小学英语五年级下册 《Unit 4 What are you doing》

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五年级下册 Unit 4 What are you doing? Part A Read and Write 部



小学PEP英语五年级下册 Unit 4 What are you doing? Part A Read and Write


1.能够听说读写句型:This is Zhang Peng. What are you doing? I’m doing the dishes./reading a book.

2.能用“What are you doing? I’m .... ” 互相通电话,询问对方正在做什么并作答。

3.培养学生热爱生活的美好情感。 [教学重难点]

教学重点:“What are you doing? I’m ....” 的书写。

教学难点:“This is…. ”作为电话用语的意义理解及“Do you want to go to the Children’s Center?”的理解和朗读。


教师准备:课件、图片、习题。 学生准备:玩具电话和练习题。 [教学过程] Step1.Warm- up

活动:What do you want to do?

出示两组图片cook the meals and draw pictures; read books and do

the diahes.

T:“Do you want to draw pictures or cook the meals?” (板书Do you want to …) S1: I want to …. T: Ok….. please.

(示意全班同学问他/她在干什么?) Ss: … ,what are you doing? S1: I’m ….

【设计意图:通过活动,使学生复习旧知“I’m ….”并感知“Do you want to ….”这一语言的运用。让学生在轻松的氛围中进入最佳的学习状态。】

Step2. Presentation 1.Pre-reading


T: You did very well,children.

Now, I want to introduce a happy family to you. Look,who is the boy?

Ss: He’s John.

T: Yes.And the cool man is John’s Dad.The cute woman is John’s Mom. One day,John’s Dad and Mom want to go shopping.But John stays at home. So John’s Dad and Mom call him. Look,what time?

Ss: It’s 7:00.

T: Listen.Who calls John? Ss: Dad.

T: When Dad calls John. What is John doing? Ss: He is … ……



1>教学对话,听读 read and write ,回答问题。 (1)学生听第一遍录音,初步感知课文。

T: Look.It’s 8:00.John’s Dad and Mom is at home.listen,the phone is ringing again. Who calls John?(学生听课文,并回答。)

Ss: Zhang Peng.


T: Well. Zhang Peng calls John. How does Zhang Peng introduce himself?

Read the text quickly and find tha answers. Ss: This is….

(3)学生默读课文,回答What isjohn doing? What ia Zhang Peng doing?

T: When Zhang Peng calls John. What is John doing? And what is

Zhang Peng doing?

S1: Zhang Peng is reading a book. S2: John is doing the dishes.

(4)学生跳读课文,回答本课难点: Where do they want to go ? Children’s Ceter.

T: Yes,now Zhang Peng is reading a book. John is doing the dishes. But after calling, where do they want to go? Well,read quickly and find the answers . S1: …

T: What is the Children’s Ceter,do you know?(板书:Children’s Ceter)

Look,this is the Children’s Ceter. What can we do in the Children’s Ceter? S1: We can sing,dance,play the piano ….

T: Well. The Children’s Center is a good place wherewe can sing,dance,play the piano, do so many things. So,do you want to go to the Children’s Ceter?

(板书:Do you want to go to the Children’s Ceter?) S1: …. S2: …

(5)学生自读课文,理解come on的意思。

T: Try to read the text,if you have any questions,ask me please.


3.After-reading 1>学生跟读课文。 2> 学生分角色读课文。 Step3.Consolaion 活动一:书写练习

补充完成Read and Write习题。 活动二:阅读 Mike and Peter 的对话,

T: Now,Zhang Peng and John want to go to the Children’s Center.What ahout Mike? What does Mike to do? Let’s read Mike and Peter’s dialogue and answer the questions.


a.出示周杰伦和姚明图片,让学生谈论他们可能正在干什么? b.阅读对话,回答问题。 Step4.Homework

Do you want to go to the Moon Lake? Make a call to your friend and write it down. 板书 What are you doing?

I’m doing the dishes./reading a book. This is …

Do you want to go to the Children’s Center? 教学反思:

本课的教学内容是五年级下册Unit4 What are you doing? Read and write部分,对于教学内容的设计流露出了小学英语目前的一种趋势和导向——那就是从单词到句子,从句子到对话,并走向篇章。我通过师生对话,走近文本。并从自由对话中教授新句型新语言点,分解了难点,学生很容易接受,符合学生的认知水平和思维能力。再通过听录音、回答相关问题、朗读课文等,解读文本,加深学生的理解和印象。在课堂中我通过巧妙的教学设计调动了学生的积极性,学生是在轻松、愉快的气氛中扎扎实实地学习知识。所有活动设计从学生的认知情况出发,让学生学到知识。

本课的教学内容是五年级下册Unit4 What are you doing? Read and write部分,对于教学内容的设计流露出了小学英语目前的一种趋势和导向——那就是从单词到句子,从句子到对话,并走向篇章。我通过师生对话,走近文本。并从自由对话中教授新句型新语言点,分解了难点,学生很容易接受,符合学生的认知水平和思维能力。再通过听录音、回答相关问题、朗读课文等,解读文本,加深学生的理解和印象。在课堂中我通过巧妙的教学设计调动了学生的积极性,学生是在轻松、愉快的气氛中扎扎实实地学习知识。所有活动设计从学生的认知情况出发,让学生学到知识。

