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plot block cable red supp ye stru bl;显示块体、锚杆(红色)、支架(黄色)、梁(蓝色)的图形 set plot 256 dxf;设置图形为256色 set out c:\\ss.dxf

copy c:\\ss.dxf;把这图形以ss.dxf文件保存在C磁盘下

set plot bmp color plot block copy *.bmp

set plot jpg set output *.jpg copy

2.把数据导出 set log on

print pline 1 ydis;把pline 1的y方向位移的数据导出到UDEC目录下udec.txt文件中 set log off

3.plot block stress ;显示块体的应力

plot block dis ;显示块体的位移(有x和y方向) plot block pl ;显示块体的塑性区(plastic) save xx.save ;保存计算结果 res xx.save ;调用 4.液压支架的命令

supp xc yc wid l seg n mat j;(xc,yc)是指中心点坐标,l指支架的宽度,n指分段数,mat j指支柱材料性质为j prop mat j sup_kn -1 ;sup_kn指支架的刚度,-1与表1相对应

del range x1 x2 y1 y2 ;挖掘范围(x1, y1)(x1 ,y2)(x2, y2)(x2, y1)的块体,由支架支撑 table 1 0 42.e6 0.05 5.0e6 0.1 6.0e6;表1表示的是液压支架的(P-DS)特性曲线 5 巷道施工中断面加梯子梁的命令(见图1)

stru gen xc yc np 100 fa a thetra b mat=16 thick=0.2 ;100 指分100段,a b 指角度 prop mat=16 st_ymod=13.5e9 st_prat=0.14 st_den=7800 prop mat=16 st_yield=6e7 st_yresid=6e7 st_ycomp=2.5e7

prop mat=16 if_kn=1.35e9 if_ks=1.35e9 if_tens=0 if_fric=18 if_coh=0;interface-界面



round=0.1 ;方块的圆角块半径为0.1米

set ovtol=1.0 ;块体与块体之间相互嵌入量最大值为1米

bl 0,0 0,26 50,26 50,0 ;在(x1, y1)(x1 ,y2)(x2, y2)(x2, y1)生成块体范围 crack 0,25 50,25 ;在(x1, y1)(x2 ,y2)两点间画直线 jregion id 1 0,0 0,10 50,10 50,0 delete ;删除此区域的块体

jset 90,0 2.5,0 2.5,0 3,0 0,0 range jregion 1 ;jset A,0 a,0 b,0 c,0 x0,y0 range jregion 1 jset 90,0 2.5,0 2.5,0 3,0 1.5,2.5 range jregion 1 可画成列的线段 (见图2) jset 0,0 26,0 0,0 2.5,0 0,0 range jregion 1

pa ;当程度运行至此时暂停,可以看看你所建的部分模型,用continue继续运行下面部分 save t.save ;建模保存在t.save中

岩层赋属性及原岩力平衡计算 res t.save ;调用已建好的模型

gen quad 12 ;定义块体最大变形,若没有此语句,刚所有块体均为刚性块体

zone model mo range 0,180 0,45.2 ;在范围(x1, y1)(x1 ,y2)(x2, y2)(x2, y1)的块体符合库仑准则 change jcons=2 range 0,180 0,45.2 ;节理面间接触-coulmb滑移 ;下面主要是讲岩层赋属性

change mat=1 range reg 0,0 0,3 180,3 180,0 ;岩层1的范围 change mat=2 range reg 0,3 0,4.5 180,4.5 180,3

change mat=3 range reg 0,4.5 0,10.2 180,10.2 180,4.5 change mat=4 range reg 0,10.2 0,11.2 180,11.2 180 10.2 prop mat=1 dens=2500 ;岩层1的密度 prop mat=2 dens=2500 prop mat=3 dens=1300

zone k=2e10, g=1.1e10, fric=30,coh=2e6,ten=4e6 range mat=1 ;岩层1的块体力学参数(见表1) zone k=8.7e9, g=4.2e9, fric=25,coh=1.5e6,ten=1.5e6 range mat=2 zone k=13.05e9, g=6.3e9, fric=31,coh=4e6,ten=2e6 range mat=3

change jmat=1 range reg 0,0 0,3 180,3 180,0 ;在这范围1内的块体间相互接触的接触面力学参数 change jmat=2 range reg 0,3 0,4.5 180,4.5 180,3

change jmat=3 range reg 0,4.5 0,10.2 180,10.2 180,4.5

prop jmat=1 jkn=7e9, jks=2e9, jcoh=0.1e6 , jfric=0,jten=0.1e6 ;在这范围1内的块体间相互接触的接触面力学参数 prop jmat=2 jkn=6e9, jks=2e9, jcoh=1e6 , jfric=20,jten=1e6 prop jmat=3 jkn=6e9, jks=2e9, jcoh=1e6 , jfric=20,jten=1e6


set gravity 0,-10 ;地下岩层主要受重力,还有构造应力(水平应力=垂直应力*侧压系数) insitu str -1.5144e7 0 -1.262e7 szz=-1.5144e7 ygrad 3e4 0 2.5e4 zgrad 0 3e4

;initi asituate stress初始设置应力 ,侧压系数为1.2

;(550-48.2)*2500*(-10)= -1.262e7 -1.262e7*1.2=-1.5144e7 ,1*2500*10=2.5e4,2.5e4*1.2=3.0e4

bound stress 0,0,-1.375e7 range 0 180 45.1 45.3 ; boundary stress sxx0 ,sxy0, syy0 range x1 x2 y1 y2

;550*2500*(-10)= -1.375e7

bound xvel=0 range -0.1 0.1 0 45.2 ;固定左边界(xvel-也就是x方向的速度),见图3 bound xvel=0 range 179.9 180.1 0 45.2 ;固定右边界 bound yvel=0 range 0 180 -0.1 0.1 ;固定下边界 solve ;计算

save fyuanyan1.save

注: insitu str sxx sxy syy szz=-1.6638e8 ygrad sxxy sxyy syyy zgrad szzx szzy (xgrad sxxx sxyx syyy,上面没有写,表示在x方向没有变化 )

(σx=sxx ,σy=syy, σz=szz,τxy=sxy,τxz=sxz, τyz=syz弹性力学;grad表示梯度,即在此方向的变化量) (xgrad sxxx sxyx syyy ygrad sxxy sxyy syyy zgrad szzx szzy

(sxx=sxx0+sxxx.x+sxxy.y,syy=syy0+syyx.x+syyy.y,szz=szz0+szzx.x+szzy.y) (μ—侧压系数,sxx=syy. μ,szz=syy. μ,sxxy=syyy. μ,szzy=syyy. μ)

(τ=c+σ.tgυ,c值,反映岩石剪切时的粘结阻力,故称岩石的内聚力(或粘结力) ,υ,值反映岩石剪切时摩擦阻力, 的大小,故称岩石的内摩擦角,tgυ,相当于摩擦系数f 。可得用c、υ两个数在应力圆中判断某种应力状态下的 岩石是否产生破坏,通常,岩石愈坚硬,c、υ两个值超大,反之亦然。1G=103M=109 G?



ccccbaba(x0,y0)caba(x0),y0ba(x0,y0)babcA=0A=A图2CA=90CC0图5梯形梁b(xc,yc)锚杆a(x1,y1)(x2,y2)巷 道图1


力学模型 块体力学参数(表1) 岩层 上覆岩层 基本顶 直接顶 煤层 直接底 基本底 法向刚度 jkn/Gpa 体积模量 K/Gpa 剪切模量 G/Gpa 20 40 20 13.05 8.7 20 切向刚度 jks/Gpa 7 20 7 6 6 7 体积力 d/N.m-3 11 20 11 6.3 10 11 接触面力学参数 岩层 上覆岩层 基本顶 直接顶 煤层 直接底 基本底 粘结力 jc/Mpa 2 15 2 2 2 2 摩擦角 粘结力 f/(o) C/Mpa 30 40 30 31 37 30 抗拉强度 t/Mpa 2 4 2 4 7 2 4 10 4 2 1.5 4 25000 27000 25000 13900 25000 25000 摩擦角 抗拉强度 jf/(o) jt/Mpa 1 0 0 1 1 0.1 30 40 0 20 20 0 1 0 0 1 1 0.1 ;打入锚杆后的锚固体,其摩擦角和粘结力以用弹性模量都会增大,所以锚固体处的属性要改变,否则 锚杆的效果显不著。

round=0.01 set ovtol=3

bl 0,0 0,45.2 180,45.2 180,0 ;基本底3m(1.5*1) crack 0,3 180,3 crack 57,3 57,0 crack 73.8,3 73.8,0

jregion id 11 0,0 0,3 57,3 57,0 delete jset 0,0 57,0 0,0 1,0 0,0 range jregion 11 jset 90,0 1,0 1,0 1.5,0 0,0 range jregion 11 jset 90,0 1,0 1,0 1.5,0 0.75,1 range jregion 11 jregion id 12 57,0 57,3 73.8,3 73.8,0 delete jset 0,0 16.8,0 0,0 0.25,0 57,0 range jregion 12 jset 90,0 0.25,0 0.25,0 0.5,0 57,0 range jregion 12

jset 90,0 0.25,0 0.25,0 0.5,0 57.25,0.25 range jregion 12 jregion id 13 73.8,0 73.8,3 180,3 180,0 delete jset 0,0 106.2,0 0,0 1,0 73.8,0 range jregion 13 jset 90,0 1,0 1,0 1.5,0 73.8,0 range jregion 13 jset 90,0 1,0 1,0 1.5,0 74.55,1 range jregion 13

;直接底1.5m(1*0.5/0.5*0.25) crack 0,4.5 180,4.5 crack 57,3 57,4.5 crack 73.8,3 73.8,4.5


jregion id 21 0,3 0,4.5 57,4.5 57,3 delete jset 0,0 57,0 0,0 0.5,0 0,3 range jregion 21 jset 90,0 0.5,0 0.5,0 1,0 0.5,3 range jregion 21 jset 90,0 0.5,0 0.5,0 1,0 0,3.5 range jregion 21


jregion id 22 57,3 57,4.5 73.8,4.5 73.8,3 delete jset 0,0 16.8,0 0,0 0.25,0 57,3 range jregion 22 jset 90,0 0.25,0 0.25,0 0.5,0 57,3 range jregion 22

jset 90,0 0.25,0 0.25,0 0.5,0 57.25,3.25 range jregion 22 ;后73.8到180米(1*0.5)

jregion id 23 73.8,3 73.8,4.5 180,4.5 180,3 delete jset 0,0 106.2,0 0,0 0.5,0 73.8,3 range jregion 23 jset 90,0 0.5,0 0.5,0 1,0 73.8,3 range jregion 23 jset 90,0 0.5,0 0.5,0 1,0 74.3,3.5 range jregion 23 ;5.7米的煤层,采3.5米 crack 0,10.2 180,10.2 crack 0,9.5 57,9.5 crack 73.8,9.5 180,9.5 crack 57,4.5 57,10.2 crack 73.8,4.5 73.8,10.2 crack 63,4.5 63,7.75 crack 67.8,4.5 67.8,10.2 crack 57,7.75 67.8,7.75 crack 67.8,8 180,8 ;前57米(1*0.5)

jregion id 31 0,4.5 0,9.5 57,9.5 57,4.5 delete jset 0,0 57,0 0,0 0.5,0 0,4.5 range jregion 31 jset 90,0 0.5,0 0.5,0 1,0 0,4.5 range jregion 31 jset 90,0 0.5,0 0.5,0 1,0 0.5,5 range jregion 31 jregion id 30 0,9.5 0,10.2 57,10.2 57,9.5 delete jset 90,0 0.7,0 0.7,0 1,0 0,9.5 range jregion 30 ;57到73.8米(0.5*0.25)

jregion id 321 57,4.5 57,7.75 63,7.75 63,4.5 delete jset 0,0 6,0 0,0 0.25,0 57,4.5 range jregion 321

jset 90,0 0.25,0 0.25,0 0.5,0 57,4.5 range jregion 321 jset 90,0 0.25,0 0.25,0 0.5,0 57.25,4.75 range jregion 321 jregion id 322 63,4.5 63,7.75 67.8,7.75 67.8,4.5 delete jset 0,0 3.2,0 0,0 0.25,0 63,4.5 range jregion 322 jset 90,0 0.25,0 0.25,0 0.5,0 63,4.5 range jregion 322 jset 90,0 0.25,0 0.25,0 0.5,0 63.25,4.75 range jregion 322 jregion id 323 57,7.75 57,10.2 67.8,10.2 67.8,7.75 delete jset 0,0 10.8,0 0,0 0.25,0 57,7.75 range jregion 323

jset 90,0 0.25,0 0.25,0 0.5,0 57.25,7.75 range jregion 323 jset 90,0 0.25,0 0.25,0 0.5,0 57,8 range jregion 323 jregion id 324 67.8,4.5 67.8,8 73.8,8 73.8,4.5 delete jset 0,0 6,0 0,0 0.25,0 67.8,4.5 range jregion 324 jset 90,0 0.25,0 0.25,0 0.5,0 68,4.5 range jregion 324 jset 90,0 0.25,0 0.25,0 0.5,0 68.25,4.75 range jregion 324 jregion id 325 67.8,8 67.8,10.2 73.8,10.2 73.8,8 delete jset 0,0 6,0 0,0 0.25,0 67.8,4.5 range jregion 325 jset 90,0 0.25,0 0.25,0 0.5,0 68,8 range jregion 325

jset 90,0 0.25,0 0.25,0 0.5,0 68.25,8.25 range jregion 325 ;后73.8到180米(1*0.5)

jregion id 331 73.8,4.5 73.8,9.5 180,9.5 180,4.5 delete

jset 0,0 106.2,0 0,0 0.5,0 73.8,4.5 range jregion 331 jset 90,0 0.5,0 0.5,0 1,0 74.3,4.5 range jregion 331 jset 90,0 0.5,0 0.5,0 1,0 73.8,5 range jregion 331

jregion id 300 73.8,9.5 73.8,10.2 180,10.2 180,9.5 delete jset 90,0 0.7,0 0.7,0 1,0 74.3,9.5 range jregion 300 ;直接顶1m(1.5*1) crack 0,11.2 180,11.2 crack 57,10.2 57,11.2 crack 73.8,10.2 73.8,11.2 ;前57米(1*0.5)

jregion id 41 0,10.2 0,11.2 57,11.2 57,10.2 delete ;jset 0,0 57,0 0,0 0.5,0 0,10.2 range jregion 41 jset 90,0 1,0 1,0 1.5,0 0.75,10.2 range jregion 41 ;jset 90,0 0.5,0 0.5,0 1,0 0,10.7 range jregion 41 ;57到73.8米(0.5*0.25)

jregion id 42 57,10.2 57,11.2 73.8,11.2 73.8,10.2 delete jset 0,0 16.8,0 0,0 0.25,0 57,10.2 range jregion 42

jset 90,0 0.25,0 0.25,0 0.5,0 57.25,10.2 range jregion 42 jset 90,0 0.25,0 0.25,0 0.5,0 57,10.45 range jregion 42 ;后73.8到180米(1.5*1)

jregion id 43 73.8,10.2 73.8,11.2 180,11.2 180,10.2 delete ;jset 0,0 106.2,0 0,0 0.5,0 73.8,10.2 range jregion 43 ;jset 90,0 0.5,0 0.5,0 1,0 73.8,10.2 range jregion 43 jset 90,0 1,0 1,0 1.5,0 73.8,10.2 range jregion 43 ;基本顶10m(12*5) crack 0,21.2 180,21.2

jregion id 5 0,11.2 0,21.2 180,21.2 180,11.2 delete jset 0,0 180,0 0,0 5,0 0,11.2 range jregion 5 jset 90,0 5,0 5,0 12,0 0,11.2 range jregion 5 jset 90,0 5,0 5,0 12,0 6,16.2 range jregion 5 ;上覆岩层24m(6*4) crack 0,45.2 180,45.2

jregion id 6 0,21.2 0,45.2 180,45.2 180,21.2 delete jset 0,0 180,0 0,0 4,0 0,21.2 range jregion 6 jset 90,0 4,0 4,0 5,0 3,21.2 range jregion 6 jset 90,0 4,0 4,0 5,0 0,25.2 range jregion 6 save inir.save res inir.save

gen quad 1.6 1.2 range 0,180 0,11.2 gen quad 13 5.5 range 0,180 11.2,45.2

zone model mo range 0,180 0,45.2 ;( change cons=3 range 0,180 0,45.2) change jcons=2 range 0,180 0,45.2


change mat=1 range reg 0,0 0,3 180,3 180,0 change mat=2 range reg 0,3 0,4.5 180,4.5 180,3

change mat=3 range reg 0,4.5 0,10.2 180,10.2 180,4.5 change mat=4 range reg 0,10.2 0,11.2 180,11.2 180 10.2 change mat=5 range reg 0,11.2 0,21.2 180,21.2 180,11.2

change mat=6 range reg 0,21.2 0,45.2 180,45.2 180,21.2

change jmat=1 range reg 0,0 0,3 180,3 180,0 change jmat=2 range reg 0,3 0,4.5 180,4.5 180,3

change jmat=3 range reg 0,4.5 0,10.2 180,10.2 180,4.5 change jmat=4 range reg 0,10.2 0,11.2 180,11.2 180 10.2 change jmat=5 range reg 0,11.2 0,21.2 180,21.2 180,11.2 change jmat=6 range reg 0,21.2 0,45.2 180,45.2 180,21.2

prop mat=1 dens=2500 prop mat=2 dens=2500 prop mat=3 dens=1390 prop mat=4 dens=2500 prop mat=5 dens=2700 prop mat=6 dens=2500

zone k=2e10, g=1.1e10, fric=40, coh=8.5e6, ten=5.6e6 range mat=1 (prop mat=1 k=2e10, g=1.1e10, fric=40, coh=8.5e6, ten=5.6e6 ) zone k=17e9, g=8.9e9, fric=34, coh=6e6, ten=2.4e6 range mat=2 zone k=13.05e9, g=6.3e9, fric=28, coh=4e6, ten=2.1e6 range mat=3 zone k=2e10, g=1.1e10, fric=33, coh=6.2e6, ten=2.3e6 range mat=4 zone k=2.4e10, g=1.3e10, fric=40, coh=9.5e6, ten=5.4e6 range mat=5 zone k=2e10, g=1.1e10, fric=35, coh=8.4e6, ten=4e6 range mat=6

prop jmat=1 jkn=14e9, jks=8.7e9, jcoh=6.5e6 , jfric=35,jten=0 prop jmat=2 jkn=9.5e9, jks=6.4e9, jcoh=4.8e6 , jfric=28,jten=0 prop jmat=3 jkn=6e9, jks=4.7e9, jcoh=2.8e6 , jfric=20,jten=0 prop jmat=4 jkn=8.9e9, jks=5.9e9, jcoh=4.9e6, jfric=27, jten=0 prop jmat=5 jkn=16e9, jks=9.5e9, jcoh=7.8e6 , jfric=36,jten=0 prop jmat=6 jkn=14e9, jks=8.7e9, jcoh=6.5e6 , jfric=29,jten=0 ;工作面埋深550米 set gravity 0,-10

bound stress 0,0,-1.375e7 range 0 180 45.1 45.3

insitu str -1.722e7 0 -1.435e7 szz=-1.722e7 range 0 180 21.2 45.2 insitu ygrad 3e4 0 2.5e4 zgrad 0 3e4 range 0 180 21.2 45.2

insitu str -1.7544e7 0 -1.462e7 szz=-1.7544e7 range 0 180 11.2 21.2 insitu ygrad 3.24e4 0 2.7e4 zgrad 0 3.24e4 range 0 180 11.2 21.2

insitu str -1.7574e7 0 -1.4645e7 szz=-1.7574e7 range 0 180 10.2 11.2 insitu ygrad 3e4 0 2.5e4 zgrad 0 3e4 range 0 180 10.2 11.2

insitu str -1.7669076e7 0 -1.472423e7 szz=-1.7669076e7 range 0 180 4.5 10.2 insitu ygrad 1.668e4 0 1.39e4 zgrad 0 1.668e4 range 0 180 4.5 10.2

insitu str -1.7804076e7 0 -1.483673e7 szz=-1.7804076e7 range 0 180 0 4.5 insitu str 3e4 0 2.5e4 zgrad 0 3e4 range 0 180 0 4.5 bound xvel=0 range -0.1 0.1 0 45.2 bound xvel=0 range 179.9 180.1 0 45.2 bound yvel=0 range 0 180 -0.1 0.1


save yuanyan.save cal kh.txt

res yuanyan.save reset disp reset vel


del range reg 63,4.5 63,7.75 67.8,7.75 67.8,4.5 ;加顶梯子梁(顶梁4.6米)

stru gen xc 65.4 yc 4.95 np 100 fa 0 theta 180 mat=16 thick 0.2 connect prop mat=16 st_ymod=13.5e9 st_prat=0.14 st_den=7800 prop mat=16 st_yield=60e6 st_yresid=60e6 st_ycomp=35e6

prop mat=16 if_kn=1.35e9 if_ks=1.35e9 if_tens=0 if_fric=18 if_coh=0 ;两帮梯子梁(2.75米)

;stru gen xc 65.4 yc 6.15 np 100 fa 150.64 theta 59.62 mat=17 thick 0.2 ;prop mat=17 st_ymod=21e9 st_prat=0.15 st_den=7800

;prop mat=17 st_yield=40e6 st_yresid=40e6 st_ycomp=40e6 ;prop mat=17 if_kn=1e9 if_ks=1e9 if_tens=0 if_fric=50 if_coh=0

;stru gen xc 65.4 yc 6.15 np 100 fa 329.75 theta 59.62 mat=18 thick 0.2 ;prop mat=18 st_ymod=21e9 st_prat=0.15 st_den=7800

;prop mat=18 st_yield=40e6 st_yresid=40e6 st_ycomp=40e6 ;prop mat=18 if_kn=1e9 if_ks=1e9 if_tens=0 if_fric=50 if_coh=0


cable (63.2,7.75) (62.379,10.005) 5 10 314e-6 11 4e4 connect cable (64.08,7.75) (64.08,10.15) 5 10 314e-6 11 4e4 connect cable (64.96,7.75) (64.96,10.15) 5 10 314e-6 11 4e4 connect cable (65.84,7.75) (65.84,10.15) 5 10 314e-6 11 4e4 connect cable (66.72,7.75) (66.72,10.15) 5 10 314e-6 11 4e4 connect cable (67.6,7.75) (68.421,10.005) 5 10 314e-6 11 4e4 connect ;左帮锚杆(L2米,4根)

cable (63,4.95) (61,4.95) 5 10 314e-6 11 4e4 connect cable (63,5.8) (61,5.8) 5 10 314e-6 11 4e4 connect cable (63,6.65) (61,6.65) 5 10 314e-6 11 4e4 connect cable (63,7.5) (61.121,8.184) 5 10 314e-6 11 4e4 connect ;右帮锚杆(L2米,4根)

cable (67.8,4.95) (69.8,4.95) 5 10 314e-6 11 4e4 connect cable (67.8,5.8) (69.8,5.8) 5 10 314e-6 11 4e4 connect cable (67.8,6.65) (69.8,6.65) 5 10 314e-6 11 4e4 connect cable (67.8,7.5) (69.679,8.184) 5 10 314e-6 11 4e4 connect


prop m=10 cb_dens 7500 cb_ycomp 430e6 cb_yield 260e3 cb_ymod 1.2e11 ;锚固体的参数

prop m=11 cb_kbond=6.3e9 cb_sbond=6e6

cable (64.5,7.75) (64.5,14.95) 5 12 314e-6 13 4e4 cable (65.8,7.75) (65.8,14.95) 5 12 314e-6 13 4e4


prop m=12 cb_dens 7500 cb_ycomp 700e6 cb_yield 500e3 cb_ymod 1.2e11 ;锚固体的参数

prop m=13 cb_kbond=6.3e9 cb_sbond=6e6

chang mat=7 range region 60,4.5 60,10.2 71,10.2 71,4.5 prop mat=7 dens=1390

zone k=14.05e9, g=6.9e9,fric=37, coh=4.4e6, ten=2.1e6 range mat=7


save kh.save call kgx.txt res kh.save reset disp reset vel


del range reg 67.8,4.5 67.8,8 167,8 167,4.5

stru del range 67.7,68 4.5,7.75 cable del range 67.8,70 4.5 7.8 def aa xx=68.58 loop m (1,63) command

supp xx 4.6 wid 1.5 seg 3 mat 1 endcommand xx=xx+1.55 end_loop end aa

supp 65.4 4.8 angle 90 wid 4.2 seg 3 mat 2 prop m 1 sup_kn -1 sup_tmax=1000 prop m 2 sup_kn -2

table 1 0 4.2e6 0.05 5.0e6 0.1 6.0e6 table 2 0 2.5e6 0.2 3.2e6

set pline 60,11.2 72,11.2 12 set pline 63,7.75 67.8,7.75 12 set pline 60,11.2 72,11.2 12 set pline 63,4.5 63,7.75 8 set pline 67.8,4.5 67.8,7.75 8 ;顶板下沉量

hist ydis 63.3,7.75 hist ydis 67.5,7.75 hist ydis 65.4,7.75 ;底板鼓起量

hist ydis 63.3,4.5 hist ydis 67.5,4.5 hist ydis 65.4,4.5 ;左帮水平移近量 hist xdis 63,5 hist xdis 63,6.1 hist xdis 63,7.2 ;右帮水平移近量 hist xdis 67.8,5 hist xdis 67.8,6.1 hist xdis 67.8,7.2 step 60000 save kgx.save call kgs.txt res kgx.save ;放顶煤2.2米

def aaa xx=73.23 loop m (1,60) command

supp xx 4.6 del endcommand xx=xx+1.55 end_loop end aaa

del range reg 157,4.5 157,8 180,8 180,4.5 del range reg 72.5,8 72.5,10.2 180,10.2 180,8

set pline 60,11.2 72,11.2 12 set pline 63,7.75 67.8,7.75 12 set pline 60,11.2 72,11.2 12 set pline 63,4.5 63,7.75 8 set pline 67.8,4.5 67.8,7.75 8 ;顶板下沉量

hist ydis 63.3,7.75 hist ydis 67.5,7.75 hist ydis 65.4,7.75 ;底板鼓起量 hist ydis 63.3,4.5 hist ydis 67.5,4.5 hist ydis 65.4,4.5 ;左帮水平移近量 hist xdis 63,5 hist xdis 63,6.1

hist xdis 63,7.2 ;右帮水平移近量 hist xdis 67.8,5 hist xdis 67.8,6.1 hist xdis 67.8,7.2 set sup_del solve

save kgs.save call kgss.txt 用的较多的是: 1. change

CHANGE keyword Block, joint and cable element material characteristics are prescribed and changed with the CHANGE command. All blocks with centroids lying within the optional range (see Section 1.1.3) have block material characteristics changed. Likewise, all joints with contact coordinates lying within the optional range, or cables with nodes lying within the optional range, have material characteristics changed. If no range is specified, all blocks and joints will have characteristics changed according to the keywords given below. Extended zone models and user-defined models are assigned using the extended ZONE command. User-defined joint models are defined using the JMODEL command. Local storage joint models are assigned using the JOINT command. The following keywords are used to change characteristics. 1. Block Characteristics

cons n

Constitutive number n is assigned to designated deformable blocks (see Table 1.2).

mat n

Material property number n is assigned to designated rigid or deformable

blocks. (All blocks initially default to mat = 1. The maximum value for n is 50.) Table 1.2 Constitutive models for deformable blocks

cons Model Description

0 null material (The null model is used to model excavated material. The stresses within the null block are automatically set to zero.) 1 linearly elastic, isotropic (default)

3 elastic/plastic, Mohr-Coulomb failure (This model should be used with caution since accurate solution to plasticity problems requires that the triangular zoning have a gridpoint at the centroid of each block. GENERATE quad zoning should be used whenever possible to improve plasticity analyses. However, no significant errors have been noted in problems for which the above criterion has not been met.)

6 elastic/plastic, Drucker-Prager failure (The same caution discussed above for the Mohr-Coulomb model (cons = 3) also applies for the Drucker- Prager model.)



1. Constitutive models may also be assigned to regions of zones within blocks with the ZONE command.

2. All block constitutive models are described in Section 2 in Theory and Background.

2. Joint Characteristics

jcons n

Constitutive number n is assigned to designated contacts (see Table1.3).

jmat n

Material property number n is assigned to designated contacts. (All contacts initially default to jmat = 1. The maximum value for n is 50.)

Table 1.3 Joint constitutive models

jcons Model Description

1 point contact elastic/plastic with Coulomb slip failure (units are [force/displacement] for contact stiffnesses, and [force] for cohesion and tension)

2 joint area* contact elastic/plastic with Coulomb slip failure (units are [stress] for cohesion and tension, and [stress/displacement] for joint stiffnesses) (default)

3 continuously yielding joint model (see Section 3 in Theory and Background for a detailed explanation)

5 same as jcons = 2, except that the internal fracture flag is set for each joint segment when joint shear or tensile strength is exceeded. If the fracture flag is set, residual values for friction, cohesion and tension are used in all subsequent calculations.

7 optional Barton-Bandis (BB) joint model. See Section 3 in Special Features for details. * NOTE: The minimum joint area is limited to twice the rounding length, so that it is not necessary to specify point contact properties if both point contacts and area contacts occur between blocks.

3. Cable Characteristics

cable matg Material property number matg is assigned to designated cable nodes. Material property number mats is assigned to designated cable elements. Midpoint of element must lie within the range to be changed.

(All cable elements and nodes default to mat=1. The maximum value for matg or mats is 50.) 4. Domain Characteristics

dmat n

Material property number n is assigned to designated domains. (All domains initially default to dmat=1. The maximum value for n is 50.)

CABLE x1 y1 x2 y2 npoint mats matg delete Execution of this command creates reinforcing elements that explicitly model the shear behavior of a grout annulus. These elements are generated between endpoints (x1,y1) and (x2,y2).

NOTE: For excavation problems, if point (x1,y1) is inside the excavation periphery, the first nodal point will be on the excavation periphery. The point (x2,y2) should always be located in the rock mass. This reinforcing logic can only be used with deformable blocks, and the CABLE command must be invoked after the GENERATE command. Reinforcement properties and grout properties are specified and stored using the PROPERTY command. The following parameters are also required. matg material property number for grout. (The PROPERTY command

should be used to specify cb kbond and cb sbond for grout.)

NOTE: The units for cb kbond and cb sbond are [force / cable length / displacement] and [force / cable length], respectively.

mats material property number for reinforcing (i.e., steel). (The PROPERTY command should be used to specify cb ymod, cb yield, cb ycomp, cb fstrain, and cb density for the material.)

npoint number of lumped mass nodal points (npoint ≥ 2)

Pre-tensioning of the reinforcing can be specified by providing a value (in units

of force) for the optional parameter preten. Always use the PRINT property cable command to check property assignment. The following keywords may be used.

connect The optional connect keyword will shift the cable node end closest to a structural (beam) element node to coincide with the beam node. The structural element nodes must be created before the cable nodes. The connection is not allowed to fail. The common, or shared, node will not appear in the list of cable nodes—it does appear in the list of structural element nodes. The cable element list will show the common node ID number at one end of the cable element and the normal cable node at the other. Beam and cable nodes are entirely separate entities. This is because being that the beam nodes are in contact with the surface of a block, whereas the cable nodes are connected to the model in the interior of a zone. All common nodes are therefore structural element nodes, rather than cable nodes. As a consequence, it is possible for the cable element information display to indicate identical node IDs at either end when the connect keyword is used. UDEC Version 4.0

delete The optional delete keyword will remove all cable elements from the specified range. If no range is given, all cable elements will be deleted.

extend The extend keyword causes the end of the current cable to connect to the end node of an existing cable element.

The cable reinforcing model is described in Section 1 in Special Features.

The material properties for segments of an existing cable element can be changed with the CHANGE cable command. Plot cable plots location of cable elements. For most of the keywords (shown below), the identification number n for the cable (defined by the CABLE command) may be used to plot only the cable elements associated with the number. The corresponding value of n for the cable may be found by using the command PLOT cable number. The following keywords may be used.

afail cable element axial failure axial axial force PLOT cable element element cable element numbers

fail shows failure modes in color. gfail cable node grout failure node cable node numbers

number the identification number of the cable group used, for

example, for line plots

sdisp nodal point displacement vectors

shear relative shear force between cable node and host material strain axial strain in cable elements svel nodal point velocity vectors xdisp x-displacement of cable nodes xvel x-velocity of cable nodes ydisp y-displacement of cable nodes yvel y-velocity of cable nodes


(1) The line plot switch can be used to plot a cable variable as a line plot (see plot category 4).

(2) The sense of the cable variable plots can be reversed by giving the switch yrev after the cable variable keyword.

Plot struct plots location of structural (beam) elements and associated variables. (See the STRUCT command and Section 1 in Special Features.) For certain keywords (shown below), the identification number, n, for the beam (defined by the STRUCT command) may be used to plot only the structural elements associated with that number. The corresponding value of n for the beam may be found by using the command PLOT struct number. The following keywords may be used.

afail structural element axial failure avel angular velocity of element axial axial force ifail interface failure

inormal normal force at structural interface

interface structural interface location ishear shear force at structural interface moment moment

number ID number of the element group used, for example, for

line plots

sdisp nodal point displacement vectors shear shear force

svel velocity vectors of structural nodes

thick structural element is plotted with thickness rather than

a single line

xdisp x-displacement of structural nodes xvel x-velocity of structural nodes ydisp y-displacement of structural nodes yvel y-velocity of structural nodes


(1) The line plot switch can be used to plot a structural element variable as a line plot (see plot category 4).

(2) The sense of structural element variable plots can be reversed by giving the switch yrev after the structural element keyword.

Plot support structural support elements

Print cable information on cable-reinforcing elements. The output is divided

into cable-element information and cable-node information. (See Section 1 in Special Features for further descriptions.) The column headings for cable elements are: (1) cable element address

(2) cable element segment identification number (3) cable node identification number — first node (4) cable node identification number — second node (5) material number for cable element (6) cross-sectional area of cable element

(7) axial force in cable element (tension is negative) (8) length of cable element

(9) axial strain in cable element (tension is negative) (10) failure indicator for element: 0 elastic

1 at yield in tension

2 elastic, tension yield in past 3 at yield in compression

4 elastic, compression yield in past 5 failure in extensional strain

The column headings for cable nodes are: (1) cable node address

(2) cable node identification number (3) x-coordinate of cable node (4) y-coordinate of cable node (5) x-velocity of cable node (6) y-velocity of cable node

(7) x-displacement of cable node (8) y-displacement of cable node (9) material number for cable node (10) x-force applied to node (11) y-force applied to node (12) shear force in grout

(13) node fixed in x if = 1, else 0 (14) node fixed in y if = 1, else 0 (15) failure indicator for node: 0 elastic 1 yield

2 elastic, yield in past

(16) address of zone in which node is currently located

Plot struct keyword

information on structural elements. The following keywords are available.

element information on structural element segments. The following optional keywords are available to print information separately.

disp displacements. The column headings are:

(1) structural element address (2) x-coordinate of midpoint (3) y-coordinate of midpoint (4) x-displacement of element (5) y-displacement of element

force forces. The column headings are:

(1) structural element ID number (2) axial force (compression positive) (3) shear force

(4) moment at one end of element (5) moment at other end of element (6) failure status

geom geometric data. The column headings are:

(1) structural element ID number

(2) node ID number at one end of element (3) node ID number at other end of element (4) material number (5) length (6) angle (7) thickness (8) area

(9) moment of inertia

(10) cross section shape factor

Interface structural element interface data. The column headings are:

(1) address of interface contact (2) material number

(3) constitutive model number (4) x-/y- coordinates of contact (5) normal/shear forces

(6) normal/shear displacements (7) ratio of shear to normal force (8) failure status

(9) length associated with contact

(10) angle of contact surface relative to x-axis (11) structural lumped mass/block addresses

node Information on structural element nodes. The following optional keywords are available to print information separately.

disp displacements. The column headings are:

(1) node ID number

(2) x-displacement of node (3) y-displacement of node (4) x-velocity of node (5) y-velocity of node

(6) rotational velocity of node UDEC Version 4.0


PRINT struct node force

force forces. The column headings are:

(1) node ID number

(2) x-direction force at node (3) y-direction force at node (4) moment at node (5) scaled mass at node

(6) scaled moment of inertia at node

state node state. The column headings are:

(1) node ID number (2) node address

(3) x-coordinate of node (4) y-coordinate of node (5) mass of node

(6) moment of inertia of node

Print support support element data. The column headings are:

(1) address of support element (2) address of top block (3) address of bottom block (4) material number for element (5) x-coordinate of element (6) y-coordinate of element (7) normal force on element

(8) normal displacement of element

