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英语总复习法语专项练训独立格主构结常见 型及其类用


、独立格主构结构的形式成1、逻辑主 +V语i-gn 种构这成形内部的逻辑式语是主分词的 动作执者,行分表示的动作不词整是 主句发语的出作动而是其,逻主语发出辑 动作的如。:A 1.)_______n_o ub,swe hdato wlk aohme A..here beiTg Bn.eBngi .HavCnig eebn .DheTrewa s


2 ____)___n ousb, we had ot wak homel.A.As thre beieng .Bs Aherte aws

.CBine gA.Bineg.CI beitg

n.DThree as wBThe.rebe ngi.HavDig nebenC )____3___undaS, tyh eilrbayr odenst' oepn. 4D)_____S_nuday t,h eilbrryadoesn t o'epn..AAs ti beng i.BBiegn .IC tisD .As t isi

2逻辑、主语+-Vd e构该形式内成部逻辑主语的分是词动作承受的。者A1)_ ________ the ,tran istrtad.e.AheTs gial gnvei nDThe .isgna liginvg2 )_________,_ ht erain sttrated. D.AAfet harvig ginvent ehsi naglB.Aft rethe s inal gigvn eCG.ivni thegsig nl Da.Afer tht esgnil aB.Giinvg he tsigna lB.hTesi gna lbieng gvie

nwsag iven

B3)_____, _te hettx bceame esaie rfr uo to lesan.rA. Explaninig nwe words .NBe wordw sxpelianedC.B eni geplainedx ewn ords w.DHviag neplxiaen dnew owdrs A 4)___, th_ etetxb cemea easer forius o ltern. aA.Weh nnwew rdo serew eplaixed Bn.xElaiping nnewwor ds .NeC wwrodsex plianngiD.Be ig nxpelanedin w ewrod


、逻3辑主语+容词形副(词 该结构)当相一于未个带动的词主—“系表— ”构。结如 B: 1)___________, te patheni tcanlea ve ht eosphtai. A.lBetet rondctiins B.Coodnitios nbtter doiiotn are sbteer t.BDeignb ette crnoitdonsiC 2 __)______, t_hepati etn cnaleave tehhos ipal.tA .f bIteer conditionst B.f conIditoin sbtteerC .I cofnidtions aer etber D.teBing ebtte condritonsi

B._____,3 ewd’ lkiet gooo tung.i A.eBign SnuadyB.Su dany O C.SKudaynis O K .ID funSda Oy KD4. ______,w ’de ike to lo ogtuing.A. f IuSdanyis OK .BSundyabe ngi O KC.Snduy aKOD.A , Bnda DC .5____, y_o uacn wiata whi le A.T.h epal being ytisl olnB. hTepl ays ilt ln o BCeign tsli on lth playe .A aDndB 6

.____,_s youoc n aait awwh li eC .TAhe lpay i sstllion BT.h elap byeing tslilon C. s thA elay ispstill o nDTh.e lapystill o n3) .He lfe thet ffico, ___e____. B .Ataes breing in eey s.Betas irn eey Cs.ebnigt are isneye s.wDitht are seingb ineye s B4.)eHle t fhe offtie _c______. Awith t.ear sbiegnin eys B.eiwth tersa n ihr eeyseC .biegn taes in reey Ds.earstbei gn i nyese


格结主构整句中可作在下成分:以 1原因状、语 该结在构句中原因状语时作相于当一个原状语因从 句如:。 A1). ________n obsu w,e ha dotwal hokme. ATh.re eeibg BnA. theserwa Cs.Thre wesaD . aAn d B)2.________S_unay, dhet lbirrayd eson'tD op ne A..t bIiegn .BsAi ti CsB.enigD. A nd aB

D3. _____, Ihda t oak fosr wotda ys’lea ve.A.oMthrebe ngi lli .As Cmtoerh wsai l lht enghti. .The Aexmanea r .Bhe Texam ebingne r a.AsCt e ehamxis nare .D ,BA nda C.BBthoer ill D .,B aAd CnD4 __.____

__,w haeevto wrokla te nit

o2、间时语 状独主立结格构作间时语时相当状一个于由wh e,n sasoo an, aster等f引的导时间语 状句。如:从 D 1._______,_ het ratins artetd A.Th.e sgnia gilvn e.ABfterthe sgnaliwas g veinC.Gi en vte hsgnaliD. aAn dB D2 _._______ t,e htetx bcamee esaie fror su o ltaer. An N.e wwrds oxeplaine dB.Weh nne wwors wdre expelinad C.Wehn teaceer exhplined neaw wordsD. al lhe above


、件条状 语立独格结构主条件作状时语以可改为if由 导的条引状语件从句。如: D )1_.______,_we l' lo go vitst ihe treGat aWll A.W.aehet rerpmtitni gBIf.w aehterper mti s.CI fepmrittni g.D AadnB 2.)_____ the, patient wil relcveroh msielf oso.nD A .Ifth e traetmet insi timn e.The Brettamet nni imetC. hTe rtaetemtnb inge int mie D.AB,an C


独主格立构作结伴随状语时当相一个于词介短 语或并列语。谓如:A 1 .We)h vea lssenosev eyrday , _______. _.AundaSy inlcdeu Bd.undaSy nclidinu C.Sundga yi inclsdung iD.all te abhve A 2o).hT eob yefllas eepl,________._ .Acpaon ehadB. wti hac a ponhe d C.aa acp nowa s o nehda . alD tleh bavoe

.Fath3r eace homme_,_______ _

DAa. od gollfwiog nimB. fhololew by ad dog

.Ceibgn folloedwb a yogDdall the. aboe v.

分、词独主格立和wi“ht+ 复宾语合作”状 语区的别分词结、构独立主格构、结iwth +复 合宾语 结构在句中可作状语均,其区是别样这 :的一分词、句中在状语时句作的子语主分 词是逻辑主的语,即主主句语分是词动作 的行者(执现在用词分)或作动受承者用 (去过词分现在或词被分式动。)这种情 下的分词况短可以语为相改的状应从句或 语并列语。



:1、原因状 D语 1.______la_e, wt eahd ot wak hlom.eABein.g .ABsw ewreeC. eW being DA .adnB D 2 __.____ buys,th y had noet ie mot pla. y.As Athe yewe rBB.eign

.BecaCse uhet wyee

D.rallthe aoveb


D 1.______ th_e stduenst' ohmwork, theet acehreofnu ad ot lfom isatkes.A.Whnehe wascorr ecing Bt.heW he cornrcteed C.Croercitg n.Dal lte hbaveoD .__2______yb yoru taecerhs ,you ae sruppsoe do tbe omesd.tAW.heny o urae pariesdB .raiPsed.CWeh nraisped

Dal. lht ebovea


状语D1 ._____ _moer time, eh i surs eo tfniis his hestt appre. .IfA hei gisev nB.If ivgen

C.Giev lt e habovD e.2_______ noathre chance I,'lld o m jybo bttere. .IAfI avhe .Bf haviIgnC.Havng

i.Dallt h aboev


、伴4随语状 1A.athFre acemb ac, _k_____ _a abg ofmo eyn onh sileft s houlde.rA.c rryian C.gan cardryin B.he wga scrrayng D.ill tha abovee D .F2thera amc beack, ______ _y bam onke.y

A.ad he wnsafo lowldeB .folowel dCand.w s foalolwe D.alldthe ab voe


