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Part 1 Listening(第一部分 听力)

Ⅰ. Listen and choose the right picture(根据你听到的内容,选出相应的图片):(共6分)



1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

Ⅱ. Listen to the dialogue and choose the best answer to the question you hear (根据你听到的对话和问题,选出最恰当的答案): (共10分) 7. A) Monday. B) Wednesday. C) Thursday. D) Friday. 8. A) One. B) Two. C) Three. D) Four. 9. A) Yellow. B) Black. C) Blue. D) Green. 10. A) Sad. B) Cheerful. C) Satisfied. D) Nervous. 11. A) Snowy. B) Rainy. C) Windy. D) foggy. 12. A) Australia. B) England. C) The United States. D) Canada.

13. A) Doing Yoga exercises. B) Listening to music. C) Running for keeping fit. D) Getting online. 14. A) Doing homework. B) Talking to each other. C) Playing games. D) Sending emails. 15. A) In a post office. B) In a bookstore. C) At a library. D) At home.

16. A) Going to theatre without any cost. B) Visiting some exhibitions with less cost. C) Travelling by bus without any cost. D) Shopping with less cost.

Ⅲ. Listen to the passage and tell whether the following statements are true or false (判断下列句子是否符合你听到的短文内容, 符合的用“T”表示,不符合的用“F”表示): (共7分) 17. The H1N1 Flu has become a hot topic in the world. 18. Since H1N1 can kill people, we can hardly prevent it. 19. Children over 12 years old could easily catch H1N1.

20. With the help of good habits and a healthy body, we can stay away from H1N1 Flu. 21. Doctors suggest us not to go to the crowded places especially during the flu season. 22. It?s a good habit to cover your mouth and nose when you cough or sneeze(打喷嚏). 23. If you are unlucky to catch the flu, take some medicine by yourself at once.

浦东教研室保留版权 浦东新区2009学年度第1学期期末抽测初三英语试卷 第1页(共9页)

IV. Listen to the dialogue and fill in the blanks of the passage(根据你听到的对话内容,完成下列句子填写,每空格限填一词): (共7分) 24. The earthquake made lots of people______.

25. The school in the earthquake area is ______ ,too.

26. Alice wants to help those ______ children in the earthquake area. 27. Alice?s birthday is on______6th.

28. Alice is a kind and thoughtful ______.

29. Helping those children would make Alice ______ than having a birthday present. 30. Alice?s father is ______ proud of his daughter.

Part 2 Vocabulary and Grammar (第二部分 词汇和语法)

Ⅴ. Choose the best answer (选择最恰当的答案): (共26分)

A)31. Every day students have ______ hour to take part in the “Sunshine Sports” program.

A) an B) a C) the D) / B)32. The theme_____ Guangzhou Auto Show 2009 is \

A) on

B) of

C) in

D) for

A)33. Nancy _________ lots of charity work in her free time since she entered college. A) has done B) will do C) was doing D) is doing C)34. The dance and recitation were dull. I enjoyed ______ of them.

A) either B) both C) neither D) none B)35. President Obama said that his ________ visit to China was wonderful. A) four-days? B) four-day C) four days D) four-days D)36. Frowning forehead and drooping(下垂的) mouth make the person look __________.

A) worry B) worrying C) worries D) worried B)37. Now China has become one of _______ countries in the world.正确答案D

A) most strong B) the most strong C) strongest D) the strongest C)38. Computers can work out the difficult problems __________ than human beings.

A) much quickly B) more quick C) far more quickly D) very quickly B)39. Though the PSP ______ his parents about $ 300, Jim doesn?t think it is expensive. A) took B) cost C) spent D) paid C)40. One good way of memorizing things is _______ a picture in your mind. A) imagine B) imagining C) to imagine D) imagines

B)41. This is a _______ process for every athlete that Liu Xiang will also go from the start to his top.

A) global B) natural C)local D) final

A42. Simon did quite well in the English oral test, he made ______ mistakes in his oral presentation. A) few B) a few C) little D) a little B43. David is thin, and of average height. The underlined part means __________. A) not tall but short B) neither tall nor short

浦东教研室保留版权 浦东新区2009学年度第1学期期末抽测初三英语试卷 第2页(共9页)

C) very tall and not short D) not short but tall

B44. Shanghai will provide good service during the 2010 World Expo. The underlined word means __________. A) promise B) offer C) suggest D) prove D45. A: Must I finish my homework right now ? B: No, you __________.You can relax for a while. A) must B) mustn?t C) need D) needn?t C46. A: May I speak to Judy? B: _______, she?s coming.

A) I?m sorry B) Never mind C) Hold on D) That?s all right B47. ______ useful information you?ve emailed me!

A) What a B) What C) How D) How a

A48. An English short play will be _______ at the Children?s Palace during the winter holidays. A) put on B) put in C) put up D) put down C49. You can?t learn English well ______ you practise more.

A) if B) because C) unless D) after C50. Peter promised that he ______ his sister an electronic dictionary.

A) has bought B) had bought C) would buy D) will buy C51. Millie met a lot of trouble in her experiment. She didn?t know _______ to deal with it.

A) what B) where C) how D) when A52. You?re getting fatter and fatter, you?d better ________ enough exercise.

A) take B) to take C) taking D) took C53. What?s wrong with my son?s _______? He can?t see things clearly now. A) ears B) mouth C) eyes D) nose A54. If it ________ tomorrow, we won?t go on a trip to Shanghai Wild Animal Park. A) rains B) rain C) will rain D) raining B55. A: Would you mind booking two tickets for the film “2012”? B: _____, I?m so busy now. I?ll do it later. A) Not at all B) Sorry C) Thank you D) Of course D56. Could you tell me _________?

A) what?s Arthur doing now B) what was Arthur doing now C) what Arthur was doing now D) what Arthur is doing now

VI. Complete the sentences with the given words in their proper forms(用括号中所给单词 的适当形式完成下列句子,每空格限填一词): (共8分) 57. Mother?s Day is on the ___________ Sunday of May. ( two )

58. As Miss Lee has been ill these days, who will teach ____________ English? (we)

59. It?s __________ to cross the road without looking at the traffic lights carefully. (danger)

60. My brother has a good __________ because he can remember all the words quickly. (memorize) 61. Our ships sail ___________ in the Indian Ocean with the help of the Chinese warships. (safe ) 62. Mcdull is one of the ___________stories I?ve ever heard. ( fun )

63. The people in Wenchuan need a large amount of money to ___________their hometown.(build) 64. Shanghai will limit (限制) the number of ________ to wetlands on Chongming Island. (visit).

浦东教研室保留版权 浦东新区2009学年度第1学期期末抽测初三英语试卷 第3页(共9页)

VII. Rewrite the sentences as required(按要求改写下列句子,每空格限填一词):(共12分) 65. Wang Damin, a fisherman sat with a large bird on his head. (改为否定句) Wang Damin, a fisherman ________ _______ with a large bird on his head. 66. The boy hardly goes to Henry?s pet shop.(改为反意疑问句) The boy hardly goes to Henry?s pet shop, ?

67. Whales can stay under water for up to twenty minutes. (对划线部分提问) can whales stay under the water?

68. The price of flat is so high that many people can?t afford it now. (保持句意基本不变) The price of flat is _______ _______ for many people to afford it now.

69. The headmaster praised Ben for his honesty yesterday afternoon. (改为被动语态) Ben _________ ___________ for his honesty by the headmaster yesterday afternoon. 70. The kids stopped playing basketball when it was dark. (保持句意基本不变) The kids _______ stop playing basketball _______ it was dark.

Part 3 Reading and Writing (第三部分 读写)

VIII. Reading comprehension (阅读理解): (共56分)

A. True or False(判断下列句子是否符合短文内容,符合的用“T”表示,不符合的用“F”

表示): ( 7分)

People have talked about whether aliens are real or not for thousands of years. Some ancient drawings over 50,000 years ago are thought to be the first pictures of spacecrafts. Aliens? spacecrafts are often called flying saucers. The first person to use this name was an American, Kenneth Arnold. On 24th June, 1947, he was flying a small plane in Washington State in the USA when he saw something strange. “ I was looking out of the window.” Arnold said, “when I saw

nine saucer-like things in front of me.”

Two other Americans, Charles Hickson and Calvin Parker, said that aliens took them into a flying saucer! They were fishing on the Mississippi River in the USA on the night of 11th October, 1973. It was a dark night. The two men were sitting in their fishing boat when they saw a bright light. It was hanging in the air over the water and it looked like a flying saucer .Then three aliens came out of the flying saucer and carried Hickson and Parker into their spacecraft. In the spacecraft the aliens looked at the two men very carefully and then took them back to their boat. “The aliens were in a pale colour and had very small eyes.” Hickson said. “But they didn?t hurt us.”

In 1983, Pioneer 10, an American spacecraft, went into space. On the outside of the spacecraft are 13 pictures of men and women, and a map of space. If aliens find Pioneer 10, they will know how to get to the Earth.

Believing in UFO's and Aliens is anyone?s opinion. Just remember it is only a belief so far, not a fact.

71. People have talked about whether aliens are real or not for thousands of years. 72. An Australian person gave the name of flying saucers to Aliens? spacecrafts. 73. Nine flying saucers were seen by Kenneth Arnold in Washington State.

74. Charles Hickson and Calvin Parker were fishing on the Mississippi River one day. 75. Hickson said that the aliens were in a bright colour and had very big eyes. 76. The two Americans carried the aliens in their fishing boat carefully.

浦东教研室保留版权 浦东新区2009学年度第1学期期末抽测初三英语试卷 第4页(共9页)

77. In 1983, Pioneer 10 , with 13 men and women went into space. (反面还有试题) B. Choose the best answer(根据短文内容,选择最恰当的答案): ( 7分)

Linxi had taken part in a 6-month international student exchange scheme to Britain. When she came back, she wrote an article about the impression of Britain for the school newspaper. The following are parts of her article: Personal Space

British people like a lot of space around them. They don?t like to make

physical contact of any kind with strangers and feel very uncomfortable if anyone stands too close to them. One example of the British ?keep their distance? is that people do not often shake hands with one another at all.

Making Polite Request

In making polite requests, British people like to use very indirect language, using the conditional tense and negatives. Amita, an Indian student said: ‘British people never got to the point. They go around this way and that way, using twenty words where three would do. It’s really hard to communicate with them.’ David, British High School Official gave his comment: ‘Some nationalities do not always seem very polite; ‘I want this’ or ‘I want that’, no smiles nor a please nor a thank you’. Smiling

Some students say that British people smile a lot, compared to many national groups – often for no particular reason. The British smile as a greeting, smile when asking for something, smile on receiving it.

King, a Korean student once said: ‘The British are so insincere(不诚恳的). They smile even when they are not happy or pleased to see you. One girl smiled at me every time we passed each other and I thought she really liked me. So I asked her to come out with me and she refused. She was leading me on and then turned me down.’ Well, she maybe did not realize that she was smiling and probably smiled at everyone. But it is easy to see how this could be misinterpreted by someone in whose culture smiles are used only to express genuine warmth.

But still many students comment that they do not find British people in shops, banks, at reception desks smile enough to make them feel welcome.

78. British people need a lot of space around them, so they ____________. A) make physical contact with others B) stand close to other people C) don?t often shake hands with others D) don?t like strangers 79. To make polite request, British People_____________. A) say directly what they need B) say indirectly what they need C) use less words than necessary D) use very polite words 80. According to David, _________________. A) British people are not polite enough

B) people from other countries are not polite enough C) it is important to use ?please? and ?thank you? D) people from other countries always smile 81. British people often smile _____________. A) as a greeting B) for a particular reason

浦东教研室保留版权 浦东新区2009学年度第1学期期末抽测初三英语试卷 第5页(共9页)

