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语 音 复 习


一、学习目标 【知识与技能】

1、掌握26个英文字母标准书写和读音。 2、识记26个英文字母及五个元音字母。 3、掌握26个英文字母按音标归类。 4、掌握 “an” 和“a”的用法。 【过程与方法】

1、通过复习26个英文字母,使学生掌握规范书写、正确读音的方法。 2、通过识记26个英文字母,掌握按音标归类的方法。 3、通过元音字母的学习,掌握选“an”或“a”的方法。 【情感态度与价值观】

通过复习26个英文字母使学生充分认识到26个英文字母是学好英语的基础;书写规范是今后卷面干净,提高分数的保证。 二、学习重难点

1、掌握26个英文字母标准书写和读音。 2、掌握26个英文字母按音标归类。 3、掌握 “an” 和“a”的用法。 三、学习课时 1课时 四、学习过程

Step 1 自主学习



Step 2 任务导学

学习任务:① 掌握26个英文字母正确书写和读音;

② 掌握26个英文字母按读音规类; ③“an” 和“a”的用法。

学习任务一:熟练掌握26个字母的规范大小写 【学生活动】写出26个英文字母的大小写。 1




元音字母 Aa /e?/ Ee /i:/ Ii /a?/ Oo /??/ Uu /ju/: /e/ /ɑ:/ 含有所给元音的辅音字母 【教师活动】1、带读26个字母。 2、引导学生观察元音的发音,领悟其它相类似的发音。

学习任务三:用“an” 或“a”填空。

【学生活动】两人一组进行讨论完成配套练习。 【配套练习】

1. There is______old woman in _____empty room. 2. I think it is______intersting story

3. It is necessary for a parent to write______after-school note for their children. 4. There is ______―F‖ in the word ―flowers‖. 5. I can see_____ man over there.

6. In three years, I want to go to_____ university.

7.Yesterday I bought ___useful dictionary and saw _____European in the bookshop.

【教师点拨】单词前表“一”用―a‖的字母: 单词前表“一”用―an‖ 的字母:

Step 3 目标导结




1、5个元音字母是: ;


元音字母 Aa /e?/ Ee /i:/ Ii /a?/ Oo /??/ Uu /ju/: /e/ /ɑ:/ 含有所给元音的辅音字母 3、单词前表“一”用―a‖的字母: 单词前表“一”用―an‖ 的字母:

Step4 拓展导练

【师生活动】1、学生先做练习;2、教师点评;3、学生做笔记。 【综合练习】填空

1.There is ___________―l‖ and _______―r‖ in the word’’ letter‖. 2.There is_______old man on the street. Let’s go to help him.

3.If you grow up in______big family, you are more likely to develop_______ability to get on well with the others.







1、识记并掌握48个英语国际音标。 2、掌握英文字母及字母组合发音的规律。 3、根据音标拼读单词。 【过程与方法】

1、通过老师领读和跟读《新课标英语考级教程(音标)》光碟使学生掌握正确读音的方法。 2、通过老师在黑板上示范,掌握音标正确书写的方法。 3、通过练习掌握单词的正确拼读方法。 【情感态度与价值观】

通过48个英语国际音标的学习,使学生充分认识到它的重要性,为今后英语的学习扫出障碍,奠定扎实的基础。 二、学习重、难点。

1、掌握48个英语国际音标的标准书写和读音; 2、准确读出和识记48个英语国际音标; 3、掌握英文字母及字母组合发音的规律。 4、根据音标记单词。 三、学习课时 10课时 四、学习过程

Step 1 情境导入

学习任务:感知48个英语国际音标正确读音 【学生活动】跟读光碟并识记各个音标的正确读音。 【教师活动】播放光碟,组织学生跟读。

Step 2 任务导学

学习任务一:掌握48个英语国际音标的正确书写和读音。 【教师活动】呈现48个英语国际音标的正确书写和读音。

单元音 双元音 清浊成对的辅辅音 音 其它辅音 i: e? 清辅音 浊辅音 ? a? p b m e ?? t d n ? ?? k ɡ ? ?: a? f v l ? ?? θ e w ɑ: e? s z j ? ?? ? ? ?: ? ? ? tr dr u: ? ? ? h r 元音 【学生活动】1、正确写出48个英语国际音标。2、反复练习48个音标的读音。 学习任务二:掌握48个英语国际音标发音要领 4




【学生活动】拼读下列音标及单词。 各类音素的发音要领 1.元音:

单元音:单元音分三类——前元音、中元音、后元音 单元音又分长音和短音,加点的是长音,不加点的是短音。 前元音:/i:/ /?/ /e/ /?/

/ i: /:he, street, meat, receive, people, key, police, thief /?/ :palace describe if busy gym / e / :any said French heavy friend /?/ :black glad

中元音: /з:/ / ? /

/з:/:person learn dirty work turn / ? /: across camera other potato doctor

后元音:/u/ /u:/ /?/ / ?:/ /?/ /ɑ:/ /u / :cook should put /u: / :lose zoo soup rule fruit /? / :wash stop /?:/ :walk warm autumn daughter saw corner more door bought your /?/ :money young summer /ɑ: / :grass half market aunt

双元音:/ ei / / ai / / ?i / / au / / ?? / / ?? / / ?? / / e? / /ei / :lazy pay rain great eight they /ai / :height arrive lie high buy shy /au / :house how /?i /:voice boy enjoy /?? /:hope coat shoulder yellow /?? /:idea near beer here /e? / :hair care pare their where /?? /:poor tour 2、辅音:

①/ p / / b / / t / / d / / k / / g /



/ p / / b /:bag ball pen play / t / / d /:take table date dead / k / / g /:key kid game get

② / f / / v / / s / / z / / θ / / e / / ? / / ? / / r / / h / / f / / v /:father family victory video / s / / z /:/ s /: sad salad / z /: is his / θ / / e / :/θ/: thin both /e/ :weather that

/ ? / :delicious machine sure fashion /? /:usual pleasure / r / :rule write / h /:hair behind whose ③ / ts /. / dz /. / tr /./ dr /. / ? /. / ? /

/ ts /. / dz /:/ ts /: seats kites / dz /:beds stands rides

/ tr /./ dr /:/ tr /: tree trip / dr / drink draw driver cheap watch catch ④鼻音;/ m /. / n /. / ? /.

/ m /:exam meet climb autumn / n /:menu noodle moon / ? /:sing English hungry king uncle ⑤ / l /:last late bill hill well feel ⑥ / w /./ j /.

/w/:/wi:/ /wi:k/ /wei/ /weik/ /wai/ /waif/ we weak way wake why wife / j /:/jet/ /jes/ /jɑ:d/ / jeti/ yet yes yard Yeti

Step 3 目标导结


单元音 双元音 清浊成对的辅辅音 音 其它辅音 i: e? 清辅音 浊辅音 ? a? p b m e ?? t d n ? ?? k ɡ ? ?: a? f v l ? ?? θ e w ɑ: e? s z j ? ?? ? ? ?: ? ? ? tr dr u: ? ? ? h r 元音 Step 4 拓展导练

【综合练习一】找出画线部分读音不同的单词。 6


( ) 1.A. tea B. meat C. weather D. beach ( ) 2. A. back B. fast C. have D. map ( ) 3. A. warm B. garden C. market D. party ( ) 4. A. school B. tooth C. choose D. good ( ) 5. A. book B. moody C. look D. cook ( ) 6. A. June B. ruler C. put D. menu ( ) 7. A. push B. fun C. sun D. ugly ( ) 8. A. tiger B. her C. officer D. over ( ) 9. A. go B. no C. cold D. hot ( ) 10.A. like B. lion C. pizza D. Friday ( ) 11.A. too ( ) 13.A. colour ( ) 15.A. which

B. classroom C.broom D. afternoon B.spell B.seat B.who B.thing B.brown B.sky B.chair B.they


C.sweater C.what

D. sister D. license D. please D. where D. with B.American C.doctor ( ) 12.A. houses ( ) 14.A. teacher ( ) 16.A. little ( ) 17.A. yellow ( ) 18.A. worry ( ) 20.A. these

( ) 19.A. school ( ) 21.A. brother ( ) 22.A .cinema ( ) 23.A. these ( ) 24.A. morning ( ) 25.A. cake ( ) 26.A. island ( ) 28.A. beach ( ) 29.A. how ( ) 30.A. large


[blu:] [da:ns] [mu:n] [fa:] [laik] [geit] [tju:b] [flai] [lend] [priti] [lesn] [h?pi] [f?mili] [plei] [f?ks] [t?′gee?] [meni] [taig?] 7


C.window D. know C.only D. many C.brother D. three

C.China D. much B. come C. police D .mothers B. climb C. sister D. film B. bath C. think B. color C. work

D .health D. doctor D. table B. favorite C. basket

B. small C. ask D. helps B. meal C. theatre D. leave B. snow C. tomorrow

D. own B. language C. giraffe D. great

( ) 27.A. mouth B. dangerous C. thousand D. about


【综合练习三】在单词音标的下面写出单词。 1. 清、浊辅音

/p/ /b/ /t/ /d/ /k/ /ɡ /f/ /v/ /s/ /z/ /pi:pl/ /b?l/ /ta?m/ /de?t/ /klɑ: s/ /ɡl?d / /fa?v/ /ver? / /su:n/ /zu:/ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ ____ /θ/ /e/ /?/ /?/ /?/ /?/ /tr/ /dr/ /?/ /?/ /θri:/ / e?t/ /??p/ /ples?? / / ?i:p / /?i:p/ /tr?p / /dra?v/ /b??ts/ /b?:dz/ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ /h/ /m/ /n/ /?/ /l/ /w/ /r/ /j/ /h??p/ /me?l / /ne?l/ /l??/ /t?:l/ /la?t/ /we?v/ /re?/ /jes/ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____

2 . 单元音

/i:/ /?/ /e/ /?/ /?/ /ɑ:/ /?/ /?:/ /?/ /u:/ /?: / /?/ /pi:s/ /d?ɡ/ /get/ /m?p/ /d?ɡ/ /pɑ:k/ /d?g/ /t ?:k/ /b?k/ /tu:l/ /?:l?/ /?ɡe?n / _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____


/e?/ /a?/ /??/ /??/ / a? / /??/ /e?/ /??/ /ɡe?t/ /ba?k/ / n??z/ / bra?n/ /b?? / /t??/


/fe?/ /t??/

_____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____

元音字母a, e, I, o, u在重读开音节


一、学习目标 【知识与技能】


2.学会并且掌握元音字母在重读开音节和重读闭音节中的发音规则。 【过程与方法】

反复练习五个元音字母在重读开音节和重读闭音节中的发音。 8



学生们在学习过程中养成良好的学习习惯,并且能够把自己所学到的知识运用起来树立学习信心。 二、学习重难点

1、掌握掌握五个元音字母a,e,i,o,u的读音。 2、掌握音节的种类。 三、学习课时 1课时 四、学习过程

Step 1 自主学习



【学生活动】朗读下列音标和单词, 归纳音节的种类。

old /??ld/, life /la?f/, nice /na?s/, copy /'k?p?/, Friday /'fra?de?/, comedy /'k?m?d?/, difficult /d?f?k?lt/ 【学生归纳】音节的种类:单音节,如:_____、______、________;双音节,如:_____、______;


Step 2 典例导学


【学生活动一】大声朗读下列各类音节的单词,体会其构成。 1、单音节

单音节是由一个元音(或再加上前后的辅音)构成。 1) 一个元音

I /a?/ a /e?/ oh /?? / 2) 一个辅音加上一个元音 my /m a?/ buy /b a?/ 3) 一个元音加上一个或两个辅音 and /?nd/ add /?d/ 4) Mike /ma?k/ cake /ke?k/ 5) stop /st?p/ start /stɑ:t/ 2、双音节

双元音是由两个元音(或再加上前后的辅音)构成。 hour / a??/ 小时, answer /’ɑ:ns? / 回答 3、多音节

多音节是由三个或三个以上的音节构成。 如:exercise /`eks?sa?z/ 练习 4、开音节和闭音节





(1) 绝对开音节:是指一个元音字母后面没有辅音字母而构成的音节,例如: me /mi:/. (2) 相对开音节:是指一个元音字母后面有一个辅音字母(除r)之外,最后是一个不发音的e构成的音节,如: race /re?s/ , shake /?e?k/ 在开音节中,这个元音字母发“字母”本身音,例如hi /h a?/, use /ju:z/.

(3) 闭音节:指元音字母后面有辅音字母(辅音字母r除外)构成的音节,如:cross /kr?s/. 5、重读音节和非重读音节


重读音节: 指在双音节或多音节词中有一个发音特别响亮的音节,叫重读音节,用重音符号 “`”标于相应位置,其他音节为非重读音节,如begin /b?`g?n/; 单音节词作重读处理,但不标重音符号。

【学生活动二】跟读并观察字母a, e, i, o, u在单词中的发音。 1. name, face, take, cake, radio, space hand, stand, Maths, happy cat black

【学生归纳】a在重读开音节中发_______, a在重读闭音节中发_______. 2. she, we, these, relay, he well, get, left, best, step

【学生归纳】e在重读开音节中发_______, e在重读闭音节中发_______. 3. mine, like, side, Friday, my, by, why milk, ship, it, with, window, begin

【学生归纳】i在重读开音节中发 _______, i在重读闭音节中发_______. 4. no, go, nose, home, phone do, movie, lose, who, to not, dog, hot, stop

【学生归纳】o在重读开音节中发 _______或________, o在重读闭音节中发_______. 5. use, duty, excuse, student, Tuesday, huge, cute but, us, luck, run, hug, bus, cut, cup, lunch put, push, pull, bull,

【学生归纳】u在重读开音节中发 _______, u在重读闭音节中发_______或_________.

Step 3 目标导结

【师生活动】教师引导学生梳理本节课所学习的音节知识。 1. 音节的种类:___________、____________、_______________; 2. 音节按重读可以分为重读音节和非重读音节; 3. 音节按读音可以分为开音节和闭音节;

4. a在重读开音节中发________, a在重读闭音节中发_______. e在重读开音节中发________, e在重读闭音节中发_______. 10


i在重读开音节中发________, i在重读闭音节中发_______.

u在重读开音节中发________, u在重读闭音节中发_______或_________. o在重读开音节中发 _______或________, o在重读闭音节中发_______.

Step 3 拓展导练

【学生归纳】1.从ABCD选项中选出单词的正确读音 1) bake 2) cage 3) catch

A/be?k/ B /bek/ C /b?k/ A /k??/ A /k??/

B /ke??/

C /se??/

B /ke??/ C /k??/ B /lend/

C /l?nd/

D /bɑ:k/ D /kɑ:?/ D /ke?? / D /lɑ:nd/ D /pe?k/ D /'?fn/ D / r?le?ks / D /'ep?n/ D /sl?m/ D /eet / D /f?m/ D/'fe?v?/ D /?'len/ D /θem/ D /'j?l??/ D /'s?nt? / D /?ls/ D/kl?z/ D /'?v?(r)/ D /f?v/ D /kl?ek/ D/'k?ntest/

4) cancer A /ke?ns?/ B /k?ns?/ C /k?ns?/ D /k?ns?/ 5) land A /le?nd/ 6) plastic 7) pack 8) often 9) relax 10) open 12) thank 13) that 14) fame 15) fever 16) even 18) meter 19) theme A /ple?st?k/ B /plɑ:st?k/ C /pl?st?k/ D /pl?st?k/ A /p?k/ B /pɑ:k/ C /pek/ A /'?fn/ B /'??fn/ C/'efn/ A /r?lɑ:ks/ B /r?leks/ C /r?l?ks/ A /'??p?n/

B /'?p?n/

C /'?p?n/ C /sl?m/ C /e?t / C /fe?m/ C /'f?v?/

11) slam A /sle?m/ B /slem/

A /θɑ:?k/ B /θ??k/ A / eɑ:t/ B /e?t/ A /f?m/ A /'fi:v?/

B /fem/ B /'fev?/

C /θ??k / D /θe?k /

A /'ev?n/ B /'?v?n/ A /'m?t?/ A/θi:m/

C /'i:v?n/ D /'?v?n/

17) alone A /?'l??n/ B /?'l?n/ C/?'l?n/

B /θ?m /

C /θe?m/

B /'met?/ C /'mi:t?/ D /'me?t?/

20) yellow A/'ji:l??/ B /'jel??/ C /'je?l??/ 22) center 23) hotel 24) else 25) close 26) over 27) find 28) five

A /'s?nt?/ B /'sent?/ A /h??'t?l/ A /els/

B /e?ls/

C /'se?nt?/ C /?ls/

21) direction A/d?'r?k??n/ B/d?'re?k??n/ C/d?'r?k??n/ D/d?'rek??n/

B / h??'tel/ C /h??'te?l/ D /h??'t?l/

A /kl??z/ B /kl?z/ C/kl?z/ A /'?v?(r)/ A /f?nd/ A /fa?v/

B /'??v?(r)/ C /'ev?(r)/ B /f?v/

C /fi:v/

B /fe?nd/ C /fa?nd/ D /f?nd/

29) clock A /kl??k/ B /kl?k/ C /kl?k/ 30) contest A /'k?ntest/ B/'k?ntest/ C/'kentest/ 11


31) dinner A /'da?n?(r)/ B /'d?n?(r)/ C /'da?n?(r)/ D /'d?n?(r)/ 32) think 34) photo


A /θ??k/ A /'f??t??/

B /θa??k/ C /θ??k/ B /t?a?k?n/ C /t??k?n/ B /'f?t??/

C /'ft??/

D /θe?k/ D /t?ek?n/ D /'f?t??/

33) chicken A /t??k?n/ 35) movie A /'m??v?/

B /'mu?v?/ C /'m?v?/ D /'m??v?/


1. 请读出下列20个音标的正确发音(40分)。 /p/ /d/ /ɡ/ /v/ /θ/

/?/ /?/ /?/ /dr/ /dr/

/?/ /l/ /r/ /e/ /e?/

/?/ /?/ /?/ /?: / /a?/

2.请读出下列20个单词音标的正确发音(10分) /b?l/ /ta?m/ /klɑ: s/ /fa?v/ /su:n/



/e?t/ /??p/ /tr?p / /b??ts/ /h??p/

/ne?l/ /t?:l/ /we?v/ /jes/ /pi:s/

/get/ /d?g/ /t??/ / bra?n / / ?i:p /


一、学习目标 【知识与技能】

1、掌握词的分类、词类的表达方法及基本用法。 2、掌握名词、代词及动词的分类及基本用法。 3、掌握英语基本句式的结构及用法。 【过程与方法】

1、采用讲授法与分析法相结合讲解英语词类知识。 2、通过理解句子掌握基本句式结构。

3、讲授与训练相结合,使学生掌握名词、代词和动词的分类及基本用法。 4、通过练习训练,熟练运用英语的五种基本句式。 【情感态度与价值观】

通过复习词类知识和英语基本句式结构,使学生充分认识到句子结构在英语学习中的重要性。学好它对理解句子有好处,从而提高我们的写作及阅读能力。 二、学习重点与难点 1、感知词的分类。

2、掌握名词、代词和动词的基本用法。 3、熟练句子成分。

4、掌握五种基本句式及句子成分的分析。 5、熟练运用基本句式用英语表达句子。 三、课时安排 1、词类知识 (2课时)

2、名词的分类及基本用法(3 课时)

3、代词的分类及基本用法(3 课时) 4、动词的分类(2 课时) 5、句子成分的定义(4课时)

6、句子结构(5 课时) 四、学习过程

Step1 自主学习



Dr. Bird has run the hospital for 12 years , and he has saved the lives of many pets. Dr. Bird says that there will soon be many more traveling hospitals to help sick or injured animals.


Step 2 典例导学I

学习任务一: 了解词类(parts of speech)知识 13



1. 名词(noun,缩写为n.)是人和事物的名称, _________________________________ 2. 代词(pronoun,缩写为pron.)是用来代替名词的词, _________________________ 3. 形容词(adjective,缩写为adj.)用来修饰名词, ______________________________ 4. 动词(verb,缩写为v.)表示动作和状态, ___________________________________ 5. 副词(adverb,缩写为adv.)是修饰动词、形容词和副词的词 ___________________ 6. 冠词(article,缩写为art.)___________________________________ 7. 介词(preposition,缩写为prep.)_____________________________ 8. 连词(conjunction,缩写为conj.)是连接词、短语、从句和句子的词, __________________________ 【注意】前五类(名、代、形、动、副等词)的词都有实义,叫做实词(notional word)。后四类(冠、介、连词)的词没有实义,叫做虚词(form word)。 【配套练习一】请说出下文中各个单词的词性并且归类。 Mr. Brown,

I am Mike. I am sorry to tell you that I was/felt ill. This morning I went to see a doctor and he told me that I had a bad cold. I have to stay at home for two days. So I can not go to school today or tomorrow. I hope I will get well soon. I will ask you for your help when I meet you after two days. Thank you. Mike

名词___________________________________________________________________________ 动词___________________________________________________________________________ 代词___________________________________________________________________________ 形容词_________________________________________________________________________ 副词___________________________________________________________________________ 介词___________________________________________________________________________ 连词___________________________________________________________________________ 冠词___________________________________________________________________________

学习任务二: 掌握名词的分类及基本用法

【学生活动】1、了解名词的分类知识并划出不懂的地方;2、做好相关笔记。 1、名词(Nouns)

名词表示人或事物的名称。例词:boy, pencil, book, backpack ① 总的说来,名词分为专有名词和普通名词两类。专有名词是个别的人、事物、地点等专有的名称,如:Gina, China。专有名词的第一个字母要大写。

② 名词按其所表示的事物的性质分为可数名词与不可数名词。

可数名词(Countable Nouns)有复数形式,如:an apple a bag two apples some bags 不可数名词(Uncountable Nouns)一般没有复数形式,如money, water, weather, time, space 还有一些词既可以充当可数名词,也可以充当不可数名词,如:ice cream, salad, chicken 3. 可数名词有单数(Singular Form)复数(Plural Form)两种形式。 【教师活动】收集学生在阅读中遇到的难点并举例讲解。


Last week some Chinese students had a discussion about happiness. Li Hua thinks young people need to experience different things.They will become self-confident if they have the chance to show their ability. What’s more, it’s easy to be famous and make more money.

专有名词________________________________________________________ 可数名词________________________________________________________ 不可数名词______________________________________________________


【学生活动】完成下列表格并背诵可数名词的复数形式的变化规则。 14


词尾字母情况 一般情况 构成方法 加-s 读音 清辅音后读/s/,浊辅音和元音后读/z/ 读/i z/ 读/z/ 读/z/ 例词 bird-birds, desk-__________ , hand-_______, lake-_________ watch-watches ,brush-_______ , class-classes,box-________, bus-________, quiz-quizes baby-__________, country-countries, family-families, city-________ tomato-tomatoes,potato-_________, hero-heroes,Negro-Negroes,photo-photos,zoo-_________,radio-_______ thief-thieves, wife-______, leaf- _____, knife-_________, wolf -wolves, life-__________ dance-dances, house-________, orange—________, realize-_______, memorize-memorizes, organize-organizes, page-__________, bridge-______________ 以ch , sh ,s ,x ,z 结尾 辅音字母+y 以O结尾 加-es 改y为iz再加 es 加-s或-es 变f或者fe为v加es 以f或fe结尾 读/vz/ 以辅音字母以ce, se, ze,(d)ge结尾的名词加s 特殊情况 1.单复数同形 加-s 读/ iz/ deer________ means手段,方法 species物种 works_______ _________中国人 sheep_______ cattle_________ spacecraft太空船 fish______(表条数) man-men男人 woman妇女 foot-feet_____ tooth-______牙齿 English-men—English-women英国妇女 2.改换内部元音字母 gentleman--___________ 绅士policeman--policemen警察 fisherman—fishermen__________ 3.完全不规则 child--__________儿童 mouse--_____老鼠 ox—oxen牛 4.有些名词具有不同fish--fishes表示种类 --fish表示条数 含义时,相应的复数people--peoples(表示民族) --people(表示人民复数概念) 也不同 6.有和作定语修饰名a man doctor—two men doctors a woman teacher—two women teachers 词时,前后同时改变 但a girl friend –_____ _____ _______ a boy student – two boy students 【教师活动】点拨常用的名词复数变化规律并带读。 【配套练习】写出下列名词的复数形式。 1. pencil-box ___________ 2. wife ___________ 4. city_________________ 5. dress __________ 7. match ______________ 8. Chinese ________ 10. exam_________ 11. German _______



3. Sunday_______________ 6. Englishman ___________ 9. zoo __________________



在英语中,不可数名词如果要表示―量‖的概念,用much, a little, a lot of/lots of, some, any等表示多少,例如:

The rich man has a lot of money. There is some milk in the bottle. Is there any water in the glass?

I don’t like winter because there's too much snow and ice.

不可数名词也可用a lot of, lots of, some, any, much等来修饰。 【教师点拨】修饰可数名词用:_____________________________. 修饰不可数名词用:___________________________.


1.许多水 ____________ 2.三本书 ______________ 3.许多牛奶______________ 4.两杯茶 ____________ 5.五张纸 _____________ 6.一些钱 ______________



名词的所有格有两种形式:一是在名词后面加’s的形式,二是在介词of后加上名词的形式。 ① ’s所有格的构成 单词形式 普通单数名词 词尾已有-s的复数名词 词尾不带-s的复数名词 复合名词 构成方式 在词尾加’s 在词尾只加一个― ’ ‖ 在词尾加’s 在最后一个词的词尾加’s 举例 The boy’s teacher_____________ The teachers’ reading-room ____________________ _____________ day 父亲节 The ____________ palace 少年宫 his mother-in-law’s letter_________ Mary and Tom’s bags _________________________ Mary’s and Tom’s bags ______________________ 表示几个词共同的所有关系 表示几个词各自的所有关系 在最后一个词的词尾加’s 在每个词的词尾加上’s 注:复合不定代词的属格为加’s的形式,如果复合不定代词之后有定语else,注:复合不定代词的属格为加’s的形式,如果复合不定代词之后有定语else,则属格应移到else上。

He must have taken somebody else’s umbrella by mistake. 他一定是错拿了别人的雨伞。 ② of 属格的用法

of 属格多用于无生命的东西。如: the name of the song (歌名) the title of the book (书的标题) 【教师活动】解释并带读。 【配套练习一】翻译短语.

1. 吉姆的书 ___________ 2. 汤姆的朋友_________________ 3. 课桌的腿____________ 4. 马力和汤姆的房间___________ 【配套练习二】 单词拼写:

1. I have a lot of ________(作业) to do every day. 2. His _______(裤子) are new, but mine are old. 16


3. It is the best one of the _________ (照片) in my family. 4. Are they building any _______ (图书馆) in the city? 5. Can you cut this big pear into two _______(半)?

6. At the end of _______(八月), you must get ready for the new school year. 7. Trees are planted in most of the mountain v________. 8. I like a_______. It’s neither hot nor cold.

学习任务三: 掌握代词的分类及基本用法 一、代词的分类。


1. He teaches us English. _____________ 2. His brother is a driver; mine is a soldier _____________ 3. Do it yourself. _____________ 4. Ask someone to help you. _____________ 5. I like this, while she likes that. _____________

【教师点拨】代词的种类有:___________________________________________________________ 二、人称代词的用法



【教师点拨】1. 主格作_______; 2.宾格作_______. 例如: 1. I am a teacher. 2. Mr. Li teaches us English. 【配套练习一】完成练习。

1. ______ can speak English well. (Us, Our, We)

2. _____ like P.E. and art. ( Them, Their, They) 3. Please tell ______ not to talk in class. (he, his, him) 4. Come and sit between her and ______. (I, me, we) 【配套练习二】选择题

1. _____ am a monkey. Do you like _____? A. I, us B. I, me C. He, him 2. _____ is our English teacher. We call _____ Miss Smith. A. He, him B. Her, her C. She, her


D. He, me D. Him, him





【教师点拨】1. 形容词性物主代词的用法:作_________,修饰后面的_________

2. 名词性物主代词的用法:作_________________, =形容词性物主代词+名词。


my childhood our school his/her friend your mother their classmates its food His pen is black, but mine is blue.

You may use my bike and I may use hers. This is an old photo of his.

These bags are not ours. They are theirs. 【配套练习一】汉译英。

① 你的电话号码___________________ ② 他的姓氏 ____________________ ③ 我们的父母 ____________________ ④ 它的名字_____________________ ⑤ 他们最喜爱的水果_______________________ ⑥ 她的身份证 __________________ 【配套练习二】选择题。

① _____ favorite vegetable is tomato.

A. Her

B. She

C. Hers

D. He D. Your, their’s D. you; They D. him and hers D. me; yours

② _____ office is much smaller than _______. A. Ours, yours

A. your; Their A. him and her A. my; your

B. Our…yours B. yours; Theirs B. his and hers B. me, your

C. Their, our’s C. your; Theirs C. his and her C. mine, yours

③ This is ______ school. ______ is over there.

④ Some of the books belong to me, while the rest are ______. ⑤ I haven’t brought the dictionary with _____. Will you lend me ____?


【学生活动】朗读并识记表格中的反身代词。 18


I myself we ourselves you yourself you yourselves he himself she herself it itself they themselves 【教师点拨】反身代词的用法:_____________________________. Tom taught himself Chinese.

The boy said the naughty boy was himself. 【配套练习】英译汉

enjoy oneself _________________ make oneself at home __________ devote oneself to ______________ help oneself (to) ______________ dress oneself _________________

adapt oneself to _______________ by oneself ___________________ teach oneself _________________ introduce oneself ______________ hurt oneself ___________________

学习任务六:掌握指示代词的用法 【学生活动一】朗读并感知指示代词。

1. This is my watch. 2. Is that Mr. Wang?

3. These apples are fresh.

4. Those houses were built last year.

【教师点拨】this的复数___________. that的复数__________. 【学生活动二】掌握指示代词的用法:

1. 指示代词在句中可作_____________________________

Those are my friends. What I want is this. Who told you that?

These pictures are more beautiful than those.

2. this (these)一般用来指时间或空间上较近的人或物,而that (those)则常指时间或空间上_______的人或物。

These are cars. Those are trucks. these days that day in those days

3. this和these常指后面要讲到的事物,有启下的作用;而that或those常指前面讲到过的事物,有_______的作用。

What I want to tell you is this:The meeting is to put off till Friday. He had a bad cold. That is why he didn't come to school. 【配套练习】英汉互译。 ① 这支钢笔 __________________ ② 那些英语书__________________ ③ these erasers ___________________ ⑤ 我喜欢这件毛衣,不喜欢那件毛衣。

④ that backpack ________________






She has many balls.

There are some pictures on the wall. Every room is clean.

All children enjoy Christmas. Would you like something to eat?

There were two girls at the door. Both of them were smiling.

【教师点拨】常用的不定代词有:___________________________________________________等。 【学生活动】掌握下列代词的用法。 1. some 与 any 的用法


I have some books.

Do you have any books? I don’t have any books.



注意:在表示请求或建议,希望得到肯定回答的疑问句中,应用________而不用________ 例如:Would you like some sugar? 【配套练习】用some 或any填空。

① Please don’t eat ______apples.

② There are _______ apples on the table.

③ Would you like ________bananas? Yes, please.

2. many 与much, few, a few与little, a little的用法


1. She has many books.

2. I have few books to lend you.

3. My mother had much money on her. 4. He knows little English. 5. Will you eat a little cake?

6. There are a few differences between the two. 【教师点拨】many,few, a few用来修饰____________; much,little, a little用来修饰_____________.

few, little 表示没有多少,含_____意义;a few, a little 表示有一些,有几个,含有_____意义。


1. (翻译)我没有很多钱,但我有很多朋友。_________________________________________ 2. I have so _______ homework to do. A. many B. some C. any D. much 3. There isn’t _______ water in the bottle. A. many B. some C. any D. few 4. There are a lot of trees on _____ sides of the street.

A. each B. either C. both D. all




【学生活动】朗读下列句子,划出下列句子中的动词。 1. I bought a book yesterday.

2. The soldiers serve the people with heart and sour. 3. George's father lives there. 4. The story sounds interesting. 5. We are students. 6. He turned teacher. 7. We have learned English for 5 years.

【教师活动】引导学生归纳动词的种类和用法。 【总结归纳一】

动词共有______ 类,他们分别是_______如句____、___________ 如句_____________、

__________如句_______ 、___________如句_______。


1. Vt +O (n / pron \\ to do/ doing ) / Vi + 介词 + 宾语

2. 情态动词有_____________________________________________________________, 情态动词 + __________ 3. be动词+______________; 分别为:_________________________________________. 4. 系动词+______________;分别为__________________________________________.

5. 助动词有________________________________________________助动词的作用是帮助构成否定句和疑问句。 【教师点拨】

1、常见的不及物动词短语:take place/ occur / come about /happen, come into being, come out, come true, disappear, break out, burst into, arrive/ get, apologize, argue, depend, turn up/out。 2、不及物动词短语的用法注意:1)注意汉英的顺序;2)他们无被动态。


【学生活动一】朗读下列句子,划出下列句子的成分。 1. We love China.

2. His parents are farmers. 3. He went home.

4. Mike gave me a book.

5. His words made me unhappy. 【教师活动】

1. 抽查3-4个学生核对答案并加以点评。

2. 组成句子的各个部分叫做句子成分. 即: 主语, 谓语, 表语, 宾语, 宾语补足语。

【学生活动二】朗读下列句子,划出下列句子的主语。 She is my student.

Rich people should help the poor. Six will be enough.



To see is to believe.


【学生活动三】朗读下列句子,划出下列句子的谓语动词。 1. Did you see him yesterday? 2. We study English at school.

3. How many dictionaries do you have? 4. I have five.

【教师点拨】谓语用来说明主语所做的动作或具有的特征和状态,由___________ 充当。

【学生活动四】朗读下列句子,划出下列句子的表语。 1. My hometown is Jianghua. 2. Mike hopes to be a doctor. 3. His parents are farmers. 4. She is singing.

【教师点拨】表语紧跟__________动词之后, 表语一般由名词、代词、数词、形容词等充当。

【学生活动四】朗读下列句子,划出下列句子的宾语。 1. They amused me.

2. They can please themselves. 3. I give them some candies 4. They give some books to me. 【教师点拨】

1. 宾语一般位于__________之后。

2. 有的动词后可接两个宾语,通常人作间接宾语,物作直接宾语。动词如下:

bring, give, lend, hand, offer, pass, pay, promise, return, send, show, teach, tell, write, buy, call, cook, choose, draw, find, get, make, order, sing, save, spare, ect 这些动词也可改为下列结构:

①bring, give, lend, hand, offer, pass, pay, promise, return, send, show, teach, tell, write +sth + to sb ②buy, call, cook, choose, draw, find, get, make, order, sing, save, spare + sth +for sb 例如:

He brings cookies to me every day = He brings me cookies every day. She made a beautiful dress for me = She made me a beautiful dress.

【学生活动五】朗读下列句子,划出下列句子的宾语补足语。 1.The war made him a soldier. 2.New methods make the job easy. 3.I often find him at work.

4.The teacher asks the students to close the windows. 【教师点拨】


【学生活动六】朗读下列句子,划出下列句子的定语。 1.The little boy needs a blue pen. 2. Tom is a handsome boy. 4. The boy needs Tom's pen.

5. The girl in the classroom needs a pen of yours. 22


【教师点拨】定语是对名词或代词起修饰、限定作用的词、短语或句子, 翻译成 “......的”。

【学生活动六】朗读下列句子,划出下列句子的状语。 1.The boy needs a pen very much. 2.The boy really needs a pen.

3.In the classroom, the boy needs a pen. 4.Before his mother, Tom is always a child.

5.On Sundays, there is no student in the classroom. 6.The boy needs a pen to do his homework.



【配套练习一】指出下列句子划线部分在句中充当什么成分。 1. The students got on the school bus. 2. He handed me the newspaper. 3. I shall answer your question after class. 4. What a beautiful Chinese painting! 5. They went hunting together early in the morning. 6. His job is to train swimmers. 7. He took many photos of the palaces in Beijing. 8. The apples tasted sweet. 9. His wish is to become a scientist. 10. Do you have anything else to say? 11. To be honest, your pronunciation is not so good. 12. Would you please tell me your address?


I hope you are very well. I'm fine, but tired. Right now it is the summer vacation and I'm helping my Dad on the farm. August is the hottest month here. It is the time of year for the rice harvest, so every day I work from dawn until dark. Sometimes we go on working after dark by the lights of our tractors. We grow rice in the south of the States, but in the north where it is colder they grow wheat. We have a lot of machines on the farm. Although the farm is large, my Dad has only two men working for him. But he employs more men for the harvest. My brother takes care of the vegetable garden. It doesn't often rain in the summer here. As a result, we have to water the vegetable garden. Every evening we pump water from a well. It then runs along channels to different parts of the garden. (选做)


【学生活动一】朗读下列句子并归纳主、谓结构。 1. The war broke out in 1937.

2. The books will arrive tomorrow. 3. China lies in the east of Asia.

【教师点拨】分析句子,并写出句子结构。→_______________________(+状语). 【配套练习】汉译英

1. 星期天的时候,我们经常去公园滑冰.

________________________________________________. 2. 会议持续了3个小时.

________________________________________________. 3. 昨天晚上雨下得很大.



________________________________________________. 4. 每天八点开始上课.

. 5. 在过去的三年中,中国发生了巨大的变化。

_________________________________________________. 【教师活动】核对答案并给与点评。 【教师点拨】

1、常见的不及物动词短语:take place/ occur / come about /happen, come off, come into being, come out, come true, disappear, break out, burst into, arrive/ get, apologize,argue, depend, turn up/out。 2、不及物动词短语的用法注意:1)注意汉英的顺序;2)他们无被动态。

【学生活动二】朗读下列句子并归纳主、谓、宾句子结构。 1. I wrote a letter yesterday. 2. Don’t know him.

3. ---- How many books do you need? ---- I need two.

4. He hurt himself when he fell off his bike. 5. He pretended not to see me.

【教师点拨】分析句子,并写出句子结构。→___________________________________________ 【配套练习】汉译英。 1. 我取得了具大的进步。

___________________________________________________. 2. 我在学校里学到了很多东西。

___________________________________________________. 3. 这些天他在看一本故事书.

___________________________________________________. 4. 他告诉我他去过北京.

___________________________________________________. 【教师活动】核对答案并给与点评。

【学生活动三】朗读下列句子并归纳主、系、表句子结构。 1. Our school is beautiful.

2. The young man is very promising. 3. The fish tastes delicious.




1. 那听起来是个好主意。 2. 这本书很有趣。 3. 学生在教室里。

【学生活动四】朗读下列句子并归纳主、谓、间宾、直宾句子结构。 1. He gave me a book yesterday.

2. Mary gave the wallet to the headmaster. 3. The success brought him great satisfaction.

【教师点拨】分析句子,并写出句子结构。→________________________________________ 24



1. Johnson 先生教我们德语。___________________________________________________ 2. 奶奶经常给我们讲故事。

3. 请把那本书给我好吗?__________________________________________________________ 【教师点拨】______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ 【学生活动五】朗读下列句子并归纳主、谓、宾、宾补句子结构。 1. He told me to work hard.

2. The government allows the tourists to take photos with the panda.

【教师点拨】分析句子,并写出句子结构。→________________________________________ 归纳:常用于这句型的动词有:

advise, allow, ask, cause, choose, decide, encourage, expect, force, get, invite, like, love, order, permit, persuade, prefer, teach, tell, want, warn, wish等。 【配套练习】

The teacher encouraged us ______ good compositions.

A. writing B. written C. to write D. is writing 【学生活动六】朗读下列句子并归纳there be结构句型。 1. There are many students in the classroom. 2. There is a lake and some hills around the town.

【教师点拨】________________________________________________________________. 【配套练习】

1. 这个学校有两名音乐老师和一名美术老师。

__________________________________________________________ 2. 桌子上有一本书和三支钢笔.


Step 3 目标导结


词的分类:_____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ 名词的分类及基本用法 名词的复数形式变化规则 名词的所有格

人称代词______________________________________ 物主代词(形容词性______________________________

代词的分类及基本用法 名词性_________________________________________

指示代词___________________________________________ 反身代词___________________________________________ 不定代词___________________________________________ 实义动词 be 动词

动词的分类及基本用法 系动词

助动词 情态动词

1._____________________________. 2._____________________________.

五种基本句型 3._____________________________.

4._____________________________. 5._____________________________. 25


Step 4 拓展导练

【师生活动】1、学生练习; 2、教师讲评; 3、学生更正 一、单项选择

1. June 1st is ____ Day all over the world. A. Child’s B. Childs’ C. Children’s D. Childrens’ 2. What ______ it is! Let’s go swimming. A. a fine weather B. fine day C. a fine day D. bad weather 3. Lucy and I go to school _____ every day. A. on feet B. on foot C. by foots D. by buses 4. ---Are those _____? ---No, they aren’t. They’re _____. A. sheep; cows B. sheep; cow C. sheeps; cow D. sheeps; cows 5. ---Would you like _____ coffee? ---No, thanks. I’ve drunk two __. A.any; bottles of orange B. little; bottle of oranges C. some; bottles of orange D. a few; bottle of orange 6. How many ____ and ____ are there in your class? A. boy student; girl ones B. girls students; boys ones C. boys student; girl one D. girl students; boy ones 7. ---Where are you going, Lucy? ---_______. A. To my uncle B. To my uncle’s C. At my uncle D. At my uncle’s 8. My cousin is very busy with his work. He has ______ time to read newspaper. A. little B. few C. a little D. a few 9. Jack gave _______.

A. to her the flowers B. the flowers to hers C. her the flowers D. hers the flowers 10. Their parents are ________ teachers.

A. both B. all C. either D. neither 11. I’m sure I can improve _______ in spoken English in two years’ time.

A. myself B. ourselves C. himself D. themselves 12. —Sorry, I’m late. —_______ doesn’t matter this time.

A. This B. That C. It D. One


1. What’s ________ name? (you / your /yours) _________ name is Bob. (My / I / Me/Mine) 2. —Is the new bike _______? —No, it’s _______ father’s. (her / she/hers) 3. ___________ is a cat. ________ name is Mimi. (It / Its) 4. ______ is Bill. Is ______ Robert speaking? (this /that )

5. __________ is thirteen years old. __________ birthday is March 1st. (He / His / Him) 6. Can you help ______? (we / us / our) Please take ______ to school. (they / their / them) 7. He is a lonely old man. He has ________friends. (many, much, little, few)


1. 我昨天买了一只钢笔。____________________________________________________ 2. 这个钱包是他的。 _____________________________________________________ 3. 我们应当努力学习。 _____________________________________________________ 26


4. 这本书很有趣。 _____________________________________________________ 5. 我们班有50名学生。_____________________________________________________ 6. 你有什么问题吗? _____________________________________________________ 7. 爸爸昨天给我买了一辆新单车。____________________________________________

8. 我和姐姐都是大学生。____________________________________________________






【学生活动】朗读下列句子并归纳句子结构。 1. The war broke out in 1937.

2. The books will arrive tomorrow. 3. China lies in the east of Asia.

【教师点拨】分析句子,并写出句子结构。→_______________________(+状语). 【配套练习】汉译英 1. 他停下来跟妈妈说话.

________________________________________________. 2. 星期天的时候,我们经常去公园滑冰.

________________________________________________. 3. 会议持续了3个小时.

________________________________________________. 4. 昨天晚上雨下得很大.

________________________________________________. 5. 每天八点开始上课.

. 6. 在过去的三年中,中国发生了巨大的变化。

_________________________________________________. 【教师活动】核对答案并给与点评。

【教师点拨】_____________________________等充当状语。 句式二

【学生活动】朗读下列句子并归纳句子结构。 1. I wrote a letter yesterday. 2. Don’t know him.

3. ---How many books do you need? --- I need two.

4. He hurt himself when he fell off his bike. 5. He pretended not to see me.



【教师点拨】分析句子,并写出句子结构。→___________________________________________ 【配套练习】汉译英。 1. 我取得了具大的进步。

___________________________________________________. 2. 我能从微笑中获得更多自信。

___________________________________________________. 3. 这些天他在美美的看一本故事书.

___________________________________________________. 4. 他告诉我他去过三次北京.

___________________________________________________. 【教师活动】核对答案并给与点评。


【学生活动】朗读下列句子并归纳句子结构。 1. Our school is beautiful.

2. The young man is very promising. 3. The fish tastes delicious.




1. 那听起来是个好主意。 2. 这本书很有趣。 3. 学生在教室里。


【学生活动】朗读下列句子并归纳句子结构。 1. He gave me a book yesterday.

2. Mary gave the wallet to the headmaster. 3. The success brought him great satisfaction.

【教师点拨】分析句子,并写出句子结构。→________________________________________ 【配套练习】汉译英

1. Johnson 先生去年教我们德语。___________________________________________________

2. 奶奶昨晚给我们讲了一个有趣的故事。 3. 他向我表达了他的感谢.__________________________________________________________ 【教师点拨】______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________


【学生活动】朗读下列句子并归纳句子结构。 1. He told me to work hard.

2. The government allows the tourists to take photos with the panda.

【教师点拨】分析句子,并写出句子结构。→________________________________________ 归纳:常用于这句型的动词有:

advise, allow, ask, cause, choose, decide, encourage, expect, force, get, invite, like, love, order, permit, persuade, prefer, teach, tell, want, warn, wish等。 【配套练习】

The teacher encouraged us ______ good compositions. 28


A. writing B. written C. to write D. is writing

句式六: there be句型

【学生活动】朗读下列句子并归纳句子结构。 1. There are many students in the classroom. 2. There is a lake and some hills around the twon.

【教师点拨】________________________________________________________________. 【配套练习】

1. 这个学校有两名音乐老师和一名美术老师。

__________________________________________________________ 2. 桌子上有一本书和三支钢笔.

______________________________________________________ 教(学)反思


一、学习目标 【知识与技能】


2、能记住时态的结构并能正确运用。 【过程与方法】

1、通过观察学过的句子,归纳出六种时态的结构。 2、通过观察与练习,学会根据时间状语和上下文语境。 【 情感态度与价值观】

通过发现,学习,掌握规律,培养学生积极主动学习的品质。 二、学习重、难点 如何正确使用六种时态。 三、学习课时 10课时 四、学习过程

Step 1 自主学习



① Mary gets up at 6:00 a.m every morning. ______________ ② I watched a movie last night. ③ I will be off soon.

______________ ______________ ______________

④ Polly is observing the passengers on the train.

⑤ She was writing just then. ⑥ I have been a teacher for ten years. ______________ 【学生活动二】完成下列表格。




名 称 一般现在时 结 构 一般过去时 现在进行时 过去进行时 现在完成时 一般将来时 home.

2. She does her home work after class. 3. I love English. 4. We play basketball well. 5. The sun rises in the east.




【学生活动】 朗读下列句子,感知一般现在时并归纳。

1. He often watches TV at

Step 2 典例导学


【学生活动一】朗读下列两组句子并归纳一般现在时的结构。 We like lunch at 12:00. We don’t have lunch at 12:00. Do you have lunch at 12:00 When do you have lunch?

【总结归纳】肯定句 I/we/they/you+ ____________________ 否定句 ____________________ 疑问句 ____________________ 特殊疑问句 ____________________ He studies in No.1 school . He doesn’t studies in No.1 school. Does he study in..?

Which school does he study in?

【总结归纳】He/she/it+ ____________________(肯定句) ____________________(否定句) 30


____________________(疑问句) ____________________(特殊疑问句) 【配套练习一】将下列句子变成否定式和一般疑问句。

1. We go to evening school at night. _____________________________________ 2. My brother works in a radio factory.___________________________________ 3. You have a red pencil.______________________________________________ 4. She has lunch at home.______________________________________________ 5. We have a meeting once a week.______________________________________ 【配套练习二】就划线部分提问。 1. He likes apples and milk for lunch. _____________________________________ 2. Mr.Liu plays Ping-pang every day._____________________________________ 3. His sister wants to go to a movie.______________________________________ 4. We play basketball on the play ground.__________________________________ 【学生活动二】完成下列表格,了解动词的第三人称词尾变化。

规 则 一般在词尾加 ,清辅音后读∕s∕,在浊辅音后读∕z∕;在t后读∕ts∕,在d后读∕dz∕。 以字母s,x,ch,sh,o结尾的词加 ,读∕iz∕,如果动词原形词尾已有e,则只加 。 动词原形 play leave swim pass fix teach wish do 以“ 字母+y”结尾的词,先变y为i, 再加-es,读∕z∕。 study carry fly 【教师点拨】动词have的第三人称单数是 。 【配套练习】写出下列动词的第三人称单数形式。

1. cook _______ 2.watch________ 3.build__________ 4.have____________ 5.wash__________ 6. enjoy ______ 7. go __________ 8 receive ________ 9. cry_____________ 10. close ________ 11. drive _____ 12. choose ______ 13. play _________ 14. reach _________

【学生活动三】朗读句子,归纳一般现在时的用法。 He often has dinner at home. My grandfather takes a walk after supper every day. My mother loves pop music. The boy is twelve years old. 31

第三人称单数形式 plays _________ _________ passes ___________ ___________ ___________ ___________ ___________ ___________ flies


The earth moves/moved around the sun. Japan lies to the east of China. 【总结归纳】

1. 表示_______或_______的动作。如句____。 2. 表示______的状态。如句____。 3. 表示______或_____真理. 如句____。 【配套练习一】用括号里的词的正确形式填空。 1. Lucy______(not receive ) a letter today. 2. There ________(be) some water in the bottle. 3. His watch ______(cost) him 300 yuan.

4. Last night, I told my kid that the sun _____(rise) in the east and ____ (set) in the west. 【配套练习二】翻译。


________________________________________________________ 2、他们不喜欢吃香蕉。

________________________________________________________ 【配套练习三】书面表达。(选做题)

请根据以下要点以第三人称的形式写一篇自我介绍的文章。 姓名: Jack 年龄:13 岁




学习任务二:掌握一般过去时的基本结构和用法。 【学生活动一】朗读下列句子并归纳一般过去时的结构。 I had a talk with him yesterday. Tom studied Chinese in China in 2006.

She didn’t think about looking outside the station. Did you go to the party last night?

What did you buy when you went shopping? 【总结归纳】 肯定句____________________

否定句 ____________________ 疑问句 ____________________ 特殊疑问句_________________

【配套练习一】将下列句子变成否定式和一般疑问句。 1. I wrote a letter to my mother last year.

______________________________/________________________________ 2. My sister’s dream came true.



______________________________/________________________________ 3. You failed in the Math exam.

______________________________/_______________________________ 【配套练习二】就划线部分提问。 1. He liked playing football. _____________________________________ 2. Jim sent a gift to John. _____________________________________ 3. A car accident happened two days ago. ______________________________________ 4. Many students ran on the playground just now. __________________________________


构成规则 一般在动词原形末尾 加 ,(在清辅音后读 ∕t∕; 在浊辅音和元音后读 ∕d∕;在 ∕t∕, ∕d∕后读 ∕id∕。 结尾是e的动词在末尾加_______. 动词原形 look play work like live hope 末尾只有一个辅音字母的重 读闭音节,先 这个辅 音字母,再加_________. 结尾是“辅音字母+y”的动词,先变“ ”为“ ”再加______. 【配套练习】写出下列动词的过去式形式。 1. cry _______ 6. turn ______ 11.laugh_____

【学生活动三】朗读下列句子,总结一般过去时的用法。 Where did you go just now?

She went to see a film last night.

When I was a child, I often played football in the street.

【学生归纳】表示 发生的动作或存在的状态。常和表示 的时间状语yesterday, last week,

an hour ago, just now, the other day, in 1982等连用。


2. pull ________ 7. explore _____ 12. die________

3. stop ______ 8. drop______ 13.prefer ____

4. solve ______ 5. wait _______ 9. clean______ 10. produce_____

plan stop drop study worry cry __________ __________ hoped _________ _________ _________ _________ _________ cries 动词过去式 __________ __________ worked


【配套练习】用括号内动词的正确时态填空或翻译。 1. I __________ (not do) my homework yesterday. 2. Yesterday I _____________ (not go) swimming. 3. I _______ (call) Mike this morning. 4. 我昨天买了一辆新自行车。

________________________________________________________ 5. 我前天读了一本书。



【学生活动一】朗读下列句子并归纳一般将来时的基本结构。 She will /is going to have a meeting tomorrow. Shall we go to the park tonight together? I am going to go for a walk after supper. Tim won’t be able to work outside. 【学生归纳】其结构有如下2种 1)______ + 动词原形

2) be (___/____/____) going to +动词原形

3)否定式为:will not(won’t) + 动词原形, am/is/are not going to + 动词原形 疑问式为:将will, shall, be提到主语前。 【教师点拨】

1. 一般将来时表示_______发生的动作或存在的状态以及计划、打算做某事。常与表示将来的时间 状语连用,如tomorrow, next week, next year, this afternoon, etc. 2. 表示计划,安排要发生的事,常用be going to结构表将来。 如What are you going to do tomorrow?

Tom is going to play basketball with Jack this afternoon. 【配套练习】 用正确的时态填空或翻译。

1. I (meet)you at the school gate tomorrow morning. 2. She (not swim)with me this afternoon. 3. I (phone) you if I come back. 4. 我妹妹今晚要去看足球赛。

________________________________________________________ 5. 金一家人什么时候去北京?


学习任务四:掌握现在进行时的基本结构和用法。 34


【学生活动一】朗读下列句子并归纳现在进行时的基本结构。 1. The telephone is ringing. Would you answer it, please? 2. ---What are you doing now? ---I am doing my homework. 【学生归纳】


be动词形式为____/____/____. (我用_____,你用______,____连着他她它) 否定式为: __________/___________/_____________. 疑问式为:将am/is/are 提到主语前。 【配套练习】用动词的适当形式填空或翻译。 ① The students (listen) to the teacher now. ② The boy (not watch) TV at the moment. ③ 你妈妈正在做饭吗?

_______________________________________________________ 【学生活动二】朗读下列句子并归纳现在进行时的用法。 1. We are waiting for you now.

2. He is taking care of his sick mother at this moment. 3. I’m not sleeping well. I want to take a holiday. 【学生归纳】 现在进行时表示

1. ______正在进行或发生的动作。常与now, right now, at this moment等时间状语连用。 2.一种目前的或现阶段临时的情况。如例3. 【配套练习】

1. Bruce _______(write) letters in English now.

2. They _____________(surf) the Internet all the time today.. 3. 瞧,那些孩子们玩的真高兴!

________________________________________________________ 【学生活动三】掌握动词V-ing的构成规则。

规 则 一般在动词原形末尾加- 。 原 形 listen spend stay 以不发音字母e结尾的动词,先去掉 ,再加-ing。 have prepare close -ing形式 __________ __________ staying __________ preparing __________ 35


以重读闭音节结尾的动词,如果末尾只有一个辅音字母,应先 这个辅音字母,再加-ing。 sit begin run put 以ie为重读音节结尾的动词,改ie为 , 再加- . 以er结尾的动词,如是重读音节结尾,先双写 ,再加-ing;如不是重读音节结尾,就直接加- 【教师活动】解释,点拨并核对答案。 【配套练习】:写出下列动词的现在分词形式。

1. win _________ 2. relax________ 3. jump_________ 4. make _________ 5. have_________ 6. talk _________ 7. tie___________ 8. cheer_________ 9. enjoy_________ 10. cry_________ 11. come__________ 12. fit___________ 学习任务五:掌握过去进行时的基本结构和用法。

【学生活动一】朗读下列句子并归纳现在进行时的基本结构。 1. I was driving my car at 8 yesterday. 2. It was raining when they left the station.

3. They were walking in the street from nine to ten last evening. 【学生归纳】

1. 过去进行时的构成: 2. 过去进行时的用法:

表示在 某一时刻或某一段时间内 或发生的动作. 常用的时间状语有:this

morning, the whole morning, all day yesterday, from nine to ten last evening, at that time, then等。 【配套练习】用动词的适当形式填空。 1. He (sleep)at nine last night. 2. They (sing)an English song then. 3. The two girls (talk)the whole afternoon. 4. Mary ___ a dress when she cut her finger. A. made


【学生活动一】朗读下列句子并归纳现在完成时的基本结构。 1.I have just turned off the light. 我刚刚把灯关上。 2.She has lost her bike. 她把自行车丢了。


B. is making C. was making D. makes

lie die prefer water ___________ ___________ ___________ putting __________ dying preferring __________


3.I have already read the book. 我已读过这本书了。

4.She has not received a good education. 她没有受到过良好的教育。 【学生归纳】

现在完成时的结构:肯定句______________________________ 否定句______________________________ 疑 问______________________________ 【配套练习】用动词的适当形式填空。

1.He _______ _________ a lot of work in the past two years.(do)

2. I _______ ________ about two hundred English words this morning. ( remember) 3. I _______ _______ _____the Great Wall twice.( visit)

【学生活动二】朗读下列句子并理解现在完成时的基本结构。 1.She has taught in the school for ten years. 2.I haven't eaten anything since breakfast. 3.We have been busy this morning.


1.表示开始于_________、持续到__________的动作或状态,并可能继续下去(也可能不继续下去),常同包括现在在内的时间状语连用,如: recently, so far,already, in the past + 时间段等;也同―for+时间段”或 ―since+时间点”的状语连用

2.表示从_________某一时间到说话时这段时间中反复发生的动作或多次动作的总和,常同频度副词always, often, seldom, never等连用 【配套练习】用动词的适当形式填空。

1. I ________ never _________such a beautiful bird. (see) 2. I ________ _________the letter but I haven't posted it yet. ( write) 3. The weather ________ hot so far this summer. (be) 4. I ___________ for hours in the classroom. (sit)

【学生活动三】翻译下列句子并理解have been to, have gone to, have been in 的用法. 1. I have been to Beijing twice. _____________________________________________

2. ----Where is Mr.Smith? ---- He has gone to The USA. _____________________________________ 3. Mary has been in China for five years. So she can speake Chinese freely.

_____________________________________________________________________ 【教师点拨】

have been to是指 have gone to是指 have been in是指 【配套练习】用have/has been to/in, have gone to的各种形式填空。 37


1.Where is Jack? He __________ his country. 2.John _______ England since he came back. 3.How long _____ he_____ this village? 4.The Smiths ______ Beijing for years. 5. ---_____ you ever ____ America? --- Yes, I _____ there many times. 6.I _____ this school since three years ago.

Step 3 目标导结


①一般现在时的结构: 用法: ② 一般过去时的结构: 用法:

③一般将来时的结构: 用法: ④现在进行时的构成: 用法:

⑤过去进行时的构成: 用法: ⑥现在完成时的构成: 用法:

Step 4 拓展导练

【师生活动】1.学生先做练习;2.教师点评;3. 学生做笔记。 【综合练习一】单项选择

1. --- you ever to Nanjing ---Yes,I there last year.

A. Have…gone, have gone C. Did…go, went 2. ---Have you learned English? ---Yes, I've learned a lot. A. never, ever

B. ever, never

C. ever, already D. already, ever

3. ---Do you know Yao Ming very well?

---Of course ! I ________a lot of news about him on TV so far. A. read

B. am reading

C. have read

D. reads

4. ---Now Nanjing is so beautiful that I can’t recognize it when I came back. ---Yes. Great changes ________ in the past ten years. A. has taken place

B. have taken place C. took place

B. made…have tried D. made…tried

D. take place

5. Mother ____me a new coat yesterday. I _______ it on. It fits me well. A. had made…have tried C. has made…tried 6. —What did you do after school yesterday?


B. Have…been , went D. Did…go, has , been


—I basketball with my friends. A. play A. will rain

B. played B. rain

C. will play

D. am playing

7. We’ll have to stay here if it tomorrow.

C. rains D. raining

C. takes place D. took place C. is being felt D. is feeling

8. The concert_______ next Friday.

A. Will be taken place B.will take place 9. He _______ much better today, A. is felt

B. felt

10. —When your mother back? —About an hour ago. A. did; come

B. had; come B. spoke

C. do; come D. have; come C. had been speaking D. had spoken

11.When I arrived at his office, he _________ on the phone. A. was speaking

【综合练习二】书面表达 (选做)

假如你是李华,在班上的第一节班会课上你需做自我介绍。请根据以下提示写一篇发言稿。你的发言稿须包含以下内容: 1、你的出生地及出生时间;

2、你现在就读的学校及你的兴趣与爱好; 3、你在学校学到了什么(至少两项); 4、你今后的打算。

注意:1、词数80左右;2、发言稿的开头和结尾已经给出,不计入总词数。 Dear classmates,

I am Lihua. ________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ That’s all. Thank you for your listening.

教(学)反思 39


一、学习目标 【知识与技能】 掌握被动语态的用法。 【过程与方法】

1. 通过读一些句子和学习、理解语法规则。


2. 通过练习法、比较法,演绎归纳法,设计填空题等。 【 情感态度与价值观】 学会主动学习。 二、学习重、难点

1. 各种时态的被动语态的应用。 2.主动形式表被动意义。 三、学习课时 2课时 四、学习过程

第一课时 Step 1 自学导入

学习任务: 了解被动语态的基本概念

【学生活动】默读下列句子,比较每组句子谓语动词的形式。 1. I write a letter every week.

?A letter is written by me every week. 2. The scientist designed A VR headset.

? A VR headset was designed by the scientist. 3. We are listening to music now. ?The music is being listened now. 4. We will plant trees tomorrow. ?Trees will be planted tomorrow. 【教师点拨】


2. 被动语态的结构是:_____________,be 有人称、时态和数的变化。

Step 2 典例导学


【学生活动一】朗读下列句子,掌握一般现在时态的被动语态的结构。 40


1. He/She/It is seen to play on the playground. 2. I am made to do the work at once. 3. We/They/You are taught English by Miss Smith. 【教师点拨】一般现在时的被动语态的结构为: He/She/It + _________+done They/we/you+ _______ +done I+ ________ +done 【配套练习】填空。 1. The song______________(sing) by the girls every day. 2. I________________(told) not to lie by my parents .

3. They_____________(heard) play the piano by us every morning.

【学生活动二】默读下列句子, 掌握一般过去时态的被动语态的结构。

1. He/She/It was seen to play on the playground just now. 2. I was made to do the work at once. 3. We/They/You were taught English by Miss Smith. 【教师点拨】一般过去时的被动语态的结构为: He/She/It/ I + ____________+done They/We/You+ ___________ +done 【配套练习】填空。 1. A e-mail_______________ (write) by me last night.

2. I__________________ (take care of) by my parents when I was young. .

3. You________________ (ask) to finish the work immediately by the teacher an hour ago.

【学生活动三】朗读下列句子, 掌握一般将来时态的被动语态的结构。 1. We will be given a lecture next week.

2. A new building will be built in our hometown.

【教师点拨】一般将来时的被动语态的结构为: He/She/It/I/We/They/You+ ______________+be+done 【配套练习】填空。

1. Some flowers _______________ (plant) tomorrow.

2. The doctors ________________ (send) to the west (next month).

【学生活动四】默读下列句子, 掌握现在进行时的被动语态的结构。 1. A song is being sung by the girls now. 2. He/She is being laughed at by the boy. 3. I am being laughed at by the boy 4. We/They/You are being watched by the child. 【教师点拨】现在进行时的被动语态的结构为: He/She/It+ ___________________+done I + __________________________+done We/They/You+ _________________+done 【配套练习】填空。 1. An interesting novel _______________________(read) by the boy now. 2. The students _________________________ (take charge of) by the class teacher. 41



1. English ____ in Canada.

A. speaks B. are spoken C. is speaking D. is spoken 2. New computers ___ all over the world.

A. is used B. are using C. are used D. have used 3. His new book___ next month.

A. will be published B. is publishing C. is being published D. has been published 4. Jane ___ to sing an American song last Saturday.

A. called B. was asked C. told D. was said

5. I don’t know what time is it now. My watch . A. is repairing B. has been repaired C. is being repaired D. has repaired

学习任务二:掌握含情态动词的被动语态 【学生活动】观察下列句子并归纳结构。 1. The problem can be solved in this way. 2. Our country should be made to be more and more beautiful. 3. The work must be finished in three days. 【教师点拨】情态动词 + + done,其中be没有人称和数的变化。 【配套练习】

1. We should finish our homework on time

(变被动) 2. You must observe the traffic rules.


学习任务三:掌握无被动语态的用法 【教师点拨】无被动语态的词:

1. 连系动词如:look, smell, sound, feel, taste, prove, seem, appear, turn, become, fall, get, grow, keep等

+形容词/名词,构成系表结构; 2. 常见无被动语态的词如:

happen(发生), take place(发生), come about(发生/产生),break out(爆发),come true(梦想成真),come out(出来/出版), consist of(由…组成), belong to(属于),worth(值得)等; 【学生活动】朗读并体会下列句子。 1. The clothing feels soft. 2. The plan proved good. 2. My dream has come true. 3. An accident happened last night. 4. A big fire broke out.




1. The water _____ cool when I jumped into the pool for morning exercise. A. was felt A. is proved

B. is felt B. proves

C. felt

D. feels D. proved

2. As time went on, Einstein's theory _______to be correct.

C. was proved

3. Great changes _____ in the city.

A. have been taken place B. have taken place C. has taken place D. were taken place

Step 3 目标导结

【师生活动】(教师引导学生梳理本节课上述目标) 时态 一般现在时 一般过去时 一般将来时 现在进行时 含有情态动词 主 动 语 态 do/does did will/be going to do am/is/are doing 情态动词+动词原形 被 动 语 态

Step4 拓展导练

【师生活动】 1.学生先做练习;2.教师点评;3.学生做笔记。 【综合练习】选择题。 1. Our teacher ______ carefully. A. should be heard A. tastes bitter A. belongs A. write

B. should be hear B. tastes bitterly B. are belonged to

C. hear D. heard

C. is tasted bitter D. is tasted bitterly C. belongs to D. belong to C. to be written

D. written

2. Good medicine ______ to the mouth. 3. The computers_________ Miss Zhu. 4. It is difficult for a foreigner ____ Chinese.

B. to write

5. The People's Republic of China ___ on October 1, 1949. A. found A. will be published

B. was founded B. is publishing

C. is founded D. was found C. is being published D. has been published

6. His new book___ next month.

7. I have to go to work by taxi because my car ______ at the garage(修理厂).

A. will be repaired B. is repaired C. is being repaired D. has been repaired 8. A traffic accident ____________ in the street yesterday.

A. was happened B. happened C. happens D. is happened



【教(学)反思】 44

