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龙源期刊网 http://www.qikan.com.cn
作者:石璐 张艳
【Abstract】to trigger the automatic live migration of virtual machine, we need to periodically monitor the resource usage of physical/virtual nodes deployed on cloud data center. Once one node is in heavy workload for a certain duration time, we should trigger the migration task, to balance the workload and improve the response performance. However, current researches do not pay much attention on resource monitoring and workload of massive data center. Also the task of dealing with monitored data is simply conducted on single-node. Thus, this essentially does not meet with the need of large data center
we improve current resource monitoring system by proposing a novel memory monitoring
approach for virtual machine, and we only focus on the memory monitoring. It is already sufficient to monitor other resource usage using existing tools. Additionally, we introduce Hadoop framework and MapReduce parallel programming model to store and deal with the large volume of monitoring resource data. Taking the advantage of distributed storage and computing of Hadoop, we can accelerate the workload hotspot process, and furthermore we scale workload hotspot detector well for large data center which would generate large volume of monitoring data. This method also overcomes the bottleneck of single-node based workload hotspot detector.
【Keywords】cloud computing, virtualized environment, workload hotspot detection, virtual machine live migration 1相关工作
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