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2005 Text 1 Everybody loves a fat pay rise. Yet pleasure at your own can vanish if you learn that a
colleague has been given a bigger one. Indeed, if he has a reputation for slacking, you might even be outraged. Such behaviour is regarded as ―all too human‖, with the underlying assumption that other animals would not be capable of this finely developed sense of grievance. But a study by Sarah Brosnan and Frans de Waal of Emory University in Atlanta, Georgia, which has just been published in Nature, suggests that it is all too monkey, as well.
The researchers studied the behaviour of female brown capuchin monkeys. They look cute. They are good-natured, co-operative creatures, and they share their food tardily. Above all, like their female human counterparts, they tend to pay much closer attention to the value of ―goods and services‖ than males.
Such characteristics make them perfect candidates for Dr. Brosnan's and Dr. de waal's study. The researchers spent two years teaching their monkeys to exchange tokens for food. Normally, the monkeys were happy enough to exchange pieces of rock for slices of cucumber. However, when two monkeys were placed in separate but adjoining chambers, so that each could observe what the other was getting in return for its rock, their behaviour became markedly different. In the world of capuchins grapes are luxury goods (and much preferable to cucumbers) So when one monkey was handed a grape in exchange for her token, the second was reluctant to hand hers over for a mere piece of cucumber. And if one received a grape without having to provide her token in exchange at all, the other either tossed her own token at the researcher or out of the chamber, or refused to accept the slice of cucumber .Indeed, the mere presence of a grape in the other chamber (without an actual monkey to eat it) was enough to induce resentment in a female capuchin.
The researches suggest that capuchin monkeys, like humans, are guided by social emotions. In the wild, they are a co-operative, group-living species, Such co-operation is likely to be stable only when each animal feels it is not being cheated. Feelings of righteous indignation, it seems, are not the preserve of people alone, Refusing a lesser reward completely makes these feelings abundantly clear to other members of the group. However, whether such a sense of fairness evolved independently in capuchins and humans, or whether it stems from the common ancestor that the species had 35 million years ago, is, as yet, an unanswered question. 21. In the opening paragraph, the author introduces his topic by [A]. posing a contrast.
[B]. justifying an assumption. [C]. making a comparison.
[D]. explaining a phenomenon.
22. The statement ―it is all too monkey‖ (Last line, paragraph l) implies that [A]. monkeys are also outraged by slack rivals. [B]. resenting unfairness is also monkeys' nature.
[C]. monkeys, like humans, tend to be jealous of each other.
[D]. no animals other than monkeys can develop such emotions.
23. Female capuchin monkeys were chosen for the research most probably because they are [A]. more inclined to weigh what they get. [B]. attentive to researchers' instructions.
[C]. nice in both appearance and temperament.
[D]. more generous than their male companions
24. Dr. Brosnan and Dr. de Waal have eventually found in their study that the monkeys [A]. prefer grapes to cucumbers.
[B]. can be taught to exchange things.
[C]. will not be co-operative if feeling cheated.
[D]. are unhappy when separated from others.
25. What can we infer from the last paragraph?
[A]. Monkeys can be trained to develop social emotions. [B]. Human indignation evolved from an uncertain source. [C]. Animals usually show their feelings openly as humans do. [D]. Cooperation among monkeys remains stable only in the wild. 核心词汇:
a fat pay rise 涨得很高的工资
vanish (消失,不复存在)The wonderful vanished into thin air.美梦化作泡影I thought it would rain, but the clouds have vanished and it's a fine day.我原以为天要下雨的,可是云消失了,是个好天。[巧记]van=empty空+ish形容词后缀:倾向于。 colleague
(同事,同僚)David is a colleague of mine.戴维是我的同事[巧记]
col=con共同+leag=leg选+ue→共同被选出的。[辨] companion (同伴,共事者)即com一起+pan面包+ion→一起吃面包→谋生的人。 A dog is a faithfull companyion. 狗是忠实的伙伴
reputation (名气,名声,名望)a man of good reputation名誉很好的人Live up to one‘s reputation.不负盛名[巧记]re再一,重新+put思考+ation。
slack (懈怠,懒散)slack work马虎的工作 slack laws 不完善的法律 Bussiness is
slack at this season.这一季节生意萧条 The tennis net hung slack.网球的网松悬着[记:谐音]怪物―史莱克‖是―懒散‖的。
outrage (暴行,伤害,激怒)。 An outrage against justice.对正义的严重损害 Members of Parliament were outraged by the news of bomb outrages in the country.国内发生了炸弹暴力事件的消息引起了国会议员的义愤 [巧记]out过度+rage动怒→―出离愤怒了‖
all to human 人所特有的→人性
underling (潜在的,含蓄的) There are underlying similarities between all human beings.人与人之间有内在相似之处 The underlying theme of the novel is very serious.小说内在的主题很严肃[巧记]under(下面)+
assumption (假定;承担;呈现) The theory is based on a series of wrong assumptions.这一理论是以一系列错误的设想为根据的。Their assumption that their project under way was something entirely new proved to be untrue.他们以为他们正在进行的课题是崭新的,事实证明不是那样。 [记]assume(假设)
grievance /(抱怨,不平,怨愤) to have a grievance against sb.抱怨某人He extravagantce give him a sense of grievance.他的挥霍使他感到不满[巧记]griev=heavy沉重+ance。
capuchin monkey 僧帽猴 一种原产于美洲的卷尾猴(sapajou),头上有类似风帽的一镞头发
good-natured (和蔼的,和善的) 又如:mean-natured 情绪性的 sweet-natured 性格温和的
creature(人, 动物, 傀儡, 创造物) She was a poor creature.她曾是个可怜的女人。[巧记]creat(创造)+ure(尾缀)
tardily (缓慢)形容词:拖拉的。[记:谐音]邋―遢地‖是由于―拖拉‖造成的。
counterpart (对应的人或物) 即counter相反+part部分=―对应的部分‖→对音的人或物。The Red Cross Society of China and its Icelandic counterpart. 中国红十字会和冰岛红十字会 Canada‘s Prime Minister is the counterpart of the U.S. president. 加拿大总理相当于美国总统。参见2000年 Passage 4 。
candidate (候选人,求职者)Masteral candidate 考研人 [巧记]cand白,
in exchange for (作为[对…的]交换[或替代])[巧记]exchange=ex出+change换→换出
token (象征的东西,代币) Tears are queer tokens of happiness. 眼泪是快乐的一种奇特的表示We shook hands as a token of our friendship.我们握手,以表示我们的友谊。
slice (薄片,切片;一份,部分)a slice of bread一片面包 a slice of good luck.一份好运 a book to amuse you, not to give you a slice of life. 一本供你消遣的书,并不是告诉你一段实际生活 He sliced his fingers.他用刀切伤了手指。
adjoining (毗连的)The twins have adjoining rooms. 双胞胎的房间是挨着的 [巧记]ad向+join加入,结合+ing行为结果。
chamber(房间, 议院)chamber of the heart 心室 In Britain the upper chamber or parliament is the House of Lords, the lower the House of Commons.英国的上议院或国会是贵族议院,下议院是众议院。
in return for (作为[对…的]交换[报答,回报]) He give her some roses in return for her kindnesss.他送她一些玫瑰以报答她的好意
markedly (显著的,明显的) a woman of marked intelligence 聪明过人的女子 Tuition at American universities varies markedly depending on the type of instituation and its endowment. 美国各大学的学费有显著差别,这取决于学校的类别和所得到的捐赠基金 [巧记]marked(有记号的, 显著的)
luxury (奢侈品,华贵) 即lux光亮→豪华+ury。Luxurious adj.豪华舒适的 luxuryiate v.纵情享受 to luxuryiate in the warm,spring sunshine.尽情享受春日温暖的阳光 Cream cakes are no long a luxury.奶油蛋糕再也不是奢侈品了。
reluctant(不愿的,勉强的)Suggestion systems can work — don't be reluctant to use them.建议制度是有效的——不要不愿使用它们 She was very reluctant to admit the truth. 她很不情愿地承认了这事实。[巧记]re反复+luct=lect拾,捡+ant形容词后缀→应为觉得―不称心‖,所以 ―反复拾捡‖→但最后还是―不情愿的,勉强的‖。参见1994 Passage 5 。 toss ([常与to, away, aside, out连用]扔,抛) He tossed off a few verses of poetry. 他轻而易举地写出了几行诗They tossed the ball to each other.他们把球互相扔来扔去。
induce (劝诱,促使)What induced you to do such a stupid thing? 是什么促使你作出这等蠢事来的人 One of these pills is guaranteed to induce sleep. 这些药丸只要一粒就能使人安眠Too much food induces sleepiness.吃得过饱会产生睡意。[巧记]in往内+duce=duct引导→―步步为营,诱敌深入‖。 Presence
resentment (愤恨,怨恨)He was filled with resentment at the way one
has been treated. 他因受到如此对待而满腔怨恨Resentment edged his reply.岔恨使他的回答非常尖锐。[巧记]re去掉,相反+sent感觉+ment→负面的感觉→怨恨。
emotions (激情,情绪,情感) The speaker appealed to our emotions rather to our minds. 演讲者激发了我们的情感而不是启发我们的思考 Love, hatred, and grief are emotion.爱、恨、悲伤都是感情。 righteous (正当的,正直的,公正的) righteous indignation义愤 Don‘t adopt that righteous tone of voice! 别用那种一本正经的腔调说话。(贬)[巧记]right 正确的+eous 。
indignation (愤慨, 义愤)indignation against a handful of terrorists. 对一小撮恐怖分子的义愤[巧记]in往里+dig挖+nation民族→挖民族→比挖祖坟还难受→能不愤慨吗?[记]形容词:indignant
preserve (保存,保护,保护区) preserve one‘s eyesight 保护视力 God preserve us! 上帝保佑我们吧 The fishing in this stretch of river is strictly preserved. 此河段严禁外人捕鱼The Town Council spent a lot of money to preserve the old castle and other places of historic interest.市政委员会花了不少钱来维修那座古城堡和其它古迹。
reward (报酬,奖金;值得) One reward of my job is meeting people. 我在工作中的收获是能认识许多人 As well as the stained glass,the carring on the roof also reward attention.屋顶上的雕刻和彩色玻璃一样值得注意 It's a reward for virtue.那是对美德的回报。
abundantly (丰富地,充裕地) He‘s made his views abundantly clear.他已经充分表明自己的观点 [记]名词:abundance 形容词:abundant
evolve (逐渐形成,进化) The American constitution was planed;the British constitution evolved.美国宪法是精心制订的,英国宪法是约定俗成的 The developmental history of the society tells us that man has evolved from the ape. 社会发展史告诉我们人是从类人猿进化来的。
as yet 至今为止
stem from (源于… 有…造成) a talented art critic stemming from a painter. 出生画家,富有才干的评论家
ancestor (祖先,祖宗) His ancestors had come to England as refugess.他的祖先来到英国的时候是难民[巧记]an=ante前+cest=cess行走,前进+or→走在前面的人→祖先。 [比较记忆] descendant 作―后裔,子孙‖解,而作―下降(的)‖解,一般拼成descendent
incline([常与to, towards连用]倾向于,趋于)I incline to fatness.我有些发胖。
难句分析: ①Such behaviour is regarded as ―all too human‖, with the underlying assumption that other animals would not be capable of this finely developed sense of grievance.
前一分句是句子的主句,其中使用了短语regard…as…的被动形式;with加名词作状语,即―带有潜在的假定‖,其中assumption后接有that引导的同位语从句解释说明假定的内容。 翻译:这种行为被看作是―人之长情‖,他潜在的假定就是其他动物不可能有这种高度发达的不公平意识。
②But a study by Sarah Brosnan and Frans de Waal of Emory University in Atlanta, Georgia, which has just been published in Nature, suggests that it is all too monkey, as well.
▲本句的主干是a study… Suggests that…其中主语study有两个定语:一个是介词结构by Sarah Brosnan and Frans de Waal…, 另一个是which应导的非限定性定语从句;谓语动词suggests后面的that 引导一个宾语从句。
③However, when two monkeys were placed in separate but adjoining chambers, so that each could observe what the other was getting in return for its rock, their behaviour became markedly different.
▲本句是一个复合句,开始是when引导的时间状语从句,其中包含so that 应导的目的状语从句,而observe后面又是what应导的宾语从句;最后是主句their behavior become markedly different。
④And if one received a grape without having to provide her token in exchange at all, the other either tossed her own token at the researcher or out of the chamber, or refused to accept the slice of cucumber .
▲本句是一个复合句,开始是if 引导的条件状语从句,第一个逗号之后的部分是主句:the other either tossed her own token…or refused to…,其中包含两个并列的谓语,tossed 和refused。
⑤However, whether such a sense of fairness evolved independently in capuchins and humans, or whether it stems form the common ancestor that the species had 35 million years ago, is, as yet, an unanswered question.
▲本句的主语很复杂,由whether…or (是…还是..)结构充当,其中whether…引导一个名词
性从句,or…后面也是一个名词性从句,而且这一从句的宾语ancestor后面的that引导一个定语从句,修饰ancestor;谓语由系动词(is)+表语(an unanswered question)构成。As it 是一个插入语,意思是―迄今为止‖。注意:本句的主语由两个从句充当。
这篇文章是讲猴子有一种天然的公平意识,文章本身难度不是太大,一开始做了一个类比,讲人的公平意识。然后根据这个类比,文章重点谈猴子们的公平意识。这篇对比性的文章两个方面要理解,第一,人类和猴子之间都有一种近似的表现,当受到不公正待遇的时候,都有义愤填膺的感觉,如果把握这个逻辑,就是类比的逻辑。第二, 最后两段关于选择的实验的对象以及实验的结果。
21题 [C] 难度0.246
A选项 posing a contrast意思是提出一个对比,但是请注意,提出不代表对这个对比做出分析。而原文第一段明显是对人和猴子这个对比做出了分析,因此应该是making a comparison,即对一个对比做出了分析。post仅仅是―提出‖的意思,而原文中作者是通过做具体的对比而得出结论,所以,―make‖这个词应该更准确。而且,参考上面所说的contrast和compare的区别,更应该选择C选项。
B选项justifying an assumption意思是证明一种假设,但是第一段的意思是人与猴子的比较,而不是什么假设。这个也是很强的干扰项。
D选项explaining a phenomenon.意思是解释一种现象,但是文章第一段的意思是人与猴之间的比较,而不是在解释什么东西,只是进行一种比较罢了。
22题 [B] 难度0.368 区分度.0.351
A选项monkeys are also outraged by slack rivals.是说猴子也会由于懒惰的竞争者而愤怒。
C选项monkeys, like humans, tend to be jealous of each other的意思是猴子也和人一样嫉妒彼此。但是从文章看出,中心思想是讨论猴子对于公平的敏感性,因此C选项只是陈述了其中的一个现象而已,而不是体现了中心思想。文章中只提到了对于不公平所产生的愤怒感,但这个和嫉妒是两码事。这种题属于用小范围替代大范围的干扰项。
D选项 more generous than their male companions是说雌性猴子比雄性猴子更慷慨,大方。但是从原文看出,文章的意思是雌猴子更加注重她们获得的东西。文章的中心思想是说猴子对于公平性的敏感,因此与慷慨大方之类的没有关系。做题时要把握好中心思想,这样就容易排除选项了
23题 [A] 难度0.383 区分度.0.437
B选项attentive to researchers' instructions意思是听研究人员的话,而问题 Female capuchin monkeys were chosen for the research most probably because则是指为什么雌性猴子被选择做研究,由文章可看出,应该是由于雌猴子的对公平的更强烈的敏感性。原文只是提到了雌性猴子之间比较容易合作。
C选项 nice in both appearance and temperament是说在外表和脾气上都很好,这个基本上是命题者编造的干扰项,如果你明白了文章的大意的话,就不会选择这个答案了。因为整篇文章和外表没有任何联系的。而且题目问的是最主要的原因,所以C选项不予考虑。
D选项more generous than their male companions的意思是说比雄猴子更大方,但是之所以选择雌猴子是因为她们对公平性更敏感。D选项基本上和主题是背道而驰的,所以属于比较明显的干扰项。
24题[C] 难度0.805 区分度.0.470
A选项prefer grapes to cucumbers是说猴子比起葡萄来更喜欢黄瓜,但是这和题目根本没有关系,属于搞笑类干扰项....原文中虽然提到过,但是算不上什么―最终的发现‖。
B选项can be taught to exchange things是说猴子能被训练得交换东西,这个就是太表面的意思了,但是和文章主题基本没关系嘛,文章的主题一定要把握好。
D选项are unhappy when separated from others说的是当她们被分开时会不高兴,但是原文中可以看出,不高兴是因为她们看到另外的猴子得到了更好的东西,而不是因为被分开。猴子哪里会这么怕孤单?
25题[B] 难度0.584 区分度.0.327
A选项 Monkeys can be trained to develop social emotions意思与文章的中心思想不符。文
章是想说明猴子对于公平的敏感性,而不是猴子能被训练具有社会性的情感。而且这个选项在原文中也没有依据,所谓的社会性情感原文没有提及。你从最后一段的 as yet, an unanswered question可看出,刚好和B选项的an uncertain source想对应。这种题要注意一定要找到有原文依据的选项。而且social emotions是猴子天生就有的,谈不上delevop这个词。
C选项Animals usually show their feelings openly as humans do的意思是动物经常像人类一样的公开表露感情。但是文章最后一段并没有讲这个问题,而是在强调动物对于公平的敏感性。C选项本身没有错,但是不符合题目要求。
D选项 Cooperation among monkeys remains stable only in the wild的意思是猴子之间在野外才能稳定。这个基本上没什么道理可说,和文章的中心思想没有联系。你从最后一段的 as yet, an unanswered question可看出,刚好和B选项的an uncertain source想对应。这种题要注意一定要找到有原文依据的选项
人人都喜欢大幅加薪,但是当你知道一个同事薪水加得比你还要多的时候,那么加薪带给你的喜悦感就消失的无影无踪了。如果他还以懒散出名的话,你甚至会变得怒不可遏。这种行为被看作是―人之长情‖,其潜在的假定其他动物不可能具有如此高度发达的不公平意识。但是由佐治亚州亚特兰大埃里莫大学的Sarah Brosnan 和Frans de Waal进行的一项研究表明,它也是―猴之常情‖。这项研究成果刚刚发表在《自然》杂志上。
研究者们对雌性棕色卷尾猴的行为进行了研究。它们看起来很可爱,性格温顺,合作,乐于分享食物。最重要的是,就象女人们一样,它们往往比雄性更关注―商品和服务‖价值。这些特性使它们成为Brosnan 和 de Waal理想的研究对象。研究者们花了两年的时间教这些猴子用代币换取食物。正常情况下,猴子很愿意用几块石头换几片黄瓜。但是,当两个猴子被安置在隔开但相邻的两个房间里,能够互相看见对方用石头换回来什么东西时,猴子的行为就会变的明显不同。
2005 Text 2
Do you remember all those years when scientists argued that smoking would kill us but the
doubters insisted that we didn't know for sure? That the evidence was inconclusive, the science uncertain? That the antismoking lobby was out to destroy our way of life and the government should stay out of the way? Lots of Americans bought that nonsense, and over three decades, some 10 million smokers went to early graves.
There are upsetting parallels today, as scientists in one wave after another try to awaken us to the growing threat of global warming. The latest was a panel from the National Academy of Sciences, enlisted by the White House, to tell us that the Earth's atmosphere is definitely warming and that the problem is largely man-made. The clear message is that we should get moving to protect ourselves. The president of the National Academy, Bruce Alberts, added this key point in the preface to the panel's report ―Science never has all the answers .But science does provide us with the best available guide to the future, and it is critical that our nation and the world base important policies on the best judgments that science can provide concerning the future consequences of present actions.‖
Just as on smoking, voices now come from many quarters insisting that the science about global warming is incomplete, that it's Ok to keep pouring fumes into the air until we know for sure. This is a dangerous game: by the 100 percent of the evidence is in, it may be too late. With the risks obvious and growing, a prudent people would take out an insurance policy now.
Fortunately, the White House is starting to pay attention. But it's obvious that a majority of
the president's advisers still don't take global warming seriously. Instead of a plan of action, they continue to press for more research-a classic case of ―paralysis by analysis‖.
To serve as responsible stewards of the planet, we must press forward on deeper atmospheric and oceanic research but research alone is inadequate. If the Administration won't take the legislative initiative, Congress should help to begin fashioning conservation measures .A bill by Democratic Senator Robert Byrd of West Virginia, which would offer financial incentives for private industry, is a promising start .Many see that the country is getting ready to build lots of new power plants to meet our energy needs. If we are ever going to protect the atmosphere, it is crucial that those new plants be environmentally sound.
26. An argument made by supporters of smoking was that
[A]. there was no scientific evidence of the correlation between smoking and death. [B]. the number of early deaths of smokers in the past decades was insignificant. [C]. people had the freedom to choose their own way of life. [D]. antismoking people were usually talking nonsense. 27. According to Bruce Alberts, science can serve as [A]. a protector. [B]. a judge. [C]. a critic. [D]. a guide.
28. What does the author mean by ―paralysis by analysis‖ (Last line, paragraph 4) [A]. Endless studies kill action.
[B]. Careful investigation reveals truth. [C]. prudent planning hinders.
[D]. Extensive research helps decision-making.
29. According to the author, what should the Administration do about global warming [A]. Offer aid to build cleaner power plants. [B]. Raise public awareness of conservation. [C]. Press for further scientific research. [D]. Take some legislative measures.
30. The author associates the issue of global warming with that of smoking because [A]. they both suffered from the government's negligence. [B]. a lesson from the latter is applicable to the former. [C]. the outcome of the latter aggravates the former. [D]. both of them have turned from bad to worse.
核心词汇: inconclusive (非结论性的,不确定的)Inconclusive evidence 无效的证据[巧记]n+con一起+clus=close,shut关闭+ive。
lobby (门厅,接待室;向[议员等]进行游说[或疏通]) the antinuclear lobby are
becoming stronger.向议员游说的反核群众声势渐涨
antismoking(禁止吸烟[的]) [记]前缀anti 表否定
nonsense(胡说, 废话) Stop that nonsense, children!别胡闹了,孩子们!She told me that the moon was made of cheese. What nonsense!她告诉我月亮是奶酪做的,真是胡说八道![巧记]non(不)+sense(理解,认识) →胡说八道
grave (墓穴, 坟墓) (adj.严重的, (颜色)黯淡的, (声音)低沉的v.雕刻, 铭记) grave as a judge 非常严肃His face was grave as he told them about the bankcrutcy of his business.他把他的商行破产的事告诉他们时脸色十分凝重。
panel (面板,座谈小组, 全体陪审员) The date for the panel discussion is fixed now.座谈会的日期现已确定。What do / does the panel think of this?小组里的人对此有什么看法?
definitely(明确地, 干脆地) I can't tell you definitely when I will come.我不能肯定地告诉你我什么时候来。He is definitely coming.他一定来。
parallel (类似的事物,平行线)parallel lines平行线A parallel circuit 并联电路 There are curious parallels between medicine and low.医学和法律之间有着奇特的相似之处[记]unparallel(不平行的,独一无二的)[巧记]para并排。
pour (倾泻,涌出;倒) Summerpours warm sunlight into the valley.夏日炙热的阳光泻进山谷 peports of new successs keep pouring.捷报频传 It never rains but its pours. 不下则以,一下就大雨倾盆。to pour a large sum of money into a project把大笔资金投入一项工程[喻]祸不单行。
fume ([浓烈或难闻的]烟, 气体)(n.一阵愤怒(或不安)v.用烟熏, 冒烟, 发怒) \the boss angry?' 'Yes, he was really fuming.'\老板生气了吗?''是的,他气得七窍冒烟。Petrol fumes from car engines poison the atmosphere.汽车引擎排放的汽油烟气毒化着大气。
prudent (审慎的,谨慎的)prudent in speech 慎言be modest and prudent 谦虚谨慎 the prudent us of resources 资源的节约使用 It's prudent to take a thick coat in cold weather when you go out.在寒冷的天气下外出时带上件厚外套是谨慎的。[巧记]p不+rude粗鲁的+ent形容词后缀→不粗即细也。[反义词]imprudent
paralysis (瘫痪)infantile paralysis 小儿麻痹症 a paralysis of trade 贸易停顿[巧记]para=beside,alongside旁,侧。参见2003年Text 2。
Steward (管家,管事;服务员,乘务员) an air stewardess 空中小姐
legislative (立法的) 看作leg词根―法律‖(参allegation宣称,2003年Text 2)+is是+lat(e) 迟的+ion名词后缀→法律是迟的→所以要不断―立法‖与事俱进哦 ? 。 Legislative reform is long overdue. 立法方面的改革早该进行。参见1999 Passage 4 。
initiative (主动的行动,首创精神)an initiative proposal 初步提议 a man who lacks the initiative to be a leader. 缺乏当领导人应具备的主动精神 It‘s up to this country to take the initiative in banning nuclear weapons. 这个国家应该主动提出禁止核武器 [记]动词initiate(开始, 发动, 传授)
crucial (至关重要的,决定性的)A crucial experiencee艰难的经历a crucial incision (外科手术的)十字形切开[巧记]curc十字+ia形容词后缀→处在十字路口的→紧要关头。
negligence(.疏忽,玩忽) [记]动词neglect(疏忽,忽视)
aggravate(使恶化, 加重) Grief aggravated her illness.痛苦加重了她的病情。If he aggravates me any more I shall punish him.如果他再惹我生气,我就要惩罚他。 难句解析: ①The latest was a panel from the National Academy of Sciences, enlisted by the White House, to tell us that the Earth's atmosphere is definitely warming and that the problem is largely man-made. 主干部分是The latest was a panel,表语panel后接有两个定语成分:from的介词短语和含enlisted的过去分词,即―白宫召集的、来自国家科学院的专家团‖,其中第二个定语成分中又包含一个不定式结构,表目的,即―为了告诉我们……而召集的(专家团)‖。
翻译:最近的行动是由白宫召集了一批来自国家科学院的专家团,他们告诉我们,地球气候毫无疑问正在变暖,而这个问题主要是人为造成的。 ②But science does provide us with the best available guide to the future, and it is critical that our nation and the world base important policies on the best judgments that science can provide concerning the future consequences of present actions.‖
该句子的主干是由and连接的两个并列从句,前一分句的主干是science…provide us with…guide;后一分句的主干是it is critical,其中it为形式主语,真正的主语是that引导的主语从句。从句的主干是our nation and the world base…policies on…judgments,judgments后接有两个定语结构,一是that引导的定语从句,一是concerning分词结构。 翻译:但是科学确实为我们的未来提供了最好的指导,关键是我们的国家和整个的世界在做重要决策时,应该以科学能够提供的关于人类现在的行为对未来影响最好的判断作为依据。 ③Just as on smoking, voices now come from many quarters insisting that the science about global warming is incomplete, that it's Ok to keep pouring fumes into the air until we know for sure。 该句子的主干是voices now come from many quarters;句首Just as结构做比较状语,意为―正如…一样‖;insisting 引导的分词结构做定语修饰主语voice,分词结构中含有两个并列的由that引导的宾语从句,第二个宾语从句的真实主语是不定式结构to keep… 翻译:就象吸烟问题一样,来自不同领域的声音坚持认为有关全球变暖的科学资料还不完整。 ④Do you remember all those years when scientists argued that smoking would kill us but the doubters insisted that we didn't know for sure? That the evidence was inconclusive ,the science uncertain? That the antismoking lobby was out to destroy our way of life and the government should stay out of the way?
▲这里有三个问句,第一个问句的主干是Do you remember all those years…,后面的when引导的定语从句修饰前面的名词years,定语从句由but连接的两个句子组成;的二个问句和第三
个问句各自句首的that都引导一个宾语从句,都承第一个问句省略了主句Do you remember
all those years when scientists argued that smoking would kill us but the doubters insisted…;the science uncertain 承前省略了was。
⑤Instead of a plan of action, they continue to press for more research-a classic case of ―paralysis by analysis‖.
▲Instead of 表示否定;破折号后面的部分不是修饰前面的名词research,而是说明前面的整个句子。Paralysis analysis 的意思是―研究导致瘫痪‖,就是无休止的研究一件事,致使最终没有任何行动。 试题解析:
第二篇文章是一篇一般的时事性文章,这也是一篇类比,考完了以后很多考生说这篇文章讲抽烟,其实不是的,作者讲抽烟是想说明现在的温室效应,也是一种类比,许多人抽烟没有人去管,因为缺乏足够的证据,咱们各国政府也不管温室效应, 也是同样的原因。中心讲的是世界各个政府对温室效应的解决的态度,篇章的关键词围绕这样三个问题展开,第一个就是证据不充足。第二是科学的意义。第三是制定法律,尤其最后三段大量出现立法和法规的现象。
26题[C] 难度0.108 此题难度非常大,只有十分之一的人做对了。由题目定位到文章第一段这一句:That the antismoking lobby was out to destroy our way of life and the government should stay out of the way? 意为:怀疑者们坚持认为反对吸烟的游说是为了毁掉我们的生活方式,而政府应该置身事外的时候吗?这句话其实就是讲,人们有权选择自己的生活方式,政府无权干预。因此联系到C选项:人们有选择自己生活方式的自由。入选。 A选项意为:没有科学证据来证明吸烟和死亡的相关性。这个选项应该是最强的干扰项,估计有不少朋友都选了这个选项。请看文章第一段这句话:That the evidence was inconclusive, the science uncertain?意思是证据是非结论性的,科学无法确定。但是要注意,这只说明了所谓的不确定性,但是绝对不是说没有证据。举个例子,假设甲怀疑乙偷了东西,那么乙偷东西这件事就具有不确定性和非结论性,但是我们不能说乙就是偷了东西或是没偷东西。这种属于似是而非的干扰项,大家以后要注意。
D选项意为:反对吸烟者经常胡言乱语。这个选项更不着边了,文章第一段提到了Lots of Americans bought that nonsense,但是这只是说明大多数美国人都相信了这些胡言乱语,而这些所谓的胡言乱语不一定就是反对吸烟者说的,而且更谈不上经常这个词。
27题[D] 难度0.820 区分度.0.367
请看原文第二段的这句话:But science does provide us with the best available guide to the future。可以看到有guide这个词,而且意思也是说科学是走向未来的向导。因此D选项入选。
B选项意为:一个法官。这个在原文第二段有这么句话:the best judgments that science can
28题[A] 难度0.570 区分度.0.477
首先要搞清楚这个短句是什么意思:分析导致麻痹。引申一下,也就是过多的研究导致了行动不能。通过文章也能看出,文章第四段最后they continue to press for more research,即为他们持续的督促进行更多研究。联系A选项:无止境的研究扼杀了行动。因此A入选。
29题[D] 难度0.761 区分度.0.476
由题目定位到原文最后一段这句话:If the Administration won't take the legislative initiative, Congress should help to begin fashioning conservation measures。可以看出,作者希望管理部门能主动采取一些立法行动。因此联系到D选项:采取一些法律措施。入选。
A选项意为:给建造清洁能源的工厂提供帮助。文章最后一段提到了new power plants to meet our energy needs,但是只是说新能源,并没有说是清洁能源。而且这个也不是管理部门应该做的事。
30题[B] 难度0.488 区分度.0.386
C选项意为:后者的成果恶化了前者。这个纯属无稽之谈,吸烟或许对全球变暖有影响(烟的成分有二氧化碳嘛?),但是文章根本没有提到这一点。两者之间没有因果的联系。 D选项意为:两者都变得越来越糟。这个也是典型的似是而非的干扰项。表面上看起来没错,但是这根本不是作者引用两者的原因,作者的目的不是为了说明两者的恶化,而是为了通过两者的共性来表明自己的观点,具体参见B选项的解释。
现在出现了与吸烟类似的令人感到难过的事情。科学家们前仆后继,试图使我们意识到全球气候变暖所带来的日益严重的威胁。最近的行动是由白宫召集了一批来自国家科学院的专家团,他们告诉我们,地球气候毫无疑问正在变暖,而这个问题主要是人为造成的。明确的信息表明是我们应该立刻着手保护自己。国家科学院院长Bruce Alberts在专家团报告的前言中加上了这一重要观点:―科学解答不了所有问题。但是科学确实为我们的未来提供了最好的指导,关键是我们的国家和整个的世界在做重要决策时,应该以科学能够提供的关于人类现在的行为对未来影响最好的判断作为依据。
为了成为地球上有责任心的一员,我们必须积极推进对于大气和海洋的深入研究。但只有研究是不够的。如果政府不争取立法上的主动权,国会就应该帮助政府开始采取保护措施。弗吉尼亚的民主党议员Robert Byrd提出一项议案,从经济上激励私企,就是一个良好的开端。许多人看到这个国家正准备修建许多新的发电厂,以满足我们的能源需求。如果我们准备保护大气,关键要让这些新发电厂对环境无害。
2005 Text 3
Of all the components of a good night's sleep, dreams seem to be least within our control. In dreams, a window opens into a world where logic is suspended and dead people speak. A century ago, Freud formulated his revolutionary theory that dreams were the disguised shadows of our unconscious desires and fears, by the late 1970s. neurologists had switched to thinking of them as just ―mental noise‖ the random byproducts of the neural-repair work that goes on during sleep. Now researchers suspect that dreams are part of the mind's emotional thermostat, regulating moods while the brain is ―off-line‖ And one leading authority says that these intensely powerful mental events can be not only harnessed but actually brought under conscious control, to help us
sleep and feel better, ―It's your dream‖ says Rosalind Cartwright, chair of psychology at Chicago's
Medical Center. ―If you don't like it , change it.‖
Evidence from brain imaging supports this view. The brain is as active during REM (rapid eye movement) sleep-when most vivid dreams occur-as it is when fully awake, says Dr, Eric Nofzinger at the University of Pittsburgh. But not all parts of the brain are equally involved, the limbic system (the ―emotional brain‖)is especially active, while the prefrontal cortex (the center of intellect and reasoning) is relatively quiet. ―We wake up from dreams happy of depressed, and those feelings can stay with us all day‖ says Stanford sleep researcher Dr, William Dement.
The link between dreams and emotions shows up among the patients in Cartwright‘s clinic. Most people seem to have more bad dreams early in the night, progressing toward happier ones before awakening, suggesting that they are working through negative feelings generated during the day. Because our conscious mind is occupied with daily life we don‘t always think about the emotional significance of the day‘s events-until, it appears, we begin to dream.
And this process need not be left to the unconscious. Cartwright believes one can exercise conscious control over recurring bad dreams. As soon as you awaken, identify what is upsetting about the dream. Visualize how you would like it to end instead, the next time is occurs, try to wake up just enough to control its course. With much practice people can learn to, literally, do it in their sleep.
At the end of the day, there's probably little reason to pay attention to our dreams at all unless they keep us from sleeping or ―we wake up in a panic,‖ Cartwright says Terrorism, economic uncertainties and general feelings of insecurity have increased people's anxiety. Those suffering from persistent nightmares should seek help from a therapist.For the rest of us; the brain has its ways of working through bad feelings. Sleep-or rather dream-on it and you'll feel better in the morning.
31. Researchers have come to believe that dreams [A]. can be modified in their courses. [B]. are susceptible to emotional changes. [C]. reflect our innermost desires and fears. [D]. are a random outcome of neural repairs.
32. By referring to the limbic system, the author intends to show [A]. its function in our dreams. [B]. the mechanism of REM sleep. [C]. the relation of dreams to emotions. [D]. its difference from the prefrontal cortex.
33. The negative feelings generated during the day tend to [A]. aggravate in our unconscious mind. [B]. develop into happy dreams.
[C]. persist till the time we fall asleep. [D]. show up in dreams early at night.
34.Cartwright seems to suggest that
[A]. waking up in time is essential to the ridding of bad dreams. [B]. visualizing bad dreams helps bring them under control. [C]. dreams should be left to their natural progression. [D]. dreaming may not entirely belong to the unconscious.
35. What advice might Cartwright give to those who sometimes have bad dreams? [A]. lead your life as usual. [B]. Seek professional help. [C]. Exercise conscious control.
[D]. Avoid anxiety in the daytime.
核心词汇: component
(组成部分,部件,元件)Blade and handle are the
component parts of a knife. 刀身和刀柄是刀的组成部分[巧记]=componere,即com全体+ponere放置。 suspend
(暂停,中止;悬挂) suspend particles of dust.悬浮在空中的尘埃
suspend a football player. 一名球员被暂停比赛 The magazine suspended 杂志暂时停刊
Freud 弗洛伊德(1856~1939) 奥地利神经精神病学家,精神分析创始人
(构想出,系统地阐述) formulate one‘s ideas into a theory.
系统地阐述自己的思想使之成为理论 the contract was formulated in difficult legal languagee. 该合同使用深噢的法律术语订立的[巧记]formula(公式,方程式)
(革命的,重大变革的)a revolutionary machine
一部创新的机器 Genetic engineering will have revolutionary consequences for markind.遗传工程将对人类产生深远的影响[巧记]re+volu=roll,turn 转,滚卷+tion +ary。 disguise
(伪装,掩饰)He disguised himself as a woman.他假扮成一女子。 The
Prime Minister couldn‘t disguise his anger. 首相怒形于色 It is impossible to disguise the fact
that finance is bad.财政困难这一事实是无法隐瞒的。
unconscious (下意识的,无意识的;失去知觉的) 即un无+con共同+sic=know知道+ous。 an unconscious slight 无意的冒犯 He lay unconsciouss for some hours.他昏迷了好几个小时
neurologist (神经病学家, 神经科医师) neuro-神经。 neural 神经系统的 switch
(转变,转向) Switch the conversation to a different topic. 改变谈话的
话题 He switched his horse to make it go faster.他挥鞭以策马 random
(随机的,任意的)at random 无目标地 a random guess随意乱猜 a
random talk 漫谈 draw the winning numbers at random. 任意抽出的中奖数字
byproduct (副产品)An increasee in crime is one of the byproducts of unemployment. 犯罪率增加是失业问题造成的恶果 [联想记忆] bypass 旁路、小道 bywork 副业 byname 绰号
thermostat (调温器)[巧记] thermo=of heat 热的 regulate
(调节;管理,控制)reg=rule统治,控制。The volume of
economic activity was regulated by the supply of money. 经济活动范围的大小是受提供资金的多少制约的 harness
(治理,利用) harness a river 治河 harnesss nuclear energy 利用核
能 harnesss indivdual talents to a comm.on end. 把各人的才能用于一个共同的目标 occur
(出现,发生) Fish occur in most waters. 大多数江河湖海中都有鱼 That
sound doesn‘t occur in his language. 他讲的语言中没有这个音
limbic system ([大脑] 边缘系统)
prefrontal cortex ([大脑]前额叶皮层) recur
(反复出现,再发生) re+cur跳,发生。 This theme recurs constantly throughout
the opera.这一主旋律在该歌剧中不断出现 Thoughts of home and family recurred to the lonely traveler.对家人和亲人的思恋重新浮上孤寂旅人的心头 visualize
(想象;使形象化) vis=see看。 I cann‘t visualize myself ever
getting married. 我不能想象我有朝一日能结婚
significance (重要性:重要的状态或性质)Few peoplee realized the significance of the discovery.很少有人意识到这一发现的重要性[巧记]sign=mark 记号,标记。
persistent (持续的,坚持不懈的)She eventually married the most persistent of her admires. 她终于嫁给了最执著追求她的人[巧记]即per从头到尾+sist=stand站立+ent→始终站立着→坚持。[联想记忆]insistent(坚持不懈的) The dean's very insistent that they should finish the papers in time.系主任非常坚决地要求他们按时完成论文。
(梦魇,恶梦)I have nightmare about falling off a cliff.我做梦梦见
从悬崖上摔下来[巧记] night夜+mare母马
therapist (治疗学家) a psychology therapist 心理治疗专家 [联想记忆] psychotherapy 心理疗法
at the end of the day(说穿了,说到底,说白了)I don‘t really wish to earn a lot of money, I just want to be healthy. At the end of the day, that‘s what really matters.我并不希望赚大钱,我只希望身体健康.说到底,这才是真正重要的.
难句解析: ①And one leading authority says that these intensely powerful mental events can be not only harnessed but actually brought under conscious control, to help us sleep and feel better,
该句子的主干是间接引语,其宾语是that引导的宾语从句。宾语从句的主干是these events can be not only harnessed but actually brought……,其中not only…but(also) 并列连词结构连接两
②The brain is as active during REM (rapid eye movement) sleep-when most vivid dreams
occur-as it is when fully awake, says Dr, Eric Nofzinger at the University of Pittsburgh.
该句子是一个倒装句,句首是间接引语的宾语从句,其主谓结构后置,即says Dr, Eric.宾语从句的主干是个比较结构The brain is as active during REM as it is when fully awake。两个破折号之间是插入语,做定语从句,修饰REM sleep,即―出现清晰梦境的快速动眼睡眠‖。 翻译:匹兹堡大学的埃里克博士说,在出现清晰梦境的快速动眼睡眠中大脑和完全清醒时一样活跃。
③Most people seem to have more bad dreams early in the night, progressing toward happier ones before awakening, suggesting that they are working through negative feelings generated during the day.
④A century ago, Freud formulated his revolutionary theory that dreams were the disguised shadows of our unconscious desires and rears, by the late 1970s. Neurologists had switched to thinking of them as just ―mental noise‖ the random byproducts of the neural-repair work that goes on during sleep.
▲本句由分号分为两部分,其中第一部分的主干是Freud formulated his revolutionary theory…,宾语theory后面是一个以that引导的同位语从句,说明theory的内容;在第二部分中,代词them指代的是dreams,破折号后面的部分the random byproducts of the neural-repair work…进一步解释什么是mental noise,work 后面的that引导一个定语从句,修饰work。
⑤Now researchers suspect that dreams are part of the mind's emotional thermostat, regulating moods while the brain is ―off-line‖.
▲Suspect后面是that引导的宾语从句;逗号之后的现在分词短语regulating moods…作定语,
解释thermostat 的意思,句末的while引导一个时间状语从句。
⑥At the end of the day, there's probably little reason to pay attention to our dreams at all unless they keep us from sleeping of ―we wake u in a panic,‖ Cartwright says.
▲句首的At the end of the day 是时间状语,接着是主句there's probably little reason to pay attention to our dreams at all,后面的unless 引导条件状语从句,其中包含两个以or连接的并列分句。
31题[A] 难度0.333 区分度.0.287
这是一道细节题。题干问:―研究者观念转变了,认为梦 ……‖。注意到题干的要求和含义,本题定位在第1段段末。归纳该部分可知研究者现在认为梦是可以控制的。其实全文的第1句就已暗示了这一思想,第4、5自然段都谈论如何控制梦的问题。因此选项[A]―梦的进程能够加以改变‖ 正确,是原文话题信息的同义转述。所以这道题重点是理解题目强调的是转变后的观念,而不是转变前的。
[B]选项意为―易受感情变化的影响‖。请看原文第一段的这句话:dreams are part of the mind's emotional thermostat, regulating moods while the brain is ―off-line‖。意思是说梦是大脑情感的自动调节器,当大脑下线时调整情感。因此是梦去调节感情,而不是受感情变化影响。所有该选项意思与原文相反,不能入选。
选项[C]意为:―反映我们内心深处的渴望与恐惧‖。此句来自原文第一段;dreams were the disguised shadows of our unconscious desires and rears。可以看出,这个是科学家以前的观点,而不是转变后的观点,故排除。 选项[D]意为:―是神经修复的随意产生的结果‖。这在原文的第一段中:the random byproducts of the neural-repair work。同样,这也是过去的观点,因此不能入选。
32题[C] 难度0.530 区分度.0.184
明 ……‖。本题目考察考生的主次辨别能力以及论据与论点的关系。作者在第2自然段段末谈到了大脑的边缘系统,目的是为了说明上下文中出现的―梦与情感的关系问题‖,注意―emotions‖为整篇文章重要的话题重复概念。定位到原文第二段这一句:the limbic system (the ―emotional brain‖)is especially active, while the prefrontal cortex (the center of intellect and reasoning) is relatively quiet.可以看出,边缘系统(情感部分)特别活跃,而理性部分则相对沉默。由此更可以看出作者讲到边缘系统是为了强调感性与梦的重要联系。因此选项[C]―梦与情感的联系‖ 正确。
选项[A]意为:―它在我们梦中的功能‖。这里的―function‖一词不对,文章不是为了说limbic system在梦中的功能,只是提到了其在梦中非常活跃。而相反的是,原文提到了梦会制约调节情感。因此这个选项是本末倒置,不能入选。
选项[B]意为―REM睡眠机制‖ 这不是作者的目的。原文在第二段第二句提到了REM,但是之后才提出了limibic system,两者之间没有明显联系。所以不能入选。
选项[D]意为―它与前额皮层的不同‖ 。文章无意说两者之间的区别,也就是说感性部分和理性部分的区别。只是提到了两者的活跃程度不同,而这不是作者要强调的。作者只是想表明梦和感性部分的联系,理性部分只是随口带过而已。
33题[D] 难度0.515 区分度.0.337
这是一道细节题,察句群的归纳能力。问题―白天产生的负面情感往往……‖将答案锁定在地第三段第二句:Most people seem to have more bad dreams early in the night, progressing toward happier ones before awakening, suggesting that they are working through negative feelings generated during the day.由此看出,产生的负面影响大多是在上半夜的时候,而慢慢的在惊醒之前转向快乐的。因此联系选项[D]―上半夜时在梦中显现出来‖,入选。选项[A]意为―在我们的潜意识中恶化‖,其中的―aggravate‖与原文信息相反,参见上面的解释,应该是向好的方面转化才对。
34题[D] 难度0.434 区分度.0.239
题干问:―卡特赖特似乎在说明 ……‖。 定位到原文第四段这句:Cartwright believes one can exercise conscious control over recurring bad dreams as soon as you awaken, identify what is upsetting about the dream.由此可以看出卡特赖特相信一个人能练习有意识的对于做梦的控制。再联系第四段第一句And this process need not be left to the unconscious.更可以看出,其的观点应该是相信做梦并不是完全无意识的。选项[D]―做梦也许不完全属于潜意识‖正好符合,故为正确答案。
这句try to wake up just enough to control its course.而原文强调的是努力使自己苏醒,而没有强调什么及时苏醒。因此属于缩小范围,排除。选项[B]意为―想象噩梦帮助我们控制噩梦‖,这是原文片语信息的断章取义。第四段的第三句的确提到了这个观点,但是要注意这个细节:原文说的是要想象恶梦是如何结束的,然后努力醒来。而不只是想象恶梦。这种说法太模糊了,排除。
35题[A] 难度0.328 区分度.0.333
这是一道细节题,,问Cartwright认为:―sometimes‖做梦的人该怎么做?依据末段首句―除非梦让你睡不着,否则别在意它‖,而且根据末段的末句也可看出,大脑有自己的方法去消除烦恼,所以只要做梦就行了。这话的意思换个说法就是[A]―有时做梦的人应正常生活‖ ,故正确。
在高质量睡眠的所有因素中,梦似乎是最无法控制的一个。在梦中,窗户通向的世界里,逻辑暂时失去了效用,死人开口说话。一个世纪前,弗洛伊德阐述了革命性的理论,即梦是人们潜意识中欲望和恐惧经伪装后的预示;到了20世纪70年代末期,神经病学家们转而认为梦是―精神噪音‖,即睡眠时进行的神经修复活动的一种杂乱的副产品。目前,研究人员猜想梦是大脑情感自动调节系统的组成部分,当大脑处于―掉线‖状态时对情绪进行规整。一名主要的权威人士说,梦这种异常强烈的精神活动不仅能被驾驭,事实上还可以有意识地加以控制,以帮助我们更好地睡眠和感觉。芝加哥医疗中心心里学系主任 Rosalind Cartwright说―梦是你自己的,如果你不喜欢,就改变它。‖
大脑造影的证据支持了以上观点。匹兹堡大学的埃里克博士说,在出现清晰梦境的快速动眼睡眠中大脑和完全清醒时一样活跃。但并非大脑的所有部分都一样,脑边缘系统(―情绪大脑‖)异常活跃,而前额皮层(思维和推理的中心地带)则相对平静大。斯坦福睡眠研究员William Dement博士说:―我们从梦中醒来,或者高兴或者沮丧,这些情绪会伴随我们一整天。‖
Cartwright说,说到底,只要梦不使我们无法睡眠或―从梦中惊醒‖,就没有理由太在意所做的梦。恐怖主义、经济不确定及通常的不安全感都增加了人们的焦虑。那些长期受到噩梦折磨的人应该寻求专家帮助,而对其他人来说,大脑有自动消除不良情绪的方法。安心睡觉甚至做梦,早上醒来时你会感觉好多了。 2005 Text 4
American no longer expect public figures, whether in speech or in writing, to command the English language with skill and gift. Nor do they aspire to such command themselves. In his latest book, Doing Our Own Thing:The Degradation of language and Music and why we should like, care, John McWhorter, a linguist and controversialist of mixed liberal and conservative views, sees the triumph of 1960s counter-culture as responsible for the decline of formal English.
Blaming the permissive 1960s is nothing new, but this is not yet another criticism against the decline in education. Mr.McWhorter‘s academic speciality is language history and change, and he sees gradual disappearance of ―whom‖ ,for example, to be natural and no more regrettable than the loss of the case-endings of Old English
But the cult of the authentic and the personal, ―doing our own thing‖, has spelt the death of formal speech, writing, poetry and music. While even the modestly educated sought an elevated tone when they put pen to paper before the 1960s, even the most well regarded writing since then has sought to capture spoken English on the page. Equally, in poetry, the highly personal, performative genre is the only form that could claim real liveliness. In both oral and written English, talking is triumphing over speaking, spontaneity over craft.
Illustrated with an entertaining array of examples from both high and low culture, the trend that Mr. McWhorter documents is unmistakable. But it is less clear to take the question of his subtitle, why we should, like care. As a linguist, he acknowledges that all varieties of human language, including non-standard ones like Black English, can be powerfully expressive-there exists no language or dialect in the world that cannot convey complex ideas .He is not arguing, as many do, that we can no longer think straight because we do not talk proper.
Russians have a deep love for their own language and carry large chunks of memorized poetry in their heads, while Italian politicians tend to elaborate speech that would seem old-fashioned to most English-speakers. Mr. McWhorter acknowledges that formal language is not strictly necessary, and proposes no radical education reforms-he is really grieving over the loss of something beautiful more than useful. We now take our English ―on paper plates instead of china‖. A shame, perhaps, but probably an inevitable one.
36. According to Mc Whorter, the decline of formal English [A]. is inevitable in radical education reforms. [B]. is but all too natural in language development.
[C]. has caused the controversy over the counter-culture. [D]. brought about changes in public attitudes in the 1960s.
37. The word ―talking‖ (Line5, paragraph3) denotes [A]. modesty. [B]. personality. [C]. liveliness. [D]. informality.
38. To which of the following statements would Mc Whorter most likely agree? [A]. Logical thinking is not necessarily related to the way we talk. [B]. Black English can be more expressive than standard English.
[C]. Non-standard varieties of human language are just as entertaining. [D]. Of all the varieties, standard English Can best convey complex ideas.
39. The description of Russians' love of memorizing poetry shows the author's [A]. interest in their language. [B]. appreciation of their efforts. [C]. admiration for their memory.
[D]. contempt for their old-fashionedness.
40. According to the last paragraph, ―paper plates‖ is to ―china‖ as [A]. ―temporary‖ is to ―permanent‖. [B]. ―radical‖ is to ―conservative‖. [C]. ―functional‖ is to ―artistic‖.
[D]. ―humble‖ is to ―noble‖ 核心词汇:
aspire to/for(渴望,追求,有志于) [aspire(热望, 立志)] [联想记忆]. desire(要求,愿望,心愿)
degradation (恶化,退化)Ageing is accompanyied by a slow degradation of his mental faculties. 他随年纪增长,智力逐渐衰退[巧记]de(向下)+grad(=step级,步)+ation(名词后缀)→逐步向下→退化。
linguist / / (语言学家;通晓数国语言者)he‘s an excellent linguist. 她精通数国语言[巧记]lingu= tongue舌头+ist→玩转舌头的人→语言学家。bilingual 两条舌头→双语者;multilingual 好多舌头→通多国语言者。
controversialist (善辩者,好辩者)[巧记]controversialist=contra反+versus转+list。 [记]形容词:controversial(有争议的)
permissive(许可的,自由的,纵容的)[巧记]permit(通行证;许可,准许) Do you permit your
children to smoke?你准许你的孩子们吸烟吗?if my health permits如果我的健康状况容许的话The situation does not permit of any delay.情况不允许有任何耽搁。
conservative (保守的)Old people tend to be conservation in their attitudes. 老年人的看法往往保守 Conservative Party (英国)保守党 The researchers made a conservative guess at the population of Tokyo.研究人员对东京的人口作了一项保守的估计。 [联想记忆] moderate 温和的 radical 激进的
counter-culture (反正统文化) 指1960~70年代美国青年中形成的一种文化思潮,表现为反传统生活方式和道德观念[记]counter(相反的)
case-ending 词格尾缀 case 指语法中的格
elevated (高雅的,高尚的) an evelvated highway 高架路 elevated thoughts 崇高的理想[记] 动词:elevate (提高)
genre ([文学艺术等的] 类型,流派) The novel and short story are different genres.长篇小说和短篇故事是不同的类别
spontaneity (自然,自发[动作])a spontaneous gaiety of manner 天真愉快的神态 The eruption of a volcano is spontaneous. 火山爆发是自发的[记]形容词:spontaneous 自然的,自发的
an array of(一排,一群,一批)[记]array(排列,编队, 展示;陈列) She put on her finest array. 她穿上了最漂亮的衣服。
illustrate (举例说明)A well- illustrated magazine.有精美插画的杂志 To illustrate my point,I have done a comparative anyalysis.为说明我的观点,我作了对比分析The speaker said he would endeavor to illustrate.演讲人说他将设法举例说明。[巧记]il=on+lustr=bright 光明 + ate(v.)→进入光明→说明。
chunk (相当数量) I‘ve completed a fair chunk of my article. 我已经把文章的一大部分写完了. In the old days having meat and milk every day often meant a big chunk of the family income. 过去,每天吃肉,喝牛奶意味着要花费掉家庭收入的大部分。
elaborate (精心制作的:详述)an elaborate plot 精心策划的阴谋 You understand the situation; I needn‘t elaborate any further. 你了解形势,我无需赘述[巧记]e+labor劳动+ate→劳动出来→精工细作。[记]elaborate on sth.详尽解释或说明某事,详述.
grieve over (对…感到伤感、悲痛)It‘s no use grieving over past errors. 为以往的错误懊悔于事无补[巧记]grav,grief=heary沉重,忧愁。
①In his latest book, Doing Our Own Thing. The Degradation of language and Music and why we
should like, care, John McWhorter, a linguist and controversialist of mixed liberal and conservative views, sees the triumph of 1960s counter-culture as responsible for the decline of formal English.
该句子的主干是John McWhorte sees the triumph of 1960s counter-culture as responsible for the decline。主语前的介词短语in his latest book做状语,book后有一个较长的书名充当其同位语。主语和谓语之间为主语的同位语,对主语补充说明。
翻译:在他最近的书《做我们自己的事:语言和音乐的退化,以及为什么我们应该喜欢或在意?》中,这位学者认为60年代反文化运动的胜利要对正式英语的退化负责。 ②As a linguist, he acknowledges that all varieties of human language, including non-standard ones like Black English, can be powerfully expressive-there exists no language or dialect in the world that cannot convey complex ideas
该句子的主干是he acknowledges that all varieties can be expressive,谓语acknowledges后面是that引导的宾语从句。从句中主谓之间插入了介词短语including non-standard ones like Black English。破折号后面分句对前面话语进行补充说明。
翻译:麦荷特认为各种各样的人类语言,包括像黑人语言这样的非标准语言,都具有强大的表达力――世上没有传达不了复杂思想的语言或方言。 ③Mr.McWhorter‘s academic speciality is language history and change, and he sees the gradual disappearance of ―whom‖ ,for example, to be natural and no more regranttable than the loss of the case-endings of Old English.
▲本句是一个并列句,包含两个以and连接的分句,其中第二个分句比较复杂:宾语是the gradual disappearance of ―whom‖,后面是插入语for example, 接着是to be natural and no more regranttable,这一部分作上述宾语的补足语,最后是比较结构no more… than(象…一样不…)。 ④While even the modestly educated sought an elevated tone when they put pen to paper before the 1960s, even the most well regarded writing since then has sought to capture spoken English on the page.
▲句首的连词while表示―虽然‖,两个even都表示让步,同时加强了前后两部分的对比;since then 意思是―从那以后‖,then指的是the 1960s。 △本句的难点是对连词以及时间副词的理解。
第四篇文章的专业性比较强,讲的美国人由于随意性,所以英语的语言也变得相当随意的主旨,对很多对语言学不敏感的同学是很难的,因为专业性太强。这篇文章总体同样属于一个对比性的文章,关键词围绕正式用语非正式用语这里面的变化。开篇是在说什么导致英语的衰败,不是那么正式了。 中间的部分是在讲语言的变化是不可阻挡的。结尾继续讲俄国人对本国语言的最终是值得我们赞赏的。
36题[B] 难度0.319 区分度.0.287。
这是一道细节题。题干问:―根据McWhorter,正式英语的衰落 ……‖。 本题可以定位在第2段,归纳该段的话题可知,该语言学家强调―语言的变化是自然的‖,而且由第一段给出的
书的副标题(由第四段第二句得知):why we should like, care,意思是我们干吗在乎。也可以看
选项[C]意为―导致了关于反正统文化的争论‖。此选项干扰性很强。由原文第一段最后一句:sees the triumph of 1960s counter-culture as responsible for the decline of formal English.这句话的意思是说反文化运动引起了正式英语的衰退。而C选项则恰恰相反,意思是正式英语的衰退引起了反文化运动的争论。因此不能入选。
37题[D] 难度0.441 区分度.0.308
这是一道词义题。题干问:―单词‖talking―(第三自然段第六行)的意思是 ……‖。 本题考察的仍然是句群含义的归纳能力。解读原文第3段可以看出作者谈论的主要话题为英语语体的变化问题,所以选项[D]―非正式‖是―talking‖一词的内涵。其实,作者本文谈论的中心就是英语语言语体的非正式变化趋势的问题。其次,由第三段首句has spelt the death of formal speech和第三段最后一句talking is triumphing over speaking可以看出,前者是说speaking是指代正式英语的,而由后者又可以看出talking是与speaking相对立的。因此talking自然就是非正式的英语了。选项[A]―适度‖,选项[B]―个性‖和选项[C]―生动‖,三个选项的干扰性都比较强,由于三个选项中都包含原文强调的重要概念。但是如果代入原文无法在段落或更高的层次上构成意义和逻辑上的一致性和连贯性。
38题[A] 难度0.378 区分度.0.352
这是一道细节题,问Mr. McWhorter的看法那个正确。请看原文的第四段第三句,意思是说作者认为黑人英语和正式英语一样有强大的表达能力,世界上没有一种语言不能够表达思想。因此联系选项[A]―逻辑思维与我们谈话的方式没有必然的联系‖,入选。
39题[B] 难度0.438 区分度.0.261
这是一道细节题。题干问:―文中提到俄国人喜欢背诵诗歌,目的是为了说明作者 ……‖。本题考察考生对作者写作目的的把握,在第五段前两句中作者提到了俄国人和意大利人对正式用语的强调,并认为他们的语言是―something beautiful‖。同时看到作者在陈述这件事所用的尊重的语气,因此联系选项[B]―欣赏他们的努力‖,入选。
40题[C] 难度0.543 区分度.0.279
这是一道词义类比题,既考查对文章的理解,又考查对词汇的掌握。题目是问文章中―paper plates(纸碟子)‖对于―china(瓷碟子)‖的关系犹如―什么‖对于―什么‖之间的关系。理解文章,尤其末段末三句可知,纸碟强调的是实用,一次性功用,而瓷碟不仅实用而且具有艺术美。这个即使是从常理角度出发也是可以判断出的,前者强调的是实用性,后者强调的是艺术性。因此C选项:―功用性‖与―艺术性‖两者的语义关系与它们对应齐整,故为正确答案。A―临时‖―永久‖;B―激进‖―保守‖;D―谦逊‖―高尚‖都是干扰项,应排除。
2004 Text 1
Hunting for a job late last year, lawyer Gant Redmon stumbled across CareerBuilder, a job
database on the Internet. He searched it with no success but was attracted by the site's \search agent\key in job criteria such as location, title, and salary, then E-mails them when a matching position is posted in the database. Redmon chose the keywords legal, intellectual property, and Washington, D.C. Three weeks later, he got his first notification of an opening. \struck gold,\says Redmon, who E-mailed his resume to the employer and won a position as in-house counsel for a company.
With thousands of career-related sites on the Internet, finding promising openings can be time-consuming and inefficient. Search agents reduce the need for repeated visits to the databases. But although a search agent worked for Redmon, career experts see drawbacks. Narrowing your criteria, for example, may work against you: \eliminate a possibility.\
For any job search, you should start with a narrow concept — what you think you want to do — then broaden it. \of these programs do that,\says another expert. \no career counseling implicit in all of this.\tip service to keep abreast of jobs in a particular database; when you get E-mail, consider it a reminder to check the database again. \added to a database that might interest me,\
Some sites design their agents to tempt job hunters to return. When CareerSite's agent sends out messages to those who have signed up for its service, for example, it includes only three potential jobs — those it considers the best matches. There may be more matches in the database; job hunters will have to visit the site again to find them — and they do. \our messages, we see a sharp increase in our traffic,\for CareerSite.
Even those who aren't hunting for jobs may find search agents worthwhile. Some use them to keep a close watch on the demand for their line of work or gather information on compensation to arm themselves when negotiating for a raise. Although happily employed, Redmon maintains his agent at CareerBuilder. \always keep your eyes open,\he says. Working with a personal search agent means having another set of eyes looking out for you. 41. How did Redmon find his job?
[A] By searching openings in a job database. [B] By posting a matching position in a database. [C] By using a special service of a database. [D] By E-mailing his resume to a database.
42. Which of the following can be a disadvantage of search agents?
[A] Lack of counseling. [B] Limited number of visits. [C] Lower efficiency. [D] Fewer successful matches.
43. The expression \ [A] advisory [B] compensation [C] interaction [D] reminder
44. Why does CareerSite's agent offer each job hunter only three job options? [A] To focus on better job matches. [B] To attract more returning visits. [C] To reserve space for more messages. [D] To increase the rate of success.
45. Which of the following is true according to the text? [A] Personal search agents are indispensable to job-hunters. [B] Some sites keep E-mailing job seekers to trace their demands. [C] Personal search agents are also helpful to those already employed.
[D] Some agents stop sending information to people once they are employed. 核心词汇
stumble across /on/upon(无意间碰到,偶然发现)Stumble 跌跌撞撞地走;stumble about 步
履蹒跚He stumbled along the road.他在路上绊倒了。[记]stumblen./v. 绊倒 ([巧记]词根umb=ump=突起 如:stump n. 树桩;v. 绊倒) database (数据库=databank) 即data 数据+base 基地
key in (键入) notification (通知,告示) here have been no more notifications of SARS case in the last week.上星期已没有SARS病例的报告 [记]notify v通知 通告
strike[straik] (邂逅,发现) strike gold
criteria n.标准
opening (空缺,机会)a business opening经商的好机会 opening words 开场白
drawback (缺点,障碍;退款)Complancency is a drawback to progresss. 自满是进步的障碍 duty drawback关税退税 Elimination of this squalor is the main object of our policies.根除这类贫困是我们政策的主要目标[巧记]draw=拉,拖+back
eliminate (排除,消除;淘汰) eliminate trade barriers 破除贸易壁垒 eliminate the losing team from the compentition 淘汰输队出竞赛
counseling ([专家针对个人问题所作的]建议;劝告;协商)vocational counseling 职业辅导[记]counselor:n 顾问;律师;辅导员;counsel:n.讨论, 商议, 辩护律师vt.劝告, 忠告
implicit (内含的,含蓄的)implict acceptance 默认 implicit obedience 盲从 obligations which are implicit in the contract.合同中未直接载明的责任 [反义词]explicit
keep abreast of (与…齐头并进;了解…的最新情况) keep abreast of what is going on by reading the newspapers.阅读报纸了解形势的发展
tempt (诱惑,吸引) He was tempted into a life of crime by greed and laziness. 他受贪婪和懒惰的驱使步入了罪恶的一生 The sunny day tempted me into shorts and a T-shirt.阳光和煦,我禁不住穿上了短裤和T恤
compensation (补偿,赔偿)Age has its compensations.人到老年有所失亦有所得compensation trade补偿贸易 unemployment compensation 失业救济补助金
indispensable(不可缺少的)Air and water are indispensable to life.空气和水是生命所必需的东西。[记] dispensable(可有可无的)dispend(用,浪费)
难句分析: ①It's an interactive feature that lets visitors key in job criteria such as location, title, and salary, then E-mails them when a matching position is posted in the database.
该强调句的主干是:It is (an interactive feature)that (lets…then… E-mails…),强调主语an interactive feature。That 后面连接的是两个谓语动词结构:let sb. Do sth。和名词活用为动词的E-mail。Such as…结构举例说明job criteria。When引导的时间状语从句修饰整个句子 翻译:它的特点是互动,允许访问者自定求职要求诸如工作地点、职位和薪水,当资料库里出现与个人要求相匹配的工作岗位时它就会通过电子邮件通知求职者。 ②Instead, the best strategy is to use the agent as a kind of tip service to keep abreast of jobs in a particular database; when you get E-mail, consider it a reminder to check the database again. 该句子分句前后是两个分句,后一分句对前一分句作进一步解释。前一分句的主干是the best strategy is to use the agent,as…介词短语结构意为―当做…‖。不定式结构―to keep…‖表示目的。
息。当你收到电子邮件时,你就把它当作一种提醒再去查一查资料库。 ③When CareerSite's agent sends out messages to those who have signed up for its service, for example, it includes only three potential jobs — those it considers the best matches. For example 点明了这个句子和前一句之间的关系;举例说明前面一句话。该句子的主干是:t includes only three potential jobs。When引导时间状语从句。破折号后是potential jobs的同位语,中心词是those,后面接定语从句,句子中的it回指CareerSite's agent
翻译:比如,当求职网代理向注册服务的用户发送信息时,它只提供三个它认为最可能匹配的岗位。 ④Some use them to keep a close watch on the demand for their line of work or gather information on compensation to arm themselves when negotiating for a raise.
该句子的主干是Some use them,两个并列的不定式结构 to keep…or gather…在句子中做目的状语。在第二个目的状语中又含有一个表示目的的不定式短语 to arm…。 翻译:有些人利用搜索代理密切观察对于本行业的需求或搜集有关加薪的信息以备增薪谈判时胸有成竹。
本文的主题是关于网络求职的个人搜寻代理 (personal search agent)。作者开篇列举Gant Redmon律师利用个人搜寻代理找到了工作的例子引出主题,说明了个人搜寻代理的好处。接着谈论了个人搜寻代理的不足之处。随后阐述建立网络职业的个人搜寻代理的目的是为了吸引求职者的再次访问,从而提高网站的访问率。最后提出个人搜寻代理对那些有职业的人来说也同样有作用。
41. [C] 本题的难度值为0.527,中等难度。区分度为0.424,比较理想。
题干问:―Redmon是如何找到工作的?‖ 本题可以定位在第1自然段,归纳该段的话题可知,他通过了―personal search agent‖这个特殊服务来找到了工作,因此选项[C]正确,―使用资料库的一项特殊服务‖是原文话题信息的同义转述。
选项[B]意为―通过在资料库刊登一个合适的职位‖,这个请注意,这件事不是Redmon做的,而是数据库做的。Redmon只不过提交给了数据库一定的信息,经由数据库整理后才刊登出来的。而题目问的是Redmon的行为,因此不能入选。 选项[D]意为―通过给资料库发送个人简历的电子邮件‖,这个同A选项,这个也只是Redmon寻找工作的一个过程,而不能成为其找到工作的关键。因此不能入选。
42. [A] 本题的难度值为0.393,中等难度。
题干问:―下面哪项可能是搜寻代理的劣势?‖ 注意题干中含有情态动词―can‖,询问的是某种判断。从原文第二段末尾可以看出作者要在第三段讨论这种系统的drawbacks,然后对第三段的信息进行归纳,该段第1句中的―a narrow concept‖与下文―no career counseling‖构成了
选项[B]意为―访问数量有限‖。这个在原文中没有明确提及,更没有指出这是系统的缺点。如果从第二段第二句来推敲这个选项,那么限制访问也应该是优点,是为了防止效率低下所采取的手段,而不是缺点。因此不能入选。 选项[C]意为―较低的效率‖。这个有一定的迷惑性。为原文第二段首句―time-consuming and inefficient‖的曲解。原文明显是欲扬先抑,先说会效率低,然后又说系统减少了重复访问来提高效率。因此该选项不符合题干的要求。
43. [D] 本题的难度值为0.38,中等难度。
题干问:―在第3段第3行,?tip service‘的含义最可能是 ……‖。题干中短语的位置出现在原文第3段中,根据原文―tip service‖与下文的―reminder‖构成了概念的重复和照应关系。由第三段第四句的这句话:when you get E-mail, consider it a reminder to check the database again.可以看出reminder这个词刚好和提示相对应。所以应该选择选项[D]―提示‖。
选项[A]意为―咨询‖,这个请参见42题,可知这种系统所缺乏的正是咨询这个功能,而题目中的tip service却是该系统的一项功能。因此不能入选。
[C]意为―互动‖,这个在原文中没有体现。所以一定要注意原句,分号前后由很强的对比性,所以根据后面的reminder就可以推出tip service是什么意思了。
44. [B] 本题的难度值为0.677,比较容易。区分度为0.425,比较理想。
题干问:―为什么职业网站代理给每个求职者只提供三个工作选择?‖ 本题可定位在第四段,该段的话题是―job hunters to return‖。第四段第一句指出,有些网站设置搜索工具,吸引求职者回访。其实,就返回的观点在第2段第2句中已经给出了暗示(repeated visits)。因此选项[B]―为了吸引更多回访‖正确。选项[A]意为―为了集中于更好的工作匹配‖虽然道理上讲是正确的,但是由原文得知归根结底还是为了吸引顾客回访,因为整个第四段都是在陈述这个问题。
45. [C] 本题的难度值为0.816,比较容易。区分度为0.469,比较理想。
题干问:―根据本文,下面哪项是正确的?‖ 本题自然定位在第五段,该段再次重申了求职代理对求职者的好处,其中包括了已经就业者。该段首句明确指出了即使不需要找工作的人也可以从中获益。因此联系选项[C]―个人搜寻代理对那些有职业的人来说也同样有作用‖,正确。其实,在本文的第1自然段就已经暗示出了这一观点。选项[A]意为―个人搜寻代
选项[B]―某些网站一直给求职者发送电子邮件为了跟踪他们的需要‖ ,这个在原文只提到过某些网站给求职者发送电子邮件,而并不是为了他们的需要。由44题可知,这么做的目的还是为了提高用户的回访率。其实从常理角度也应该知道这一点的。
选项[D]意为―一旦人们求职成功,某些代理不再给他们提供信息‖这个与第四段所给的信息恰恰相反,代理会一直发送message给求职者,以求提高回访率的。因此不能入选。 译文:
即使非求职的人士也会发现搜索代理值得一览。有些人利用搜索代理密切观察对于本行业的需求或搜集有关加薪的信息以备增薪谈判时胸有成竹。雷德曼虽然已愉快就职,但他与―职业建筑师‖网代理的联系依旧保持着。他说:―你要永远睁大眼睛。‖使用个人搜索代理等于多一双眼睛替你在观察。 2004 Text 2
Over the past century, all kinds of unfairness and discrimination have been condemned or made illegal. But one insidious form continues to thrive: alphabetism. This, for those as yet unaware of such a disadvantage, refers to discrimination against those whose surnames begin with a letter in the lower half of the alphabet.
It has long been known that a taxi firm called AAAA cars has a big advantage over Zodiac
cars when customers thumb through their phone directories. Less well known is the advantage that Adam Abbott has in life over Zo? Zysman. English names are fairly evenly spread between the halves of the alphabet. Yet a suspiciously large number of top people have surnames beginning with letters between A and K.
Thus the American president and vice-president have surnames starting with B and C respectively; and 26 of George Bush's predecessors (including his father) had surnames in the first half of the alphabet against just 16 in the second half. Even more striking, six of the seven heads of government of the G7 rich countries are alphabetically advantaged (Berlusconi, Blair, Bush, Chirac, Chrétien and Koizumi). The world's three top central bankers (Greenspan, Duisenberg and Hayami) are all close to the top of the alphabet, even if one of them really uses Japanese characters. As are the world's five richest men (Gates, Buffett, Allen, Ellison and Albrecht).
Can this merely be coincidence? One theory, dreamt up in all the spare time enjoyed by the alphabetically disadvantaged, is that the rot sets in early. At the start of the first year in infant school, teachers seat pupils alphabetically from the front, to make it easier to remember their names. So short-sighted Zysman junior gets stuck in the back row, and is rarely asked the improving questions posed by those insensitive teachers. At the time the alphabetically disadvantaged may think they have had a lucky escape. Yet the result may be worse qualifications, because they get less individual attention, as well as less confidence in speaking publicly. The humiliation continues. At university graduation ceremonies, the ABCs proudly get their awards first; by the time they reach the Zysmans most people are literally having a ZZZ. Shortlists for job interviews, election ballot papers, lists of conference speakers and attendees: all tend to be drawn up alphabetically, and their recipients lose interest as they plough through them.
46. What does the author intend to illustrate with AAAA cars and Zodiac cars? [A] A kind of overlooked inequality. [B] A type of conspicuous bias. [C] A type of personal prejudice. [D] A kind of brand discrimination.
47. What can we infer from the first three paragraphs? [A] In both East and West, names are essential to success. [B] The alphabet is to blame for the failure of Zo? Zysman. [C] Customers often pay a lot of attention to companies' names. [D] Some form of discrimination is too subtle to recognize.
48. The 4th paragraph suggests that ________.
[A] questions are often put to the more intelligent students [B] alphabetically disadvantaged students often escape form class [C] teachers should pay attention to all of their students [D] students should be seated according to their eyesight
49. What does the author mean by \ [A] They are getting impatient. [B] They are noisily dozing off. [C] They are feeling humiliated. [D] They are busy with word puzzles.
50. Which of the following is true according to the text?
[A] People with surnames beginning with N to Z are often ill-treated. [B] VIPs in the Western world gain a great deal from alphabetism. [C] The campaign to eliminate alphabetism still has a long way to go.
[D] Putting things alphabetically may lead to unintentional bias. 核心词汇:
discrimination(歧视)Discrimination against women is not allowed.歧视妇女是不能允许的。
[记] discrimination辨别, 识别力
condemn (声讨,谴责)we all condem cruelty to children.我们一致谴责虐待儿童的行为 The meat was condemned as unfairt for human consumption.这种肉已宣布不适宜食用。(有―人猪恋[球菌]‖ 哦?)[巧记] 即con加强意义+demn詛咒指责。
insidious (暗中进行的,不知不觉的)insidious diease 潜伏的疾病 the insidious approach of age不知不觉就老了 ( life is short and time is swift .孩子们努力吧!)
unaware(没觉察到的)[记] unaware常与of, that连用 [反义词] aware(知道的, 明白的, 意识到的)conscious(有意识的, 有知觉的)
thrive (兴旺,繁荣) He that will thrive, must rise at five. [谚]五更起床, 百事兴旺。[巧记]th+rive(河流)古代河流两岸的居住地都是繁荣兴旺的地方。
thumb through ( 翻阅[书页] )[巧记] thumb(拇指;以拇指拨弄;用拇指翻书页)
suspiciously (猜疑地;形迹可疑) Everything was suspiciously quiet. 一切静的离奇。
respectively(分别地, 各个地)She gave beer to the man and a toy to the baby, respectively.她分别给男人啤酒,给婴儿一个玩具。[记] respect n/v 尊重;respective adj 分别的,各自的
predecessor (前辈;[被取代的] 原有事物) John Adams was Jefforson‘s predecessor as President. 杰弗逊的前任总统是约翰-亚当斯The new proposal is better than its predecessor.新的建议比原来的好。[巧记]pre-前面+cess-走+or-人→―走在我们前面的人‖→―前辈‖。
coincidence (巧合,一致) The polt of the novel relies too much on coincidence to be lialistic. 这部小书的情节多靠巧合安排而无真实感。[巧记] 由coin联想到coin(硬币)都在一起的时候,边缘是一致相合的。 rot (腐朽,腐化) the rot sets in when we lost that important customer in American.我们失去了美国那家重要客户后。情况变得越来越糟。How can we stop the rot in our society?我们怎样才能制止社会的腐败呢? Don‘t talk rot! 不要胡说 [习]the rot sets in 情况开始出毛病;事情开始走下坡
qualification (资格, 条件)a doctor's qualification当医生的资格。without any qualification不附带任何条件的What qualifications have you got to have for this job?申请这个工作你所具有的条件是什么?
humiliation (羞辱,蒙耻) suffer publicc humiliation 当众受辱 a national humilation 国耻
literally ( [口语] 简直) I was literally bored to death!我真得腻烦死了。[记]literally 照字面的;完全的
shortlist 供最后挑选或考虑用的候选人名单
ballot (选票)The ballot is stronger than the bullet 选举权比子弹更具威力——林肯。[巧记]即ball球+ot=et小→小球→旧时秘密表决用时的小球。
attendee (出席者,参加者)Attendees at a convention 大会的出席者[巧记]at=ad到向+tend=sretch展开+ ee者。
award(奖, 奖品)She showed us the athletics she had won.她给我们看她赢得的体育运动奖。
recipient (接收者)a recipient country 受援国 They would in time become the recipients of much criticism. 他们迟早会受到许多批评[巧记] re+cip=take取+i+ent。或由reci联想到receive(接受)
plough (through)(艰难前进,啃 [书本等]) The ship ploughed through the waves那轮船破浪前进 plough through mountains of work 费力的处理堆积如山的工作
①This, for those as yet unaware of such a disadvantage, refers to discrimination against those whose surnames begin with a letter in the lower half of the alphabet.
该句子的主干是this refers to discrimination。主语this 和谓语refers to之间插入了介词短语for those作状语,those 后跟着形容词短语unaware of…作定语,宾语discrimination 后跟介词短语against those作定语,those后又有whose引导的定语从句。 对于尚未意识到其危害的人来说,它指的是对那些姓氏起始字母位于字母表后半部的人的歧视。
②Thus the American president and vice-president have surnames starting with B and C respectively; and 26 of George Bush's predecessors (including his father) had surnames in the first half of the alphabet against just 16 in the second half.
该句子的主干是由and连接的两个分句,即American president and vice-president have surnames,and 26 of…had surnames。第一个分句的宾语surnames后是分词结构starting with作定语;第二个分句宾语紧跟的介词结构in the first half of the alphabet作定语,另外一个分词结构…的完整形式是against just 16 of George Bush's predecessors had surnames in the second half
如此这般,美国的总统和副总统的姓氏分别是以B和C字母起头。乔治·布什的前任有二十六位(包括其父)的姓氏均在字母表的前半部,而姓氏在字母表后半部的却仅有十六位。 ③Shortlists for job interviews, election ballot papers, lists of conference speakers and attendees: all tend to be drawn up alphabetically, and their recipients lose interest as they plough through them.
该句子的主干是and连接的两个分句:all tend to be drawn up,and their recipients lose interest.冒号前的三个名词短语是第一个分句主语all的同位语。As引导的时间状语从句,修饰第二个分句。
求职面试、选举投票、会议发言或参加会议等诸多名单,也是按字母表顺序排序,当人们费劲地向下查看时,兴趣随之索然 ④It has long been known that a taxi firm called AAAA cars has a big advantage over Zodiac cars when customers thumb through their phone directories.
It has long been known that…是一个固定句式,他的意思是―长久以来人们都知道…‖其中it是形式主语,真正的主语是that从句;从句本身又是一个复合句,开始是主句 a taxi firm called AAAA cars has a big advantage over Zodiac cars ,其中分词结构called AAA cars 是后置定语,修饰firm,后面的when 引导一个时间状语从句。
△英语中为了避免头重脚轻,通常把较长的主语放在句子后面,而以放在句首的形式主语it代替它。 ⑤One theory, dreamt up in all the spare time enjoyed by the alphabetically disadvantaged, is that the rot sets in early.
▲ 本句的主干是主语+系动词+表语结构: One theory, …is that the rot sets in early,其中两个逗号之间的部分是过去分词结构dreamt up…,作前面theory 的定语,其中过去分词结构enjoyed by the alphabetically disadvantaged作前面time的定语。
△ the alphabetically disadvantaged(在字母表上排为不利的人)的作用相当于名词,指一类人。
(the+形容词=名词,指一类人)。 Rot此处的意思是―一连串的不利‖,指因为姓氏的首字母在字母表中的位置考后所遭受的歧视。 ⑥At the time the alphabetically disadvantaged may think they have had a lucky escape.
▲ 本句的主语是 the alphabetically disadvantaged,谓语是 may think,后免得 they have had a lucky escape.是一个宾语从句。
△ Luck escape此处可以译为―暗自庆幸‖
46. [A] 本题的难度值为0.333,中等难度。区分度为0.314。
题干问:―作者在文中提到了AAAA车与Zodiac车,其目的是为了说明 ……‖。 本题考察考生对原文论点和论据的把握能力。显然,第一段作者提出了论点,而第二段为举证。选项[A] ―一种受人忽略的不平等‖符合题干的含义。该选项中的overlooked和原文首段第三句的unaware of相对应。
47. [D] 本题的难度值为0.517,中等难度。区分度为0.366
题干问:―我们从前三段得出的推论是什么?‖本题可以从以下三方面考虑。首先,作者整篇文章的态度是否定和批判的。其次,篇章的重要话题是歧视―discriminaiton‖。其三,第一段中出现了―insidious‖一词,第二段中出现了―has long been known‖表达,都说明了这种现象常常被人们忽视。第三段也讲述了国家首脑之类的姓名也大多靠前,因此由前三段主题可以得出作者想要表述的是一种歧视,而这种歧视并不引人注意,否则就没必要特意写这篇文章来强调了。因此联系选项[D]―某种歧视太微妙而不易引人注意‖是根据原文可以得出的推理。 选项[A]意为―无论在东方或西方,名字对成功都是至关重要的‖,这个明显是绝对化选项,常理上讲也是荒谬的结论,因此不能入选。选项[B]意为―Zo? Zysman的失败归咎于字母表‖,这个选项过于表面化,作者只是说明名字首字母靠后对一个人不利,但是并没有说一个人的失败就是由名字顺序造成的。因此这个属于偷换概念干扰项,排除。
48. [C] 本题的难度值为0.700,比较容易。区分度为0.366,比较理想。
题干问:―第4段的暗示是 ……‖。注意题干的要求,可以定位在原文的第四段,归纳原文
选项[B]意为―字母顺序有劣势的学生常常逃学‖这个与第四段的这句有点关系:they have had a lucky escape。但是请注意这里的逃脱是指的逃脱回答问题,而不是逃学。因此要搞清楚词汇的语境,不要盲目选择。
49. [B] 本题的难度值为0.202,偏难。区分度为0.085。
题干问:―当作者提到?most people are literally having a ZZZ‘,其含义是什么?‖题干中短语的位置出现在原文第五段。该表达与上文第4自然段的―attention‖和下文的―lose interest‖构成了照应关系,根据篇章的一致性,选项[B]―他们正在鼾声隆隆地进入梦乡‖与上文构成了较佳的衔接关系。这里我要强调一下,这道题是历年考研试题中比较有创新的一道,因为其考查了考生的知识面和常识。看过漫画的人应该知道,ZZZ在漫画里表示的就是打瞌睡这种行为,如果具备了这种常识,那么这道题就很容易做对了。选项[A]意为―他们正在变得不耐烦‖,这是个超强的干扰项,估计很多人都选择了该项。其实这个选项也应该是正确的,假如ZZZ这种东西在漫画里没有其固定含义,那么由考研阅读的思路讲应该选择A选项而不是B选项。因此这道题估计是考试中心为了考查考生的知识面所出的,但是考查效果很不理想,因此估计以后出这种题的可能性不大。所以这里选择A的同学也可以说是做对了,只是欠缺些相关知识而已。
50. [D] 区分度为0.372,比较理想。
些其他文章题目的正确答案,但是有些过于唱高调了,本文作者的目的只是陈述存在这么一种偏见的问题,而并没有呼吁人们来纠正这种偏见,至少,没有夸张到要发起斗争之类的地步。 译文:
人们早已知道在客户翻阅电话簿时,名叫AAAA的出租汽车公司要比Zodiac出租汽车公司有很大的优越性。至于在生活方面Adam Abbott较之Zo? Zysman的优越性就不那么为人所知了。英语的姓名虽然在字母表的前后两半部分的分布相当平均,但顶级人物的姓名的首字母在A与K之间的却多得可疑。
2004 Text 3
When it comes to the slowing economy, Ellen Spero isn't biting her nails just yet. But the 47-year-old manicurist isn't cutting, filling or polishing as many nails as she'd like to, either. Most of her clients spend $12 to $50 weekly, but last month two longtime customers suddenly stopped showing up. Spero blames the softening economy. \provide a service that people can do without when they're concerned about saving some dollars.\So Spero is downscaling, shopping at middle-brow Dillard's department store near her suburban Cleveland home, instead of Neiman Marcus. \me, too,\
Even before Alan Greenspan's admission that America's red-hot economy is cooling, lots of working folks had already seen signs of the slowdown themselves. From car dealerships to Gap outlets, sales have been lagging for months as shoppers temper their spending. For retailers, who last year took in 24 percent of their revenue between Thanksgiving and Christmas, the cautious
approach is coming at a crucial time. Already, experts say, holiday sales are off 7 percent from last
year's pace. But don't sound any alarms just yet. Consumers seem only concerned, not panicked, and many say they remain optimistic about the economy's long-term prospects even as they do some modest belt-tightening.
Consumers say they're not in despair because, despite the dreadful headlines, their own fortunes still feel pretty good. Home prices are holding steady in most regions. In Manhattan, \Wall Street bonuses,\as frenzied overbidding quiets. \of 20 to 30 offers, now maybe you only get two or three,\says John Tealdi, a Bay Area real-estate broker. And most folks still feel pretty comfortable about their ability to find and keep a job.
Many folks see silver linings to this slowdown. Potential home buyers would cheer for lower interest rates. Employers wouldn't mind a little fewer bubbles in the job market. Many consumers seem to have been influenced by stock-market swings, which investors now view as a necessary ingredient to a sustained boom. Diners might see an upside, too. Getting a table at Manhattan's hot new Alain Ducasse restaurant need to be impossible. Not anymore. For that, Greenspan & Co. may still be worth toasting.
51. By \Spero isn't biting her nails just yet\(line 1, paragraph 1), the author means ________.
[A] Spero can hardly maintain her business [B] Spero is too much engaged in her work [C] Spero has grown out of her bad habit [D] Spero is not in a desperate situation
52. How do the public feel about the current economic situation? [A] Optimistic. [B] Confused. [C] Carefree. [D] Panicked.
53. When mentioning \talking about ________. [A] gold market [B] real estate [C] stock exchange
[D] venture investment
54. Why can many people see \ [A] They would benefit in certain ways. [B] The stock market shows signs of recovery. [C] Such a slowdown usually precedes a boom. [D] The purchasing power would be enhanced. 55. To which of the following is the author likely to agree? [A] A new boom, on the horizon. [B] Tighten the belt, the single remedy. [C] Caution all right, panic not.
[D] The more ventures, the more chances. 核心词汇:
manicurist 指甲修饰师 [巧记] mani前缀表示手
file (把...归档, 提出[申请等], 锉, 琢磨) a file of newspapers 报纸的合订本 a deep file 老奸巨猾的家伙 nail file 指甲锉
indicator(指示器)[记] indicate(指出, 暗示)
downscale 缩减…规模
suburban(郊区的)[记] urban(市内的)
middle-brow (中等文化素养的,平庸之辈 [尤作贬义])Mozart is pleasing to highbrows,middlebrows and lowbrows alike.莫扎特的作品雅俗共赏
lag(落后)Let not a single classmate lag behind.不要让一个同学掉队。
retailer(零售商) retail(零售)wholesaler(批发商)wholesale(批发)
mildly(温和地,略微)I was only mildly interested in the report I heard from radio.对从收音机里听到的那则报导我只是略感兴趣罢了。[记] mild(温和的,淡味的,轻微的,不含有害物质的的)
dreadful(可怕的;恐惧的)a dreadful disaster可怕的灾难 [巧记]把dread中间的r看成一个
frenzied (狂热的) a frenzied attack 疯狂的进攻
overbid /出高价现象
real-estate broker 房地产经纪人
silver lining ([不幸中的] 希望,慰藉) every cloud has a silver lining乌云背后总有一线光芒
bubble (泡沫,起泡;洋溢,充满) He blows bubbles with soap water. 他用肥皂水吹泡泡 She was bubbing with confidence. 她充满信心
swing (摇摆) let it have its swing 听其自然 The ape swung along from branch to branch.那只猿猴从一根树枝荡到另一根树枝。
ingredient (成分,因素) Mix all the ingredients together in a large saucepan. 把所有的配料放在大平底锅里 Mental illnesss and detachment from society are the in gradients of suicide. 精神病和脱离社会是自杀的因素
sustained (持续不变的,相同的) make a sustained effort to practise economy 持久地厉行节约[记]sustain (支撑,维持)
boom (繁荣, 隆隆声v.发隆隆声, 兴隆, 大事宣传繁荣) baby boom (尤指二战后1947~1961年间美国的)生育高峰 stocks may boom today but drop tomorrow. 股票可能今天暴涨明天下跌
upside(上下倒置,形容巨大变化)We see an upside in his behavior.他与以前判若两人.
难句分析: ①Consumers seem only concerned, not panicked, and many say they remain optimistic about the economy's long-term prospects even as they do some modest belt-tightening.
该句是一个并列句,and后面的分句比较复杂,主干为many say…,后接的宾语从句中主干为they remain optimistic about…,even as引导让步状语从句
消费者看起来略显忧虑,并没有惊慌失措。许多人虽然稍微勒紧腰带,但他们说对于经济的长期前景还是乐观的。 ②Many consumers seem to have been influenced by stock-market swings, which investors now view as a necessary ingredient to a sustained boom.
该句的主干是Many consumers seem to have been influenced by stock-market swings,之后which引导一个定语从句,修饰stock-market swings.
③When it comes to the slowing economy, Ellen Spero isn't biting her nails just yet. But the 47-year-old manicurist isn't cutting, filling or polishing as many nails as she'd like to, either.
△注意句中的用词:When it comes to ...,表示这是故事的开始;第一句的词组bite one‘snails(束手无策)和第二股的nails(指甲)相呼应,是一种文字游戏。 ④I provide a service that people can do without when they're concerned about saving some dollars.
▲本句的主干是I provide a service …其中service后面的that 引导的一个定语从句,而定语从句中又包含when引导的一个时间状语从句。
△注意do without 的意思是―免除,不用‖; concerned about 的意思是―关心,关注‖。
本文属于对比性的文章,中心议题是关于美国经济下滑给不同的人所带来的后果。作者在第1、2自然段阐述经济下滑给Ellen Spero和Alan Greenspan的工人所带来的后果,接着使用了对比的写作方法在第3、4自然段阐述了公众对经济前景持有的乐观态度以及有些人在经济的下滑中可以在某些方面获得利益。
51. [D] 难度0.500
题干问:―在第1段第1行作者说?Ellen Spero isn‘t biting her nails just yet‘其含义为 ……‖。题干中短语的位置出现在原文第一段。而之后紧跟的But表明了第一句和第二句的转折关系。因此由But后所提到的Spero对业务量减少表示担忧可以推断出,转折前的意思应该是她认为情况不算太糟。此外,该表达与第三段的―not in despair‖构成了照应关系,根据篇章的一致性,选项[D]―Spero尚未陷入绝境‖与上文构成了较佳的衔接关系。 选项[A]意为―Spero几乎无法维持生意‖。这个由前面的解释可知其与原文恰恰相反。Spero应该是还可以维持才对。
52. [A] 难度0.664
题干问:―公众对现在经济情况的感觉如何?‖ 解题的思路与第51一致,可以从第51的角度思考。定位到原文第二段中Consumers seem only concerned, not panicked, and many say they remain optimistic about the economy's long-term prospects even as they do some modest belt-tightening。其中明显可看出optimistic这个词。也就是说大多人说他们还是保持乐观的。联系选项[A]―乐观的‖符合题意。
选项[C]意为―无忧无虑的‖。文章中只是提到了乐观这个词,而乐观和无忧无虑还是有较大区别的,更何况文章还提到了人们还是有些许的关注的。因此不能入选。 选项[B]―迷惑的‖与[D]―惊慌失措的‖都显然不符合整篇文章的论点。
53. [B] 难度0.209
此题难度较大。题干问:―当作者提到?the $4 million to $10 million range‘,其正在谈论的
是 ……‖。本题可以从以下两方面考虑。首先,可以从第三段的话题(地产)判断。其次,根据篇章的一致性,文章反复以―real estate‖的谈论为重要话题。从上下文就可以判断出,作者是在讨论房价的问题。因此根据这些分析,选项[B]―地产‖与原文信息是吻合的。 选项[A]意为―黄金市场‖,这个选项显然是针对第三段的there's a new gold rush设定的。而请注意gold rush只是个笼统的比喻手法,形容人们争先恐后投资,而不是只针对黄金市场。
选项[C]意为―股票交易‖,选择该选项的估计是看到了Wall Street bonuses这个词,因此联想到了股票市场。但是事实上原文并没有讲股票的事情,而是房地产的问题。
54. [A] 难度0.445 区分度.0.409
55. [C] 难度0.429 区分度.0.378
题干问:―作者可能会认同于下面哪项?‖ 本题可以从以下两方面考虑。首先,通过作者整篇文章的情态来考虑。其次,从作者反复强调的重点信息来考虑,―不要惊慌‖。由前面几道题也可看出,作者强调事情并没有那么糟,要保持乐观,要看到silver lings。因此选项[C]―只需谨慎,不必惊慌‖表达了这一含义。
选项[D]意为―投资越多,机会越多‖,这个从常理角度是正确的,的确没有付出就没有回报。但是请注意,作者只是号召大家不要过于担心,不要惊慌,而没有去号召大家进行风险投资。因此联系原文,该选项排除。 译文:
即使在格林斯潘还未承认美国过热的经济正在冷却的时候,许许多多的劳动者已经看出经济渐缓的迹象。由于购物者节约他们的支出,从汽车代理商到Gap名牌零售折扣店,数月以来销售一直滞缓。去年在感恩节和圣诞节之间零售商的销售收入是全年的百分之二十四。对于他们来讲,在关键时期该谨慎行事了。专家言之有据,较之去年假日销售速度已经减缓了百分之七。不过,目前还不必敲什么警钟。消费者看起来略显忧虑,并没有惊慌失措。许多人虽然稍微勒紧腰带,但他们说对于经济的长期前景还是乐观的。 新闻标题虽然够吓人的,消费者依旧对自己的财产状况感觉相当良好,因此他们说他们并不悲观绝望。在大多数地区房屋价格保持稳定。经纪人巴巴拉·考克兰说,在曼哈顿―出现了四百万至一千万美元之间的淘金热,资金来源以华尔街股票红利为主。‖在旧金山,高价抢购现象虽然销声匿迹了,可价格依旧看涨。海湾地区房地产经纪人约翰·梯尔迪说:―已经卖出20到30套,剩下的可能只有两三套了。‖而大多数人对能够找到并保有一件工作依旧觉得很随心。
2004 Text 4 Americans today don't place a very high value on intellect. Our heroes are athletes, entertainers, and entrepreneurs, not scholars. Even our schools are where we send our children to get a practical education — not to pursue knowledge for the sake of knowledge. Symptoms of pervasive anti-intellectualism in our schools aren't difficult to find.
\says education writer Diane Ravitch. \Left Back: A Century of Failed School Reforms, traces the roots of anti-intellectualism in our schools, concluding they are anything but a counterbalance to the American distaste for intellectual pursuits.
But they could and should be. Encouraging kids to reject the life of the mind leaves them vulnerable to exploitation and control. Without the ability to think critically, to defend their ideas and understand the ideas of others, they cannot fully participate in our democracy. Continuing along this path, says writer Earl Shorris, \less civil society.\
\Hofstadter in Anti-Intellectualism in American life, a Pulitzer Prize winning book on the roots of anti-intellectualism in US politics, religion, and education. From the beginning of our history, says Hofstadter, our democratic and populist urges have driven us to reject anything that smells of
elitism. Practicality, common sense, and native intelligence have been considered more noble
qualities than anything you could learn from a book.
Ralph Waldo Emerson and other Transcendentalist philosophers thought schooling and rigorous book learning put unnatural restraints on children: \are shut up in schools and college recitation rooms for 10 or 15 years and come out at last with a bellyful of words and do not know a thing.\Huckleberry Finn exemplified American anti-intellectualism. Its hero avoids being civilized — going to school and learning to read — so he can preserve his innate goodness.
Intellect, according to Hofstadter, is different from native intelligence, a quality we reluctantly admire. Intellect is the critical, creative, and contemplative side of the mind. Intelligence seeks to grasp, manipulate, re-order, and adjust, while intellect examines, ponders, wonders, theorizes, criticizes and imagines.
School remains a place where intellect is mistrusted. Hofstadter says our country's educational system is in the grips of people who \intellect and their eagerness to identify with children who show the least intellectual promise.\56. What do American parents expect their children to acquire in school? [A] The habit of thinking independently. [B] Profound knowledge of the world. [C] Practical abilities for future career. [D] The confidence in intellectual pursuits.
57. We can learn from the text that Americans have a history of ________. [A] undervaluing intellect [B] favoring intellectualism [C] supporting school reform [D] suppressing native intelligence
58. The views of Ravitch and Emerson on schooling are ________. [A] identical [B] similar [C] complementary [D] opposite
59. Emerson, according to the text, is probably ________. [A] a pioneer of education reform
典范英语7_04 泰坦尼克号的幸存者06-07
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