2010 年最新星火高频词汇带例句(很珍贵啊首发)

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We consider that you are not to blame. involve

Over the years I have gotten more involved in the planning of the action and stunts on my American movies and that makes me happy. tend

So many young people—male and female alike—tend to overemphasize physical attributes. include

America's working mothers say their ideal situationwould include a part time job, rather than working full time or staying at home. information

For further information please write to me. issue

What's at issue here is the whole future of the industry. offer

Television has begun to offer selected programmes from some foreign countries. require

The work isn't up to the standard I require. result

The traffic was very heavy and as a result I arrived late. view

The house has a view over the sea.


The water level of the Three Gorges Reservoir reached the predetermined 135 meters Tuesday, five days ahead of schedule. condition

The basic causes are unknown,

although certain conditions that may lead to cancer have been identified. earn

Clinton lost the public trust as a person but earned it as a president. likely

He says he just forgot about it—a likely story! process

Throughout the process of reform and opening, we must combat corruption. raise

The question of whether to raise taxes to cut the budget deficit is a real hot potato for a lot of politicians. The divorce rate is going up year by year

as a result of the involvement of the other men or women. access

Everyone should have access to education.


Her salary is paid into her bank account. claim

The government's claim that war was necessary was clearly mistaken. control

The fire was soon under control. decline

The standard of education has declined in this country. focus

Please focus your mind on the following problem. lack

Their actions lack consistency;

they say one thing and do another. promote

The football team was promoted to the first division. situation

We hope the situation in Iraq can resume stability as soon as possible,

and its people can enjoy peaceful lives. ability

Education is the ability to listen to almost anything without losing your temper or self-confidence. affect

Constant exposure to intense light affects the eyes adversely. avoid

In international matches,

prestige is so important that the only thing

that matters is to avoid being beaten. communication

To be a player in information and communications technologies, you must be able to make quick decisions. credit

Don't place credit in idle rumours. demand

Air-conditioners are in demand during hot summers. influence

Distinguished daily newspapers like Washington Post or the New York Times exert

a powerful influence all over the country. light

If you think about it, you will eventually see the light. limit

You really are the absolute limit! maintain

The improvement in his health is being maintained. nature

This beautiful garden owes more to art than to nature. opportunity

It is often hard to distinguish between

the hard knocks in life and those of opportunity. range

Both sides exchanged their views on a wide range of topics they were interested in at the meeting. aware

One may be conscious of fear,but not altogether aware of the danger which is going on about one. community

The community college is the most rapidly growing segment of higher education in the United States. complete

It was a complete surprise to me. concern

There is some cause for concern but no need for alarm. contain

It's hard to understand

why English football fans easily get too excited and can not contain their enthusiasm. contribute

Everyone should contribute what he or she can afford. ensure

He would, when in office, ensure that all secret data be made public. environment

We should take care of the environment,

so that we have something to leave for our children. fail

Some students failed to get a bachelor's degree because they failed the CET Band-4. feature

Even a skilled writer

could not describe all the features

that make one face different from another. function

What is his function on the committee? ignore

You've been ignoring me. impact

Her speech made a tremendous impact on everyone. inform

He informed the police that some money was missing. major

Shakespeare is one of the major writers. nothing

I can't believe we did all that work for nothing. particularly

Cotton grows well in that country, particularly in the east. refer

The dispute was referred to the United Nations. replace

We have replaced slave labour with/by machines. seek

Most of the country's Internet users go online to chat or seek entertainment rather than look for jobs or conduct business. speed

His speed and strength helped him win the race. suggest

Jane's pale face suggested that she was ill, and her parents suggested that

she should have a medical examination.


The President is now in his second term of office. associate

We associate Egypt with the Nile. association

According to the American Automobile Association, since 1964 all cars sold in the United Sates have been equipped with seat belts. case

A Dublin hospital found the first suspect case of SARS. communicate

The Minister of Foreign Affairs

has already communicated on this event

with the American President. damage

The court awarded £500 in damages to the injured. expense

Most children in Britain are educated at public expense. injure

After being wounded in the fighting, he was in an accident

when his car was damaged but he himself not injured.


Your contributions on the field of play have served to strengthen the Olympic Movement and global sport. occasion

We must rise to the occasion in order to win this game. particular

Michael Jackson is particular about his clothes. pick

She picked at her plate, without appetite. practice

Knowledge is a treasure, but practice is the key to it.


Do you have a preference for a particular food? risk

The whole future of the company is at risk. specific

Some of the reports

always speak on the general principle

while neglecting a briefing on specific facts. stick

If we stick at it,we should finish the job today. store

A great part of the chain store's business

comes from children. adapt

Can you adapt your way of thinking to the new life style? amount

Their traveling expenses amount to seven hundred dollars. appeal

Her sense of humour appealed to him enormously. apply

We should apply to the publishers for permission to reprint an extract. approach

Few writers can approach Shakespeare in talent. assume

Farmers will have a bumper harvest,

assuming that the weather is favourable. available

There were no tickets available for Friday's performance. benefit

Equality and mutual benefit is one of China's five principals of peaceful co-existence in foreign policy.


Water is a compound of hydrogen and oxygen. consult

Have you consulted with the other members of the team? convey

This train conveys over three hundred passengers every day. cultivate

Continue to carry forward and cultivate the national spirit. distance

I could hear voices in the distance. edit

They must have edited bits of the interview out. effective

They took effective measures

to prevent poisonous gases from escaping. employ

The firm employs the retired professor as an advisor. estimate

Our best intelligence estimate continues to be that he is alive and probably someplace in those tribal areas on the western side of Pakistan. exchange

There is an increase in the technical cooperation and cultural exchanges between China and other countries. exhaust

Some web addicts often exhaust themselves by surfing the Internet for days on end.


Her friendly manner is an important factor in her rapid success. gain

No gains without pains. indicate

In this map, the towns are indicated by a red dot. media

CCTV has good media coverage of the Iraq War. refuse

It was no easy matter finding lodgings.

In most cases we were refused on some pretext or other,

while we ourselves turned down a few places as unsuitable. relate

The generation gap makes it hard for children to relate to their parents. respect

Love, friendship, respect, do not unite people as much as a common hatred for something. responsible

I am partly responsible for the confusion.


In our talks today,

President Bush reviewed 30 years of Sino-US relation. significant

The detective said that

the time of murder was extremely significant. spot

After his second display of insubordination, John was fired on the spot.

suffer I'm so happy,

so absorbed in the sensation of a tranquil existence, that my art is suffering. treat

It's treated like it's some evil thing that industry is doing,

but if industry wasn't doing that,

we would not have any new treatments. various

Nowadays, moon cakes with their various flavors and delicate packaging actually have become a kind of artwork. adopt

Three concepts have been adopted for the Beijing Olympic Games, namely, the Green Olympics,

the High-tech Olympics and the People’s Olympics. annual

The cable networks earnings

have been eroded over the past year by an estimated $80 million

in annual losses from world championship wrestling. attach

You'll be attached to this department until the end of the year. attack

It immediately ran away when she saw it, and experts confirmed

that a puma will not attack a human being unless it is cornered. attract

Her attention was attracted by his smile.


The Nobel Prize is awarded to commemorate Nobel, the great chemist. I would also like to


learn more about the culture behind the language. When you understand the cultural background, you can better use the language. campus

In American universities,

classes are often arranged in more flexible patterns and many jobs on campus are reserved for students. circumstance

Circumstances alter cases. commit

China will, as always, commit itself to reform,

opening-up and modernization drive. conflict

There has been a long and bitter conflict between employers and workers. confuse

They confused me by asking so many questions. considerable

The war in Iraq made a considerable impact on Russia's tourism business. creative

We need some creative thinking to solve this problem. crime

Last year,the crime rate in Chicago has sharply declined. crisis

Negotiations between the two countries are approaching a crisis. display

On New Year's Eve the display of fireworks offers many attractions. efficient

The new secretary is a quick,efficient worker, and the boss is quite satisfied with her. entire

In order to hedge his bets

he didn't tell the other party his entire plan. expand

His modest business

eventually expanded into a supermarket empire. expose

The crime of the corrupt officials

must be exposed without any reserve.


There were some unaccountable gaps in his story. grant

The government gave us a grant to build another classroom. growth

Russia President Putin stressed that

the energy tariffs should be raised gradually

and in accordance with the growth in people's income. harm

The car was badly damaged

but none of the passengers came to any harm. incident

The anti-war demonstration proceeded without incident. individual

Success at Manchester United is about a good footballing team not individuals. loss

Frank was at a loss

when he attempted to address the group. manner

He is a man with a very prim and precise manner. model

They try to build their system of democracy on the American model. necessarily

You should necessarily go to the party. object

Making money was his main object in life. observe

When I was young I observed that

nine out of every ten things I did were failures, so I did ten times more work. obvious

His nervousness was obvious right from the start. opinion

In the opinion of my doctor,

I should be well enough to travel by next week. property

The car is my property,

you mustn't use it without my permission.


I’ve been puzzling over all the figures,

trying to find what happened to the missing money. regard

If money is regarded as God, it will punish you like a devil. relieve

The doctor's explanation relieved me of my fears. reserve

Is your holiday a reserved booking, sir? reveal

If you reveal your secrets to the wind, you should not blame the wind for revealing them to the trees. secure

Every citizen has the right

to live a peaceful and secure life. side

People on both sides of the Taiwan Straits should inherit and carry forward

the fine traditions of the Chinese culture. similar

The brothers look very similar. single

Don't stake everything on a single cast of the dice. strike

The plan strikes me as ridiculous. supply

He was arrested

for supplying arms to the terrorists. abstract

A flower is beautiful,

but beauty itself is abstract. activity

Progress is the activity of today and the assurance of tomorrow. adjust

We must adjust the relationship

between investment and consumption to raise the proportion of consumption in GDP gradually. advocate

Nothing could persuade me to return to the kind of life

Kelsey used to advocate and I once enjoyed. afford

I'd love to go on holiday but I can't afford the time. alone

Can't you just leave well enough alone? appearance

Don't judge by appearances—

appearances can be misleading. approve

My parents don't approve of me smoking cigarettes. attribute

She attributes her success to hard work and a bit of luck. average

The average per-capita GNP will reach the standard of

moderately developed countries. blame

Don't always blame your own failure on others. Sometimes you yourself are to blame. casual

They had a casual meeting in the park. complex

This is a complex substance;

it is made up of many simple substances. concept

That company began searching for an agency to handle a new restaurant concept. confirm

The Iraqi weapons declaration earlier this month leaves so many unanswered questions that it is impossible to confirm the accuracy of Iraq's claim. consequence

The September 11 terrorist attacks on the United States

have produced serious consequences. consume

In the mid-seventies

Americans consumed about

seventeen million barrels of oil daily. contrast

Careful contrast of the two plans

shows up some key differences. decorate

They decorated the wedding car with ribbons and flowers.


When boundaries between countries are not clearly defined, there's usually trouble. delay

There was a delay of two hours before the plane took off. deposit

You should learn to deposit the sadness inside your heart.


We derive great pleasure from reading. differ

Men are all alike in their promises.

It is only in their deeds that they differ. eliminate

The endless shirking in some government departments does great harm to our economic construction and must be eliminated. emotion

The speaker appealed to our emotions

rather than to our minds. emphasis

Some dictionaries lay special emphasis on grammar. equivalent

The income loss to rich industrial economies might be equivalent to just over 0.5% of GDP. exaggerate

He always exaggerates

to make his stories more amusing. expectation

They had great expectations for their son, but he didn't really live up to them. express

No words can express the grandeur of that parade. failure

Failure is the mother of success./ Failure teaches success. fashion

She paints in the fashion of Picasso.


We were most impressed with your efficiency. inquire

People called to inquire after the baby. involved

The four men involved got killed one by one. lower

My cabin was on one of the lower decks. mild

He has too mild a nature to get angry, even if he has good cause. mood

He's in no mood for telling jokes. necessary If necessary,

we can always change the dates of our trip. neglect

He neglected to write and say “Thank you”. nervous

The investors became nervous

at the freezing of the assets. pace

The old man walked at a very slow pace. participate

Among all the exhibition participating nations, China had the biggest space, the largest number of books

and the atmosphere was the most lively. purchase

Leading banks in Shanghai are planning to finance installment purchase to the individual house buyers. purpose

Was your purpose in going to Beijing to see your family? regardless

He continued speaking,

regardless of my feelings on the matter. remove

She used a hoe to remove weeds from the rows of tomato plants. scene

After the explosion,

the factory was a scene of total confusion. shift

The candidate was constantly shifting his position on the issues. solution

Resorting to violence is not the best solution to an argument.


The Pentagon has accelerated development

of a new generation of advanced precision weaponry, according to US military sources. step

The government must take steps to reduce unemployment. stuff

On Christmas Day, families usually get together for a roast goose or stuffed turkey. subject

I am French by birth and a British subject by marriage. submit

I hope you can submit your term papers before the deadline. symbol

The wedding ring is probably the oldest and most widespread symbol of marriage. temper

The unlucky owner mutters a curse at the manufacturer and, in a foul temper, goes looking for a repairman. throw

They live within a stone's throw of the station. transform

This place, originally a small town,

has been transformed into a modern city. urgent

It is most urgent that you should make up your mind. abandon

I have long since abandoned the notion that higher education is essential to either success or happiness. abundant

We have abundant proof of his guilt. acceptable

Compliments are always acceptable. acquire

Some people go back for their education to acquire another degree or diploma to impress the society.


We must alter those rules and practices which have outlived their usefulness. amuse

The audience was amused by the comedian every now and then. appliance

We have a kitchen full of electrical appliances.


I have an appointment with my dentist this afternoon. arouse

The music aroused an intense feeling of homesickness in him. assist

Two men are assisting the police in their enquiries. bargain

We made a bargain on the spot that

I would do the work and he would supply the money. barrier

All the institutional and policy barriers to urbanization must be removed. behalf

It will not be enough

for the chairmen and chairwomen of these organizations to utter placatory statements

on behalf of their members. campaign

She has campaigned for equal rights for women. capable

With full determination, we are capable of

finding a final solution to the Taiwan question. charge

She was complaining that the doctor was charging too much for the treatment he was giving her. combat

Throughout the process of reform and opening, we must combat corruption. composition

He's doing research into

the chemical composition of the new medicine. conceal

He tried to conceal his sorrow from his friend. concentrate

The examination-oriented education system hinders the development of students,

since it forces them to concentrate on scores only. confident

Network workers are not as confident of their futures as they used to be

now that the cyber economy is sliding down. congratulate

We all lined up to congratulate the newly-weds. constant

The pressure to compete causes Americans to be energetic, but it also puts them under a constant emotional strain. continual

There appears to be no end in sight

over the continual debate over “human cloning”. continuous

A continuous beach is exposed

to the beating of continual waves. cope

There was too much work for our computer to cope with. criticize/-ise

The decision was sharply criticized by businessmen nationwide. cultural In 1987,

the Great Wall was listed by UNESCO as a world cultural heritage site. deliver

May God deliver us from evil. deny

The boy denied having stolen the bicycle. direction

Ideal is the beacon.Without ideal, there is no secure direction;

without a direction, there is no life. discipline

We should reform and improve the system of Party discipline inspection

and introduce and improve the system of inspection tours. dispute

The dispute grew out of an argument between a worker and the foreman. dissolve

There's acid in her voice;

it could dissolve anybody's good intentions.


The future of the public library is in doubt. economics

This article is about the economics of publishing. economist

The famous economist gave us a speech. entitle

He entitled the book—Savage Love. essential

Food, clothing, shelter and transportation

are essential to life. exact

To be exact, she is a very exact person. explore

As soon as they arrived in the town they went out to explore. exposure

Exposure of children to TV violence will harm their mental health. faint

I haven't the faintest idea about what she is up to. favo(u)r

He obtained his position more by favor than by merit or ability. frighten

News of the robberies frighten many people into fitting new locks to their doors. genuine

He'll be able to tell the diamonds are genuine at a glance. guide

Be guided by your sense of what is right and just. hint

He hinted to us nothing of his resignation. illegal

Except the Netherlands,

all the European nations consider euthanasia illegal. imitate

James can imitate his teacher's speech perfectly. impression

The thief had left an impression of his foot in the garden. initial

Her initial reaction was to say\

but she later changed her mind. insert

Later, people tried to lift a building off its foundation, and insert rubber and steel

between the ground and its foundation to reduce the impact of ground vibrations. insult

Some TV commercials are an insult to the viewers' intelligence. liberal

Modern people have a liberal attitude to divorce and remarriage. means

Knowledge began to increase as soon as the thoughts of one individual

could be communicated to another by means of speech.


Repairing your car will cost a minimum of $100. normal

Wet weather is quite normal at this time of year. popularity

Western music is steadily gaining in popularity. possibility

Taking this recent evolution into account, we may now conceive the possibility of a convergence among

western and Chinese approaches to Nature. practical

The number of the practical things done for the benefit of citizens

is accepted as a sign of administrative merits. procedure

Do you know the correct procedure to follow during a fire drill? progress

We have made pleasing progress in our talks. prospect

What do you think of the prospect of cyber economy? reality

I don't doubt the reality of his story. reasonable

She's perfectly reasonable in her demands. regulate

The activities of stock exchanges are regulated by law. release

Automation is beginning to release workers from the bondage of mindless, repetitive toil. relevant

It's said that a person's fate is relevant to his character. represent

You will need a lawyer to represent you in court. request

We request the honor of your company at dinner. resist

Jill couldn't resist making jokes about his baldness. retain

Despite losing his job he retains his pension. rights

Jane is a champion of women's rights. rigid

The government has rigid laws about paying taxes. secretary

The secretary made a note of the proceedings. series

China has adopted a series of anti-poverty measures. slight

They did not pay the slightest attention to it. specialize/-ise

He specializes in repairing computers. stimulate

The exhibition stimulated interest in the artist's work. sufficient

Life is the art of dreaming sufficient conclusions from insufficient premises. sustain

High oil prices, if sustained,

will reduce growth and lift inflation. tedious

I spent a tedious hour in a traffic jam. tough

Television has turned out to be a tough competitor for advertising and audience to the newspaper industry. transfer

He has transferred from the army to the navy. undergo

People inevitably undergo a period of adjustment

after the loss of their spouse. viewer

The viewers chose this talk show as their favorite. vision

She wears glasses to improve her poor vision. worth

The rarer it is, the more it is worth. yield

If unity is sought through struggle, it will live; if unity is sought through yielding, it will perish. absorb

You must absorb as much information as possible. absorbed

He was too absorbed in the newspaper

to hear the bell. accomplish

Our Party must stand firm in the forefront of the times and unite with and lead the Chinese people of all ethnic groups

in accomplishing the three major historical tasks. accumulate

Friends come and go, but enemies accumulate. acquaintance

We met as if we were old acquaintances. adequate

An adequate water supply for city people is already a problem

no government can take lightly. administrative

Chinese citizens who are residents

of the Macao Special Administrative Region are entitled to participate

in the management of State Affairs. alert

People will be alert and receptive if they are faced with information that gets them to think about things they are interested in. ambition

Lack of ambition might be his problem. anxiety

He expressed anxiety

that it should be done in no time. application

Portugal made a formal application to join the EEC. arise

If any problem should arise, please let me know. arrange

These books are arranged in alphabetical order. assumption

Our assumption that we would win was wrong. attraction

The Great Wall of China

is one of the greatest tourist attractions in the world. attractive

I don't find him attractive at all. authority

He was an authority on the classification

and natural history of moths. beneficial

The revival of the railroad service

will be immensely beneficial for the speedy movement of passengers and cargo. boast

Nobody should boast of his learning. burst

She burst through the door. chase

She chased the thief for 100 yards.


She is charmed by the President but also chilled by what she sees as his inexhaustible deed. clumsy

I wanted to dance,

but I felt clumsy and stupid. coastal

He enjoyed fishing in coastal waters. competent

He's not competent to look after young children. competitor

The company's largest competitor is going out of business. complicated

I never blame failures—

there are too many complicated situations in life.

compose At the age of six

he was already composing at the piano. comprehensive Although the professor

gave a very comprehensive explanation on how the black holes come into being, I still got confused. confront

The reason for Ruan Lingyu's suicide

was that she couldn't confront the rumors fabricated by people. connect

Because the world is more connected every day in every way,

our country's security and prosperity

require us to continue to lead in the world. conscious

One good result of the last energy crisis

was that people became more and more conscious

of the importance of energy. consistent

You're not very consistent: first you condemn me, and then you praise me. content

She was not content with my answer, so I added a few more remarks. contrary

The ship was delayed by contrary winds. controversy

The relation between the state and the individual in education has long been a favorite theme

of discussion and controversy. convenient

Will it be convenient for you to start work tomorrow? cooperation

China needs a peaceful international environment and friendly cooperation with other countries in its economic development. coordinate

The army, navy and air force

are coordinate branches of the armed services. count

Don't count your chickens before they are hatched.


My computer program crashed this morning, and I lost my entire document. critical

The transition from childhood to adulthood is always a critical time for everybody. debate

After a long debate,

the House of Commons approved the bill. deceive

John cheated at the test,

but the professor was not deceived. demanding

My boss is very demanding. demonstrate

The salesperson plugged in

and demonstrated the vacuum cleaner. descend

These ideas descend from those of the ancient philosophers.


These plants are widely distributed in China. embrace

The term “mankind” embraces men,women and children. enclose

The garden is enclosed by a high wall. endure

These traditions have endured throughout the ages. enforce

Governments make laws and police enforce them. enormous

Weve got an enormous amount of money to run our company. equip

Please equip yourself with a sharp pencil

and a rubber for the exam.


All students without exception

must take the English examination. excessive

I find her attention to her children rather excessive. exert

The government must exert pressure on

the state-owned enterprises

and relax control of them as well. exhibition

Chinese economic and trade exhibitions have promoted the exchange of

the advanced techniques with foreign countries. expansion

The rapid expansion of the company

has caused some problems. exploit

The revolution is a dictatorship

of the exploited against the exploiters. extension

May I have an extension of time for paying my bill? extent

I agree with you to some extent. familiar

I can't drive this tractor

because I'm not familiar with the controls. fare

All fares please. favo(u)rable

The bank will lend you money on very favorable terms. former

Did he go there by air or by train? The former seems more likely. functional

It's an old car, but it's still functional. generate

The hatred generated by racial prejudice is the source of the war. generous

She is generous with her money so she has many friends. globe

The silvery globe of the moon sank towards the horizon. grip

The frightened child gripped its mother's arm. harsh

He is a harsh judge. hurt

The quality problem has greatly hurt

the company's reputation. illustrate

The lecturer illustrated the theory with examples. indispensable

It is well known that knowledge is

the indispensable condition for expansion of mind. inevitable

Death is inevitable; it comes to everyone. innocent

Can you provide any evidence that

he was innocent of the crime? inspire

The Lake District scenery

inspired Wordsworth to write his greatest poetry. instant

Just for an instant

I thought he was going to refuse. instruct

Effective communication is very important when a boss instructs people under his leadership to do what he wants them to do. insure

He insured his house against fire for ten million Yuan. integrate

We must integrate theory with practice. interval

At intervals she would stop for a rest. lest

Lest the wall should collapse, they evacuated the building. liable

He was liable for his employees accidents. lively

I am not very lively during the transition months from winter to spring. method

The new teaching methods encourage children to think for themselves.


Susan seems very quiet,

but make no mistake about it,

she has a terrible temper!


She got the top mark in the exam

but she was too modest to tell anyone. negotiate

The two countries are negotiating for

a peaceful settlement of the boundary question. negotiation

Negotiations between the two countries have gone on for months. numerous

The city has numerous libraries. offend

She was offended at his sexist remarks. operate

The firm operates from its central office in Hong Kong. oppose

Do not oppose your will against mine. option

The government has two options,

to reduce spending or to increase taxes. origin

He spent all his life

to study the origins of life on earth. outstanding

A good deal of work is still outstanding. overall

A society has its own overall interest, a nation has another

and the earth yet another. parallel

Peking is close to the fortieth parallel of north latitude. perceive

We rarely perceive more than a minute fraction of the sights and sounds that fall upon our sense organs; the great majority pass us by. pitch

We couldn't see our way in the pitchdark. powerful

Passion, though a bad regulator, is a powerful spring. preferable

The long-established mentality of

“boys are preferable to girls”

exerts a definite influence over people's attitude towards the sex of their babies. prevail

Truth is great and will prevail. I have a prior engagement and so I can't go with you. prohibit

Picking flowers in the park is prohibited. rank

The governor, the mayor, and other people of rank were invited to the ceremony. reaction

My reaction will depend largely on the kind of answer I get.


In developing the socialist economy with Chinese characteristics, regular attention should be paid

to increasing revenue and saving expenditures. relief

The doctor's immediate aim is the relief of pain. remedy

Life is thickly sown with thorns, and I know no other remedy

than to pass quickly through them. rescue

Gentle starving may start up a stress response that rescues cells from dying.

Cell death also is an important component of aging. response

The tax cuts produced a favorable response from the public.


We suffered some serious financial reverse. revise

None of the things I had revised came up in the exam. ribbon

She wore a red ribbon in her hair. schooling

He has little real schooling.


Football gives young people scope for courage and quick thinking.  sensitive

The Stock Exchange is sensitive to likely political changes.


Car sales have been shrinking. sight

No wonder the sight of it should send the memories

of quite a number of the old generations

back 36 years ago. smooth

I trust an honest face more than a smooth talker. solid

The impressive achievements in environmental protection have laid a solid foundation

for a “Green Olympics” here in 2008. splendid

She arrived in a splendid golden coach

drawn by white horses. spoil

Spare the rod and spoil the child. squeeze

They squeezed the truth out of him. stainless

If I had a bicycle made of stainless steel, it will never get rust. statistics

Statistics is a rather modern branch of mathematics. status

They think owning such an expensive car will give them status. suffering

Destruction and suffering are accompaniments of war. suit

No dish suits all tastes. suppose

You are not supposed to play football in the classroom. survivor

The survivors of the shipwreck

transmitted a distress signal every hour. tie

The two teams tied

and had to play an extra period. trace

The wanted man was traced to an address in New York. track

The teacher asked us to read newspapers every day to keep track of current affairs. transmit

The World Cup final is being transmitted live to over fifty countries. uniform

How long was he in uniform? urge

Officials of America urge quick patch

on mail security hole. vary

As conditions vary with each country, there can be no set model of reform and development for all countries. withdraw

The general refused to withdraw his troops. workforce

The whole workforce has gone on strike. workplace

We visited him at his workplace among the young trees

and asked him about his work. absolute

Power tends to corrupt,

and absolute power corrupts absolutely. accompany

I must ask you to accompany me

to the police station. accordance

We will handle this issue in accordance with international laws and international practices. accurate

We must acquire an accurate understanding of social progress in contemporary China. accuse

He was sentenced to death.

His gang had been accused of killing 20 people. advanced

Our Party must always represent the development trend

of China's advanced productive forces。 advisable

It is not advisable to act without planning. allowance

IBM offers a quite high traveling allowance to its employees. alternative

You have the alternative of leaving or

staying and behaving. ambassador

Mr Smith is the British Ambassador to Greece. anxious

We are all anxious about his safety. applicable

This rule is not applicable to foreigners.


The policeman arrested a criminal suspect. artificial

There were some artificial flowers on the table. assemble

Thousands of people assembled in a stadium. assign

He has been assigned to a new post. assure

He was assured a well-paying job after graduation. automobile In 21 century,

we must develop our automobile industry. bankrupt

The economic crisis

has made many companies go bankrupt. bare

Don't walk on that broken glass with bare feet. barrel

The store offered barrels full of crackers and pickles. battery

Cell phones use rechargeable batteries. best-seller

This dictionary is a best-seller.


Mary cried when I bid her farewell. blank

At those boring meetings, people usually sit still, looking blank, or scrawl on blank paper. bloodshed

The two sides called a truce to avoid further bloodshed. bother

Don't bother Jane with that now—she's busy. bound

Germany is bounded on the west by France and on the south by Switzerland. bound

My heart bounded with nervousness during my first job interview.


She only buys the best brands of coffee. breed

Hunger does not breed reform;

it breeds madness and all the ugly distempers that make an orders life impossible. broaden

The road broadens after this bend. capacity

This tank has a capacity of 500 gallons. champagne

They celebrated their anniversary by opening a bottle of champagne. characteristic

Build a well-off society in an all-round way

and create a new situation in building socialism with Chinese characteristics. charm

We were charmed with the scenery.


Her childlike enthusiasm delighted us all. circular

Only a handful of the planets discovered so far follow the nearly circular orbit of our solar system. clash

I failed to watch the World Cup final

because it clashed with my examination. client

Clients do seem to put

an unusual degree of trust in the firm. Coca Cola

Coca Cola is a soft drink.


Scientists in Canada

announced over the weekend

that they had broken the genetic code of the virus suspected of causing severe acute respiratory syndrome. comparison

Comparisons are odious. component

The nonpublic sector of the economy is an important component part

of China's socialist market economy. concede

Don't concede without a contest!  concerning

For more information concerning the club contact me. confine

Please confine your remarks to the issues at hand. considerate

She is the kind of boss that is considerate towards her employees.


Eggs have a very high food content. cooperate

The couple spoke about how they would cooperate in the raising of their children. corresponding

Imports in the first three months have increased by 10 percent compared with

the corresponding period last year. crude

Even after the recent increase, the real price of crude oil today is still less than half its level in 1980. crush

Her refusal crushed all our hopes. deception

He practiced deception on the public. deed

He asked if I had the deed to the house.


We had no time to deliberate on the problem. delightful

What delightful weather! dim

The room is too dim for me to read. diplomatic

China has conducted fruitful diplomatic activities in both bilateral and multilateral contexts. discount

All the beautiful hanging calendars on sale exhibition will be sold with a 10% discount

from the original price. dispose

His criminal record dose not dispose me to trust him. distinctive

She has a very distinctive way of speaking. driving licence/driver's licence The police officer asked to see my driver's licence/driving licence.


For my part, I'm just happy that the Crimson has called me

“Harvard's most successful dropout.” emit

A volcano emits smoke and ashes. engagement

I shall want you to take some notes at the meeting if you have no other engagement. excellence

Your reputation for quality and excellence gives us great confidence in you. except

High way programs,

except for the interstate routes,

would be slashed. excess

Optimism is a good characteristic,

but if carried to an excess it becomes foolishness. exclaim

Some of the wise even among themselves \as Hamlet puts it. exclusive

This dining room is

for the distinguished guests' exclusive use. explanation

There is no waste of time in life like that of making explanations. extensive

The Chinese participants

wish to make extensive contacts

and talk business with their foreign counterparts. facial

To find out which celebrity you most resemble, and you'll quickly receive

a list of stars with similar facial features.


The dog remained faithful to his master. fame

The reformer's fame spread all over the country. flexibility

The flexibility of a man's muscles will lessen as he grows old. fresh

Their memories of the wedding are still fresh in their minds. fruitful

The discussions were most fruitful. frustrate

The lack of money and hands frustrated him. fulfil(l)

The company should be able to fulfill our requirements. furnish

Reading furnishes the mind

only with materials of knowledge,

it is thinking that makes what we read ours. gender

German has three genders.


He grasped my hand warmly. guilty

I feel guilty for visiting her so rarely. horizon

She pointed to a distant spot on the horizon. iceberg

These small local protests

are just the tip of the iceberg.


My opinions are not always identical with my parents'. idle

Idle folk have the least leisure. immigrant

Most of them are Irish immigrants.


Man's earliest implements

were carved from stone and bone. imply

Freedom does not necessarily imply no responsibility. incline

She inclined her head in prayer for the Iraqis who are suffering the war. influential

With the success of the Olympic bid, Beijing will become an influential city.

This government has inherited many problems from the previous one. initiative

One group had attempted to seize the initiative in the negotiation. inquiry

For further inquiry, please consult our website. intensive

Intensive care in hospitals is given to the seriously ill. Latin

Italian, French and Spanish are Latin languages. leak

Oil was leaking out of a hole in the tank. length

Life's like a play: It's not the length,

but the excellence of the acting that matters. load

To the reader's disappointment,

the leading article in this issue of the magazine is a load of rubbish. logo

What is the significance of the Olympic logo? lonely

The old man lived all alone on a small farm in the south, but with a lot of farm work to do all day, he never felt lonely.


The screw had loosened and fallen out. middle-class

Even middle-class consumers in the US

are beginning to kick against the runaway prices. mobile

Can you give me a lift if you're mobile? The trees were left naked of leaves. observation

He was under observation by the police. obstacle

When a big stone blocks the way,

the brave look on it as a stepping stone; the weak as an obstacle. occupy

My sister occupies an important position

in the Department of the Environment. opposition

They kept up a sturdy opposition to the plan. optimistic

The situation of the war is not optimistic. optional

Formal dress is optional. owing

There are still ten dollars owing. part-time

After several part-time jobs,

he's now got a stable job in a bank. penalty

A football player may be given a yellow card or a red card penalty

for his unnecessary roughness during the match. perspective

We must learn to see things in their right perspective and avoid making mistakes. postpone

The ball game was postponed because of rainstorm. precaution

It is wise to take precautions against accidents. probable

With England leading 3:0,

the probable result is an England victory. proceed

To go on a journey is often full of hardships,

but so long as one lives he proceeds on his life's journey. proportion

The amount of money you get will be

in proportion to the work you do. proposal

She had many proposals but preferred to remain single. propose

The committee proposed that

new legislation should be drafted. provided

I will go provided you go. pure

The voices of the young boys singing in church were high and pure. quantity

Mathematics is the science of pure quantity. ready

They have got ready for the journey.


School registration takes place next week. reinforce

This evidence reinforces my view that he is a spy. relation

The changes of language must be studied in relation to the society in which it is used. render

We call on you to render assistance. resemble

The boys resemble each other

in that they both have ginger hair and round faces. restrain At that time,

the government must restrain the prices and profits. risky

It's risky to drive fast on the icy roads. rush

Don't rush me, I'm going as fast as I can. scan

Many people like to scan the newspaper while having breakfast. separate

What is it that you think

separates her from the other applicants?  skim

He was skimming stones

across the surface of the lake. soft-drink

In the US,the National Soft Drink Association says research has found no link between sugar and severe overweight.


You can sit here in your spare time and read the carpet! spite

I'm sure he only said it out of spite. split

If you get any fatter, you'll split your pants. spur

To spur someone is to urge him

to make a greater effort. stable

Markets are flourishing and prices are stable. substitute

Young players stood out

in the second half of the Brazil game, when coach substituted older players

such as striker Hao Haidong. supreme

The US Supreme Court,

in an important 5 to 4 decision earlier this month, supported the right of the judge to do so. swallow

Some books are to be tasted, others to be swallowed,

and some few to be chewed and digested. swear

I know you don't believe me,

but I swear it's the Gospel truth. tame

I find the scenery around here a little tame. tear

Tear yourself away from the television and come out for a walk. tender

The young lovers were tender towards each other. tense

She is tense because of tomorrow's examination. tight

Jimmy had a tight clutch on my arm during the scary parts of the movie. tolerate

I won't tolerate your bad manners any longer. transport

It's maintained that transport in bulk

is not good to the goods. trap

The police have laid a trap for him. trick

The police tricked him into making a confession. vacant

The top post in the delegation was still vacant. vain

The thief tried to open the locked door, but in vain. violent

Students were involved in

violent clashes with the police. weaken

Cancer weakened the patient's body. worthy

Every year she makes a large donation to a worthy cause.

all above all

I would like to rent a house,modern,comfortable and above all in a quiet location. after all

The planned war against Iraq is not after all intended only to remove Saddam Hussein, but to destroy the structure

of the Sunni-dominated Arab nationalist Iraqi state as it has existed since that country's inception. all but

A number of recommendations have been made that people should postpone all but essential travel to areas with large outbreaks of SARS

which posed a potential threat to travellers. as

as for/to

There are no special rules

as for/to what clothes you should wear. as it were

I'm a sort of unpaid adviser, as it were, to the committee.

break break off

The greatest threat to the United States is not Iraq but the outbreak of another, more threatening war in some other area, causing the United States to break off

combat and transfer its forces elsewhere. break out

When war broke out,

he volunteered for service in the army. break down

If the coalition forces are unable to break down the Iraqi resistance and break through the front, then most probably the Americans will have to stop

the attack by next weekend and switch to trench warfare. break through

At dawn what was left of the Company

eventually broke through. bring bring off

Though it was a very difficult job,

Helen was able to bring it off ahead of schedule. bring down

US and a number of its coalition partners

initiated a military campaign to forcibly disarm Iraq and bring down Saddam Hussein's repressive regime. bring forth

The problem is brought forth for your consideration. but but for

He might have been killed

but for the arrival of the police. anything but

To anything but the architect's eye, the house is cheap and ugly. call call for

Her father called for her. call off

