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Lesson 55 Look into the Future! 一、学习目标 1.正确读出下列生词:

boss manage doubt wealth astronaut 2学习下列生词的词性及用法 manage(v)[m?nid?]经营,设法做到 manage to do sth 设法做某事

eg:We manage to get most of our produce in Britain How did you manage to do that? manager (n)经理 (2)doubt(v)[da?t] 怀疑

eg:I doubt whether (或 if) he wants to come I doubt whether (或 if) he'll change his mind I don't doubt that she's telling the truth wealth[wel] (n)财富,一般用不可数数形式, eg:Health is better than wealth Wealthy(n)


A wealthy businessman The wealthy are people who are wealthy 二.重难点预测:

1. Master the words and structures in this lesson.

2. Learn how to express themselves about their future lives 3 as for (于,就……方面说)

eg:You have a bed;as for him,he'll have to sleep on the floor

As for you,I never want to see you here in my home again 2重点短语:

面向,展望未来__一个集体项目__开飞机__经营一家公司__挣很多钱__太阳能飞机__至于我__最有趣的__ 三.课堂巩固

wealth, as for, enjoy, plan, boss

Hello. Everyone has a dream. _______ me, I want to be a painter. I like painting and I am good at it. My friends want me to be a ______. But I think happiness is more important than _______. I think we should do things we _________. Maybe someday, I would paint some great works. I also have _____ for my dream. First, I will try to learn every subject well in order to get into better schools. Then, I will have art classes on weekends or holidays. And I will also practice painting every day. I hope my dream will come true. 四 巩固反思:


