GRE 02-08大陆考题

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1. Although she gives badly ____ titles to her musical compositions, they ____ unusual

combinations of materials including Gregorian chant, Asian scale patterns and rhythms, electronic sounds, and bird songs.

A. exotic… belie B. eccentric…deploy C. traditional…exclude D. imaginative…disguise E. conventional… incorporate

2. Even though the folktales Partout collected and retold were not solely French in origin, his versions of then were so decidedly French in style that later anthologizes of French folktales have never ____ them.

A. excluded B. admired C. collected D. promoted E. comprehended

3. In arguing against assertions that environmental catastrophe is imminent, her book does not ridicule all predictions of doom but rather claims that the risks of harm have in many cases been ____.

A. exaggerated B. ignored C. scrutinized D. derided E. increased

4. There seems to be no ____ the reading public’s thirst for books about the 1960’s: indeed, the normal level of interest has ____ recently because of aspiration of popular television documentaries.

A. quenching… moderated B. whetting… mushroomed C. curtailing… waned D. ignoring… transformed E. slaking… increased

5. Despite a tendency to be overtly ____, the poetry of the Middle Ages often sparks the imagination and provides lively entertainment, as well as pious sentiments. A. diverting B. emotional C. didactic D. romantic E. whimsical

6. One of the first ____ of reduced burning in Amazon rain forests was the chestnut industry: smoke tends to drive out the insects that, by pollinating chestnut tree, allow chestnuts to develop. A. reformers B. discoveries C. casualties D. critics E. beneficiaries

7. The research committee urged the archaeologist to ____ her claim that the tomb she has

discovered was that of Alexander the Great since her initial report has been based only on ____. A. disseminate… supposition B. withdraw… evidence C. undercut… caprice D. document… conjecture E. downplay… facts


1. The scientist found it puzzling that his theory encountered ______ despite widespread agreement that it was _______

A. respect … crucial B. dismissal…simplistic C. skepticism…unfathomable D. opposition…indisputable E. acceptance…comprehensive

2. The rate at which soil can absorb water ______ with continuous wetting, so the longer a ______ lasts, or the greater the rate of precipitation, the higher the percentage of water that will flow across the ground as runoff and enter stream channels.

A. rises… deluge B. diminishes… drought C. increases… shower D. decreases… rainstorm E. stabilizes…thaw

3. The ideas expressed in the art historian’s book are more_____ than one would expect on the basis of her rather _____ treatment of her subject in the opening pages.

A. compelling… intriguing B. accessible… recondite C. hidebound… reactionary D. insightful… innovative E. dispassionate… evenhanded

4. The meeting on environmental issues produced ____ discussion but no commitment on a plan of action: the many uncertainties surrounding global climatic change and the huge cost of efforts to limit it made the policymakers ____.

A. little… voluble B. heated… contentious C. cordial… quarrelsome D. frustrating… affable E. interminable… businesslike

5.Art that endures often makes an initially disturbing impact: the profound experience that such art seeks to provoke necessarily engenders a certain____.

A. familiarity B. ennui C. upheaval D. intimacy E. tranquility

6. The history of film reflects the ____ inherent in the medium itself: film combines still

photographs to represent continuous motion and, while seeming to present life itself, can also offer impossible and dreamlike unrealities.

A. trivialities B. biases C. constraints D. paradoxes E. liabilities

7. The ____ with which the politician peppers her speeches are so memorable that many people think of her as being far more ____ than she in fact is.

A. superlatives… egalitarian B. pejoratives…optimistic C. examples… soporific D. diatribes… censorious E. malapropisms… straightforward

解析:1、根据主干大法,本题的线索主词是she、titles和they、combinations,显然这里they只能是指代her musical compositions (看作titles的同义重复),也就是说句子的转折围绕titles展开。转折前对于titles的评价由第一空决定,转折后titles(they)的评价由unusual combinations决定(这取决于第二空的动词是正评价还是负评价),如果第二空是正评价词,表明titles与unusual combinations一致,那么转折前就应该相反,所以第一空填unusual combinations的反义表达;如果第二空是负评价词,表明titles与unusual combinations相反,所以第一空填unusual combinations的同义表达。第一空只有CE是清楚的unusual combinations反义表达,候选。第二空选项单词正负评价正好相反(这是ETS惯用思路,2空题先变成2选1,再取舍就容易多了),根据前面分析只能选正评价的词汇,所以答案是E。


2、太简单了!显然空格后面的them指代前面的his versions,由so 。。。 that结构知道是同义重复,所以that前是his versions与French一致,那么后面也必然是这样,空格前出现负评价词never,所以空格处必须填负评价词。只有唯一的A是负评价词。


3、主干是清晰的not。。。but结构,但是我们不能确定all predictions of doom与the risks of harm是否同义重复,所以需要参考伴随状态的In arguing against assertions that environmental catastrophe is imminent,而在这里我们清晰地发现了the risks of harm的同义重复

environmental catastrophe。伴随状态一定与主句一致,意思是对environmental catastrophe is imminent进行arguing against驳斥,所以空格中的词汇既然是claims指出的就应该与驳斥的相反,所以应该体现出not imminent。只有A。


4、第一空无法轻松判断,第二空是现在完成时并且出现了recently(重要的时间对比特征词,最近发生的动作一定是与以前相反),前面无论是否出现about the 1960’s也应该知道一般现在时There seems to be表示一般惯常状态,现在完成时+ recently表示最近发生的动作,是对过去或者一般状态的改变,所以“no+第一空”应该与第二空相反(题感好的同学应该能够马上觉察到the reading public’s thirst与the normal level of interest是同义重复,尤其是thirst 与interest很明显),以前thirst没有什么和现在interest有什么,正好与时间相反一致,两空填同义词即可,只有C。注意moderate不表示quenching熄灭。



5、简单的转折题。空格由sparks the imagination and provides lively entertainment取反决定,要想不幻想不生动不娱乐,只有C(didactic说教的)啦。





7、第一空填正还是负评价的动词要依据since后面的内容。that the tomb she has discovered was that of Alexander the Great是声明的具体内容,不需要读。initial report决定了最初的东西肯定是不完善的有问题的(这在学术英语中几乎是必然),而且有only帮助推断,所以第二空一定是负评价词ACE。最初的是不好的,后来的就应该是好的啦,不过这里没有时间对比因素,因为主句是过去时(urged)。所以这里her claim一定是her initial report的同义重复,所以要对它进行负评价,只有C啦。





2、无论是基本阅读还是技巧都能轻松做对。按阅读解:伴随持续潮湿的状态,土壤吸水的比率当然下降,第一空BD,so表示因果同义重复,什么越持续,水分越高,BD正好相反,当然是D啦。按技巧解:单独的or表示并列同义重复,所以第二空等于precipitation,只有ACE,再看第一空, AC与D正好相反,看不看懂都马上选出D。


3、句子主干是简单的AB两者比较,A比B更如何?AB相反,所以第一空由A决定,第二空是B的特征,所以两空相反,只有B。注意这里rather是副词。 参考译文:这个史学家的书中观点比(读者依据)书中开篇她对于主题的相当深奥的表述(所预期的)要容易理解得多。

4、单词比较难!but后面是no commitment,“没有约定”是负评价,前面就应该是正评价,第一空填正评价词BCD,冒号后面是解释。根据主干大法简化为uncertainties made the policymakers空格。不确定性使得决策者怎么样?当然是不确定啦BC。在许多字典上contentious与quarrelsome是同义词。注意:Contentious强调的是有不同意见,重点是“争”,而quarrelsome强调的是不同意见导致的争吵,重点是“吵”。此题没说到吵,所以答案是B。

参考ETS对本题的解释:The word “quarrelsome” is improper here for describing the controversial views harbored by different persons but emphasizes the shadow of anger and aggression gratuitous in this sentence.


5、此题还是单词太难。根据技巧主干简化为:Art 产生disturbing impact,后面experience产生空格,而experience由艺术引起,可以视为art的同义重复,所以冒号前后完全一致,空格中选出disturbing impact 的同义词BC。注意:disturbing让人烦恼,而ennui指的是无聊,不让人开心但是也不让人烦恼,而重点显然是impact,能够表示一种负评价的行为结果的只有C。


6、冒号是解释重复,后面整句话解释空格。单独的and表明空格要么满足2者之一即可,但是没有单词能表现出combines,但是D却很好地表现了while seeming to present life itself, can also offer impossible and dreamlike unrealities。



一定同义。只有D。注意A more ____ than B表示AB相反,空格由A决定,也可以由B取非决定。本题中B是she in fact is,信息不够,所以只好由so memorable that结构从前面找,从而快速判断出答案。

参考译文:这个政客用漫骂使得她的演说生动,这是如此的让人印象深刻以至于许多人认为她的吹毛求疵(批判的)特点远胜实际。 KEY:EAACC EC || DDBBC DD 8. STOMACH: DIGESTION

A. heart : pulsation B. eye : recognition C. muscle : exertion D. skin : irritation E. lung : respiration 9. DEHYDRATE : WATER

A. melt : liquid B. wither : vitalityC. anchor : stability D. emote : enthusiasm E. shrivel : winkle 10. RAVENOUS: HUNGRY

A. congenial : friendly B. mean : wild C. obsessed : absorbed D. inept : clumsy E. sated : savory 11. ELEGY : LAMENT

A. epic : idolize B. comely : pleaseC. parody : ridicule D. sonnet : court E. tragedy : pity 12. ANECDOTE : NARRATIVE

A. acronym : letter B. summary : excerpt C. simile : comparison D. metaphor : fantasy E. pseudonym : signature 13. TRUNATE : LENGTH

A. separate : substance B. ventilate : circulation C. vaccinate : immunity D. transfer : location E. cool : temperature 14. GENERATION: INDIVIDUAL

A. conference : speaker B. shift : laborer C. city : official D. tree : limb E. river : stream 15. RERERTOIRE : PERFORMANCE

A. agenda : meeting B. catalog : library C. manifest : cargo D. invoice : receiptE. inventory : sale 16. BLANDISHMENT : COAX

A. equivocation : dispute B. assessment : infer C. augmentation : complicate D. persuasion : coerce E. explanation : enlighten 28. DISAVOW

A. instigate B. acknowledge C. envision D. ameliorate E. inculcate 29. FLOURISH

A. lose out B. catch upC. turn off D. waste away E. slow down 30. HYPERBOLE

A. misdemeanor B. understatement C. imprecation D. concession E. obstinacy 31. RIVETING

A. appetizing B. enriching C. wearisome D. wastefulE. harmful 32. DAMN

A. undoB. entreat C. mollify D. motivateE. extol 33. REPROACH

A. sustain B. advanceC. acclaim D. manipulate E. embellish 34. MYOPIA

A. maturity B. prescience C. prompt response D. good fortune E. final event 35. NICE

A. restrained B. colorlessC. obscure D. imprecise E. balanced 36. LASSITUDE

A. pride B. breadth C. vim D. pomp E. valor 37. PUSILLANIMOUS

A. successful B. sociable C. adept D. stouthearted E. trustworthy 38. ABASE

A. aggrandize B. limit C. defy D. purify E. destabilize

Section 3


A. solvent : preserve B. emollient : soften C. tonic : inoculate D. antidote: poison E. palliative: sensitize 9. DOSE : MEDICINE ::

A. beverage : drink B. medal : award C. tremor : earthquake D. ration : food E. temp: music 10. DITCH : CANYON ::

A. landslide : erosionB. boulder : granite C. weed : vegetation D. burrow : cavern E. moon : planet 11. AVERSION : DISINCLINATION ::

A. assurance : doubt B. adulation : admiration C. evaluation : preference D. denunciation : avowal E. slander : insincerity 12. AIRTIGHT : LEAK ::

A. sporadic : continuity B. incorporeal : importance C. ancient : relevance D. arcane : solutionE. invalid : certainty 13. SPURN : CONTEMPT ::

A. condone : mercy B. apologize : regret C. vacillate : impression D. balk : obstruction E. endorse : familiarity 14. TEACHER : CLASSROOM ::

A. bather : beachB. resident : neighborhood C. traveler : station D. child : playground E. chef : kitchen 15. RESCISSION : LEGISLATION ::

A. authorization : retrenchment B. recantation : testimony C. attainment : goal D. cessation : process E. acquittal : innocence 16. POLULATION : MORTALITY

A. electorate : abstention B. workforce : attrition C. traffic : gridlock D. membership : absenteeism E. taxation : expenditure 28. DISSIPATE

A. pile up B. sort out C. illuminate D. hasten E. include 29. TRANSIENT

A. distant B. helpful C. actual D. violet E. everlasting 30. EXTRANEOUS

A. indeterminate B. modified C. accurate D. concealed E. essential 31. SEEMLY

A. banal B. deceitful C. indecorous D. eclectic E. ineffectual 32. VIRULENT

A. intermittent B. courteous C. defeated D. confident E. salubrious 33. TORRID

A. gloomy B. inert C. icy D. opaque E. smooth 34. FORMIDABLE

A. enticing B. invigorating C. ambivalent D. affectionate E. negligent 35. DISCURSIVE

A. polite B. succinct C. florid D. candid E. impassioned 36. EXECRATION

A. misrepresentation B. engrossment C. requisition D. approbation E. allegiance 37. VICISSITUDINOUS

A. charitable B. immutable C. imitative D. extrinsicE. endearing 38. TENDENTIOUS

A. uncommon B. uncooperative C. unpretentious D. unimportant E. unbiased



A. tendentious : bias B. convivial : congenialityC. timorous : fear D. magnanimous : generosity E. gluttonous : restraint 2. TAIL : APPENDAGE

A. rib : skeleton B. iris : cornea C. knuckle: finger D. molar : tooth E. lobe : ear 3. HAVEN : DANGER

A nirvana : suffering B. sinecure: experience C sanctuary : immunity D limbo : uncertaintyE arcadia : quiet


A seminary : theologian B jurisprudence : criminal C pedagogy : student D medicine : doctor E conservatory : musician 5. NOURISH : FOOD

A. warn : safety B. dehydrate : water C. waft : air D. circulate : blood E. finance : money 6. HASTE : PLODDER

A. deception : dupe B. courtesy : boorC. disillusionment : malcontent D. forbearance : suspect E. reluctance : skeptic 7. VINDICATE: BLAME

A. disabuse : misapprehension B. decry: aspersion C. acquiesce : regret D. expose : malfeasance E. investigate : suspicion 8. OBSTACLE : IMPEDE

A. prediction : convince B. blandishment : cajole C. embellishment : praise D. deficiency : compensate E. compliment : exaggerate 9. MARVEL : QUOTIDIAN

A. deny : malicious B. exploit : utilitarian C. defuse : controversial D. revere : ancient E. recoil : delightful 10. INCAPACITY

A. peculiarity B. ability C. scarcity D. distinction E. quietness 11. FEROCIOUS

A. reliable B. clear C. sane D. wise E. mild 12. AFFIX

A. select carefully B. make visible C. detachD. infect E. dilute 13. ASYMMETRY

A. equilibrium B. colorfulness C. abundance D. rigorous logic E. lack of information 14. DELEGETE

A. pursue assiduously B. assume responsibility C. withdraw consent D. display partiality E. ensure compliance 15. EVASIVE

A. downcast B. inventive C. foolish D. frankE. disciplined 16. SACRILEGE

A. pious action B. resounding defeat C. favorable sign D. sensible choice E. expected event 17. HIERARCHIC

A. contemporary B. anachronistic C. subversive D. nuanced E. egalitarian 18. FRENETIC

A. unhurried B. convivial C. unyielding D. prolific E. pristine 19. OBSOLESCENCE

A. maturity B. pithiness C. incorruptibility D. currency E. worldliness 20. UNASSAILABLE

A. doubtful B. contemptuous C. swift D. temporary E. novel 21. BANANA : PEAL

A. flour : sift B. potato : mash C. tomato : slice D. carrot : dice E. peanut : shell 22. REFRIGERATOR : PERISHABLES

A. incinerator: debris B. kiln : pottery C. generator : electricity D. fireplace : wood E. safe : money


A. circuitous : forthrightness B. fundamental : indispensability C. arrochial : focus D. ignorant : candor E. feasible : expedience 24. WIRETAP : SURVEILLANCE

A. unmask : distortionB. browbeat : intimidation C. embezzle : enticement D. punish : exculpation. upbraid : resentment 25. SCRUPULOUS : INTEGRITY

A. affectionate : sentimentality B. adventurous : strength C. perceptive : insight D. cautious : timidity E. creative : genius 26. REVISIONIST : CHALLENGE

A. skeptic : espouse B. conservative : uphold C. obstructionist : renege D. dissident : corrupt E. advocate : compromise 27. AFFABLE : EASE

A. diplomatic : tact B. intrepid : fear C. sanctimonious : respect D. intransigent : resiliency E. punctilious : anxiety 28. REPROACHFUL : DISAPPROVAL

A. diffident : confidence B. modest : servilityC. august : vanity D. solicitous : indifferenceE. plaintive : sorrow 29. RIGMAROLE

A .possibility B. inflation C. devious action D. beautiful music E.. straightforward talk


A. unethical B. untempered C. irregular D. inexperienced E. iniquitous 31. INSTINCTIVE

A. narrow B. exaggerated C. visible D. deliberate E. fierce 32. IMPLICIT

A. unadulterated B. overt C. abstractD. unequivocal E. germane 33. UBIQUITY

A probity B. propinquity C. inequity D. disparity E. rarity 34. FATHOM

A. conclude B. irritate C. focus D. refuse to pardon E. find impenetrable 35. MARGINAL

A. problematic B. proximate C. pivotal D. complete E. immutable 36. OBVIATE

A. yieldB. disentangle C. unite D. hide from view E. make necessary 37. UNAVAILING

A. abundant B. significant C. useful D. profligateE. concrete 38. CACHET

A. sigh of consent B. mark of disapprobation C. gesture of deference D. declaration of loyalty E. aura of invincibility




8.CONSTRICT : DIAMETER (A) circumvent : space (B) rotate : size (C) plumb : depth (D) elevate : height (E) truncate : length 9.MAR : FLAWLESS (A) burnish : dull (B) clean : pristine (C) explain : difficult (D) appraise : valuable (E) sell : profitable

10. BUCKET : VESSEL (A) window : glass (B) ladle : tureen (C) car : train (D) room : house (E) dagger : weapon

11.THICK-SKINNED : CRITICISM (A) optimistic : disappointment (B) combative : provocation (C) benevolent : praise (D) supercilious : disdain (E) timorous : anxiety

12.PLUSH : AUSTERITY (A) tidy : disarray (B) showy : pageantry (C) tacit : silence (D) meek : restraint (E) inviolate : sanctity

13.LAXITY : DRACONIAN (A) disapprobation : judgmental (B) success : amiable (C) ambition : diligent (D) slovenry : finical 14.HOBBLE : HALTING (A) amble : awkward (B) saunter : hesitant (C) slink : furtive (D) traipse : energetic (E) trudge : stiff

15.ARTLESS : GUILE (A) fearless : courage (B) heartless : animosity (C) hopeless : gloom

(D) thoughtless : solicitude (E) faultless : perfection 16.OSTENTATION : PRETENTIOUS

(A) indolence : ruminative (B) mendacity : discreet (C) obduracy : tractable

(D) reprobation : conscientious (E) credulity : gullible 28.BACKFIRE (A) move rapidly (B) act friendly

(C) occur without warning (D) produce an expected result (E) increase in unlimited fashion

29.DEFIANCE (A) submission (B) suitability (C) precision

(D) lack of continuity (E) inability to pay 30.FABULOUS (A) mundane (B) ironic (C) somber (D) novel (E) terse

31.UNDERHANDED (A) popular (B) spiritual

(C) magnanimous (D) forthright (E) sprightly 32.TRIFLE

(A) cooperative effort (B) important matter (C) unexpected event

(D) liability (E) compliment 33.NOTORIOUS


8、压缩:直径(动宾关系) A 围绕:空间 B 旋转:大小 C 测量:深度 D 提升:高度 E 截短:长度


9、损害,使有缺陷:无瑕的(反面特征) A 抛光:迟钝的,阴暗的 B 使干净、清扫:干净的、质朴的 C 解释:困难

D 评价:有价值的 E 卖:有利可图的

使有缺陷后不会无瑕=抛光后不会阴暗。 10、桶:容器(种属关系) A 窗户:玻璃


(A) risky

(B) unexceptional (C) particular (D) regimented (E) personable

34.PERNICIOUS (A) benign (B) glamorous (C) frivolous (D) elementary (E) prominent 35.FICTITIOUS (A) measurable (B) authentic (C) unwarranted (D) believable (E) palpable 36.DENIAL (A) indictment (B) pronouncement (C) judgment (D) precept (E) avowal

37.DEBAUCHERY (A) asceticism (B) sophistication (C) unctuousness (D) punctilious (E) reclusiveness 38.WINNING (A) repellent (B) arcane (C) fatalistic (D) labyrinthine (E) elusive

C 汽车:火车 D 房间:房子

E 匕首、短剑:武器

桶是容器的一种=匕首是武器的一种。 11、厚颜无耻的:批评(反面特征) A 乐观的:失望、挫折 B 好斗的:激怒、挑衅 C 慈善的:赞扬 D 傲慢的:蔑视 E 胆小的:焦虑

此题较难!因为看题干后第一感觉应该是:厚颜无耻的人不接受批评。而选项中无法马上找到这样的逻辑关系。所以这个时候要用到“大正大反”技巧!显然题干属于“大反”,故而优先在选项中找最确定的反义词,从而将A挑出。关系解释为:厚颜无耻的人不受“批评”影响=乐观的人不受“挫折”影响。thick-skinned:impervious to



A 整洁的、整齐的:混乱

B 浮华的、炫耀的:壮观、华丽(正面) C 沉默寡言的:沉默(正面) D 温顺的:抑制

E 未受侵犯的、无污点的:圣洁(正面) 此题即使题干PLUSH不认识也能将答案挑出来。选项中出现了A是确定的反面,B、C、E都是正面,只要认识2个就可以依据两正考反选出A来。


A 不赞成:审判的B 成功:和蔼可亲的 C 野心:勤勉的

D 懒散、不修边幅:过分讲究、过分注意 此题在题干有点晕的时候扫描选项。可以清晰地发现A、B、C都是无关选项,在E不清楚地情况下只好选择D(大反)。 14、蹒跚:蹒跚的(正面特征) A 散步:笨拙的 B 闲逛:犹豫的

C 潜逃:偷偷摸摸的 D 游荡:精力充沛的 E 跋涉:硬的


15、朴实的:狡诈(反面特征) A 勇敢的:勇气

B 残忍的、无勇气的:仇恨 C 绝望的:忧郁

D 粗心的、不考虑他人的:关怀、热心 E 无瑕疵的:完美


16、夸耀:自命不凡的(正面特征) A 懒惰:沉思的

B 撒谎:小心谨慎的 C 顽固:易驾驭的 D 斥责:尽责的 E 轻信:易受骗的 此题完全是考词汇功底。都是老词,不难。C是反面特征,陪考。 28、产生意外的结果 A 迅速地移动 B 友好地表现

C 没有警告地发生 D 产生预期的结果 E 无限制地增长 29、反抗、蔑视 A 顺从 B 合适

C 精确

D 缺乏连续性 E 无力支付

30、寓言般的、神话的、难以置信的 A 平凡的、世俗的 B 讽刺的

C 昏暗的、忧郁的

D 新的、异常的 E 简洁的 31、秘密的、暗中的

A 流行的 B 精神上的

C 宽宏大量的D 直接的 E 轻快的 参考M-W同义词反义词字典:

underhanded:devious, duplicitous, guileful, indirect, shifty, sneaking, sneaky。 32、琐事

A 合作的结果 B 重要的事件 C 意外的事件

D 责任、义务、债务 E 恭维


A 危险的 B 普通的 C 特殊的 D成群的 E个性或外表宜人的

褒贬反义。E是直接褒贬反义,B可以理解成间接反义。 34、有害的

A 仁慈的、有益健康的 B 迷人的 C 轻佻的 D 基本的 E 卓越的 35、编造的、小说中的 A 可测量的 B 真实的 C 无根据的 D 可信的 E 可触知的、明显的 36、否认

A 控告 B 声明 C 判断 D 规则

E 承认、宣称 37、放荡

A 禁欲、苦行 B 诡辩 C 油滑 D 一丝不苟 E 隐居

38、胜利的、动人的 A 令人厌恶的、排斥的 B 神秘的 C 宿命论的

D 迷宫似的、曲折的 E 难以懂得的

参考:winning: tending to please or delight,repellent:arousing aversion or disgust


8.APOTHECARY : MEDICINE (A) librarian : book (B) farmer : tractor (C) judge : law (D) electrician : wire (E) butcher : meat

9.ALLAY : INTENSITY (A) deface : appearance (B) navigate : distance (C) integrate : consistency (D) discredit : believability (E) insulate : detachment 10.TOWER : EDIFICE (A) rampart : barrier (B) storage : container (C) home : furniture (D) fabric : clothing (E) asphalt : highway 11.ACTOR : PLAYBILL (A) page : novel

(B) traveler : guidebook (C) word : sentence (D) ingredient : recipe (E) photograph : album 12.VITUPERATIVE : REVILE (A) palliative : mollify (B) corrosive : restore (C) elusive : search (D) incisive : sharpen 13.NUGATORY : SIGNIFICANCE (A) sublime : worthless (B) entrenched : precedent (C) quotidian : regularity (D) deceptive : plausibility (E) ethereal : substance 14. ENERVATE : STRENGTH (A) aggrandize : importance (B) exalt : admiration (C) blazon : reputation (D) repeat : redundancy (E) dispirit : morale

15.SCOLD : DISPLEASURE (A) instruct : mastery

(B) commiserate : sympathy (C) agitate : calm

(D) renounce : consternation (E) challenge : parity

16.RELIABILITY : TRUST (A) mendacity : disbelief (B) compassion : pity (C) impartiality : bias (D) sagacity : wisdom

(E) inquisitiveness : curiosity SECTION 3解析

8、药剂师:药(人及加工出售产品)A 图书管理员:书


(A) acquire (B) diminish (C) hinder (D) count (E) render unconsciousness 29.DEBONAIR

(A) charitable (B) uncouth (C) pragmatic (D) punctilious (E) deferential 30.BAFFLE

(A) fail to distinguish (B) betray emotion (C) act decisively

(D) agree (E) enlighten 31.WARY

(A) unsuspecting (B) unpleasant (C) disappointing (D) deceitful (E) engrossing 32.DAMPEN

(A) proceed (B) reinstate (C) enliven (D) unnerve (E) alleviate 33.WEATHER

(A) deliberately ignore (B) stealthily approach (C) attempt to weaken (D) fail to withstand (E) strive to understand 34.RHETORIC

(A) grateful acknowledgement (B) necessity (C) assistance (D) focus (E) sincere language 35.CEDE

(A) manage skillfully (B) refuse to yield

(C) officiate (D) agglomerate (E) neglect 36.CAREEN

(A) rejoice (B) initiate (C) remain silently (D) move steadily (E) treat harshly 37.LAMENT (A) conundrum (B) paean (C) prophecy (D) dialogue (E) affront 38.WILY

(A) expressive (B) mournful (C) tractable (D) ingenuous (E) credibleB 农民:拖拉机 C 法官:法律

D 电工:电线 E 屠夫:肉

药剂师调配并出售药品=屠夫处理并出售肉 9、减轻:剧烈、强度(动宾关系) A 丑化:外观 B 航行:距离

C 结合:浓度、密度 D 怀疑、使丢脸:相信 E 隔离:分离


10、塔、城堡:大建筑(种属关系) A 壁垒、城墙:障碍物 B 储藏库:容器 C 家:家具

D 织物、布:衣服 E 沥青:公路



A 页:小说

B 旅行者:旅行指南 C 单词:句子

D 成分、配料:处方、食谱 E 照片:相册


有点象roster:personnel prescription:medicine都是在纸上写有条目。


A 减轻的:减轻、平息 B 腐蚀的:归还 C 难懂得:搜索

D 深刻的、尖锐的:尖锐 (社交层面的对应)

13、无价值的、无效的:重要(反面特征) A 卓越的、崇高的:无价值的 B 确立的:先例

C 平凡的、每日的:规律 D 欺骗性的:似乎有理 E 虚无的、非物质的:物质 14、削弱:力量(动宾关系) A 增大:价值、重要性 B 提升:钦佩

C 装饰:名誉、名声 D 重复:冗余 E 使沮丧:士气 动词的特征都是降低(使变小、少、弱……)

15、责骂:不高兴(动作表达内心感情) A 教:掌握 B 怜悯:同情 C 煽动:平静

D 宣布放弃、断绝关系:惊愕 E 挑战:相同、类似

16、可靠:信赖(因果关系) A 虚假:怀疑

B 同情:同情、遗憾 C 公正:偏见

D 睿智:智慧 E 好奇:好奇

因为可靠所以信赖=因为虚假所以怀疑。相信对怀疑,很工整地对应。 28、使苏醒、复活 A 获得 B 减少 C 阻碍 D 计算 E 致使意识丧失 29、温文尔雅的 A 仁慈的

B 笨拙的、粗俗的 C 实际的

D 谨小慎微的、一丝不苟的 E 恭敬的

30、阻碍、使困惑 A 未能区别 B 背叛感情 C 果断行动

D 同意 E 启蒙、教导 31、机警的、谨慎的 A 不怀疑的、信任的 B 讨厌的

C 令人失望的 D 欺诈的 E 引人入胜的

32、使潮湿、使沮丧 A 继续下去

B 恢复C 使活泼、使生动 D 使失去勇气、使失常 E 缓和、减轻

33、经受住、经受风吹雨打 A 故意忽略 B 偷偷靠近 C 尝试削弱

D 经受不住 E 努力理解 34、花言巧语 A 衷心的感谢

B 必要性、必需品 C 援助 D 焦点

E 真诚的语言 35、放弃、屈服 A 巧妙处理 B 拒绝屈服 C 行使职权

D 凝聚 E 忽略

36、倾斜、猛冲 A 喜悦

B 开始、发动 C 默默地坚持 D 稳定运动 E 苛刻地对待 37、悲伤、悼词 A 谜语 B 赞美歌 C 预言 D 对话

E 侮辱、冒犯

38、狡猾的、老谋深算的 A 表现的 B 悲哀的 C 易驾驭的

D 坦白的、直率的 E 可信的、可靠



1. filthiness: pristine 8. novice : experience

A. plenitude : sparse A. magnate : prestige B. proximity : adjacent B. martinet : authority C. asymmetry : chaotic C. dilettante : interest D. protraction : broad D. muse : inspiration E. celerity : fleet E. nonentity : consequence 2. aggravation : irritate 9. tribute : commend

A. indignation : justify A. joke : deliver B. determination : overcome B. hint : baffle C. indiscretion : miscalculate C. soliloquy : discuss D. culpability : reproach D. donation : indemnify E. perplexity : bewilder E. caveat : warn 3. replenish : dwindling 10. reciprocate

A. repair : broken A. avoid B. explain : confused B. resist C. prohibit : allowed C. violate an agreement D. repel : unwanted D. fail to repay E. disarm : aggressive E. decrease greatly 4. null : validity 11. marvel

A. vapid : insipidity A. feel apathetic B. transparent : clarity B. lose patience C. rambling : concision C. be ungrateful D. purposeful : intent D. act cowardly E. pointed : precision E. show favoritism 5. unscrupulous : integrity 12. observant

A. intractable : motivation A. obedient B. laconic : honesty B. blatant C. inhospitable : gratitude C. oblivious D. pretentious : vanity D. undemanding E. miserly : largesse E. uncharitable 6. applicable : pertinence 13. callousness

A. prosaic : foppery A. profligacy B. audacious : enmity B. adaptability C. tendentious : bias C. sensitivity D. irresistible : worthiness D. robustness E. transient : permanence E. blamelessness 7. rabble : control 14. employ

A. disease : diagnose A. leave idle B. enigma : explain B. deny access C. compromise : negotiate C. gather together D. mistake : rectify D. disregard E. testimony : verify E. dissolve

15. inconsiderable

A. tough B. rigid C. rude D. weighty E. solemn 16. erode

A. reorder B. deposit C. humidity D. disturb E. separate 17. grit

A. spinelessness B. congeniality C. naivety D. serenity E. conformity


21. instruction : mentor

A. opposition : adversary B. exculpation : criminal C. heroism : leader D. discord : mediator E. liberty : dictator 22. arable : cultivation

A. intangible : analysis

B. communicable : treatment C. edible : consumption D. variable : surveillance E. insuperable : conquest 23. glower : look

A. minimize : shorten B. snarl : speak C. attend : focus D. apologize : regret E. dominate : control 24. affluence : tycoon

A. anonymity : benefactor B. eminence : scholar C. felicity : hedonist

D. refinement : impresario E. supremacy : potentate 25. gaffe : proper

A. affectation : artificial B. triumph : enviable C. infraction : permissible D. bribe : corrupt E. custom : alterable 26. character : hieroglyph

A. agenda : memorandum B. definition : glossary C. letter : signature D. article : newspaper E. book : manual 27. resentful : umbrage

A. obdurate : ambivalence

18. fair-minded

A. eccentric B. hotheaded C. equivocal D. partisan E. authoritative 19. heavy-handed

A. lighthearted B. deft C. shrewd D. unfettered E. serendipitous 20. decadent

A. solitary

B. perspicacious C. wholesome D. jejune E. prominent

B. chagrined : conceit C. reluctant : rowdiness D. supercilious : hauteur E. obeisant : disrespect balm : soothing A. antibiotic : viral B. vapor : opaque C. nostrum : proven D. anesthetic : astringent E. placebo : innocuous deflate : air

A. subjugate : independence B. enervate : growth C. chastise : misbehavior D. demolish : renovations E. fill : outlines wilt

A. mutate B. multiply C. flourish D. entangle E. fertilize demotion A. conquest B. inspiration C. pollution D. elevation E. succession dismay A. unify

B. encourage C. continue D. contribute E. justify convene A. regret B. propose C. honor







D. dissolve E. delay 34. madcap

A. sophisticated B. unobtrusive C. agile D. fearful E. sober 35. stasis

A. anger B. fantasy C. affluence

D. state of imbalance

SECTION ONE解析:1、肮脏:纯洁的、干净的 A 充分、大量:稀少

B 接近:接近的(正面) C 不对称:混乱、无秩序的 D 延长:广阔的

E 敏捷:敏捷的(正面)

(反面特征。此题简单,词汇也不难。经典的两正考反) 2、恼怒:激怒

A 愤怒:证明……有道理 B 果断、决心:克服 C 不谨慎:误算

D 该罚、可责备:责备 E 迷惑:使迷惑

(动作及结果。激怒的结果是恼怒=使迷惑的结果是迷惑。都是心理层面的对应) 3、补充:减少的

A 修理、修复:打破的、损坏的

B 解释:混淆的 C 禁止:被允许的 D 抵制、使厌恶:讨厌的、多余的 E 解除武装、消除:侵略性的



E. absence of readiness 36. tortuous

A. inviolate B. immobile

C. uncomplicated D. disengaged E. unadorned 37. ostracize

A. appease B. flatter

C. give generously D. offer to help E. invite to join

A 乏味的:乏味(正面) B 透明的:透明(正面) C 散漫的:简洁 D 有目的的:目的(正面) E 敏锐的:精确

(反面特征。三正考反) 5、不道德的:正直、诚实 A 倔强的、难处理的:动机 B 简洁的:诚实 C 冷淡的:感激

D 自命不凡的:空虚 E 吝啬的:慷慨 (反面特征。注意不要选C,感激不是热情) 6、适用的、适当的:相关、适当 A 乏味的:纨绔习气 B 卤莽的:敌意 C 偏见的:偏见 D 不可抵抗的:价值 E 短暂的:永久的 (同义词)

7、乌合之众、暴民:控制、操纵 A 疾病:诊断 B 谜:解释 C 妥协:协商 D 错误:矫正 E 证词:证实

动宾关系。控制暴民=矫正错误。此题比较难!原因在于动词的个性特征对应得不明显。仔细通读后,动词的个性特征隐约有人支配改变事物的对应,即:控制暴民防止暴动=矫正错误防止异常。其余选项动词没有支配改变的个性特征。 8、新手:经验

A 大亨、巨头:威望

B 纪律严格的人:权威、权力 C 业余爱好者:兴趣 D 诗人:灵感

E 不重要的人:结果、重要性 (反面特征。

新手缺乏经验=不重要的人缺乏重要性) 9、贡品、颂词:颂扬、称赞 A 笑话:递送、发表 B 暗示:困惑、为难

C 独白:讨论 D 捐款:赔偿 E 警告、告诫:警告



A 避免 B 抵抗 C 违反一个协议 D 未报答 E 剧烈减少 11、感到惊奇 A 感到没有兴趣 B 失去耐心 C 不领情 D 胆怯地行动 E 表现偏爱

12、注意的、敏感的、遵守的 A 服从的 B 喧嚣的 C 健忘的、不注意的 D 容易的、不严格的 E 无情的、苛刻的 此题熟词僻义,较难。

参考:observant:paying strict attention;oblivious:lacking remembrance, memory, or mindful attention 13、无情

A 放荡 B 适应

C 感情、敏感 D 健壮 E 无可指责 参考:callousness:feeling no emotion;sensitivity:awareness of the needs and emotions of others。 14、雇佣、使用

SECTION TWO解析:21、指示、教育:导师

A 反对:对手 B 辩解:罪犯 C 英雄主义:领导 D 不和:调停人 E 自由:独裁者 (人及正面动作特征) 22、可耕种的:耕作

A 不可捉摸的、难定的:分析(反面) B 传染的、传达的:治疗 C 可食用的:消费、食用 D 易变:的、不稳定的:监督 E 难以克服的:征服(反面)

(正面特征。可耕种的可以耕作=可食用的可以食用。两反考正) 23、怒目而视:看 A 最小化:缩短

A 闲置 B 拒绝使用 C 聚集在一起 D 漠视、忽视 E 溶解、解散

此题比较难!AB都有一定的道理。: employ:to make use of (someone or something inactive);

access:freedom or ability to obtain or make use of。注意E dissolve是解散,不是解雇。


A 强硬的、坚韧的 B 坚硬的、僵直的

C 粗鲁的 D 重要的 E 庄严的 16、腐蚀

A 再购、重置 B 沉积 C 潮湿 D 扰乱 E 分离 17、勇气

A 无勇气的、软弱的 B 意气相投 C 天真

D 平静 E 一致、符合 18、公平的、公正的

A 古怪的 B 卤莽的、冲动的

C 模棱两可的 D 党派性的,有偏见的 E 权威的 19、笨拙的

A 心情愉快的 B 灵巧的 C 精明的 D 无拘无束的 E 偶然发现的

20、颓废的、衰弱的 A 孤独的 B 敏锐的

C (心理、生理)有益健康的、健康的 D 无兴趣的,不成熟的 E 突起的,杰出的

B 咆哮、怒骂:说 C 参加、照顾:聚焦

D 道歉:感到抱歉 E 支配:控制



A 匿名:捐助者 B 卓越:学者 C 幸福:享乐主义者

D 优雅:剧团经理、乐队指挥 E 地位最高:统治者、当权者



A 假装、做作:人造的、假的(正面)

B 胜利、成功:令人羡慕的 A 征服 B 灵感 C 违法、侵害:可允许的 C 玷污 D 升级 E 连续 D 贿赂:腐败的(正面) 32、使沮丧 E 风俗:可改变的 A 统一 B 鼓励 (反面特征。失态是不合适的=违法是不允C 连续 D 捐助 许的。两正考反) E 证明……合法、有效 26、字符:象形文字 33、召集 A 议程:备忘录 B 定义:术语表 A 后悔、抱歉 B 建议 C 字母:签名 D 文章:报纸 C 尊敬、使荣耀 D 解散 E 耽搁 E 书:手册 34、卤莽的 (种属关系。象形文字是一种字符=手册是A 世故的 B 不夸耀的(干扰) 一种书。hieroglyph :a character used in a C 敏捷的 system of hieroglyphic writing ;manual:a D 吓人的 book that is conveniently handled) E 清醒的、审慎的 27、怨恨的:怨恨 35、静止、停滞 A 顽固的:犹豫不决(反义词) A 愤怒 B 懊恼的、委屈的:自负 B 幻想 C 勉强的:粗暴 D 傲慢的:傲慢 C 富裕 E 尊敬的、顺从的:不尊敬(反义词) D 不平衡的状态 (同义词。两反考正) E 准备未就绪 (参考:stasis:a state of static balance or 28、香膏、安慰剂:安慰的 equilibrium) A 抗生素:病毒的 B 水蒸气:不透明的 36、弯曲的、复杂的 C 秘方:被证实的 D 麻醉剂:收敛性的 A 未受侵犯的 E 安慰剂:无毒无害的 B 不能移动的 29、放气、抽出空气:空气 C 简单的、不复杂的 A 征服、抑制:独立、自主 D 自由的 B 削弱:生长 C 惩罚:不礼貌 E 朴实的 D 毁坏:革新 E 填充:大纲、轮廓 37、放逐、排斥 (动宾关系。动词的个性特征都是使变小、A 平息 少、弱、低……) B 奉承 30、枯萎 C 慷慨给予 A 变异 B 繁殖 D 提供帮助 C 繁荣 D 纠缠 E 施肥 E 邀请加入31、降级




8、REMISSNESS:CAREFUL A lethargy:enthusiastic B obsequiousness:humble C avarice:greedy

D contrition:apologetic E largesse:generous 9、RECONCILIATION:HARMONY A reinstatement:dismissal B recuperation:health C recompense:payment

D recurrence:event

E refinement:cultivation 10、ADVISOR:COUNSEL A adversary:vanquish B steward:squander C chaperone:escort D disciple:lead E mediator:dispute

11、SPURIOUS:AUTHENTICITY A acquitted:innocence

B protean:usefulness C germane:pertinence D rampant:restraint

E acclaimed:imperfection

12、BEWITCHING:CAPTIVATION A hazardous:suspense B inveterate:skepticism C nonpartisan:bias D incendiary:vigilance E baffling:confusion 13、HUT:DWELLING A raft:watercraft

B skyscraper:building C volcano:mountain D auditorium:theater E peninsula:island

14、AGREEABLE:ANTIPATHY A palatable:hunger B obscure:perplexity C familiar:recognition D ostentatious:pride E tedious:engrossment

15、DISSECT:SPECIMEN A anesthetize:patient

B lance:skin C parse:sentence D edit:draft E interpret:art 16、INSOUCIANT:WORRY A assiduous:equivocate B officious:meddle C quarrelsome:argue D pertinacious:yield E astute:study 28、LAG

A flatter B return

C brighten D inflate E accelerate 29、AGAPE

A closed B gentle

C intent D vital E plain 30、HECKLE

SECTION ONE解析8、不小心:小心的 A 无精打采:热情的

B 奉承:谦卑的(正面) C 贪婪:贪婪的(正面)

D 后悔:道歉的、辩护的、懊悔的(正面)E 慷慨:慷慨的(正面) (反面特征。四正考反) 9、和解:和谐

A 复职:解雇 B 恢复、复原:健康 C 补偿、报酬:报酬 D 重现、循环:事件

A whitewash B nominate C support verbally

D blend seamlessly E incite rashly 31、DATED

A precise B current

C discrete D lively E inchoate 32、SCRIMP

A decipher B lavish

C gather D manifest E jettison 33、SCREEN

A view subjectively B criticize unfairly

C accept indiscriminately D conspire E convey 34、DASHING A punctilious B unsympathetic C caustic D bumpkinly E intractable

35、PARTIALITY A superficiality B generosity C extensiveness D impassiveness E disinterestedness 36、BENEFICENCE A cowardice B meanness C poverty

D reclusiveness E anguish


A intellectually idiosyncratic B economically deprived C socially desirable

D culturally knowledgeable E politically progressive 38、TENDENTIOUS A straightforward B na?ve C effusive D whimsical E neutral

E 优雅:教养、优雅

(动作及结果关系)和解的结果是和谐=复原的结果是健康。参考:reconcile:to restore to friendship or harmony;recuperate:to recover health or strength,都是恢复到从前的状态对应。C是种属关系,recompense:payment in return for something, such as a service;D是同义词关系。题干不是同义词关系,因为RECONCILIATION与


性的名词。此题很难! 10、顾问:建议

A 对手:征服 B 乘务员:挥霍

C (陪少女上交际场所的)女伴:陪同 D 弟子:领导 E 调停人:争论

(人及正面动作特征)此题有生词steward、chaperone,只能用排除法排除其他选项以后在BC中选一个,50%的准确率,若按照优选后者的原则可以做对。或者再细分用“无赖大法”,只评价COUNSEL与 squander、escort对应的工整性。显然

COUNSEL、escort的动作客体都是人,而squander的动作客体是物。在考场上绝对不能在E mediator:dispute这样有逻辑关系但是不是常考关系的选项上浪费时间,因为只要类比题干出现人和一个动词的关系,大多数是人及正面特征,这是我们在课堂上反复强调过的,切记! 11、伪造的:真实性

A 被宣告无罪的:清白(正面) B 变化无常的:有效性

C 有密切关系的:相关(正面) D 猖獗的、狂暴的:抑制(反面特征) E 欢呼的:不完美

12、迷人的:魅力、迷人 A 危险的:焦虑、悬念 B 根深蒂固的:怀疑态度

C 无党派的、无偏见的:偏见 D 纵火的、煽动的:警惕 E 令人困惑的:困惑 (同义词)

13、小屋、棚屋:住处 A 筏:船只

B 摩天大楼:建筑 C 火山:山 D 礼堂:剧院 E 半岛:岛

特殊种属关系。棚屋是一种简易小住处=筏是一种简易小船。只要是特殊种属关系重点一定是在小概念词的个性特征对应上。词题的能和棚屋对应上的只有raft。 14、使人愉快的:反感 A 美味的:饥饿 B 模糊的:困惑 C 熟悉的:识别

D 炫耀的、招摇的:傲慢、自豪 E 乏味的:吸引、专注(反面特征) 15、剖析:标本 A 麻痹:病人 B 切开:皮肤 C 解析:句子

D 编辑:稿子 E 诠释:艺术品

动宾关系。动词的个性特征都是分开进行研究的对应。DISSECT:to analyze and interpret minutely;parse:to examine in a minute way : analyze critically。此题对单词水平要求高!

16、漠不关心的:担心 A 勤勉的:含糊其辞

B 过分殷勤的:干预、管闲事(正面) C 好争论的:争论(正面) D 固执的:屈服、让步 E 机敏的:研究

(反面特征。两正考反) 28、落后、缓慢地行进 A 奉承 B 返回

C 变亮 D 使膨胀 E 加速 29、大张着的

A 关闭的 B 文雅的

C 专心的 D 至关重要的 E 平常的、普通的 30、质问、使困扰 A 刷白 B 命名

C 口头支持 D 无缝融合 E 贸然煽动 31、过时的、陈旧的 A 精确的

B 当前的、流行的 C 不连续的 D 活泼的

E 不完全的、早期的 32、吝啬 A 破译

B 浪费、慷慨 C 聚集 D 表明 E 抛弃

33、鉴别、选拔 A 主观地察看 B 不公正地批评 C 不加区别地接受 D 共谋E 搬运 34、时髦的 A 一丝不苟的 B 不同情的 C 刻薄的 D 乡巴佬的 E 难处理的

(DASHING:marked by smartness especially in dress and manners

bumpkinly:an awkward and unsophisticated rustic) 35、偏爱

A 浅薄 B 慷慨 C 广阔 D 冷漠的 E 公正无私

36、仁慈、慷慨行为 A 胆小

B 吝啬、卑鄙 C 贫穷 D 隐居 E 痛苦




A periodic:recur B buoyant:sink

C malleable:bend D transitory:disappear E combustible:ignite


A dike:water B ridge:canyon C sidewalk:street D shore:ocean E wall:house

10、REMNANT:RESIDUAL A annex:supplementary B conveyance:swift C degression:lengthy D surface:smooth E gift:welcome

11、CHARISMA:BORE A generosity:miser B deviousness:sneak C compassion:victim D recalcitrance:stalwart E skepticism:pedagogue 12、WILDNESS:FERAL A transiency:stable

B gregariousness:territorial C copiousness:abundant

D agitation:docile E terror:timid 13、GRUMBLE:DISCONTENT

A warn:danger B correct:erroneousness C snub:envy D crow:exultation E decry:approbation

14、DEPLORABLE:REPROACH A venerable:denigration B redoubtable:respect C novel:duplication

D ambiguous:obfuscation E creditable:verification 15、BUMBLE:GRACE A waver:certainty

A思维特异的 B 经济窘困的 C 社会需求的

D 文化知识渊博的 E 政治上进步的 38、有偏见的 A 坦率的 B 天真的 C 流出的

D 反复无常的 E 中立的B fidget:motion C urge:willingness D pester:annoyance E prevaricate:dishonesty 16、PANDEMIC:DISEASE

A felony:crime B starvation:hunger C earthquake:tremor D conflagration:fire E rebellion:repression 28、MAGNITUDE: A flexibility B relevancy C necessity D imperfection E insignificance 29、DAB

A coat thoroughly B proceed rashly C comprehend fully D mix vigorously E dry slowly 30、WILLY-NILLY

A weighty B orderly C dismal D awkward E fluent 31、MAVERICK A evildoer B conformist C aristocrat D purist E listener 32、BARB

A humble request

B complimentary remark C sly maneuver D direct quote E formal promise 33、DEPENDABLE A fickle B feeble C carefree D vulnerable E disreputable

34、SCURRILITY A indolence B clarify

C symmetry D negligence E decency

35、INCONTESTABLE A forthright B inviting C arbitrary D dubious E unfair 36、PAT A strong B welcome C unrehearsed D broad

E contradictory 37、HULL A branch B plateau C current D kernel E partition

38、CONTUMACIOUS A salubrious B graceful C unnatural D frivolous E tractable


8、可靠的:失败、辜负 D 欢呼、吹嘘:高兴 A 定期的、周期的:重现(正面) E 谴责:称赞、认可 B 有浮力的:下沉 (动作表达内心感情) C 可塑造的:弯曲(正面) CROW:a) : to exult gloatingly especially D 短暂的:消失(正面) over the distress of another b) : to brag

exultantly or blatantly E 易燃的:燃烧(正面)

14、可悲的、应受谴责的:责备 (反面特征。四正考反)

A 值得尊敬的:毁誉 9、篱笆、栅栏:牲畜

B 令人尊敬的:尊敬 A 堤坝:水

C 新的:复制 B 山脊:溪谷

D 不明确的:困惑 C 人行道:街道

E 可信的:证明、核实 D 海滨:海洋

因果关系。感情层面的对应 E 墙:房子

15、笨拙地移动:优雅 (人造设施及圈围对象)

A 犹豫:确定 B 烦躁:运动 10、残余物:残余的

C 催促:自愿 D 纠缠:烦恼(正面) A 附件:辅助的

E 支吾、搪塞:不诚实(正面) B 运输工具:迅速的

反面特征。两反考正。 C 离题:冗长的

16、流行性疾病:疾病 D 表面:光滑的

A 重罪:罪 B 饥饿:饥饿 E 天赋:受欢迎的

C 地震:震动D(建筑物或森林)大火:火 正面特征。

E 谋反:镇压 11、魅力:令人厌烦的人

特殊种属关系。流行性疾病是大范围的疾A 慷慨:吝啬鬼

病=大火是大范围的火。此题对单词要求B 迂回的:行为鬼祟者

高! C 同情:受害人

28、重要 D 反抗:坚定者、强壮者

A 灵活 B 关联、恰当 E 怀疑:教师、卖弄学问者

C 必要性 D 不完美 E 微不足道 (人及反面特征)

29、轻拍、轻抹 12、野生:野生的

A 完全涂抹 B 卤莽进行 A 顷刻:稳定的 B 群居:领土的

C 完全理解 D 精力旺盛地与人相处 C 丰裕:丰富的 D 激动:温顺的

E 缓慢地干燥 E 恐怖:胆小的

30、不可避免的、乱糟糟的 (同义词)

A 重的 B 整齐的 13、抱怨:不满

C 忧郁的、愚笨的 A 警告:危险

D 笨拙的 E 流利的 B 纠正:错误

31、特立独行者 C 怠慢、责骂:嫉妒

A 恶人 B 遵守传统者 C 贵族 D 纯粹主义者 E 听众 32、尖刻的话

A 谦卑的要求 B 夸赞的评论 C 狡猾的手法(花招)

D 直接的引用 E 正式的承诺 33、可靠的

A (感情等)变幻无常的 B 虚弱的 C 无忧无虑的、不负责的

D 易受攻击的 E 声名狼藉的 34、贪图粗俗 A 懒惰 B 澄清

C 对称 D 疏忽 E 得体、庄重 35、无可争辩的、不容置疑的 A 直接的 B 吸引人的

C 独裁的 D 可疑的、不确定的 E 不公平的 36、合适的

A 强壮的 B 受欢迎的 C 未经排练的 D 宽阔的 E 矛盾的、反对的 PAT:1) a : exactly suited to the purpose or occasion : APT b : suspiciously appropriate : CONTRIVED

2 ) learned, mastered, or memorized exactly 3 ) firm, unyielding 4 ) reduced to a simple or mechanical form : STANDARD, TRITE

37、壳 A 分枝 B 高地 C 趋势 D 核仁 E 部分

38、顽固的 A 有益健康的 B 优雅的 C 不自然的 D 琐碎的 E 易驾驭的2006年6月GRE笔试填空分析


1. Although Heron is well known for the broad comedy in the movies she has directed

previously, her new film is less inclined to______: the gags are fewer and subtler. (A) understatement (B) preciosity (C)symbolism (D)buffoonery (E)melodrama

2. Bebop’s legacy is______one: bebop may have won jazz the right to be taken seriously as an

art form, but it______jazz’s mass audience, which turned to other forms of music such as rock and pop.

(A) a mixed……..alienated (B) a troubled……..seduced

(C) an ambiguous……….aggrandized (D) a valuable…….refined (B) a noble………pleased

3. The exhibition’s importance lies in its______: curators have gathered a diverse array of

significant works from many different museums.

(A) homogeneity (B)sophistry (C)scope (D)farsightedness (E)insularity

4. Despite the fact that the commission’s report treats a vitally important topic, the report will

be______read because its prose is so______that understanding it require an enormous effort. (A) seldom…….transparent (B) carefully……..pellucid (C) little……….turgid

(D) eagerly……..digressive (E) widely…….prolix

5. Carleton would still rank among the great______of nineteenth-century American art event if

the circumstance of her life and career were less______than they are. (A) celebrities……….obscure (B) failures……..illustrious (C) charlatans……impeccable (D) enigmas……mysterious (E) success……….ignominious

6. Although based on an actual event, the film lacks______: the director shuffles events,

simplifies the tangle of relationships, and ______documentary truth for dramatic power. (A) conviction……..embraces (B) expressiveness…..exaggerates (C) verisimilitude…….sacrifices (D) realism……….substitutes (E) coherence……..utilizes

7. When Adolph Ochs became the publisher of The New York Times, he endowed the paper with

a uniquely______-tone, avoiding the ______editorials that characterized other major papers of the time.

(A) abstruse….scholarly (B) dispassionate……..shrill

(C) argumentative…….tendentious (D) whimsical…..capricious (E) cosmopolitan…….timelySECTION 2

1. Despite the fact that the amateur runner trained rigorously for six months before the race, he

failed to______it: the course was so______that even professional runners struggled to finish. (A) complete……..demanding (B) win………manageable (C) master…….short

(D) concede…….formidable (E) underestimate…..unusual

2. In linking geographically disparate people, the Internet is arguably helping millions of

spontaneous communities to bloom: communities defined by common interests rather than by the accident of______ (A) compatibility (B) affluence (C) reciprocity

(D) contemporaneousness (E) proximity

3. It is as if Woodward could not bear to leave anything out; if he had______some of his

material, the resulting increase in focus would have more than______any loss in comprehensiveness.

(A) elaborated…….justified

(B) condensed………exaggerated (C) expanded………offset (D) edited……..pointed up

(E) pruned……..compensated for

4. The hesitancy of many countries to embrace market reform is unfortunate, because many

national success stories suggest that far from______such reform, countries should be eager to ______its benefits.

(A) implementing…….document (B) pursuing…………seek (C) eschewing……..reap (D) needing……..realize

(E) understanding…….question

5. Contemporary lawmakers’ preoccupation with regulating the Internet is ______ the way

lawmakers treated many young industries in the past; United States railroads, for instance, were in business for 60 years before the federal government______regulations. (A) antithetical to……….eased (B) faithful to……..levied

(C) reminiscent of……..enforced (D) in conflict with ….lifted (E) at odds with…….introduced

6. Despite the fact that the book’s title suggests______, the author is not a charlatan claiming to

offer a______ ; rather, her book assessed all possible treatments of certain diseases without identifying any cures. (A) fraud……critique (B) sincerity…….nostrum (C) hyperbole…..warning (D) expertise…….prescription (E) quackery……panacea

7. The profits that the corporation earns from the exclusive-supplier agreements with the

universities are______, because the terms of agreements that they are inclined to protect the universities’ interests are generally______. (A) inexplicable……..flouted

(B) (C) (D) (E) unclear……….publicized predictable……….scrutinized declining…….ignored surprising…..enforced



A保守的陈述 B过分雕琢 C象征主义D插科打混、滑稽 E情景喜剧、情节剧由转折和less可知空格填the broad comedy的同义词。只有E,92年2月考过类比(类比教程P119T8)MELODRAMA: SUBTLETY。我的词汇课难题串讲中讲过,填空课提到过。 2、一种叫bebop的爵士音乐的传统是混杂:尽管作为一种音乐形式它有爵士音乐的本性,但是它使大量爵士乐观众感到疏远,它借鉴了其他的音乐形式比如rock and pop。 A混杂的。。。使疏远 B杂乱的。。。引诱 C模糊的。。。夸大 D贵重的。。。精练 E高贵的。。。使高兴

(解法1:第一空由冒号后面所有来决定,第二空格由which后面决定(非限制性定语从句,起补充说明),既然变成其他音乐形式了,自然对本形式的观众做了负评价的动作。只有A。turn to转向,求助于,开始工作。




A同质 B诡辩 C范围 D远视、目光远大 E岛国意识



A很少地。。。透明的、清晰的 B仔细地。。。易懂的 C很少地。。。浮夸的 D热切地。。。离题的 E广泛地。。。冗长的



A名人。。。模糊的 B失败者。。。杰出的 C吹牛者。。。没有瑕疵的 D神秘人物。。。神秘的 E成功者。。。可耻的



A确信。。。支持 B表现。。。夸大 C逼真。。。牺牲 D现实主义。。。替代 E一致。。。利用

此题做第6题太抬举了。简单!由转折知第一空填真实ACD,由并列知道第二空填负评价C。注意substitute 后面紧跟的是替代品,常用substitute A for B用A代替B。在这里,显然不能理解成用真实来替代。字根ver表示真实,verify,aver,verdict。

7、当Adolph Ochs成为纽约时报的发行人时,他赋予该报独特冷静的基调,避免同时代其他主流报纸尖刻的评论 A深奥的。。。学者的 B冷静的。。。尖刻的 C好争辩的。。。有倾向的

D变化无常的。。。变化无常的 E世界主义的。。。及时的




A完成。。。苛求的 B赢得。。。易管理的 C征服、精通。。。短小 D退让。。。可怕的 E低估。。。不平常

由转折和failed知道第一空填正评价ABC,由冒号解释同义重复知道第二空负评价AC,仔细辨析一下出A。题感好的同学看最后的finish就知道第一空一定填finish的同义词。 *2、将地理上不同位置的人们联系在一起,互联网有争辩地帮助数百万自然产生的社区繁荣起来:这些社区由共同的兴趣决定而不是由偶然发生的一致性决定。 A一致性、适应性、兼容性

B影响 C互惠 D同时期 E接近

(rather than提示对比,“the accident of----”=“not common interests”)


A精心制作。。。证明 B浓缩。。。夸大(干扰) C扩展。。。弥补 D编辑、校订。。。突出、强调 E删除。。。补偿

分号前说的是Woodward不能容忍失去anything,后面马上冒号做了解释。显然some of his material同义重复前面的anything,则第一空填leave。。。out的同义词BDE,第二空由语意more than推出BD不合适。


A贯彻。。。证明 B追赶。。。寻找 C避开。。。收获 D需要。。。认识到 E理解。。。怀疑、询问

Because提示前后同义重复,前面对市场经济正评价,所以后面也是,在suggest后面的主干中第二空填正评价的动作ABCD, far from表示相反得出第一空填负评价动作得出C。 5、当代立法者对于互联网规则的抢先占有是与立法者过去对待新兴工业的方式相矛盾的;比如,美国铁路在联邦政府提出规则以前运作了60年。

A对立的。。。减轻、使安心 B忠实的。。。征兵 C回忆。。。强迫 D冲突。。。举起、消除 E矛盾。。。提出

(is 和 past提示时间对比,选负评价词AE,第二空填preoccupation的同义词E)

6、尽管书名暗示是欺骗,但是作者不是一个声称提供万灵药的骗子;相反,她的书在没有鉴定的情况下对确定的疾病的所有可能治疗方案做了评估。 A欺骗。。。批评B真实。。。祖传秘方 C夸张。。。警告 D专家。。。规定、处方 E骗子。。。万灵药(分号前转折后面是正评价,得出第一空是负评价ACE,第二空要表达出骗子的特征只有E) *7、公司从与大学们签定的高级供应协议中挣得的利润是可以预料的,因为协议中保护大学利益的条款们被普遍仔细审查过了。

A无法说明的。。。蔑视 B不清楚的。。。宣扬 C可预言的。。。细察、挑剔地检查

D下降的。。。忽视 E令人惊讶的。。。加强

主干简化:利润是空格。多还是少?不清楚,那就往后看。Because同义重复,协议的条款被空格了,在这里,协议不是利润的同义重复,所以光看主干无法做,只好找细节找同义重复的地方。利润来自于与大学签定的协议,后面说协议的条款保护大学,显然利润与协议的关系应该相反。也就是说第二空填增强等正评价词,利润就减少,那么第一空就填负评价词,反过来也一样。有人选了E,那就应该是 “协议中保护大学的条款被增强了,所以公司从协议中挣得的利润减少了”,但是第一空“令人惊讶的”显然没有“减少的”这个意思。有的同学将E理解成“协议中保护大学的条款被增强了,所以公司从协议中居然挣得大量利润是令人惊讶的”,但是本题中没有任何线索表示利润是“大量的”的。所以此题很难!

我认为答案是C, predictable是正评价词,scrutinized(inspect critically)在这里是负评价词,满足于题目的逻辑关系分析。事实上也与商业事实相符合,在协议中我们发现经常发现条款是不对等的,合同双方一方特别详细一方特别粗线条(比如电信、银行等部门的霸王条款),这样导致条款详细的一方制约因素特别多,经常处于被动地位,稍有变化就可以告你违约。在本题中,保护大学的条款被挑剔地仔细研究过了,自然公司能知道大学确切的从合同当中得到的好处,反而关于自己的条款没有详细说明,这样水分会很大,在供货协议的时间、材料、服务方式等所有不明确的弹性条款上完全取决于公司的做法,自然公司的利润是可以预料的了。除了你的,就是我的,所以在你的情况我已经确定的情况下,自然我的利润我做主,可以预期。值得争议的是B,“协议中保护大学的条款被普遍宣扬了,所以公司的利润是不清楚的。”逻辑关系成立,但是与常理似乎欠妥,读不通顺。既然协议中保护大学的条款被普遍宣扬了,也就是说大学的利润大家都知道了,公司的利润大家都不知道,所以第一空填“不为人所知的”,但是未必就是不清楚啊!


A. composer: performer B. pupil: teacher C. judge: defendant D. principal: administrator E. citizen: representative

分析:题干是种属关系.Queen is a female monarch.因此选择(D),principal是一种administrator. 9. SCHOOL: EDUCATE

A. bank: audit B. library: read C. court: adjudicate D. legislature: convene E. museum: adorn

分析:题干明显是处所极其作用.学校用来教育,那么对应的只有(C),法庭是用来作出判决的. 10. IMITABLE: EMULATION

A. venerable: evaluation B. novel: duplication C. opportunistic: challenge D. flexible: fortification E. creditable: belief

分析:题干为可模仿的和仿效,显然是形容词和名词的同义关系.答案明显是(E),可相信的对应于相信,信任.这里有个相对生僻的词opportunisitc,由于opportunity是机会的意思,很显然可以猜测到这个形容词为机会主义的,投机取巧的之类的意思. 11. DISCOURTEOUS: OFFEND

A. imposing: daunt B. inculpable: blame C. disreputable: admire D. illustrious: laud E. decorous: insult

分析:题干是因果关系,无礼的引起冒犯.这样很简单,选(D),因为杰出所以赞扬. 12. SQUEAMISH: DISGUST

A. tractable: manage B. plaint: question C. irascible: defuse D. choleric: soothe E. dictatorial: imposing

分析:题干是容易呕吐的对应于厌恶,使作呕,那么也是同义关系.A比较适合,容易驾御的对应于操纵,驾御.B中抱怨对疑问,C中易怒对息怒,D中暴躁对平抚,E中独裁对壮丽,都没有关系. 13. DISENCHANT: ILLUSION

A. baffle: doubt B. mollify: alienation C. suppress: confinement D. counteract: trend E. exempt: requirement

分析:题干中是使清醒对应于幻觉,显然是消除关系.A,B,C显然没有关系,D中是抵消对趋势,counteract如果对应消除的对象一般应为effect,而E中是免除对必要条件,显然选择(E).exempt的英文词义有:free or released from some liability or requirement. 14. ACCESSIBLE: APPROACH

A. contrite: apologize B. venerable: imitate C. irascible: enrage D. conformist: mislead E. prolific: produce

分析:容易关系.容易接近的对应接近,选择(C),容易发怒的对应激怒. 15. STIGMATIZE: CONTEMPT

A. misrepresent: disbelief B. distinguish: individuability C. pursue: mutuality D. reiterate: redundancy E. bemoan: regret

分析:同义关系.污蔑代表藐视,不敬,而A误传不代表不信,B区别不代表个性,追求不代表相互, D反复重申代表冗余,而E哀叹不代表后悔.因此答案选(D) 16. TRENCHANCY: INSIPID

A. forgetfulness: concerned B. iniquity: vicious C. tranquility: forbearing D. arrogance: brazen E. artlessness: canny

分析:反义关系.一针见血对乏味的,平淡的.B,C,D,显然都不对.A是容易遗忘的对应关心的,这不是反义关系.容易遗忘的对应反面的是记性好的,而关心的反面是冷漠的.因此答案是(E),纯朴的,天真的对应于狡猾的,精明的. 8.FORAGE::SUSTENANCE

A. foretell: omen B. salvage: wreck C. reconnoiter: plan D. canvass: support E. question: poll

分析:目的关系.寻找草料目的是为了食物.A做出预言是为了征兆?不对.B拯救是为了残骸?不对.C侦察是为了计划?好象对.D游说拉选票是为了支持?也好象对.E提出疑问是为了投票?不对.那么选C还是选D呢?看题干,forage里面已经包含有寻找\草料\的意思,也就是说后面那个sustenance已经包含在前面动作之中,而C里reconnoiter(侦察勘察)里面有计划plan的意思吗?没有.而D里canvass已经有游说拉选票来获得支持support的意思,所以应该选(D). 9.WREST::TAKE

A. appoint: desigrate B. plummet: drop C. charter: establish D. cite: quote E. tear: separate

分析:种属关系.扭拧是一种粗暴式的take,那么答案是(E),tear是一种暴力式的分离separation. 10.FRUGAL::STINGY

A. combative: aggressive B. attentive: oblivious C. lenient: lax D. informed: astute E. dubious: unsure

分析:褒贬程度关系,节俭的对应小气的.A两个词都是好斗的.B是反义关系.C也不对,D是见多识广的对应于精明的,也不对.E是同义关系,可疑的与不确定的.那么只有选择(A),相比较而言, aggressive强调更容易combative,存在褒贬程度关系. 11. TRADEMARK:: MANUFACTURER

A. scepter: monarch B. badge: sheriff C. licence: driver D. signature: signatory E. seal: signatory

分析:商标对生产商,那就是标志关系.A权杖代表君王,好象很对.B徽章代表治安官,C执照代表司机,都不必然.D签名代表签名人?E封印对签名人,不对.那么是A还是D.找二次对应.商标是由生产尚自己制定的,那么君王自己制定上权杖?显然不对.而签名人自己是必然制定出了自己的签名,所以应该选择(D). 12. ECLIPSE::PROMINENCE

A. bankruptcy: solvency B. anticipation: foresight C. dissipation: extravagance D. investment: accumulation E. corruption: bribery

分析:衰减对突出,反义关系.A破产对偿还,好象正确.B期待对远见,无关.C同义关系,都是浪费.D投资对积累,无关.E是腐败对贿赂,也不对.只有选(A). 13. FUSTY::FRESH

A. favorable: expedience B. prolific: abundance C. superficial: vacuity D. biased: partiality E. plebeian: prestige



A. imperious: confidence B. belligerent: rancor C.gregarious: graciousness D.exacting: ambition E.inept: competence

分析:变化的对应于率直的,反义关系.A专横的对应于自信的,不对.B是好战的对怨恨,不对.C是群居的对亲切的,不对.D是严格的对雄心,不对.E是无能的对应于能力,显然选(E). 15. OBSTREPEROUS::RESTRAINT

A. penurious: influence B. ambitious: achievement C. guileless: cunning D. authoritative: competence E. enigmatic: coherency

分析:任性的对约束,反面关系.A是吝啬的对影响,不对.B是有雄心的对成就,不对.C是坦率不狡猾对狡猾精明,正确.D是权威的对能力,不对.E是难解的对连贯一致,不对.答案选(C) 16. SOLICITOUS::CONCERN

A. adversarial: envy B. derisive: pride C. truculent: belligerence D. penitent: pity E. amorous : pleasure



A. remove B. avoid

分析:从面选项词性判断frequent在这里做动词,一般有两个含义,一个是经常联系,一个是有系统或习惯性的阅读。从下面A和B选项来看,B带有躲避的意思,比较适合,可选(B). 29. ABSTAIN

A. perplex B. propel C. partake

分析:abstain是自动戒绝,抑制的意思,那么反义词可以选(C),参与,享有。 30. LEVERAGE

A. lack of power B. lack of focus

分析:leverage是杠杆原理的意思,那么反义词就是使杠杆不成立,focus是焦点的意思, 不能成立.leverage还有power, effectiveness的意思, 从这个角度看,答案应该为 (A), and 又是一个熟词僻义题.

31. REDEEM<>corruptible

分析:赎罪的反义词是容易腐败的。 32. SERRATION<>smoothness

分析:锯齿状的反义词就是光滑的,无缺口的。 33. UNBUTTONED

A. reclusive B. inefficient C. prim

分析:unbuttoned这个词似乎没有背过,但是意义很显然,就是不扣扣子的,那么也可以猜想到表示随意,不受正统规矩约束,不修边幅等等意思。而A隐居的,似乎没关系,B没有效率的,也不对。而C中prim我们知道有端庄的,整洁的意思,因此选C。 34. IMMORTALIZE<>assign to oblivious / consign to oblivion 分析:不朽的反义词对应为让人遗忘。 35. ELUCIDATE

A. obscure B. hinder

分析:阐明清楚的反义词显然是(A),弄模糊。 36. WEASEL

A. speak frankly B. move clumsily

分析:weasel这个词大家熟悉的意思是黄鼠狼,做动词是逃避的意思,这样就没有办法选。其实,weasel做动词有个更主要的意思,就是equivocate支吾其词的意思。这容易理解,黄鼠狼总是习惯施放烟雾,蛊惑别人,因此自然有说话不坦白,不直率的意思。所以由此答案选(A)。可以想见,ETS反义词的命题越来越针对同学手中的红宝书之类的词汇书,单词是同一个,只是熟词僻义比重加大了许多,从上面的frequent等就可以看出。 37. ADVENT

A. passing B. airing

分析:advent是到来,来临的意思,反义词应该是过去,选(A) 38. VERBIAGE

A. speak terseness B. fatuity C. paucity of meaning

分析:verbiage是多话,冗余的意思,反义词很简单,当然是说话简洁,选(A)。 28. HIERARCHICAL<>unranked

分析:与等级有关的反义词自然是没有标定等级的。 29. IMPROMPTU<>planned

分析:即兴的反义词为有计划的,准备好了的。 30. ALLURING<>repulsive

分析:有诱惑性的反义词对应排斥的,厌恶的。 31. NONCHALANCE<>concern

分析:漠然不关心的,反义词对应为关心,关注。 32. SKETCH<>describe at length

分析:草图,简述,反义词为冗长的描述。 33. FETCHING

A. devious B. wearisome C. unattractive D. uninformed E. stingy

分析:fetch作为动词就是得到,取得的意思,那么加上ing做为形容词显然就是有吸引力的,想得到的之类意思,反义词选(C),不吸引人的。 34. QUANDARY

A. omission B. premonition C. presumption D. qualification E. certitude

分析:quandary就是困惑,疑惑的意思,因此反义词应该是确定,肯定之类,选(E) 35. CREDULITY<>没有记忆下来……


36. MINION A. zealot B. mastermind C. spoilsport D. laggard E. optimist 分析:minion主要就是指那种地位低下,似乎微不足道的人,那么反义词自然是位高权重的人,A是狂热者,没关系。B从字面上看是个组合词,就是掌握思想的,先放一边。C也是个组合词,但我们知道spoil是弄砸,搞坏的意思,所以这个词就是在体育运动中搞坏的人,也没关系。D是懒鬼,不管。E是乐观主义者,它的反义词是悲观主义者,因此也没关系。因此只有选B,意思可以猜测为主管思想,智慧的人,也就是可以直接提出创见的人,而minion只是随从,不会自己提出意见,只是跟从而已。 37. UNACCOUNTABLE

A. numerous B. precise C. legendary D. direct E. explicable

分析:accountable有两个意思,一个是可以计量的,一个是可以给出原因解释的,因此前面加个un自然取反义,那么反义词自然就是上面提出的两个意思。可以计算的没有单词符合,而可以解释的有单词E,自然答案选(E)。 38. CHIVALROUS

A. ungainly B. ungenerous C. somber D. reticent E. distrusful


2006 年 10月GRE填空


1.Even by the company’s own standards of ____,Its early years were extremely _____: it manufactured as many as three million appliances a month during that three-year period. A. success.. disappointing B. profitability.. characteristic C. efficiency.. productive D. perfection.. inauspicious E. ethics.. conscientious

2. In the nineteenth century, composers exhibiting ____ skill found themselves ____ as writers by periodicals that afforded them an opportunity to earn money and to make their views about music known.

A. artistic.. censured B. limited.. lionized C. remarkable…unknow D. literary.. in demand E. financial.. out of favor

3.Writers typically do not ____ the great visual artists of their own generation: for Courbet, considered by many to be the greatest painter of Baudelaire’s time, the poet offered ___ praise. A. slight.. meager B. admire.. unstinting C. evaluate.. extravagant D. deprecate.. insincere E. recognize.. scant.

4. A common misconception is that linguists are concerned only with the origin and development of languages, but these topics, though they constitute an important part of linguistics, do not ___ the subject. A. frame B. transcend C. convey

D. exhaust E. illuminate

5. Far from being a ___ portrait of the writer, the biographer’s life of Christina Stead is ___ many undigested and discursive excerpts from Stead’s fiction and private papers. A. multifaceted .. enriched by B. valuable .. enhanced by C. succinct.. .padded with

D. disputatious.. discredited by E. compendious .. studded with

6. Traditional Navajo concepts of government are ___; decisions are arrived at through consensus rather than ___ by a single authority. A. aristocratic.. prescribed B. egalitarian.. dictated C. democratic.. censured D. patriarchal.. legislated E. hierarchical.. enacted

7. The architecture critic perceived as ironic the fact that one of the first buildings to deviate from the Modernist architecture on the campus was designed by an architectural firm renowned for its ___ of that aesthetic. A. scorn

B. anticipation C. mastery D. avoidance E. renunciation


解析:第一空没法入手,由主干大法得知必须先考虑第二空,冒号表示解释型同义重复。由冒号后面完整的信息推出第一空一定是正评价,同义重复后面完整的it manufactured as many as three million appliances a month during that three-year period.第二空选项中是正评价且能表达这个意思的只有C。


解析:根据主干大法,exhibiting ____ skill是修饰主语composers的,所以先不看。先做第2空,第2空显然应该由by后面的所有成分来决定。afforded them an opportunity to earn money and to make their views about music known.是正评价的表述,所以第2空一定填正评价词,B的第2空一看就知道是绝对的正评价词,就算D有点干扰,比较一下第一空也能排除D。


解析:此题第一空填动词,正还是负评价读到冒号暂时没线索,冒号后出现了be the

greatest painter of Baudelaire’s time,马上想到就是前面出现的the great visual artists的同义重复,再看后面the poet应该是前面Writers的同义重复,主语宾语都重复出现了,而冒号表示同义重复,这就好办了!构成逻辑分析的是冒号前有否定词not,所以得出两空一定相反。

构成相反感觉的有CE,仔细推敲无论语义还是逻辑都是E最合适(Evaluate是中性词,与extravagant构成不明显的反义,而recognize有认可赞同之意,与scant praise构成反义)。 4、“语言学家只关注语言的起源和演化,而这些主题尽管构成了语言学的重要组成部分,却没有构建(整个)这门学科。”这是一个普遍的误解。

解析:此题主干看转折有点困难,不过ETS仁慈地加了一个though they constitute an

important part of linguistics,将它取非即可。显然an important part of linguistics与空格后的the subject构成了上下义词的同义表达。本来应该取非的由于空格前出现了not而改为取constitute的同义词,没有比frame更同义的啦。(如果不用逻辑做,肯定会有人选BDE) 5、远不是该作者紧凑简洁的描写风格,这个传记作家的《life of Christina Stead》一书充斥

着许多来自于Stead的小说和私人文档中未经整理的散漫的章节。 解析:Far from表示取非。关键是找到哪里和哪里取非。

第一空填形容词,这个形容词应该和undigested and discursive有关,如果填undigested and discursive的同义词,则第2空填负评价完成Far from的逻辑取非;如果填undigested and discursive的反义词,则第2空填正评价完成Far from的逻辑取非。本题只有CE第一空选项是undigested and discursive的反义词。从2个方面看C是答案。(1)succinct有紧凑的含义,直接对应not discursive,(2)be padded with 是填充的意思,be studded with是点缀的意思,一般be studded with后面跟珠宝等美好的事物,而此处显然是undigested and discursive excerpts不好的事物。


解析:分号后面作者强调的是rather than前面的decisions are arrived at through consensus,它代表了分号后面的作者态度,所以第一空填进去以后要使分号前面与它同义,先选出BC,再由第2空语意轻松排除C啦。


解析:既然事实是ironic,后面必然有取非的地方。one of the first buildings was designed by an architectural firm表示主干中没有取非的地方,而修饰buildings的是to deviate from the Modernist architecture,出现了负评价词deviate,根据主干大法第2条(怎么样的A推出怎么样的B),则修饰an architectural firm的地方就必然要表现出Modernist architecture,这样才可以和前面一起完成ironic要求的取非逻辑。而最后的that aesthetic(呵呵,又看见了该死的重点代词了)明确告诉了就是Modernist architecture,所以空格中一定要填正评价词! KEY: CBEACAC Section 4

1. Of all the professor’s various mentors, Carabelli was clearly the most ___, since it was he

who fundamentally shaped the professor’s now highly regarded research approach. A. circumspect B. influential C. exacting D. idealistic E. unethical

2. Some believe that the tradition of holding elections on Tuesday was established to restrict

voting to truly serious voters, but in fact ___ was the original idea behind Tuesday voting, since Tuesday in rural communities was when people were most likely to be in town. A. elitism

B. convenience C. apathy D. favoritism E. partisanship

3. Although the metropolitan area boasts more small businesses than any other region in the state, it ranks very low on the scale of pro-business attitudes: local entrepreneurs have a remarkable ability to ___ an ___ atmosphere here. A. confront… energetic B. excuse… invigorating C. create… enervating D. overlook… enthusiastic E. tolerate… inhospitable

4. Although the politician was basically conservative in her views, she was not ___: her positions on certain issues could even be called ___. A. radical… extremist B. dogmatic… hidebound C. reactionary… progressive D. moderate… cautious E. overzealous… inflexible

5. Cultural change is seldom truly ___: successive periods overlap, progress is ___, and within a prevailing climate of opinion there can be innumerable variations A. straight forward… ragged B. benign… uneven C. complex… volatile D. visible… manifest E. significant… dramatic

6. The science of astronomy was begun by amateurs and today remains dependent on their

contributions, which are incisive by virtue of being ___ by the a prior assumption that often vitiate the work of professional research scientists A. characterized B. unencumbered C. supported D. contradicted E. inspired

7. In many cities mass-transit delays occur so frequently that patrons have finally become ___them and have simply adjusted their schedules accordingly. A. committed to B. cognizant of C. enraged by D. desirous of E. inured to


解析:此题空格完全由since后面决定,将后面意思整个代回空格即可。能够表达这个含义的只有B。而C是一个很强的干扰选项,注意:哪怕导师再苛求(exacting)也无法保证fundamentally shaped,因为你可以苛求我,但是我未必接受你啊。只有说最有影响力的才可以达到fundamentally shaped,因为有影响表示导师影响了这个教授,才可以说打造。 2、有些人认为对于真正严肃的投票人来说在周二进行选举的传统限制了投票,但事实上支持周二投票的最初考虑是方便,这是由于在周二乡村社区里的人最可能进城。



解析:冒号前后同义重复,而前面是转折,作者强调的一定是转折后的东西,所以由it ranks very low on the scale of pro-business attitudes看出是负评价,冒号后面要完成负评价只能在空格处一正一负才行,满足这个条件的是CD。但是D的overlook正好重复了前面说的attitudes比较low,所以非常合适。


解析:此题太简单了。Although是转折,第一空前有not则由取非变成了取同,BC合适。冒号后面显然要表达not +第一空。则C非常合适。


解析:先做第2空,由并列关系可知应该表达出overlap和be innumerable variations这样的意思,ABCE候选。再看第一空,句子里没有涉及到complex和significant的信息,所以排除。AB哪个更好?我们注意到第一空前有一个否定词seldom,很少直线不就是参差不齐么?非常工整,而B代进去就表示很少温和的意思,可是后面也没有信息表示猛烈,答案选A。




解析:and表示并列且同义重复,调整自己的时间表是为了对them做一个什么动作?只能去适应去习惯啦。 KEY: BBDCADE

8.TONGS::GRASPING (A)scissors :sharpening (B)telephone :wiring (C)reel :winding (D)knot :snarling (E)cup :stirring 9.KILOMETER::DISTANCE (A)hue :color (B)compass :direction (C)watt :unit (D)pitch :volume (E)pound :weight 10.PLUMMET::FALL (A)push :slide (B)force ;coax (C)repel :resist (D)descend :land (E)swerve :turn 11.ITINERARY::JOURNEY (A)template :approximation (B)decision :recommendation (C)outline :plot (D)blueprint :drawing (E)weight :balance 12.DISCORDANT::SOUND (A)antagonistic :position (B)disrespectful :authority (C)constricted :view (D)abrupt :movement (E)malodorous :scent 13.LAUD::APPROBATION (A)congratulate :triumph (B)petition : permissim (C)deny :austerity (D)protect :solicitude (E)commiserate :sympathy 14.APOLOGIST::DEFEND (A)citizen :govern (B)leader :respect (C)patron :support (D)reader :publish (E)sleeper :snore 15.CELL::CONFINEMENT (A)forum :conciliation (B)library :classification (C)proscenium :improvisation (D)intersection :transport (E)rostrum :oration 16.EXEMPLAR::EMULATE (A)archetype :represent (B)artifact :conceal (C)fa?ade :reveal (D)policy :review (E)goal :attain 8.REPORTER::JOURNALISM (A)broker: commercialism (B)actor: imagination (C)mathematician: ingenuity (D)commentator: interpretation (E)doctor: medicine 9.MILL::GRINDING (A)mirror: magnifying (B)piano: tuning (C)camera: lighting (D)scissors: cutting (E)pencil: copying 10.PANTRY::COMESTIBLES (A)closet: shelves (B)vault: valuables (C)laboratory: experiments (D)office: files (E)museum: patrons 11.EDIBLE::EAT (A)melodious: hear (B)tangible: shape (C)potable: drink (D)insipid: taste (E)toxic: breathe 12.CHORD::NOTE (A)ode: poem (B)flower: stem (C)river; stream (D)index: table (E)grove: tree 13.SUBMERGE::BUOYANT (A)thaw: thermal (B)repel: magnetic (C)sensitize: delicate (D)agitate: effervescent (E)bend: rigid 14.HAUGHTY::SUPERCILIOUSNESS (A)punctilious: timidity (B)indecisive:obscurity (C)forthright: unctuousness (D)callous: fractiousness (E)conciliatory: amenability 15.PEDANT::LEARNING (A)illusionist: misdirection (B)dilettante: commitment (C)renegade: allegiance (D)martinet: discipline (E)hack: writing 16.DIATRIBE::ABUSE (A)encomium: imitation (B)satire: cruelty (C)prologue: explanation (D)citation: reference (E)burlesque: mockery 1)NULLIFICATION A validation B compensation C intercession D quantification E illumination 2)INSTILL A come close B press down C remove D encroach E truncate 3)INEPT

A proficent B thoroughly 2) CALIBERATED C inordinately D pensive A demagnetized B bifurcated E stable C reduplicated D unverified 4)RESONANT E unstandardized A commonplace B peripheral 3) CALCIFY C muffled D outdated A sever B concentrate E lurid C make unacceptable D become malleable 5)THWART E decrease in size A collude B straighten 4) HARBOR C centralize D assuage E enable A excoriate B infringe 6)ADULATION C restrict D refuse to leave A ridicule B cowardice E fail to shelter C somber affect D lack of ambition 5) EFFERVESCE E state of denial A grow old B appear close 7)TEDIOUS C function unpredictably A straightforward B interesting D be flat E be diluted C conspicuous D intricate 6) CONDENSED E highly prominent A discontinuous B inexplicit 8)ACCOLADE C unabridged D ponderous A blunder B denunciation E excessive C incisive comment D rule violation 7) IRIDESCENT E deliberate act A inflammable B convoluted 9)INERT C reflexive D ornate A balanced B weighty E monochromatic C extraneous D fast moving 8) PROFUSE E observable A opposing B critical 10)COLLUDE C insistent D stinting A structure tightly B contribute freely E ambiguous C present clearly D act independently 9) TEMPER E assess objectively A erode B induce 11) FRIABLE C disperse D aggravate A difficult to contain E alternate B resistant to pulverizing 10) GALL C hard to persuade D tangible E intractable A condone B inform 1) FREQUENT C revere D appease A stay away from E capitulate B find fault with 11) HUSBAND C make amends for A devalue B receive D take offense at C squander D deny E be disappointed in E overtake类比答案:V1 CEECEECEE ; V2 ADBCEEBD E/D 反义答案:V1 ACACEAB BDDB ;V2 AEDED CEDDDC

2007年 10月GRE填空 Section 1

1.The Broadway musical business is apparently ---- innovation and experimentation: it ---- characters and story lines that have dominated the musical stage for years. A. oblivious … avoidsB. eager for … seeks C. skilled in… employs D.famous for … generates E.averse to … recycles

2.Some theories of why election results in democracies sometimes seem perverse rest on the idea that there is an intrinsic ---- in human behavior; in contrast, other explanations posits that people act logically, ---- their interests and behaving accordingly.

A. selfishness … assuming B. unpredictability … ignoring C. ratiocination … analyzing D.impulsivity … thwarting E.irrationality … calculating

3.The book’s account of the governors’ term in office is too uniformly____ to be persuasive: it overlooks her many accomplishments and ---- her failures.

A. encomiastic …analyzes B. caustic … downplays C. harsh … exaggerates

D. naive … exposes E.rosy … enumerates

4.What the two sociologists have in common is a claim that their respective predictions describe____ outcomes: each scholar believes the developments he anticipates are ----. A. dire … preventable B. global … negligible C. predetermined …inevitable D. possible … ineluctable E.momentous … foreseeable

5.An epistolary novel, composed of fictitious correspondence between its characters, may seem ---- to the contemporary reader who writes few letters and who may doubt that anyone could have such incessant recourse to the pen.

A. injudicious B. iniquitous C. unrealistic D. insensate E.superfluous

6. Researchers say that methanol can boost the growth of plants by___ a natural process known as photorespiration, during which a plant can____ much of the energy it needs to grow. A. promoting….waste B. modifying… alter C. blocking… store D. inhibiting…. lose E.accelerating…. over utilize

7. Although many genuine friendships are entered into only out of pure goodwill ______ with selfish considerations, many real______ accrue to those who enter into such relations. A. fraught……benefits B. unmixed……advantages C. disguised……deficits D. confused……consequences E.unalloyed……attractions

1.During the speeches preliminary to the ship’s launching, its designer’s expression was pensive and his stare distant; doubtless, he was ______ the ceremony and was anxious to get on with the launch.

A. rearranging B. inspecting C. unsure of D. preoccupied with E.impatient with 2.Although not all the women in the group identified themselves as feminists, their lives______ their shared belief that men and women were equal and that the accomplishments, not the gender, of an individual mattered.

A. challenged B. demonstrated C. conflated D. undermined E.contradicted 3.The research committee urged the professor to ______ his claim that he was on the verge of an important discovery, since he had made several ______ assertions in the past.

A. modify … irreproachable B. substantiate … implausible C. promote … ambitious D. disseminate … capricious E. verify … valid

4.Traditional Chinese culture opposed music performed solely for entertainment; accordingly, China’s musical entertainers were, in the past, ______ a low social status.

A. exempt from B. relegated to C. privy to D. honored with E.scornful of 5.Although the diverse local idioms of English in England are not as strong as they once were, their ______ has been ______: television and radio are not the homogenizing forces that they were once thought to be.

A. variety … diminished B. importance … exaggerated C. colorfulness … muted D. meaning … misconstrued E.resilience … underrated

6.Some suggest that students who are granted privileges receive them because their teachers wish to make the students______; more probably, causality flows in the opposite direction, in that teachers are likely to grant privileges to diligent students.

A. excitable B. independent C. malleable D. grateful E.conscientious

7.This writer of fiction believed that the novelist should not ______ the narrative, and that such inconspicuousness on the part of the author would preserve the illusion of reality. A. preconceive B. minimize C. hasten D. agonize over E. obtrude into


Section One

1、百老汇乐坛明显抵制创新和实验:它反复使用那些统治乐坛数年的人物和故事线。 [解析]:本题简单,没有任何难度。第一空扮演箭头的角色,以确定对创新innovation and experimentation持正评价还是负评价。冒号表示解释同义重复,characters and story lines that have dominated the musical stage for years.表示创新的取非,所以决定了两空一定是反义关系。BCD两空全是正评价,A全是负评价,能够表示两个空格一正一负的只有E啦。 2、一些关于“为什么民主选举有时候显得荒谬?”的理论依赖于“人的行为有固有的不合理性”这样的观点;相反,另一些解释却假定:人们做事合乎逻辑,同时也计算自己的利益。 [解析]:分号前面的主干是theories rest on idea,第一空格是修饰idea的,根据第二主干大法从修饰theories的地方找,of why election results in democracies sometimes seem perverse

决定了第一空一定填负评价词,排除C。in contrast提示前后取非,后面说people act logically,前面当然要说人们做事不合逻辑啦,所以E选项很快出来。


[解析]:此题太简单。冒号后面的and表示同义重复,her many accomplishments与her failures.是反义,所以overlooks与第二空格应该是反义词。选项C很快出来。




[解析]:根据“年轻人是年轻的”这种最简单的逻辑做题法则,我们很轻易得出:由人物之间虚构的书信组成的书信体小说当然会seem显得虚构。所以空格处填fictitious的同义词C 6、研究者们说甲醇能通过抑制一个叫做光呼吸作用的自然过程来促进植物的生长,在这个光呼吸过程中植物会损失大量它生长所需要的能量。

[解析]:整体结构是宾语从句,我们只看从句的主干。甲醇能促进生长,正评价!通过对一个自然过程做第一空格这个动作来促进。第一空正还是负?要看这个自然过程对植物生长时促进还是阻碍。known as photorespiration是补充修饰专业描述,不需要看懂,继续往下扫。(后面during which是一个带介词的非限制性定语从句,during which在从句中作状语。)后面说到much of the energy it needs to grow,这是正评价,可是植物到底能否得到这个好东西由第二空决定。所以逻辑推理结果出来:如果第二空填正评价,那么第一空也是;如果第二空填负评价,那么第一空也是。满足这个条件的只有BD,优先选择感情色彩强烈的D。


[解析]:第一空是细节题,扮演修饰goodwill的成分,所以可以使用三位一体战术。pure goodwill ______ with selfish considerations要保持逻辑关系上的一致,而pure goodwill 显然与 selfish considerations取非,这样一来就要求第一空必须是一个绝对的负评价词,最合适的只有BE。转折前对pure goodwill正评价,对selfish considerations负评价,转折后就要对selfish considerations正评价啦。those who enter into such relations可以看作genuine

friendships的同义重复(友谊与参与友谊的人们,上下义表达),accrue显然是正评价,所以第二空格必须填selfish considerations的同义重复。对于人而言什么属于自私杂念?当然是诱惑啦。所以答案选E。此题有一定难度,但是是机考时代的老题,在2002年2月的填空机经的第4题。 Section Three

1、在这艘船下水前的一系列演讲中,设计者的表情忧郁目光游离;毫无疑问,他对这个仪式不自信并且对继续下水感到担心。(get on with继续做。)

[解析]:分号前面是负评价,所以分号后面的空格处一定填负评价词(用and帮助确定),粗选出CE。再精确推一下,he= its designer,与its designer’s expression看作上下义同义表达,所以空格应该由was pensive and his stare distain来决定,所以C比较合适。


[解析]:转折前面说女性们不都一样,转折后面马上说到了一样的地方(their shared



[解析]:此题与2002年11月考题SECTION ONE的第7题如出一辙。在时间对比题型中我们反复讲到时间在后否定前者,这是学术英语的惯例啦。in the past和时态上的过去完成时



[解析]:分号前面对music performed solely for entertainment持负评价,in the past可以看作Traditional Chinese culture的同义重复,所以分号后面的China’s musical entertainers也应该是负评价ABE。E是主动状态,显然不对,应该是他们被蔑视才对。再推敲一下AB马上可以发现A不是很低的社会地位,显然不是我们想要的负评价状态,所以只能选B。


[解析]:转折前对diverse local idioms of English进行负评价,转折后就应该是正评价,转折后马上出现的their表明第一空格无论填什么一定是the diverse local idioms的上下义同义表达,所以第一空不重要,只要第二空是正评价即可。能够确定表示正评价的只有E。虽然翻译起来实在别扭的说。



conscientious的解释:thorough and assiduous,而assiduous与diligent是直接同义词。


[解析]:and表示同义重复,后面的such表明inconspicuousness与空格是同义重复,哪个动作有不显眼的意思?好像没有特别合适的!那再看后面inconspicuousness会preserve the illusion of reality,显然reality同义重复前面的narrative,那么也就是说空格这个词汇既要有inconspicuousness的意思,最好也有导致illusion的意思,那就只有E了。

此题其实是2002年2月机考GRE考题机经第37题,另一种考法是空格在inconspicuousness处,选项中填这个词,题干与本题一模一样,obtrude into没有挖去而已。


A. tablet: blank B. wall: smooth C. scratch: jagged D. angle: measured E.spike: pointed (事物正面特征 且二者均有突出的感觉) bulge: a protuberant or swollen part or place spike: one of a row of pointed irons placed (as on the top of a wall) to prevent passage 9. INFINITE: LARGE

A. fathomless: comprehensible B. pervasive: scattered C. unoccupied: empty D. interminable: lengthy E. irremediable: harmful

(程度类比)unoccupied: empty及irremediable:harmful均没有程度上的类比 同义和程度类比同时出现时 优先选择程度类比 10. REMINISCENCE: RECOLLECTION

A. reverie: predict B. quandary: resolve C.machination: plot D. hesitation: hasten E. regret: undo (同义关系)

reminiscence: recall to mind of a long-forgotten experience or fact. recollection: something recalled to the mind. machination: scheming or crafty action or artful design intended to accomplish some usually evil end. plot: a plan secretly devised to accomplish an evil or treacherous end. 11.ENERVATED: STRENGTH

A.granulated: sweetness B.desiccated: moisture C.perforated: discreteness D.inoculated: viability E.electrified: magnetism (enervate: to lessen the vitality or strength of desiccate: to dry up)


A.imprison: isolation B.overlook: anonymity C.condole: value D. E.coarsen: texture [dislocate: to put out of place; to force a change in the usual status position: relative place, situation, or standing imprison: to put in or as if in prison isolation: the condition of being isolated

coarsen: to make coarse (coarse: loose or rough in texture)] 13.DEFIANCE: RESISTANT

A.tolerance: biased B.vanity: diffident C.obeisance: deferential D.imperiousness: hostile E.gullibility: incredulous (同义关系)

defiance: disposition to resist obeisance: acknowledgment of another's superiority or importance deferential: showing or expressing deference (deference: respect and esteem due a superior or an elder) 14.OBVIATE: UNNECESSARY

A.erase: obsolete B.forestall: outdated C.thwart: unappealing D.enjoin: inevitable E.outlaw: illegal [obviate: to anticipate and prevent (as a situation) or make unnecessary (as an action) forestall: keep from happening of arising; have the effect of preventing obsolete: no longer in use or no longer useful erase: to rub or scrape out outlaw: to place under a ban or restriction

illegal: not according to or authorized by law, to make illegal ]

答案:E的解释obviate : to make unnecessary outlaw : to make illegal 15.EUPHEMISM: OFFENSIVE

A.rhetoric: persuasive B.metaphor: poetic C.equivocation: candid D.redundancy: instructive E.conciliation: appeasing

[euphemism: the substitution of an agreeable or inoffensive expression for one that may offend or suggest something unpleasant

equivocation: to use equivocal language especially with intent to deceive candid: indicating or suggesting sincere honesty and absence of deception] 16.PEDANT: LEARNING

A.charlatan: trickery B.dandy: dress C.dilettante: allegiance D.renegade: allegiance E.dramatist: writing

pedant: one who is unimaginative or who unduly emphasizes minutiae in the presentation or use of knowledge; a person who pays more attention to formal rules and book learning than they merit

charlatan: one making usually showy pretenses to knowledge or ability;a flamboyant deceiver; one who attracts customers with tricks or jokes

dandy: a man who gives exaggerated attention to personal appearance;a man who is much concerned with his dress and appearance, 选B



pedant : person who attaches too much importance to detail or to rules, esp when learning or teaching

dandy : man who cares too much about the smartness of his clothes and his appearance charlatan : person who falsely claims to have special knowledge or skill, esp in medicine

这个题目的对应就是前者对后者非常看重(attaches too much importance to, cares too much about),并且达到了贬义的程度。

charlatan的意思就是骗子医生,charlatan的心理显然不应该是非常的注重trickery(无论从那本字典上都不能得到这样的暗示,所以 如果我们觉得charlatan就是过分注重trickery的,那只能归于我们的发散),charlatan只有一个特点就是骗. 28. SUBSTANTIATE

A. Distinguish B. Disclose C. Disrupt D. Distance E. Discredit (substantiate: to establish by proof or competent evidence

discredit: to refuse to accept as true or accurate; to cause disbelief in the accuracy or authority of) 29. ASKEW

A. Abrupt B. Internal C. Minimal D. Artificial E. Straight (askew: out of line; in a turned or twisted position or direction straight: free from curves, bends, angles, or irregularities) 30. GROUNDLESS

A. Finished B. Justified C. Favorably impressed D. Actively pursued E. Staunchly defended (groundless: having no ground or foundation

justified: to show to have had a sufficient legal reason) 31.UNDERSTANDING

A. Unscrupulous B. Unsympathetic C. Rebellious D. Meddlesome E. Truculent

(understanding: an agreement of opinion or feeling : adjustment of differences sympathetic: favorably inclined : approving unscrupulous是肆无忌惮的 与本题无关) 32. RAMPANT

A. Single-minded B. Incorruptible C. Lacking in clarity D. Limited in extent E. Thorough in treatment

rampant: marked by a menacing wildness, extravagance, or absence of restraint absence of restraint和limited in extent形成完美对应 33. FICKLENESS

A. Authenticity B. Sincerity C. Strictness D. Austerity E. Steadfastness fickleness: marked by lack of steadfastness, constancy, or stability 34. BEHOOVE

A. Seem outlandish B. Cause anxiety about C. Be transitory D. Be disadvantageous behoove: to be necessary, proper, or advantageous

(outlandish: exceeding proper or reasonable limits or standards

disadvantageous: attended with disadvantage; unfavorable to success or prosperity; inconvenient; prejudicial; -- opposed to advantageous; as, the situation of an army is disadvantageous for attack or defense.) 35. OBEDIENT

A. Innovative B. Willful C. Exacting D. Overwrought E. Winsome obedient: submissive to the restraint or command of authority : willing to obey willful: obstinately and often perversely self-willed 36. CARP

A. Endure without complaint B. Investigate thoroughly C. Avoid risk D. Overcome easily E. Engage readily

carp: to find fault or complain querulously 对应endure without complaint

37. DEFRAY A. Repair B. Promote C. Hasten D. Incur E. Entrust (defray: to provide for the payment of

entrust: to confer a trust on; especially : to deliver something in trust to 一个是付账,一个是委托,经济层面上的对应) 38. HEED

A. Flout B. Hinder C. Demur D. Linger E. Insult

heed: to pay attention, to give consideration or attention to是关注,留意

linger: to be slow to act; to be slow in parting or in quitting something强调无所事事,是说A逗留闲荡拖延游移,而heed指是B对A不关注,两者主客体不同,因此linger不能作为答案。

demur: to scruple or object; to take exception, especially on the basis of scruple or modesty强调反对,犹豫,而不是不关注,不留意。

flout: to treat with contemptuous disregard; to indulge in scornful behavior. disregard漠视对应pay attention留意, 正确 短文章

Ingestion of food containing spores of the pathogen Ascosphaera apis causes a fatal fungal disease known as chalk brood in honeybee larvae. However, larvae must be chilled to about 30°C (normal brood-comb temperature is 33-36°C) for the disease to develop. Accordingly, chalk brood is most common in spring and in small colonies. A recent study revealed that honeybees responsible for hive-temperature maintenance purposely raised the hives’ temperature when colonies were

inoculated with A.apis. this “fever,” or up-regulation of temperature, occurred before any larvae died, suggesting that the response is preventative and that either honeybee workers detect the infection before symptoms are visible or larvae communicate the ingestion of the pathogen. Temperature returned to normal by the end of the study, suggesting that increased temperature is not optimal when broods are not infected, as well as that the fever does not result merely from normal colony growth (i.e., an increase in the number of workers available for temperature maintenance).


小规模的蜜蜂群. 最近一个研究发现.在蜂群感染了A之后,那些负责维持蜂房温度的蜜蜂会有意识地提高蜂房温度. 而这个\发烧现象\或者说温度的提升是在没有一个幼虫(因病)死亡之前发生的.(这个现象)可能说明蜜蜂的这一反应(提高温度)是一个保护性措施.而且(还说明)要么是那些蜜蜂在感染症状出现之前就发现了它们,要么就是幼虫把感染信息告诉了蜜蜂. 实验结束的时候,(蜂房的温度)又恢复正常了,说明升高的温度并不是蜂群的最佳温度,也说明这个\发烧现象\不仅仅是蜂群数量增大的结果.】 24. The primary purpose of the passage is to

(A) discuss the findings and implications of a particular study (B) illustrate a process that formerly had been misunderstood (C) outline the methods used to investigate a problem (D) provide evidence to support a controversial theory (E) contrast alternative interpretations of certain date

25. According to the passage, researchers concluded that fever in honeybee colonies ispreventative because their study showed that such fever

(这题多数同学选的C. 问的是为什么研究人员认为\发热\是保护行为)

(A) does not occur when hive temperatures are within normal range 该行为不发生在蜂房温度正常的情况下.(应该非常好排除吧,升温和蜂房原来温度无关,只有感染了才会升)

(B) protests adult bees from contracting chalk brood infection 防止成年蜜蜂接触感染.(升温的作用是防止发作,文章中没有提到是否能隔绝传染. )

(C) occurs prior to the death of any larvae 在任何幼虫死亡之前发生. (文中原话,虽然直接得有点让人不敢选,但是确实是最佳答案.)

(D) is more likely to occur in spring than in summer 相较于在夏天,更可能在春天发生. (than是GRE阅读中需要引起注意的词.文中没有明确指出,不如C来得更直接,而且有点答非所问.) (E) does not have an effect on uninfected broods 对于没有感染的蜜蜂没有影响.(答非所问). 26. The passage implies that if hive temperature had not returned to normal by the end of the study in question, a probable conclusion of the researchers would have been that (这题牵涉到对文章最后一句的理解,只要取反就可以了.所以我觉得是B,这题争议比较严重.其实最后一句的意思就是最终的实验结果(温度回归)说明暂时升高的 温度不是蜂群的最爱---说明是不得以而为之;而后半句温度升高不仅仅是蜜蜂数量的增多,说明热量不是数量上升累积的结果而是有别的什么因素促成.换而言 之还是说明了温度升高是有意识地保护行为.所以回答这题的时候把这两点的想法取反就OK了)

(A) up-regulation of temperature is a preventative measure against chalk brood 说明升温是保护性措施. (和上述说法取反后不同吧.)

(B) honeybees are incapable of purposely raising hive temperatures 蜜蜂不能有意识地升高蜂房温度. (正确,符合上述第二个说法取反的结果).

(C) A. apis cannot be completely eradicated through up-regulation of temperature along 说明仅仅通过升温A不能完全被消除. (到底A有没有被消除实验没有说吧.)

(D) honeybee larvae have a mechanism to alert adult honeybees to the presence of A. apis 幼虫有能力向成年蜜蜂报警. (完全没关系的回答吧.)

(E) honeybee larvae may benefit from increased hive temperature even when there is no A. apis present 即使没有A,幼虫可能从增高的温度中获益. (这个推测过远了吧,如果温度没降下也不能说明幼虫可能获益吧,相较于E,B更加合适吧.)

27. According to the passage, which of the following is true of chalk brood infection among honeybee larvae?(这题争议同样比较严重,我倾向于选D. 问的是下列关于感染的选项中哪个是符合文章意思的.)

(A) Larvae in small colonies are more likely to pass the infection to adult honeybees than are larvae in large ones. 相较于大蜂群,小蜂群中的幼虫更容易把感染传给成年蜂(文章中根本没说病毒传染的问题吧).

(B) Infection with chalk brood induces larvae to raise their hive’s temperature. 感染使得幼虫升高蜂房的温度. (这是成年蜜蜂干的活吧.)

(C) The infection is more likely to affect larvae in winter than in spring. 相比于春天,感染更容易在冬天发生.(虽然冬天看上去温度低,但是文章说是春天,我们不能以自己先入为主的来做题.)

(D) Larvae fail to develop symptoms of the disease when their brood –comb temperature remains within the normal range. 在蜂群温度正常的时候幼虫身上没有任何感染的病症.(文章中说到过在病症出来之前成年蜂就开始增加蜂房的温度了,说明没出病症的时候蜂房温度是正常的.) (E) Infected larvae exhibit visible symptoms of disease for a significant time before death. 被感染的幼虫在死前会有相当长的一段时间表现出可见的病症. (a significant time 完全臆测).



1. Since one of Professor Roche's oft-repeated adages was that familiarity leads to ___, his students were quite surprised to find him so ___Return of the Native, a novel he had taught for over 30 years.

A love...enthusiastic over B contempt...disdainful of C knowledge...conversant with D boredom...excited by E admiration...confused by

2. Reason was once believed to be ___ human, but lately this assumption of intellectual

superiority has come under increasingly skeptical scrutiny: most researchers now at least ___ the notion that some animals can think.

A logically…ridicule B unique…entertain C scarcely…embrace D quintessentially…balk at E peculiarly…scoff at

3. Powerful as they are, the ___ songs the artist is best known for might sting more and have even greater emotional complexity if one felt that his criticisms were aimed at himself as well as at his unnamed foes.

A accusatory B altruistic C mournful D simplistic E humble

4. In her love the sea is ___ symbol: to the narrator it clearly represents everything that is

destructive in nature, but at other times it seems to stand for everything in nature that is serenely beautiful.

A an enduring B an ambiguous C a coherent D an obtrusive E a discrete

5. Despite their extensive efforts to determine the mode of oil ___, scientists still have not ___ the process by which oil is produced.

A dispersion…excluded B synthesis…rejected C creation…investigated D recovery…condoned E genesis…established

6. Compared with their parties, politicians are ___:they are considerably less enduring than the organizations in which they function.

A ubiquitous B autonomous C fickle D immutable E transitory

7. Chavez’ account of her supervisors’ ___ decision making belies the agency’s image as little more than ___ bureaucracy.

A cautious…a staid B ill-informed…a disorganized C reckless…an incompetent D systematic…a methodical E headlong…a timorous 8. FIR:TREE::

A wool: fiber B pore: skin C lawn: grass D color: hue E board: log 9. FIXTURE:PERMANENCE::

A hoax: fraudulence B specter: solidity C warning: earnestness D goal: achievement E setback: promotion 10. USURPATION:POWER::

A theft: property B restoration: quality C admonition: duty D escape: bondage E discourse: language


A pernicious: foresight B clever: calculation C sincere: duplicity D unprecedented: confidence E ill-considered: spontaneity 12. STOKE:FUEL::

A garnish: decoration B simulate: imitation C radiate: steam D cook: nutrient E propel: height 13. GROW:THRIVE::

A receive: acquire B indicate : signify C oversee: supervise D hearten: encourage E move: bustle 14. METICULOUSNESS:CURSORY::

A conscientiousness: hesitant B condescension: arrogant

C indolence: dilatory D geniality: acrimonious E malice: devious 15. REMONSTRATE:DETER::

A procrastinate: hasten B concede: vanquish C defer: intimidate D prevaricate: mislead E reconcile: oppose 16. RESHAPE:FORM::

A rehash: meaning B reprint: content C reconstitute: flavor D rebuff: question E remove: location 28. AMNESIA:

A hyperactivity B discipline C suspicion D retentiveness E creativity 29. ENDEAVOR

A remain free B give back C lack energy D fail to attempt E agree to accept 30. DRIFT

A expose B undermine C wane D last long E hold fast 31. AUTOMATIC

A invariable B final C voluntary D mobile E silent 32. RESOLUTE

A incorrect B dishonest C wavering D prudish E plentiful 33. REASSERT

A discomfit B relieve C recant D elude E purloin 34. SAGA

A allegory B anecdote C epistle D philippic E prologue 35. DOUSE

A ignite B attain C assist D inflate E repet 36. CANONIZE

A alienate B pacify C debase D discourage E delude 37. INCREDULITY

A generosity B discretion C sincerity D faith E mundanity 38. FEALTY

A grandioquence B disillusionment C nefariousness D perfidy E sloth


1. The cause of the disease is fairly simple and has been understood for over a century; by contrast, its symptoms and effects are ___.

A straightforward B illuminating C severe D well researched E perplexing

2. Throughout the artist’s work there runs a thread of psychic darkness strong enough to unnerve the most jaded sensibility: even her drawings from the comparatively ___ months of her visit to Rome ___ violence secrecy, and despair.

A tranquil…emanate B morbid…convey C languid…eschew D disturbed…express E felicitous…shun

3. Even among the staid, unemotional denominations of the 1830s and 1840s, the renewal of religious fervor and the necessity of competing with more ___ clerics inevitably led to a greater ___ ministerial showmanship.

A charismatic…cultivation of B reserved…attraction to C well-known…disdain for D conservative…appeal for E empathetic…distrust of

4. Tuberculosis has long been ___ and ____ disease: for thousands of years, it has continued to afflict humankind without regard for sex, class, occupation, or race.

A an unremitting…selective B an unpredictable…limitable C a sporadic…capricious D a relentless…egalitarian E a virulent…preventable

5. He found his new acquaintance to be ___ :trying to understand her personality was like peering into an unknown dimension.

A puerile B imperturbable C cosmopolitan D inscrutable E obdurate 6. The writer has gained such popularity with his readers that even his inanities are now

considered ___. A vacuous B tedious C speculative D allusive E trenchant 7. The biographer’s intense emotional involvement with his subject did not ___ objectivity, since the passionate engagement fostered deep knowledge that was ultimately necessary for truly ___ judgment.

A preclude…disinterested B encourage…fair C impede…partisan

D advance…pragmatic E admit…reasonable 8. DISK:FLAT::

A liquid: viscous B angle:wide C orb: spherical D mineral: valuable E vapor: noxious 9. PROPOSAL:ADOPT::

A request: grant B legislation: amend C rebuff: conciliate D authorization: control E license: revoke


A lure: entice B refuse: deny C conceal: hide D forgive: pardon E anger: infuriate 11. VACCINATE:DISEASE::

A operate: recovery B suture: healing C diagnose: treatment D anesthetize: sensation E amputate: therapy 12. LOCK:SECURE::

A drapery: suspend B hinge: tighten C door: close D cable: coil E tarpaulin: protect 13. GROUNDLESS:SUBSTANTIATION::

A incredible: plausibility B germane: cogency C artless: ingenuousness D grave: sobriety E forthright: truthfulness 14. THRONG:DENSENESS::

A caricature: exaggeration B travesty: acclaim C morsel: bulk D emulsion: purity E morass: unity


A complacency: unwary B truculence: vicious C flippancy: earnest D erudition: urbane E despondency: hopeless 16. BADGER:BOTHER::

A aggrieve: injure B haunt: remember C quibble: argue D censure: evaluate E importune: beg 28. DORMANT

A complex B caustic C vigorous D alien E flexible 29. PREVALENCE

A rareness B narrowness C suitability D durability E inequality 30. COVERT

A informal B undisguised C unmerciful D varied E servile 31. CORRESPOND

A be attractive B be incongruous C lack emotion D become safe E state weakly 32. DEXTERITY

A lack of skill B lack of freedom C uniformity D honesty E stubbornness 33. OAF

A sophisticate B maverick C ascetic D diplomat E executive 34. OBLIGING

A enforced B taboo C amusing D remorseful E grudging 35. SECEDE

A act decisively B interfere frequently C unite with D fail E veto 36. UNDETERRED

A evasive B adaptable C cunning D persuaded E daunted 37. GARISH

A fully healed B minute C costly D muted E lacking substance 38. FITFUL

A inappropriate B indulgent C irksome D continuous E enigmatic

Section 1

1. 句中的Return of the Native由其后同位结构(一本他讲了三十多年的小说)可推论其即意味着familiarity,因而学生所感到惊讶的内容(即空格2)应和familiarity会带来的内容(即空格1)形成反义,因而排除ABC(均为同义);而E选项的admiration和confused并不构成反义;而D选项的boredom和excited可构成反义(厌倦与兴奋)。答案:D

翻译:由于罗希教授(Professor Roche)常挂在嘴边的格言之一就是熟悉会带来厌倦,因而他的学生当发现他对《本土人的回归》这一他已讲了三十多年的小说仍会兴奋时倍感惊讶。 2. 句中有两层关系,首先,由but后内容(人类的智力优越性愈来愈受到怀疑和审视)推论出前句内容应为推理被认为是人类的能力,因而空格1应表肯定,由此可排除C(scarcely


翻译:推理曾一度被认为是人类所独有的,然而近来这一关于人类的智力优越性的假设愈来愈受到怀疑与审视:大多数研究人员现今至少接受了一些动物也能思考这一观点。 3. 空格内容修饰歌曲,而由从句中his即指代主句中the artist可推论歌曲即意味着criticisms(批评),因而空格内容应和此一致,即选择A(责问的,控诉的)答案:A 翻译:尽管一位艺术家赖以成名的控诉性歌曲如此有力,然而如若人们感受到艺术家的批判既是指向自己也是指向未提及的敌人,这些歌曲可能更会刺到痛处,也会在情感上更为复杂。

4. 冒号后内容对其前内容起解释作用,可由冒号后内容(或毁灭;或平静)推论空格内容应意指不清或矛盾,因而正确选项为B。答案:B


5. 句中their所指即为scientists,由despite和still not可推论出空格2内容应与determine同表肯定,因而可排除AB,而CD中选项2与文意不符,E即为正确选项。答案:E


6.冒号后内容对其前的内容起解释作用,由冒号后内容(政治家要在韧性上远逊色于他们所效力的组织)可推论出空格内容应与enduring形成反义,因而排除ABD;而E从含义上判断应指事物难于持久而非形容人,因而可排除从而选择C(见参考释义)。答案:C fickle: marked by lack of steadfastness,constancy, or stability, given to erratic changeableness《W》

characterized by erratic changeableness or instability, especially with regard to affections or attachments; capricious《American Heritage》 transitory: ①tending to pass away : not persistent ②of brief duration : temporary《Webster》

existing or lasting only a short time; short-lived or temporary《American Heritage》

翻译:政治家与其政党相比起来更为嬗变:他们要在韧性上远逊色于他们所效力的组织。 7. little more than即为no more than,因而空格2内容应表否定,由此可排除AD;而由belies可推论出空格1内容仍应表否定,且应与空格2内容一致,即可由空格1内容推出空格2内容,因而可排除BE从而选择C(见参考释义)。答案:C reckless: irresponsible《Webster》

翻译:Chavez对她主管们轻率决策的描述证明了该机构不过是一个不合格的官僚机构。 8、fir是一种树木,wool是一种fibre 杉树:树=羊绒:纤维(种属关系) 9、fixture翻译为:放置在某位置长期不动 正面特征就是 permanence

hoax 正面特征为 fraudulence欺骗的,不诚实的 固定:不变=哄骗:欺诈(事物及其性质)

10、 usurpation 与 theft 都有拿的意思 找二重对应 是都有不合法的特征 篡夺:权力=偷盗:财产(动作及其对象,且均表负面含义)

11、unwitting翻译为不知情的 题干两词互为缺乏关系 不知道的:意识=真诚的:欺骗性 12、stoke意为填充燃料有加东西感觉,排除B选项,A选项装饰也有加上去东西感觉 选A


13、bustle:to move briskly and often ostentatiously brisk:敏捷的,活泼的;清新健康的 thrive: to grow vigorously vigorous: 精力旺盛的,健壮的



跟D选项 geniality: acrimonious:愉快的,脾气好的:尖刻的,严厉的 正好对应 condescension: a. voluntary descent from one's rank or dignity in relations with an inferior

b. patronizing attitude or behavior

arrogant: exaggerating or disposed to exaggerate one's own worth or importance often by an overbearing manner


15、remonstrate:deter 抗议是为了阻止 D选项 支吾其词,说谎是为了误导 抗议:吓住=撒谎:误导(动作及其目的)

16、直接找对应:可以移动,发生变化的,只有E选项 其他选项应该很容易排除吧 再成形:形状=改变位置:位置(动作及其对象,且均表改变)

注意:reprint韦氏上的解释 to print again : make a reprint of 而没有说对内容有什么修改 28、amnesia 健忘症 :retentiveness 有记忆力 选D 29、努力<>不尝试 选D 30、drift:根据词性一致原则,韦氏上解释为:to become driven or carried along (as by a current of water, wind, or air) b : to move or float smoothly and effortlessly 陈琦翻译为漂流 答案为E,不动 漂移<>保持牢固

31、两个解释:1、自动的 2、不由自主地 韦氏解释 largely or wholly involuntary 对应C 32、resolute:waving:坚决的:摇摆的 33、reassert 断言:recant 改变 34、saga 英雄故事,长篇小说:anecdote 短故事 长短对应 35、douse把…浸入水中;熄灭:ignite 点燃

36、canonize 褒扬,推崇: debase 贬低 37、incredulity怀疑: faith 信任 38、fealty 忠诚:perfidy 背叛 nefariousness 违法,邪恶 Section 2

1. E (由by contrast可推论出空格内容与simple相反,因而正确选项为E)


2. A (由冒号后内容对之前内容“在该艺术家的作品中弥漫着一丝心灵上的阴暗,足以让最为理性的人失控”起解释作用可推论空格1应为正评价,即对应于sensibility,从而可排除BCD(反义),而E的选项1含义并不对应,因而正确选项为A)


3. A(可由renewal of religious fervor所在的并列结构推论出空格1应为正评价,因而排除BDE;而由主句内容“宗教热情的复萌以及与更为有魅力牧师的必然竞争不可避免地加剧了”可推论出空格2亦为正评价,因而排除C)


4. C (冒号后内容对之前内容起解释作用,可由冒号后内容“不分性别、阶层、职业和种族”排除ABDE;或由空格1与空格2的并列结构亦可排除DE)

5. D (冒号后内容对之前的内容起解释作用,可由冒号后内容“了解她的性格就如同窥视未知的领域”排除ABCE)

翻译:他发现他的新相识的朋友难于了解:试图了解她的性格就如同窥视位置的领域。 6. E(可由主句“作家在读者中如此受欢迎”推论出为空格内容应为正评价,且与inanities(空洞,无意义)含义相反,因而正确答案为E)


7. A(可由since后内容“全情投入能带来深刻的知识,而此等知识对于判断终是必需的”可推断出对主句内容关于objectivity(客观性)应为正评价,因而did not后面内容应表否定,可排除BDE;而truly后内容应为正评价,因而正确答案为A)


8、形状的正面特征A disk is flat while an orb is spherical(考了一个二维到三维的过渡) (事物及其特点)圆盘:平的=球:球状的 9、(动宾关系)批准请求,采纳建议,批准与采纳都有肯定的感觉,说目的关系也可以的 E是否定的意思,所以不选 建议:采纳=请求:授予(动作及其目的,且均为被动含义)

10、(程度类比)FRIGHTEN:TERRIFY::使惊吓,使恐惧 恐惧自然比惊吓程度深

E选项 怒和狂怒,ACD均为同义;B中refuse为拒绝,而deny为拒绝给予 11、(消除关系)使免疫:疾病=使麻醉:感觉


护意思,直接就可以选出答案 锁:确保安全=油布:保护

13、(反面关系)无根据的:证明=难以置信的/不可信的:似乎合理性,题干:没有依据的就没有被证实。答案A plausibility翻译要翻译成令人相信的,不要翻译成似是而非 14、(正面特征)一群人特征就是密集, 人群:密集=讽刺画:夸张

Caricature有两个特征一是 exaggeration另外一个是distortion

15、(反面特征)粗鲁的不善于吃喝交际 轻浮的就不严肃庄重,粗鲁:友善=轻浮:认真 convivial: relating to, occupied with, or fond of feasting, drinking, and good company《Webster》 16、(程度类比)inportune翻译为胡搅蛮缠 题干和正确选项都有使人烦了的二重对应 一再烦扰:打扰=不断请求:请求

28、DORMANT:marked by a suspension of activity: as a : temporarily devoid of external activity b: temporarily in abeyance yet capable of being activated 休眠的<>活力充沛的 29、普遍,流行<>稀少 30、偷偷摸摸,秘密的<>公开的 31、符合<>不符合 32、灵活<>没技巧 33、傻的<>老于世故的

34、愿意提供帮助的<>ungrudging(unwilling to do something) 35、退出<>加入联合 36、恐吓阻止<>被威慑住的 37、(颜色)过于艳俗的<>(颜色)变淡的 38、断断续续的<>连续的


Section 1

1.Initially a defender of democratic rules , the resident ironically soon began to employ the very dictatorial power that he had once ___

A.supported B.condemned C.created D.advocated E.recognized

2. The artist was quite___: he not only painted portraits and illustrated books but also designed furniture and monuments.

A.unsophisticated B.conventional C.temperamental D.exacting E.versatile

3. Because of the likelihood that her new colleague would not approve of her political opinions, the reporter briefly considered remaining quiet, then quickly resolved that she would not ____her personal views merely for the sake of ____

A.flout.....posterity B.suppress....concord C.recant .....debate D.misrepresent....conflict E.advertise.....affability

4. The feminist poet's extremely explicit and witty diatribes against social convention were so thoroughly___ other writers that her idiosyncratic brand of rebellion eventually became the convention of her time.

A.inimical to B.alien to C. emulated by D.resented by E.misunderstood by

5. Although sermons retained their___ in religious life during most of the twentieth century, they are gradually ___that central places as churches devote more energy to social activities. A.stature....occupying B.role....preemptingC.preeminence ....losing D.superiority ....attaining E.marginality....ceding

6. The same environmental process that long ago caused the original degradation of forest ecosystem are acting as___its rehabilitation; scientists therefore intend to try to ____these processes in order to prevent future damage to the ecosystem

A. signals of ....eliminate B. irritants to....exacerbate C. precursors to ....slow D.barriers to ...counter E. obstacles to....facilitate

7. The studies executive lamented the fact that experts who had tried to_____the reasons why movies succeed or fail commercially had encountered great difficulty in producing mathematical models that could accurately predict the future of unreleased movies. A.downplay B.falsify C.delineate D.circumvent E.promote


(A) pundit : obduracy (B) author : prolixity (C) comedian : topicality (D) gardener : fertility (E) acrobat : agility 9、DISGUSTING : REVULSION

(A) soothing : vexation (B) stimulating : invigoration (C) derisive : goodwill (D) affirmative : gratitude (E) acrimonious : pity 10、POINTER : ADVICE

(A) ultimatum : blandish (B) invitation : entertain (C) caveat : warn (D) waiver : require (E) rebuff : imitate 11、DEFLATE : BOYANCY

(A) scrutinize : clarity (B) terminate : closure (C) distend : discomfort (D) different : singularity (E) neutralize : effectiveness 12、STYLUS : INCISE

(A) document : read (B) look : store (C) stomp : imprint (D) seed : sow (E) fabric : weave


(A) alarm : threaten (B) denial : allege (C) rehearsal : perform (D) appellation : designate (E) condolence : dispirit 14、FISCAL : FINANCE

(A) political : law (B) pedagogical : teaching (C) therapeutic : disease (D) artistic : painting (E) experimental : science 15、DISCOURTESY : IMPOLITE

(A) debacle : disastrous (B) reunion : festive (C) request : urgent (D) revival : welcome (E) compliment : sincere 16、OBSTREPEROUS : CONTROL

(A) pretentious : annoy (B) successful : criticize (C) rash : admonish (D) cowardly : intimidate (E) resolute : dissuade

28、NOCTURNAL (A) living at sea (B) active by day (C) communal (D) immune (E) vegetarian 29、GRUELING

(A) common (B) unchallenging (C) traditional (D) sensitive (E) disorganized 30、UNSUBSTANTIATED

(A) permeable (B) excessive (C) confirmed (D) supplementary (E) interchangeable 31、GLACIAL

(A) critical (B) innocent (C) abnormal (D) honest and dependable (E) warm and friendly 32、DISQUIET (A) fortitude (B) gratitude (C) tranquility (D) dominance (E) longevity 33、DIVISIVE (A) unifying (B) complete (C) restrictive (D) intrinsic (E) uncertain 34、HEATED (A) incisive (B) cogent (C) meandering (D) remorseful (E) tempered 35、SERAPHIC (A) brittle (B) insipid (C) fiendish (D) immaculate (E) committed 36、GAMBOL (A) ascertain (B) conserve (C) slog (D) prune (E) burrow 37、AFFECTAQTION

(A) inarticulateness (B) hubris (C) staidness (D) ingenuousness (E) reticence

38、PROBITY (A) timidity (B) sagacity (C) impertinence (D) deviousness (E) uncertainty 解析:1. 这个题目就比较弱智了,属于第一种难度。

时间对比提示非常明显,initially 和once 都说明现在和过去相反。选B


2. 词汇难点:monument(纪念碑) temperamental(易兴奋的,性情的)versatile(多才多艺的) 都不认识也不要紧。很明显是一个并列,说这个人哪,啥都会做,一定是多才多艺。一看其他4个选项都不是这个意思,就猜E了。难度一。答案:E

翻译:这个艺术家相当多才多艺:他不仅能画肖像和画画书,还能设计家具和纪念碑。 3. briefly 这个词本身有草率和唐突的意思。因此,鉴于人本身的矛盾性和多变性,前后就可能会不一致。再加上后面说resolve 下定决心怎么怎么样。所以是一个比较难以做出的结果:跟别人不一致而受到谴责等等。所以副词千万在做题目的时候要小心看。答案:B 翻译:因为考虑到可能会被同事反对她的政治观点,所以这个记者一开始考虑到了保持沉默,但很快她下定决心不能仅仅因为要保持跟大家和睦就压抑了自己的个人观点。 4. 词汇难点:diatribe 谴责,抨击。 inimical to 对别人有敌意。(仍然无关紧要)



5. 这道题目比较恶心,分析如下:Sermon是什么不需要知道,反正是在宗教里面的东西,retain表示保持和持有一种什么东西,基本上看不出来是什么,所以只能分析下文。说

sermon这个东西渐渐怎么样了那个(that )中心的位置,就是代词提示重复,很明显,上文的空格一表示了一种中心的重要性的意思。候选CD,整个句子又是时间对比,所有只有C是对的。

词汇难点:sermon 布道和说教。Stature 高度和境界

翻译:虽然在大半个20世纪,布道在宗教生活中保持了杰出而重要的地位,但是当教会把更多的心思花在社会活动上之后布道活动就渐渐失去了他们的中心地位。(换言之,教会把使用了其他的手段而不仅仅是布道,) 6. 这道题很多同学做错。分析如下:

Rehabilitation是一个简单但重要的词,康复,复兴的意思(就算不认识,也应该可以猜出来),in order to表示目的,要阻止对于生态系统的进一步损害,所以就要对这个过程做一个空格二的动作。问题是这个过程到底是损害了还是没有损害了生态系统呢? Cause the original degradation表示这个过程过去不好,那么空格到底是帮助了恢复还是阻止了恢复,也就是空格一要填的内容跟空格二息息相关,因此这个题目是一个两个空格相连题目。属于难度三。如果损害了,那么空格二就要消除,反之类似。也就是说,两个空的内容方向应该一致。


B刺激,正向,空格二:exacerbate使恶化,本身负向,B也错。 C 两个词依然相反。 D 都是负向,因此D对。

E facilitate促进,因此也是反的。(考试的时候不用看E了其实)

注意这个句子很多同学做错是因为考虑到时间对比,前后应该不一致,但是注意时间对比的特征:前后的人的行为和观点相反或者相抵触,但是生态过程不太可能既使生态系统降级(degradation: [生物]表示退化)又促进了该系统的复兴。(答案:D)

翻译:正是那个相同的在很多年前造成了这个森林生态系统退化的环境过程再次造成了这个系统康复的障碍。因此科学家们为了防止对这个系统再次造成破坏想要阻止这个过程。 7. 难题。当然也有简单的方法: 既然是expert就不太可能对于reasons做一些具有明显感情色彩的词,这么看来,只有C delineat 描绘,刻画 符合这个特点。

从重复来看,lament已经有部分跟它重复,就是后面的encounter great difficulty,而空格只能跟一个词组重复就是accurately predict。他们都是联系两个相同的事物。 A 贬低,轻描淡写地说 B伪造和篡改 C 描绘,勾勒 D 规避,阻碍 E 晋升 词汇难点:lament 表示哀悼和惋惜的意思。(仍然不重要)(答案:C)



Section 3

1.The noisy begging of a brood of baby birds is a __ to biologist : why would any helpless, immature organism do something that seems so likely to endanger it by __ predators? A.Conundrum ; attracting B. Paradox ; outwiting C. Given ; drawing D. Signal ; startling E. Puzzle ; repelling

2. While still__, Juvenal's satires __ a change of tone and some touches of human hardness, as though he had found some consolation at last.

A.Pessimistic; avoid B.Embittered; show C.Hopeful; display D.Sardonic; escape E.Compassionate; embrace

3. Upon reality that the indicators of a stressful situation can be extremely__, the psychologist reconsidered his claim that a reliable way to reduce stress is to recognize stressful situations and then avoid them.

A. Acute B. Subtle C.Well-documented D.Exaggerated E.Persistent

4. The chief flaw of the work is that it dwell too long to matters that are__ to its main subject, leaving__ space for treatment of heat of the topic.

A.Germane; disproportinate B.Tantamount; equivalent C.Ancillary; scant D.Complement;compensatory E.Integral; inade

5. For all the scathing precision within the lines of social aspirants and moneyed folk, the writer appears to__ being part of the world she makes seem so__

A.Abhor; shallow B.Disdain; glamorous C.Romantic;bysterious D.Savor; intoxicating E.Relish;instafferate

6.The__ activity that usually accompanies annual conventions of professional scholars is in ill keeping with the__ and order befitting earnest intellectual endeavor

A.erudite;laxity B.Frivolous;gravity C.Frenetic; levity D.Doleful;dilettantism E.Cerebral; sobriety

7.Contrary to the manager's draconian reputation, most of the work rules and procedures she implemented were relatively__

A.Innocuous B.Punctilious C.Onerous D.Transparent E.Uncomplicated 8、HEAL : ILL

(A) decipher : unintelligible (B) hinder : inventive (C) engross : impassion (D) flatter : proud (E) illustrate : complex 9、AQUARIUM : FISH

(A) field : flowers (B) reef : coral (C) arboretum : trees (D) planetarium : stars (E) terrarium : soil 10、SURREPTITIOUS : SECRECY

(A) perilous : danger (B) altruistic : candor (C) dubious : credulity (D) judicious : severity (E) chaotic : despair 11、ARCHIPELAGO : ISLAND

(A) estuary : stream (B) reservoir : lake (C) range : mountain (D) woods : forest (E) ravine : valley 12、GLIDE : EFFORT

(A) circumvent : impediment (B) slant : incline (C) sprint : speed (D) slog : perseverance (E) wander : purpose 13、BRAGGART : BOAST

(A) critic : complain (B) ruffian : tease (C) cynic : brood (D) perfectionist : dominate (E) sycophant : fawn 14、ALOOF : RESERVE

(A) sluggish : torpor (B) repressive : modesty (C) strained : diplomacy (D) ominous : intrigue (E) recondite : stiffness 15、VERIFICATION : ACCURACY

(A) amplification : sound (B) distillation : impurity (C) acquisition : resource (D) measurement : magnitude (E) judgment : experience 16、EVANESCENT : PERMANENCE

(A) inestimable : value (B) impulsive : justification (C) tolerable : comfort (D) archaic : currency (E) rigid : smoothness 28、INCOMPREHENSION

(A) appropriateness (B) capability (C) amiability (D) openness (E) understanding 29、ANNUL (A) stir (B) depress (C) equal (D) declare valid (E) treat roughly 30、MONOPLIZE

(A) regulate (B) assist (C) multiply (D) share (E) fulfill 31、DRUDGERY

(A) intensity (B) formality (C) virtuous behavior (D) loyal service (E) gratifying labor 32、NAIVE

(A) attractive (B) awkward (C) convincing (D) aged (E) cunning 33、FARCICAL

(A) serious (B) stylized (C) sympathetic (D) popular (E) untainted 34、LANKY

(A) easygoing (B) ordinary (C) unbiased (D) formless (E) squat 35、AUGMENT

(A) duplicate (B) demote (C) loose (D) recycle (E) reduce 36、ABASE

(A) liberate (B) ennoble (C) defy (D) purify (E) destabilize


(A) diffident (B) sprightly (C) austere (D) pedantic (E) ambitious 38、COMMODIOUS

(A) stiff (B) straight (C) snug (D) inefficient (E) uncooperative 解析:

1. 同样,第一题是简单题。就算第一个词不认识,但是通过尖叫吸引捕食者的“吸引”只有attract一个,这是手段和目的之间的一致。其他都不对。

词汇难点:conundrum 难以回答的问题,一语双关。Outwit 智力上胜过别人。(答案:A) 翻译:吵着要食吃的鸟巢中的小鸟对于生物学家来说是一个令他们难以捉摸的问题:为什么像这些小鸟一样无助而幼小的生命体会做出这样的事来:这样叫明显是通过把捕食者引来从而招来杀身之祸。


While 放句首表示转折的意思,虽然仍然很___,那么空格一应该跟Juvenal’s satire 应该有的特征一致,当然如果这个词不认识,就可能不是很好填。再往下看对于human hardness 作了一个空格二的动作,就被认为是已经最终找到了一些可以慰藉consolation的东西,那么对于人类的艰难困苦最什么样的动作是感到能看到希望呢?当然不会去描述苦难,而是避开它,因此空格二填一个负向的动作AD候选。再看空格一,A代进去,JS这个东西尽管仍然很悲观,但是他好像已经不悲观了----逻辑混乱,转折让步中不能填直接的意义反义词。再看D选项,结果一看不认识,只好是D。很多同学错选B,embittered 是指一个事情被恶化或者一个人被弄得很痛苦,而不是挖苦讽刺的意思。(答案:D)

词汇难点:Juvenal 古罗马著名的讽刺诗人。 Satire 讽刺诗, sardonic 讥讽的


3. 这个题目虽然不难,但是很多同学还是会做错,分析如下:

注意下半句的that从句是心理医生声称的内容,内容是:找到紧张的情境从而避免紧张是一个可靠的消除紧张的方法。那么对这个声称reconsider,那就是说,意见就相反了,所以空格的词和recognize正好相反,因此这些indicator 不容易找到。

A剧烈,严重的 B 隐约的,微妙的 C 记录清楚的 D夸张的 E 固执的。 答案:B


4. 这道题目相比比较简单。这个工作的缺陷是在___上逗留的时间太长,猜都能猜到是无关紧要的意思。A 有密切关系的 B相等的 C 附属的 D补足的 E完整的 只有C是对的。 翻译:这个工作的缺陷是在无关紧要的方面浪费了太多时间,那么就给问题最中心最重要的部分没有留下什么时间。

5. 简单题:scathing precision说明作者对于这些moneyed folk是负向态度,根据空格一候选AB,这个世界是空格二的世界,在重复aspirants and moneyed folk,当然比较明显还是负向态度。注意glamorous 跟有钱和地位没有关系,并且一般是一个正向修饰词,只有A第二个词比较合适。(答案:A)


6. 该题仍然不难,in ill keeping with表示了正好相反的逻辑意义。所以是两个空格反义相连。而只有B合适

A 博学的;松弛的 B 轻浮的;严肃的 C 发狂的 ;轻浮的 D 忧伤的;涉猎多,半吊子的 E 大脑的;适度的


7. Draco是古雅典立法者,以严厉而著称,因此draconian 就是严厉,严酷的意思。这个题就是一个变态的考单词,没有技巧可言。

Innocuous 平淡的,无伤大雅的,这个词来自innocuity无伤大雅的行为和没有害处的消遣。所以本身是不严肃的意思。A是正确答案。

B 小心谨慎的 C 繁重的 D透明的 E 纯粹的(答案:A)



