Review of Gullivers Travel

更新时间:2024-03-07 18:16:01 阅读量: 综合文库 文档下载


Review of Gulliver's Travel

Gulliver’s Travel tells a story of Captain Gulliver’s unique experience. Gulliver has a strong desire of traveling around the world since he grew up. However, when he became a captain, he travels not between different countries but between strange places we never imagine.

The first voyage is to Lilliput where people are extremely small, so Gulliver is a giant to Lilliputians. Lilliputians seem friendly but actually they are very ridiculous and stupid, the king even wanted to kill Gulliver because he made water to put out a fire to save the queen’s life.

The second voyage is to Brobdingnag which is absolutely different from Lilliput. Gulliver is like a Lilliputian in Europe and he began to understand how a very small creature feels before a giant. Luckily, his master is very kind to him. But the king laughed at his country, which is famous for its beautiful places, its brave and honest people and criticized its inhuman, cruel ideas about murdering people.

The third voyage is to Laputa. Laputans are strange-looking and their main interests are music and mathematics. They pay little attention to others, so it’s very difficult to talk with them. Gulliver also went to the Glubdugdribb and Luggnagg nearby. In a visit to Glubdugdribb, Gulliver was able to call ghosts to answer his questions. In Luggnagg, he learnt something about Stuldbrugs, who are miserable for their long lives with poor heath.

The last voyage is to the country of Houyhnhnms, which is controlled by horses. Gulliver felt happy with these sensible, gentle creatures, which never lied or stole, in a country which had no disease, no crime, and no wars. But at last, he had to leave.

On returning to England, Gulliver felt disappointed with other humans, including his children and wife. He found himself is so stupid to think that he could bring reason and truth into their lives and thoughts. So he told others to keep away from him.

The most unforgettable part in this novel is when Gulliver was in Lilliput. And this is also my favorite part. Gulliver was a man like a mountain, he have to ate sixty cattle, forty sheep and a large amount of bread and milk, he had six hundred servants, including three hundred cooks. Then country for Gulliver was just like a garden, the roads were just like garden paths. Sometimes he would lie down and let six of Lilliputians dance on his hand and let them play hide-and-seek in his hair. Swift’s description was really vivid and vigorous. It sounds really excited. Maybe it’s a pretty special feeling.

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The role I like most is the king of Brobdingnag. In his country, everything and everybody are very big and Gulliver is a Dwarf among others. But the king doesn’t look down on him. Instead, he talks with Gulliver about politics and the stories of England. He is impartial to others, likes peace and administers a country well. I think he is an ideal king at that time.

After I have read this book,I admire for Gulliver's wisdom, courage and spirit taking risks very much. He was a man different from the rest. As soon as he saw the sea, he could not keep his impetuous of adventure. As a doctor,he often took the traveling ship to everywhere.

This is the spirit being bold in making innovations. By the Gulliver's Travels, the writer not only satirized the United Kingdom system at that time,but also made a hero who likes taking risks. We should learn the spirit being bold in making innovations, don’t afraid of difficulty and danger, just like Gulliver.

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