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一路走来,许多艰辛与欢乐,庆幸自己没有放弃,更是感谢曾经给予我帮助的很多老师们。申请的道路并没有大家想象地那么艰难,我衷心希望这篇心得能对学弟学妹们有所帮助。 1.准备GT


TOEFL:自从改为IBT后,注重了听力和口语,这对我们英语学院的学生来说不失为一种优势。但必须留意报考TOEFL的时间。我那时没有注意放考位的日子,结果硬是跑到了遥远的广州,还附带玩了一圈,惭愧之余,TOEFL水平也发挥有限。最终也只是很平淡的105而已。 2.查资料,选学校


在这里推荐大家GTER这个网站,想必大家应该也再熟悉不过了。排名可以去上面找。完整的排名需要向USNEWS购买,但有些人购买好了便会去GTER分享。在这里我也十分感谢这些好心人。 3.推荐信

推荐信是我最困惑也是最烦恼的一件事。我曾经帮我姐姐写过,网上的模板也就这样,写出新意实在很难。建议大家可以先列出自己的优势,然后一定要有相关的论证,即你的事迹等来说明,否则也只是空谈,毫无说服力。 4.个人成述

个人成述可以说是决定你申请是否成功的一个至关重要的因素。教授是通过个人成述来揣摩你的潜力,决定是否录用你。每个学校对个人陈述的要求都不一样,所以千万要看清各个学校的要求。在个人陈述方面,文科与理科有着很大的区别。理科会有各种实验,而文科则没有。所以相关的经历,课外实践对于文科生是很重要的。在个人陈述中应该让教授认识到你是一个怎么样的人,一定要充分展现自己的个人实力以及魅力。写作的风格要专业,因为这并不是散文。 5.网上申请

网上申请也没有什么特别之处,在我整个申请过程中,因为不了解在美国的许多组织和项目,所以会被很多小问题所困扰。学弟学妹大可以电话对方学校的小秘,问问清楚。通常学校会以一个OPEN QUESTION 来问你为什么需要奖学金等等,也就在200字以内。还有你所做过的研究,你的课外经历,你的论文以及其主要内容等等。在回答时,最好简洁明了,省自己时间,也省对方时间,且简洁更充分说明了英语语言的能力。 6.资料的投递





申请留美的过程是漫长的,在这过程中我们会失去很多,同时也会得到很多。当我们踏上美国的土地后,也许会发现申请阶段却是留美读书过程中最简单最快乐的日子。所以最后我想送给有志留美的学弟学妹们一句话:“Never accept failure, no matter how often it visits you. Keep on going. Never give up.”


美国研究生院申请的过程复杂而又漫长,从申请到拿到签证基本要经历一年的时间。如果算上之前考的入学考试和语言考试,至少得要两年的时间。这里我就将申请所需要的材料作为提纲,谈谈美国大学的申请流程。 一.选校的依据

申请时间一般在每年的九、十月份,所以在七、八月份就要开始寻找自己可以去的学校,给自己定位。所以在此之间要考完所有该考的国外考试,最好在8月份以前完成。这样大四的时候就不会一边忙着考试一边申请,由于申请是一个很复杂需要耐心的过程,所以准备考试一定要趁早。 1. 大学成绩单中英文原件(加盖印章)


美国前100名的研究生院的入学要求本科GPA在3.0以上,所以在本科期间我们要努力提高自己的GPA,越高申请的时候越有利。 2.研究生入学考试的复印件和语言成绩的复印件

申请的时候最好将GRE/GMAT/TOFEL/IELS成绩的复印件连同其他文件一起寄出,虽然美国学校一定要求官方寄送,但由于11、 12月是申请高峰期,ETS来不及将所有人的成绩尽快寄出,有时需要长达一个多月之久。如果为此错了第一轮审核就非常不划算,所以这时美国学校会先参加成绩单复印件给予初步的审核。






以上说的两点,基本就可以决定了去哪个档次的学校,一般来说,申请理工科GRE 1300+4.0, GPA 3.0-3.5,毕业于国内名校,加上一些科研背景基本可以尝试top 10,可能也有全奖的机会。


对于商科,GMAT 700+,则可以申请前30的商学院,最顶尖的商学院一般GAMT要求在750左右。但是美国的商学院对于 GMAT成绩并没有硬性规定,但一般都不能低于550。

当然,选择学校排名只是很小的一部分,对于美国人来说排名在他们眼里的重要性远远小于学校的地理位置和学费,所以要根据自己的实际境况来择校,对于读商科的学生,通常选择东北部的学校,那里是美国经济最发达的地区,实习就业机会较多。 二.申请材料





2.个人陈述(Personal Statement and Various Essays)

PS和Essays都是事先在word里面写好在网申系统里面提交的。每个学校要求的Essay Questions都不一样,字数要求也不一样。但总的来说问的都是比较常规的问题,比如为什么要申请这个学校,在大学里面有没有团队合作的经历,对未来的职业规划等。每个问题的字数基本要控制在一页以内。

当然个人陈述的重要性就不言而喻了,自己写完后最好叫英文好的老师或者直接叫老外帮着修改。在国内即便是英文再好的人写出的文章仍然没有美国人本身写得地道简洁。但录取的结果并不是说就取决于一两篇文章,尤其对于申请商科来说 GMAT成绩就来得重要很多。





基本上推荐信都是自己写好,然后用相应抬头的信纸打印后请推荐人签名。现在很多大学也采取的网上提交的方法,在网申系统内填写推荐人的基本信息和他们的邮箱地址,这时候一封邀请函就会自动发到推荐人的信箱,请他们点击下面的链接填写推荐内容。推荐人提交后网申系统就会向申请人显示推荐信提交成功,但推荐信的内容申请人一般是看不到的。 4. 1-2页个人简历(英文)

个人简历在网申系统上也要求上载提交。简历格式内容都没有明确规定,但尽量做到简明扼要,简单写明所从事过的职业,实习,教育背景,参加过的社会实践等。具体对于实习的经历或是参加的活动在essay questions里面均可详细阐明。


综上,所有的材料准备完毕后,就要开始往各个学校寄送材料。一般来说都使用国际快递,因为可以在网上追踪,比平信安全很多。UPS, DHL, FedEx都是不错的选择,价格在200-250元一份,国内的EMS也不错,而且稍微便宜一些,180元左右,但时间稍长,最快4天到,最晚7天,所以如果不赶时间的话可以选择EMS。

寄送的材料主要有:学校成绩单和在读证明,GT成绩复印件。PS, Recommendation Letter, Resume若是在网上提交过则不需再寄送,有的学校要求连同存款证明原件一起寄送。大多数学校的操作是在发了正式的录取后连同回执一起附上存款证明。

接着就是等待消息,随时check自己的邮箱,与小秘保持密切联系,遇到紧急问题可以直接打电话。等到收到了正式录取后,将回执,定金,存款证明一起再寄过去,学校会发I20表,拿到此表后就可以办理签证手续了。 附:




2.大学毕业证书,学士学位证书(中英文)/已毕业 3.在读证明(中英文)(加盖印章)/在校生 4.三封推荐信(含所申请专业的推荐信一封)

5.推荐人信息(name, title, address, telephone, email) 6.个人陈述(Personal Statement and Various Essays) 7.1-2页个人简历(英文)

8.学校空白信笺一本,信封30个左右 9.推荐人所在单位信封信纸若干 11. 存款证明原件(10份)

12. 成绩单复印件(左好官方寄送准备) 13. 双币信用卡


1.银行存款证明(金额最好比学校要求的稍多一点) 2.护照首页复印件以及护照规格照片或一寸照 3.确认接受学校录取的回执



1. 护照

2. DS156, 157, 158 三表填写完整(156表在网上填写提交并打印,157 158表

在word文档内填写并打印,三表均可在美国大使馆中文网页中下载) 3. 学校的I-20表

4. 签证费收据两联(凭本人护照在中信银行购买,人民币943元,两联务必带


5. 电话预约卡:人民币54元(用于预约签证日期,凭本人护照在中信银行购


6. 签证照片(50mm * 50mm)一张,贴在DS156表上

7. I-901表格的收据(在网上填写并用信用卡支付150美元,美国使馆网站上


8. 毕业证以及学位证/在读证明,学校成绩单

9. 所有国外英语考试的成绩单(托福,雅思,GRE,GMAT)

10. 家庭存款证明原件,存折或存单原件,活期存折或银行卡对帐单(近6个月) 11. 父母工作收入证明,打印在单位印刷版信纸上 12. 如是公司法人,提供营业执照副本,公司简介

13. 如资金是从本人公司帐户划出,提供公司的对帐单 14. 如资金是从股票帐号划出,提供证券交易对帐单 15. 房产证


亲爱的学弟学妹们你们好,当决定要出国的那一刻起,我们就走上了一条很艰辛的道路,无论是前期的准备,中期的申请,后期的学习还是之后的事情,都需付出很多的艰辛. 但是,走过,就一定会留下脚印。经历了,就是值得的。出国前,请一定想好为什么出去,那么,一个前期的研究是很重要的。比如说自己喜欢的这个领域具体涉及了哪些方面,工作或者研究现状以及前景,最好能找找相关书籍来看看,这对于要转专业的同学尤其重要。出国只是一个工具,为了完成自己理想的一个途径,所以我们得为自己的选择负责,得花时间想想付出的这么多精力和财力是否是值得的,千万不要为了出国而出国,在出国前,我们需要想好毕业后的一个职业规划或者是研究规划。接下来,我会根据自己的经验从考试和申请两方面给大家做一个介绍,希望我的”脚印”对大家有帮助: ) 考试

还记得以前逛BBS的时候,有很多类似于去美国是否需要考GRE, TOEFL, 分别要考多少分才算”上线”的帖子,这样的帖子很少能得到最准确的答案,因为这本来就是自己需要完成的功课。GRE是美国研究生入学考试,一般申请理工科,文科的同学都必须要考的,相当于国内的研究生入学考试,注意咯,申请PHD的同学也是考GRE的。与GRE相对的是GMAT考试,这是申请商学院(比如说finance,accounting, MBA等 )需要的入学考试,GRE更加强调语言逻辑能力,但是GMAT更考察数学能力,但是大家不要被这个数学吓倒,国内的高中数学教育已经足够应付了。另外,如果想学法律的同学,需要考的研究生入学考


试叫做LSAT,听考过这类考试的同学说,它的要求比GRE更高,因为涉及到非常复杂的逻辑问题,但是相信只要努力就肯定可以考好的。TOEFL考察的是国际学生的语言能力,无论申请Master还是PHD,这都是必须的,当然,有的学校有特殊的规定,比如说英语专业的同学可以省去考TOEFL,但是同学们得去各自网站上查找具体情况。 我以下较详细的介绍GRE和TOEFL考试: GRE

我考的是老GRE,V660,Q670,AW3.5。作文和综合考试是分开的,需要提前预约时间,我的一点小建议是尽快考好机考,给自己一个月时间准备就够了,然后剩下的时间着重准备综合考试。因为相比综合考试,机考不是很重要,如果在大学本科学过作文课,又取得了不错的分数的话,都是可以补救的,而且TOEFL里面的作文分数也是可以补救的。众所周知,GRE最重要的是词汇部分,红宝书和蓝宝书双管齐下是非常有必要的,背单词的方法因人而异,很多同学选择速记,然后把红宝背20--30次,我个人比较偏向于详记,也就是说,每个单词花五分钟左右的时间记,第二天再复习一次,也是详细的复习,我个人认为,这样记会印象很深,但是是因人而异的。GRE词汇这一块搞定了,其他问题就迎刃而解了。推荐大家参加一个GRE的冲刺班,老师会讲很多答题技巧。另外,如果是准备大学毕业后就立即申请出国的同学,最晚要在大四上学期考完GRE, 也就是最晚要考大四10月份那场GRE。比较推荐大家参加大三6月份的GRE考试。这样给以给自己比较宽裕的时间准备申请. TOEFL

TOEFL并不难,抢到考位要比考试难很多。一般英语系的同学都可以拿到不错的分数,TOEFL考阅读,听力,口语,作文,这四部分里面口语相对来说最重要,特别是需要申请助教的同学,需要考到23分以上。准备口语的时候,可以把几个题型的模板归纳一下,理一下思路,找到每道题的解答”公式”,找到逻辑链,这样就会很方便。我比较推荐先考GRE, 再考TOEFL。 这样词汇和作文就不需要太多的准备.TOEFL关键是多做题,网上有TOEFL的模拟软件下载,很推荐同学们去下来做。需要提到的一点是,现在由于TOEFL都是机考,推荐大家提前一到一个半小时到考场,现在是先到先考,同学们答题速度不一样,所以很多情况下一个教室有的同学做听力,有的同学做口语,先到的话听力会做得相对安静一点。不过大家不用担心,考试的耳机隔音效果非常非常好,不会被影响的。另外,由于先考阅读,往往第一篇阅读大家会觉得很难,那是因为心情没有沉静下来,一定要调节好自己的情绪。 申请

首先是择校。我的做法是去网上找各个学校专业的排名,然后进学校的网页看,找寻自己所需要的信息,这一步应该从6月份就做起。很多学校奖学金的申请截止日期是12月,所以尽量11月中旬把所有资料都寄出去。通常情况,我们会申请6到10个学校,其中1-2个是top10,1-2个保底学校,其余30--80排名的学校。每个学校要求的资料都是不一样的, 需要去网站找各个学校的要求,一般来说,以下资料是必须的:


GRE and TOEFL Score:如果在免费送的六个学校里面没有填自己想送份的学校,需要自己再送,大概GRE和TOEFL一个学校130左右。GRE和TOEFL



Reference Letter: 推荐信,推荐信的数量也是学校不同而不同的,有的学校要求三封,有的只需要两封,推荐信在网上都有模板,大家可以去找一下。大家可以在word里面做推荐信的信纸,让它看上去更formal一点,把学校的校徽或者title放到信纸的抬头上。每封信最好用学校的航空信封装上,封好口后让老师在封口处签名。

Personal Statement, 这就是传说中的PS,申请里面占比重非常大的一块,如果GRE和TOEFL分数不高,GPA不是很理想的话,一篇很好的PS会大大提升录取和得到奖学金的机会。一般一篇PS不要超过500个字,尽量放在一篇纸内。内容不能浮夸,尽量少用修饰词,要写实在的东西。在word文档页眉处写好自己的申请ID, 申请的program,自己的名字以及邮箱,这样也会或多或少增加自己的印象分。PS要突出自己的特点,最好不要照搬网上的模板,这样大家看上去都一样了,教授每天要审阅很多封PS, 一定要写点让他影响深刻的东西。一般来说,第一段很重要,简短干练有力度,又体现出不同就是一篇理想的开头了。如果GRE或者TOEFL考试成绩不理想,或者是GPA一下子降得很低,也可以在PS里面进行补充解释。


First of all, you already are aware of how important a PS is. It is often what determines wherher student A or student B is selected. It serves many purposes. First, it shows them how good your command of English is. By that I do NOT mean you should just put in a lot of big words. I have seen too many students who use big words that are not appropriate in meaning to what is being written. By command I mean you have the ability to use the English language to clearly state what it is you want to say with good grammar, spelling, and sentence construction, and not a lot of repeating of the same words or ideas.

Second, you want in your PS to show them why they should choose you instead of some of the other hundreds of qualified students. In other words, what makes you special?? This does not mean that they are only looking for someone who only had all excellent grades. What experiences have you had, what turning points in your life have there been that made you who you are? Sometimes what students write mostly about is not academic. They want a picture of you as a complete person - not just a set of grades and other statistics. Remember those they can get from your transcripts, GPA, etc.

You want to include your reasons for choosing the field for which you are applying and how you plan to use the training you will receive. Since international schools are always a bit wary that some students are only using graduate education as a way to enter the foreign country and may then not return to their own lands, it is very important that you emphasize how you hope to put your knowledge to good work in China.

Also, any experiences you have that fit that particular focus (finance, education, etc.) will work better for you. If you are going to apply for some rather varied majors, you will do better if you can come up with a PS for each of the different areas - in other


words, don't use exactly the same one for all the majors you are applying for. Your work with the club, for instance, would be good to cite as proof of your organizational ability, leadership, etc. Those who are majoring in Education would include references to their teaching experiences, reactions to those experiences, etc. Take a moment to focus on how your experiences so far in life have helped to prepare you for what you hope to do in the future. Of course, some of the experiences can be used in all areas of future study and work so you might include them in all versions of your PS. If you have taken part in volunteer work, it would be a good thing to include and would also exhibit your willingness to give back to the country and to share with less fortunate people.

SO, again, I emphasize you need to take some time (not too much, as you are rather behind schedule in your preparations and have already missed some of the early deadlines) to organize who you are and why you are so suited to study ZZZZ and to work in that profession.

The final paragraph of the PS should focus on why you chose that particular school. For instance, is there a certain professor you would like to work with or are they especially famous for their courses in XXXX or in YYYY? Have they produced many people who have made great contributions to the field?

If you are familiar with some research or literature that is famous in that particular field, you can refer to it in the body of your essay and explain briefly why it attracted your attention. Did it stimulate your desire to focus on a particular area of study or did it demonstrate a depth of thinking that inspired you to learn more about the subject through graduate study? Note that in the U.S. we speak of Masters and PhD degrees as graduate ( not post-graduate) work.

Resume: 有的学校要求Resume,写Resume的时候要和PS里面的内容相呼应。格式最好采用美国的格式。

接下来就是打包就出去了,把所有材料放在一个大信封里面,最好可以再写一张单子,上面标明:”Things included in the envelope”,这样会方便对方检查信封内容,也会增加自己的印象分。

本科毕业的同学可以直接申请PHD, 很多PHD都给全奖加每个月的生活补贴,但是PHD走学术研究路线,所以申请的同学前期要对自己想申请的领域做一个大概的了解,找到自己的研究方向,然后和学校教授发email探讨,告诉他们你的研究想法。





申请背景:上海外国语大学英语专业,GPA 3.47/4.0, GRE 1310(510+800)+3.5, GMAT 650(27+51)+5.5, TOEFL iBT 105(26/26/23/30) ;大学期间所获重要奖项:第十届“挑战杯”全国大学生课外学术科技作品竞赛上海市二等奖, CCTV 2007迎奥运“希望之星”英语风采大赛上海赛区优胜奖,学校奖学金若干;社会实践志愿活动以及实习若干。

申请方向: 商学院会计硕士

申请学校:The George Washington University, Bentley College, University of

Southern California, Brandeis University, North Carolina State University, Michigan State University, Boston College ( 7 schools in all)


Admission: The George Washington University,Master of Accountancy(决定去)

Bentley College, Master of Science in Accounting

Waiting List: Boston College

Rejection: University of Southern California, Brandeis University, North Carolina

State University (Postpone One Year) , Michigan State University




进入正题说说我自己吧。我和GW还算是很有缘份的,去年10月份GW参加了在上海的World Graduation School Tour,一般来说GW是不参加此类活动的,但去年可能是受了邀请盛情难却,第一次来上海参加巡展。我本来就打算申请GW的会计专业,因为事先了解过GW会计系招收没有任何商科背景的学生,我给自己的定位也正好在50-100名的综合性大学,这样一来我就有了机会直接和GW的admission officer交流,询问录取和申请情况。

那天GW的展台是最热闹的,负责GW招生的一个美国人被围的水泄不通(由于GW是那天所有参展学校中最好的一个),我等了很久终于等到了机会发问,把事先准备的问题一骨碌都提了出来,如会计系对GMAT, TOEFL的要求,教学模式,学校整体师资,录取学生的平均年龄,甚至连DC的气候也提到了,虽然我提的这些问题在学校网站上都可以查到,但美国人都比较健谈,又引申出来很多话,介绍了他们学校的整体概况。



得知GW采取的是rolling admission system的模式,也就是说材料先到先审,过几个星期就给结果的。好好利用Rolling system是对于像我一样背景并不是很强,又是转专业来说的人非常关键的一步。在教育展之后的几天内我就将GW的申请材料全部准备妥当寄出,11月底我网申系统就显示了:your admission decision is available online, 点开的第一个单词就是大大CONGRATULATIONS! 当时的心情只能爽形容了!

Bentley College的admission在1月15号那天到来,当时也很兴奋,因为Bentley的会计是美国非常有名的,比GW好很多,可是后来考虑到Bentley不是综合性大学还是决定去了GW。按理来说Bentley的就业前景要比GW乐观,但我当初决定去美国读书的一个因素是想体验一下完整的大学生活,所谓“完整的”就是要人多,男女比例平衡,专业齐全,如果进了Bentley,我仍然是无法弥补本科在上外读的遗憾,所以就这样单纯地放弃了Bentley。

我申请的其他几所学校结果都不尽如人意。USC纯粹是用来碰运气的,申请人多而且竞争激烈,最终被拒了也是合情合理的。Brandeis今年申请的人太多了,我尽管赶上了第一轮但当时已经12月中旬了,人家早寄的人11月就寄完了材料,所以我最终被列为qualified, 但他们已经没有多的名额给我了。MSU这个学校比较奇怪,虽然综合排名不是很高,但它家的商学院非常好,MSA的要求也很高,而且偏向于招本国学生,被拒也可以理解。


Boston College在我望穿秋水时把我列入了Waiting List,不过一般WL就等于是默拒,再加上它家学费实在是天文数字,我就不对它家再有奢望了。



以上讲了我的申请过程和结果,接下来就总结一下个人申请的几点感触: 1.思路要开阔,信息渠道通畅多样










前面说的两种情况我都碰到过,有打击我的,也有把我捧得很高的,我都觉得不合常理,所以就决定自己申请,加上本身英语基础较好,也得到了一些国外的朋友的相助,所以我的申请之路总体还是走得比较平坦的。 3.随时与小秘保持联系


你也可以发信问小秘要钱,这时候你的邮件会被forward到系里面专门管钱的教授那里,他会衡量一下你的水平考虑要不要给钱。我也曾经试图给系里面发信要钱,可惜或许是背景不够强大,或许是今年系里面真的像回信中说的“没钱”,最终没有成功,但至少试过了也就没有什么遗憾了。 4.Impossible is nothing

我在前文提到了我们可以把偶然变成必然,因为美国研究生院从来就不会仅仅因为你的本科和硕士不是一个专业或不是相关专业而把你拒之门外,美国人看重的是你有没有能力读好这个专业,所以我们的任务就是在personal statement上面尽量详细地叙述你在这个专业上面的经历或是潜力。


IMPOSSILBE IS NOTHING!! 在申请的过程中等待等于煎熬,但是熬到拿到录取通知,然后签证官笑着对你说: “ You pass!”的时候,一切苦涩将成为过去,








第三个队伍:检查护照以后就是安检了,把所有的东西放在一个篮子里,还要把鞋子脱掉,有皮带的还要把皮带拿下来一起安检,安检过后就是进入签证区域。 接着在一个架子上同时拿EMS的快递单(第二天邮局用来寄签证的),填好单子后有工作人员帮忙把里面一张单子抽出来。

第四个队伍:填完快递单就排上了一号窗口的队伍,有两个在窗口负责检查资料,这个队伍排了很久……。主要就是检查护照和DS表。到了我的时候我把护照,签证收据,DS 156 157 158以及I20递给她,里面的工作人员(中国人)问我去美国干什么,我说读研究生,然后她就在156表上写了个F1, 就把我的材料都收走了,让我坐在旁边等。





那个时候签证窗口一共开了三个,两个年轻的男的,一个女的,年纪在50岁左右。终于到了我,保安招呼着我到了一个窗口,金发年轻帅哥~~~~ 我抱着我的一大堆资料微笑得走上前去。

下面是我和签证官的对话: Me: Good morning, sir.

VO: Good morning, how are you?

Me: Fine, thank you! Here’s my passport and DS forms. (递上刚才一个文件夹)

VO: OK. What you plan to go to the United States for?

Me: I’m gonna pursue my Mater’s Degree in the United States. VO: (一边狂翻DS表)Pardon?

Me: (我觉得我已经声音挺大了没想到他还是听不清楚)I’m gonna pursue my Mater’s Degree in the United States. (声音放大,开始有点紧张)

VO: OK. Which school you plan to go?

Me: I’m gonna attend George Washington University. VO: Which major?

Me: Master of accountancy.

VO: Do you have any invitation letter from this university?

Me: Yeah, I can show you my admission letter. (从一个文件袋里拿出录取通知书递上)Please have a look, thank you.

VO: (很认真地看了一下)What are you studying now? Me: I’m now studying English Language and Literature. VO: (又开始狂翻DS表,递出绿牌子)Ok, you’re all set! Wish you a nice trip to GW.

Me: (狂喜!!)Thank you very much sir! Have a nice day! VO: Thanks, you too. Bye!

盼了这么久的签证就这样结束了,我准备的其他材料(学校成绩单,语言成绩单,存款证明,父母工作收入,还有房产证等等)签证官都没有看……。所以验证了一句话:美国签证说难很难,说简单很简单。说它难,虽然现在学生签证形势一片大好,但每年都会有人被据。说简单,只问了几个问题就pass了,有些人甚至只和签证官打个招呼就过了。美国的签证哲学我也算是体验过了,确实非常耐人寻味。签证官没有看我的其他资料,是因为他相信了我,相信我是一个去美国读书的合格学生,从我抱着一大堆整齐的资料站在他面前的时候,他已经知道不需要多检查了,因为我一定是fully prepared,所以没有必要问了。


1. 去得要早


2. 穿着得体



3. 回答响亮




Personal Statement 1

I still remember my visit to an orphanage, where I was deeply impressed by those children’s enthusiasm for learning a foreign language. But lack of enough sources ruthlessly shuts the door not only to them but also to children in every poverty-stricken place in this world. However, in the age of modernization where English is a necessary tool, the life for those children without sufficient English skills may be even tougher. Upon the graduation, while many students are chasing for a promising business career, I choose to be a language teacher, hoping I could help more children learn a foreign language both as a tool and a way to understand a different culture.

Upon arrival at XXXX University, one of the top-tier universities in China, I had to face the challenge from studying. At the very start, I was way behind other students in academic performance. However, the learning ability and hard-working spirit enabled me a quick adaptation to the new environment. I’ve earned scholarship for five times, and now my GPA is among the top twenty. However, I didn’t do well in GRE’s AW exam, and it was because of lack of enough rest, since I attended a career competition where I was the representative of our university just the very day before the exam and it lasted very late. I studied the course of English writing for two semesters with the average scores of 90.5/100, and I hope this will help to fill the deficiency of my not very decent AW scores.

Courses in my undergraduate major broadened my knowledge. Among all the courses, I took especial interest in the Linguistics I learned in my senior year, from which I




formed a basic view of the language itself and people’s acquisition of it, moreover, it furthered my exploration of language learning from a theoretical aspect. I also chose German as my minor major and learn Japanese at my spare time. I like learning a foreign language, not only because that I’ll be able to apply the rules and knowledge from Linguistics to the learning, more importantly, because I can learn a different culture.

I once worked for the XXX Company, a Chinese-teaching institution, as the chief editor, from which the difference between English and Chinese language is perceived; Moreover, I have been a part-time English tutor since sophomore year, and my teaching skills are improved during my tutorial to different people and in different aspects. I teach adults as well as middle school students, and I teach spoken English as well as English Writing; I am also an active participator in different kinds of activities: I was a volunteer in XXX, where I was in charge of the media work in the Public Relation group, from which I developed my communication skills; I was also a volunteer in the XXX at Shanghai Station; I am a member of XXX Organization and a volunteer on the waiting list of the XXX Organization, from both of which I gradually came to understand how important one’s help was to those in need; I’m the heroine on the drama night, the hostess for intercollegiate debate, and an amateur violinist for more than ten years. All this experience makes my life more colorful.

When I’m graduated from graduate school, I want to work for the UNESCO as a teacher in poverty-stricken areas. I believe the TESOL program will help me fulfill my dream. I appreciate this program as it achieves an ideal blend of theoretical analysis and real-world applications. I like the Service Component, because I will train myself in different areas in this course and gain different experience. I also feel a better connection to the program because of its commitment to attracting a diverse student body. Therefore, I will be able to meet people from different places with different cultures, and learn from them. Learning a language largely is learning a culture, and the study environment of TESOL is very precious for me. I’m also interested in the Comparative and International Forum, since this forum provides access to my peers’ latest research and views.

I appreciate the opportunity for applying to the program greatly, and I hope, after completing my study, I will be a qualified teacher that brings lights and happiness to as many children as possible.

Personal Statement 2

Bungee is one of my favorite sports, because it has enlightened me about the truism of waiting and hoping. Every spectacular resilience will throw the participator into transports of delight, and the tenacity and perseverance exhibited in the most despair point will prove to be rewarding. I major in XXX. Upon the graduation, while many


students are chasing for a development in the related fields, I am determined to study economics, because I have a distinct ambition to be an associate of the finance department in one of the top investment banks.

My enthusiasm for this career was first from a conversation with a friend who works for XXX, sponsored by XXX. I was then amazed to find her a very energetic and capable staff. Later on I become more familiar with this field from different resources, and I finally realize that to be a financial associate is what I’ve been looking for. I appreciate the preciseness of the job and the chance to meet new challenges and new people everyday. Most importantly, the job demands constant learning and the ability for comprehensive analysis, which I lay my prior interest in.

I understand my career goal requires strong analytical skills and many years of working experience. To fulfill the requirement, I plan to start my career life as a financial analyst in a related company for at least two years, in order to gain more practice training and working experience. In my opinion, the size of the company is not a key factor in choosing my first job. After two or three years’ working, I plan to go back to school to study MBA. With several years’ working experience, I will be able to know what I need most in study, consequently, my study focus will be much easier to launch. After that, I plan to find a job as a financial analyst in a bigger firm, or, if possible, in one of those investment banks. The work demand and culture may differ a lot between the new job and the first one, and I need to adjust myself very quickly to the new one and keep abreast of the high speed. After five years of working as a financial analyst, I believe I will be qualified for the position of a financial associate and reach my career goal.

I choose this program after thorough consideration. After four-year’s exploration in undergraduate study, I come to realize what I really want and the field my ability really lies, and I feel a better connection to the program because it achieves an ideal blend of theoretical analysis and real-world applications. Moreover, I’m very interested in the Advanced Certificate Program in Finance, and the degree’s commitment to a diverse student body fairly meets the requirement of the globalization. It also attracts me as one of the only programs in the nation to have specialists from different areas, which broadens the students’ knowledge horizon and develops their ability as a whole.

I didn’t do well in the Quantitative Part of the GRE exam, because I filled my answers in a wrong order in the answer sheet, and when I found this, there wasn’t much time for me to correct all of them. I understand a good master of mathematics is essential in studying Economics, in order to be able to meet the study requirements of this program, I have began to study mathematics required for a finance major, and plan to equip myself with the necessary mathematics skills before starting this program.

Now I’m a bungee player expecting and striving for a brilliant bounce. I appreciate the opportunity for applying to the program greatly, and I believe the program is one


of the main forces to push me to the higher height, where I can reach my dream.

Recommendation Letter 1

Dear Sir or Madam,

As Miss XXX’s present teacher in Shanghai Finance University, I am writing with great pleasure to recommend her for acceptance into your graduate program of Accounting.

Miss XXX is a part-time student in our university for nearly 3 months from September 2007. I have known her as a down-to-earth and brilliant student in my class of cost & managerial accounting. Though there remained so much for her to learn to keep up with my fast teaching process due to her current academic background in liberal arts, she has demonstrated great determination and confidence to learn the course well from the very first class. As a result, she did make it. Not only has she taught herself the basic knowledge my course, but also she was responsive to almost each of the question I raised in class and gave impressive solutions as well. Also, she attaches much emphasis on team work, which is one of the most efficient ways of solving difficult problems. In the process of team discussion in class, she demonstrates leadership by organizing the students to do work within the shortest time as well.

I assume it is her solid foundation in math and well-structured ways of analytical thinking that boost her ability in the study of accounting. In one class test one day, the students were asked to answer 5 questions concerning analysis of expense of raw materials, which included the basic cost of production, subsidiary cost of production, manufacturing cost, managerial cost and exhaustion of machine and material between debit and credit. Miss X is the first to finish the test in the class with 100% accuracy. Great potential has shown in this student to choose accounting as her graduate major. As for her areas of growth, I suppose that she should be more mature to fit herself in the complicated business field. For example, she has much to learn in view of interpersonal relations and should further enhance her professional knowledge in accounting.

All in all, I believe that Miss X is completely eligible to pursue master’s degree in accounting and become an excellent accountant in the near future. I recommend her most enthusiastically and I dearly hope you will consider her application favorably. If you need more information about her, please feel to contact me by email. Sincerely yours, XXX


Recommendation Letter 2

To Whom It May Concern,

As professor of College of English Language and Literature at Shanghai International Studies University, I am pleased to write this letter at the request of one of my favorite students, Miss XXX, as her academic advisor, to furnish my evaluation of her academic and social aptitude for your reference.

I have known Miss X as a resourceful and warm-hearted individual for more than 3 years since her enrollment in this college. I taught her English intensive reading and now I am the advisor of her graduation thesis. I have noticed that, no matter in or out of class, innovative ideas never failed to occur to this girl as best ways to simplify implicated issues including conflicts and heated discussions in terms of both study and daily life among students.

She is a student grasping every minute to absorb new knowledge. In order to realize her goal to be a professional accountant, in spite of her tight study schedule in English major, she has been squeezing as much time as possible to take extra courses in Shanghai Finance University as a part-time student. Such attitude toward study moved me a lot. Excellence has been demonstrated in her performance as English major as well. She has been doing research on a variety of topics and has been awarded the competitive scholarships each semester as well as many prizes on citywide and nationwide level.

By well striking the balance between study and other activities, Miss X also involved herself in the student community. Thanks to her sense of humor, pleasant personality and strong communication skills, she organized many memorable activities. Moreover, she boasts a wide range of interests, such as playing the accordion, writing Chinese calligraphy and being an actor in student’s shows.

I think she is supposed to be more mature and sophisticated after being admitted to graduate school. Also, as non-English native speaker, she should make far more efforts in both her oral and written English. But I am fully convinced her potential to reach her goals.

Therefore, I strongly recommend this promising young student without reservation to your graduate program. I sincerely hope you can consider her application in a favorable light. Sincerely yours, XXX


Recommendation Letter 3

Dear Sir or Madam,

As general manager of Shanghai XXX Enterprise Co. Ltd and Miss X’s former employer, I am writing with great pleasure to recommend her for acceptance into your graduate program of accounting.

I have known Miss X as a reliable, down-to-earth and goal-oriented individual since she joined us at XXX as an intern in July 2007. She was acting as an assistant auditor, mainly responsible for providing the assistance in the field of profit and loss items auditing, such as turnover, cost of sales and some expenses. As a new member, she worked very hard and was eager to learn from others. Trained by her director, she quickly learned some technical skills, such as sampling, tracing and verification and successfully helped to relieve the heavy burden of our staff during the peak selling season.

Aside from doing jobs in terms of auditing, Miss X once grasped the initiative to be an interpreter in our business negotiations while I was seeking for some interpreter from a translation company as we have established trade relations with many overseas companies. She told me that the combination of language and accounting was the career direction she was going to purse and such opportunity really meant to her. I had some reservations about her abilities at the beginning, but her confidence and satisfactory work performance and attitude convinced me. It turned out that her strong language ability and perfect cooperation with our staff won the credit from our foreign partners. With the involvement of Miss X and the higher moral of the whole company, our export volume increased by 11.5% compared with the same period last year.

Miss X always accomplished her assigned tasks on time with great care and accuracy. Moreover, her arrival provided our staff with great fun and happiness by her humorous and pleasant nature. I fully believe that her excellent work performance, her commitment and attitude towards work, and the way she gets along with others will ensure that she will become a wonderful participant in your graduate program. As for her areas of growth, I think she shall be more mature with interpersonal relations and seek as many ways as possible to enrich her knowledge of accounting and business. Also, she shall excel more potential of her leadership.

In the end, I recommend Miss X most enthusiastically. Your favorable consideration of her admission will be highly appreciated. Sincerely, XXX


