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每天前20名注册可获免费名师辅导 学英语记词汇练口语


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lesson one

Translate the following into English. 1) Use the verb + noun collocation.

出席会议 to attend a meeting 干的不错 to do a good job

体验苦难 to experience bitterness 自学英语 to teach oneself English 发现奇迹 to discover wonders 忍住咳嗽 to hold back one’s cough 掌握技能 to master skills 获取知识 to acquire knowledge 需要勇气 to require courage 丰富生活 to enrich one’s life 接受修正 to accept rectification 改正错误 to correct mistakes 不再指望 to cherish no hope 作出努力 to make efforts 2)Use the “useful expressions”.


The collapse of the big newly-built bridge led to criminal prosecution against an engineer and two local government officials.


He worked all day, leaving his lunch untouched.


Far from being a waste of time, regular sports activities make students physically strong and deal with their study better.


The seals and dolphins in the Sea World are capable of various acting techniques, and this makes children audience overjoyed.


Those who take delight in other people’s pain will suffer retribution sooner or later. 6.在某些方面,那部新字典有不少地方需要改进。

In some respects, that new dictionary has much to be improved.


When that bush rushed out of the road and turned over, many children got trapped in it. 8.在开幕式上,市政府将为一千多明来宾提供饮食。

At the opening ceremony, the municipal government will provide food and drink for more than 1,000 guests.


In China, every urban family is restricted to only one child. 10.只要我们能得到点休息,去哪里并不重要。

As long as we can get a little rest, is doesn’t matter where we go. 3)Use learn, ask and teach.


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每天前20名注册可获免费名师辅导 学英语记词汇练口语


抢注网址: www.englishvip.com/wenkxd.htm

That boy asked the policeman how to get to the railway station. 2.学习外语没有任何捷径可走。

There are no shortcuts to learning a foreign language.


Learning that my favourite maths teacher is still teaching in that school, I decided to visit him. 4.这位老工人教育他的子女做人要诚实。

This veteran worker taught his children to be honest. 5.他问老板那天他是否可以早点离开办公室。

He asked his boss whether he could leave off work a little earlier that day. 6.艰难困苦使我们对我们现有的一切感到满意。

Difficulties and hardships teach us to be grateful for all that we have already had. 7.毕业时他要求到西藏去工作一年。

On his graduation, he asked to work in Tibet for one year.


All I want to do is just to show my care for others, and I hope to be treated in the same way by others. I am not asking too much.


Wise men learn lessons from their own mistakes. 10. 求援是没有用的,因为已经早过了午夜。

Since it is well after midnight, there is no point in asking for help. 11.那位科学家教育他的学生说年轻人要面向未来。

That scientist taught his students that young people should be gearing themselves for the future. 12.问及她生活的最大乐趣时,她说“学习”。

When asked what was the greatest pleasure in her life, she replied “learning”


Translate the following into English

1.use the verb + noun or adj. + noun collocation

实现目标 to achieve goals 崇拜英雄 to worship heroes and heroines 崇拜金钱 to worship money 受到赏识 to gain recognition 获得自信 to gain self-confidence 保持沉默 to keep silence

打破沉默 to break the silence 推卸责任 to shake of responsibility

引起注意 to attract attention 分清敌友 to distinguish between friends and enemies 加快速度 to pick up speed 透露秘密 to disclose a secret 塑造历史 to shape history 塑造未来 to shape the future 开创生活 to start a new life 缓解贫穷 to ease poverty 取得进展 to make advances 现任总统 current president

工作重心 the main emphasis of the work 新颖观点 original ideas 真诚愿望 sincere wishes

2.use the “useful expressions”


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每天前20名注册可获免费名师辅导 学英语记词汇练口语


抢注网址: www.englishvip.com/wenkxd.htm

On our way to Zhengzhou, we passed through a village which had been destroyed by the flood. 2)那次不寻常的经历使鲍勃变成一个耐心、宽容的人。

That unusual experience has turned Bob into a patient and tolerant person. 3)那人的头发染成了艳绿色,看上去象个小丑。

With his hair dyed bright green, that person looks like a clown. 4)他们总是对照专业人员的标准来审视自己的工作。

They are always measuring their own work against the standard set for the professionals’ work. 5)便衣警察在黑暗里等着盗贼出现。

Plainclothes policemen were waiting in the dark for the burglars to show up. 6)琼丝太太的善良使男孩心里充满了希望和感激。

The kindness of Mrs. Jones filled the boy with hope and gratitude. 7)那些超级明星的私生活经常受到小报的评论。

The private lives of those superstars are often commented on by tabloids. 8)这个女孩子有非凡的毅力使她不同于她的同班同学。

This girl is distinguished from her classmates for her uncommon willpower. 9)日落时分,强劲的冷风由东南风转为西北风。

At sundown, the strong cold wind has shifted from the southeast to the northwest. 10)最高额的奖学金颁给了一位物理研究生。

The highest scholarship went to a postgraduate majoring in physics. 11)安徒生的童话以寓意深刻著称。

Anderson’s fairy tales are known for their profound morals. 12)许多人开始意识到在公共场所使用蜂窝电话的负作用。

Many people have come to realize the side-effect from the use of cellular phones in public. 3.use make, recognize and define.


As universally recognized by the international community, the People’s Republic of China stands for the whole China.


When she was a child, her parents taught her to be prepared for making self-sacrifice for the benefit of the motherland.


We immediately recognize our English teacher who was then playing the role of Romeo on the stage.


The reserved manner of the British people makes them appear arrogant. 5)不同的民族对人权的定义有很大的不同。

Different people define human rights in very different ways.


My friend George was highly praised for his original ideas, and his achievement made my efforts appear insignificant.


Mr. Liu, will you please clearly define the purposes of your organization?

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每天前20名注册可获免费名师辅导 学英语记词汇练口语


抢注网址: www.englishvip.com/wenkxd.htm


Our compassion for others and our passion to study make our lives more meaningful. 9)我妹妹是流行音乐迷,可是她居然没有听出我刚才哼的歌曲。

My sister is pop music fan, and yet she didn’t actually recognized the song that I hummed just now.


By definition, cultural icons are generally those famous television personalities, fashion models, professional athletes and movie stars who are most highly publicized by the media.

Translate the following sentences into English. 1)学生们没有一个人愿意本周末去郊游。

None oof the students are willing to go for an outing this weekend. 2)所有到场观看足球赛的人都非常激动。

All the people who came to watch the football game were very excited. 3)有1/4 的房屋没被利用起来。

One-fourth of the houses are yet to be used.


Twenty-five percent of their salaries is used to buy food and clothing. 5)五公斤的热带水果如香蕉、剥落等在我们这里值很多钱。

Five kilos of tropical fruit such as bananas and pineapple costs a lot here. 6)过去的10周是我迄今为止最幸福的10周。 The past ten weeks were the happiest weeks so far. 7)他所说的一切都无法让人相信。 All that he said is hard to believe.


Only twenty percent of the applicants get the chance to be interviewed.

LESSON3 Translate

落后于别人 to fall behind others 珍惜时间 to value highly one’s time 珍惜友谊 to treasure friendship 解决问题 to settle problems 完成任务 to complete the task 腾出地方 to make room

重视某事 to attach importance to something获得信息 to obtain information 第一印象 the first impression 生活节奏 the pace of life

飞腾的物价 soaring prices 做生意 to do one’s business 商界 commercial world 工程师们深入地讨论了方案,一旦开工,工程将进展很顺利。

The engineers have discussed the plan in depth. Once the project starts, it will be moving ahead smoothly.


In the past several months, the export volume fell.

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每天前20名注册可获免费名师辅导 学英语记词汇练口语


抢注网址: www.englishvip.com/wenkxd.htm


He has to account to the company for the documents he deals with every day. 科学院的部分资深院士提出退休,以便为更年轻有为的科学家腾出位置。

Some senior academicians of the Academy of Sciences proposed retirement in order to make room for younger and more promising scientists. 政府非常重视保护中国的原始森林。

The government attaches great importance to the protection of China’s virgin forests. 就面积而言,俄罗斯是世界上最大的国家。

In terms of area, Russia is the largest country in the world. 这所大学正在努力寻找担任图书馆馆长的合适人选。

This university is trying to seek out a suitable person for the position of library curator. 在当今,不懂电脑便几乎什么事都办不成。

Today, of you know nothing about computers, you can hardly carry on with anything. 你觉得汤姆对马克完的玩笑感到不高兴了吗? Do you think that Tom took Mark’s joke personally? 莎士比亚在文学上的成就值得给予高度的赞赏。

Shakespeare’s achievement in literature in worthy of great praise. 我们一直在尝试一种新的教学方法,目前看来效果还令人满意。

We have been trying a new teaching method and its effects so far seem to be quite satisfying. 答应给那哥俩的钱不够去旅行,他俩只好放弃。

Since the money allowed to the two brothers is not enough for traveling, they can do nothing but give up.

为了保存对现有的一个文件的修改,你需要保存这个文件。 To save the changes in an existing file, you need to save this file. 这场及时雨省了农民浇地的麻烦。

This timely rain saved farmers the trouble of irrigating the fields. 他们一直在寻找节省能源的新招。

They have been seeking new methods to save energy. 开始别跑的太快,为最后100米留着劲儿。

Don’t run to fast at the beginning, for you have to save strength for the last 100 meters. 参观者不得触碰任何展品。

Visitors are not allowed to touch any exhibits. 这对年轻夫妇在为他们的女儿的教育攒钱。

This young couple are saving money for their daughter’s education. 她刻苦努力,第一学期末就感上了班上的同学。

She had tried very hard and caught up with her classmates by the end of the first term. 在那个城市公共汽车上既不许抽烟,也不许喝饮料、吃东西。 Either smoking, drinking or eating is not allowed on the bus in that city. Translate the following sentences in to English. 一切都没变,不是吗?

Nothing has changed, hasn’t it ?


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