工程硕士英语unit 1、unit 3课堂词汇讲解

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Unit 1

1. noted adj. 著名的;显著的;附有乐谱的 adj. 著名的;显著的;附有乐谱的

v. 注意;记下(note的过去式和过去分词)

notable 著名的(指事) noted著名的(指人) notorious 污名昭著的 ... be noted for 因……而著名

eg. Sam is noted for his strength. 萨姆是个著名的大力士。 2. acquire vt. 获得;取得;学到;捕获 acquire knowledge 求得知识

accumulate a great amount of information 积累大量的资料 ...

Companies should be able to quickly acquire knowledge, technology and skills that can then spill over to the rest of the economy.

企业应该具有迅速获取知识、技术和技能的能力,然而就可以传播给其他企业。 3. ethic n. 伦理;道德规范adj. 伦理的;道德的(等于ethical) 短语

business ethic 企业伦理 ; 商业道德 ; 商业伦理 work ethic 职业道德;职业伦理 professional ethic 职业道德

“In each nation, she will emphasize Africa as a place of opportunity, built on the ethic of responsibility,” Kelly said.

凯利说:“她将在到访每个国家时强调非洲是建立在道德责任基础上的机会之地。 4. make sure 确定 ; 确信 ; 务必

Make sure you have the truth on your side, and that your idea makes sense.


要保证让真相站在你这一边,这样你的见解才能站得住脚。 5. in place 适当,适当的;在适当的地方,在恰当的位置

You can improve the machine translations by editing the translation in place. 您可以在适当的地方修改译文来改善机器翻译。 So yes, you can use it in place of RAD.


6. replace vt. 取代,代替;替换,更换;归还,偿还;把…放回原处把…放回原处,放回:

Please replace the books after reading. 看完书后请将书放回原处。 代替,取代:

workers replaced by automated equipment 被自动化设备顶替掉的工人

Trams are being replaced by the buses. 电车正在被公共汽车所代替。 替换;更换:

to replace a worn tire 更换旧轮胎

7. responsibility n. 责任; 责任感,责任心;职责;义务;负担;可靠性,可信赖性近义词: duty

responsibility for 责任;负责

a sense of responsibility 责任感,责任心 social responsibility 社会责任



responsibility system 责任制 take responsibility 承担责任 She bears responsibility well. 她很好地承担责任。

He could not retreat from his responsibility in this accident. 在这次事故中他不能逃避他应负的责任。 8. on the spot 在场;马上 短语

on-the-spot checking 当场校对 record on the spot 现场记录 goods on the spot 现货

“If something happens, we want to be ready,” one bank official said. “You want to know what your options are before it comes out, rather than have to decide on the spot. 如果会有什么事发生,我们希望能有所准备”,银行的一位官员说,“你希望在事情发生前能知道可作出的选择,而非必须当场作出决定。” 9. desperate adj.

(因绝望而)铤而走险的,不顾一切的,胆大妄为的,无法无天的,孤注一掷的,拼命的 [常用作表语]渴望的,迫切需要的,极想望的(for)

(因提供极少机会而)令人绝望的,毫无希望的,不抱希望的,无望的 For himself, he grew desperate: his sorrow was of that kind that will not lament. 至于他自己,变得绝望了,他的悲哀是属于哭不出来的那种。 Why do we clutch at this baggage, even when we’re desperate to move on? 为什么有人仍然抓住行李不放,即使我们不顾一切的向前看


10. persist vi. 坚持;固持;坚持不懈;始终: He persisted in denying his knowledge of the matter. 他始终否认知道这事。


“I wish you wouldn't discuss this business any longer, Jennie,” he persisted. 他反复说,“詹妮,我认为你不要再讨论这件事了。” 持续;持久;存留:

On the tops of some mountains snow persists throughout the year. 在有些山顶上,雪终年留存。

11. register vt. 登记;注册;记录;挂号邮寄;把…挂号;正式提出 vi. 登记;注册;挂号

n. 登记;注册;记录;寄存器;登记簿 register for 注册;选课 register with 向…登记

cash register 现金出纳机,收银机 census register 户籍登记簿

register system 寄存系统,记录系统 He was struck off the lawyer register. 在注册律师名单上,他已被除名。

To avoid miscarriage you'd better register your letter. 为了避免误投,你还是将信挂号寄出为好。

12. rewarding adj. 有益的,值得的;有报酬的,报答的 be rewarding 有益的


reward for 因…的酬谢;作为…的回报 as a reward for 作为…的报酬;作为…的回报 reward system 奖赏系统;奖励系统 reward with 奖赏 offer a reward 悬赏

There’s nothing more rewarding than putting smiles on the faces around you. 没有什么事情比向你身边的人展露微笑更有益的了。

The process of changing from what you are to what you would like to become can be either arduous and frustrating or easy and rewarding.

从现在的你变成你想成为的自己的过程可能是艰辛和令人沮丧的,也可以是容易且值得的。 13. set up 竖起;建起: to set up roadblocks 设置路障 建立,开办: to set up an organization 建立一个组织

提出(意见等);创造(新纪录): to set up a new record for 创造…的新纪录

At this point, you have the base server set up but not your application. 此时,您已经设置好服务器,但您的应用程序还没有设置。



Using these tips you can set up an effective budget for yourself and your household. 使用这些技巧,你可以为您和您的的家庭设立一个有效的预算。 14. favorable adj. 有利的;良好的;赞成的,赞许的;讨人喜欢的 短语

favorable balance 顺差 ; 贸易顺差 ; 有利差额 ; 有益差额 favorable price 优惠价格 ; 优惠价 ; 优惠的价格 ; 令人满意的价格 favorable environment 良好的环境 ; 有利环境 ; 有利的环境 These favorable anticipations have been realized. 这些有利的期望已被实现

Optimism is looking at a more favorable side of events and simply anticipating the best possible outcome in any situation.

乐观就是看得见事件的更有利的一面并在任何形势下只预期可能得到的最好的结果。 15. promote vt. 促进;提升;推销;发扬 短语

promote sales 促销 ; 推销商品 ; 促进销售 ; 推销 promote development 促进发展 promote peace 促进和平 promote reform 促进改革 promote cooperation 促进合作 promote the sale 促销推销 提升;升级;升迁:

He worked hard and was soon promoted.


他工作努力,很快就获得提升。 促进;增进;发扬;提倡: to promote what is right 提倡(或发扬)正确的东西


We launch a big advertising campaign to promote our new toothpaste. 我们发动了一场声势浩大的广告宣传攻势,旨在推销新型牙膏。 使 (学生)升级:

to be promoted to the next grade 升到下一年级

The meeting discussed how to promote this latest product. 这次会议讨论了如何开展这种新产品的推销工作。

The meeting discussed how to promote cooperation between the two countries. 会议讨论了如何促进两国的合作。

16. end up [口语]结束,结尾,告终;停止: The chairman finally ended up his speech. 主席终于结束了演说。 终于(成为…),最后(做某事):

He ended up as general manager of the company. 他最后成了这家公司的总经理。 竖起,直立

(尤指经过一段时间、一些经历后)(偶然地)到达,来到(某处): They took the wrong train and ended up at a small station.


他们坐错了火车,结果来到了一个小站。 Then you end up alone. 接着你一个人结束了。

But many of us end up with jobs like that. 但大多数人最后找到就是那样的工作。 If no one helps him he may end up being a beggar. 如果没有人帮助他,他最终可能会成为一个乞丐。 Unit 3

1. preserve vt. 保护;防护;维护:

Wax polish preserves wood and leather. 上光蜡可以保护木材和皮革。 保存;防腐;保藏:

The ancient Egyptians knew ways to preserve dead bodies from decay. 古埃及人懂得保存尸体,使之不会腐烂的方法。 保持;维持: to preserve world peace 维护世界和平 保留,留存:

Few of her early articles are preserved. 她早期的文章没有几篇留存下来。 Duck eggs do not preserve satisfactorily. 鸭蛋腌制得令人不满意。


They were fighting in order to preserve their independence. 他们为了维护他们的独立而斗争

2. despite [di'spait] prep. 不在乎,不管,不顾;尽管,任凭,虽有,纵使: I failed the test despite studying all night. 尽管整夜学习,我还是考试不及格。 in spite of 尽管;不管 despite all that 尽管如此

His father-in-law lives on despite the car accident. 尽管出了车祸,他的岳父仍然活下来。

All the people on the ship were in safety despite the storm. 虽然遇到风暴, 船上所有的人都安然无恙。 2. do damage to造成损害 短语

do great damage to 对 ; 使受到损害 ; 使事物受到损害 do damage to property 损坏财产

But actually I think they really do damage to a team. 但我认为这样的人对团队的发展是有害的。 3. range n. 范围;幅度;排;山脉

vi. 平行,列为一行;延伸;漫游;射程达到 vt. 漫游;放牧;使并列;归类于;来回走动 短语

Measuring range [测] 测量范围 ; [测] 计量范围 ; [测] 测定范围 ; [仪] 量程 Color Range 色彩范围 ; 颜色范围


wide range 宽波段的;宽量程的

a wide range of 大范围的;许多各种不同的 a range of 一系列;一些;一套 full range 全音域,全频;全距;全馏程 in the range of 在…范围之内;在…射程外 This is outside the range of our study. 这不属于我们研究的范围。

The government is proposing to put on a new range of taxes to pay for social services. 政府准备征收一系列新税,以应付社会的开支。 The jobs range from advertising sales to engineering. 工作范围从广告销售到工程师。 4. impact vt. 影响;撞击;冲突;压紧 vi. 冲击;产生影响

n. 影响;效果;碰撞;冲击力 impact on 影响;对…冲击,碰撞

environmental impact 环境冲击,环境影响 environmental impact assessment 环境影响评价 What about the impact on your life? 对你的生活又会有什么影响?

How will the war impact on his generation? 战争对他这一代会有什么影响呢?

This also has a negative impact on the readers as almost all of them look out for something simple on the web.


这对读者也会产生消极的影响,因为几乎他们所有人都想要在网站上找到简单的东西。 5. extinct adj. 灭绝的,绝种的;熄灭的 vt. 使熄灭

extinct language 绝迹语言 ; 灭绝语 ; 死语 Dinosaurs have been extinct for millions of years. 恐龙已经灭绝几百万年了

6. remove vt. 移动,迁移;开除;调动 vi. 移动,迁移;搬家 搬开;拿走:

Will you please remove your handbag from the seat? 您把您的手提包从座位上拿开好吗? 迁移;移动;调动:

The twin brothers were removed from our class. 这一对孪生兄弟已从我们班转走。 He removed the family to Hong Kong. 他把全家迁移到了香港。 脱掉;摘掉:

He removed his wet shirt and threw it into a chair. 他脱下湿衬衣,扔在椅子上。 除掉;消除:

She removed all the grease stains from her overcoat. 她把她大衣上所有油渍都去掉了。

The patient had to have one of his legs removed.


这位病人只好将一条腿截掉。 7. emission [i'mi??n] n.


(光、热、声音、液体、气味等的)发出,射出,散发 (无线电波的)发射

【电子学】(电子的)放射,辐射,发射 电子流

This is the only zero-emission car on the market. 这是现在市场上绝无仅有的“零排放”车型。

More than 100 initiatives for new projects will be discussed with prospective buyers of carbon emission reductions during the conference.

大会期间,它们将与潜在的减少碳排放的买方讨论100多个新的项目倡议。 8. sustainable adj. 支撑得住的;能承受的;能保持的,能维持的,能持续的 sustainable development 可持续发展 sustainable growth 可持续增长

strategy of sustainable development 可持续发展战略 sustainable agriculture 可持续农业;永续农业 sustainable competitive advantage 可持续的竞争优势

\make our agriculture sustainable, we have to do this,\he said. \percent of the country is like this, all hills.


Working together to provide fresh, sustainable food for the community is one of the hot trends


in some community organizations.

一起工作,为社区提供新鲜的,可持续的食物,这是一些社区组织热门趋势之一。 9. protect from使…免于…;防止…遭受… 短语

protect forests from overexploitation 防止过度利用森林 ; 防止过度森林 Protect Something From Happening 防止发生 protect forests from overexploitine 提防过度诈骗森林

The layers of cloth not only protect from the harsh sun and wind but also conceal their emotions.

这些层叠的布不仅能保护他们免受强烈的阳光和风的侵袭,也掩盖了他们的情绪。 10. involve vt. 包含;牵涉;使陷于;潜心于 短语

involve deeply 深深卷入 ; 使全神贯注 ; 埋头于 Involve them 吸引人们的参与 involve doing 包括做

牵涉,牵连,使卷入;使陷入(麻烦、困境等): to be involved in a scandal 卷入丑闻

to be involved in the trouble 陷入麻烦

The case involved many innocent people. 这一案件牵涉了许多无辜的人。 使参与;使参加:


to involve employees in the management 使职员参与管理 包含,含有,包括:

This project involves much difficulty. 这一项目有许多困难。

11. sensible adj. 明智的;明显的;可觉察的;意识到的(of);通晓事理的

In the end, the only sensible path is to deal with the world as it is, not as we might like it to be. 最后,唯一明智的方法就是顺其自然地处理任何事情,而不是按我们希望的它如何去处理。

12. suspicious adj. 可疑的;怀疑的;多疑的 suspicious of 怀疑 ; 对 ; 思疑 ; 起狐疑 suspicious fire 可疑的火灾 Extermely Suspicious 杯弓蛇影 The fire is of suspicious origin. 这场火灾起因可疑。

It was the spy's suspicious manner that first put us on to him. 最初引起我们对这个间谍警惕的是他的可疑的举止。

The policeman rubbed down the country bumpkin, but found nothing suspicious. 警察把那个乡下佬浑身上下搜查了一遍,但未发现可疑之处。 13. intended for 用来…;目的在于 短语

intended only for adults 只为成年人

be intended for 为而 ; 为 ; 预订 ; 专为年青人设计的


These samples are not intended for use in a production environment. 这些示例不是为在生产环境中使用准备的。 These are intended for walking on ice. 这种鞋是为了在冰上行走的。 13. typically adv. 典型地,有代表性地 通常;一般地 不出所料地

The disease typically manifested itself in a high fever and chest pains. 这种疾病的典型症状是发烧和胸痛。

Our reply: So how much time do you typically spend on projects now? 我们的回答是:那么您们现在一般在项目上花多少时间? 14. verify vt. 证明,证实:

Later, findings verified the scientist's theory. 后来的发现证实了这位科学家的理论。 核实,验证,检验;校准: We must verify his figures. 我们必须把他的数字核实一下。 作证;鉴定;查证:

I looked up the word in a dictionary to verify its spelling. 为了查证这个词的拼写方法,我从词典中查了一下这个词。 15. make sense


有道理;合乎情理 明智

说得通;有意义 It all started to make sense. 这一切都开始变得有意义。

I try to make each song make sense for itself. 我试图让每首歌都体现出它自己的意义。 16. estimate vt.

(粗略)估计(…的距离、价值、数目、大小、重量、费用等to estimate the cost of a college education 估计上大学的费用

We estimate the cost to be four thousand dollars. 我们估计费用(或成本)为4 000美元。 判断,评价;估计…的意义(或价值): He is highly estimated among his colleagues. 同事们对他的评价很高。 estimate for 对…估价、估计 cost estimate 成本估算,成本估计 rough estimate 粗略的估计,粗算 conservative estimate 审慎估计,保守估计 best estimate 最佳估计;最佳推算数 budget estimate 概算;预算 preliminary estimate 初步估计



estimate at 估计…,估计有… I estimate the damage at 8000 yuan. 我估计那项损失达8000元。

You had better countercheck that last estimate. 你最好复核一下上次的估价。

The committee lacked a correct estimate of his ability. 委员会对他的能力缺乏正确的评价。 17. tremendous adj. 巨大的,极大的

可怕的;望而生畏的;令人恐惧的 [口语]绝妙的,了不起的,惊人的 Tremendous changes have taken place here. 这里发生了巨大的变化。

Modern technology catalyzed tremendous economic growth in China. 现代技术促成了中国经济的巨大发展。

I say that because it gives tremendous liquidity to the markets. 我这样说是因为它给市场带来的巨大的流动性。 18. mess n. 肮脏的一堆

脏乱状态;凌乱状态;大杂烩 混乱;混乱状态;混乱的局面;一团糟 mess up 陷入困境;搞糟 a mess of 一大堆…;把…弄糟


in a mess 乱糟糟,一团糟

mess with 同…一起用膳;胡乱摆弄;干扰;与…厮混在一起 make a mess 制造混乱;搞成一团糟 Please disregard the mess and sit right here. 请不顾凌乱状态,就坐在这儿吧。

Your mother will bawl you out when she sees this mess. 当你母亲看到这混乱的局面时她会责骂你的。 By the end of last year, he had wiggled out of the mess. 到去年年底,他已经从困境中摆脱出来。 If you do mess up, admit it and move on.



