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ASTM D7797?18






1.1此测试方法指定了一种快速筛选方法,该方法使用傅里叶变换红外(FA-FTIR)光谱和偏最小二乘(PLS-1)处理进行流动分析来测定航空涡轮机燃料(A VTUR)中脂肪酸甲酯(FAME)的含量,范围从10 mg/kg到150 mg/kg。


注2:按照标准D6751和EN 14214的规定,该测试方法可检测所有FAME组分,并具有约1749 cm-1的红外吸收峰和C8至C22分子。该方法的准确性基于分子量C16至C18 FAME 组分;其他分子量不同的FAME组分的存在可能会影响准确性。

注3:添加剂,例如抗静电剂,抗氧化剂和腐蚀抑制剂,是通过FTIR光谱仪用FAME 测量的。但是,这些添加剂的作用已通过流动分析过程消除。

注4:可以测量的FAME浓度范围为150 mg/kg至500 mg/kg,以及低于10 mg/kg,但精度会受到影响。





2.1 ASTM标准:









2.2 CEN标准:

EN 14214规范汽车燃料—柴油发动机的脂肪酸甲酯(FAME)—要求和测试方法


IP 583傅立叶变换红外光谱法流动分析快速测定航空涡轮燃料中脂肪酸甲酯含量的试验方法


国防标准91-91第7版(DERD 2494)涡轮燃料,航空煤油型,喷气A1

2.5 ASTM附件:




3.1.1 FAME,n-脂肪酸甲酯,也称为生物柴油。讨论-用作汽车柴油的成分,以及由于使用多燃料油轮和管道而导致的航空涡轮机燃料的潜在污染源。


3.2.1 FA-FTIR,n-通过傅立叶变换红外技术进行的流量分析使用流通式测量池对试样流进行多次测量。讨论-在通过旨在延缓要测量的FAME污染的吸附剂之前和之后对试样进行分析。比较结果以能够确定航空燃料中存在的FAME量。



4.1在通过装有设计为相对较长的吸附剂的滤芯前后,通过FTIR光谱仪在2 mm有效路径长度的流通池中自动分析航空涡轮(A VTUR)燃料的试样。FAME 的停留时间。测量之间的红外光谱的光谱吸收率差异与PLS-1模型一起处理,以确定FAME在大约1749 cm-1处的羰基峰的存在和幅度。测试时间通常为20分钟。FTIR的流量分析使FAME IR峰能够从燃料的整体IR特性中解析出来。



5.2已经开发出了分析方法,可以测量低至5 mg/kg以下的FAME,但是这些方法很复杂,需要专门的人员和实验室设施。这种快速筛选方法是由非专业人员开发的,用于供应链,覆盖范围从10 mg/kg到150 mg/kg。


6.1在生产,储存,分配或取样过程中可能会产生的化合物,其碳吸收基团在红外光谱中的吸光度接近1749 cm-1时,会产生影响。增塑剂:己二酸二(2-乙基己基)酯;已知癸二酸二丁酯会增加通过该测试方法获得的测量读数。

注5:在有限的研究中,己二酸二(2-乙基己基)酯在航空燃料中的浓度为30 mg/kg,读数增加为15 mg/kg,癸二酸二丁酯在50 mg/L时读数为读数增加20 mg/kg。


7.1自动控制,紧密集成的仪器,包括具有2 mm有效光程长度流通池的FTIR 光谱仪,计算机控制的泵,吸附剂药筒支架,控制和接口电子设备,试样和废物容器以及电磁阀。







8.2.1 100mg/kg,包含100mg/kg±10mg/kg FAME,具有认证值和不确定度。

8.2.2 30 mg/kg,包含30mg/kg±5mg/FAME,具有认证值和不确定度。





9.1除非另有规定,否则应按照操作D4057或D4177或按照国家标准或法规对石油产品进行采样的要求(或两者)至少采样60 mL。







10.2如果最后一个测试样品的FAME含量超过150 mg ? kg,则按照制造商的说明使用庚烷(8.1)进行冲洗。












11.1.4如果结果不在R /√2加上验证液认证值的不确定度或验证液随附的公差范围内,请重新检查验证液的有效日期并执行冲洗程序(10.2),然后重复验证。

注8:在11.1.4中,R是测试方法在100 mg ? kg或30 mg ? kg时的可重复性。



11.2.1当无法满足11.1.4中的标准来验证仪器的正确操作时,请按照制造商的说明校准仪器。校准使用涵盖测试方法范围的五个(5)校准标准(8.3),其中包含在已知流体中的已知FAME量(mg ? kg)。


12.1开始测试测量顺序(请参阅第10节),并按照制造商的说明和屏幕上的说明输入以千克/立方米(kg ? m3)为单位的样品密度和样品标识。

注9:如果航空燃料的密度未知,则假定标称值为807.5 kg ? m3。这可能最多影响结果4%。


12.3将大约50 mL的样品倒入按10.7所述准备的试样容器(A1.1.4)中,定位并固定容器盖和样品输入管。


图1 测试顺序


prime and flush:灌注和冲洗

measure spectrum of test specimen:测量试样的光谱

measure spectra from the sorbent cartridge:从吸附剂盒测量光谱

calculate and display result:计算并显示结果

flush out test specimen:冲洗掉试样

purge with water:用水冲洗






12.5.5分析流动分析光谱(参见12.5.3)并与参考光谱进行比较,并使用PLS-1模型(参见A1.1.10)在标称1660 cm-1至1800 cm-1范围内确定FAME峰幅度范围。







FAME mg/kg=(C m)×(P c/P s) (1)注:

C m =直接来自积分校准曲线的值mg / kg,

P c =样品密度(kg/m3),

P s =校准材料的密度,单位kg/m。

报告样品中的FAME量精确到0.1 mg/kg。










15.1.1通过使用ADJD6300 D2PP根据Practice D6300对ILS测试结果进行统计检验来获得精度。


r = 4.589 mg / kg (2)有关精度的表格说明,请参见表1。


R = 0.04967(X +100) (3)


15.4偏差-由于没有可接受的参考材料来确定此测试方法中程序的偏差,因此无法确定偏差。某些样品可能存在样品特异性偏差。100个独立的燃料样品的评估,以确定潜在的燃料影响的报告“IP583 FAME喷气全球测试计划的研究报告。”


16.1 A VTUR;喷气燃料中的生物柴油;污染;FAME;FTIR;FA-FTIR;甲酯










A1.1.4测试样品容器,标有大约50 mL的体积,带有盖子,并规定将输入管保持在容器底部上方约5 mm处。

A1.1.5废液容器,50 mL,带盖,并装有废液出口管。




A1.1.8计算机控制的泵,标称流量为5 mL ?min。


A1.1.10 PLS-1模型-该“冻结”模型内置于设备软件中,不受校准的影响,并且用户不可调节。它是根据实践E1655中概述的数学得出的。它使用五个加载向量,并且基于来自炼油厂,机场和存储设施的20多个地点的A VTUR(脱硫醇和加氢处理)的900多个数据点。



Reverse flow flushing 冲洗流路

Normal flow 正常流路

1、Test specimen container试样容器

2、Sorbent cartridge and filter 吸附剂筒和过滤器

3、4、6、solenoid valves 电磁阀

5、FTIR flow-through cell FTIR流通池

7、Pump 泵

8、Waste container 废液桶



1、Cartridge cap 吸附剂盖

2、20 μm upper frit 20微米上熔块

3、6 ml polypropylene cartridge housing 6毫升聚丙烯样品桶

4、2.85g±5% sorbent to specification SA5001 2.85g±5%符合SA5001规格的吸附剂

5、20 μm lower frit 20微米下熔块

6、Input seal housing 输入密封外壳

7、Exit Luer fitting 出口鲁尔接头

表A1.1 FTIR光谱仪的规格








当前版本于2018年12月1日批准。于2019年1月发布。最初于2012年批准。最新的上一版本于2017年批准为D7797-17。DOI:10.1520 / D7797-18。

2、该标准是在ASTM International和伦敦能源研究所之间的共同努力下制定的。该IP和ASTM标志暗示ASTM和IP标准在技术上是等效的,但它们的使用并不意味着这两种标准都社论相同。


4、可从美国国家标准协会(ANSI),地址为25 W. 43rd St.,4th Floor,New York,NY 10036,be1710b61cd9ad51f01dc281e53a580216fc50a0。

5、可从英国伦敦WIG 7AR伦敦新卡文迪什街61号能源研究所获得,be1710b61cd9ad51f01dc281e53a580216fc50a0。



8、使用以下试剂和材料来制定精度声明:用于英国Seta FIJI,Stanhope-Seta,Chertsey,Surrey,KT16 8AP的Seta验证和校准液。这不是ASTM的认可或认证。

9、支持数据已在英国能源研究所提交,网址为be1710b61cd9ad51f01dc281e53a580216fc50a0,可通过索取《Jet Worldwide测试计划研究报告》中的IP 583循环研究报告或IP 583 FAME获得。

10、目前,委员会已知道该设备的唯一供应来源是Seta FIJI SA5000和滤芯(包括过滤器)SA5005,这是英国的Stanhope-Seta,Chertsey,萨里,萨里,KT16 8AP。如果您知道其他供应商,请将此信息提供给ASTM国际总部。您的意见将在您可能参加的负责的技术委员会的会议上得到认真的考虑。


Designation:D7797?18An American National Standard


Standard Test Method for

Determination of the Fatty Acid Methyl Esters Content of

Aviation Turbine Fuel Using Flow Analysis by Fourier

Transform Infrared Spectroscopy—Rapid Screening


This standard is issued under the?xed designation D7797;the number immediately following the designation indicates the year of

original adoption or,in the case of revision,the year of last revision.A number in parentheses indicates the year of last reapproval.A

superscript epsilon(′)indicates an editorial change since the last revision or reapproval.


1.1This test method speci?es a rapid screening method

using?ow analysis by Fourier transform infrared(FA-FTIR)

spectroscopy with partial least squares(PLS-1)processing for

the determination of the fatty acid methyl ester(FAME)

content of aviation turbine fuel(A VTUR),in the range of

10mg?kg to150mg?kg.

N OTE1—Speci?cations falling within the scope of this test method are:

Speci?cation D1655and Defence Standard91-91.

N OTE2—This test method detects all FAME components,with peak IR

absorbance at approximately1749cm-1and C8to C22molecules,as

speci?ed in standards such as Speci?cation D6751and EN14214.The

accuracy of the method is based on the molecular weight of C16to C18

FAME species;the presence of other FAME species with different

molecular weights could affect the accuracy.

N OTE3—Additives such as antistatic agents,antioxidants and corrosion

inhibitors are measured with the FAME by the FTIR spectrometer.

However the effects of these additives are removed by the?ow analysis


N OTE4—FAME concentrations from150mg/kg to500mg/kg,and

below10mg/kg can be measured but the precision could be affected.

1.2The values stated in SI units are to be regarded as

standard.No other units of measurement are included in this


1.3This standard does not purport to address all of the

safety concerns,if any,associated with its use.It is the

responsibility of the user of this standard to establish appro-

priate safety,health,and environmental practices and deter-

mine the applicability of regulatory limitations prior to use.

1.4This international standard was developed in accor-

dance with internationally recognized principles on standard-

ization established in the Decision on Principles for the

Development of International Standards,Guides and Recom-

mendations issued by the World Trade Organization Technical

Barriers to Trade(TBT)Committee.

2.Referenced Documents

2.1ASTM Standards:3

D1298Test Method for Density,Relative Density,or API

Gravity of Crude Petroleum and Liquid Petroleum Prod-

ucts by Hydrometer Method

D1655Speci?cation for Aviation Turbine Fuels

D4052Test Method for Density,Relative Density,and API

Gravity of Liquids by Digital Density Meter

D4057Practice for Manual Sampling of Petroleum and

Petroleum Products

D4177Practice for Automatic Sampling of Petroleum and

Petroleum Products

D6300Practice for Determination of Precision and Bias

Data for Use in Test Methods for Petroleum Products and


D6751Speci?cation for Biodiesel Fuel Blend Stock(B100)

for Middle Distillate Fuels

E1655Practices for Infrared Multivariate Quantitative


2.2CEN Standards:4

EN14214Speci?cation Automotive Fuels—Fatty Acid

Methyl Esters(FAME)for Diesel Engines—Requirements

and Test Methods

1This test method is under the jurisdiction of ASTM Committee D02on

Petroleum Products,Liquid Fuels,and Lubricants and is the direct responsibility of

Subcommittee D02.J0.05on Fuel Cleanliness.

Current edition approved Dec.1,2018.Published January2019.Originally

approved be1710b61cd9ad51f01dc281e53a580216fc50a0st previous edition approved in2017as D7797–17.DOI:


2This standard has been developed through the cooperative effort between

ASTM International and the Energy Institute,London.The IP and ASTM logos

imply that the ASTM and IP standards are technically equivalent,but their use does

not imply that both standards are editorially identical.

3For referenced ASTM standards,visit the ASTM website,be1710b61cd9ad51f01dc281e53a580216fc50a0,or

contact ASTM Customer Service at service@be1710b61cd9ad51f01dc281e53a580216fc50a0.For Annual Book of ASTM

Standards volume information,refer to the standard’s Document Summary page on

the ASTM website.

4Available from American National Standards Institute(ANSI),25W.43rd St.,

4th Floor,New York,NY10036,be1710b61cd9ad51f01dc281e53a580216fc50a0.

*A Summary of Changes section appears at the end of this standard

Copyright?ASTM International,100Barr Harbor Drive,PO Box C700,West Conshohocken,PA19428-2959.United States

This international standard was developed in accordance with internationally recognized principles on standardization established in the Decision on Principles for the Development of International Standards,Guides and Recommendations issued by the World Trade Organization Technical Barriers to Trade(TBT)Committee.


2.3Energy Institute Standards:5

IP583Test Method for Determination of the Fatty Acid Methyl Esters Content of Aviation Turbine Fuel Using Flow Analysis by Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy—Rapid Screening Method

2.4Other Standards:6

Defence Standard91-91Issue7(DERD2494)Turbine Fuel, Aviation Kerosine Type,Jet A1

2.5ASTM Adjuncts:7

ADJD6300(D2PP)Determination of Precision and Bias Data for Use in Test Methods for Petroleum Products 3.Terminology


3.1.1F AME,n—Fatty acid methyl esters,also known as biodiesel.—Used as a component in automotive diesel fuel and the potential source of contamination in aviation turbine fuel due to multi-fuel tankers and pipelines.

3.2De?nitions of Terms Speci?c to This Standard:

3.2.1F A-FTIR,n—?ow analysis by Fourier Transform Infra red technique uses a?ow-through measurement cell to make a number of measurements on a stream of test specimen.—The test specimen is analyzed before and after passing through a sorbent that is designed to retard the FAME contamination to be measured.The results are compared to enable the amount of FAME present in the aviation fuel to be determined.

3.2.2sorbent cartridge,n—a cartridge,through which the test specimen?ows,containing a speci?c sorbent—The sorbent cartridge is discarded after each test.

4.Summary of Test Method

4.1A test specimen of aviation turbine(A VTUR)fuel is automatically analyzed,by an FTIR spectrometer,in a2mm effective path length?ow-through cell,before and after?ow-ing through a cartridge containing a sorbent designed to have a relatively long residence time for FAME.The spectroscopic absorbance differences of the IR spectra,between the measurements,are processed in conjunction with a PLS-1 model to determine the presence and amplitude of the carbonyl peak of FAME at approximately1749cm-1.Test time is typically20min.The?ow analysis by FTIR enables the FAME IR peak to be resolved from the bulk IR properties of the fuel.

5.Signi?cance and Use

5.1The present and growing international governmental requirements to add fatty acid methyl esters(FAME)to diesel fuel has had the unintended side-effect of leading to potential FAME contamination of jet turbine fuel in multifuel transport facilities such as cargo tankers and pipelines,and industry wide concerns.

5.2Analytical methods have been developed with the capa-bility of measuring down to<5mg?kg levels of FAME, however these are complex,and require specialized personnel and laboratory facilities.This Rapid Screening method has been developed for use in the supply chain by non specialized personnel to cover the range of10mg?kg to150mg?kg.


6.1Chemical compounds,which can arise during production,storage,distribution or sampling,containing car-bonyl groups,whose spectral absorbances appear in the IR spectrum close to1749cm–1,can affect the reading.Plasticiz-ers:bis(2-ethyl hexyl)adipate;dibutyl-sebacate are known to increase measurement readings obtained by this test method.

N OTE5—In a limited study,bis(2-ethyl hexyl)adipate at a concentra-tion of30mg?kg in aviation fuel gave an increased reading of15mg?kg, and dibutyl-sebacate at50mg?L gave an increased reading of20mg?kg.


7.1Automatically controlled,closely integrated,instrument comprising FTIR spectrometer with a2mm effective optical path length?ow-through cell,computer controlled pump, sorbent cartridge holder,control and interface electronics,test specimen and waste containers,and solenoid valves.

7.2The processing computer can be integrated into the instrument.

7.3This apparatus and the required sorbent cartridge are described in more detail in Annex A1.

7.4Density Measuring Device(optional)—According to Test Methods D1298,or D4052,or equivalent national standards,to determine the density of the aviation fuel test sample if required.

8.Reagents and Materials

8.1Cleaning Solvent,heptane,reagent grade.

8.2Veri?cation Fluids:8

8.2.1100mg?kg,containing100mg?kg610mg?kg of FAME,with a certi?ed value and uncertainty.

8.2.230mg?kg,containing30mg?kg65mg?kg of FAME, with a certi?ed value and uncertainty.

8.3Calibration Fluids:8

8.3.1Set of Five Fluids,containing amounts of FAME with certi?ed values and uncertainty.

8.4Lint-free Cloth,for cleaning and drying the sample input tube.


9.1Unless otherwise speci?ed,take a sample of at least 60mL in accordance with Practices D4057or D4177or in

5Available from the Energy Institute,61New Cavendish St.,London,WIG7AR,


6Available from Procurement Executive DF5(air),Ministry of Defence, be1710b61cd9ad51f01dc281e53a580216fc50a0.

7ADJD6300is no longer available from ASTM International Headquarters.

8The following reagents and materials were used to develop the precision statements:Seta Veri?cation and Calibration?uids for Seta FIJI,Stanhope-Seta, Chertsey,Surrey,KT168AP,UK.This is not an endorsement or certi?cation by ASTM.

D7797?18 2

accordance with the requirements of national standards or regulations for the sampling of petroleum products,or both.

9.2Use new,opaque glass or epoxy lined metal containers with inert closures.

9.2.1Used sample containers are permitted provided it can be con?rmed they have not been used for unknown?uids or for ?uids containing>5%FAME.

N OTE6—New sample containers are strongly recommended due to concerns over the difficulty in removing all traces of FAME retained from previous samples.

9.2.2Rinse all sample containers with heptane(8.1)or another suitable solvent and drain.Then rinse with the product to be sampled at least three times.Each rinse shall use product with a volume of10%to20%of the container volume.Each rinse shall include closing and shaking the container for a minimum of5s and then draining the product.

10.Preparation of Apparatus

10.1Follow the manufacturer’s instructions and on-screen instructions for the correct set up and shut down of the apparatus.

10.2Run a?ushing sequence using heptane(8.1)in accor-dance with the manufacturer’s instructions if the last test sample contained FAME in excess of150mg?kg.

10.3Wipe dry the sample input tube with a lint free cloth (8.4)before commencing a test.

10.4Ensure that the veri?cation and calibration of the instrument are in accordance with Section11.

10.5Gently swirl the sample for homogeneity before draw-ing the test specimen.

10.6Determine the density of the sample using the density measuring device(7.4)if the density is not known.

10.7Use a new test specimen container,or if there is enough test sample available it is permissible to clean and dry the test specimen container thoroughly before each test using heptane and then partially?ll with the test sample,swirl and drain,repeat three times.

N OTE7—New specimen containers are strongly recommended due to concerns over the difficulty in removing all traces of FAME retained from previous test specimens.

11.Calibration and Standardization


11.1.1Follow the apparatus and test specimen preparation instructions(10)and check the validity of the veri?cation?uids to be used.

11.1.2Verify the correct operation of the instrument using the veri?cation?uid(8.2.1),in accordance with the manufac-turer’s instructions,at least every six months.More frequent performance checks shall be carried out according to local quality control requirements.

11.1.3Verify the correct operation of the instrument using both veri?cation?uids(8.2.1and8.2.2)in accordance with the manufacturer’s instructions at least every12months or imme-diately after any maintenance on the measurement system. 11.1.4If the result is not within R/√2plus the uncertainty of the veri?cation?uid’s certi?ed value or within the tolerances supplied with the veri?cation?uid,recheck the validity date of the veri?cation?uid and run a?ushing sequence(10.2)and repeat the veri?cation.

N OTE8—In11.1.4,R is the reproducibility of the test method at 100mg?kg or30mg?kg,respectively.

11.1.5If it is not possible to meet the criteria in11.1.4to verify the correct operation of the instrument,follow the manufacturer’s instructions regarding fault?nding and calibra-tion.


11.2.1Calibrate the instrument according to the manufac-turer’s instructions when it is not possible to meet the criteria in11.1.4to verify the correct operation of the instrument. uses?ve(5)calibration standards(8.3) covering the scope of the test method,containing known amounts(mg/kg)of FAME in a known?uid.

12.Procedure(see Fig.1)

12.1Commence the test measurement sequence(see Sec-tion10),and input the sample density in kilograms per cubic metre(kg/m3)and sample identi?cation in accordance with the manufacturer’s instructions and the on-screen instructions.

N OTE9—If the density of the aviation fuel is not known,a nominal value of807.5kg?m3is assumed.This could affect the result by a maximum of4%.

12.2Insert a new sorbent cartridge(A1.1.3)and attach a new?lter(A1.1.9)to the exit(bottom)of the sorbent cartridge; follow the manufacturer’s instructions to?t the input tube to the cartridge.

12.3Pour approximately50mL of sample into the test specimen container(A1.1.4),that has been prepared as de-scribed in10.7,locate in position and attach the container lid and sample input tube.

12.4Ensure that an empty waste container,lid and output tube(A1.1.5)are in position.

FIG.1Test Sequence



12.5Start the test to commence the following automatic sequences as the test specimen is drawn through the instrument by the programmed pump:(see Fig.1and Fig.A1.1):

12.5.1Prime and?ush the tubing and the?ow-through measurement cell with the test specimen.

12.5.2Measure the spectrum of the test specimen to check for contamination and to obtain a reference spectrum.

12.5.3Measure the spectra of the output from the sorbent cartridge until a stable value is reached and compares with the reference spectrum.

12.5.4Re-measure the spectrum of the test specimen to obtain a second reference spectrum.

12.5.5Analyze and compare the?ow analysis spectra(see 12.5.3)with the reference spectrum and determines the FAME peak amplitude using a PLS-1model(see A1.1.10)over the nominal1660cm-1to1800cm-1range.

12.5.6Calculate the FAME concentration in mg/kg using the calibration curve,the determined peak,the stored value of the calibrant material’s density and the sample’s density(see 10.6).

12.5.7Flush the system with the remainder of the test specimen and?nally purges with air.

12.5.8Display the result numerically and graphically(see Fig.A1.1for a typical example).

12.6Record the test result and follow the manufacturer’s instructions to remove and dispose of the used sorbent car-tridge and?lter.



FAME mg/kg5~C m!3~P c?P s!(1) where:

C m=value directly from the integral calibration curve mg/


P s=density of the sample in kg/m3,

P c=density of the calibrant material in kg/m3.

Report the amount of FAME in the sample to the nearest 0.1mg?kg.


14.1The test report shall contain at least the following information:

14.1.1A reference to this standard,

14.1.2All details necessary for complete identi?cation of the product tested,

14.1.3The result of the test(see Section13),

14.1.4Any deviations,by agreement or otherwise,from the procedures speci?ed,and

14.1.5The time and date of the test.

15.Precision and Bias9

15.1General—The precision was obtained from a2013 Energy Institute ILS carried out in Europe using eight instruments/operators,located in separate laboratories,and a sample set comprising13aviation turbine fuel samples in duplicate blended with known amounts of FAME.Samples included hydro-treated fuel,non-hydro-treated fuel,and syn-thetic fuel and were sourced from the U.S.,U.K.,and Europe. The precision values given in13.1were derived from statistical analysis of these test results.

15.1.1The precision was obtained by statistical examina-tion of the ILS test results according to Practice D6300using ADJD6300D2PP.

15.2Repeatability—The difference between successive test results obtained by the same operator with the same apparatus under constant operating conditions on nominally identical test material would,in the normal and correct operation of the test method,exceed the value below only in one case in20:

r54.589mg/kg(2) See Table1for a tabular illustration of precision.

15.3Reproducibility—The difference between two test re-sults independently obtained by different operators using different apparatus on nominally identical test material would, in the normal and correct operation of the test method,exceed the value below only in one case in20:

R50.04967~X1100!(3) where X is the average of two results being compared,in mg/kg.See Table1for a tabular illustration of precision. 15.4Bias—Since there is no accepted reference material for determining the bias for the procedure in this test method,a bias cannot be determined.A sample-speci?c bias may be present for some samples.The evaluation of100separate fuel samples to determine potential fuel effects is reported in “IP583FAME in Jet Worldwide Test Programme Research Report.”9


16.1A VTUR;biodiesel in jet fuel;contamination;FAME; FTIR:FA-FTIR;methyl esters

9Supporting data have been?led at the Energy Institute,UK,be1710b61cd9ad51f01dc281e53a580216fc50a0 and may be obtained by requesting the IP583Round Robin Research Report or IP583FAME in Jet Worldwide Test Programme Research Report.TABLE1Tabulated Repeatability(r)and Reproducibility(R) Level of Result






10.0 4.6 5.5

20.0 4.6 6.0

30.0 4.6 6.5

40.0 4.67.0

50.0 4.67.5

60.0 4.68.0

70.0 4.68.4

80.0 4.68.9

90.0 4.69.4

100.0 4.69.9

150.0 4.612.4

D7797?18 4

ANNEX (Mandatory Information) A1.APPARATUS DETAILS


A1.1.1See Fig.A1.1and Fig.A1.2.10

A1.1.2Fourier Transform Infrared(FTIR)Spectrometer, meeting the requirements of Table A1.1.

A1.1.2.1Flow-through Cell Assembly,including Calcium Fluoride transparent windows with an effective optical path length of2.0mm60.2mm.

A1.1.3Sorbent Cartridge,10see Fig.A1.2,inpidually packed in a sealed envelope,one per test.

A1.1.4Test Specimen Container,with approximately50mL volume marked,with a lid and provision for holding the input tube at approximately5mm above the bottom of the container. A1.1.5Waste Container,50mL with a lid and provision for the waste outlet tube.

A1.1.6Solenoid Valves,computer controlled,small dead volume and ori?ce size.

A1.1.7Connecting Tubing,narrow bore nylon or other suitable material resistant to aviation turbine fuel and FAME.

N OTE A1.1—Tubing containing plasticizers is not suitable as esters can be released.

A1.1.8Pump,computer controlled,?ow rate nominally 5mL?min.

A1.1.9Filter,105micron nylon?lter30mm nominal diameter,?tted to the exit of the sorbent cartridge,with luer ?ttings,one per test.

A1.1.10PLS-1Model—This“frozen”model is built into the apparatus software,is unaffected by calibration and is not user adjustable.It has been derived in accordance with the math-ematics outlined in Practices E1655.It uses?ve loading vectors and is based on over900data points from measure-ments of A VTUR(Merox and hydrotreated)from over20 locations at re?neries,airports and storage facilities.

10The sole source of supply of the apparatus,Seta FIJI SA5000and cartridge

(including?lter)SA5005,known to the committee at this time is Stanhope-Seta,

Chertsey,Surrey,KT168AP,UK.If you are aware of alternative suppliers,please

provide this information to ASTM International Headquarters.Your comments will

receive careful consideration at a meeting of the responsible technical committee,1

which you may attend.

FIG.A1.1Apparatus Schematic




Subcommittee D02.J0has identi?ed the location of selected changes to this standard since the last issue (D7797–17)that may impact the use of this standard.(Approved Dec.1,2018.)

(1)Revised subsection 4.1.(2)Added new Section 6.1and new Note 5.

ASTM International takes no position respecting the validity of any patent rights asserted in connection with any item mentioned in this be1710b61cd9ad51f01dc281e53a580216fc50a0ers of this standard are expressly advised that determination of the validity of any such patent rights,and the risk of infringement of such rights,are entirely their own responsibility.

This standard is subject to revision at any time by the responsible technical committee and must be reviewed every ?ve years and if not revised,either reapproved or withdrawn.Your comments are invited either for revision of this standard or for additional standards and should be addressed to ASTM International Headquarters.Your comments will receive careful consideration at a meeting of the responsible technical committee,which you may attend.If you feel that your comments have not received a fair hearing you should make your views known to the ASTM Committee on Standards,at the address shown below.

This standard is copyrighted by ASTM International,100Barr Harbor Drive,PO Box C700,West Conshohocken,PA 19428-2959,United States.Inpidual reprints (single or multiple copies)of this standard may be obtained by contacting ASTM at the above address or at 610-832-9585(phone),610-832-9555(fax),or service@be1710b61cd9ad51f01dc281e53a580216fc50a0 (e-mail);or through the ASTM website (be1710b61cd9ad51f01dc281e53a580216fc50a0).Permission rights to photocopy the standard may also be secured from the Copyright Clearance Center,222Rosewood Drive,Danvers,MA 01923,Tel:(978)646-2600;be1710b61cd9ad51f01dc281e53a580216fc50a0/

FIG.A1.2Sorbent Cartridge

TABLE A1.1Speci?cation of the FTIR Spectrometer

Spectral Range (at least)

4000cm -1to 650cm -1Wave-number precision

0.1cm -1Resolution

<4cm -1Cell path length (optical)

2.0mm Flow-through sample cell

Single beam re?ective Sealed Yes



