以Great Changes in My Hometown为题

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Unit1 Topic1 p9

以Great Changes in My Hometown为题,按要求写一篇短文,介绍自己家乡的变化。 要求:1.概括家乡的变化;2.具体描述家乡在哪些方面取得了较大的发展; 3.你对家乡变化的感受。

Great Changes in My Hometown

In the past ten years , My hometown has takens place great changes. People are living a happy life with the development of our country in my hometown.

Now people in my hometown have lived in beautiful and tall buildings. Roads are getting wider and wider. People’s living conditions are getting better and better. What’s more, children have studied in modern schools and they are getting a good education.

I feel very excited about the changes in my hometown and I think my hometown will become better and better in the future.

Topic2 p15

The Population of My City

I live in a small city. 20 years ago, the population of my city was about 30 thousand. Ten years later, the number increased to 35 thousand. My city had a population of 40 thousand ten years ago. But now the number has reached 50 thousand.

The table shows that the population in my city has increased rapidly in the past 20 years. The population is becoming larger and larger. So we should take measures to control the population.

综合提升 p18

The population of the world is growing every minute. With the increase of the population, many problems appear. For example, we don’t have enough food for everyone and many people are out of work. China is a big country with the largest population in the world, and many people live under the poverty line. We should carry on the one-child policy to control the population. If each family has only one healthy child, we can live a happier life. What do you think of it?

Topic3 p24

Life Needs Help

Life needs help, especially when we are in trouble.

I still remember when I began to learn English at school, I did badly in it. I ever couldn’t make a correct sentence. My English teacher Miss Wang noticed it and came to help me. After school, she often helped me to remember the new words. In class, she asked me to practice speaking English. She always talked with me in English. By doing these, my English improved little by little. Now English is my favorite subject. Several years has passed, but I never forget Miss Wang’s help. I find helping others is very important. It may change other’s life. So when someone needs my help, I will try my best to help him.

综合提升 p28

In English class, our teacher told us something about Project Hope. She said some poor families in some poor areas of China were too poor to send their children to school. She called on us to help them.

I am moved deeply by this. So I decide to help the children in need. First, I will save my pocket money, and send it to Project Hope to help the children. Second, I plan to collect my classmates’ school things and clothes and send them to the students in need.

I hope they can get a better education with the help of all the warm-hearted people.

单元闯关 p34


要求:1.学习和休闲依然重要 2.帮助做家务或干农活 3.参加社会活动,做志愿者工作,帮助他人。 Dear John,

I’m glad to receive your letter. Our holiday life has changed a lot. Learning and relaxing are still very important to us. At the same time, we often help our parents do housework or farm work. We can realize how hard our parents work every day. And we can make a habit of laboring, too.

We also take part in social activities as volunteers, Sometimes, we go to the street to collect rubbish or go to the hospital to cheer up the sick children. We try

our best to help people in need and make our hometown more beautiful. We find great pleasure in all these activities. Best wishes

Yours, Wang Lei Unit2 Topic1 p45

你的家乡过去有一条清澈的小河, 河边树木成荫,河里鱼儿嬉闹,人们经常在河边锻炼身体,但近几年,河边建了很多工厂,河水被污染,河面到处是垃圾, 鸟鸣声也被机器声取代,看不到人们在这儿运动了。 写一篇文章号召大家保护小河

There used to a clear river in my hometown. There were many beautiful trees. The river is so clean that we could see many different kinds of fish swimming in it. People all like here, so they used to come here to exercise.

In recent year, people have built many factories on both sides of the river. The factories pour waste water into it. Now there are many waste things on the river. You can hear the noise of machines instead of the singing of birds. And people don’t come and play sports here any more.

I hope everybody can care for it. Let’s do something to protect it.

Topic2 p56

以“Stop Destroying Our Earth” 为题写一篇文章

Stop Destroying Our Earth

The world is developing very quickly,but many people still haven’t realized the need to protect the earth. We are destroying the earth. It has become a serious problem.

People are building a lot of buildings, so they cut down more and more tress. When it rains, the rain washes the soil away, so there are more floods. When the wind is strong, it blows the soil away and become desert.

If we don’t stop destroying the earth, we will die out one day.

Topic3 p67

Act Now to Save Water

Water is very important to all the living things in the world, including human beings. We can’t live if there is no water in the world. Water is so important for us, but today many people are wasting it. For example, some people don’t turn off the tap after they use it. They spend too much time taking a shower. Some people even throw the bottles away before drinking up the water. I n fact, we have many ways to save water, like turning off the water. And we can reuse the waste water to clean the floors. Water

flowers and so on. Please tell your family and friends not to waste water. Let’s act together to save water.


假设你叫张华,最近从报纸上得知美国某公司将在你家乡建一座工厂,请你给公司写一封邮件。要点如下: 1. 表欢迎:有利家乡的发展 2. 表担忧:造成环境污染等;

3. 希望了解有关环境保护措施及更多信息。

Dear Sir and Madam,

I’m a middle school student . Recently, I have learnt from the newspaper that you are going to build a factory in my hometown. I’m very glad at that. I’m sure that it’s good for the development of my hometown and it will provide us with more jobs. However, some of us are worried about that the factory will make much noise and pollute the environment in my hometown. So I would like to know whether you have any plans for the environment protection. Would you please offer us more information about it? I’m looking forward to hearing from you.

Yours, Zhang Hua


The Important of Learning English Well As we know, English is widely used around the world.

With the development of China. Many foreigners come to China every year. In order to provide good service for them, we Chinese should speak English well.

What’s more, it is widely used in our life. For example, we can see “Enter”and”Exit” in the supermarket. If we know English well ,we can also enjoy English movies, stories and novels.

So learning English well is very important, at the same time, it can make our life easier and more colorful.

Topic2 p95

Body language is very important in communication. When we are taking with others, we are not only using words, but also using our body language. For example, in most countries of the world, waving one’s hand is to say ”goodbye.” Smile may show you are very friendly. Nodding the head means agreement while shaking the head shows disagreement. But shaking the head shows agreement in India.

So knowing some body language is very useful because it can help us make ourselves easily understood, and it can also make us understand others easily.

Topic 3p106


请你围绕九年级学生是否应该做大量的英语练习来展开谈谈你的想法。 Doing exercises is important for our study, especially for English learning.

Some students think exercises will bring us too much

homework and make us feel tired, and doing lots of exercises is a waste of time. So they don’t like doing exercises.

