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- 2015中国超模推荐度:
- 相关推荐
世界记忆名录(Memory of the World Register)
联合国教科文组织世界记忆工程国际咨询委员会(International Advisory Committee of UNESCO's Memory of the World Programme)
文献遗产(documentary heritage) 馆藏(a holding)
档案全宗(an archival fonds)
南京大屠杀档案(Documents of the Nanjing Massacre)
慰安妇档案(Archives about "Comfort Women")
对日本战犯调查和审判的档案(documents of the post-war investigation and trials of war criminals)
中华人民共和国司法机构提供的文件(files documented by the judiciary authorities of the People's Republic of China )
"a golden era" “黄金时代”
重大外交行动(another major diplomatic activity)
欢迎仪式(welcoming ceremony) 检阅皇家骑兵卫队(review the royal horse guards) 非正式午宴(informal luncheon) 正式晚宴(formal welcoming dinner)
白金汉宫(Buckingham Palace)
英皇室成员(members of the British royal family)
核电项目(nuclear power projects)
anti-online terror drill 网络反恐演习 极端思想(disseminate extremism)
网站、论坛和社交网络(websites, forums and social networking)
暴恐活动(violent and terrorist activities)
地区反恐怖机构执委会(the executive committee of the regional anti-terrorism body) 法律程序(law enforcement procedures) 组织和技术能力(technical capability) “全球治理体制”(global governance system)
增加新兴市场国家和发展中国家的代表性和发言权(boost representation and the voices of emerging economies and developing countries)
推进全球治理规则民主化、法治化(democratic and law-based rules to guide global governance)利益共同体(community of common interest)
the best western partner of China 中国在西方最好的伙伴
在政治(at the political level)、经济(at the economic level)和人文层面(at the people-to-people level)
英国朝野(the political spectrum in the UK)核电(nuclear power)、铁路网(rail network) 专长和资金(expertise and capital) 人民币政府债券(Chinese government bonds) new pattern for the development of agriculture, the countryside and farmers “三农”发展新格局
惠农政策和措施(policies and measures that benefit the farmers)
开创了农业生产连年丰收、农民生活显著改善、农村社会和谐稳定的新局面(reaped successive record crop harvests, remarkably improved famers' livelihoods and created a harmonious and stable situation in rural areas)
When defining a moderately prosperous society, the key is to observe the
condition of farmers.
If China wants to be strong, agriculture must be strong. If China wants to be
beautiful, the countryside must be beautiful. If China wants to get rich, the farmers must get rich.
中国人的饭碗任何时候都要牢牢端在自己手上。我们的饭碗应该主要装中国粮,一个国家只有立足粮食基本自给,才能掌握粮食安全主动权,进而才能掌控经济社会发展这个大局。 The bowls of the Chinese, in any situation, must rest soundly in our own hands. Our bowls should be filled mainly with Chinese grain. Only when a country is basically self-sufficient in food, can it take the initiative in food security and grasp the overall situation for economic and social growth.
Belgian Suite “比利时套房”私人寓所(private retreat)
state rooms(国事厅)、semi-state rooms和private rooms(私人套房)
招待宾客(entertain guest) 向公众开放(open to the public) 退出欧盟(quit the EU) 新婚之夜(wedding night) 纳粹间谍(Nazi agent) 女王储(crown princess) 主要色调(predominant colour) 卫浴用品(toiletries)
"a community of shared interests “利益共同体”
中英关系的蓬勃朝气(the vitality of China-UK relations)
两国人民的深厚情谊(the profound friendship between our peoples)
新台阶(a new height)
“民惟邦本,本固邦宁”(putting people first and following the rule of law)
中国特色社会主义法治体系(the socialist rule of law with Chinese characteristics)
推进科学立法(take a well-conceived approach to law-making)
严格执法(ensure that law is strictly enforced)
公正司法(justice is administered impartially)全民守法(the law is observed by all) 亚欧两端(opposite ends of the Eurasian continent)
长期彼此吸引(long shared deep mutual affection)
最大人民币境外交易中心(the largest overseas offshore RMB trading center) 更广阔(even brighter)、更光明的未来(more promising future)
"global comprehensive strategic partnership" 全球全面战略伙伴关系
包容互鉴(inclusiveness and mutual learning) 创意产业(creative industry) 意向创始成员国(a prospective founding member)
高级别对话交流机制(high-level exchanges)
2030年可持续发展议程(2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development)
国际经济金融治理(international economic and financial governance)
国际维和(peacekeeping) high-end manufacturing 高端制造业 bio-pharmaceutical technology 生物制药技术
Northern Powerhouse 北方动力”计划 指一系列促进英格兰北部经济发展的计划(a proposal to boost economic growth in the North of England),比如,增强交通互联(improvement to transport links)、增加科技创新投资(investment in science and innovation)以及下放城市协议中的权力(devolution of powers in City Deals)等 大城市群(urban agglomeration)
京津冀协同发展(integrated development of Beijing, Tianjin municipalities and Hebei province)
"chemical reaction" “化学反应 热情和心血(passion and painstaking efforts) “百年目标”Centenary Goal 十三个五年规划(13th Five-Year Plan )
党的十八届五中全会(the Fifth Plenum of the 18th Central Committee of the Communist Party of China )
叫停独生子女政策End of one-child policy“天价大虾”(pricey prawn)
消费者协会(China Consumers' Association,CCA)
不法经营(unlawful business operations)
commercial remote-sensing satellites 商业遥感卫星
光学遥感卫星(optical remote-sensing satellite)
视频卫星(satellites for video imaging)
技术验证卫星(satellite for imaging technique testing)
自主研发的(home-developed) 成像模式(imaging modes) 国土资源监测(land and resource monitoring)、土地测绘(land mapping)
tourism police unit 旅游警察队伍 假冒伪劣商品(fake and inferior commodities) 24小时执勤(be on duty 24 hours a day) Western-style butler 西式管家 家政服务(household management service) 管家服务业(butler service sector) 仆从服务(valet service)“环境影响评价”(environmental impact assessment,EIA) 环境保护部(The Ministry of Environmental Protection,MEP)
环评机构( EIA agencies) “面部鉴定”have one’s face examined 公证人(notaries public) X光扫描和检测(X-ray scans and tests) 隆鼻(rhinoplasty) 假体(prosthesis) 割双眼皮手术(double-eyelid surgery)隆鼻(nose job) 祛斑(spot removal) 隆胸手术(breast augmentations)
丰唇(lip enhancement) 脸颊上提整形(cheek lift)
"filial piety tax" “孝顺税” “扶老人险”("helping the elderly" insurance) 助长“讹人”之风(encourage such extortion)医疗责任(medical liability)
手术意外险(surgical accident insurance)“熊孩子险”(naughty child insurance) “蜜月意外怀孕险”(Accidental Pregnancy Before Honeymoon)
防小三险(concubine-proof insurance)“足球流氓险”(football hooligan insurance) “世界杯遗憾险”(World Cup heartbreak insurance)
national civil service exam 国考The most sought-after job 最热门职位
降温(losing its appeal) 申论(argumentative essay writing) 中央职位(jobs offered by central government departments and subsidiaries) 行政能力测试(administrative professional ability test)
网盘新规(new regulation on online information storage services)
云存储服务 cloud storage service 侵权用户(copyright offenders) thermal underwear(保暖内衣) long john 秋衣秋裤
小面额钱币(small denomination notes)
small notes ATM provides 24-hour service 小面额纸币ATM机
人流量大(large flow of people) 业务量大的(large amount of business outlets) Processed meats加工肉制品 发酵(fermented)
腊肠(salami),咸牛肉(corned beef),牛肉干(beef jerky)
“致癌(carcinogenic)、致癌可能性较高(probably carcinogenic)、可能致癌(possibly carcinogenic)、致癌程度不确定(not classifiable as to its carcinogenicity)和可能不致癌(probably not carcinogenic)”
the universal two-child policy “全面二孩政策”
“单独二孩”政策(two-child fertility policy for couples where either the husband or the wife is from a single-child family) 人口红利(demographic dividend) China-UK Film, TV and Media Investment Fund 中英电影电视投资基金
种子基金(seed money) 联合制作伙伴(co-production with partners) 自由贸易协定(free trade pact) 法律条款(legal provisions)
农产品市场准入(market access to agricultural products)
汽车业原产地规则(the country-of-origin rule in auto manufacturing industry)
制药业知识产权保护(intellectual property protection in pharmaceutical industry ) Special Data Dissemination Standard (SDDS) 数据公布特殊标准
数据公布通用系统(General Data Dissemination System (GDDS))
及时性(timeliness) G20布里斯班峰会(Brisbane G20 Summit) “信贷资产质押再贷款” credit asset pledged relending
"4+3 layout".“十三五”期间,我国将进一步推进区域发展总体战略,并构建以“四大板块”与“三大轴带”相结合的“4+3”布局。
东北振兴(revitalization of the northeast) “四大板块”战略(four-region strategy) “四大板块”+“三个支撑带”("Three-Support-Belt Strategy")
“绿色债券”(green bond)是一种国际创新的绿色融资方式,募集资金将用于环保相关的绿色项目(environmental-friendly projects),覆盖清洁能源(clean energy)、生物发电(biomass power generation)、城镇垃圾及污水处理(urban waste and sewage disposal)等多个领域
亚洲发行体发行的首单人民币绿色债券(first green bond denominated in
renminbi(RMB) issued by an Asian issuer)
“负利率时代”可以用the era of negative interest rates表示,所谓负利率(negative interest rates)是指通货膨胀率(inflation rate)高过银行存款利率(deposit rate)。与之相对的是正利率(positive interest rates)。
加权平均利率(weighted average interest rate)
产品收益率( the rate of return of alternative saving products)
“正利率”时期(in a period of "positive interest rates")
电视转播权(television rights/ TV rights) 中超(Chinese Super League,CSL) 中国足协(Chinese Football Association,CFA)
Fakeation “假装度假”指明明待在家里,却告诉别人你出去玩了。
Rage-quit(怒退) Breastsleeping “母乳安眠”
Auto-eating(机械进食) “男性假期”(mancation)
“Pwned”(一败涂地)“快闪”(flash mob)“闪玩”(flash play)“闪玩”指的是人们通过网络快速找到同伴,然后通过飞机等快捷的交通工具一起到另一个城市去游玩。 Small-footprint直译是“足迹极小” nano nap “打盹儿” Mkay是Okay(行,好)的不规范拼法 "Bleisure"商务休闲
Prelationship 指两人交往但还没有到正式恋爱的阶段。
Anne Hathaway Syndrome. 当你辛勤工作,当你付出的努力获得了认可,当你的身材和美貌已符合大众标准,当你做到十全十美时,每个人却都告诉你,你的所作所为都是错的,
gossip millor rumor mill “谣言工厂”Laneway house “巷屋”
Walking ATM “移动提款机”指经常被抢劫的非法移民或农民工
"On demand" “定制”指人们无需自己拥有车辆便可自由出行。
NETTEL(Not Enough Time To Enjoy Life,无暇享受生活,简称“奈特尔”)指夫妻为高收入全职人员、家中又有孩子需要照顾的家庭。
Fur baby "毛宝宝"是指一个人的狗、猫或其他带毛的宠物,更像是某人的孩子。 “First job syndrome” “首份工作综合征”
Social media narcissist “社交媒体自恋狂”是指迷恋上存在于社交媒体中虚幻自己的人。 MRS degree 有些女孩子上大学就是为了找到一个有地位又有经济前景的老公,这样的女孩子就叫做未来的“学位夫人”。
Juice jacking “充电座盗取数据”指从一部使用被黑客入侵的公共插座充电的便携设备上,偷取数据。
“商场宿醉反应”(mall hangover)Selfeet晒脚自拍
road rage(路怒)、air rage(空怒),还有网速不给力时的web rage(网怒) screen rage “屏怒”
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