七年级英语上册 Unit 6 Do you like bananas?Reading 1教案(新

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Unit 6 Do you like bananas?

This week, Krista makes Mexican food for Grant. Do you like Mexican food? Mexican food is delicious! And some Mexican food is easy to make! We can teach you! Guacamole is a very popular kind of Mexican food. It is easy to make! And it tastes very good. For guacamole, you need two avocados. You also need two tomatoes, one small onion, a lemon and some garlic.

First, cut the avocados in half. Then take out the pit and mash the avocados in a bowl. Next, cut up the onion and the tomatoes into small pieces. Add them to the bowl with the avocados. Then peel two or three garlic cloves, mash them and add them to the bowl. Finally, add the juice from the lemon. Mix everything together. People often eat guacamole with tortilla chips. Do you think you’d like guacamole? Give it a try!

Word bank

lemon n. 柠檬 garlic n. 大蒜 mix n. 混合 avocado n. 鳄梨 pit n. 果核 mash n. 捣成泥状 clove n. 一瓣

tortilla chip n. 墨西哥玉米片

Reading 2

Eat Your Fruit and Vegetables!

by Billy Leonard

“Eat more fruit and vegetables!” That’s what everyone says. Fruit and vegetables are good for you. They make your body healthy. Your body gets vitamins from them, too. They can also prevent diseases. Eat them every day! Which fruit and vegetables are best for your body?

Apples: This red, green or yellow fruit can help you in many ways! Apples have a lot of vitamin C in them. Eat an apple today! There is a saying in English, “An apple a day keeps the doctor away.” It’s true!

Broccoli: Eat lots of dark green broccoli. Eating it can prevent heart disease and cancer, too!

Carrots: Carrots can give your body vitamin A, B and C. No other vegetable gives you more vitamin A!

Spinach: Eating spinach can keep your hair and skin healthy! The vitamin K in spinach keeps your bones healthy, too.

Word Bank

prevent v. 预防 hair n. 头发

skin n. 皮肤 bone n. 骨头

vitamin n. 维他命 disease n. 疾病

heart disease n. 心脏病 cancer n. 癌症 spinach n. 菠菜

You need:

·1 cup of brown sugar

·1 package of cream cheese (8 oz) ·1 teaspoonful of vanilla ·1 cup of peanuts Do this:

1. Mix cream cheese, sugar, and vanilla in a bowl. 2. Add peanuts and stir.

3. Cut up six apples. Put dip on them and enjoy!

Word Bank

potluck n. (一人带一道菜的)百乐餐 recipe n. 食谱 peanut n. 花生 bowl n. 碗 dip n. 蘸酱

brown sugar n. 红糖 cream cheese n. 奶油乳酪 oz n. 盎司

teaspoonful n. 一匙之量 vanilla n. 香草精 stir v. 搅拌

Reading 4

A Thanksgiving Dinner

On the fourth Thursday of November, Americans celebrate Thanksgiving and thank God for His blessings. People like to celebrate with a Thanksgiving feast. Turkey

must be the main dish of the feast. The bird is slowly roasted for many hours in the oven. When it is done, it smells and tastes delicious!

Cranberry sauce and stuffing are two other popular Thanksgiving dishes. The stuffing is made with pieces of bread and herbs. It is usually cooked inside the bird. Cranberry sauce is eaten with the turkey. The tart fruit adds a delicious flavor to the meat.

Sweet potatoes are a side dish that everyone enjoys. Many people love to cook them with brown sugar or honey. Finally, pumpkin pie finishes the meal and everyone feels full—and also a little sad. They know they have to wait a whole year to enjoy it again!

Word bank

feast n. roast v. oven n.

大餐;盛宴 烘烤 烤箱

