of money in the bank. 他把相当多的钱存到银行里。 disclose v.露出 同:reveal n.disclosure

The lifting of the curtain disclosed a beautiful painting.

帘幕启开后,露出一副美丽的图画。 dumb adj.沉默的 同:mute

The class remained dumb when the teacher asked a difficult question.

当老师问一难题时,全班哑口无言。 endure v.忍受


Be quiet!I can't endure that noise any longer. 安静!我再也忍受不了那嘈杂声。 exception n.例外


You all must take the examination,I can make no exception.

你们必须全体参加考试,我不允许有例外。 flame n.火焰

The whole village was in flames when we got there.

当我们到那里时,整个村子都陷入火海。 glance n.匆匆一瞥 v.瞥视

He looked over the newspapers with a hasty glance.


I glanced out of the window to see if the rain


humble adj.卑微的,简陋的

The vastness(浩瀚)of the universe makes a person feel humble.


Lincoln was born in a humble log cabin. 林肯在一个简陋的小木屋里出生。

investigate v.调查


The police investigated the cause of a railway accident.

警察调查火车肇事的原因。 lightning n.闪电

Lightning is usually followed by thunder(雷声).

在闪电之后通常有雷声。 mammal n.哺乳动物

A whale is not a fish ,but a mammal. 鲸不是鱼,而是哺乳类动物。 motion n.动作 同:movement

Avoid unnecessary motion of your hand while you are writing.

当你写字时,避免不必要的手部动作。 oppose v.反对 同:resist 反:agree

I am very much opposed to your going abroad. 我极力反对你出国。 ★oppose to:反对 palm n.手掌

She put a coin in the palm of the beggar's hand.

她将一枚硬币放在乞丐的手中。 peck v.啄

The bird pecked a hole in the tree. 那只鸟在树上啄个洞。

planet n.行星

The earth is one of the planets that move around the sun.

地球是绕太阳运转的行星之一。 proposal n.建议 v.propose

He has made a proposal that she should take a supreme adj.最大的

He showed supreme courage in his decision. 他的决定表现了最大的勇气。 tap v.轻拍 n.龙头

He tapped me on the shoulder. 他轻拍我的肩膀。

Hot water flowed from the tap. rest for a while.

他建议她应该休息一会儿。 remarkable adj.出众的

She is remarkable for her sweet temper. 他因温和的性情而出众。 retain v.保留

She retains a clear memory of her schooldays. 他仍清楚记得她的求学时代。 rust n.锈

The unpainted metal tools were covered with rust.

未上漆的金属工具布满了锈。 scratch v.划,抓 n.抓痕

The man scratched a match on the wall. 那人在墙上划亮了一根火柴。 He has a deep scratch on his face. 他脸上有道深的抓痕。 shave v.刮胡子

Do you shave yourself or go to the barber's(理发店)?

你是自己刮胡子还是去理发厅? slant n.斜面 同:slope

The slant of the roof is too steep(抖)to climb. 屋顶的斜面太陡无法攀爬。

sow v.种植

The farmer sowed the field with wheat(小麦). 那农民把小麦种在田里。 squirrel n.松鼠

The squirrels were very busy gathering nuts for the winter.

松鼠正忙着为冬天采集胡桃。 strain v.竭力

He strained every muscle to lift the heavy rock.


热水从龙头中流出。 thunder n.打雷

We had a lot of thunder this summer. 今年夏天经常打雷。 tremble v.颤抖

She trembled when she heard the bad news. 她听到坏消息时,颤抖了起来。 vapor n.蒸气

Strange vapors rose from the dark lake. 奇怪的蒸汽从黑暗的湖中升起。 warrior n.战士 同:soldier

The warriors couldn't defeat their enemy only with their spears(矛).

战士们仅以他们的矛是无法击败敌人。 woe n.灾祸 同:distress

Sickness and poverty are common woes. 疾病和贫穷是常见的灾祸。


accidental adj.偶然的 同:unexpected

We became friends after our accidental meeting at the Christmas party.

在圣诞宴会偶然的相遇后,我们成为朋友。ambition n.雄心


One of his ambitions is to become a famous politician.

成为一个有名的政治家是他的雄心之一。 authority n.权力


A policeman has the authority to arrest(拘捕)speeding(超速)drivers. 警察有权拘捕超速的司机。 blossom v.开花

n.开花的状态或时期 同:bloom,flower

All the orchards(果树)blossom in spring. 所有的果树在春天开花。

The cherry trees are in full blossom now. 樱花正在盛开。

★in full blossom:盛开 bureau n.局 同:office

An information bureau(新闻局)collects and 再试试!不要因为一次失败就气馁。 dusk n.傍晚 同:twilight

The buildings over there are scarcely(几乎不)visible in the dusk.

傍晚时,那里的建筑物几乎看不见。 exchange n.交换 同:interchange

Exchange of prisoners during a war is not very keeps various facts.


charm n.迷人,魅力 同:attraction 反:ugliness

His essays have a charm of style that can't be found in other writers.


★be found in:在某地,到某地 conscience n.是非之心,良心 adj.conscientious

Jean's got no conscience ,she's steal anything from anybody.


cottage n.小屋 同:cabin

He lives in a cottage in the woods. 他住在森林里的小屋内。

dawn n.黎明 同:daybreak 反:dust

We startted our trip at dawn in order to get there before noon.


depress v.使沮丧,使萧条 反:boost The rainy season always depresses me. 雨季总使我沮丧。

When business is depressed many men lose their positions.

商业萧条时,许多人失业。 discourage v.劝阻

使气馁 同:depress

We tried to discourage him from climbing the mountain without a guide.

我们设法劝他不要没有向导就去爬山。 Try again!Don't let one failure discourage you.


战争交换战俘不常见。 extraordinary adj.惊人的

Eight feet is an extraordinary height for a man. 一个人身高八尺是惊人的。 faint adj.微弱的

She called for help in a faint voice. 她以微弱的声音求助。 flash v.闪光 同:sparkle

The lighting flashed across the sky. 闪电划过天空。 frost n.霜


Frost has killed several of our young plants. 霜已搞坏了我们好几株幼苗。 gleam n.微弱的光 同:flash,beam

A gleam of light shone through the partly opened door.

微弱的光线从半开的门里射进来。 harness n.马具,利用

The saddle is a part of a horse's harness. 坐鞍是马具的一种。

We can harness water in a river to produce electric power.

我们可以利用河中的水产生电力。 ★electric power:电力,电功率

hymn n.圣歌 v.唱赞美歌

The people joined together in singing a hymn. 人们在一起唱圣歌。

They hymned their thanks to God. 他们向上帝唱赞美歌以表达感谢。 limb n.肢,手足

That man with one arm lost his other limb in an airplane crash.



manage v.驾驶 同:handle 处理 同:conduct

He couldn't manage his horse,and it threw him to the ground.


They hired a young man to manage their 从山顶可以看到这山美丽的风景。

I see no prospect of his recovery from the disease.

我看他没有希望能从疾病中康复。 rare adj.稀有的,(指肉)半熟的

Today tigers are rare animals in Taiwan. 今日,老虎在台湾是稀有动物。 business.

他们雇用一个青年来处理他们的业务。 motive n.动机 同:cause

We despise those who act from low or selfish motive.


nostril n.鼻孔

The Indian princess wore a diamond in her right nostril.

印地安公主在右鼻孔中戴了一颗钻石。 oral adj.口头的

She gives us a oral report instead of a written report.


pang n.突然的剧痛

It is hard to stand the pangs of a toothache. 一阵阵的牙痛很难忍受。 peculiar adj.独特的 n.peculiarity

All cultures seem to have peculiar customs. 所有的文化似乎都有独特的风俗。 plate n.盘 同:dish

In America food is usually served on plates. 在美国,食物通常装在盘子里。 preserve v.保留


The city decided to preserve the beautiful old building as a museum.


prospect n.景色 同:view,scene

希望 同:expectation,hope From the top of the hill there is a beautiful prospect over the hill.

I want my steak very rare,please. 请把我的牛排煮生一点。 remedy n.药物 同:cure

This pill is a good remedy for a headache and toothache.

这药丸是治头痛和牙痛的良药。 retire v.退休

My father retired from his job at the age of 60. 我父亲六十岁时退休。 scream n.尖叫声

A scream for help came from inside the building.

从那栋建筑物内传出一声尖厉的呼救。 shed n.小屋,棚

v.流出 同:pour

The garden tools are in that shed. 园艺用具在那间小屋内。

We shed our blood for our country. 我们为国流血捐躯。

slavery n.奴隶制度

Many men fought for the abolition of slavery. 许多人为废止奴隶制度而奋斗。 spacious adj.宽敞的

The rooms of the palace were spacious. 这座大厦的房间很宽敞。 staff n.全体人员

The teaching staff of the school is excellent. 该校的教员很优秀。

★teaching staff:教育工作者(总称) straw n.稻草

The farmers covered the barn(谷仓)floor with straw(稻草).

农民们把稻草覆盖在谷仓的地板上。 tick n.滴答声

The silence were broken only by the tick of

the clock.

只有钟的滴答声打破了寂静。 tremendous adj.巨大的

The army suffered a tremendous defeat in that battle.

在那次战役中,陆军惨败。 waterfall n.瀑布

The Niagara Falls is one of the most beautiful 他因病被迫放弃学业。 consent v.同意

He asked the girl to marry him and she concented.

他请求那女孩嫁给他,她答应了。 counterpart n.相当的人物,配对物

The Chinese foreign minister(中国外交部长)met his Canadian counterpart(加拿大外交部waterfalls in the world.

尼亚加拉瀑布是世界上最美丽的瀑布之一。 worm n.虫

The worm turns the soil. 虫翻土


accompany v.陪,伴,伴奏

He accompanied his girlfriend to the airport. 他陪着女朋友到机场。

she accompanied the singer on the piano. 他为演唱者担任钢琴伴奏。 amuse v.使笑

n.amusement adj.amusing

The storyteller's jokes amused the children. 说书人的笑话逗乐了孩子。 bomb n.炸弹

A time bomb(定时炸弹)explodes sometime after it is placed in position. 定时炸弹被放置于定位后,会在一段时间后爆炸。

burial n.葬礼

The burial of the dead sailor was performed at sea.

那死去的船员的葬礼在海上举行。 chase v.追赶 反:flee

The old lady saw the thief running up the street and chased him on her bicycle. 老妇人看见小偷跑在街上,便骑着自行车去追他。

compel v.强迫

He was compelled by illness to give up his studies.



Your right hand is the counterpart of your left hand.

你的右手和你的左手互相配对。 deafen v.使聋 adj.deaf

A sudden explosion(爆炸声)deafened us for a moment.


derive v.获得,起源

We have derived benefit from the new method of generation of electricity.

他们已从产生电力的新方法上获得益处。 The word “deride\derived from the Latin\deride这个词源于拉丁文de(向下)和riddere(笑)

dust n.灰尘 adj.dusty

There was half an inch of dust on the books before I cleaned them.


energetic adj.精力充沛的

Cool autumn days make us feel energetic. 清爽的秋天使我们感到精力充沛。 extent n.广博,程度

I was amazed at the extent of his knowledge. 我对他知识的广博极为惊异。 fairy n.小仙子

The fairy promised to grant the child's wish. 小仙子答应允诺那孩子的希望。 flatter v.奉承

He flattered her with flowers and expensive



frown v.蹙额,不悦 同:scow 反:smile Mary wanted to go to Europe by herself,but her parents frowned on the idea. 玛丽想要单独去欧洲,可是她的父母不同意这个计划。 ★frown on:以蹙额或蹙眉而露出不悦之色,right way.


pledge n.保证

v.发誓 同:promise,vow

I give my pledge that I will continue to help you.


harvest n.采收 同:crop

Many men were needed to help the farmer with the harvest.


inhabit v.居住 n.inhabitant

The earth we inhabit is a point in space. 我们居住的地球只是太空中的一点。 lamb n.小羊

The lambs were playing on the hillside. 小羊在山坡上玩耍。

mightly adj.强大的 同:powerful n.might

The mightly battleship(战舰)was so badly damaged that it could ont be used again.

庞大的战舰受到严重的损害,无法再使用。 mount v.登上,骑上

He mounted the bicycle and rode away. 他登上脚踏车后骑走了。

The soldiers mounted on fine black horses. 士兵们骑在黑色漂亮的马上。 notify v.通知 同:inform

Our teacher notified us that there would be a test on Monday.

老师通知我们星期一要考试。 orbit n.轨道

The moon travels in an orbit around the earth . 月亮在绕着地球的轨道上运行。 paradise n.天堂 同:heaven 反:hell

The island was a paradise of birds and flowers.

此岛是花和鸟的天堂。 peer v.细看 同:stare

She peered through the mist ,trying to find the


They pledged themselves never to tell the secrets.

他们发誓绝不泄密。 prosper v.兴隆

His business prospered at its new location. 他在新地点生意兴隆。 raw adj.生的 同:unripe Children like to eat raw fruits. 孩子们喜欢吃生的水果。 retreat v.退却

The enemy retreated before the advance of our soldiers.

敌军在我们士兵的进攻下退却了。 sacred adj.宗教上的,神圣的

The Bible and Koran are sacred writings. 圣经和可兰经都是宗教性著作。 screen n.纱,银幕

We have screens at the windows to keep out flies.

我们的窗上有纱以防苍蝇。 shelf n.暗礁,架,书架

The wrecked ship rested on a shelf at the bottom of the sea.

破毁的船只搁置在海底的暗礁上。 I kept that book on the bottom shelf. 我把那本书放在底层的书架上。 sleeve n.袖

The sleeves of his coat were too long. 他外套的袖子太长。

spare v.赦免 adj.空暇的

Take my money but spare my life! 拿我的钱,但饶我的命。

She is looking for something to read in her spare time.

她正在找些能在闲暇时阅读的东西。 stability n.稳固


A concrete wall has more stability than a blush v.脸红

She blushed as red as a rose with shame. 她羞愧得脸像玫瑰一样红。 consequence n.结果

wooden fence.

水泥墙比木栅栏稳固的多。 surgeon n.外科医生

A surgeon took out Fred's tonsils.(扁桃体) 外科医生取出了福瑞德的扁桃体。 tide n.潮

They liked to walk along the beach at low tide(落潮).

他们喜欢在落潮时沿着海滨散步。 trial n.实验,审讯

She learned to cook by trial and error. 她借着尝试错误法学会烹饪。

In the trial,she changed her previous startment.

在审讯时她改变了先前的陈述。 waterproof n.雨衣 v.使不透水

Put on your waterproof coat before you go out in the rain.


These hiking shoes have been waterproofed. 这些便鞋防水。 worsen v.使变坏

The rain worsened our difficulties. 雨使我们的处境变得更糟。


accomplish v.达到


How many years did it take to accomplish your purpose?

你为达到目的花费了多少年。 anchor n.锚

The anchor caught in the mud of the lake bottom and kept the boat from moving. 锚钩住湖底的泥巴,使船不致移动。 awaken v.醒 同:awake

The sun was shining when I awakened this morning.



He fell ill and the consequence was that he lost his position.

她生病的结果是失了业。 Courage n.勇气


Courage is the ability to control fear, not the absence of fear.

勇气是指克制恐惧的能力,而非全然无惧。 debate v.讨论 同:discuss,argue

The question of whether war can be abolished has often been debated.


descend v.下降 反:ascend

The sun slowly descended over the western hills.

太阳慢慢落于西山。 dispose v.布署,处理

The general disposed soldiers for the coming battle.


You'd better dispose of rubbish before you go out.


★dispose of:处理,安排,转让,解决,卖掉,吃光,除掉 earnest adj.真心的

He made an earnest attempt to persuade her. 他真心想说服他。 enforce v.执行


Policemen and judges will enforce the laws of the city.

警察和法官将执行都市法规。 extend v.伸出

扩展 同:enlarge n.extension

He refused to take the hand I extended in



An imperialistic country extends its power and manly adj.有男子气概的 反:womanly,womanish

My aunt was a lady of strong mind and great influence into neighboring countries.


faithful adj.忠实的

Dogs are always faithful to their masters. 狗总是对它们的主人忠实。 flavor n.味道 同:taste

Chocolate and vanilla have different flavors. 巧克力和香草精的味道不同。 frustrate v.使受挫

His indifference frustrated the teacher's effort. 他的漠不关心使老师的努力受挫。 glorious adj.光荣的 n.glory

A glorious victory could be attained only by effort and patience.

光荣的胜利只有靠努力和耐力才能获得。 haste n.急忙 adj.hasty

Make haste or you will miss the train again. 快一点,否则你又会错过那一班火车。

identify v.认出


Can you identify a composer by listening to his music?

你能听音乐就认出作曲家吗? irregular adj.不规则的 同:unusual

Train schedules were irregular during the flood.

水灾期间,火车班次不规则。 lame adj.跛足的 同:crippled

The soldier is not able to walk normally because he is lame from an old wound.


liquor n.酒类

Does this restaurant have a license to serve liquor?


resolution, she was a very manly woman. 我的叔母是位意志坚强,有坚决果断力的女士,她是个有男子气概的女人。

mild adj.轻的,温和的 同:gentle,kind

The thief was given a milder punishment than he deserved.

那小偷受到的惩罚比他应得的轻。 mourn v.哀悼

All the people mourned the loss of their President.

所有的人都为总统的去世哀悼。 notion n.想法

Your head is full of silly notions. 你脑子里充满愚蠢的想法。 ★be full of:充满 order n.v.命令

He gave orders that the work should be done at once.


paragraph n.(文章的)段,节

A new paragraph always begins on a new line. 新的一段总是换行开始。 penalty n.刑罚

The penalty for his offense(美=offence】was five years in prison.

他犯罪的刑罚是监禁五年。 plunk v.采,摘

Do not plunk the flower in the garden, please. 请勿摘折花园里的花。 pretend v.假装


He pretended to be asleep when his mother called him.


remove v.迁移,移开,除去 同:eliminate Our office has removed from New York to Chicago.


She could not remove the spot from the carpet.

她无法除去地毯上污斑。 reveal v.泄露


Can you promise never to reveal my secret? 你能答应永远不泄漏我的秘密吗? sacrifice v.牺牲 n.牺牲

A mother will sacrifice her life for her All of us had a very tasty meal yesterday. 我们昨天都享受了顿美味的饭食。 tight adj.紧的 v.tighten

The drawer is so tight that I can't open it. 抽屉太紧,我打不开。 tribe n.部落



Success is not worth the sacrifice of your health.

成功不值得你牺牲你的健康。 screw n.螺丝钉 v.用螺丝钉钉住

Turn the screw to the right to tighten it. 将螺丝钉向右旋转拧紧它。

The carpenter screwed a lock on the door. 木匠用螺丝钉将锁钉在门上。

shell n.壳 反:core

The cock broke the shell of an egg. 橱子将蛋壳打破。 slender adj.苗条的

She is a very slender blonde. 她是个非常苗条的金发女郎。 sparkle v.闪耀

The lake sparkled in the sunshine. 湖水在阳光下闪闪发光。 stain n.污点 同:spots v.受污

He has ink stains on his shirt. 他的衬衫上有墨水污点。

The tablecloth is stained where food has been spilled.

在食物洒出的地方,桌布被弄脏了。 stream n.河,溪

They walked along the bank of the stream. 他们沿着河岸走。

surrender n.投降 同:yield

We advised the bandits to surrender themselves to the police. 我们劝强盗向警方自首。 tasty adj.美味的 n.taste

America was once the home of many Indian tribes.

美洲一度曾是许多印地安部落的家。 weapon n.武器

The soldiers were cleaning their weapons. 士兵们在擦拭他们的武器。 wreck v.拆毁 同:destroy n.残骸

The building was wrecked because it was unsafe.


The wreck of the ship was reported last night. 船只的残骸于昨晚被发现。

Lesson 9

accord v.符合 同:concur 反:discord

What you have just said does not accord with what you told us yesterday.

你刚才说的和你昨天告诉我们的不符。 ★accord with:符合,一致 award v.授予

He was awarded the first prize in the speech contest.

他在演讲比赛中被授予首奖。 boast v.夸耀

He boasted about the big fish he had caught. 他夸耀他抓到的大鱼。 ★boast about:自夸 butcher n.肉店,屠夫

You can buy meat at the butcher's shop. 你可以在肉店买肉。 cheek n.颊

Her cheeks went red after she broke the window.

她打破窗子后,满脸通红。 competent adj.胜任的,充分的

He is not competent enough to do the job. 她无法胜任那件工作。

Before you can be a lawyer, you must have a competent knowledge of the law.


consist v.组成 同:comprise 存在

The United Kingdom consists of Great Britain clothes for her neighbour's children. 那老妇人忙于为邻家的孩子做衣服。 fancy n.想象力 adj.fanciful

By the power of fancy, we may create an unreal world. 借着想像力,我们可以创造一个虚幻不实的世界。

flee v.逃跑 同:fly,escape

The enemy were defeated and fled in disorder. and the Northern Ireland.

联合王国是由大不列颠和北爱尔兰所组成。 ★consist of:由...组成

Happiness consists in contentment. 幸福在于知足。 ★consist in:存在于 crack n.裂缝 同:crevice

There is a crack in the ice, don't skate around here.

冰上有道裂缝,不要在附近溜冰。 debt n.债务

He was in debt when he was poor, but has been out of debt since he got rich. 他贫穷时负了债,可是自从他有钱后已经还清了债务。

★out of debt:不欠债

describe v.描述 n.description

The reporter described the accident in detail. 记者详尽地描述那件意外事件。

dispute v.争论

They disputed for hours where to go for their picnic.

他们为去哪里野餐争论了好几个小时。 ease n.轻松

The soldiers marched twenty miles with ease. 士兵们轻易地前进了二十里。 ★with ease:熟练地,轻而易举地 engage v.雇用,忙于 n.engagement

She engaged a carpenter to repair the sofa and the table.


The old lady engaged herself in making

敌军溃败而逃。 fulfil v.实践

If you make a promise, you should fulfil it. 如果你许下诺言,就应该实践它。 grace n.优雅

The ballet dancer danced with much grace. 那芭蕾舞演员的舞步极为优雅。 haunt v.(鬼)出没

People say that the old house is haunted by a ghost.

据说那栋旧宅里有鬼出没。 innocent adj.无罪的

Is he guilty or innocent of the crime? 他是有罪还是无罪?

issue v.发行

出版 同:publish 流出

The government issues money and stamps. 政府发行钞票和邮票。

This book was issued in New York in 1972. 这本书于一九七二年在纽约出版。

A lot of blood was issuing from the wound. 大量的血正从伤口流出。 landlord n.房东

The landlord put a new stove in my room. 房东在我房间里放了一个新暖炉。 literature n.文学


Many foreigners are studying Chinese literature.

许多外国人正在学习中国文学。 manufacture n.制造

v.制造 同:make,produce

The manufacture of watch is the chief business of Switzerland.


The factory manufactures automobiles in large quantity by using machines.

该工厂使用机器制造大量的汽车。 military n.军队 反:civilian

In some countries every healthy young man rear n.后面 同:back 反:front

The people in the rear of the room could not hear the speaker.

房间后头的人听不到演说者的声音。 rent n.租金 v.租

Rent for that three-bedroom apartment is 500 a month.

这栋有三间卧室的公寓,每月租金五百元。 must do 2 or 3 years' military service. 在某些国家,所有年轻力壮的男子都必须服两年或三年的兵役。 ★military service:兵役 multiply v.增加

The population of the city is multiplying rapidly.

该市人口正迅速地增加。 numerous adj.极多的

Children often asked numerous questions about the universe.

孩子们经常问许多有关宇宙的问题。 ordinary adj.通常的 同:common

His ordinary lunch consists of soup, a sandwich and milk.


★consist of:由...组成

pardon n.v.原谅 同:excuse,forgive I beg your pardon for being late. 请你原谅我迟到。

We must pardon him for his little faults. 我们必须原谅他的小错。 peninsula n.半岛

Spain or Italy is a peninsula. 西班牙或意大利都是个半岛。

plunge v.跳入

He plunged into the river and saved the boy. 他跳入河中救起那男孩。 ★plunge into:投入,跳入 protest v.反对 同:object

Most of them protested against the new heavy tax.


We don't own our house, we rent it from Mr. Gay.


revenge n.复仇

His mind was filled with revenge. 他心中充满复仇之意。 saddle n.马鞍

It is difficult to ride a horse without a saddle. 没有马鞍骑马很困难。 seal n.封印 v.盖章

The paper had been stamped with the required official seal.


The treaty was signed and sealed by both governments.

两国政府都在条约上签字盖章。 ★official seal:公章,单位印章 shelter n.避难所 同:refuge v.遮蔽

The cave provided a good shelter for the ancient people.

洞穴为古人提供了一个良好的避难所。 The abandoned car sheltered them from the rain.

那部被丢弃的车子供他们躲雨。 slice n.片

He ate two slices of bread for his breakfast. 他早餐吃了两片面包。

spear n.矛,鱼叉

In Africa spears are still used in hunting or fishing.

在非洲矛和鱼叉仍然被用来打猎或捕鱼。 stake n.木桩,利害关系

v.赌 同:bet

Stakes mark the boundary of his ranch. 木桩用来标出他农场的范围。

As a partner, he has a stake in that business. 身为一个股东,他和那业务有利害关系。 He staked all his money on the black horse. 她将所有的前堵在那匹黑马上。 stretch v.伸出 同:extend

The beggar stretched out his hand for the money.


★stretch out:伸手,开始大踏步走 surround v.包围


The field is surrounded by a high fence. 那块田被高篱所围。 tavern n.酒店,旅店

They met at the tavern for a drink. 他们为喝酒在酒店里见面。 timber n.森林,木材 同:lumber

The fire destroyed thousands of acres of timber.

火烧毁了数千英亩的森林。 trick n.戏法

v.欺骗 同:cheat

The tricks of the magician delighted the children.


We were tricked into buying a poor car. 我们被骗买一部破车。 vein n.静脉 反:artery

Blood poured from the cut vein.(联想:artery-动脉)

血从割开的静脉中流出。 weaken v.使弱 adj.weak

The illness weakened her heart. 她的病使得她的心脏衰弱。 wring v.扭,绞 同:twist

I'll wring your neck if you don't behave well. 如果你表现得不好,我会扭断你的脖子。

Lesson 10

account n.叙述

The boy gave his father an account of the ball game.

那男孩向他父亲讲球赛的经过。 angle n.角

An angle of 90 degrees is called a right angle. 九十度的角叫做直角。 ★a right angle:直角 aware adj.觉察的 n.awareness

I was too sleepy to be aware of how cold it was.

我太困以致无法觉察出有多冷。 bold adj.大胆的 反:cowardly

Climbing the steep mountain is a bold act. 爬那座险峻的山是大胆的行为。 cabin n.小屋

The pioneers lived in a cabin in the woods. 拓荒者住在森林里的一间小屋内。 cheer v.使高兴 同:acclaim

Everyone was cheered by the news that peace had come.

和平岛来的消息使每一个人都高兴。 consolation n.安慰


I got many letters of consolation when my mother died.

当我母亲去世时,我收到许多慰问信。 crash n.破碎声,失事,坠毁

The bottles fell on the floor with a crash. 瓶子哗啦一声掉到地上。

★with a crash:轰隆(哗啦,卡喳)一声 He was killed in an aircraft crash. 他在一次飞机失事中丧生。 decay v.腐蚀 同:decline,rot

Her teeth decayed because she ate too many sweets.


deserve v.应受

If you do wrong, you deserve severe punishment.


distinction n.区分


She treated all the children alike without I inquired of him what he wanted. 我问他要什么。 item n.项目


她给孩子们同样的待遇,没有区别。 echo v.发回声

Their voice echoed in the big hall. 他们的声音在大厅里回响着。 enormous adj.非常大的

The war cost an enormous sum of money. 那场战争消耗大量的金钱。 expose v.暴露

揭穿 同:disclose

Soldiers in an open field are exposed to the enemy's fire.

旷野中的士兵暴露在敌人的炮火下。 ★open field:旷野,很多机会 ★be exposed to:遭受,暴露于...

He threatened to expose the secret to the police.

他威胁要向警方揭穿秘密。 farewell n.离别

We shall have a farewell party before we leave.

在我们离开前,将有一次离别的宴会。 ★farewell party:惜别会 fleet n.舰队

The Sixth Fleet in the harbor is moving toward our coast.

港中的第六舰队正朝着我们的海岸航行。 gradual adj.逐渐的

A child's growth into an adult is gradual. 儿童到成人的成长过程是逐渐的。 hay n.干草

They usually keep the hay in the barn. 他们通常将干草存放在谷仓中。

ignorant adj.无知的

He is quite ignorant, he can't even read or write.

他很无知,他甚至连读或写都不会。 inquire v.询问 n.inquiry

Meat, salad, and potatoes were three of the items on her shopping list. 肉,沙拉还有马铃薯是她购物单上的三个项目。

landscape n.风景 同:scenery,view

From the church tower, we can overlook the beautiful landscape of the valley. 从教堂的塔上,我们可以俯瞰山谷美丽的景色。

liver n.肝脏

He was sent to hospital because of his bad liver.

他因肝病被送到医院。 manuscript n.原稿

He sent the manuscript to the printer yesterday.

他昨天将原稿送到印刷厂。 millionaire n.百万富翁

The man is a millionaire. he is a very rich man.


murder n.谋杀

The man was guilty of murder, he killed someone.

那人犯了谋杀罪,他杀了人。 obey v.服从


Obey the law or you will be punished. 服从法律,否则你将会受罚。 organization n.结构

The human body has a very complex organization.


parliament n.国会 同:congress

Parliament is the lawmaking group in Great Britain.

国会在英国是立法团体。 pepper n.胡椒

Pepper is used for making food taste better. 胡椒可使食物更美味。 ★be used for:用来做... poetry n.诗

The teacher praised her great efforts at poetry. 老师称赞她肯下苦功作诗。 preview n.试映

Before the movie was shown to the students, He stood on the hill and surveyed the surrounding country.

他站在山上,俯瞰四周的乡间。 temper n.心情

He was in a good temper yesterday and smiled all day.

他昨天心情好,整天挂着微笑。 tin n.锡

there was a preview for the teachers. 在电影放映给学生看前,对老师先有一场试映。

reckless adj.鲁莽的

Two children were killed by a reckless driver. 两个孩子被鲁莽的司机撞死。 repair v.修理 同:mend,fix

We'd better repair the house before we move into it.

在我们搬进去前,最好先修理一下房子。 saint n.圣人

They named their child after the saint.

他们用圣人的名字来给他们的孩子命名。 sheriff n.警长

The sheriff brought the captured criminal before the judge.


specialist n.专家

The patient was advised to see a heart specialist.

有人劝那病人去看一个心脏专家。 stalk v.潜近,大步地走 n.基,柄 同:stem The hunter stalked the lion. 猎人潜行接近狮子。

With her head in the air, she stalked out of the room.


★in the air:在空中,悬而未决,在流传中,不设防

The trunk of a tree and the stalks of corn are stems.

树干和谷茎都属于茎。 survey v.俯瞰

The house over there has a tin roof. 那边的那幢房子,有个锡做的屋顶。 trim v.修建 adj.整洁的

The student had his hair trimmed. 那个学生修剪了头发。

The new house has a trim appearance. 那幢新房子的外观整洁。 venture n.冒险

v.冒~之险 同:risk

If his business venture succeeds, he will be wealthy.

如果他的业务冒险成功,他将会富有。 He ventured his life to save her from drowning.

他冒着生命的危险救她,使她未被淹死。 wrist n.手腕

He took the girl by the wrist. 他抓住那女孩子的手腕。

Lesson 11

accustom v.习惯于 同:habituate

She could not accustom herself to a hot climate in Africa.

她无法习惯非洲炎热的气候。 ankle n.足踝

Human beings and all other animals that have feet and legs have ankles.

人类和其他所有有脚腿的动物都有足踝。 bachelor n.单身汉 反:spinster

The young bachelor will soon be taking a wife.

那年轻的单身汉不久就会娶太太。 border n.边 同:frontier

When we went camping, we put up our tents on the border of the lake.


★on the border of:在...的边界上 calm adj.沉着的

Mother's calm behavior made the frightened child quiet.

母亲沉着的态度使那受惊的孩子安静。 chew v.咀嚼

You should chew your food well before you swallow it.

你应该先细嚼食物后,才吞下去。 complex adj.复杂的 同:complicated n.complexity

The instructions for building the radio were so complex that we could not follow them.

组合收音机的说明太复杂了,我们看不懂。 consolidate n.巩固 同:solidify

Britain is trying to consolidate her position in the North Atlantic.

英国式图巩固她在北大西洋的地位。 crawl v.爬 同:creep

The wounded soldier tried to crawl back to the tent.


decent adj.合式的,不差的,正当的

You need decent clothes when you go to church.


despair n.绝望 反:hope 同:desperation A feeling of despair came over him as the boat sank deeper in the water.

当船在水中沉得更深时,他感到绝望。 distress n.悲痛 同:worry 反:comfort,relief Her husband has just died and she is in great distress.


edge n.边缘 同:margin,border 反:center Don't put the glass on the edge of the table, it may get knocked off.

不要将杯子放在桌边,它可能会被打落。 ★on the edge of:濒于,几乎,在边缘 enterprise n.企业 同:business

Building the steel manufacturing company is a

great enterprise.

成立钢铁厂是项大企业。 export n.输出 反:import

Last year our exports exceeded our imports in value.

去年我们的输出货物在价值上超过输入。 fasten v.固定

He fastened the pages together with a pin. 他用大头针将文件钉在一起。 flesh n.肉

A fat man has much more flesh than a thin man.

胖子的肉比瘦子的肉要多得多。 fund n.基金 同:capital

That fund will be used for the expenses of the poor people.

那份基金将用来作为穷人的津贴。 ★be used for:用来做... graduate v.毕业


Her brother graduated from Harvard University last year.

他兄弟去年毕业于哈佛大学。 heal v.治愈 同:cure

The medicine and rest will soon heal your wound.


illustrate v.说明


The teacher compared the heart to a pump to illustrate its function.


jar n.广口瓶

A jar has a wide mouth and sometimes has two handles.

广口瓶有个大口有时候还有两个把手。 lane n.巷 同:passage

He was driving his car down the narrow lane in the town.

他正沿着城中的窄巷开车。 loan n.贷款

He asked his brother for a small loan to buy a house.

他向他兄弟借了一点钱买房子。 maple n.枫树

We have a maple in our yard. 我们的院内有棵枫树。

mingle v.交往 同:mix,blend

It is not easy for him to mingle with people because he was very shy. 由于他非常害羞,因此和人群交往对他来说不是件简单的事。

★mingle with:和...混合 object n.物体 v.反对 n.objection

A dark object moved between me and the door.


He stood up and objected in strong language. 他站起来以激烈的言词反对。 ★strong language:强硬措词 origin n.起源 同:source

Ancient Greece is often called the origin of Western civilization.


parlor n.客厅

The parlor was crowded with many people during the party.

在宴会中,客厅挤满了许多人。 ★be crowded with:充满,满是 perceive v.察觉


I soon perceived that I could not change his mind.

我很快就发觉我不能使他改变想法。 poisonous adj.有毒的 n.poison

Some plants have poisonous roots or fruits. 有些植物的根或果实有毒。 previous adj.先前的

I can't go, for I have a previous engagement. 我不能去,因为我有约在先。 recommend v.劝告


The doctor recommended that she should stay in bed for a week.

医生劝她应该在床上躺一星期。 replace v.代替


Most telephone operators have been replaced by dial telephones.

大多数的电话接线生已被自动电话取代。 ★replace by:取代,以...代替 ★dial telephone:自动电话 ridiculous adj.荒谬的,可笑的

It would be ridiculous to speak ill of one's parents in public.

公开说自己母亲的坏话是荒谬的。 ★speak ill of:说坏话 shift v.转移 同:change

The wind shifted from east to west. 风向由东转西。 slip v.滑倒 同:slide n.纸片

She slipped on the ice and hurt her hand. 她在冰上摔倒伤了手。

He inserted a slip marking his place in the book.


sphere n.球

All points on the surface of a sphere are equally distant from the center.

球心到球面上任何一点的距离都一样。 startle v.使吃惊

I was startled at the news of his death. 他死亡的消息使我大吃一惊。 stroke n.钟鸣声

The strokes of the church bell awakened us. 教堂的钟声敲醒了我们。 suspicion n.嫌疑

The young man is under suspicion of murder. 那年轻人有谋杀的嫌疑。 ★under suspicion:被怀疑 temple n.寺庙,太阳穴

The people went to the temple to pray.


He had a cut on his right temple. 他右边太阳穴上有道伤痕。 toad n.蟾蜍

Toads have shorter legs and are generally clumsier than frogs.

蟾蜍的腿比青蛙短,而且通常比青蛙丑。 troublesome adj.讨厌的,麻烦的

He is the most troublesome person in our 显然你不喜欢你的工作。 barn n.谷仓

A farmer keeps his crops in the barn. 农民将谷物收藏在谷仓中。 bore v.使人厌烦 n.boredom

The man bores me. I've heard all his stories before.


他是我们班上最讨厌的人。 vessel n.容器,管

船只 同:ship,boat

Empty vessels make the most sound. 空容器最响。

The mark on her skin was caused by broken blood vessels.

她皮肤上的伤疤是因血管破裂所造成。 ★blood vessel:血管

The port of London is filled with vessels of all kinds.

伦敦的港口停满了各式各样的船只。 ★be filled with:充满着 web n.网

A spider captures small insects with its web. 蜘蛛用网捕捉小昆虫。 yell n.喊叫 同:shout v.呼喊

His yell of anger could be heard in the next room.


During the game the students often yelled with cheers.


Lesson 12

ache n.疼痛 同:pain

The boy is trying to forget the ache in his back.

那男孩试图忘掉背部的疼痛。 ★try to:设法

apparent adj.明显的 同:obvious It is apparent that you dislike your job.


canal n.运河

Canals have been built to take water to the desert.

建造运河是用来将水运送到沙漠。 chilly adj.寒冷的 n.chill

You will feel chilly if you don't wear a coat on a cold day.

如果你在冷天不穿上外套,将会感觉冷。 compose v.组成


The chemistry teacher asked the students what water is composed of.

化学老师问学生,水是由什么组成的。 ★be composed of:由...组成

constant adj.不断的 同:continual

He was tired of his wife's constant complaint. 他厌倦他太太不停地抱怨。 ★be tired of:厌烦 decisive adj.确定的 v.decide

Our air force was decisive in winning the war. 我们的空军确定能赢得这场战役。

desperate adj.绝望的

自暴自弃 同:hopeless The prisoners became desperate in their attempts to get free.

囚犯对企图逃脱一事不再抱有希望。 ★get free:摆脱...

She became so desperate that we feared for her sanity.



★fear for:为某人(某事物)担心,因...而担心 客厅。

marble n.大理石

edible adj.可食的

This apple is rotten and no longer edible. 这个苹果已腐烂,不能再吃了。 entertain v.娱乐


The circus entertained the children. 马戏团娱乐了孩子们。 fate n.命运,天命

It was their fate to meet and marry. 他们的相识和结合是天意。 float v.飘浮

Wood floats on water and dust floats in the air. 木头浮于水面上,灰尘则飘于空中。 fundamental adj.基本的

There's a fundamental difference between the two ministries.

这两个内阁之间有本质的不同。 grand adj.壮伟的 同:magnificent

The grand sight of the Niagara Falls cannot be forgotten for a long time.


imagine v.想象


I can imagine the scene clearly in my mind. 我能在脑中清晰地想像出那情景。 inspire v.激励


His brother's success inspired the boy to work harder.

他兄弟的成功激励了那男孩更努力工作。 jealous adj.嫉妒的 n.jealousy

He was very jealous when he discovered that she loved someone else.

当他发现她爱上别人时,非常嫉妒。 ★someone else:其他人 lantern n.灯笼

My wife bought a beautiful Chinese lantern for the living room.


He was buried in a marble tomb. 他被葬在大理石的坟墓里。 minor adj.次要的 n.minority

The young actress was given a minor part in the new play.

那年轻的女演员在新剧中被分到一个角色。 mutual adj.共同的 同:reciprocal

We were happy to have him as our mutual friend.

我们很高兴让他成为我们共同的朋友。 objective n.目的 同:goal,aim

She always wanted to own her own house, and now she had obtained her objective. 她总是想拥有一栋属于自己的房子,现在她以达到目的

ornament n.装饰 adj.ornamental

There were carved ornaments on the cabinet door.


partial adj.一部分的

偏袒的 同:biased 反:fair The play was only a partial success. 那出戏只成功一部分。

A parent should not be partial to any one of his children.

做父母的不应该偏袒任何一个孩子。 ★be partial to:对...偏爱(特别喜欢) perform v.做,执行,演(戏)

He always performs his work with great care. 他一向很谨慎地执行工作。 ★with great care:小心翼翼地

What kind of play will be performed in the theater tonight?

今晚戏院将演出什么戏剧。 priceless adj.贵重的

Only a very rich man could afford to buy these priceless paintings.

只有非常有钱的人才买得起这些贵重的画。 publish v.发表,出版


It is a good story, but we can't publish it. It would offend too many people.

这是一个好故事,可是我们不能发表,因为它会冒犯许多人。 repeat v.重做

If you repeat that mistake, you will be punished.

如果你在犯那个错误,将会受罚。 reward n.报答

As a reward for his bravery, the soldier was given a gold medal.


★as a reward for:作为(对某事的)报酬(奖赏)

sake n.缘故 同:benefit

If you won't do it for your own sake, then do it for my sake.


secret adj.秘密的 n.奥秘

He kept some money in a secret place. 他将一些钱存放在一个隐秘的地方。

The old man had learned many of the secrets of nature.


shield n.盾 反:spear

v.遮护 同:protect

The shield protected him from the blows of his enemy.

这面盾保护他免受敌人的打击。 ★protect from:保护

Her wide hat shielded her eyes from the sun. 宽帽遮护她的眼睛以防日射。 slight adj.轻微的

He stayed home for a day because of a slight illness.

他因为小病,留在家一天。 ★slight illness:小病,不适 spell n.符咒 同:enchantment 一段时间

He is under my spell and will do as I say.


We had a long spell of hot weather last summer.

去年夏天有一段很长的热天。 stare v.注视 同:gaze

The little girl stared at the strange man at the store.

小女孩在商店里注视着那陌生人。 string n.绳 同:thread,cord

The package was tied with red strings. 那包裹用红绳绑着。 suspect v.觉察 n.嫌疑犯

The mouse suspected danger and didn't touch the trap.

老鼠觉察到危险,没有去触那捕捉机。 The police have arrested two suspects in connection with the bank robbery.

警方逮捕两名与银行抢劫有关的嫌疑犯。 ★in connection with:与...有关, 连同 tissue n.组织

The teacher showed pictures of muscle tissues and brain tissues.

老师展示肌肉组织和脑部组织的结构图。 troop n.群,组

军队 同:forces

A troop of children gathered around the teacher.


The soldiers are preparing to attack enemy troops.

士兵们正准备攻击敌军。 verse n.诗,韵文

A collection of his verse has just been published.

他的一套诗集才刚出版。 weary adj.疲倦的 v.使厌烦

He felt weary after playing tennis for two hours.

打了两小时的网球后,他感到疲倦。 The boy wearies me with constant questions. 那男孩不断地问问题,使我厌烦。

Lesson 13 achieve v.获得

The soldiers fought bravely and finally achieved victory.

士兵们勇敢作战,终于获得胜利。 appreciate v.欣赏,感激

You can't appreciate English poetry unless you have a good knowledge of how English is to each student of the class.

老师分发试卷给班上每一位同学。 educate v.教育

He was educated at a very good school when he was young.

他年轻时在一所非常好的学校受教育。 enthusiastic adj.热心的

My little brother is very enthusiastic about going to kindergarten.



Thank you very much for your help, I appreciate it. basis n.根据

We judge a worker on the basis of his performance.

我们以工作成绩作为评估一个工人的根据。 bother v.烦扰

Don't bother me with such foolish questions. 不要用如此愚蠢的问题来烦我。 choice n.被选的人或物,选择

I don't like her,but if she's the people's choice I will obey her.


compound v.调配

He compounded various substances into an effective medicine.

他把不同的物质调配成特效药。 constitute v.组成

Government should be constituted by the will of the people.

政府应由人们的意愿所组成。 deck v.甲板

It's very hot in the cabin. Let's go on the deck. 舱房内很热,我们到甲板上去吧。 despise v.轻视

Fools despise wisdom and instruction. 傻子轻视智慧和教育。

distribute v.分发

The teacher distributed the examination papers

我小弟非常热衷于上幼稚园。 ★be enthusiastic about:对...热心 explod v.爆炸

The bomb fell on a field and exploded harmlessly.

炸弹落在田野中爆炸,没有造成损伤。 ★fell on:落到,指向 fault n.缺点

She loves him in spite of his faults. 他虽有缺点,她仍然爱他 flood n.水灾

The rain-storms caused floods in the low-lying parts of the town.

暴雨在此镇的低洼处造成水灾。 funeral n.葬礼

Many friends attended the old lady's funeral. 很多朋友参加那老妇人的葬礼。 grant n.准许 同:allow,give

He was granted admission from Harvard University for the next fall semester. 哈佛大学准许他明年秋季入学。 heap v.装满

The mother heaped the child's plate with food. immediate adj.紧急的

When there is a fire, it is necessary to take immediate action.


instance n.例子

Lincoln is an instance of a poor boy who becames famous.

林肯是一个由穷孩子变成名人的例子。 jewel n.珠宝

The jewel in her ring is a diamond.

她戒指上的珠宝是颗钻石。 lap n.膝部

Mother holds the baby on her lap. 母亲把孩子抱在膝盖上。 locate v.设置

Where shall we locate our new office? 我们的新办公楼将设于何处? marvel n.奇异之事

Space travel is one of the marvels of our time. 太空旅行是我们这时代的奇事之一。 minute adj.详细的

He gave me a minute description of the structure of the building.

他给我这栋建筑物构造的详细说明书。 mysterious adj.神秘的

She had a mysterious telephone call last night. 他昨晚接到一个秘密电话。 oblige v.强迫

The students were obliged to do what the teacher had asked.

学生必须做老师所要求的事。 outbreak n.暴动

The outbreak of disorder was put down by the police in two hours.

警察在两小时内镇压了混乱的暴动。 participate v.参与

Most of the students participated in the discussion.


perilous adj.危险的

It is always perilous to neglect our national defense.

忽视国防始终都是危险的。 polite adj.客气的

He was polite to everyone he met at the party. 他对每一个在宴会上遇到的人都很客气。 priest n.牧师

The priest will lead the church ceremony. 牧师将带领做礼拜仪式。 purchase v.购买

n.购买 同:buy

They've just purchased a new house near the



They saved their money for the purchase of a house.

他们存钱买房子。 reference n.参考

he journalist kept a card file of information on his desk for easy reference. 新闻记者为方便参考,将资料的目录卡放在桌上。

request v.邀请

n.请求 同:ask,beg

He requested her to go fishing with him. 他邀她一起去钓鱼。

Your request for a ticket was made too late. 你太晚来索取入场卷了。 ripe adj.成熟的 反:unripe

Ripe fruits taste good. Unripe fruits usually taste bad.


satisfy v.使满意

Nothing satisfies him. He is always complaining.

没有东西能让他满意,他总是在抱怨。 security n.安全

I helped the old lady cross the street in security.

我帮助那老太太安全过街。 shortcoming n.缺点

He is a good man, but he has many shortcomings.


smash v.打成粉碎

n.破碎声 同:crush

The cup smashed when the girl dropped it. 女孩掉落了杯子,打得粉碎。 We heard a smash in the kitchen. 我们听到厨房哗啦的破碎声。 spin v.纺

旋转 同:rotate

There were hundreds of machines spinning

cotton into thread.


The earth spins as it moves around the sun. 地球在绕着太阳公转时也自传。 steady adj.稳定的

He is making steady progress at school. 他在校的功课在稳定进步中。 stuff n.材料 同:substance

v.塞入,塞满 同:fill 反:empty The shoes were made of some stuff that looked like leather.

那鞋子是用一些象皮革的材料制成的。 She stuffed the pillow with feathers. 她将羽毛塞入枕头里。 sweat n.汗 v.出汗

The old farmer wiped the sweat off his brow. 那老农夫擦去额上的汗珠。 We sweat when it is very hot. 天很热时,我们出汗。 torch n.火把

The Statue of Liberty holds a torch in her right hand.

自由女神像的右手握了一支火把。 ★The Statue of Liberty:自由女神像 turtle n.龟

Turtles live in fresh or salt water or on land. 龟生活在淡水、海水里或陆地上。 victim n.受害者

They were the victims of a dishonest merchant.

他们是一个奸商的受害者。 ★dishonest merchant:奸商 welfare n.幸福

They did everything for the welfare of their children.


Lesson 14

actual adj.实际的 同:true,real

The actual amount of money was not known although they knew it was large. 虽然他们知道钱数很大,不过仍不知道实际的数目。

★actual amount:实际金额 ash n.灰

Don't drop your cigarette ash on the carpet, use an ashtray.

不要把烟灰都落在地毯上,用烟灰缸。 beat v.打 同:strike,hit

The rain was beating against the windows. 雨点正打在窗上。 bowl n.碗

He ate only one bowl of rice and drank a glass of milk.

他只吃了一碗饭,喝了一杯牛奶。 carpenter n.木匠

A carpenter builds and repairs the wooden parts of houses, barns, or ships.


circumstance n.情况

In no circumstances must a soldier leave his post without permission.


conceive v.想象 同:think,imagine n.conception

Young children like to watch television, they cannot conceive of life without it. 小孩子喜欢看电视,他们无法想象没有电视的生活。

★conceive of:想象 crime n.罪 同:offense

He was found guilty of committing a serious crime.


★be found guilty:被判决有罪

divide v.隔开

The small river divides my land from his. 这条小河隔开我和他的地。 elbow n.肘

He was watching television with his elbows bent, his chin in his hands.

他正弯着肘,用手托着下巴看电视。 entrance n.入口

The entrance to the cave had been blocked up. 洞穴的入口已被堵塞。 expense n.费用

Most children are educated at public expense. 大多数儿童是公费受教育。 feast n.盛宴 同:banquet

The king invited them to a feast last night. 国王昨晚邀请他们参加盛宴。 fog n.雾 同:mist adj.foggy

We often have bad fogs on the southern coast during winter.

冬天在南海岸经常有大雾。 furnish v.供给 同:supply,give 装修 同:equip

No one in the class could furnish the right answer to the question.

班上无人能对此问题提供正确的答案。 The new hotel is finished, but it is not yet furnished.

新旅馆已完工,可是尚未装修。 ★not yet:尚未,还没有 greedy adj.贪心的

Don't be so greedy! There is enough for everyone.

不要如此贪心!每个人都够分。 hesitate v.不愿,犹豫

He hesitated to take such a big risk in his business.


institution n.结构

Colleges and universities are educational institutions.

学院和大学都是教育机构。 journal n.杂志

Both he and his wife write for a business journal.

他和他太太都为商业杂志执笔。 launch v.发射

The United States launched a new spaceship yesterday.

美国昨天发射了一艘新的太空船。 loss n.丧失 反:gain v.lose

Loss of health is more serious than loss of wealth.

丧失健康比损失财富要严重。 match v.匹敌

相配 同:become

You can't match him in knowledge of wild plants.

在野生植物方面的知识,你不能和他相比。 The drapes of the room match the rug of the floor.

房间的窗帘和地上的毯子相比配。 misfortune n.坏运气,不幸

His failure in business was due not to misfortune, but to his mistakes.


★failure in...:的失败 native adj.本国的

The politician was never popular in his native country.

那政客在本国从不受欢迎。 outstanding adj.杰出的

He is an outstanding pitcher because of his ball control.


pasture n.草地

I saw many horses grazing on the pasture. 我看见许多马在草地上吃草。 personality n.人格

She was elected class president because her good personality.

他因品格好而被选为班长。 port n.港口 同:harbor

New York and San Francisco are important ports of the United States.

纽约和旧金山都是美国重要的港口。 privilege n.特权

The members of the club have the privilege of buying the football ticket at special rates.

此会的会员有权以特价买到足球入场券。 puzzle n.谜 同:riddle

No one has yet succeeded in explaining the puzzle of how life first began.


region n.区域 同:area

New York is one of the regions of the United States.

纽约是美国的一个区。 resemble v.相似

They resemble each other in shape but not in color.

它们的形状相似,可是颜色不同。 roast v.烤

We need an oven to roast meat and potatoes. 我们需要一个炉子来烤肉和马铃薯。 savage adj.野蛮的 同:barbarous,wild

They carried guns to protect themselves from the savage tribes.


sentiment n.情感 同:feeling

The young girls preferred stories full of sentiments.


sob v.啜泣 同:weep

She sobbed when she heard the bad news. 她听到坏消息时哭了。 spit v.吐出

Please spit out your gum before you came into the classroom.

进入教室前,请把你的口香糖吐掉。 ★spit out:吐出 steep adj.陡峭的

The hill was too steep for them to climb. 那座山太陡,他们不能爬。

substantial adj.相当的

John has made a substantial improvement in his health.

约翰在健康方面已有了相当大的进步。 swift adj.急速的

Be careful not to fall down, the current of the river is swift.

当心别掉下去了,河流很急。 ★fall down:倒下,跪拜 thermometer n.温度计

The doctor used a clinical thermometer to measure the patient's temperature. 医生用体温表测量病人的温度。 ★clinical thermometer:体温计 typical adj.代表性的 v.typify

Turkey is a typical food for the Thanksgiving Day dinner.

火鸡是感恩节晚餐的代表性食物。 virgin n.少女

The man decided to marry a virgin who lives in the house next to his uncle.

那人决定娶一位住在他叔叔隔壁的少女。 whisper v.悄悄地说

She whispered a few words at the corner. 他在角落悄声地说了一些话。

Lesson 15

additional adj.额外的 n.addition

Mother needs additional help in the kitchen when we have guests for dinner. 晚餐有客人时,母亲在厨房里需要额外的帮忙。

beard n.胡子

My grandfather has a long beard on his chin and cheeks.

祖父的下巴和脸颊上留着长胡子。 brass n.黄铜

He has brass buttons on his jackets. 他的夹克上有黄铜扣子。 carve v.雕刻

The picture was carved on the surface of wood.

那幅画被雕刻在木头的表面上。 ★on the surface:表面上

civil adj.公民的,平民的 n.civilian

The judge ordered that the prisoner should lose his civil rights.


The soldiers thought that it would be a long time before civil government would be re-established.


concern v.关于,关心 同:affect,interest Don't trouble about things that don't concern you.


I am very much concerned about the future of this country.

我非常关心这个国家的前途。 contest n.竞赛 同:competition,struggle,conflict v.争斗 同:compete

The contest between France and England for North America ended in victory for England. 法国和英国争夺北美的竞赛,结果英国胜利。

The blackbirds contested with one another for nesting territory.


critical adj.吹毛求疵的 同:吹毛求疵的 危急的

I don't like people who are too critical about everything.

我不喜欢对每件事都太吹毛求疵的人。 His condition is reported as being very critical.

有人报导他的情况非常危急。 decrease v.减少 反:increase

The workmen want to decrease the number of working hours and to increase pay.


device n.装置 同:design 策略 同:method

He invented a device for automaticall lighting

a gas stove.


The child's tears were a device to get attention 孩子的眼泪上引起注意的一种策略。 divine adj.神的,非凡的

To err is human. To forgive is divine. 犯错是人之常情,宽恕是超凡的。 ★To err is human:人非圣贤孰能无过 election n.选举 v.elect adj.elective

The election results wil be broadcast tonight. 今晚将会广播选举结果。 envy n.被羡慕的东西 adj.envious

The boy's new bicycle was an object of envy to all his friends.


expedition n.探险,探险队

He was a member of the Everest Expedition. 他是埃弗勒斯峰探险队的队员。 feature n.特色 同:characteristic

The main features of Southern California are the warm climate and the beautiful scenery. 南加州的主要特色是暖和的气候及美丽的风景。

folly n.愚蠢,愚行 同:foolishness 反:sagacity

After one year at the university he gave up his studies, it was an act of the greatest folly.


fury n.愤怒 同:anger,rage

In his fury at being punished, he broke the teacher's favorite vase. 他受惩罚,一时愤怒将老师最心爱的花瓶打破。

grief n.悲伤 同:sorrow

She went nearly mad with grief after the child died.

孩子死后,他悲伤的几乎疯狂。 hide v.隐藏 同:conceal 反:reveal Hide it where no one else can find it.


impression n.印象 v.impress

His speech made a strong impression on the office.

新来的秘书学习了办公室内的程序。 resent v.憎恶

He strongly resents being called a fool. 他非常愤恨被人叫做傻瓜。 rod n.竿


他的演说给听众很深的印象。 instruct v.教导


We have one teacher who instructs us in geography, English, and history.


lawn n.草地

I spent the whole afternoon mowing the lawn in the back yard.

我花了整个下午在后院中除草。 mislead v.欺骗

pp.misled 同:misguide

Her appearance misled him, he thought she was young, but she wasn't. 她的容貌骗了他,他以为她年轻,其实不然。 navy n.海军

The navy defends the country's shores and seas.

海军保卫祖国的海岸和海域。 occasion n.场合

I wish to express my sorrow on this occasion. 我希望能在此场合表达我的哀伤。

pat n.轻拍

v.轻抚 同:tap

The child gave the dog a pat on the head. 那孩子轻拍狗的头。

She patted her hair to be sure that it was neat. 她轻摸头发,以确定整齐。 portable adj.可携带的

A portable typewriter can be easily moved from place to place.

手提打字机可轻便地到处携带。 procedure n.程序

The new secretary learned the procedure in the

She hung curtains on a rod. 她把窗帘挂在衣竿上。 scarcity n.不足

The scarcity of fruit was caused by the drought.

由于干旱,造成水果不足。 series n.连续

A series of rainy days spoiled their vacation. 连日的雨天,破坏了他们的假期。

silly adj.愚蠢的

It's silly of you to trust him. 你相信他的话,真是愚蠢。 social adj.社会的,联谊性的 n.society

Juvenile delinquency is a serious social problem in this country.

少年犯罪上这个国家一个严重的社会问题。★Juvenile delinquency:少年犯罪

It was a social meeting, and no one discussed business.

这是联谊会,没有人讨论业务。 splendid adj.堂皇的

The rich man lives in a splendid house over there.

那有钱人住在那边一栋堂皇的房屋内。 steer n.公牛 同:ox

v.驾驶 同:guide,navigate The steers were fattened for market. 养肥公牛上为销售。

We steered the boat toward land. 我们将船驶向陆地。 substitute v.代替

We often substitute margarine for butter. swing v.摇摆

The big ape swung itself from branch to branch.

那大猩猩在树枝间荡来荡去。 thirst n.口渴

The horse satisfied its thirst at the river. 那匹马在河边痛饮解渴。 trace n.踪迹

v.追溯 同:track

The police were unable to find any trace of the 救出。

castle n.城堡

A king once lived in the mountain castle. 从前有一位国王住在山上的城堡中。 claim v.请求

Every citizen may claim the protection of the law.



His family can trace its history back to the 10th century.

他的家族史可追溯至十世纪。 union n.联合 同:combination

The United States of America is a federal union of fifty one states. 美国是五十一州的联邦。 visible adj.可见的

The shore was barely visible through the fog. 从雾中几乎看不见海岸。 whistle v.吹哨

The policeman whistled for the automobile to stop.


Lesson 16

admire v.喜欢,钦佩 n.admiration

We all admire a brave boy, a beautiful picture, or a fine piece of work. 我们都喜欢勇敢的孩子,美丽的图画和好的作品。

★a piece of work:一件工作,难事,作品 assemble v.集合

The students were assembles in the school hall.

学生们在学习礼堂内集合。 beast n.走兽

Lions, bears, cows, and horses are beasts. 狮子、熊、牛和马都是走兽。 bravery n.勇敢 同:courage

A young man of bravery saved the child from the burning house.


每一位公民都可请求法律保护。 conclude v.推断


As he didn't get here at six, I concluded that he had been delayed.

由于他六点还没到此,我推断他被耽搁了。 contract v.订约

收缩 同:diminish

Our shop contracted with a local clothing firm for 100 coats a week.

Most metals contract when they cool. 大部分的金属在冷却时收缩。 crop n.农作物,产量

Wheat, corn and cotton are the three main crops of the United States.


The drought made the potato crop very small this year.

deed n.行为 同:behavior

Good deeds should be rewarded and evil deeds should be punished.


devote v.致力


He devoted his efforts to the improvement of the parks in the city.

他致力于市区公园的改进。 divorce v.离婚 同:separate n.离婚

He has been divorced for a year. 他已离婚一年。

His wife asked him for a divorce, 他太太要求离婚。 elegant adj.高雅的

The furnishings of the palace were elegant. 这皇宫的装饰很高雅。 equator n.赤道

The United States is north of the equator. 美国在赤道的北边。 exist v.生存

We cannot exist without air, food, and water. 我们没有空气、食物和水就不能生存。 federal adj.联邦制的

The United States has a federal government. 美国有一个联邦政府。

forbid v.禁止 同:prohibit 反:permit,allow Smoking is forbidden in the crowded bus. 在拥挤的公共汽车上禁止吸烟。 gallery n.画廊

Many pictures were hung on the walls of the gallery.

画廊墙上挂着许多画。 grind v.磨

That mill grinds corn into meal and wheat into flour.


improve v.改进


She improved her handwriting by constant practice.


instrument n.用具,仪器

A doctor's instruments must be kept clean. 医生的用具必须保持清洁。 junior adj.下级的 反:senior

This teaching course is for junior(反:senior) officers.

这门教学课程上为下级军官设的。 leak n.漏洞 v.漏

There is a leak in the roof. 屋顶上有个洞。

The rain is leaking in through a crack in the roof.

雨正从屋顶上的缝隙漏进来。 lower v.降下

We lower our flag usually at six o'clock. 我们通常在六点降旗。 mayor n.市长

A mayor is the chief government official of a city or town.

市长上一市或一镇的主要政府官员。 mistrust v.不信任 反:believe,trust

He keeps his money at home because he mistrusts banks.

他把钱放在家里,因为他不信任银行。 neat adj.整洁的

The child was taught to put away her toys and clothes to keep her room neat.


★put away:放好,储存...备用,处理掉,放弃,抛弃 occupy v.充任


Mr. Smith occupies an important position in the Ministry of Education.

史密斯先生在教育部担任要职。 ★Ministry of Education:教育部 overall adj.所有的

The overall length of the table is six feet. 那桌子全长六英尺。

★overall length:全长,总长 patch n.补丁 v.缝补

She sewed patches on the elbows of his jacket. 她将补丁缝在他夹克的肘弯处。 The mother patched the boy's trousers. 母亲缝补那男孩的裤子。

phrase n.片语,措辞

He spoke in simple phrases so that the children under stood him.

他用简单的语句使孩子们听得懂。 portion n.分得的财产

His portion of the family property was the largest.

他分得的家产最多。 procession n.行列

A funeral procession moved along the main


送葬行列沿着大街走。 regret n.抱歉,遗憾 v.抱歉

They said goodbye with great regret. 他们非常抱歉地说再见。

I regret to say that I cannot help you this time. 我很抱歉地说,这次我帮不上你的忙。 reserve v.保留

The seats are reserved for old and sick people. 这些座位是留给老人和病人们坐的。 scare v.惊吓

The sudden noise scared her. 突然的声音吓了他一跳。 serious adj.严肃的

He spoke about the problem in a serious way. 他严肃地谈论那问题。 silverware n.银器

Her silverware consists of knives, forks, spoons, a water pitcher, and candlesticks.


★consist of:由...组成

sole adj.唯一的 同:single 反:muitiple n.底部

He was the sole heir to the fortune when his rich aunt died.


The stone cut the sole of his foot. 石头割伤了他的脚底。 split v.分配

The boys split the money into four shares. 男孩们将钱分成四份。 stern adj.严格的

He is very stern in his students' discipline. 他对学生的纪律非常严格。 subtract v.减去

Subtract 2 from 4, and the remainder is 2. 四减二得二。 sword n.刀,剑

Those who live by the sword shall perish by the sword.

那些靠刀剑吃饭的人,终将死于刀剑之下。 thorough adj.彻底的 同:complete

You must give the horse a thorough cleaning every day.

你必须每天替马彻底清洗。 unite v.联合

The common interests made the countries unite.

共同的利益使得这些国家联合。 vision n.视力 同:sight 洞察力

The old man wears glasses because his vision is very poor.

那老人因为视力太差而戴眼镜。 We need a man of vision as president. 我们需要一个有洞察力的人做会长。 widow n.寡妇 反:widower

A widow is a woman whose husband had died, and who has not married again.


Lesson 17 admit v.允许


The servant opened the door and admitted me into the house.

仆人们开门,允许我进屋内。 assist v.帮忙

She assisted her mother with the housework. 他帮着母亲做家务。 behave v.举止

He has behaved well to his wife and children as well.

他对妻儿的态度都很好。 cattle n.牛

The farmer raises 1000 head of cattle in his farm.

那农民在农场上养了一千头牛。 clay n.粘土

Clay is used for making pots, dishes and bricks.

粘土用来制瓶、盘子和砖头。 ★be used for:用来做...

condemn v.谴责 同:censure,blame

All the newspapers condemned the general for his speech attacking a friendly nation. 将军攻击友邦国家的演说,收到所有报纸的谴责。

★friendly nation:友好国家,友邦

contrary adj.adv.相反的(地) 同:opposite If you act contrary to the doctor's advice, you gallop v.疾奔 n.匆促地进行

The wild horse galloped down the hill. 野马急奔下山。

She went through the work at a gallop, so it couldn't have been done very well.

她仓促地做完工作,因而没有做得很好。 ★go through:经历,经受,仔细检查,用完,被通过,参加,搜查,履行 won't get well again.

如果你违反医生的劝告,就无法再复原了。 ★contrary to:与...相反 ★get well:康复 crude adj.未提炼的

粗鲁的 同:impolite

Oil and sugar are crude before being prepared for use.

油和糖在尚未准备使用前都是未经提炼的。 ★prepare for:准备,使有准备 His manners were crude at the party. 他在宴会上态度粗鲁。 defeat v.打败 同:conquer

We defeated Lincoln High School in the baseball game yesterday.

昨天的棒球比赛,我们打败了林肯中学。 differ v.不同 同:disagree n.difference

The two brothers are like each other in appearance but differ widely in their tastes. 这两兄弟的外貌相像,可是嗜好却大大不同。

elementary adj.基本的 n.element

The elementary principles of mathematics are taught in the lower grades at school. 学校低年级教数学的基本原理。 exhibit v.表现

Our men exhibited great bravery in the battle. 战役中,我方表现英勇。 force n.暴力

The thief took the money from the old man by force.


grip v.抓住

He gripped the boy by the arm. 他抓住男孩的手臂。 hind adj.后部的

The hind wings of some insects are shorter than the fore wings.

有些昆虫的后翼比前翼短。 ★hind wing:后翼(翅) impulse n.冲动

A sudden impulse of anger arose in him when he was insulted.


insult n.侮辱

v.侮辱 同:offend

To call a brave man a coward is an insult. 把一个勇敢的人称作懦夫是一种侮辱。 The man insulted me by calling me a liar. 那男人叫我骗子来侮辱我。 jury n.陪审团

The jury decided the man was guilty. 陪审团判定这人有罪。 lean v.倾身的

adj.细瘦的 同:slender

He leaned forward to hear what she said to him.


Do you see a lean lady walking across the street?

你看到一位瘦瘦的小姐穿过这条街吗? meantime n.其间,当中时间 同:meanwhile Her husband left at four and returned at seven, and in the meantime she wrote three letters. 她的丈夫四点离开,七点回来,在此期间她写了三封信。

needle n.针

Mother sewed the button on my coat with needle and thread.

母亲用针线将扣子缝在我的外套上。 occur v.发生

The terrible car accident occurred last Friday. 可怕的车祸发生在上星期五。 overlook v.俯视

Our garden is overlooked by the neighbor's He has resided abroad for over ten years. 他住在国外已十年多了。

Her charm resides in her happy smile. 她的魅力在于她快乐的微笑中。 ★reside in:居住 rooster n.公鸡

A rooster was leading many hens. 一只公鸡正带领着许多母鸡。 scarf n.围巾


邻人的窗口可俯视我们的花园。 path n.轨道,路程

The moon has a regular path through the sky. 月球在天空中有一定的轨道。

physical adj.自然的,物质的

身体的 反:spiritual,mental They study the physical features of the earth in the science class.

他们在科学课上研究地球的自然特征。 The doctor's examination showed that he was in excellent physical condition.

医生的检验显示他的身体情况良好。 positive adj.确实的 同:unquestionable

We have positive knowledge that the earth moves around the sun.

我们确信地球绕着太阳转动。 proclaim v.宣布 同:announce

Many former colonies have proclaimed their independence.

许多昔日的殖民地已宣布独立。 queer adj.奇怪的

There was something queer about the way he walked.

她走路的方式有点奇怪。 reign n.统治

v.统治 同:rule

The queen's reign lasted more than fifty years. 女王的统治持续了五十余年。

He reigned over the small country for ten years.

他统治那小国十年。 reside v.居住,存在

The girl wore a green scarf over her shoulders. 那女孩披了一条绿色的围巾在肩上。 servant n.仆人

They have two servants, a cook and a maid. 他们有两个仆人,一个厨子和一个侍女。 similarity n.相似

Their differences are more noticeable than their similarities.


solemn adj.隆重的

We watched the solemn ceremony in the church.

我们在教堂里观看隆重的仪式。 spoil v.破坏

She spoiled the meat by burning it. 她把肉烧坏了。 stiff adj.硬的

Leather shoes are usually stiff when they are new.

新皮鞋通常很硬。 syllable n.音节

There are two syllables in the word “button”. “button”这个词有两个音节。 thread n.线

Nylon thread is stronger than cotton thread. 尼龙线比棉线结实。 ★nylon thread:尼龙线 ★cotton thread:棉线 trademark n.商标

The registration and protection of trademarks are now provided for by law.

如今,商标的注册和保护已有法律规定。 ★provide for;作准备,供养,规定

