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Chapter 2 Casting Processes of Metals


A casting may be defined as a \to solidify in a mold \the shape of the object being determined by the shape of the mold cavity. Casting is basically melting a solid material, heating to a special temperature, and pouring the molten material into a cavity or mold, which is in proper shape. Casting has been known by human being since the 4th century B.C.

铸造可以被定义为:“通过使熔融的金属液在铸型中凝固而得到金属物体”,物体的形状由型腔的形状决定。基本上来说,铸造就是将固态材料熔化、加热到一个特定的温度,然后将熔融的材料浇注到有确定形状的型腔或铸型中。早在公元前4世纪,铸造就被人类所了解。 2. 1 Casting Procedure 2.1铸造过程

In all casting processes six basic factors are involved. These are as follows: 所有的铸造工艺都包括六个基本因素。介绍如下:

1. A mold cavity, having the desired shape and size and with due allowance for shrinkage of the

solidifying metal, must be produced. Any complexity of shape desired in the finished casting must exist in the cavity. Consequently, the mold material must such as to reproduce the desired detail and also have a refractory character so that it will not be significantly affected by the molten metal that it contains. Either a new mold must be prepared for each casting, or it must be made from a material that can withstand being used for repeated castings, the latter being called permanent molds.


2. A suitable means must be available for melting the metal that is to be cast, providing not only adequate temperature, but also satisfactory quality and quantity at low cost.


3. The molten metal must be introduced into the mold in such a manner that all air or gases in

the mold, prior to pouring or generated by the action of the hot metal upon the mold, will escape, and the mold will be completely filled. A quality casting must be dense and free from defects such as air holes.


发生作用之前,铸型中所有空气和气体将会逸出,并使型腔能够充满。 4. Provision must be made so that the mold will not cause too much restraint to the shrinkage

that accompanies cooling after the metal has solidified. Otherwise, the casting will crack while its strength is low. In addition, the design of the casting must be such that solidification and solidification shrinkage can occur without producing cracks and internal porosity or voids. 4.必须提供补缩以确保型腔不会产生太大由于金属凝固后随冷却收缩引起的应力。否则,


5.It must be possible to remove the casting from the mold so a permanent mold must be made in two or more sections.


6.After removal from the mold, finishing operations may need to be performed to remove

extraneous material that is attached to the casting as the result of the method of introducing the metal into the cavity, or is picked up from the mold through contact with the metal.


2. 2 Casting Terms 2.2 铸造术语

In the following sections, the details of sand casting process which represents the basic process of casting would be seen. Because going into the details of the process, defining a number of casting vocabulary words would be appropriate. Reference may please be made to Fig. 2.1

在下面的部分,将会介绍代表着最基本铸造工艺的砂型铸造工艺细节,由于要进行工艺细节的探讨,定义一些铸造用词汇是十分必要的,参考如图2.1 Flask: A moulding flask is one which holds the sand mould intact. Depending upon the position of the flask in the mould structure it is referred to by various names such as drag-lower moulding flask, cope-upper moulding flask and cheek-intermediate moulding flask used in three-piece moulding. It is made up of wood for temporary applications and more generally of metal for long-term use.


Pattern: Pattern is a replica of the final object to be made with some modifications. The mould cavity is made with the help of the pattern.


Parting Line: This is the dividing line between the two moulding flasks that makes up the sand mould. In split pattern it is also the dividing line between the two halves of the pattern.



Bottom board: This is a board normally made of wood which is used at the start of the mould making. The pattern is first kept on the bottom board, sand is sprinkled on it and then ramming is done in the drag. 底板: 它通常是一个用木头制作、用于造型开始时的平板,首先把模样放在底板上,然后将砂洒在模样上,然后在下箱中捣实。

Facing sand: The small amount of carbonaceous material sprinkled on the inner surface of the moulding cavity to give a better surface finish to the castings. 面砂:少量洒在型腔内表面以得到更好的铸件表面光洁度的含碳材料。

Fig. 2.1 Cross section of a sand mould

Moulding sand: It is the freshly prepared refractory material used for making the mould cavity. It is a mixture of silica, clay and moisture in appropriate proportions to get the desired results and it surrounds the pattern while making the mould.


Backing sand: It is what constitutes most of the refractory material found in the mould. This is made up of used and burnt sand.


Core: It is used for making hollow cavities in castings. 芯:用于制作在铸件中的空腔。

Pouring basin: A small funnel shaped cavity at the top of the mould into which the molten metal is poured.


Sprue: The passage through which the molten metal from the pouring basin reaches the mould cavity. In many cases it controls the flow of metal into the mould. 直浇道:熔融金属从浇口杯到达型腔的一个通道,在很多的情况下,它控制着进入型腔中的金属流。

Runner: The passageways in the parting plane through which molten metal flow is regulated before they reach the mould cavity.

横浇道:使液态金属流在到达型腔前得到调整的分型面上的通道。 Gate: The actual entry point through which molten metal enters mould cavity. 内浇口:液态金属进入型腔的实际入口点。

Chaplet: Chaplets are used to support cores inside the mould cavity to take care of its own weight and overcome the metallostatic force. 芯撑:芯撑用于支撑在型腔中的芯子,以支撑芯子本身重量和消除金属静力学应力。

chill: Chill are metallic object which are placed in the mould to increase the cooling rate of casting to provide uniform or desired cooling rate.


Riser: It is reservoir of molten metal provided in the casting so that hot metal can flow back into the mould cavity when there is a reduction in volume of metal due to solidification.


2. 3 Sand Casting 2.3 砂型铸造:

Casting is used to make metal products of almost any desired shape by the pouring of molten metal into a reshaped hollow mold. As the metal freezes, the mold is removed. This technique was learned thousands of years ago when it was discovered that damp sand could be packed by hand into almost any shape.


Generally speaking, clean, fine sand is placed in a wooden or steel box and packed around a preformed wooden pattern or actual object. When the pattern is removed, its imprint remains in the sand. Molten metal is then poured into the hollow mold. Castings made from sand molds have a rough surface. They must be cleaned, trimmed and, at times, machined. Sand molds must be repacked after each casting to obtain additional parts. Therefore, the casting of many pieces using sand molds requires much time and labor.


2. 4 Permanent Mould Casting 2.4 金属型铸造

The mould material is selected on the consideration of the pouring temperature, size of the casting and frequency of the casting cycle. They determine the total heat to be borne by the die. Fine grained grey cast iron is the most generally used die material. Alloy cast iron, C20 steel and alloy steel (H11 and H14) are also used for very large volumes and large parts. Graphite mould may be used for small volume production

from aluminum and magnesium. The die life is less for higher melting temperature alloys such as copper or grey cast iron.


For making any hollow portions, cores are also used in permanent mould casting. The cores can be made out of metal, or sand. When sand cores are used, the process is called semi-permanent moulding. The metallic core cannot be complex with under-cuts and the like. Also, the metallic core is to be withdrawn immediately after solidification, otherwise, its extraction becomes difficult because of shrinkage. For complicated shapes, collapsible metal cores (multiple-piece cores) are sometimes used in permanent moulds. Their use is not extensive because of the fact that it is difficult to securely position the core as a single piece as also due to the dimensional variations that are likely to occur. Hence, with collapsible cores, the designer has to provide coarse tolerance on these dimensions.



Chapter 5 Basic Design of Metal Processes 第五章:金属工艺的基本设计

5.3.1 Patternmaking 5.3.1模样制作

The pattern is a physical model of the casting used to make the mold. 模样是用于制作铸型的铸件物理模型

The mold is made by packing some readily formed aggregate material, such as molding sand, around the pattern. When the pattern is withdrawn, its imprint provides the mold cavity, which is ultimately filled with metal to become the casting.

铸型是通过将一些易变形的聚合体材料紧实得到的,像型砂,包围在模样周围。当模样取出后,它的轮廓提供了最终浇满液态金属形成铸件的型腔。 If the casting is to be hollow, as in the case of pipe fittings, additional patterns, referred to as cores, are used to form these cavities. As has been defined earlier, a pattern is a replica of object to be made by the casting process, with some modification. The main modifications are:


(a) the addition of pattern allowances, (b) the provision of core prints,

(c) the elimination of fine details which cannot be obtained by casting and hence are to be obtained by further process. (a)增加模样的余量; (b)提供芯头;

(c)对于精密铸件,不能通过铸造得到的部分,要通过进一步的工艺来完成。 Core prints 芯撑

For all those casting where coring is required, provision should be made to support the core inside the mould cavity. One of the methods that is universally followed is to provide core prints where possible. In Fig 5.22 is shown an example of the provision of core prints. The size of the core prints to be provided is to be

estimated based on the specific casting.

Fig.5.22 Typical job, its pattern and the mould cavity

对所有需要芯子的铸件,应该采取措施来支撑型腔中的芯子,其中的一个普遍使用的方法是在可能的地方使用芯撑,在图5.22展示了一个芯撑使用的例子,所提供的芯撑的尺寸将在精确的铸件的基础上进行估算。 5.3.2Moulding Materials 5.3.2 造型材料

A large variety of materials are used in foundries for manufacturing moulds and cores. They are:

Moulding sand,

System sand (backing sand), Rebounded sand, Facing sand, Parting sand, Core sand.


型砂 背砂

加粘土回用砂 面砂 分型砂 The properties of moulding sand 型砂性能

The choice of moulding materials is based on their processing properties. The properties that are generally required in moulding materials are:

造型材料的选择是基于它们的工艺性能,通常造型材料要求的性能包括: Refractoriness: it is the ability of the moulding material to withstand the high temperatures of the molten metal so that it dose not cause fusion.

耐火度:造型材料承受熔融液态金属的高温而不会熔解的能力。 Green strength: The moulding sand that contains moisture is termed as green sand. The green sand should have enough strength so that the constructed retains its shape.


Dry strength: When the moisture in the moulding sand is completely expelled, it is called dry sand. When molten metal is poured into a mould, the sand around the mould cavity is quickly converted into dry sand as the moisture in the sand immediately evaporates due to the heat in the molten metal. At this stage, it should retain the mould cavity and at the same time withstand the metallostatic forces.


Hot strength: After all the moisture is eliminated, the sand would reach a high temperature when the metal in the mould is still in the liquid state. The strength of the sand that is required to hold the shape of the mould cavity then is called hot strength.


Permeability: During the solidification of a casting, large mounts of gases are to be expelled from the mould. The gases are those which have been absorbed by the metal in the furnace, air absorbed from the atmosphere and steam and other gases that are generated by the moulding and core sands. If the gases are not allowed to escape from the mould, they would be trapped inside the casting and cause defects. The moulding

sand should be sufficiently porous so that the gases are allowed to escape from the mould. This gas evolution capability of the moulding sand is termed as permeability.


Beside those specific properties, the moulding sand should also have collapsibility so that during the construction of the solidified casting, it dose not provide any resistance which may result in cracks in the casting, they should be reusable and should have good thermal conductivity so that heat from the casting is quickly transferred.

除了这些明确的性能,型砂应该还有溃散性以确保在铸件凝固的过程中,不会有任何在铸件中可能导致裂纹的阻力。它们应该有重复使用性及好的热传导特性,以使铸件中的热量能够快速的转移出来。 5.3.3 Coremaking 5.3.3 制芯

Cores are forms, usually made of sand, which are placed into a mold cavity to form the interior surfaces of castings. Thus the void space between the core and mold-cavity surface is what eventually becomes the casting.


Cores are the materials used for making cavities and hollow projections which cannot normally be produced by the pattern alone.

Any complicated contour or cavity can be made by means of cores so that really intricate shapes can be easily obtained. These are generally made of sand and are even used in permanent moulds. In general, cores are surrounded on all sides by the molten metal and are therefore subjected to much more severe thermal and mechanical conditions and as a result, the core sand should be of higher strength than the

moulding sand.


所有复杂的外型或型腔都能用芯子来实现,这才使得复杂形状容易得到。它们通常使用砂子制作,即使在金属型中也会使用。通常,芯子周围被金属液所填充,所以它要承受更加剧烈的传热学和力学条件。所以,芯砂应该比型砂有更高的强度 Core prints 芯撑

The core prints are provided so that the cores are securely and correctly positioned in the mould cavity. The design of core prints is such as to take care of the weight of the core before pouring and the upward metallostatic pressure of the molten metal after pouring. The core prints should also ensure that the core is not shifted during the entry of the metal is poured into the mould cavity.


5.3.4 Elements of Gating systems 5.3.4 浇注系统的组成

As defined earlier, gating system refer to all those elements which are connected with the flow of molten metal from the ladle to mould cavity. The various elements that are connected with a gating system are (Fig. 5.26):

就像前面所定义的,浇注系统涉及到所有与液态金属流从浇包到型腔过程相关联的结构组成,这些与浇铸系统相关联的结构包括: ? Pouring basin ? Sprue

? Sprue base well

? Runner

? Runner extension ? Riser ? Chill

Fig. 5.26 Typical gating system

浇口杯; 直浇道; 直浇道窝; 横浇道; 横浇道延伸; 冒口; 冷铁;

In this section the functions and the design of the various elements of a gating system will be discussed. Any gating system designed should aim at providing a defect free casting. This can be achieved by making provision for certain requirements while designing the gating system. These are as follows:


1. the mould should be completely filled in the smallest time possible without

having to raise metal temperature nor use higher metal heads. 2. the metal should flow smoothly into the mould without any turbulence. A

turbulent metal flow tends to form dross in the mould 3. unwanted material such as slag, dross and other mould material should not be allowed enter the mould cavity

4. the metal entry into the mould cavity should be properly controlled in such a

way that aspiration of the atmospheric air is prevented 5. a proper thermal gradient should be maintained so that the casting is cooled without any shrinkage cavities or distortions 6. metal flow should be maintained in such a way that no gating or mould

erosion take place. 7. the gating system should ensure that enough molten metal reaches the mould


8. the gating system design should be economical and easy to implement and

remove after casting solidification

9. ultimately, the casting yield should be maximized



3.不期望的材料,比如熔渣、渣滓和其他模型材料不应允许进入型腔内。 4.对进入型腔中的金属液应该用一种阻止大气气体吸入的方法进行适当的控制。


6.金属应当保持一种不会出现浇注腐蚀或铸型腐蚀的流动方式。 7.浇铸系统应当确保足够的熔融金属到达型腔中。

8.浇注系统的设计应当经济和易于实施及在铸件凝固后移走。 9.最终,铸件应该实现大批量生产。

To have all these requirements together is a tall order, still a mould designer should strive to achieve as many of the above objectives as possible. Before going into the mechanics of gating design, let us describe some of the functions and types of various gating system elements



Pouring basin 浇口杯

The molten metal is not directly poured into the mould cavity because it may cause mould erosion. Molten metal is poured into a pouring basin which acts as a reservoir from which it moves smoothly in to sprue. The pouring basin is also able to stop the slag from entering the mould cavity by means of a skimmer or skim core as shown in Fig.5.27. It hold back the slag sand dirt which floats on the top and only allow the clean metal underneath it into the sprue. The pouring basin may be cut into the cope portion directly or a separate dry sand pouring basin may be prepared and used as shown in Fig.5.27. the molten metal in the pouring basin should be full during the pouring operation, otherwise a funnel is likely to form through which atmospheric air and slag may enter the mould cavity.

(a) Green sand (b) Dry sand Fig. 5.27 Pouring basin



One of the walls of the pouring basin is made inclined at about 45°to the horizontal. The molten metal is poured on this face such that metal momentum is absorbed and vortex formation is avoided. In some special cases the pouring basin may consist of partitions to allow for the trapping of the slag and maintaining constant metal height in the basin.



Sprue 直浇道

Sprue is the channel through which the molten metal is brought into the parting plane where it enters the runners and gate to ultimately reach the mould cavity. The molten metal when moving from the top of the cope to the parting plane grains in velocity and as a consequence requires a smaller area of cross section for the same amount of metal to flow at the top. If the sprue were to be straight cylindrical as shown in Fig. 5.28(a), then the metal flow not be full at the bottom, but some low pressure area would be created around the metal in the sprue. Since the sand mould is permeable, atmospheric air would be breathed into this low pressure area which would then be carried to the mould cavity. To eliminate this problem of air aspiration the sprue is tapered to gradually reduce the cross section as it moves away from the top of the cope as shown in Fig.5.28(b).

(a)Straight sprue (b) Tapered

Fig. 5.28 Sprue

直浇道是液态金属被引入分型面的一个通道,通过分型面,液态金属进入横浇道和浇口并最终进入到型腔中。液态金属从顶端到分型面获得了一个速度,结果,当等量的金属在顶端流动时,要求一个更小的横截面即可。如果直浇道做成如图5.28(a)所示的直圆柱形,金属流在底部将不会充满,而会在直浇道中围绕金属液形成低压区。由于砂型具有渗透性,大气气体将会被吸入这个低压区,并随后进入到型腔中。为消除气体吸入的问题,直浇道做成锥形的以逐渐减少如图5.28(b)中金属从顶端往下流动的横截面积。 Sprue base well 直浇道窝

This is a reservoir for metal at the bottom of the sprue to reduce the momentum of the molten metal. The molten metal as it moves down the sprue grains in velocity, some of which is lost in the sprue base well by which the mould erosion is reduced. This molten metal changes direction and flows into the runners in a more uniform way.

这是一个为了减少熔融金属动量而设计的在直浇道底部的金属液储存器,在金属从直浇道中下降时获得速度,其中的一些在直浇道窝中失去了,从而减少了铸型的腐蚀。熔融的液态金属改变了方向并以一种更均匀的方式流进了横浇道。 Runner 横浇道

It is generally located in the horizontal plane (parting plane) which connects the sprue to its ingates, thus letting the metal enter the mould cavity. The runners are normally made trapezoidal in cross section. It is a general practice for ferrous metals to cut the runners in the cope and the ingates in the drag. The main reason for this is to trap the slag and dross which are lighter and thus trapped in the upper portion of the runners. For effective trapping of the slag, runners should flow full. When the amount of molten metal coming from the down sprue is more than the amount flowing through the ingates, the runner would always be full and thus slag trapping would take place. But when the metal flowing through the ingates is more than that flowing through the runners, then the runner would be filled only partially and the slag would then enter the mould cavity.

它通常位于连接直浇道到内浇口的水平分型面上,从而使金属进入到型腔中。直浇道横截面形状通常做成梯形。对于黑色金属,通常实际生产中在上箱开辟横浇道、在下箱开辟内浇口。主要的原因是为了阻挡较轻的位于直浇道上部的渣滓,为了有效的挡渣,横浇道应该充满,当从直浇道进入的熔融金属液量多于流经内浇口的量时,横浇道就会被充满从而实现了挡渣。但是当流经内浇口的金属多于流经横浇道的时,横浇道只有部分被填充,渣滓将会进入到型腔中去。 Runner extension 横浇口延伸端

The runner is extended a little further after it encounters the ingate. This extension is provided to trap the slag in the molten metal. The metal initially comes along with the slag floating at the top of the ladle and this flows straight, going beyond the ingate and trapped in the runner extension.

当横浇道和内浇口相交时它会有一点延伸,这个延伸是为了阻挡熔融金属液中的渣滓。最初金属和漂浮在浇包上方的渣滓向前直流,流过内浇口并在横浇口延伸端被阻挡渣滓。 Riser 冒口

Most of the foundry alloys shrink during solidification. Table 10.1 shows the various volumetric shrinkages for typical material. As a result of this volumetric shrinkage during solidification, voids are likely to form in the castings unless additional molten metal is fed into these places which are termed as hot spots since they remain hot till the end. Hence a reservoir of molten metal is to be maintained from which the metal can flow readily into the casting when the need arises. These reservoirs are called risers.


As shown in Table 5.6, different materials have different shrinkages and hence the riser requirements vary for the materials. In grey cast iron, because of graphitization during solidification, there may be an increase in volume sometimes. This if course, depends on the degree of graphitization in grey cast iron which is controlled by the silicon content.


In order to make them effective, the riser should be designed keeping the following in mind.

1. the metal in the riser should solidify in the end.

2. the riser volume should be sufficient for compensating the shrinkage in

the casting.

为了使其有效,冒口应该遵循如下规则进行设计. 1、冒口中的金属应该最后凝固。 2、冒口体积应当足够进行铸件的补缩。

Table 5.6 volumetric liquid shrinkages Material Medium carbon steel High carbon steel

Nickel Monel Aluminum

Aluminum alloy (11-13% Si)

Aluminum bronze

Copper 70-30 brass Bearing bronze Grey cast iron White cast iron Magnesium Zinc Chill 冷铁

In a casting, metallic chills are used in order to provide progressive solidification or to avoid the shrinkage cavities. Chills are essentially, large heat sinks. Whenever , it is not possible to provide a riser for a part of the casting which is heavy, a chill is placed close to it as shown in Fig. 5.29, so that more heat is quickly absorbed by the chill from the larger mass making the cooling rate equal to that of the thin sections. Thus, this dose not permit the formation of a shrinkage cavity. But use of a chill means essentially providing higher cooling rate which is also likely to form a hard spot at the contract area with the chill and may therefore cause a problem if that area needs further processing way of machining.

Shrinkage,(%) 2.50 to 3.50

4.00 6.10 6.30 6.60 3.50 4.10 4.92 4.50 7.30 1.90 to negative 4.00 to 5.75

4.20 6.50

Fig. 5.29 Chill

在铸件中,经常使用冷铁以达到逐层凝固或者避免收缩孔洞。冷铁本质上讲,是大的吸热源。无论何时,为厚重铸件的一部分提供一个冷铁是不可能的,冷铁与其紧密接触,如图5.29所示,从而冷铁从厚大质量部分中快速的吸收了更多热量,使得冷却速度和薄壁部分的相当。从而,阻止了缩孔的形成。但是使用冷铁意味着更高的冷却速度,它也会在和冷铁交叉区趋于形成麻点,如果这个区域需要进一步的机械加工,就会导致问题的出现。 5.3.5 Melting Practice 5.3.5 熔炼操作

The preparation of molten metal for casting is referred to simply as melting. Melting is usually done in a specifically designated area of the foundry, and the molten metal is transferred to the pouring area where the molds are filled. After moulding, melting is the major factor which controls the quality of the casting. There are a number of methods available for melting foundry alloys such as pit furnace, open hearth furnace, rotary furnace, cupola furnace, etc. The choice of the furnace depends on the cupola in its various forms is extensively used basically because of its lower initial cost and lower melting cost.

铸造中熔融金属液的准备阶段通常被称为熔炼,熔炼通常在一个专门设计的车间区域内完成,然后熔融金属转移到铸型充满的浇注区域内。造型结束后,熔炼就成为控制铸件质量的主要因素。有很多有效的方法熔炼铸造合金比如:坑式炉、 开式炉、 旋转炉、冲天炉等,炉子的选择取决于多种形式冲天炉的广泛应用,主要是因为低的原始成本和低的熔炼成本。

5.3.6 cleaning 5.3.6 清理

Cleaning refers to all operations necessary to the removal of sand, scale, and excess metal from the casting. The casting is separated from the mold and transported to the cleaning department. Burned-on sand and scale are removed to be improved the surface appearance of the casting. Excess metal, in the form of fins, wires, parting line fins, and gates, is removed. Castings may be upgraded by welding or other procedures. Inspection of the casting for defects and general quality is performed

清理涉及到所有为清除砂子、 鳞屑状物和铸件多余的上金属,铸件从铸型中分离出来然后输送到清理工位,清理烧结的砂子和鳞屑状物以改善铸件的表面形貌。多余的金属,以飞翅、线状物、分型线飞翅和浇口的形式清理掉。铸件可以通过焊接或其他步骤进一步成型,再进行铸件的缺陷和质量检测。 5.3.7 Other processes 5.3.7 其他工艺

Before shipment, further processing such as heat-treatment, surface treatment, additional inspection, or machining may be performed as required by the customer's specifications.

在运输之前,进一步的工艺比如热处理、 表面处理、附加检测,或机加工也要根据消费者的需要进行操作。

Chapter 6 Advanced Technologies of Metals 第六章:金属的先进技术 6.2 Casting Processes 6.2 铸造工艺方法 6.2.1 Shell Moulding 6.2.1 壳模法

It is a process in which, the sand mixed with a thermosetting resin allowed to come into contact with a heated metallic pattern plate, so that a thin and strong shell of mould is formed around the pattern. Then the shell is removed from the pattern and the cope and drag are removed together and kept in a flask with the necessary back up material and molten metal is poured into the mould.


Generally, dry and fine sand (90 to 140 GFN) which is completely free of the clay is used for preparing the shell moulding sand. The grain size to be chosen depends on the surface finish desired on the casting. Too fine a grain size requires large amount of resin which makes the mould expensive.


the synthetic resins used in shell moulding are essentially thermosetting resins, which get hardened irreversibly by heat. The resins most widely used, are the phenol formaldehyde resins. Combined with sand, they have very high strength and resistance to heat. The phenolic resins used in shell moulding usually are of the two-stage type, that is, the resin has excess phenol and acts like a thermoplastic material. During coating with the sand the resin is combined with a catalyst such as hexa-methylene-tetramine (hexa) in a proportion of about 14 to 16% so as to develop the thermosetting characteristics. 壳型造型中使用的人造树脂实质上就是热固性树脂,热量导致它不可逆硬化,应用最广泛的树脂是酚醛树脂。与砂子相结合时,它们有很高的强度和耐热性。壳型造型中使用的酚醛树脂通常属于两级类型式,即树脂有过量的酚醛时会在使用中体现热塑材料的性质,在对砂进行覆膜的过程中,树脂中会加入一种催化剂比如以14%-16%的比例加入六甲撑四胺以产生热固性。

Additives may sometimes be added into the sand mixture to improve the surface

finish and avoid thermal cracking during pouring. Some of the additives used are coal dust, pulverised slag, manganese dioxide, calcium carbonate, ammonium borofluoride and magnesium silicofluoride. Some lubricants such as calcium stearate and zinc stearate may also be added to the resin sand mixture to improve the flowability of the sand and permit easy release of the shell from the pattern.


The first step in preparing the shell mould is the preparation of sand mixture in such a way that each of the sand grain is thoroughly coated with resin. To achieve this, first the sand, hexa and additives which are all dry, are mixed inside a Mueller for a period 1 min. Then the liquid is added and mixing is continued for another 3min. To this cold or warm air is introduced into the Mueller and the mixing is continued till all the liquid is removed from the mixture and coating of the grains is achieved to the desired degree.


The metallic pattern plate is heated to a temperature of 200 to 350 oC depending on the type of the pattern. It is very essential that the pattern plate is uniformly heated so that the temperature variation across the whole pattern is within 25 to 40 oC depending on the size of the pattern. A silicone release agent is sprayed on the pattern and the metal plate. The heated pattern is securely fixed to a dump box, as shown in Fig. 6.7 (a), wherein the coated sand in an amount larger than required to form the shell of necessary thickness is already filled in.

Fig. 6.7 Shell moulding procedure



When a desired thickness of shell is achieved, the dump box is rotated backwards by 180 so that the excess sand falls back into the box, leaving the formed shell intact with the pattern as in Fig. 6.7 (d). The average shell thickness achieved depends on the temperature of the pattern and the time the coated sand remains in contact with the heated pattern. The actual shell thicknesses required depends on the pouring metal temperature and the casting complexity. This may normally be achieved by trial and error method.

Fig.6.8 Shell mould ready for pouring


Since the shells are thin, they may require some outside support so that they can withstand the pressure of the molten metal. A metallic enclosure to closely fit the exterior of the shell is ideal, but is too expensive and therefore impractical. Alternatively, a cast iron shot is generally preferred as it occupies any contour without unduly applying any pressure on the shell. With such a backup material, it is possible to reduce the shell thickness to an economical level.


6.2.2 Die Casting 6.2.2 压力铸造

Die casting involves the preparation of components by injecting molten metal at high pressures into a metallic die. Die casting is closely related to permanent mould casting, in that both the processes use reusable metallic dies. In die casting, as the metal is forced in under pressure compared to permanent moulding, it is also called

'pressure die casting'. Because of the high pressure involved in die casting, any narrow sections, complex shapes and fine surface details can be easily produced.


In die casting, the die consists of two parts. One called the stationary die or cover die which is fixed to the die casting machine. The second part called the ejector die is moved out for the extraction of the casting. The casting cycle starts when the two parts of the die are apart. The lubricant is sprayed on the die cavity manually or by the auto lubrication system. The two die halves are closed and clamped. The required amount of metal is injected into the die. After the casting is solidified under pressure the die is opened and the casting is ejected.


The die casting machines are of two types: hot chamber die casting, and cold chamber die casting. The main difference between these two types is that in hot chamber, the holding furnace for the liquid metal is integral with the die casting machine, whereas in the cold chamber machine, the metal is melted in a separate furnace and then poured into the die casting machine with a ladle for each casting cycle which is also called 'shot'.

Fig. 6.9 Operation sequence of hot chamber process


6.2.3 Investment Casting 6.2.3 熔模铸造

This is the process where the mould is prepared around an expendable pattern. Casting processes in which the pattern is used only once are variously referred to as \of the desired form out of wax or plastics (usually polystyrene). The first step in this process is the preparation of pattern for every casting made. To do this, molten wax which is used as the pattern material is injected under pressure of about 2.5 MPa into a metallic die which has the cavity of the casting to be made. The wax when allowed to solidify would produce the pattern. To this wax pattern, gates, runners and any other details required are appended by applying heat. 这是围绕一个可消耗的模型制作铸型的工艺过程,在这种铸造工艺中模型只使用一次,通常被冠以不同名称为“失蜡铸造”或者“精密铸造”工艺。在所有情况


The process has been described as the lost wax, precision casting, and investment casting process. The last-dimensional name has been generally accepted to distinguish the present industrial process from artistic, medical, and jewelry applications. The basic steps of the investment casting process are as follows (Fig. 6.11): 1. Production of heat disposable patterns, usually in wax or plastic. 2. Assembly of these patterns onto a gating system.

3. Investing, or covering the pattern assembly with ceramic to produce a monolithic mold. 4. Melting out the pattern assembly to leave a precise mold cavity.

5. Firing the ceramic mold to remove the last traces of the pattern material, to fire the ceramic and develop the high temperature bond, and to preheat the mold ready for casting. 6. Casting.

7. Knock-out, cut off, and finishing.

Fig. 6.11 Old but modern investment casting with many new developments 熔模铸造的工艺的基本步骤如下:

1、热量可支配模型的制作,通常用蜡或塑料。 2、装配这些模型到一个浇注系统上。

3、熔模,或者用陶瓷覆盖装配模来生产一个整体铸型。 4、熔融装配模已得到精密的型腔。

5、烘烤陶瓷型以除去模型材料最后的痕迹,烘烤陶瓷型并使其高温结合,提前加热铸型以为铸造做准备。 6、铸造过程

7、敲落,切断和表面清理。 8、

6.2.4. Squeeze Casting 6.2.4 挤压铸造

Squeeze casting also known as liquid metal forging, is a combination of casting and forging process (Fig. 6.12). The molten metal is poured into the bottom half of the pre-heated die. As the metal starts solidifying, the upper half closes the die and applies pressure during the solidification process. The amount of pressure thus applied is significantly less than used in forging, and parts of great detail can be produced. Coring can be used with this process to form holes and recesses. The porosity is low and the mechanical properties are improved. Both ferrous and non-ferrous materials can be produced using this method.

Fig. 6.12 Schematic of squeeze casting process


6.2.5 Lost Foam Casting 6.2.5 消失模铸造

Lost foam casting allows the production of complex parts. The process produces complex parts and reduces finish machining of the part produced by lost foam casting.


The basic steps to the process include (Fig. 6.13):

1. A foam pattern and gating system are made using a foam molding press

2. The foam pattern and the gating system are glued together to form a cluster of patterns

3. The cluster is coated with a permeable refractory coating and dried under controlled conditions

4. The dried, coated cluster is invested in a foundry flask with loose, unbonded sand that is vibrated to provide tight compaction

5. The molten metal is poured on to the top of the gating system which directs the metal throughout the cluster and replaces the foam gating and patterns

6. The remaining operations such as, shake out, cut-off, grinding, heat treat, etc. are straightforward and similar to other casting processes.

Fig. 6.13 Schematic of lost foam casting process


1、使用泡沫造型压力机制作泡沫材料模型及浇注系统 2、泡沫模型及浇注系统胶合在一起形成模型团簇。





Generally, all ferrous and non-ferrous materials can be successfully cast using the Lost Foam process. Because the foam pattern and gating system must be decomposed to produce a casting, metal pouring temperatures above 1000°F are usually required. Lower temperature metals can be poured, but part size is limited. In addition, very low carbon ferrous castings will require special processing.


