
更新时间:2023-08-14 15:17:01 阅读量: 人文社科 文档下载


分数: 100.0

完成日期:2011年01月12日 12点59分

说明: 每道小题括号里的答案是学生的答案,选项旁的标识是标准答案。

一、单项选择题。本大题共40个小题,每小题 2.5 分,共100.0分。在每小题给出的选项中,只有一项是符合题目要求的。

1. —Hello, I’m Harry Potter.

—Hello, my name is Charles Green, but ________________.

( C )

A. call my Charles

B. call me at Charles


call me Charles

D. call Charles me

2. —Hello, May I speak to Don, please?


( D )

A. I am Don. Who are you

B. Who’s there

C. Who could I help

D. This is Don. Who’s speaking

3. —Hello, I’d like to talk to the headmaster now.


( A )

A. Sorry, he is busy at the moment

B. No, you can’t

C. Sorry, you can’t

D. I don’t know

4. —Hello, my I talk to Tom?

—Sorry, Tom isn’t in.



( B )

A. Is there any way to get in touch with him?


Can I leave a message?

C. Does he work today?

D. Can I take a message for him?

5. —It’s so sweet of you to help me lift the box.


( C )

A. Don’t thank me.

B. No, no, don’t say that

C. It’s my pleasure.

D. No thank.

6. —Sorry I kept you waiting.


( C )

A. I’m sad

B. I don’t care

C. That’s all right. There’s no hurry

D. No, not at all

7. —I was worried about chemistry, but Mr. Brown gave me an A!


( B )

A. Don’t worry about it

B. Congratulations! That’s a difficult course

C. Mr. Brown is very good

D. Good luck to you!

8. — Alice, your hair design is really nice.


( C )

A. No, no

B. Yours is nice

C. Thank you very much

D. My hair design is not nice at all

9. —We’re going on a visit to Japan next week.


( A )

A. Have a good journey

B. Good bye.

C. Wish you happy

D. You’re right.

10.Although John tried hard in the exam, he did _______ than his


( A )

A. much worse

B. much better

C. much badly

D. more badly

11.In the middle of the room stands a _______ table.

( D )

A. beautiful wooden round

B. round wooden beautiful

C. wooden round beautiful

D. beautiful round wooden

12.We need a place _______ this one.

( B )

A. twice as larger as

B. twice as large as

C. as twice large

D. as large as twice

13.It is _______ that he has to ask for help.

( D )

A. so a big job

B. a so big job

C. a such big job

D. such a big job

14.I felt that I was not yet _______ to travel.

( C )

A. so well

B. so good

C. strong enough

D. enough well

15.She only knew that she went there _______, but forgot about the exact date.

( C )

A. Sunday

B. on Sunday

C. on a Sunday

D. in a Sunday

16.He goes to _______ church every Sunday. _______ church he usually

goes to has the seating

for over a thousand.

( B )

A. a; The

B. /; The

C. the; The

D. a; /

17.Tom likes to playing _______, while his sister likes to play


( A )

A. football; the piano

B. the football; the piano

C. the football; piano

D. football; piano

18.Tea and coffee are _______ popular beverages in the United States.

( B )

A. most

B. the most

C. a most

D. the more

19._______ the computer _______ it can work.

( C )

A. Smaller; faster

B. Smallest; fastest

C. The smaller; the faster

D. The smallest; The fastest

20.When I came to see him last evening, he _______ football game.

( D )

A. has watched

B. was watched

C. watches

D. was watching

21.The sun _______ in the east and _______ in the west.

( B )

A. rise; set

B. rises; sets

C. rose; set

D. is rising; is setting

22.It is likely that our team _______ the game.

( B )

A. is about to win

B. will win

C. wins

D. has won

23.When she was in Chengdu, she often _______ to see me.

( B )

A. comes

B. came

C. has came

D. had came

24.John’s father _______ mathematics in this school ever since he

graduated from Harvard University.

( C )

A. taught

B. teaches

C. has taught

D. is teaching

25.Before I got to the cinema, the film _______.

( A )

A. had begun

B. has begun

C. is begun

D. was beginning

26.By next year, he _______ in New York for five years.

( D )

A. has worked

B. has been working

C. works

D. will have worked

27.Jim _______ Japan in 1980 and _______ in China ever since.

( B )

A. left…lived

B. left… has lived

C. has left… lived

D. has left…has lived

28.Look _______! There’s a car coming.

( B )

A. up

B. out

C. back

D. over

29.We are interested in the weather because it _______ us so

directly-what we wear, what we do, and even how we feel.

( B )

A. benefits

B. affects

C. guides

D. effects

30.You shouldn’t _______ your time like that, Bob; you have to finish

your school work tonight.

( C )

A. cut

B. do

C. kill

D. kick

31.What is the train _______ to Birmingham?

( C )

A. fee

B. tip

C. fare

D. cost

32.He was _______ the preparation of an international conference when

I arrived in Beijing.

( D )

A. engaged to

B. engaged for

C. engaged on

D. engaged in

33.I am pleased to take _______ to exchange views with you.

( A )

A. this opportunity

B. a chance

C. this time

D. a period

34.In those days, the Portuguese (葡萄牙人) were trying to reach India

by sailing round Africa, but Columbus _______ prove that India could be reached by sailing west.

( C )

A. was determined in

B. determined

C. was determined to

D. determined in

35.Wang Li’s father has taught English here since he graduated from

Peking University.

( C )

A. 王立的父亲在北京大学时就在这所学校教书。

B. 王立的父亲从北京大学毕业以前就在这所学校教英语。

C. 王立的父亲从北京大学毕业以来就在这所学校教英语。

D. 王立的父亲还没有从北京大学毕业,就在这所学校教英语。

36.Bill hit his car into a wall last night.

( D )

A. 昨晚比尔在围墙内敲坏了他的车。

B. 昨晚比尔将他的车弄坏了。

C. 昨晚比尔撞车了。

D. 昨晚比尔开车时撞到了墙上。

37.It was the car accident that deprived her of a normal life.

( B )

A. 是一次车祸影响了她的生活。

B. 正是那场车祸剥夺了她的正常生活。

C. 她正常的生活被车祸打乱了。

D. 她中断了她的正常生活,又遇到了车祸。

38.It never occurred to her that such a minor mistake would cause her

to lose her job.

( D )

A. 如此小的一个错误会使她失去工作,这是从未发生的。

B. 她从未因犯小的错误而失去工作。

C. 她从未在工作中犯小的错误, 这使她失去了工作。

D. 她从未想到这么小的一个错误竟会让她失去工作。

39.Not only does John read newspapers, he also reads magazines.

( D )

A. 约翰既不读报, 也不看杂志。

B. 约翰不读报, 但看杂志。

C. 约翰报纸和杂志都看。

D. 约翰不仅读报, 而且还看杂志。

40.—Congratulations! You won the first prize in today’s speech



( D )

A. Yes, I beat the others.

B. Yes, I won the first.

C. It is a pleasure.

D. Thank you.

一、单项选择题。本大题共40个小题,每小题 2.5 分,共100.0分。在每小题给出的选项中,只有一项是符合题目要求的。

1. —I’d like to know something about your life in Paris.


( C )

A. You can tell me

B. I wonder if you can

C. I’ll tell you

D. I wonder if you could

2. —What do you want to do?


( B )

A. No, I don’t want to do anything.

B. I want to watch TV for a change.

C. What do you want to do then?

D. How about having a picnic?

3. —Would you like to have dinner with me tonight?


( C )

A. Yes, I would.

B. No, thank you.

C. I’d love to, but I have a meeting to attend tonight.

D. Sorry, I can’t

4. —Come to our house for a party, please.


( C )

A. Here’s my address

B. I’m not busy

C. Oh, thank you for your kindness

D. See you at four tomorrow

5. —I wonder if you could help me.


( D )

A. I could

B. Yes, I do

C. No, not at all

D. Of course

6. —Would you mind shutting the door?


( B )

A. Yes, please.

B. Not at all

C. No, I’m sorry

D. All right

7. —Do you mind if I read the newspaper on the table?


( B )

A. Good news for you

B. Go ahead, please

C. Yes, sure

D. No, I can’t

8. — Can I help you with your suitcase?


( D )

A. I have no idea

B. No, no. I can carry it myself

C. That’s a good idea

D. Thank you. I can manage myself

9. —Will you do me a favor?


( D )

A. My pleasure.

B. Yes, I do.

C. Yes, I will

D. I’d be glad to

10.—Excuse me, would you lend me your calculator?


( A )

A. Certainly. Here you are

B. Please don’t mention it

C. It’s nothing

D. Yes, I have a hand

11.He was _______ all of his best friends.

( C )

A. laughed by

B. laughed at

C. laughed at by

D. laughing at

12.After the Minister of Education had finished speaking at the press

conference, he was made _______ all sorts of awkward questions. ( D )

A. answer

B. answering

C. answered

D. to answer

13.The roof of our house is broken, so it needs _______.

( B )

A. repaired

B. repairing

C. being repaired

D. to repair

14._______ a teacher in a university, it is necessary to have at least

a master’s degree.

( A )

A. To become

B. Become

C. One becomes

D. On becoming

15.The doctor advised her _______ enough rest before going back to


( B )

A. get

B. to get

C. gets

D. got

16.The workers are busy _______ models for the exhibition(展览).

( D )

A. to make

B. with making

C. being making

D. making

17.He spoke so loudly _______ be heard by all.

( C )

A. that could

B. in order

C. as to

D. to

18.It is necessary _______ a foreign language.

( B )

A. of college students to master

B. for college students to master

C. that college students master

D. that college students to master

19.Henry would never forget _______ his mother-in-law for the first

time. He was so pleased with the gifts she brought for him. ( C )

A. meet

B. to meet

C. meeting

D. met

20.Do you know the man _______ under the apple tree?

( C )

A. lay

B. lain

C. lying

D. laying

21._______ a reply, he decided to write again.

( C )

A. Not receiving

B. Receiving not

C. Not having received

D. Having not received

22.That T-shirt was so tight that he decided to have it _______.

( C )

A. be enlarged

B. enlarge

C. enlarged

D. to enlarge

23._______ at such a time, his work attracted much attention.

( B )

A. To publish

B. Published

C. Publishing

D. To be published

24._______ from space, we can find that our earth looks like a“blue


( B )

A. Seen

B. Seeing

C. Having seen

D. To see

25.The manager has his employees _______ a business report every week.

( D )

A. to write

B. written

C. writing

D. write

26.I found _______ pleasant walking along the river after supper.

( C )

A. this

B. that

C. it

D. which

27.You’d better take an umbrella with you _______ it should rain.

( B )

A. in case of

B. in case

C. because

D. when

28._______ you have decided to get married, you should shoulder the

family responsibilities.

( B )

A. Although

B. Once

C. Or

D. Unless

29.It _______ that I met one of my old classmates on my way home yesterday.

( D )

A. took place

B. occurred

C. broke out

D. happened

30.The old woman next door is very keen _______ growing roses.

( C )

B. with

C. on

D. at

31.The atmosphere _______ certain gases mixed together in definite proportions.

( C )

A. composes of

B. is made up

C. consists of

D. makes up of

32.He didn’t have time to read the report word for word. He just

_______ it.

( A )

A. skimmed

B. observed

C. overlooked

D. glanced

33.He _______ at the thought of seeing the pretty girl again.

( B )

A. cheered off

B. cheered up

C. cheerful

D. cheered on

34.Knowing first aid (急救) is _______ to saving lives.

( C )

A. cure

C. crucial

D. crude

35.He _______ whether he should make one last attempt to save the man.

( D )

A. paused

B. stopped

C. waited

D. hesitated

36.John speaks French as fluently as he does German.

( C )

A. 约翰会说法语,也会说德语。

B. 约翰法语没有德语讲得好。

C. 约翰法语和德语说得一样流利。

D. 约翰在说德语的时候,也会同时说法语。

37.Tom was such a hardworking student that he soon came out first in

the class.

( D )

A. 汤姆是如此勤奋的学生,他第一个从教室里走出来。

B. 汤姆学习很勤奋, 他第一个交卷。

C. 汤姆是个好学生,他成了班上第一名。

D. 汤姆学习如此勤奋,以至于他不久就成了班上成绩最好的学生。

38.A lot of natural resources in the mountain area are to be exploited

and used.

( A )

A. 那个山区有许多自然资源有待于开发利用。

B. 很多人到山区去开发和利用自然资源。

C. 山区的许多自然资源已经被开发利用了。

D. 山区的许多自然资源被掠夺了。

39.I would never stand in the way of my children becoming free and


( C )

A. 我是绝不会站在孩子门走向自由和独立的道路中间的。

B. 我是绝不会阻碍儿女们,让自己变得自由和独立的。

C. 我是绝不会阻碍儿女门走向自由和独立的。

D. 我是绝对不会站在孩子们的立场,考虑他们如何变得自由和独立


40.To her relief, the doctor said she could resume working immediately

after she left hospital.

( B )

A. 让她感到欣慰的时,医生说她马上就可以出院并继续工作。

B. 让他感到欣慰的是,医生说她出院后可以马上恢复工作。

C. 让她深信不疑的是,医生说她出院后马上可以恢复工作。

D. 让她深信不疑的是,医生说可以让她马上出院继续工作。

