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A Brief Note on the Fractional Quantum Hall Effect

B. G. Sidharth

Received: 6 April 2014 / Accepted: 9 December 2014 / Published online: 19 February 2015 ? Springer Science+Business Media New York 2015

Abstract :We explain features of two dimensional structures in a precise way, in terms of the non-commutative space which defines these structures. The novel feature here is a fundamental explanation for the FQHE.

Keywords : Hall·Effect·Quantum

1 Two Dimensional Considerations

The Quantum Hall Effect was discovered experimentally in the 1980s [1]. In this case, as is by now well known, for a two dimensional system of electrons, the Hall conductivity is found to be of the form

G=λ.e2/h (1) where λ takes on values

λ=m/n (2) m and n being integers. In particular we have the case that λ is an integer, called the integral Quantum Hall Effect [2].

The important thing is that (1) and ( 2) play a very precise role in metrology. There have been attempts to explain this phenomenon theoretically in particular by invoking gauge invariance [3]. However there have been some persisting puzzles.

We will now look at the Fractional Quantum Hall Effect (FQHE) from a completely novel perspective, for example in the case of graphene. As is well known graphene is a single layer graphite with many interesting properties. Some of these have been predicted by the author starting 1995 [4–7]. The important point here is that graphene has a honeycomb like lattice structure so that the space of graphene resembles a chessboard with “holes” in space itself [8].This means that there is a fundamental minimum length underpinning the system.

This fundamental length L leads to a non-commutative geometry [9]. This was pointed out a long time ago in the context of Quantum Electrodynamics [10]. This means that if (x,y) are the coordinates, xy = yx. Indeed, as pointed out, graphene therefore provides a test bed for these principles of physics which play a role in Quantum Gravity approaches. In such a situation it has been shown by the author and independently Saito [11-13] that there is a strong magnetic field. Further, the author showed that this field is given by

BL2=hc/e (3) L2 defines a Quantum of area exactly as in Quantum Gravity approaches [14, 15]. This as is well known is the area of individual lattices, in our case.

To elaborate, the author had argued that (3) holds in the case of a noncommutative geom- etry. This happens when there is a fundamental length L which acts as a minimum length of the system. In this latter case Snyder had shown that commutation relations like

[x,y]=(iL2)Lxect. (4) hold good. In the modern context L is the Compton (or Planck) length and we have Lx in (4) that reduces the Quantum mechanical spin value /2 (Cf. [13, 16]). Moreover Saito had shown [12] from a slightly different point of view that

[x,y]=ih/eB (5) (c = 1)

where B is the magnetic field that is generated due to this noncommutative geometry. Fol- lowing from (4) and ( 5), as pointed out by the author, equation (3) follows. From here we get equations like

y = ic/eBP

which were deduced by Landau much earlier, but without realizing the novel noncommuta- tive feature [17, 18].

In these considerations for graphene as is very well known, the Fermi velocity νF replaces the velocity of light. So we have for the electron mobility and conductivity μ=vF/|E| (6) σ=(n/A)e·vF/|E|,A~L2 (7) where A, as in the usual theory is the area and n is the number of electrons. In our case as noted above A, the area is made up of a number of honeycomb lattice areas, each with area ~ L2, that is

A = mL2 (8) where m is an integer.

We also note that the electric field strength E equals the magnetic field strength B for two dimensional structures.

To see this we invoke the well known fact that the electric and magnetic fields are given by [19]



In the case of Graphene or more generally other two dimensional structures c as noted

is replaced by the Fermi velocity νF while the Fermions (quasi particles) are massless as such luminal, that is like neutrinos in three dimensions, they move with velocity νF. So specializing to the 2D case the current J in (9) is given by

J?pvF (10) Substitution of (10) in ( 9) leads to the equality

E?B (11) which we have noted above. That is the magnetic fields are much stronger than in the usual case. Using these inputs in (7) we get

u=n/m.evF/BL2 (12) If we now use (3) in (12) (with νF replacing c) we get for the conductance

σ=n/m.e2h (13)

which defines the fractional Quantum Hall Effect. It must be mentioned that equation (3) takes care of any factor in the formula A ~ L2.

Earlier the author had shown that it is this non-commutative space feature in two dimen- sional structures that explains also Landau levels [18] or the minimum conductivity that exists in graphene even when there are practically no electrons at the Dirac points [19]. In other words several supposedly diverse phenomena arise from the non-commutative space of these two dimensional structures.

2 Discussion

It must be mentioned that the idea of trying to consider graphene from the perspective of its noncommutative space has been studied by several authors [20–23]. Some of the approaches were motivated by the Quantum Electrodynamics in the spirit of Wilson’s Lattice Gauge Theory. We would like to point out that unlike in the other approaches we have added two new inputs not used earlier which have lead to the rather comprehensive and neat deduction of (13). These are firstly (3) which was deduced several years ago in the context of high energy physics and quantum gravity and secondly (11), which as shown applies to two dimensional systems.

It may be mentioned that over the years the Integral Hall Effect and Fractional Quantum Hall Effects have not only been observed experimentally but several excellent simulations exist [24]. Furthermore while it has been known that both the integral and the fractional effects may be qualitatively related, exact theories to explain this have not been fully devel- oped. It must be mentioned that there is another approach that of composite Fermions which could potentially provide a unified description, for example that of the approach of J. Jain of Pensylvania State University. To put it briefly a composite Fermion describes an electron together with an even number of vortices.

Finally it may be mentioned that the work of the author and Saito briefly described above and which shows the production of a magnetic field due to noncommutative space, provides an explanation for the Quantum Anomalous Hall Effect which takes place in the absence of an external magnetic field. This effect was observed recently [25].


1. Klitzing, V., Dorda Pepper, M.: Phys. Rev. Lett. 45, 494 (1980) 2. Yenne, D.R.: Rev. Mod. Phys. 59(3), 781ff (1987)

3. Laughlin, R.B.: Phys. Rev. B 23(10), 5632–5633 (1981)

4. Sidharth,B.G.:ANoteonTwoDimensionalFermions in BSC-CAMCS-TR-95-04-01 (1995)

5. Sidharth, B.G.: Low Dimensional Electrons in Solid State Physics. In: Mukhopadhyay, R., et al. (eds.), vol. 41, p. 331. Universities Press, Hyderabad (1999) 6. Sidharth, B.G.: arXiv:9506002

7. Sidharth, B.G.: J. Stat. Phys. 95(3/4), 775–784 (1999)

8. Mecklenburg, M., Regan, R.C.: Phy. Rev. Lett. 106, 116803 (2011) 9. Sidharth, B.G.: Int. J. Mod. Phys. E 25(23), 5 (2014) 10. Snyder, H.S.: Phys. Rev. 1(1), 68–71 (1947)

11. Sidharth, B.G.: Nuovo Cimento B 118B(1), 35–40 (2003)


B. G. Sidharth

Received: 6 April 2014 / Accepted: 9 December 2014 / Published online: 19 February 2015 ? Springer Science+Business Media New York 2015






G??.e2/h (1) 当把λ代入得到

??m/n (2) 其中m和n是整数,特别是我们的λ是分数,因此称为分数量子霍尔效应[2]。 其中(1)和(2)在一个非常精确的计量中占有重要地位。有人试图解释这一现象,尤其是从理论上通过调用计的不变性[3]。然而,有一些坚持拼图。

现在我们看分数量子霍尔效应(FQHE)是从一个完全的小说角度来看,例如对于石墨烯,众所周知石墨烯是一个单层石墨,具有许多有趣的特性,作者对其中的一些已经预测1995年[4 - 7]。重要的是,石墨烯具有一个蜂巢晶格结构,石墨烯类似棋盘的空间空间的“洞”[8]。这意味着有一个基本的支撑系统的最小长度的体系。

这个基本长度导致非交换几何[9]。这是指出很久以前在量子电动力学所提到的[10]。这意味着,如果(x,y)坐标,存在xy 不等于yx。事实上,正如所指出的,因此石墨烯提供测试床这些物理原理方法同样在量子引力中发挥作用。在这种情况下,它已被证明的作者和独立齐藤(11 - 13)是一个强大的磁场。进一步,作者证实这个领域是由

BL2?hc/e (3)


通过精心设计,得出的结论是认为(3)持有非交换几何。有一个基本的长度作为一个最小长度所在的系统。斯奈德在这后一种情况表明,变换关系如下: ?x,y??(iL2)Lxext (4) 在现代背景下L是康普顿(或普朗克长度和我们Lx)(4)减少了量子力学自旋值,此外,在不同的在角度,斋藤发表[12]一个稍微不同的观点:

?x,y??ih/eB (5) 其中B在哪里生成磁场,由于进行非交换几何后,从(4)和(5)推导方程(3)。从这里我们得到方程如下:

y?ic/eBP (6) 其实朗道推到出来比较早,但并没有进行小说非交换特性(17、18)。 在考虑这些石墨烯是非常有名,其中费米速度νF取代了光速。我们有电子迁移率和电导率:

u?vF/E (7) ??(n/A)evF.E,A~L2 (8) 在通常的理论中n是电子的数量。在我们的例子中以及上面所提到的,该地区由许多蜂窝状晶格的区域,每个区域存在,

A=mL2(其中m为整数) (9)


E(x)??p(x?x/)dx3 (10)对于石墨烯或更一般的其他二维结构c指出被费米速度νF而费米子(准粒子)无质量等鲁米那,这就像中微子在三维空间中,他们用速度νF移动。所以专业的2 d情况下当前的J(9)是由

J?pvF (11) (10)的替代(9)得到

E?B (12)


u?n/m.evF/BL2 (12) 如果我们现在使用(3)(12)(νF取代c)得到的

??n/m.e2h (13) (11)定义了分数量子霍尔效应。必须提到方程(3)负责任何因素公式~L2。作者表明,这是早些时候非定义交换空间特性两个基本结构也解释了朗道水平[18]或存在于石墨烯的电导率最小情况下,即使几乎没有电子狄拉克点[9]。换句话说,几个所谓多样化现象源于非定义交换空间的二维结构。



自然而然会提到,多年来从积分霍尔效应和分数量子霍尔效应中,不仅观察到实验而且一些优秀的模拟存在[24]。此外虽然已经知道积分和分数影响可能相关的定性,确切的理论来解释这个尚未完全猛击-开。必须提到的复合费米子有另一种方法,可能会提供一个统一的描述,例如,j . Jain Pensylvania州立大学的的方法。把它简单复合费密子描述一个电子与偶数个漩涡。



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