
更新时间:2023-04-06 14:02:01 阅读量: 教育文库 文档下载





Man: Good morning. Can I help you?

Boy: Yes, please. I want to b___1__ a walkman. I like listening to m__2____ very much.

Man: Oh, I see. Look, this is a n___3___ one, I think. It’s 200 yuan. It’s a Japanese walkman. It’s very good.

Boy: Oh, but I’d___4____ like it. Do you have C____5_____ walkmans?

Man: Yes, we do.

Boy: Can you s___6___ me that walkman?

Man: Yes, h___7___ you are.

Boy: Well, this walkman looks good. H____8__ m____9____ is it?

Man: 100 yuan.

Boy: Oh, sor ry. I’m a s___10___ and I don’t have much money.

Man: How about this one? Only 50 yuan.

Boy: That’s OK. I’ll take it.









9.much 10.student


There is a p____ near our school. We can see many trees and flowers there. Some flowers are red, and some are y____. We can see a hill behind the park, too. At the foot of the hill we can see a r____. There are some boats on it. Children like to go there. It is Monday today. There are many young Pioneers(少先队员)in the park. Some are walking and singing. S____ are dancing or p____ games. Ann and h__ sister Kate are flying a k____. Tom and his brother Sam are t______ a Frisbee(飞盘). Their father and mother are sitting u_____ the tree. All the family are h_____ a good time.









9.under 10.having


Will it matter if you don't take your breakfast? A short time a_1__, a test was given in the United States. People of different a_2_ from 12 to 83, were asked to have a test. During the test, these people were given all kinds of breakfasts and s_3_ they got no breakfast at all. Scientists wanted to see how well t_4_ bodies worked when they had different kinds of breakfasts.

The results show that if a person e_5_a right breakfast, he or she will work better. If a student has fruit, eggs, bread and milk b_6_ going to school, he will learn more quickly a_7_ listen more carefully in class.

The results a_8_ show that having no breakfast will not h_9__ you lose weight(体重). This is because people become so h__10__ at noon that they eat too much for lunch. So they will gain weight instead of losing weight.




4. their

5. eats

6. before

7. and

8. also

9. help 10. hungry


Everyone has his own way of relaxing(放松). Perhaps the most p___1___ way is to take part in sports. There are t___2___ kinds of sports: team(团队)sports and inpidual(个人)sports.

B___3___ and football are team sports. J___4___ and swimming are inpidual sports.It is important for everyone to relax s___5___ and enjoy some entertainments. So all of us should take part in sports and entertainments.

(A) 1.popular 2.two 3. Basketball 4. Jogging 5.sometimes


Peter works in a factory, and he usually comes home at half past six every evening. But he came home early last Friday, and he was very angry. He c 1 the door very hard, went into the sitting room and sat down.

His wife was trying on a new blouse when he came into the room. She went to her husband and looked at him for a m 2 . Then she said to him kindly, "Why are you a 3 , Peter?"

"Because bus tickets cost three pence last week, but now they cost two pence,"he said.

"But that isn't b 4 , peter," his wife said. "It's good. G 5 by bus is cheaper now."

"Yes, it is." Peter said, "but I always walk to work in the morning and I walk home in the afternoon. Last week I saved six pence every day, but now I save two pence less."





5. Going


A train stopped at a small station. A man looked out of the window and saw a woman. She was selling cakes. People from the t 1 were buying them. The man wanted to buy a cake for h 2 , but the woman was standing far from the window. It was raining h 3 and the man didn't want to go out of the train. Suddenly(突然) he saw a boy. The boy was walking on the platform(站台) not far from him. "Come here, boy." The man said."Do you know how much the cakes cost?"

"Five cents(分) for e 4 , " the boy answered.

The man gave the boy ten cents and asked him to buy two cakes. "One is for me and the other is for you. " The man told him. A few minutes later, the boy came back. He was eating a cake. He gave the man five cents and said, "There was only one cake l 5 ."







One day as a teacher walked into the classroom, he heard a low voice: "Here is the teacher. I'm

sure the unfair (不公平) fellow is going to talk about putting in commas (逗号). " It was Bill's voice. He was talking w 1 the boy next to him.

The teacher didn't g 2 angry. He said n 3 about it but he began to talk about putting in commas, and then he wrote on the blackboard the sentence: " Bill says the teacher is an unfair fellow. "

The class laughed and B 4 face turned red.

"Now," said the teacher, "I'll s 5 you how important commas are. "

He put two commas in the sentence, and now read, "Bill, says the teacher, is an unfair fellow. "




4. Bill's



Mrs White works in a middle school. It is Sunday. She has no w( ).At ten in the morning, she

c( )to shop. There she buys a nice dress f( )herself.

She puts it in her b( )and t( )buys some cakes for her children. At eleven fifteen she

g( )home. She wants to put her new d( ),but she can't f( )her bag. She telephones the shop assistant," Hello, Mrs Black. This is Mrs White speaking. Can you h( )me to find my bag?

It's in your s( ).”

"Of course, I can, Mrs Whi te,” says the assistant. "We find three bags h( ).But w( )one is yours?” I'm coming s( ),”Mrs White says. "I cantell you which one is m( )”




Mrs wang lives in Nanjing now. She is 102 years old. People often ask her 1 she can keep healthy in her life. Mrs. Wang says everyone 2 live to 102 if he eats healthy food and does some exercise every day .

Mrs. Wang thinks, first of all, 3 is very important. She often 4 a glass of milk and two eggs for it at about 8:00 a.m. Milk and eggs give her energy. So she doesn't often feel 5 in the morning. She 6 eats snacks because she doesn't think they are healthy food . She seldom eats meat too. She usually has some 7 and vegetables for lunch and supper. And 8 meals , she usually has an apple or a banana .

Mrs. Wang does some exercise too. She thinks she is still young. She plays Tai ji for 9 every day. Sometimes she also dance with her friends. “Do you want to be 10 forever (永远)? I'm sure you can if you have a good lifestyle !” Mrs. Wang says to us.

1. A. what B. when C. where D. how

2. A. can B. should C. need D. must

3. A. lunch B. breakfast C. supper D. dinner

4. A. is having B. are having C. has D. have

5. A. tried B. happy C. well D. excited

6. A. often B. usually C. always D. never

7. A. pork B. rice C. beaf D. meat

8. A. beside B. in front of C. behind D. between

9. A. a year B. a week C. 2 o'clock D. half an hour

10. A. young B. old C. luck D. hungry
















Jean is an English girl. She lives in Beijing 1 her parents. She doesn't know Chinese very 2 . But she 3 very hard. She often speaks 4 in class and after class. Sometimes her classmates don't understand her 5 she can't speak Chinese well.

It's Sunday morning. Jean wants to 6 some flowers, but she doesn't know the 7 to the flower shop. She asks a Chinese boy for help. The boy can't 8 her. Then she takes out a pen and a piece of paper and draws a 9 of a shop and some flowers. The boy looks

at it and then 10 her the way.

1. A. and B. with C. to D. in

2. A. good B. nice C. well D. ok

3. A. studies B. study C. studying D. to study

4. A. English B. French C. Chinese D. Japanese

5. A. so B. but C. and D. because

6. A. take B. bring C. sell D. buy

7. A. way B. road C. street D. shop

8. A. ask B. see C. understand D. tell

9. A. map B. picture C. book D. photo

10. A. gives B. tells C. makes D. speaks


【解析】【分析】(1)live with sb 和某人住在一起。故选B。

(2)对中国的了解不是很好,well 是副词,修饰动词know,理解的不是很好。故选C。




(6)下一句有flower shop花店,所以应该是去要买花。A take 拿B bring带来C sell 卖D buy 买花。所以这个题目选择D。

(7)the way to 去什么的路。故此题选择A。


(9)A 地图 B图C书D 照片。女孩画出了他想去要的东西。故选B。





It's Sunday. Wei Fang and Meimei are on their 1 to the zoo. They are waiting for a 2 at the bus stop. Wei Fang 3 something on the ground. She picks 4 up. Oh, it

is a new watch. “ 5 is it?” They 6 the people at the bus stop. But they don't know. “ Let's wait for the owner.” Meimei 7 . They wait and wait, but the owner 8 come.

So they have to give 9 to a policeman nearby. The policeman says, “ 10 good girls you are!”

1. A. way B. road C. street D. ground

2. A. car B. train C. bus D. truck

3. A. looks B. sees C. looks up D. look for

4. A. him B. her C. them D. it

5. A. Whose B. Where C. What D. Who's

6. A. talk B. tell C. say D. ask

7. A. talks B. tells C. asks D. says

8. A. doesn't B. don't C. can't D. aren't

9. A. a watch B. the watch C. watch D. watches

10. A. What B. How C. Which D. Whose



【解析】【分析】(1)句意:今天是星期日。魏芳和Meimei正在去动物园的……上。on one's way to往…去的路上,故答案为A.


(3)句意:魏芳……地上有东西。see看见,指看见的结果,符合题意,look看,指强调动作,look up查找,look for寻找,look,look up,look for不符合题意,故答案为B.









12.完形填空完形填空 It is a fine Sunday morning. Ann and her mother are 1 a bog bus. There are 2 people on it. Some are from America. And some are from 3 and Canada. They are 4 friends. They are going to the Great Wall.

There are two Chinese on the bus. One is a woman. She is 5 the bus. 6 is a young man. He 7 good English. He is now talking 8 the Great Wall. The other people are all 9 him. They like the Great Wall. They want to see it 10 .

1. A. in B. on C. at D. into

2. A. much B. any C. a little D. many

3. A. English B. England C. British D. Chinese

4. A. both B. all C. none D. no

5. A. riding B. taking C. driving D. carrying

6. A. Another B. The other C. The one D. He

7. A. speaks B. talks C. says D. listens

8. A. with B. on C. about D. at

9. A. listening B. listening to C. hearing D. hearing to

10. A. a lot of B. lots of C. very D. much







(6)句意:......是一个年轻人。公共汽车上有两个中国人。一个是女人。一个用one表示,另一个用the other表示,故答案为B.


(8)句意:他现在正在谈论......长城。talk about谈论有关于......,固定词组,故答案为C.(9)句意:其他人都......他讲话。根据前句提到谈论长城,其他人正在听他说,listent to 固定词组,强调动作,故答案为B.




1 children like to watch TV. It' s very

2 . On TV

3 can see and learn a lot and know many things

4 their country and the world.

5 they can learn over the radio. But they can learn better and more easily on

6 .Why? Because they can hear and watch at the same time. But they can' t

7 anything over the radio.

Many children watch TV only on Saturday or Sunday evening.They are 8 busy with their lessons. But a few children watch TV every 9 . They go to bed very late. They can' t have a good 10 . How about you, my young friend?

1. A. Much B. Most C. More D. Any

2. A. interesting B. new C. big D. cute

3. A. we B. you C. they D. I

4. A. on B. about C. of D. with

5. A. By them B. Of course C. Because D. So

6. A. radio B. film C. newspaper D. TV

7. A. hear B. enjoy C. see D. learn

8. A. never B. always C. sometimes D. once

9. A. morning B. afternoon C. noon D. night

10. A. time B. rest C. day D. 1ook






此意思合适。故答案为: B.

(2)Interesting"有趣的", new"新的", big"大的", cute"可爱的"这里形容看电视,用interesting, 故答案为: A.

(3)句意: 在电视上......可以看到和学到很多,了解......世界和国家的事情。这里代指children用代词they, 故答案为: C.

(4)句意: 在电视上他们可以看到和学到很多,了解......世界和国家的事情。根据句意这里

用about"关于", 故答案为: B.

(5)句意: ......他们可以在收音机上学。A选项是: 通过他们, B选项是: 当然,C选项是: 因为,D选项是: 因此。根据句意用"当然"合适。故答案为: B.

(6)句意: 可是在......上他们能够学的更好更容易。这是比较电视和收音机。因此填上TV.

故答案为: D.

(7)句意: 可是在收音机上他们不能......任何东西。hear"听到", enjoy"享受", see"看到", learn"学习到"。这里比较电视和收音机。用see"看到"正确。故答案为: C.

(8)句意: 他们......忙于他们的课程。never"从不", always"总是", sometimes"有时", once"一次"。根据前一句可知用"always". 故答案为: B.

(9)句意: 可是很少孩子每天......看电视。A是: 早上,B是: 下午,C是: 中午,D是: 晚上.

根据句意是"晚上"。故答案为: D.

(10)句意: 他们不能好好......。根据句意这是短语have a good rest"好好学习"。故答案为: B.



My mother is going to have a cookie party in our 1 . She is going to 2 all the mothers and 3 young children in our street (街道). There are 4 five families in our street. And there are eight young children in these families. 5 mother is going to 6 some cookies and bring them to the party. But they do not 7 to bring any drink. My mother will 8 enough (足够) drink. The children will be very 9 , because they can enjoy a lot of 10 cookies.

1. A. town B. school C. garden D. city

2. A. help B. invite C. call D. make

3. A. its B. their C. his D. her

4. A. much B. many C. only D. some

5. A. Much B. Many C. Every D. All

6. A. make B. help C. come D. go

7. A. want B. like C. need D. fly

8. A. have B. drink C. make D. buy

9. A. pleasant B. happy C. unhappy D. sad

10. A. delicious B. many C. much D. some














The summer holiday is 1 . I don't have 2 homework to do. I will play

3 my friends. We will go

4 .

I like to watch TV. I will watch the sports 5 TV. I want to know something 6 the basketball game. My brother is a basketball 7 . My family will go 8 a trip 9 the sea. We will play 10 the beach.

1. A. come B. coming C. came

2. A. a B. some C. any

3. A. with B. to C. /

4. A. swimming B. swim C. swiming

5. A. to B. on C. at

6. A. at B. in C. about

7. A. player B. play C. plays

8. A. to B. in C. on

9. A. to B. on C. for

10. A. in B. on C. of




(1)句意:暑假即将来临。be coming表将来,故选B。

(2)句意:我没有任何作业要做。在肯定句中常用some,在否定句中常用any,故选C。(3)句意:我将跟朋友一起玩。play with sb跟某人一起玩,固定短语,故选A。

(4)句意:我们将去游泳。go swimming“去游泳”固定短语,故选A。

(5)句意:我将在电视上观看运动。watch--on TV,在电视上观看,固定用法,故选B。

(6)句意:我想知道有关篮球赛的事情。know about“知道/了解”固定短语,故选C。


(8)句意:我家人将去海边旅行。go on a trip“去旅行”固定短语,故选C。

(9)句意:我家人将去海边旅行。go on a trip to a place“去某地旅行”,故选A。

(10)句意:我们将在海滩上玩。on the beach“在海滩”固定短语,故选B。



