
更新时间:2024-06-02 08:17:02 阅读量: 综合文库 文档下载




1.We had a lively d ________ about our studies yesterday.

2.. Can you tell me if you were n__________ about your first trip abroad?

3.Friendship first, c_________ second. 4.Proffessors are language e________. 5.I hope you will remember our friendship f_______. 6.Mother is f________ her baby on milk.

7.The e_______ number of the people is one thousand and six. 8.There are too many a________ on TV. We are tried of them. 9.There are many flowers and trees in this s________.

10.The boy c_________ me to have a fight. to see who was stronger. 11.It’s not e_______ hot today, so I wear a coat.

12.The last line on this page hasn’t been p_______ clearly. 13. He is excellent in the p________ of his study.

14.All the patients with SARS d_______ to be well treated. 15.He solved the problem s________ at last.

16.Han Meimei ,u_______ her twin sister ,prefers music to art.

17.I don’t think it’s going to rain today. There’s h_______ a cloud in the sky. 18.. Look at the e________ look on his face. He must have good news. 19.A flower can’t make a s________.

20.Everyone w_________ whether the climbers could reach the top of the mountain. 21. E_______ to the college is by examination only.

22. He received a good e______, so he found a good job easily. 23. Whose is the shirt h______ on the clothes line now?

24. His d___________ to become a singer really surprised us a lot. 25. When the film star appeared ,the audience c______. 二.单项选择题:

( )1.I can’t help _______ about his health.

A. to worry B. worry C .worrying D. worries ( )2. It is _______of the two blouses.

A. the most expensive B. more expensive C. the more expensive D. most expensive ( )3.He is known _____ everybody in our town ______a teacher. A. to, as B. from ,like C. by ,for D. for ,with

( )4.I am a nurse ,__________? A. am not I B. aren’t you C .aren’t I D. am I ( )5.Do you know how to read the year 1996 ?

A. nineteen hundred and ninety-six. B. nineteen ninety-six C. nineteen ninty-six D. one thousand, nine hundred and ninety-six

( )6.who ______ at the meeting yesterday ? what did he _______ at the meeting/ A. said ,speak B. told ,speak C .spoke ,say D. spoke ,speak ( )7._________ to work out the problem ________ decided.

A. How , aren’t B. What , hasn’t C. How , hasn’t D. How ,isn’t

( )8.The days in summer are longer than _______ in spring and the weather in summer is hotter than ____ in spring A. this ,that B. that, this C .these ,this D. those, that ( )9.The ________ boy has no friends __________.

A. alone ,to play B. lonely ,to play C. alone ,to play with D. lonely ,to play with ( )10.I wish I ______ help you but I’m afraid I _____ .

A . can ,can’t B, could ,couldn’t C .can ,couldn’t D .could ,can’t

( )11.Did you hear anything ?Yes ,a _______ of breaking glass from the room downstairs . A. voice B . sound C . noise D . cry

( )12.Did Bill ______ Melinda last year ? Yes , they did .They _______ for a year. A . get married , have been married B . marry with ,have got married C . marry ,have been married D . marry to ,have been married to ( )13.______ for him ,he has _____ daughters .

A. lucky , twin B . luckily , twins C. lucky , twins D. luckily ,twin ( )14. We got a ______ means we are _______.

A. warm welcome ,warm welcomed B. warmly welcome ,warmly welcomed C. warm welcome ,warmly welcomed D. warmly welcome ,warm welcomed ( )15. We are leaving for home next week ? Really ? Why ______ ? A. so early B. so quickly C. so soon D. so slowly

( )16. In autumn leaves _____ trees begin to fall and there are few birds _______ the tree. A. in , on B . on , on C. on , in D. in , in

( )17. It must have rained last night , _____ the ground is wet . A. for B. since C. as D. because

( )18. ______ all the passengers are here ,why don’t we _____ at once ? A. As soon as , start B. After , begin C. Since , start D. When , begin

( )19.I’m ______ to see her , we spent a ______ evening together.

A. please , pleasant B. pleased , pleasant C. pleasant ,pleased D. pleased , pleased , ple ( )20. _____ English ,we also learns French and Japanese .We all like English _____ him .He doesn’t like English at all.

A. Besides , besides B. Besides , except C. Except ,except D. Except ,besides ( )21. The instructions _____ Smith’s trip use the 24 _____.

A. of , hour clocks B. to , hours o’clock C. for , hours clock D. for , hour clock ( )22. The policeman warned us ______ games on the road . He said :”You are not allowed ______ on the road.”

A. don’t play ,to play B. not play ,playing C. not to play ,to play D. not to play , playing ( )23.Mr Green came to work in our company ______ engineer. A .like a B. like an C. as a D. as an

( )24. Bill was ill last night , so his father went to the town ___ a doctor. At last , DR. king _ A. get , was sent for B. ask , was sent for C. send , was sent to D. take , was sent to ( )24. Miss White _______ at the square ,and changed to a taxi

A. got off B. droped off C. dropped off D. get off

( )25._____ I look at your pictures ?Yes , of course you ______. A. Can ,could B. Could , can C. Could , could D. Can , can

( )26. It’s raining much more ______now .I’m afraid we ______ stay here for the night . A. heavy , have to B. heavily , will have to C. heavy , must D. heavily , must ( )27. Have you _____anything about Li Yang ?

____ Yes .He is still in hospital , and the doctor will do all they can ______ his wife. A. heard ,save B. heard from , save C. heard of , to save D. received , to save ( )28. We have so many kinds of shirts for you _____.

A. to chose B. to choose from C. to be chosen D. to be chosen from

( )29. Please don’t stand up in class until you ______ .

A. were told to B. are told to C. were told D. are told

( )30 If Mg _____ in O2, we ____ , and it _____ combination reaction(化学变化 。 A. will burn , get , calls B. burns , will get , called

C. will burn , can get , is calling D. burns , will get , is callin)

( )31. I’ll buy a computer ________I’ll have to spend all my savings(积蓄)。 A. but B. even though C. if D. however ( )32. The earth looks like a blue ball _______ from _______.

A. seeing ,space B. seen , the space C. seeing , the space D. seen ,space ( )33. The man held his _______ and pretended(假装)to _______. A. breath , be dead B. breathe , be dead C. breath , die D. breathe ,die ( )34. He ‘s too young to join the army ,______ he ?

A . doesn’t B. does C. isn’t D. is

35. They are ____ little children that it’s impossible for them to do the work by themselves. A. so B. such C. too D. very

36. show me the letter , please! which one ? the one _____ pencil A. in B. at C. by D. on

37. Could you tell me which ____ best among the books on sale ? A. is sold B. sells C. are written D. writes

38. The teacher told us yesterday that December 25 _____ Christmas Day .

A. is B. was C. has been D. will be

39. No hurry ,please . ____ your time. A. Take B. Bring C. Carry D. Catch 40. The dinner took ____ two hours , and everyone was ____. A. full, full B. fully , fully C. full, fully D. fully , full 三短文改错: (1 )

When I found out that my train would there three _______- hours late ,I changed my idea and would get a bus instead . _______ I was about to rush out of the railway station while ________ a well-dressed old man took me on the arm.”Young lady ,” ________ said the gentleman ,”Shouldn’t you find out the bus ________

schedule after you rush to catch the bus?” _________ I looked at him with my mouth opened .How did he _________ read my mind; Before I could say word ,he added ,”You see, _________ my train is still late. The same idea came to _________ me. But I think a good talk help pass the time. Before __________ you know it ,your train will be there. 三.阅读理解

From Monday to Friday most people are busy working or studying , but in the evenings and weekends they are free and ___1____ themselves. Some watch television or go to the movies, others ___2__ sports. This is decided by their own ____3_____.

There are many different ways to spend our__4___ time.

Almost everyone has some kind of __5___: it may be something from collecting stamps to __6__ model planes. Some hobbies are very__7____ , but others don’t cost anything at all. Some collections(收藏)are worth ___8_____ of money, others are valuable (有价值的)only to their owners.

I know a man who has a coin collection worth several ___9__ dollars. A short time ago he bought a rare(罕见的)fifty-cent piece which ___10__ him $250! He was very happy abut this collection and thought the price was all right . On the other hand, my youngest brother collects match boxes. He has almost 600 of them, but I wonder _11___ they are worth any money . However,___12____ my brother they are quite valuable.___13_____ makes him happier than to find a new match box for his collection.

That’s what a hobby means, I think. It is something we __14___ to do in our free time just for the _15_ of it. The value in dollars is not important, but the pleasure it gives us is. ( )1.A love B. work C. enjoy D. play ( )2.A. look like

B. take care of C. think about D. take part in

C. jobs D. things

C. own D. whole C. job D. way C. makes C. cheap

D. made D. expensive

( )3.A. lives B. interests

( )4.A. working B. free ( )5.A. hobby ( )6.A. make

B. thing B. making

( )7.A. interesting B. exciting ( ).8.A. a little B. a few ( )9.A. thousand B. thousands ( )10.A. paid B. cost ( )11.A. that B. if ( )12.A. to B. on

C. a lot D. a number C. thousands of D. thousand of C. took D. spent C. what C. with

D. why D. in

( )13.A. Everything B. Anything C. Nothing D. Something ( )14.A. have B. need C. refuse D. like ( )15.A. money B. work C. fun D. time

