SPI 模具表面抛光标准

更新时间:2023-08-18 05:24:01 阅读量: 资格考试认证 文档下载


镜面,技术性抛光 等级标准。英文

Overview SPI standard for polishingPhilips standard 0 - UN - D 249 1 - UN - D 249 2 SPI (old) 1 SPI (new) A-1 A-2 A-3 Discription Ra in µm (DIN) 0 - 0.025 0.025 - 0.05 0.05 - 0.076

Diamond buff grade 3 Diamond buff grade 6 Diamond buff grade 15

B-1 2 - UN - D 249 3 - UN - D 249 3 B-2 B-3

600 grit paper 400 grit paper 320 grit paper

0.05 - 0.076 0.10 - 0.127 0.23 - 0.25

C-1 C-2 C-3

600 stone 400 stone 320 stone

0.25 - 0.30 0.64 - 0.71 0.97 - 1.07

4 - UN - D 249




Dry blast glass bead 11, 200 distance at 0.7 Mpa; 5 sec Dry blast 240 oxyde, 125 distance at 0.7 Mpa; 5 sec Dry blast 240 oxyde, 150 distance at 0.7 Mpa; 5 sec

0.25 - 0.30



0.66 - 0.81


4.83 - 5.84

镜面,技术性抛光 等级标准。英文


For mirror or optical finishes. Most time consuming. Steel grade important to results

Removes all tool and machining marks. Provides good mould release. Light reflecting finish on moulded part, some sheen.

Removes all tool and machining marks. Provides good mould release. Mute finish on moulded part, no sheen.

Technical Smooth, polishing only needed for proper moulding function

No more in use.

For decorative finishes. Often used for diecast and thermoset cooling. Helps hide shrink marks and other imperfections. Dull, non reflecting finish on moulded or cast part.

