辨析 damage, destroy, ruin, spoil

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辨析 damage, destroy, ruin

damage vt. 损害,毁坏 n. 损害;损失; 赔偿金(damages); 费用 (口语中) destroy vt.(destroys; destroyed, ~; destroying)毁坏,破坏;杀死,消灭;打破(希望、计划) ruin vt. 毁坏; 使毁灭; 使成废墟;糟蹋、弄糟; n. 毁坏; 毁灭; 遗迹, 断垣残壁,废墟 (ruins);

spoil vt. 破坏,毁掉,糟蹋 (与ruin 同义,但语气不如ruin强); 宠坏,溺爱 (spoil 为高考大纲外的词)

①damage指部分\损坏\、\损害\、\破坏\或指使用价值有所降低。它可以用作动词,也可以用作名词,用作名词时常与to something 连用。例如:

Hundreds of houses in the area were damaged by the storm. 暴风雨毁坏了这个地区数以百计的房屋。 The accident did a lot of damage to his car. 这次车祸使他的车受到很大的损坏。

②destroy 只能用作动词,指彻底破坏,以致不可能修复,常作\破坏\、\毁灭\解,也可以指打破(希望、计划)、毁掉(信心、信念)。 有时用于修辞。例如:

The earthquake destroyed almost the whole town. 地震几乎毁灭了整个城镇。 His hope of being a writer was destroyed. 他想成为一个作家的希望破灭了。 The heavy rain destroyed our hope of a picnic. 大雨将我们野餐的希望打破了。

③ruin表示破坏严重,以致不能修复,但这种破坏不像destroy那样毁灭某物 。用作动词时,它作\使毁灭\、\使崩溃\、\弄糟、搞砸、糟蹋\等,常用于修辞,表示美好的东西的破坏(ruin≧ destroy); 用作名词时,它表示\毁灭\、“破产”、\瓦解\、\废墟\等抽象概念。例如:

The fire ruined the castle. 那场大火使城堡夷为废墟。

The heavy rain ruined our holiday. 大雨彻底毁了我们的假期。 The house has fallen into ruins. 房子倒塌了。

The company is facing ruin. 这家公司面临破产。


1. The bridge was badly _________ by the flood. 2. Everything has gone to ______. 3. The flood caused serious ________.

4. The house has fallen into _______. The house is now in _______. 5. Smoking will ____________ your health.

6. All my hopes were ________ by his letter of refusal. 7. He_______ his prospects(前程) by carelessness. 8. He paid $5 000 in ________ for the accident. 9. The earthquake _________ almost the entire city. 10. The car was only slightly _________ in the accident.

11. It’s a pity that the small agreement should _____ their friendship. (should用法见维克多P394) 12. The bad weather ____________ our trip.

13. In doing so he ___________ his chances of getting the job. 14. The storm caused great _______ to the country. 15. They’ve _________ all the evidence.

16. The house was completely __________by fire.

