广东省河源市中英文实验学校七年级英语上册《Unit 2 Topic 3 Sec

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《Unit 2 Topic 3 Section C》讲学稿

课题:Unit2 Topic3 Whose jacket is this? Section C P47-48 第3课时


1、能够掌握并应用新学习的单词: new, classmate, clothes;

2、正确使用表示描述人物外貌特征及询问物品所属的表达方法:He has black hair and black eyes. Is this /Are these?? Yes. It’s /They’re?No. It’s /They are?; Whose ?is this/ are these? I think it’s/ they are?;

3、能够根据所提供的内容编写短文。 模块一:温故知新(5分钟) 摘 记 复习名词性物主代词的用法 :用所给单词的适当形式填空 1、---Is this book (your)?---Yes, it is (my) 2、 (your) is a red book. 3、 (his) is a blue book. 4、Tom has a shirt. I have a shirt, too. But (his/him) shirt is blue, (my/ mine) is white. 5、This is (Lily’/ Lily’s) skirt. These are (our/ ours) skirts. (Her/Hers) is green. (Our/Ours) are blue. 模块二:自主学习(25分钟) 摘 记 一、在课本中划出下来新词汇:new, classmate, clothes;试着根据音标读一读,记一记,不会 读的请记录。 二、品读—读出理解 请同学们翻到课本P7,请同学们阅读1a 短文,然后完成以下题: (一)阅读1a短文,完成1b表格,然后涂色。 (二)再次阅读1a短文,填空。 K: Hello, S1. S1: Hello, Kangkang. K: I have a new ① . S1: Where is he from? K: He is from ② . S1: What does he look ③ ? K: He has ④ hair and ⑤ eyes. We look ⑥ .S1: What color is his T-shirt? K: It’s ⑦ . S1: And what color are his pants and shoes? K: His pants are ⑧ and his shoes are ⑨ . S1:I know him. His name is xxx 三、语言点我总结:在理解1a的基础上,完成下列语言点的梳理。 1、We look the same, but we are in different clothes. 我们看起来很像,但是我们着装不同。 【归纳】(1)短语“look the same ”语义“_______ __” 其反义词组为: ; 【练一练】 They = 他们看起来不一样。 He his mom. 他看起来像他妈妈。 (2)clothes 译为: ,指衣服的统称,只有 (单数/复数)形式,不能和具体的数字连用,比如:“一件衣服”,不能说成: a piece of clothes ,只能说成 a piece of clothing ,clothing 特指某种服装,是 (不可数/可数)名词. 2、名词所有格的用法 同学们,请同学们翻译I think it is Kangkang’s. 。Kangkang’s 译为 ,是名词所有格形式 ,其构成是:人名+’s,请问名词所有格还有其它形式吗?他们是怎样构成的呢?请观察划线部分并归纳: (1)有生命的名词所有格形式


①不以s结尾的名词名词所有格在词尾+ 。 如:Kelly’s teacher 凯莉的老师/ Carter’s photos 卡特的照片/ Men’s clothes 男士服装。 ②以s结尾的名词(含复数名词)所有格在词尾+ 。 如:the students’ desks 那些学生的桌子/ James’ bike 詹姆斯的自行车 ③表示两个或两个以上的人共同拥有的名词所有格,只在最后一个名词词尾+ / ; 如:Jim and Kate’s mom 吉姆和凯特的妈妈(吉姆和凯特是亲兄妹或姐弟)。 the teacher and the students’ books 老师和学生们共有的书。 ④表示两个或两个以上的人各自拥有的名词所有格,分别在名词词尾+ / ,并且后面被所修饰的名词一定是 (单数/复数)。 如:Jim’s and Kate’s moms 吉姆的妈妈和凯特的妈妈。 the teacher’s and the students’ books 老师的书和学生们的书。 (2)无生命的事物的所有格一般词尾用 。 the name of the school学校的名称 / the map of China 中国地图 四、短文我会编 书面表达:根据书本p47的2所给出的图片信息,写一篇描述Tom, Dick的短文,参照1a 短文。 五、做完后,小组长相互检查核对,然后检查本小组组员的完成情况。 模块三:合作交流 摘 记 Step1. Free talk and Review the possessives.(my-mine, your-yours?) New words: new, 课堂评价要素: classmate, clothes. 1、 合理评 Step2. 听读训练 价组员,全1、Listen to 1a on p47 carefully and mark T(Ture) or F( False). 员参与,有(1) Kangkang’s new classmate comes from China. ( ) (2) They are in different clothes. ( ) (3) Kangkang’s pants are 序展示; 2、 书写规 yellow. ( ) 2、Please listen to 1a and repeat. Pay attention to the pronunciation and intonation. 范,工整美观,双色笔3、齐读(背)P47,1a短文; 运用得当; Step3. 合作交流 3、 发音清 一、3-4人小组群学:小组内核对模块二自主学习二至四的内容,讨论交流,统一认识。 二、7-8人大组群学:在抽签完成的情况下,组长根据展示方案进行分工,带领组员在组内进晰,声音洪亮; 行预展,为展示作准备。 4、 面向全 Step4 展示 体,自然大展示任务一:模块二自主学习一:品读—读出理解 方,肢体语1、板书品读—读出理解的内容到白板上,带领全班共同学习; 2、组员集体接力展示所读内容,做到声音自信、洪亮、不卡壳。(接受台下PK,力争流利准言运用得当; 确,语音优美)。 5、展示生展示任务二:语言点我总结(语言点梳理) 动活泼,独1、把语言点梳理的内容,板书到白板上,带领全班共同学习; 具特色 2、按照读-译-讲解-拓展的步骤进行讲解。 展示任务三:短文我会编 1、 把本组最好的短文,板书到白板上,带领全班共同学习; 2、 组员集体接力展示所读内容,做到声音自信、洪亮、不卡壳。(接受台下PK,力争流利准 2

确,语音优美) 模块四:精讲梳理 摘 记 Whose jacket is this? Section C 1. —A: Is this / Are these?? new —B: Yes. It’s / They’re? No. It’s /They are? classmate 2. —A: Whose ? is this/ are these? —B: I think it’s/ they are? clothes 教学后记:_____________________________________________________________________________________

课题:Unit2 Topic3 Whose jacket is this Section C P47-48 第3课时

授课时间 第8周周三 班级 姓名




( )1. --- ___ bikes are red . --- are blue.

A. We; They B. Our, Their C. Our, Theirs D. We, Their ( )2.---Is that bag ____?---Yes, it’s bag.

A. his, her B. yours, your C. yours, my D. theirs, our ( )3. I’m Lucy. I have __ _ classmate. His name is Danny. A. a new B. the new C. new a D. the ( )4. They ___ , but they are in different clothes.

A. look like B. look same C. look at D. look the same ( )5. ---Is the gray shirt Mr. Zhou’s? ---I it is his. His is white. A. think B. do think C. am think D. don’t think

二、发展题:根据句意,从挂号中选择适当的词或短语填空。 1. Is this (your/yours) eraser?

2. This is not (their/theirs) school.

3. ---Whose shoes are those?---The new ones are (my/ mine). 4. (Who’s/ Whose) desks are these? 5. It (look like/ look) a hat(帽子)。 三、提高题:完形填空

My name is Zhang Na. 1 English teacher is Mr. Smith. He 2 from the U.S.A. He has 3 children (孩子),a son (儿子) and a daughter (女儿). His daughter is Beth. His son is Danny. Mr Smith and his daughter 4 in China, 5 his son and his wife (妻子) are in the U.S.A. His wife is a teacher, 6 . Beth and I are good 7 . We are in the 8 school and in the same class. Look! This schoolbag is 9 . She helps (帮助) me with my 10 and I help her with her Chinese. She likes green, but today (今天) she is in red.

( )1. A. I B. My C. Mine D. We ( )2. A. have B. has C. are D. is ( )3. A. one B. two C. three D. four ( )4. A. is B. come C. are D. am ( )5. A. but B. too C. and D. then ( )6. A. ﹨ B. on C. too D. in


( )7. A. friend B. friends C. teachers D. teachers ( )8. A. same B. different C. high D. again ( )9. A. her B. she C. hers D. his ( )10. A. Chinese B. China C. Japan D. English


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