东方60MW汽轮机说明书 - 图文

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Project Contents Sihanoukville 2X50MW Coal-Fired POWER PLANT S/N Section 1 Client 1 2 Consultant 3 4 1-1 1-2 Description CAMBODIAN ENERGY LTD. Compilation Description Main Technical Specification and Economic Target POYRY ENERGY Ltd. Main Technical Specification Pages 1 1 2 1 1 2 2 1 1 Remarks Technical and Economic Target and Promise Conditions EPC Contractor 5 2 General Design Features § CHINA HUADIAN ENGNEERING CO.,LTD 6 Equip. Supplier 7 8 2-3 2-1 2-2 Operation Features Main Steam System and Regenerative Extraction System DONGFANG TURBINE Co., Ltd Steam Contribution and Operation Modes Document No.: (WBK)D60F-000100BSM Rev : A 9 Document Title : 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 3-1 2-4 Water-spraying System for Rear Cylinder 3 Constructional Features of Turbine Proper N60-8. 83 M^miMiM^ 2 Shafting N60-8.83 Turbine Instruction Manual 3-2 Cylinder (Main Turbine) 3-3 3-4 3-5 ! 3-6 3-7 3-8 4 Steam Fairway Arrangement Valves and Pipes 2 2 2 2 2 2 1 1 1 ?t -n ' Slide Key System and Differential Expansion Turning Gear Insulation and Enclosure Temperature and Pressure Monitoring Manufacturer Name and Address

N60-8.83 Turbine Instruction Manual (Main Turbine)


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Compilation Description

N60-8.83 type steam turbine is a 60 MW turbine model that is designed and manufactured based on the advanced technologies that are introduced domestically and internationally. It is a new kind of condensing turbine of impulse type, high temperature, pressure and single cylinder. It matches boiler of corresponding capacity and steam turbine generator to form thermal generation unit. It is of basic load in electricity grid, and can also regulate the peak.

The control system of this unit is low pressure electric regulation. 控制系统是低压电液控制

This instruction manual mainly describes the general design of the unit and the structure of the turbine proper. Please refer to related technical documents provided with the machine for detailed descriptions on related auxiliaries, governing, protection and safety systems, installation and maintenance, start-up and operation, and various systems. If the instruction conflicts with technical documents provided, the documents shall prevail. In this instruction the pressures for the thermal system are presented in absolute pressure. The instruction uses legal measuring units system which can be converted .into engineering measuring units by means of the following:

Force: 1 kgf = 9.8067 N Pressure: 1 kgf / cm2 = 0.098067 MPa Heat: 1 kcal = 4.1868 KJ

Note: definitions of \generator, the left hand side is defined as the \Definitions of \close to the generator is defined as \


N60-8.83 Turbine Instruction Manual (Main Turbine)

1 Main Technical Specification and Economic Target*



N60-8.83 Turbine Instruction Manual (Main Turbine)

1-1 Main Technical Specification

(WBK)D60F-0001 OOBSM

1 Model: N60-8.83


2 Type.- impulse type, high pressure, high temperature, single cylinder, single shaft condensing steam turbine


3 Guarantee output (TMCR condition): 60MW

保证输出(TMCR工况):60 MW

4 Maximum power (VWO condition): 64.5MW

最大功率(VWO 工况):64.5MW

5 Rated condition (TMCR condition) parameters:额定工况参数

a) Main steam pressure: 8.83MPa主蒸汽压力8.83MPa b) Main steam temperature: 535°C主蒸汽温度535°C c) Main steam flow: 225.8t/h主蒸汽流量225.8t/h d) Back pressure: 8.5kPa背压8.5kPa

e) Inlet temperature of the cooling water: 30°C冷却水进口温度30°C f) Makeup water temperature: 235.4°C补给水温度235.4°C 6 Maximum steam flow: 245t/h主蒸汽流量245t/h

7 Rotation direction: clockwise when viewed in the direction from turbine to generator


8 Rated speed : 3000r/min额定转速:3000r/min

9 Shafting critical speed: (calculated value):临界转速(计算值)

1810r/min (Steam turbine 1st step) >4160r/min (Steam turbine 2nd step) *1679.7r/min (Generator 1st step)

* The shaft critical speed of generator refers to the data provided by the manufacturing company of the generator.


