新概念三 第九课

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Flying cats

About cat

She is a cat. (她是个包藏祸心的女人). Mrs. Smith is a perfect cat. (史密斯太太是个地地道道的长舌妇).

A gloved cat catches no mice. Cats hide their claws. Rain cats and dogs A cat-and-dog life

戴手套的猫抓不到老鼠--不 愿吃苦的人成不了大事业 猫总是藏起自己的爪子--知 人知面不知心 倾盆大雨 争争吵吵的日子

Part II: New words and phrases 生词和短语

fascinate attract or interest (sb) greatly 使(某人)着迷﹑ 神魂颠倒或 极感兴趣: The children were fascinated by the toys in the shop window. 孩 子们让商店橱窗里的玩具给吸引住了. He has fascinated with computer games. 他迷上了电脑游戏。 fascination 迷惑力;魅力 Sth. hava/hold a fascination for ab. Sth. Exert a fascination on sb. Stamp collecting holds a certain fascination for me.

集邮对我有很大的吸引力。Antique shops exert a peculiar fascination on a great many people. 古玩店对许多人来说有一种特殊的魅力。

fascinated I was fascinated to hear about his travels in China. They were absolutely fascinated by the game. fascinating 吸引人的; 迷人的; 使人神魂颠倒的 The book offers a fascinating glimpse of the lives of the rich and famous. I found the whole film fascinating.

吸引:Like attracts like. 物以类聚 arouse interest or pleasure in (sb/sth) 引起(某人[某事物]的兴趣或 快感; 激发; 引诱: Babies are attracted to bright colors. 婴儿喜欢鲜艳的颜色. Do any of these designs attract you? 这些设计中有使你感兴趣的吗? arouse (sth); 引起; 激起: The new play has attracted a good deal of criticism. 这出新剧招致很 多批评.


affectionate (towards sb) showing fondness (for sb); loving (向某人)示爱的; 爱的:an affectionate child 有爱心的孩子 affectionate kisses, words, smiles 示爱的吻、话﹑ 微笑 He is very affectionate to/towards his children. 他很爱他的孩子.

affectionatelyHe patted her affectionately on the head. 他疼爱地拍拍她的头 Yours affectionately,*** 你亲爱的(用於给至亲好友的书信末 尾)

affection affection [U, C usu pl 通常作复数] ~ (for/towards sb/sth) feeling of fondness; love 喜爱; 爱:He had a deep affection for his aunt. 深爱 She felt no affection for the child. the object of one’s affections 意中人 gain/win sb.’s affection 得到某人的爱情 fix one’s affection on/upon sb. 钟情于某人

同义词: fond spoilt by fond parents 被父母溺爱而惯坏的. ~ of sb/(doing) sth She is ~ of children.她喜欢小孩

mysterious 神秘的; 不可思议的; 难解的:保密的; 好故弄玄虚的: a mysterious event, crime, etc 神秘的事件﹑ 罪行等 He was being very mysterious.他神秘莫测 mysteriously 故作神秘地. "Perhaps, and perhaps not,

" she said mysteriously. Mystery 1 神秘的事物; 不可解释的事物; 秘密;来历不明或难探究竟的人 How the massive stones were brought here from hundreds of miles away is/remains a mystery. It's a complete mystery (to me) that/why (= I do not understand why) she married him at all! 2 [C] 神秘罪案的故事或戏剧 a mystery thriller 惊险悬疑作品.

submissive willing to yield to the authority of others; obedient 服从的; 顺从的 a humble and submissive servant 恭顺的仆人. submit (to sb/sth) (某人[某事物]); 服从, 顺从(某人[某事物]) submit to discipline, superior force, etc 遵守纪,慑服於优势兵力 ~ sth (to sb/sth) (向某人[某事物])提交或呈递某事物(以供考虑﹑ 裁 决等): submit an essay to one's tutor 向指导教师呈交论文 submit an application, estimate, claim, etc 提出一项申请﹑ 估价﹑ 要求等.

feline 1 猫科动物; a wildlife park with tigers and various other felines. 2 appearing or behaving like a cat: 像猫一样 地 walk with a feline grace 轻巧地行走. Kitten n. 小猫 Kitty n. (US nickname) 小猫 Pussy n. (UK nickname) 小猫

independence ~ (from sb/sth) 独立; 自主; 自立 young people who want independence from their parents 不想依赖父母的年


independence celebrations of a newly independent country新独立的国家的


independent ~ (of sb/sth) 独立的; 自主的; 自立的 old enough to be independent of one's parents 年岁已大不必依赖父母 a woman of independent means 靠个人收入生活的女子. ~ (of sb/sth) not connected; separate 不相关联的; 单独的; 独自的; 分开的 :Two independent investigators 私立的independent schools 私立学校. independent n (abbr 缩写 Ind) :stand as an independent 作为无党派候选 人.

Paratrooper 伞兵 Parachute v. 跳伞;空头

Trooper 骑兵;装甲兵 Cavalry 骑兵

Seaman 水兵 Navy soldier

Artillery 炮兵

Infantry 步兵

squirrel n. 松鼠, vt. 贮藏

Part III: Text: with extra language points

Cats never fail to fascinate human beings. They can be friendly and affectionate towards humans, but they lead mysterious life of their own as well. never fail to 双重否定 Lead…… life/ lead …lives 过着……的生活 His inability to maintain friendships condemned him to lead a lonely life. With special educational help, they can usually succeed in school and lead normal lives.

As a result, humans have learned to respect feline independence. Most cats remain suspicious of humans all their lives. suspicious~ (about/of sth/sb) 有疑心的; 表示怀疑的: I‘m very suspicious about her motives. 我对她的动机甚为怀疑 It's very suspicious that she was in the house when the crime happened. 案发 时她在房子里, 此点非常可疑. as a result : with the result as a result多半作插入语使用

,而 with the result则可以带that-clause。 罗斯大伯工作努力,结果是身体垮了。 Uncle Ross worked hard;as a result, he failed in health. Uncle Ross worked hard with the result that he failed in health.

A cat's ability to survive falls is based on fact. base on/upon …/Sth. be based on… =establish on ; rest on把…建立在;以…为 基础 One should always base one's opinion on facts.人们说话应以事实为根据。 This novel is based on historical facts. 这部小 说是以历史事实为根据的.

Al these cats had one experience in common: they had fallen off high buildings, yet only eight of them died from shock or injuries. In common 相似;想同 We have very little in common in our taste.我们的嗜 好相同处很 少。 Die from=死于(负伤wound ,衰弱weakness等) The man died from the snake's biting.那人死于蛇咬。 The horse died from overwork.那匹马累死了。

fall off 1.fall from 跌落 When you are learning to ride a bicycle,you often fall off.学 骑自行车时,经常会摔下来。 2.decline in number; lessen in intensity 数量下降;削减 Our sales have fallen off seriously during the past six months.我们的销售额在过去的6个月中猛减了。 The number of passengers fell off slightly in January.一月份乘 客数量略有减少。 3.decrease;decline in quality降低;衰退;质量下降 His support has greatly fallen off.他的支持明显减少。 The service in this restaurant has been falling off for a long time.这个饭店的服务质量长时间来一直在下降。

A cat, Sabrina, fell 32 storeys, yet only suffered from a broken tooth. suffer from 1.患(病) He always suffers from stomach trouble.他经 常胃痛。 2.be troubled by因…受困扰 She suffers from poverty.他为贫困所扰。 suffer for 为...而受苦 suffer losses 遭受损失

