唐雎不辱使命 英文翻译
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It was the story of a king and a scholar in the spring and autumn period.
King Qin sent a messager to tell BaronAnling that he was willing to use a duchy to exchange forAnling’s land.Baron Anling repeat: ”It is so kind of you, Your Majesty.However, Anling is what I inherit from my father.To protect our clan’s land.I don’t dare to do it.”This Refusing made King Qin unhappy.So BaronAnling sent Tang Ju to Qin to explain it.
King Qin asked Tang Ju: ”I just want to use a duchy to exchange your land.Why Baron Anling didn’t understand what I think?I have ruined Han and destroyed Wei.But why I don’t also attack Anling?Because I think BaronAnling is a clever man who understands the situation.Now I use the land which is ten times than Anling to exchange this little land and you don’t accept my condition.You must be looking down on me.” Tang Ju answered: ”No, your Majesty.How can we look down on you?Because Anling is inherit from my Lord’s ancestors, though there is a kingdom to exchange, we don’t dare to do so.
King Qin suddenly was angry and said: ”Mr. Tang, have you heard of the anger of a king?”Tang Ju answered: ”No, your Majesty.I don’t know.”King Qin said: ”There is the anger of a king which makes millions of carcasses and a great river of blood.”Then Tang Ju asked: ”And, your Majesty, have you heard of the anger of a scholar?”King Qin smile and said: ”The anger of a scholar?Ha!At most someone takes his cloth off and kotow to me.”Tang Ju said: ”It is just the anger of a stupid man.When Zhuan Zhu assassinated Wang Liao, the comet hit the moon.When Nie Zheng assassinated Han Gui, a white light broke the sky.When Yao Li assassinated Qing Ji, eagle pounced down in the hall.These three men are all scholars.When their anger haven’t broken out, God had shown its
foreshadow. And I will be the fourth man.Your Majesty, there is the angry of a scholar which make two people dead and a little blood.Then every citizen will has to grieve their king over.It is the time to show it to you, Your Majesty.”After his word Tang Ju drew his sword.
King Qin became afraid and begged for mercy: ”Dear Mr. Tang, please sit down.How should it be the situation like this?I have understood: why the baron of Anling can exist after Han and Wei’s death?Because there are you, Mr. Tang.”
唐雎不辱使命 英文翻译05-10
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