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篇一:大学英语记叙文500字范文 a long way

last semester, i worked in a restaurant at my spare time. at the beginning, it was extremely hard for me to learn the roles and remember the recipes. i had to stand there and smile. at the end of the day, i was so tired that i almost could do nothing. after a few days of working, the head waiter told me that i could take charge as a chief. i knew if i worked hard, i would take charge of a room. it meant i can get more tip. i was glad to do that.

as new, it was not an easy thing to serve all customers well. sometimes, i dished up wrongly. or i forgot the customers requirements. what is worse, i overturned the plates twice. however, i could not be defeated because of these difficulties. one day, i was about to be off duty when three foreigners came here. because other colleagues could not speak english well, i had to stay to serve them. it was my first time to talk with a foreigner. however, suddenly, my mind was blank even though i had memorized 3000 words. how can i talk to them? i began to speak slowly, but think fast.

excuse me, what can i do for you? i said it word by word. at the same time, i showed them the menu. no, we order ··· with some rice. they said so quickly that i seldom couldnt know what they wanted.

pardon? i asked with embarrassment.

oh, we want tomatoes and eggs. look at this, xi hong shi chao ji dan, he showed me a note with some chinese characters.

i got it. what else? i tried my best to keep calm as i could. i had no reason to laugh at them because of my bad english.

water, please. then, a pot of tea was on the table.

the more terrible thing was that the rice was sold out. how can i explain this to them? we were closing the store for the night. it was normal. however, we had been alternative. hum, there is no rice left. how about noodles? like this and this. i felt embarrassed extremely. i could not translate the name to them and just showed the picture in the menu to them.

maybe they were hungry, or they had no choice. they agreed me.

they said something and laughed. i could hardly understand it. but it was not my business. the thing that i need to do was serve them more considerate. they were eating and i was to go back to hostel.

before long, they finished their supper and said: how much? so, i had to stay more minutes. i gave them the bill.

it is too expensive. they yelled. i knew it was too expensive here. but i had no idea. i could do nothing for them, just smiled to them.

finally, i gave them the bills and i got rid of the serve.

it is memorable. each for it was the first time makes a dent in my heart. gaining self -confidence means half success. i believe myself and wont lose confidence any more.篇二:英文记叙文

写法指导(writing directions) 1.记叙文的结构


(1) 顺序型:按时间发生的先后顺序所作的叙述。它能使人物,事件的叙述有头有尾,脉络清楚,有较强时空层次性,比较契合我国读者的接受心理。顺序常常不单独使用,多与其他叙述手法交叉,从而使叙述曲折生动,跌宕多姿.顺序型的结构模式是:总述+分述+结尾.这是一种按照事件开端→发展→高潮→结局的自然顺序进行叙述的客观记叙方法。





(1)以一般过去时为主,各种时态为辅,合理使用丰富多采的谓语动词时态. (2)多用动词,特别是动态强的行为动词. (3)使用直接引语.

要写好英语记叙文,就语言运用方面而言,应该在上述但方面多下功夫. 3.写作方法

写好英语记叙文的基本方法是:首先明确所要记叙的要素,即五个w和一个h(when,where,who,what,why,how).一般来说,要把事件和人物活动写清楚,这六个要素缺一不可。然后,确定以第几人称的视角以及何种顺序展开记叙,以保证记叙的条理性;最后,多在塑造人物、展开情节上下功夫,使文章能引人入胜. 叙文主要是由时间(when)、地点(where)、人物(who)、事件(what)、原因(why)和结果(result)六要素构成。一般来说,记叙文要把事件和人物活动写清楚,这六要素缺一不可。


【赏析】 a football game

yesterday we had a football game against the team from class four. their players were good. we really felt a little afraid of them. but zhang xin, the leader of our class team, said, although they are good players, their team is weak. zhang xin is about 1.68 meters tall and his number is twelve. he can kick two or three goals every match. then he told us,remember that we are a team and well win the game.

at the beginning of the match, a player from class four ran with the ball. zhang xin ran over

quickly to stop him. he got the ball and kicked the goal! he kept on passing the ball

to other players. we passed the ball to each other like him. the players from class four were getting anxious. they were angry with us. but we continued to pass the ball. at last we kicked four goals and they kicked two. we won the game! we were very happy.篇三:英语作文的写作模板:记叙文 英语作文的写作模板:记叙文 记叙文特别注重写作技巧,要求跌宕起伏不平淡,崇尚“意料之外,情理之中”的文学效果,是一种难度很大的文体。但是在考试的时间压力下,我们可以背诵一些写作模板应付紧张的考试。


everyone has an unforgettable memory and cannot remove it. to me, it happened __1时间和地点___, and i still remember the whole process vividly. at that time, i was ___2“我”在做什么____.

it was a sunny day and things were awfully ___3形容词_____ before it happened. then ____4事件____ drew my attention. i saw ___5详细说明当时情况_____, and to my ____6表达感受的名词_____, ____7当事人______ was ____8正在进行的动作____. it did not last very long, but it impressed me so deeply that i would _____9自己的感受______. whenever i look back on what happened that day, i think it is right to ____10理应采取的措施或态度一______. first for all, no one can deny its/his/her _____11对当事人评价的名词______. furthermore, it is important for us to _____12理应采取的措施或态度二______. i will cherish all these memories forever. 二.应用模板的例子

例子1 题目:honor for my teacher

everyone has an unforgettable memory and cannot remove it. to me, it happened , and i still remember the whole process vividly. at that time, i was it was a sunny day and things were awfully before it happened. then drew my attention. i saw , and to my was it did not last very long, but it impressed me so deeply that i would .

whenever i look back on what happened that day, i think it is right to . first for all, no one can deny her . furthermore, it is important for us to


