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- 水车发电怎么计算推荐度:
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自动计算水车装机容量计算小软件 Calculate the \
To make an estimate on your personal Water Wheel we only need two pieces of information: The Amount of Water per Second and the Height of the Installation. The water should be able to fall more then 6 feet (2 Meters).
Example: 800 Liters/Second X 5 Meters = 26,29 kW
Water Wheel Personal Savings Calculator
Please enter the estimate of the installed capacity of your water wheel and your current cost of electricity from your local utility company. Study your bill carefully and add up all costs including monthly fees and taxes. It would be helpful to get an estimate on how much renewable energy costs in your area.
Example: 26kW x 20 Cent = 832.000 Euro or Dollar
Calculate the amount of Water
Many rivers in the world have official data on the amount of water
available. The amount of water varies depending on the season and other factors (snowfall, geography, etc...) Long term data is preferrable to optimize your water wheel. If this data should not be available, you can use the technique described below to estimate the amount of water available. 1. Mark ten meters (32.8 feet) at a relatively straight part of the river. Measure the time needed for a cork to float this distance. Please repeat this procedure a number of times if possible on consectutive days and over a period of time.
2. Measure the width and depth of the river.
3. Send your data via E-Mail to: info@clearstreamsenergy.com for a free estimate or use the calculator for some basic info. To convert to meters. Calculator
CO2 Savings per Year
Water Wheel generates carbon emission free energy for decades. Find out how much C02 you can save by installing a Water Wheel.
These calculators can provide general information and are for entertainment
only. Further studies are needed to optimize an installation and generate the data needed to build a Water Wheel. Please contact us for a personalized offer.
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