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Starter unit I’m going higher第1课时教学设计

【内容来源】Join In三起点(2013年版)五上 Starter unit 【主 题】part1a, 1b, PAIRWORK 【课 时】第1课时 一、教学目标(Teaching aims)

能根据听到的单词或词组doing homework/cleaning my room/playing computer games/reading/listening to English/swimming/taking photos/playing the piano 指认图片,并能根据图片认读、说出句子。 二、教学重难点(Teaching points and difficulties)

复习现在进行时的构成。 三、教学准备(Teaching preparation)

课件、音频、图片(教师可以在优教平台直接调用或下载) 四、教学过程 Step 1: Review

师生自由对话,交流暑假生活(最好能提前通知学生准备几张假期生活的照片),复习相关句型,如:Look at this photo. What are you doing? I’m …等。

通过问答 What year are you in? I’m in Year 5. 导出本单元话题:I’m going higher.

Step 2: Presentation

利用课件或图片呈现人物Fu Xuetong,播放录音:Hi, I’m Fu Xuetong. My English name is Linda. Look, here are some of my holiday photos. In photo 1, I’m …引导学生回答 What’s her name? What’s her English name? What are the photos about? 等问题。


学生读l b中的句子,听录音,根据录音顺序给句子标序号。 师生共同核对答案。

学生再听录音,重复句型,进一步巩固和熟悉现在进行时的表达。 借助课件或图片设计句子认读活动,引导学生关注现在进行时的构成be

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(am,is,are) + doing,如将图片和句子配对等。

She is doing homework.

She is reading a book.

老师提问,引导学生看图回答,如:In photo 1, what is she doing? She is doing homework.等。 Step 3: Practice



引导学生用自己的照片进行对话练习,如:What are you doing? I’m... la录音稿:

Hi, I'm Fu Xuetong. My English name is Linda. Look, here are some of my holiday photos.

In photo 1, I’m doing homework. In photo 2, I'm cleaning my room. In photo 3, I'm playing computer games. In photo 4,I'm reading.

In photo 5, I'm listening to English. In photo 6, I'm swimming. In photo 7,1’m taking photos. In photo 8, I'm playing the piano. lb录音稿:

Here are some of Linda’s holiday photos. Photo 1. She is doing homework. Photo 2. She is cleaning her room. Photo 3. She is playing computer games. Photo 4. She is reading.

Photo 5. She is listening to English.

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Photo 6. She is swimming. Photo 7. She is taking photos. Photo 8. She is playing the piano. lb答案: 4, 1 8, 2 5, 3 6, 7

Step4: Homework

1. 登陆优教同步学习网,听课本第2页1a部分录音3遍。 2. 读英语故事书10-20分钟。 【板书设计】

Starter unit Photo 1. She is doing homework. Photo 2. She is cleaning her room. Photo 3. She is playing computer games. Photo 4. She is reading. Photo 5. She is listening to English. Photo 6. She is swimming. Photo 7. She is taking photos. Photo 8. She is playing the piano.

Starter unit I’m going higher第2课时教学设计

【内容来源】Join In三起点(2013年版)五上 Starter unit 【主 题】part2a, 2b 【课 时】第2课时 一、教学目标(Teaching aims)

能借助图片听懂、读懂关于个人信息的小短文。 二、教学重难点(Teaching points and difficulties)


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三、教学准备(Teaching preparation)

课件、音频、图片(教师可以在优教平台直接调用或下载) 四、教学过程 Step 1: Review

师生自由对话,复习有关句型,如:Where are you from? What year are you in? Do you like China? 等。 Step 2: Presentation

学生打开课本到第3页,观察图片,老师介绍人物Mike和Linda以及国家Canada。可以通过一些问题引导学生进行听前预测,同时也可以引导学生在听录音的时候关注核心信息,如:Where are they? Do they like Canada? Is Linda from Canada? What year is he/she in? Are they friends? 等。


老师再次重复刚才的提问,引导学生进一步熟悉对话内容,如:Is Linda from Canada? Where is she from? 等。


师生共同核对答案。 Step 3: Practice

学生跟着录音逐句学说、复述。 师生、男女生或小组分角色朗读对话。 2a答案:???? ? Step4: Homework

1. 登陆优教同步学习网,听课本第3页2b部分录音3遍。 2. 读英语故事书10-20分钟。 【板书设计】

Starter unit Mike: Hi, Linda. How do you like Canada? Linda: It’s a beautiful country! I like it very much. 4 / 81

Mike: Thank you. What year are you in? Linda: In Year 4. Oh no, I'm going higher. I’m in Year 5 soon. Mike: When are you going back to China? Linda: I’m going back with my uncle this Saturday. Mike: OK, Linda. It’s good to be your friend. Starter unit I’m going higher第3课时教学设计

【内容来源】Join In三起点(2013年版)五上 Starter unit 【主 题】part3,4,5,6a,6b,7 【课 时】第3课时 一、教学目标(Teaching aims)

1. 复习有关room,clothes, subject, time等话题的单词,并能运用单词和句型表达相应的话题信息。

2. 能听懂并正确朗读小诗Let’s go higher。 二、教学重难点(Teaching points and difficulties)

名词复数的规则变化,整点和半点的用法。 三、教学准备(Teaching preparation)

课件、音频、图片(教师可以在优教平台直接调用或下载) 四、教学过程 Step 1: Review

? 复习科目,完成part3

借助图片或实物等,让学生复习单词subject,以及学科名称Chinese,English 等。

老师利用课表,引导学生介绍所学的课程,进一步复习有关学科的单词,如:We have English ... and …等。


师生共同核对答案。学生大声朗读单词,进一步复习巩固关于学科的单词。 答案:

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Art, Chinese, Music, PE, Maths, Science

? 复习衣物、房间物品名称,复习名词复数的规则用法。

老师借助图片或实物等,复习物品单词chair,table等,以及衣物单词shirt, shorts, jeans等。

老师引导学生关注单词单、复数形式的变化,如clock, clocks等。 学生打开课本到第4页,独立完成填词练习,老师巡视指导。 师生共同核对答案。学生大声朗读单词,进一步复习巩固。 答案:

chair tables clock chairs table jeans shoes


clocks shirt socks


? 复习整点与半点表达法

借助教具钟,老师进行提问:Look at this clock. What’s the time复习时间的整点和半点的表达方式。

学生打开课本到第5页,认读6a钟面下表达时间的句子,根据句子在钟面 上画出对应的时间。

同桌之间利用这三个钟面进行问答,如:What’s the time? It’s ten o’clock. 学生观察6b钟面上的时间,在横线上写出表达时间的句子。 师生共同核对答案,学生说出句子It’s... 6b答案:

It’s eleven o'clock. It’s half past nine. It’s half past twelve. Step 3: Practice

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老师与学生开展自由对话,如:Do you live in Wuhan? What sport do you like best? How many girls/boys are there in your class? Do you like Science? What about your friend? Does he/she like Science, too? Have you got a bike? 等。


全班听录音,核对答案。学生大声读出句子。 录音稿:

1. Do you live in Beijing? No, I don’t.

2. What sport do you like best? Football.

3. How many girls are there in your class? There are twenty-two. 4. Does she like Science? Yes, she does. 5. Has he got a bike? No, he hasn’t.

6. When does Linda get up? At half past seven.

7. Where does his dad work? He works at school. 8. Where’s your schoolbag? It’s on the desk. 9. Whose umbrella is it? It’s Tom’s. 答案:

4,8, 5, 9, 3, 7, 1,2, 6, Step4: Presentation

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师生对话,如老师问:What year are you in? 学生回答:I’m in Year 老师回应:Oh,you are going higher. Let’s go higher.引出诗歌名称,让学生学说。



老师借助图片、课件、课表、学生新发的书本,以及教材中的新内容等, 帮助学生理解诗歌中的句子:There are many new things to know. We have got a lot more to earn.再借助体态语或图片等,帮助学生理解:Let’s work harder.

学生听录音学说诗歌。 学生大声朗读诗歌。 Step5: Homework

1. 登陆优教同步学习网,听课本第4页4部分录音3遍。 2. 读英语故事书10-20分钟。 【板书设计】

Starter unit chair tables clock shirts chairs table jeans It’s …o’clock shoes clocks shirt socks shorts Let’s go higher. There’re many new things to know. Let’s work harder, Let’s go higher. We have got a lot more to learn. Let’s work harder, let’s go higher. Starter unit I’m going higher第4课时教学设计

【内容来源】Join In三起点(2013年版)五上 Starter unit 【主 题】part8,9,10a,10b,11 【课 时】第4课时

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一、教学目标(Teaching aims)

1. 能根据图片、例句的提示,写出有关Andy个人信息的短文。 2. 能表达对颜色、食物、星期几、数字、业余活动、动物的情感,如喜欢和不喜欢。

二、教学重难点(Teaching points and difficulties)

名词复数的规则变化,整点和半点的用法。 三、教学准备(Teaching preparation)

课件、音频、图片(教师可以在优教平台直接调用或下载) 四、教学过程 Step 1: Review

教师播放颜色歌曲,复习颜色单词,带学生进入英语学习氛围中。 歌曲播放完后,教师问What’s your favourite colour?引导学生用I like…或 my favourite colour is…。接着呈现part8部分的图片,开始新课。 Step2: Presentation

老师出示课本中的图片,请学生根据图片的信息尝试描述Ann的信息,如:Ann likes … Her favourite food/colour is … She has got…

老师播放录音,让学生整体感知、理解短文,并回答问题:Where is Ann from? Does she like swimming? Has she got a pet? What is it?


老师再次播放录音,学生跟读。 老师鼓励学生描述Ann的信息。 录音稿:

Ann is a girl from Australia. She is nine years old. She is at New South Wales School She is in Year 3. She likes table tennis and swimming. Her favourite food is bananas. Her favourite colour is blue. She has got a pet. It is a bird. 答案:

1. Ann is from Australia. 2. Yes, she does.

3. Yes, she has. It is a bird. Step3: Practice

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老师与学生就一个喜欢的话题开展讨论,如:What’s your favourite colour? Do you like …?


学生可在小组内交流自己的信息,如:I like ... best. I like ... I don’t like ... I hate ...

学生打开课本到第7页,阅读10a的短文。 老师播放录音,学生整体感知、理解对话。学生根据短文内容填写单词,老师巡视指导。


学生将短文内容转述成Andy的信息,老师提供相关的语句,如:He is... He likes…His favourite…并对学生的描述予以评价。

学生独立完成Andy的信息的书写,老师巡视指导。 录音稿:

I'm Andy from the UK. I’m in Year 5. I wear a uniform to school. I don’t like the uniform. I like Maths and Science best. I like Music, too. My favourite sport is basketball. I have got many friends. I0a答案:

5,Maths, Music, basketball 10b答案:

Andy is from the UK. He is in Year 5. He wears a uniform to school. He doesn’t like it. He likes Maths and Science best. He likes Music, too. His favourite sport is basketball He has got many friends.

11. Look at the picture and answer the questions.看一看,答一答。

打开课本到第7页,学生观察图片,并用所学的there be句型和现在进行时的句型来描述图片中的人物信息。

学生独立阅读并回答问题。师生共同核对答案,学生大声朗读句子。 老师鼓励学生根据图片信息模仿提问并回答。 答案: 1. Yes, there are.

2. They’re playing football

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3. They 're dancing. 4. Yes, they are. Step5: Homework

1. 登陆优教同步学习网,听课本第6页8部分录音3遍。 2. 写一篇英文自我介绍。 【板书设计】

Starter unit What’s your favourite colour? Do you like …? I like ... best. I like ... I don’t like ... I hate ...

Unit 1 My family第1课时教学设计

【内容来源】Join In三起点(2013年版)五上 Unit1 【主 题】part1a, 1b,1c, PAIRWORK 【课 时】第1课时 一、教学目标(Teaching aims)

1. 能根据听到的单词family, mother, father, grandmother, grandfather, parents, grandparents, brother, sister指认图片或人物;并能说出、认读、写出家庭成员的单词。

2. 能运用句型 Are these/those your parents/grandparents? Yes, they are. Who’s that boy…? He’s…等,就个人和家庭情况进行简单交流。 二、教学重难点(Teaching points and difficulties)

家庭成员单词、含these/those一般疑问句及答语。 三、教学准备(Teaching preparation)

课件、音频、图片(教师可以在优教平台直接调用或下载) 四、教学过程 Step 1: Review

教师播放导入歌曲:My family,引入本课主题。


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Step 2: Presentation

教师播放1a部分录音,学生听录音,初步感知有关家庭成员的单词。 再次播放录音,学生听录音,回答老师的提问:How many people are there in Emma’s family? Who are they? 帮助学生进一步理解对话中的家庭成员关系。


如:Mike: Wow! So many photos!

Emma: Yeah. My mum has put them on the wall. Mike: This big one is nice. Are these your parents? Emma: Yes, they are. My father Bill, and my mother Betty.

老师借助家谱图教授单词:mother, father, grandmother, grandfather, parents, grandparents, brother, sister。 Step 3: Practice

老师设计活动,操练单词: 1)听单词指认图片; 2)看图片说单词; 3)看单词指认图片。


老师利用课件或图片创设情境,让学生模仿对话中的人物,学习对话中的重点句型:Are these/those your parents? Yes, they are. /No, they aren’t. Who’s that boy behind your parents? He’s my brother Tim.同时老师板书句型,帮助学生准确认读句子,并要求他们大声朗读。



再次播放录音,学生模仿跟读。然后老师和一名学生扮演Emma Mike, 示范lb的对话。


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学生玩游戏,老师进行适当指导。 录音稿:

Emma: Hello, Mike.

Mike: Hi, Emma. How are you? Emma: Fine, thank you. And you? Mike: I’m OK, thanks. Emma: Come in, please. Mike: OK.

Mike: Wow! So many photos!

Emma: Yeah. My mum has put them on the wall. Mike: This big one is nice. Are these your parents? Emma: Yes, they are. My father Bill, and my mother Betty. Mike: Who’s that boy behind your parents? Emma: He’s my brother Tim.

Mike: Umm,he’s lovely. Are those your grandparents? Emma: Yes, they are. Mike: What are their names?

Emma: My grandfather is Hans, and my grandmother Alice. Mike: Wow, a happy family! Emma: Yes, I love my family. 答案:

la: C, B, G, H, A, F, D lb: 3,1,2 Step4: Homework

1. 登陆优教同步学习网,听课本第8页1a部分录音3遍。 2. 读英语故事书10-20分钟。

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3. 准备一张全家福的照片。 【板书设计】

Unit 1 My family mother, father, grandmother, grandfather, parents, grandparents, brother, sister —Are those/these your grandparents? —Yes, they are. Unit 1 My family第1课时教学设计

【内容来源】Join In三起点(2013年版)五上 Unit1 【主 题】part1a, 1b,1c, PAIRWORK 【课 时】第1课时 一、教学目标(Teaching aims)

1. 能根据听到的单词family, mother, father, grandmother, grandfather, parents, grandparents, brother, sister指认图片或人物;并能说出、认读、写出家庭成员的单词。

2. 能运用句型 Are these/those your parents/grandparents? Yes, they are. Who’s that boy…? He’s…等,就个人和家庭情况进行简单交流。 二、教学重难点(Teaching points and difficulties)

家庭成员单词、含these/those一般疑问句及答语。 三、教学准备(Teaching preparation)

课件、音频、图片(教师可以在优教平台直接调用或下载) 四、教学过程 Step 1: Review

教师播放导入歌曲:My family,引入本课主题。


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本节课单词讲授。 Step 2: Presentation

教师播放1a部分录音,学生听录音,初步感知有关家庭成员的单词。 再次播放录音,学生听录音,回答老师的提问:How many people are there in Emma’s family? Who are they? 帮助学生进一步理解对话中的家庭成员关系。


如:Mike: Wow! So many photos!

Emma: Yeah. My mum has put them on the wall. Mike: This big one is nice. Are these your parents? Emma: Yes, they are. My father Bill, and my mother Betty.

老师借助家谱图教授单词:mother, father, grandmother, grandfather, parents, grandparents, brother, sister。 Step 3: Practice

老师设计活动,操练单词: 1)听单词指认图片; 2)看图片说单词; 3)看单词指认图片。


老师利用课件或图片创设情境,让学生模仿对话中的人物,学习对话中的重点句型:Are these/those your parents? Yes, they are. /No, they aren’t. Who’s that boy behind your parents? He’s my brother Tim.同时老师板书句型,帮助学生准确认读句子,并要求他们大声朗读。



再次播放录音,学生模仿跟读。然后老师和一名学生扮演Emma Mike, 示范lb的对话。

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